tv Worlds Apart RT February 1, 2018 4:30am-5:00am EST
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the quote unquote trump dot ca russia does see it came out how everybody wanted to shop it around after buzz feed let it go everybody wanted to shop and look at this look at that mazing amazing of course they were a bunch of fools they didn't even know what they were reading i read it and thought this is ridiculous on the get go but when it comes to a memo about information that the d.o.j. in the f.b.i. have cole a did and made available to these investigations these committees here liberal media doesn't want to say a word about it except for it will be a danger to national security you know what the liberal media is the danger to national security go ahead james that's right and that's why i'm reserving my let's say excitement and celebration over the release of this memo when it comes out it's going to be a silver bullet to shut this down yes i think some of the cancer may be cut out of the bureaucracy and maybe some of it won't be my concern is that it is fundamental purpose to make sure there could be no rapprochement with moscow that relations would stay very bad unfortunately i think it's largely succeeded in that purpose i
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have people who are defending trump referring to the steel memo for example say and it's full of russian dirt in putin's propaganda and we have no way of knowing where this british spook got this or how reliable sources were how much of this was just made up because they were getting paid your client wants dirt will give you dirt well but the russian bad narrative has been so entrenched now i'm not sure how we get it out you know that's good that leave that's interest that's a very interesting well and i agree with them completely because they die it's been cast on that element there ok across the board you can there if you question it to your viewer your europe. your useful idiots but the interesting thing also that well you know the media the i mean everything on hold or the other side though is that we see the level of corruption at the highest echelons of a law enforcement so you get the worst worst possible words or worlds here go headly go jump in here. what it is this is
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a disempower mation operation against russia period that's what this is and you can't have a distant from asian operation by only going to one side the words you've been talking about the liberal media again i'm a republican. supporter and i used to work as the lead investigative reporter for breitbart let me say this breitbart has been just as bad on this issue and the right conservative media this is why i say this is a distant permission operation about russia that succeeded not just because the left media the new york times washington post m s n b c and so on but because the right media with stories like the uranium one story for instance which demonizes russia which i hate hillary clinton that story is false and you could see that when bannon got in trouble my former boss steve bannon got in trouble for saying the it was treated that treasonous trumped our meeting right steve admitted in his apology as walk back he hates russia to lisa what you are having here. i'll let you keep
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going after our short break and after that short break we'll continue with our discussion about that infamous memo stay with our. little bundle of joy he would have no chance of surviving in the wild but the point is can only win one come at a time but usually. china puts a lot of effort into making up for this cruel mistake of nature. it was. shyness and the breathing has become something of a production line. so it's almost as though they did a three d. printed show for the public. several cubs are born here each year.
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but only left work by dedicated scientists will be for nothing if panda love can't be encouraged in captivity it's not as though they don't practice a tool but in the same lazy way they do everything else with this proud mommy gave birth to twins and has no idea that a special love potion was formulated just for the. i want to show people that there is a knob their point of view and this is the goal of my complaint i know you can't win on the elections where the only point i always win for there is no talking what would be if i would win i will never win on the elections like in a casino where always because you know we.
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heard what people have been saying about redacted in the us exactly to pull on awesome the only show i go out of my way to launch immediately much of the really packed a punch elite yampa is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same thing we are apparently better than food that i see people you've never heard of love redacted tonight not the president of the world bank no way to go write me seriously send us an e-mail. welcome back to cross talk we're all things are considered i'm people about to remind you we're discussing the release of the memo.
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ok let me go back to lee and watch and i want to ask all three of you the same question here i mean the mother investigation goes on with the release of this memo does that nullify his investigation or you know lowering its importance here is the if there's going to be depending on what it is i mean we've all heard a lot of different rumors you know little snippets here i think we all have a pretty good idea what it is and it would seem to neg gates the whole russia gate narrative even though as james has pointed out on the program the damage has already been done ok they can walk away from this in the damages are a dense all go to leap first does this nullify the mother mother investigation go ahead well it won't here's why what they're talking about the feis stuff happened before muller was on the investigation but there's a wider point though this has not been about russia election interference or russian hacking for ever mo or immediately went on a fishing expedition with thing and that is one hundred percent clear there was no
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attempt for instance if you're legitimately trying to find it in collusion you look for a quid pro quo where's the where's the the what's in trump offer where's the investigation into what trump was getting back for this supposin election interference in other words that's what you have to do every prosecutor knows that a molar knows that too the reason he's going far afield the reason why would he interview. even steve bannon right why would he look into this one and keep magnitsky act. corp the reason why is this is a dish information campaign one of the people who people on the left and right need to watch out for here is a guy bill browder bill browder has been pushing this anti russian narrative and he is key to this whole thing and he is fooled both the left and the right and i gotta say that k. but everybody knows that it's just you know that i think that you're absolutely
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right but you are really broadening out here ok i want to make sure we blundered because you have a deep knowledge of it just like a.j. does and james as well yeah i mean let's maybe i should rephrase my question what about the perception of the of this investigation once we find out all of the highest echelons of the f.b.i. the d.o.j. have weaponized their position against their political opposition which i've said before and i'll say it again turns the u.s. into a banana republic ok go ahead ha what trump must do and i believe what he will do is fire moeller and when the indignation is heard throughout the universe from c.n.n. and assembly see all trump needs to say is this i fired muller because there's no evidence of any collusion or any criminal activity from me or any of my associates pertaining to the mission of the probe hillary clinton for example actually committed crimes she removed top secret special access program intelligence that
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the highest level classification from cypriot jail skiffs secure government locations she transferred them in a creative manner that nobody talks talks about from those locations on her on encrypt once on encrypted server that is a crime under the espionage act u.s. code seventy three f. what peter struck did is remove gross negligence five times the references which directly relates to the espionage act and that statute you don't even need gross negligence because she paid by putting on a five thousand dollars the issue that i don't use any of them all are well but what you're doing and i'm going to cut you i'm not overwhelmed that you went down this as. but it actually proves a point here james brings up this point we have these two narratives out there and depending on how you see politics is what you're going to stress i agree because hillary clinton was given a free pass over and over and over again donald trump like
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a murder don't like him there is no evidence that he committed a crime not yet after all this time ok though the other side and so you have c n n n n b c do not want to talk about the crimes of hillary clinton and her mafia gang because that's essentially what they are ok and all they can do is focus on me going to james their all they can do is focus on the what they believe what they hope what they pray for our sins of donald trump but in all those words i just used it's not a legal go ahead james. i hope ha is right that molar will be out i think that means also getting rid of rod rosenstein the deputy attorney general and possibly replacing jeff sessions with somebody will actually do something about this stuff but my concern is this is that molar is captain ahab going after the great orange whale here and even if they can't find a real crime real collusion just like with general flynn and george papadopoulos you try to trap somebody into a process crime that's why he's so keen to interview trump personally and try to
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find some way to twist his words into either perjury or obstruction of justice so he would have though there was no crime of collusion or there's no crime but all you can get him to say but in the process of the investigation he did commit a crime he committed perjury when he talked to me and that's what they're really hoping to do and he wants the nail some more to the wall to justify saying that i think at the end of the day he's not going to do a one on one i don't think his lawyers are going to let him do that ok that's the typical bravado and i don't know there's any way fires mueller you know will. lead is an interesting point because what i what i think is again when i talked about these battling. narratives let's let's just say for example ok the memo is released at the end of the week it will have an earthquake effect ok who knows soon after mother may give his assessment here the problem is is who's going to believe which narrative ok because impeachment as we all know is not a legal process it's
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a political process so even if mohler says trump is guilty of this it goes to the house of representatives if the other narrative is so much more can pelling then then we get this gridlock oh we get the train crash ok because even irrespective what mahler has to say it may not have the political implications that he and the liberal elites and the media want and that's going to be a very interesting parlay if it happens go headly this is what i think the danger is when i say this is a different information campaign it's really important to understand this all but narratives lead to russia bad that's what i'm saying the one democrat narrative leads to russia bad we know that that's clear but the republican narrative also leads to russia bad and that's the point this is been a very successful dissin permission campaign because the facts are actually not
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that difficult to determine anybody can look into this for themselves and learn the facts of this case they can see what crowd strike did they can see who didn't tell us and that's guy who's that that russian let's just talk about that she's that russian lawyer that's all you need to say she's already been cast as like natasha right in the rocky and bullwinkle right she's that russian lawyer and and and she is that russian lawyer to both the left and the right the right believe this is what the right believes because my that's where i live i live on the right people on the right falsely believe that this was a setup that she was put in there by the clintons because she's connected to fusion g p. you know fusion g.p.s. limbaugh they don't even get what's going on there and the left goes oh no no she's that russian lawyers or she just she was sent in by putin they all actually agree on it and i think the good thing is ok but no they hang on to sort of wake up and figure this out on both sides i hope so but i don't have a lot of hope but this is a and oasis right here on cross talk ok because we'll talk about all of the issues
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here i don't have much hope for m s n b c i watched morning joke and meager today i mean what what universe did they live in i have no idea what they're talking about here ha i think we all kind of agreed that you know the die is been cast here i mean us russian relations are for a generation done ok and i say i don't really think about it much anymore ok because there's not much of that to be done about it but what i think is really interesting here in perth me personally it's not about trump it's not about hillary it's about the the future of the republic institutions and the very idea of democracy bernie sanders was burned ok he got it was stolen from him we had the clinton clan they tried to steal the general ok and now they want the these same people they want to overturn the democratic decision of the american people and they don't care one hoot if they have to destroy everything in the process go ahead
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ha. well this is all about. that you said democrats cheating bernie sanders debbie wasserman schultz being forced to step down then losing one point two billion dollars with a failed candidate who was under an actual criminal investigation and so. in terms of competing narratives there was evidence of crimes she committed crimes but she komi and struck and mccabe said she didn't intentionally commit the crimes she was the subject of the end of the investigation with trump he's not the subject of any investigation is as always this nebulous ambiguous i will people around him and there's a whole lot of smoke we can't prove anything. i think it's despicable that the democratic party chose to start a new cold war because they couldn't rely on anyone else sees it and they couldn't they certainly couldn't rely on anything but bernie sanders stood for that's what he did is that she did bernie that's part of this struck the destruction that i'm
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talking about ha ha because you know the democratic party is shown itself to for what it is absolutely corrupt or james let me go to you will if if komi goes to jail will you send him a file in a cake i mean will you feel sorry for comi ok. seriously because i think you know you know what he thought he forgave you know the irony is he a major hillary didn't go to jail because of that he probably might go to jail james go ahead please don't i know i'm not going to send him a file of the cake or i won't send him anything though look obviously there are a lot of people here should or should go to jail i have to tell you honestly i am more concerned about the bigger picture as has been pointed out by my two colleagues this isn't just on the left that russia bad or it's the right as well the damage is done and i'm not complacent about it because if you look at the way we're digging down deep into syria even though isis is on the ropes we have no reason to be there we should be declaring victory and getting out are being lethal
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weapons to ukraine we're probing. russia's territorial waters with their aircraft i am afraid you know they keep talking about nine hundred thirty nine put in on the march this is more like nine hundred forty hey hey now here is jesse james meeting the very minute you had been there but it was noble to do it let me jump in here gentlemen i want to make a quick statement to to you and to our viewers i. robert perry passed away a few days ago over a consortium news dot com a very courageous very brave very honest journalist we're all going to miss him very much very much condolences to his family and i can tell you there's no one in the world that will ever be able to replace the dignity that man in his writing so god bless to him and his family and i and that's how we end our program i want to thank my guests in washington and in los angeles and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at our to see you next time and remember.
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i've played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money killian erroneous and spending two hundred twenty million. so it's an experience like nothing else i want to do because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful game great so one more chance for. the base this minute. to. quite complex.
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this little bundle of joy he would have no chance of surviving in the wild mother pandas can only read one come at a time but usually give birth to two every year china puts a lot of effort into making up for this cruel mistake of nature gift to cubs and then to mr vive. the. gentle senior management of him an. endangered species don't have to become extinct now if you take good enough care of them mr darwin's theories don't all hold good here. right . newborn pandas way just one hundred twenty grams.
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here in captivity the counts are reared by stuff for the panda operating center in the wild it's the mother who takes care of the young she just swallows anything the cub wants to get rid of. these might well be the most helpless little ones in the world as well as the most enduring and quite probably the most expensive. pender is china's national treasure. even its coloring is a living symbol of the past and illusion to the home country. a balanced opposites . black and white light and. day and night sun the moon sky and earth heat and cold. war i think
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part of. what a cub is born it becomes the property of the people's republic of china. there's no getting around that law but zoos can rent pandas from the state for a limited period it's not cheap so they have to pay over a million dollars a year to the government. says. this is one national treasure that's guarded like the most priceless of jewels. they may be predisposed to laziness but pandas still wake up early and that means their keepers have to as well. and judging paying work at the panda center starts at six am or send them the highway tell. you they're thinking in forth about. how many mama. grew one meaning and ohio. sounded i don't think our boy there. and.
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knowing that. there are four there human beings that they'd miss. p. his and this one is. i don't know how to spell but this is for your dog and leave her pets yeah one year if we. use this one. you meet them and. it's not just to focus interest but at that you're going to treat all talk. just do the show told. to the sugar so it was still just just those would do it for them to. look at it and say there's no use that alan you know you to follow up with that yeah he did you know to tell. this. ted.
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to hold. you to sit down with agenda. through the window. to mr lawson see to attend to a trickle you sure you want to go if you go. to them for you know we. did that. you could be. projected to jesus do that really to have to eat you had to hold a tradition was due to legal. show. which is how the. material oh. you know young people. don't feel you're hot food hot. she was so you could this is a more. shyness
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panda breeding has become something of a production line. it's almost as though they've been copied three d. printed and put on shows for the public. good. look. at. the. panda breeding center isn't just a first rate to the bar a tree it's also a zoo where anyone can go to see the fruits of china's breeding program through fifty eight one that's around ten dollars. so it's about how we're going. to share with you but what we have with what i would do well was there were. several cubs are born here each year.
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in two thousand and sixteen the panda was removed from the red book that visually it's no longer an endangered species but it is still vulnerable. building up the population is just the first step the toughest challenge for the breeders is still ahead. that will lead to your down so far for us you know us there's work. here you know where the. g.o.p. finds out who that they would do it and. how ever years maybe even decades of work and needed to make that possible.
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by the edge of the. hill without pressure that by one interest to my mind. is only one way to. visit. you at home that's a good. idea that you'll. hear because bamboo is such a low calorie food to get the nourishment they need. and the other half digesting it. you really have to love pandas to do this from morning till night. the animal produces up to twenty kilos of droppings every day. for. the watch so we have.
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to whether to hold you with. or. without always remember that. you could make paper out of these droppings mostly comprised of so yes. that wouldn't be a very profitable enterprise there are still too few pandas left and the pink really does hide some invaluable information that might just help the animal survive. so this stuff is this john panda. oil collector this wild place all along the reservation. and then we want to study. the bacteria bacteria.
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