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tv   Cross Talk  RT  January 31, 2018 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

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and so in confronting these horrible dangers we know that weakness is the surest path to conflict and matched power is the surest means to our true and great defense i was just a watching our mainstream coverage earlier and the only criticism they've had well is foreign policy wise was that he was apparently too soft on russia. ok i can bring in a guest now a former guantanamo bay detainee and he's now the outreach director of the organization cage appreciate your time most of all what are your thoughts on tom's announcement that one time a prison stays open. it's really strange it's almost as of the united states has a bipolar attitude towards kuantan m o president obama in two thousand and nine signed in a consecutive order. ordering for the closure of guantanamo trump has come along and said no he's going to keep it open and get it through an executive order in the
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midst of all of that he said calls for what he believes in is torture he said that he believes torture works he believes that he would do waterboarding a lot more and he's already stated as part of his campaign trail that he would load up on time with some dude and one of the things he's he's mentioned which is i think it's unbelievable is that he said. the former the so-called caliph of of now broken islamic state was in u.s. custody and by letting him go he got the situation but the truth is that seventeen of the twenty five leaders of isis were held in camp bucca and tortured by the united states in ways that most people know through the story of a war even the other detention sites torture has led and skewed people's minds and views to the point at which america became one of its greatest enemies and i think torture has it was because of the torture of individuals that gave us false
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testimony that was presented the united nations security council because the invasion of iraq based on this false notion that al qaeda was working with saddam hussein or that indeed saddam had weapons of mass destruction so torture led us all to that and lost in two thousand fifteen obama actually said that the isis was a result of unintended consequences of the invasion of iraq you can't get any clearer than that yeah the key word in your answer there was torture and i think people understand that that the prison carried out numerous abuses of the people being held there many will remember barack obama i thought rather flippantly the way he said it you know we. tortured some folks will things change will they change their guidelines and how they operate. i think it's going to be very difficult remember when bush came into power he and he put it in and on tunnel as a viable option for detaining people he refused to say the one word he didn't say
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we torture folk in fact he denied torture his legal adviser simply redefine the meaning of torture and said that unless it's a severe organ failure or death it's not torture they just simply renamed it to enhanced interrogation techniques obama when he came into power he said we will stop torturing which is a de facto recognition that they were torturing and that we will close guantanamo when pre-crime came into power he said not only that he believes torture works he's going to fill guantanamo up and the only reason why i can say this is because there's no precedent for people being prosecuted for war crimes and i think it's important that this would praise the said the war crimes carried out in kuantan immobile graham and all the other detention for the facilities by the americans in fact recently now for the first time i think in recent history the i.c.c. the international criminal court is finally investigating some of the abuses that the americans carried out in afghanistan and perhaps later in kuantan them and it's an unprecedented move so to be saying that at
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a time when this investigation is taking place that i'm going to keep quantum open is an affront to the very notion of justice trump says guantanamo is needed to keep terrorists behind bars presumably to keep innocent people safe i mean putting all the abuses to one side considerable as they are does it do this does it keep terrorists behind bars. well let's look at the facts in the statistics there were about seven hundred seventy nine prisoners held in guantanamo at its height of those the vast majority have been released and forty one remained so the question is that if they were if they including me were so dangerous why were we released the fact is that nobody was charged with a crime amongst those who were released and nobody was prosecuted. in fact the one or two people in guantanamo who may have been responsible for something connected to nine eleven were water boarded and tortured and instead of taking them to a. a court on the u.s. mainland where they could have been prosecuted and given very strong sentences as the united states has done for countless terrorism suspects these particular
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individuals could never be presented to open court because. because they've been tortured with a life gone that are we did he was a model if you can still hear me but i just want to say thank you very much for your time our guest the former guantanamo bay detainee and the director of cage. now still to come we're going to take a look at the hopefuls competing for the russian presidency that's coming up after this break.
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the release the memo moment is upon us republicans are billing it as some kind of silver bullet revealing political corruption at the highest levels of the department of justice and f.b.i. the democrats on the other hand and their supporters in the liberal media call it a distraction finally the public will decide. the currency market itself is still on track to eclipse the global banking. which is what we need what we want and i've always said it's a bank starkiller that's the primary use of bad coin. the russian speaking group fancy beds is claiming that the canadian olympic
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committee covered up a positive doping test of its national poll vault champion prior to the rio olympics and my colleague nic you have discussed this with. well it looks like an eyebrow raising e-mail exchange supposedly between the people from the canadian olympic committee and also their national body that is responsible for sports ethics some pretty disappointing tactics in there it looked like attempts to play down an anti-doping rule violation and some corkey damage control around the summer olympics in rio and here's the athlete at the center of this what can you tell us about him well it's all of the case of the former pole vault champion from canada his name is shawn barber prior to rio he had tested positive for cocaine but instead of being thrown out of the olympics after several and terminal disciplinary
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proceedings with that in canada he was allowed to go and moreover this case was hidden from the international olympic committee for a while the see you see he was not permitted to disclose shaun sue wish and prior to or during the games we do not condone this behavior sean has apologized for his mistake and poor judgment. now for a moment just bear in mind all the treatment that the russian olympic athletes have been getting and listen to how shawn barber was cleared to basically what he did was claimed at the hearings that he had inhaled or ingested the cocaine during a sexual intercourse with someone he called a professional woman she found him allegedly on a craigslist ad and the cocaine was transferred when a kiss happened so canadian officials were happy to let him go and keep the odyssey
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in the dark about this by the way just for your information the pole vaulter and came out as gay a few months after the olympics and said that he was proud of it. and i have seen the i.o.c. is taking a little very seriously well i can tell you it was too late to take this seriously they couldn't do anything about that when they found out but apparently some people at the i.o.c. weren't so happy with the situation president thomas spa allegedly called the ruling a decision that was influenced by national interests but in the meantime if we go back to the e-mails some top canadian sports officials appear to have been trying to do everything to make sure that this case doesn't get any further attention including legal attention and if you look at the wording it suggests that anyone who's concerned or anyone who's just even trying to ask questions about this is
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doing something terribly wrong it does not seem right that this is being suggested publicly with an independent bruces determined that the athlete was a new fool in this case. and the i.o.c. had the right to appeal the decision of the time and none of them did well this is the point where i once again want to mention all the russian olympic bans well everyone has their own understanding of the words double standards. with the puncturing olympics looming only one hundred sixty nine russian or elites will be invited to the games out of almost five hundred initially put on the list russian president vladimir putin has apologized to the sports people involved saying that the country failed to protect them. you know better than anyone else you know how hard it is to clean victories and how much effort you need and it's two times harder when sport is mixed with events unfamiliar to sport politics we apologize
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for not managing to protect you from that r.t. spoke exclusively to a number of russian athletes who had been spoken to by the president. you know there is a certain amount of pressure on all of us of course it's quite a complicated situation are really want to do my best want to overcome my anxiety and distance myself from all the stir the media is causing around us now i want to address our fans i want them to be more kind and to keep supporting us no matter what i need to forget about our desire to win forget that everyone is against us and just continue doing our jobs. within ourselves we know what country were present it matters what we feel not what we wear just have hard feelings for those who weren't allowed to participate even though they were innocent and maybe we're still a bit angry about it. it's really legal activists have filed
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a lawsuit against two new zealanders one of whom is jewish herself that's because they apparently influenced pop star lord to cancel a planned gig in television if ortiz paulus lee has the story. late last year the new zealand pop star norwood an answer to his canceling a performance that she was scheduled to have given here in tel aviv in june of this year now it seems as if her announcement was made following an open publication of acorn by two new zealanders urging her to boycott the country lord posted her response on her twitter feed noted been speaking with many people about this and considering our options thank you for advocating me i am learning all the time to now is really activists are suing those two new zealanders in what appears to be the first lawsuit filed under its controversial israeli anti boycott law the law goes back to two thousand and eleven and it could open the door to civil lawsuits
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against those calling for a boycott of israel including of lands its occupied if it can be proven that that call knowingly led to a boycott now the noise part of the israeli government's way to try and deal with the boycott sanctions and disinvestment movement there has been growing traction against israel in recent years it does allow the courts to impose damages against defendants now critics of the law of course argue that it stifles freedom of speech and freedom of expression. northwest iraq a u.s. led coalition airstrikes reportedly hit civilians and police instead of terrorist incident occurred saturday reports suggest at least eight people were killed and twenty injured here's what eyewitnesses. yeah because we write by car to find people killed or wounded the officer carried a wounded woman and laid her down in the car after that the same car was hit by
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a missile they were killed fifteen seconds later they opened fire on the people and their houses with a machine gun shortly after this a missile hit a police car and officers were killed. iraqi officials confirmed they called for a u.s. led air strike but insisted it was to target a terrorist cell the u.s. military command also says that's how things unfolded but said in investigations underway iraqi security forces conducted a raid and apprehended a high value dash leader during extraction of the dash later dash member reportedly initiated an exchange of ground fire and iraqi leaders called for coalition air support several people were killed and wounded during the exchange and the incident is under investigation by iraqi and coalition officials the coalition operates by permission and in direct coordination with the government of iraq and its security forces head of the iraqi security defense committee called on the government to
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adopt measures to restrain the u.s. led coalition's actions in iraq. now after much anticipation of footy fans the english club leeds united unveiled its new badge but to receive floods of criticism the club quickly caved in is now letting supporters choose a different design in a public vote. value
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it today with more and often our. players wouldn't remember who you are when you don't. see the teachers what they get a court to. what the most are only dead space. may be. left alone they. said. no servant did
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that to. you speak french. mothers have opposable never passed close while let's. send the alpha male to new orleans morning his talk of the sun is busy cutting up to itself the cost. when i was still small seemed wrong but all wrong just don't call. me you won't believe yet to stamp out disdain the constant activity. and gains from it because the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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i fight for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch to the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money kill the narrowness of spending two hundred twenty million fly a. book it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful game great so well as for. the case this morning. greetings and salyut ational well hawk watchers i think it's safe to say that from see this shining sea here in the united states of america the state of the
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surveillance state is great i mean so what we've got an economy now built on wealth inequality or that our d. plus rated infrastructure's falling to pieces all around us and well most of the time on top of us all those issues can check themselves at the door because what really matters in this country is fear and what better way to protect us from fear is by handing over our constitutional rights to the police state take the good folks in detroit michigan for example in a town devastated by thirty to forty years of neo liberal comic anomic policies the city fathers are now patting themselves on the back for their perceived success of their exciting new layer of big brother crime fighting dubbed project green lights not to be confused with matt damon and ben affleck's a little movie thing they did the detroit news explains that local businesses are now paying somewhere between four thousand and six thousand to
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a loud police to monitor businesses video surveillance speeds in real time the cost covers installation of high definition cameras and lighting in exchange participating companies are given priority one status sun police dispatch a detroit mayor mike doogan has been doing back flips over this bizarre public private partnership stating carjackings are down forty percent in two years there is just no other explanation besides green light and while i'm infinitely happy that you've seen a drop in carjacking mr. mayor that's a good thing i'm i'm a tad concerned about the constitutional tight rope you're walking right now not to mention the very disturbing pay to play policing quake meyer you've gotten himself into which means i think it's time for the people of detroit and the rest of the surveillance states of america to start watching the hawks.
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at the bottom. like you know that i got. the other boys are watching the harks i am i robot and on top of the law project greenlight yeah this this project greenlight seems about as useful as matt damon and ben affleck's movie project greenlight it's not good it's very likely that allowing it reminds me of a human or it a little bit of fry and laurie sketch in which the joke at the center was this idea
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that they had privatized the police department in the u.k. and well you have to pay you for the police to shop or the fire department it was the joe yeah well sure now it's a reality in detroit because this is really interesting since launching in twenty sixteen there are now two hundred thirty one businesses and rolled in this project greenlight in detroit and like i said earlier the businesses pay anywhere between you know four thousand to six thousand for cameras signage lighting plus an additional ninety to one hundred fifty a month to be you know have the video of just stored in the cloud so police can access them from the police station and all that all of this is done but you have to pay comcast or a local company to do this you know to install these cameras bring them in here create the you know the infrastructure to do all this. and then like you said you get you know i get you get put on this like kind of priority one on the list of police response times which is really ridiculous and horrible i shouldn't the police be responding to every crime. as fast as possible
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not who has this you know security system installed or not but i mean you would think and i guess that doesn't exist now in the you know kind of weird oligarchies we live under yeah oh no this is one of the loudest. i can't find a word that describes in horrible non offensive way about how silly this thing is i mean it's pay to play if you want to protection you have to pay for it so after paying seven thousand dollars to get this green light and sound in his gas station one detroit resident by the name of billy jawad told the detroit metro times that after using the system he realized quote it's more of a pay and will come or don't pay and we're not coming we used to call this right place and sometimes they wouldn't come till the next day the longest they take now is ten to fifteen minutes so you know we've had we've seen pay to be a deputy and you can you know shoot people and do whatever. you can pay to be
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a cop and now you can pay to be productive whether it's go to ridiculous because i believe detroit already has something that says you have to have a closed circuit video and this is specifically for places that are open to look for a you know this is overnight stores convenience store. gas stations places that are open twenty four seventh's and yeah i understand surveillance cameras are great because they do help in solving a crime after it happens but there's no guarantee that a cop is sitting there watching this twenty four hours a day so making sure that something bad is not happening you know and they're just trying to say oh it's easier if we have access to that information or that video or that will get there quicker but yes the first they can say yes but looking at numbers like carjacking things ever gone down because the numbers the the the.
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punishment for a car that has is so exponentially much higher and violent crimes if you have a gun while you're carjacking it become so big that people don't do it some are seconds or just down the first few it was the first business to sign up did see a fifty percent drop but that's good probably because they made a big deal out of. the cops were watching the next two hundred fifty businesses have only seen an eleven percent reduction in violent crime but it's what the mayor said well this serves me that that and. let me let me read you what the mayor said when facing criticism obviously there's a lot of people who are criticizing this civil a.c.l.u. kind of thing and all that singling constitutional level mayor mike doogan basically says there's no doubt there's businesses in the city that are in partnership with the drug dealers out in their parking lots who don't want the green light letting the neighbors deal with that i mean what a what a complete ignorance of what goes on on the streets of detroit and what the people
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who live there and what really goes on is pretty bad you have drug dealers in your in your parking lot the cops won't do anything about it now it's your fault but you could pass a will deal with it or you're in codes with the drug dealers and your partner it's pretty ridiculous and they're talking about mandating this now and making it like a bike every business that's looked like four thousand businesses would have to get this that they mandate this and to me that's crazy because how then can you promise awesome policing like i will be there in ten to fifteen of every store in the city then as it goes back to the old photo of me for work or the way you want it to work in the first place not to mention we don't need more cameras don't need more cameras anymore we need a better economy that's what gets rid of crime. while multinational lek tronics manufacturing company foxconn contends that they have quote a very good environmental record in china and in all other locations where we do business and quote research has shown that the areas surrounding their factories in
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china are contributing to a major environmental crisis which researchers say anywhere between eight percent and twenty percent of china's arable land some twenty five to sixty million acres may now be contaminated with heavy metals heavy metals used in the production of electronic equipment like the liquid crystal display. foxconn is saying they will produce at its proposed ten billion dollar wisconsin factory a process that uses high levels of zinc mercury cadmium chromium copper and benzene heavy metals that the chinese ministry of environmental protection found has contaminated surface holes in china and which threatens food safety and public health in the country now foxconn has applied for permission to drain over seven million gallons of water from lake michigan every day to support the factory and its production process water that will be used to watch the toxic heavy metals from each layer of those beautiful liquid crystal screens and about sixty percent of
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that water the company claims will be cleaned and a water treatment plant and return to lake michigan while close to thirty nine percent of the water polled would be consumed in the evaporation process and there cooling towers however the area in which the factory is proposed to be built is right in the heart of the state's radium belt and an area in the eastern part of wisconsin in which large amounts of radium have been found in well water the town of waukesha for instance has been on an over half decade long quest to perform permission to divert water from lake michigan while foxconn seems to have in fact strapped to drain lake michigan and pollute so as clean water becomes more scarce will the push for environmentally unfriendly factories price out average citizens from clean water well of course glug glug story teaches that now is the era of folks coming through saying look we're big and rich or we're you know we pay off the politicians or we're your big brother watching you if you pay us money will pay attention to you don't we don't and if we pay politicians money we give priority
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over you every day so this is because it is a just don't pay enough in tax dollars technically they do but they really don't know the politicians who build a would give that margin money why they will give as many freebies and welfare to companies like fox over. and. and at the same time. another five and i am even though you. can't we can't we can't these guys get selected because just politicians and above the us you know what's interesting about all this is we actually i remember looking into the water and back and conspiracy theory was bad and. illegal to take water directly out of the lake the great lakes because the great lakes everybody knows the space. but what companies were doing like nastily and water companies were trying to they were sinking wells into the feeder system to the great lakes this is the complete opposite this is like no we're going to
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take seven million gallons from the lake and brought up china and what they've dealt with in the chinese company does what they've done with the china national survey of pollution levels of cadmium nickel arsenic copper lead. the wonderful alphabets of those things bring severely exceeded legal limits in their country in two thousand and sixteen the chinese government started investigating heavy industries and what they found led them to shut down eighty thousand back to reason edition they're investing heavily now. and. think that that could turn into a thirty billion dollars a year industry by twenty twenty five just cleaning up left over from the factories like this exactly because they're looking at it anywhere from you know it could be twenty fifty. which is why these companies are moving out because now places.


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