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tv   News  RT  February 3, 2018 4:00am-4:31am EST

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rifles with homemade silencers these gas could have been used by anyone they could menus and robbers the message and also homicides there was nineteen years ago those words deal right. since the laws in the state of tennessee of chinese substantially you're allowed to carry guns in parks. guns in bars you know guns in your car so from a police chief's perspective i would definitely say that probably prefer if we do not have guns in bars. i got a four tin shack gun from santa cause last year. right now our best selling rifle is the better wesson it's just you know finding an issue that people just you know go to the range and go shoot don't. have
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a phone. is their answer article is a lot of. b.s. thank you ma'am on terror for. oh really seen federal the honorable know. it doesn't know where beam me you know. this vessel right here the glock semiautomatic pistol is more of the biggest biggest movie guns ever. hear the thing they know what they're doing because i saw in the movie. they're dangerous we have to go out there and stop them and i actually hate them on how to handle a firearm immediately ok i've got one of our most popular self-defense rounds here it is one hundred twenty four grain. jacket whole point is it rapidly
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hitting organic material such as your fly a couple mousers we also have an a r fifteen with. huge seller there really is strongly accurate weapon for a very long ranges. with so much tension that they almost definitely i want by my bed for home protection my wife actually has a benelli improve my or her bed which is an automatic shotgun. more but what does it do to having the next hill dead what does that do to your minds that does it does it not make you feel constantly vigilant pen oh no i mean definitely prepared all the way but i also have a family that i love and care about very much so if you do watch the news you see it all the time home invasion here home invasion there highway shooting i mean it's
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pretty much it can be like the wild west out here so. it's. most of shootings take place in domestic situations a sizable number of people who kill other people are so-called law abiding citizens the law abiding citizen produces a lot of the fatalities bama stake in aig or our by accident. several years ago there was a truck a surgeon here in memphis who did a study of murders in two different urban areas. seeing if the presence or absence of guns in a home was a trigger already protection order and his conclusion was that the presence of the gun was more likely to cause a murder or death by god then the absence of a god in a home. business
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is harder than kentucky. in this group the employees of the water industry families. a co money city with almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal rises at. live to see these people the survivors of disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's happened it's happened.
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this that will full of joy he would have no chance of surviving in the woods mother put this can only with one cup at a time but usually give birth to two. every year china puts a lot of effort into making up for this cruel mistake of nature. it's just it was you or any of. china's penda breeding has become something of a production line. it's almost as though they've been copied three d. printed and put on show for the public. several cups of bone here each year. but only left work by dedicated scientists will be for nothing if and of can't be encouraged in captivity it's not as though they don't practice a tool but in the same lazy way they do everything else with this proud mommy gave
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birth to twins and has no idea that a special love potion was formulated just for the. time the protests held against the n.r.a. convention took place ten days after columbine. knew what happened at columbine on april twentieth one thousand nine hundred ninety nine was that two two young men who were intent on killing as many students as they could they opened fire on students outside and then went when when confronted with a police presence they went inside the school. began shooting there went into the library that's where they killed and injured the most students and that's that's where my son once then went worse as the day went on. no word from him being asked by the police if we could provide
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a description of him and what he was wearing. at one point asking for dental records and being told one point that there was one last school bus bringing students. back from. when you're waiting for forty five minutes for a bus that should have only taken a couple of minutes i then began to realize that there was no last school bus. how old was daniel. fifteen.
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seventeen years ago when we last met i think it ended in tears for me because i realized again what i what i would do if they came to take my gun and that would be the end of it for. this country for sure and i'm not willing to hand that over. no i'm able to do it and i know i would do it. protect my rights. the rights of my friends the rights of my loved ones the rights of this country. you mean struggle. or i don't think so. either of these two i wouldn't
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let it go easily and probably not while i'm living. i feel like there are a lot of gun owners out there who don't take the responsibility of owning guns carrying guns storing guns i don't think they take it seriously enough why the resistance to regulation. because it leads to more regulation. that's too slippery of a slope we can have a law to protect people from their own stupidity. one hundred eighty degrees backus guys he's a word sexy when they talk about guns i'm not going to but they're all mantic. they're emotional. no no no. no. no no no no you.
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know we. don't know. you don't know you in. a well regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free state comma the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. the second amendment in every state constitution guarantees my right to keep and bear arms why for my personal safety and to preserve liberty that's why. it's called america. iran which solution i've heard him say you need to look so cool i think there's somebody shooting in here. mass shootings in america have become almost commonplace but the sandy hook school massacre where six and seven year olds were targeted by gunman reached a new level of horror and cuts to the rule of the american gun debate. today
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cause me to want to strengthen and absolutely not i think if one of those teachers the principal who never had had a gun that young man possibly would not have killed anyone or. do you think it's he. it's all right i think a properly trained teacher. can and adjust to the need to deal with i think is friggin fantastic that's turned school districts are trying their teachers so they can carry a weapon. and school. we go through drills and we put ourselves in real scenarios it was interesting to see how fast we get on the buses how fast we do this who actually got hit by. paint
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ball gun. straight cool but pretty. scary to the swat team comes in her room and they're like ok everybody out you know put your hands up and we're all put our hands up we're terrified and takes us out so. we had a saw to him yes i did. yes this is a middle school. so. that possibility of oh yeah we could be prepared. what do every single mass shooting have in common gun free zone. i mean i was i think it was a color blind. from my cold dead. you know i think that part of the
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problem is that that the gun lobby has been very successful in getting their message out much more so than those who want to see reasonable gun laws they control the narrative that you're either for the second amendment or against it you're either for freedom or against freedom those surest way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good way that guy. here after these mass shootings gun sales do tend to go up just because people start getting freaked out people think that the government is gonna take our guns i mean i hate seeing the shootings happen but it is definitely it is good for business. this is a smith and wesson m.m.p. fifteen in is our best selling weapon right now will it pre-term.
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here. and. as. a sole weapon seem to try to control the city. what is that this is a semiautomatic rifle. is it is it not an assault weapon no one else. semiautomatic one pull the trigger one shot and that is what differentiates is it in your eyes the fight the ones fully automatic and the other isn't right why are they called survivor so that. because the media and the left wing politicians one meg bogeyman out as. a tool. bullies assault rifle i mean this is a fight even about what it is i know i know and i should even call them an assault rifle we're going to it's a military style weapon that's what they want me to say a sporting gun you know you know different names but it's the same thing it's
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a military style weapon. the reason to buy an assault rifle is if you're going to make an assault on an enemy position and you need a lot of bullets because you got a lot of people in the position you're attacking the assault rifle was mere barn salts it seems to me you don't need an assault rifle to kill a deer this this ongoing debates that some people have about whether. things like the a k forty seven and they are fifteen are so weapons are not that whole discussion is absurd that it's the greatest friend of a mass shooter could have. been having on one. day on a. night of. the two killers. went out in search of guns they were under eighteen they got an eighteen year old to go
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to the gun show to a gun show with them to make the purchase they purposely sought out a private seller that's the so-called gun show loophole where you can go to a gun show and a one table for the license dealer you have to go through a background check table of a private seller no background check. this guns that i sold and everybody sells every gun the zero and that a found all around the united states in crimes they should have you know mandatory registration nationwide everybody owns a gun it should be registered and i am and are responsible for that weapon why should you let some kid walk in a gun store by fifteen guns and be able to give them to fifteen of his friends with no receipt even sold them and everything is legal that means guns could be shipped in from the east coast in the west coast and sold in a newspaper to it to anybody to kick the can pass
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a background check that's how the criminals get guns. about forty percent. of all gun sales are private sales they don't go through a background check and these are not going through a licensed dealer imagine going to an airport and have to go through security and they said ok we're in have sixty percent of the people go through security and forty percent can bypass it when you get onto that airplane. i think. i can take you right now thirty three miles from here and buy you anything you want on the side of the road in the black market dealers it's out there facebook for example you can buy guns. you know but just prior to they properly and that is still legal in tennessee you can as of now you can still be product sales in
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tennessee but without without about a ground check you can't so you can so that any one yes so to sort of introduce. that shouldn't be. without ground check do you should we shouldn't. you know also that after her not so well there needs to be some things done to people where they're back to working again and not being given money by the government to run around and do whatever they will but there's a lot of things we could there dressed maybe that's not the only problem could be some mental health issues because the drugs cause a major problem i don't know that but we are not the problem. it's. going to be. should anything be done.
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now. the national solution take it's course. oh no no no no no no no no no. no when. it. was. going we'll know what i mean you know.
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i think it's terrible you want to know the truth and i think it's a disgrace a lot of people should be ashamed of so much worse than that the f.b.i. and the u.s. justice department security war. two thousand and sixteen election campaign using a highly dubious report partly paid for by the democrats a newly declassified. world anti-doping agency says it is seriously concerned with a decision by court to overturn lifetime olympic bans imposed on twenty eight russian athletes also. five migrants are shot and dozens more injured in a mass brawl at a food bank in the french port city of galle
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a number of locals we heard from tell us that they are living in fear. i think we need a structure put in place to protect this. year it's a catastrophe for the french and especially for the people of cali. my colleague join you in about an hour's time to update you on today's top stories but up next no. involvement in the syrian conflict. hello and welcome to crossfire for all things are considered i'm peter lavelle turkey's decision to invade northern syria has foreign policy implications far beyond the middle east what are anchors objectives in syria and the region does it
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facilitate or hinder a final peace agreement to syria's proxy civil war and what is turkey's future in nato. across talking turkey and syria i'm joined by my guest sami ramadani in london he's a contributor on iraq and the middle east for the guardian as well as a senior lecturer in sociology in oxford we have dan glazebrook he is an independent political analyst and author of divide in ruin the west's imperial strategy in the age of crisis and in istanbul we cross to change he is the in a political science is a marmora university all right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want they always appreciate it i take the same let me go to you first here are just very simply what is turkey's aims what its strategic goals in syria over since the incursion into northern syria can you give us you know two or three major points what turkey wants to achieve. actually to the us we have
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three points very clear the first. ones to get rid of this. we can say branch off. this is a we call it a y p or p y d this is the first and the most crucial steps as you point for turkey secondly after cleaning. to put some syrian emigrants you know we have three and a half million syrian emigrants in turkey to put down some of them to. create some kind of buffer zone between turkey and syria or iraq. we can say is safe so on in syria and also i think this is my prediction that. there will be. how can i say it's off to
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political table like. or sochi or astana or what they were you call it he it wants to be there on the table. you know cards and that's why you know three reasons more strategic. change of turkey in our atmosphere ok but i have to i have to point out that you didn't say the word kurds once ok and that's really what it's all about here you know sami i'll be really honestly i can understand turkey's position ok i do understand and i don't necessarily agree with it but i will tell you something sammy i understand the position of all the major players when it comes to syria except for one country the united states i don't understand what it is doing in syria i mean what we're all told is that you know the sacred cow nato must be preserved but u.s. policy is driving a huge wedge between the two countries that have the largest military in nato i mean who's making this policy in the u.s.
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. while for the united states in syria most of the proxy forces that they create a lie upon have been either defeated or on their way of being defeated in syria what. changed or increased their presence in syria is this dramatic development of gaining the y p g practically. really unfortunately i'm very sadly for from my point of view that the why p.g. the kurdish group has decided to make an alliance with the united states big mistake in general they could you know. yeah the kurds always choose the wrong side i mean historically they do this and they have done it again. dan let me it's very sad very sad dan let me go to you. what i mean what is the possibility that we're going to see turkish in u.s.
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forces go head to head because the u.s. seems to it seems to me it's a policy of spite it is a spoiler made one see it lost the war assad still there and it wants to spite the russians in the iranians but that's really childish thinking when you think about it go ahead dan there's a spoiler but i don't agree that this collision course necessarily on the on the cause between ankara and washington i mean from washington's point of view the thing is they want their goal is to just weaken and preferably destroy any independent force in the global south first the that's the big strategy right and so that includes the syrian state frankly that includes a potentially independent strong kurdish force and it includes turkey so if they see the turks and the y. p.g. tearing themselves apart that's that fits ok into into the us game plan and if they're doing in the syria inside syria all the better so i don't see this is so odds with washington they're going to be ok they made this announcement they want
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to the border force and it's put the spoiler on on that but there's many ways to destroy a country is not many ways to build up a tree anyways to do is to destroy it so i guess what you're saying there is a method there's a method to their madness go ahead jump in understand go ahead go ahead. because i would like to add something about american policy we are in turkey as you know government and people are mostly. yet. try to create. a kurdish zone between turkey in syria and iraq in order. in order to use this policy to educate turks persians and arabs and also it is good for israel to be created is satellite not independent dependent to the united states creators on just perfect for
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america and most of people in turkey most of. us and all you know columnists think that we have some you know our america has something like that as a project. to create if we all could use or so ok so the united states. i mean it began that the u.s. is exporting democracy in reno in liberalism i'm sorry it's a nice it's a fairy tale but it's not just for the border force go ahead dan go ahead they might have wanted to they might have wanted to create a little basically syria and kosovo why p.g. areas in syria need to a fact of partition and it was actually not so much the announcement the border force but the announcement that the two thousand u.s. troops the announcement by tillerson that the two thousand u.s. troops were basing going to stay there effectively permanently i mean the wish list of what you wanted to achieve was made it a fact of permanent they're not going to have any of those things any time soon so that was what really told the turks look they're basically going to stay us power
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and on the ground presence is going to establish basically an independent state within a state and of course they could find that but as i say ok so that partition was one possible way to destroy the syrian state but. the kurds and turks destroy it and destroying each other is another way to achieve frankly similar goals of the destruction of syria and i have to. go ahead sami jump in this point of the program . just just one other issue i think which needs mentioning is that ted kid fortunately. takes quite a bit of the blame for the destruction in syria for the support i'm backing for terrorist groups inside syria. it's only a conflict has been with the with within syria and recent times as with the kurds of syria they got frightened because the united states backing started backing the
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i.p.g. . but truly turkey should also shoulder quite a lot of the responsibility for that may have. unfolded in both city and in iraq by the way where they still have some forces inside iraq as you out and their policy towards the kurdish people over many decades has been really bad it must be mentioned that the kurdish people have suffered enormously from successive regimes tens of thousands of kurds have died inside turkey and this so-called cleansing inside syria turkey is in effect committing aggression against a sovereign state the syrian state which has object in the fish only to the entry of turkish troops so there are a dime if you cations here and that is the other point i wanted to raise is out there is some genuine friction between turkey and the united states since the coup attempt law right here which seems to have.


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