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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  January 31, 2018 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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jeems terrorist groups and rivals like china and russia that challenge our interests our economy and i have advice in confronting these horrible dangers we know that weakness is the surest path to conflict and matched power is the surest means to our true and great effects i was just a watching our mainstream coverage earlier and the only criticism big had wellies foreign policy wise was that he was apparently too soft on russia and you know the united states requires to have major enemies to justify the seven hundred billion dollar defense budget which is actually one point one trillion if you break it down so these are all important noises for the president to make the state of the union to sort of shore up support from the defense bloc as it were to chinese it does ring a bit cold war ish to russia however we're beyond cold in terms of the cold war
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the rhetoric is much more aggressive much more pursuit for us the agenda is much more pernicious and it's become a centerpiece of u.s. partisan politics the whole russia gate issue trump also announced that he had signed an executive order to keep the guantanamo bay detention center open but it is by get most becoming notorious for various human rights abuses including torture trumps predecessor broke obama vowed to close the facility back in two thousand and nine never was able to deliver on that promise. in the past we have foolishly released hundreds and hundreds of dangerous terror. only to meet again on the battlefield including the isis leader. who we captured who we have who we released. so today i'm keeping another problem i just. prior to walking in an order directing secretary
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to reexamine our military detention policy and to keep open the detention facilities in guantanamo bay. when i came into power he said not only that he believes torture works he's going to throw one ton him up the only reason why i can say this is because there's no precedent for people being prosecuted for war crimes and i think it's important that this would praise the said the war crimes carried out in kuantan a move by graham and all the other detention for the cities by the americans in fact recently now for the first time i think in recent history the i.c.c. the international criminal court is finally investigating some of the abuses that the americans carried out in afghanistan and perhaps later in kuantan the moments of unprecedented move so to be saying that at a time when this investigation is taking place that i'm going to keep kuantan i'm
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open is an affront to the very notion of justice. erection hiking group of claims of the canadian olympic committee covered up doping prior to the summer olympics in rio de janeiro we have that story and more after a short break this is our internet.
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the currency market itself is still on track to eclipse the global banking. which is what we need what we want and. it's a bank that's the primary use of. i welcome back this is our team international now the russian hacking group fancy bears is claiming the canadian olympic committee covered up a positive doping test of its national poll vault champion prior to the rio olympics earlier my colleague nicky aron discussed the details with. well it looks like an eyebrow raising e-mail exchange supposedly between the people from the canadian olympic committee and also their national body that is responsible for
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sports ethics some pretty disappointing tactics in there it looked like attempts to play down an anti-doping rule violation and some corkey damage control around the summer olympics in rio and here's the athlete at the center of this what can you tell us about him well it's all of the case of the former pole vault champion from canada his name is shawn barber prior to rio he had tested positive for cocaine but instead of being thrown out of the olympics after several and terminal disciplinary proceedings with that in canada he was allowed to go and moreover this case was hidden from the international olympic committee for a while the see you see he was not permitted to disclose sean soo wish and prior to or during the games we do not condone this behavior sean has apologized for his mistake and poor judgment. now for
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a moment just bear in mind all the treatment that the russian olympic athletes have been getting and listen to how shawn barber was cleared basically what he did was claimed at the hearings that he had inhaled or ingested the cocaine during a sexual intercourse with someone he called a professional woman she found him allegedly on a craigslist ad and the cocaine was transferred when a kiss happened so canadian officials were happy to let him go and keep the i.o.c. in the dark about this by the way just for your information the pole vaulter came out as gay a few months after the olympics and said that he was proud of it very interesting i presume the i.o.c. has taken a saloon very seriously well i can tell you it was too late to take this seriously they couldn't do anything about that when they found out but apparently some people
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at the i.o.c. weren't so happy with the situation president thomas bought allegedly the called the ruling a decision that was influenced by national interests but in the meantime if we go back to the e-mails some top canadian sports officials appear to have been trying to do everything to make sure that this case doesn't get any further attention including legal attention and if you look at the wording it suggests that anyone who's concerned or anyone who's just even trying to ask questions about this is doing something terribly wrong it does not seem right that this is being suggested publicly but if an independent bruce is determined the athlete was at neuve fools in this case. and the i.o.c. had the right to appeal the decision of the time and none of them did well this is
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a point where i once again want to mention all the russian olympic bans well everyone has their own understanding of the words double standards. we discuss the issue with professor of sociology at aston university ellis cashmore he believes there is a double standard at work given that russia's athletes were banned even without testing positive for doping what is novel of course is this apparent relaxation of the warders rule of strict liability waters premise with all its other kind of rules regarding drugs is that the individual athlete is soley responsible for his or her own bodies if you're in a bar and somebody spiked shore drink your responsible for it even if you had left your drink on guarded while you went to the toilet or something like that or turned your back you or the perpetrator of the crime russian athletes have been banned
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from competing even without giving any kind of positive don't test at all being guilty by association so there is this kind of striking difference between the treatment that russian athletes are being given and those that have been afforded to north american athletes with appearing chuang olympics looming only one hundred sixty nine russians will be invited to compete out of almost five hundred initially put on the list russian president vladimir putin has apologized to the athletes saying the country failed to protect them. you know better than anyone else you know how hard it is to clean victories and how much it is that you need and it's two times harder with your supporters mixed with events unfamiliar to sport politics we apologize for not managing to protect you from that our team spoke exclusively to a number of russian athletes who heard from the president. so you're going to there's a certain amount of pressure on all of us of course it's quite a complicated situation i really want to do my best one to overcome my anxiety and
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distance myself from all the sturdy media is causing around us now i want to address our fans i want them to be more kind and to keep supporting us no matter what i need to forget about our desire to win forget that everyone is against us and just continue doing our jobs. i don't know within ourselves we know what country we're a present it matters what we feel not what we wear just really look we have hard feelings for those who weren't allowed to participate even though they were innocent and maybe a little bit angry about that. as afghan and u.s. forces have increased in their attacks against militant strongholds in afghanistan civilians are finding themselves caught in the crossfire in their own homes. when the islamic state militants came here the government then dropped off a leaflet to warn us so we fled our village and then the americans were martyred and destroyed these houses we demand the government help us. the three villages who
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were killed did not belong to i saw all the taliban they were in their houses during the bombardment a man a woman and their son were killed in that incident. we were on our way villagers said the u.s. forces were coming here then we continue our trip tour it's a center the street during this time they bombed us there were eleven of us and vehicle on the i survived theater ten people including my appearance in cousin were all killed. the latest statistic from the u.s. air force makes the situation abundantly clear during the last year the united states dropped more than four thousand bombs on afghanistan and since august u.s. has carried out twice as many airstrikes as in the previous two years combined american military forces insist they take every precaution to avoid civilian casualties robert naiman policy director at just foreign policy joined us earlier with his analysis. there's no way to do this kind of bombing without producing
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civilian casualties the main problem is the escalation the fact that the trumpet ministration has no political diplomatic strategy to end the war just more violence it's been sixteen years the charm administration has decided by administrations before to continue kicking the can down the road the thing that needs to change nobody wants a no us politician certainly not the president that's one of the last one for want to take responsibility for the policy implications of acknowledging that the u.s. that taliban cannot be defeated militarily therefore there has to be a political diplomatic solution the status quo is guaranteed to produce more honest or civilian deaths accomplishing absolutely nothing.
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israeli legal activists have filed a lawsuit against two new zealanders one of whom is jewish herself that is because they apparently influenced the pop star lord to cancel a plan to gig in tel aviv and he has. late last year the new zealand pop star norwood announce that she was canceling a performance that she was scheduled to have given here in tel aviv in june of this year now it seems as if her announcement was made following an open publication of acorn by two new zealanders urging her to boycott the country lord posted her response on her twitter feed noted been speaking with many people about this and considering our options thank you for advocating me i am learning all the time to now is really activists are suing those two new zealanders in what appears to be the first lawsuit filed under a controversial israeli anti boycott law the law goes back to two thousand and eleven and it could open the door to civil lawsuits against those calling for
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a boycott of his role including of lands it's occupied if it can be proven that that call knowingly a lead to a boycott now the noise part of the israeli government's way to try and deal with the boycott sanctions and disinvestment movement there has been growing traction against israel in recent years it does allow the courts to impose damages against defendants now critics of the law of course argue that it stifles freedom of speech and freedom of expression. of a martyr and his oppression from football fans the english club leeds united unveiled its new badge only to receive floods of criticism and quite quickly caved in and is now letting supporters choose a different design in a public vote. all
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right that does it for me this i'll be back in about thirty four minutes with
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a full look at your news your watch march international glad to have you with us. here's what people have been saying about rejected in the us is actually just full on awesome the only show i go out of my way to find you know what it is that really packs a punch at least yampa is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same we are apparently better than that. and see people you've never heard of love redacted tonight was the president of the world bank so there's just what i mean seriously he's going to. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. you're out caught up to us we
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all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feeling started to change you talked about war like it was again still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our ark and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with death this one quite different i speak to you now because there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. and would need to make this manufactured transcend this instant of public wealth.
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when the ruling classes and project themselves. with the primary go around lifts only the one percent. let's bring the whole middle of the room sick. to lose the real news. the world. through. if they feel hungry. yes. but. if the. gray is. that. her son. is just.
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any. social mother was. broken and so she was it is akin to egypt put on trial so to be thought of she. is a. total of fourteen up just a few. judges had to order youth. this little bundle of joy would have no chance of surviving in the wild mother pandas can only read one cup at a time but usually give birth to two sets every year china puts a lot of effort into making up for this cruel mistake of nature if two cubs a bone then too must survive. until
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you turn it in to see them an. endangered species don't have to become extinct now if you take good enough care of them mr darwin's theories don't all hold good here . and. it's just so pandas way just one hundred twenty grams. system. here in captivity the counter bred by stuff for the panda breeding center in the wild it's the mother who takes care of the young she just swallows anything the cop wants to get rid of. these might well be the most helpless little ones in the world as well as the most endearing and quite probably the most expensive. pander is china's national treasure. even its coloring is
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a living symbol of the past an illusion to the home country where you know young a balanced opposites. black and white light and day and night sun the moon sky and earth heat and cold. war i think part of. what a cub is born it becomes the property of the people's republic of china. there's no getting around that law but zoos can rent pandas from the state for a limited period it's not cheap so they have to pay over a million dollars a year to the government. says. this is one national treasure that's guarded like the most priceless of jewels. they may be predisposed to laziness but pandas still wake up early and that means their keepers have to as
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well. and judging paying work at the panda center starts at six am i was there the pilot told. me the thinking and within about. the mama. rule warning and the highway. sounded i don't think our boy there. knowing there's a lot out. of the house for him and be the baby's care piece and this one is. i don't know how to spell this is for your dog and leave her pets yeah one year if we. use this one. you meet them and. it's not just to
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focus interest but it's a joy to cheer trudeau so. does the judicial tools. to the supporters of the law still just distillers you would do all that. stuff at hand so there's no use that our union of allah is there yeah see you know shit about this. ted. module. or judas it. uses anything. to mislead us and see the attended school. for you know we. did that. you could be. a judge of the jesus didn't really talk to each other to call it
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a tradition or due to legal. which is how the. material oh. yes you can go there to go. to i don't feel your heart. she was so you could use them all. you wish. but in. china's panda breeding has become something of a production line. it's almost as though they've been copied three d. printed and put on shows for the public. good. to. the. panda breeding center isn't just a first rate to the bar a tree it's also
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a zoo where anyone can go to see the fruits of china's breeding program fifty one that's around ten dollars. fifty but how we're going. to. do well with. several cubs are born here each year. in two thousand and sixteen the panda was removed from the red book that visually it's no longer an endangered species but it is still vulnerable. building up the population is just a first step the toughest challenge for the breeders is still ahead. that will lead to your down so far for us you know us there's work. here you know where the.
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to do it and. how ever years maybe even decades of work i needed to make that possible. and. some of the. now while you.
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say you know what i sense your. comments. on it's and. mortality rate is just one of them. so. the why. of how to die out. by the. pressures that by one interest in. your code is only a way to. visit. you at home that's a good. idea that your house. because bamboo is such a low calorie food to get the nourishment they need. and the other half digesting it.
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you really have to love pandas to do this from morning till night. the animal produces up to twenty kilos of droppings every day. for. the watch so we have. to whether it's a horse. or. a source of aids or we are without eyes from pretty. you know. you could make paper out of these droppings mostly comprised of so yes for now though. would be a very profitable enterprise there are still a few pandas left and the paint really does need to be valuable information that might just help the enemy. so this stuff is
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this giant panda. oil collector this wild place all along the reservation. and then we want to study that got michael by out. of this bacteria bacteria you can see all of this goes this is not digestible and bugs inside of this there are a lot so bacteria us which kind of helps that justice and giant pandas they need to all day long like. done and they need this is their first step that way extract d.n.a. from. the cell giant panda. first person to. go. pick up. the solution and. go.
12:00 am
oh. how long it takes to ronald is that when you figure it's like this is. this one here. and actually away already did this like for. three years. no one actually. runs in there because of like. johnny cash or sit in the you know me down a. so we see. when i first started this project i hope i can find a sound bacteria that the kind. to digest the silliness and that if i can do that then i can't extract the spectators and. supplying to two they are food and that will help them.


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