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tv   News  RT  February 4, 2018 2:00am-2:31am EST

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a rebel group downs a russian fighter jet in the northwest of syria and executes the pilot. the revelations of a de classified memo claim the f.b.i. and u.s. justice department secured a warrant to spy on donald trump's twenty sixteen election campaign using a highly dubious report. and sports hires tribunals court overturns the lifetime bans of thirty nine russian athletes explaining the evidence used to prove to the accusations there's insufficient. you want your weekly here are not international with me in
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a day or two to this is our round up of the top stories of the last seven days on the latest up to date news welcome to the program syrian rebel fighters have shot down a russian jet in syria's province and then killed the pilot and verified video of the incident has been posted online by the militants. well. hello. good you've been with. a second video has also just online reportedly showing the rebels posing with the dead body of the pilot and a warning here you may find the following images upsetting the camp appears to show one of the militants taking
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a selfie next to the victim of this taking pictures and chanting. has more on the incident. well the incident took place in the northwestern village of must around an province and that's one of the last remaining rebel strongholds in the country now according to the russian defense ministry the pilot did manage to eject from the plane and parachuted down to the ground in an area that's actually controlled by the terrorist group. he was then subsequently killed in a fight with terrorists again that's coming from the russian ministry of defense they also added that it's believed that a anti-aircraft missile system was actually used in the downing of the plane and very quickly after the attack took place videos and photos surfaced online most of them very graphic and disturbing showing rebels taking photos of the dead pilot and stomping on the debris of the crashed plane now. the group that has claimed responsibility of attacks say that they are part of the moderate opposition free
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syrian army but it's widely believed that they are in fact actually allied with the latest incarnation of they have in the past enjoyed support from washington even received weapons from the u.s. at this point russia did react quite quickly and has already carried out a number of persuasion strikes in the area with the mist. reporting that over thirty militants were killed as a result. friday saw the release of a memo alleging the f.b.i. and justice department abused their powers to secure a warrant to spy on trump's election campaign putting the investigation into trump's links to russia in down which didn't go down well with the mainstream media put your watch that is north korea and seduced for your life your republican party is so much light that people need to start to the streets this is a dictator this is a tipping point for our democracy declassify this memo for fundamentally a political purpose a memo outlines the warrant was used for surveillance of former trump aides and it
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was granted using a highly controversial dossier allegedly funded by the democratic party and clinton foundation but the f.b.i. is accused of not revealing the bias behind the document the f.b.i. extended the warrant on three separate occasions and the contradicting testimonies of the f.b.i.'s former chief and deputy director and twenty seventeen have left many questioning whether the agency has become a political caliber open takes a look at what this means for american politics. if indeed the obama administration used the department of justice and the f.b.i. to spy on trump during the campaign this could be quite a scandal it would discredit the d.o.j. and the f.b.i. as nonpartizan a law enforcers and destroy the democrats now the democratic leadership doesn't want to be destroyed so here's a few of their last ditch efforts to keep their boat afloat. bell adam schiff from the democratic side of the house intelligence committee says
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the republicans edited the document to fit their political agenda he says he's preparing a memo of his own that will expose the misleading character of the document. as expressed during our initial review we have grave concerns about material emissions affect that fundamental impact the most accurate. discovered late tonight the chairman new news made material changes to the memo he sent to the white house changes not approved by the committee the white house therefore reviewing a document the committee has not approved for release however some of these changes are aimed at the request of the democrats and the f.b.i. themselves others included minor edits and grammatical fixes. and it never hurts to throw russia into the mix is it possible that the republican
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chair of the house intel committee has been compromised by the russians as a possible of the actual russian agents reading the house intel committee on the republican side i hope that's not the case that this whole big stir is over just for pieces of paper but those four pieces of paper contain vital information information with potentially enough voltage to light up washington d.c. for months if not years. r.t. new york. well let's say i am a list and whistle blower john kiriakou says this follows what i feel i have been doing for you this. this contains some troubling evidence of f.b.i. malfeasance those of us who are critics of the f.b.i. have been saying this for years this is how the f.b.i. does business they do it jester officiously they do it by stabbing people in the back they do it by setting people up by entrapping them by tricking them and that's exactly what they did with the price of court they played the face of court judge
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by not telling them the source of this deal they plead that judge by not telling them that this was a partisan. report and and they got their warrant they got their warrant anyway. the court of arbitration for sport overturned the lifetime bans of twenty eight or russian athletes on thursday and reinstated the subchief ellen picks results that were part of the doping scandal dating back to twenty fourteen with russia accused of widespread substance abuse and often other athletes also had bans for me but will not compete at the upcoming games in south korea because arbitrators unanimously found that the evidence put forward by the i you see in relation to this much or did not have the same weight in each individual case. this is why in twenty cases the evidence collected was found to be insufficient to establish that an anti-doping rule violation was committed it's concerned.
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this does not mean that these twenty. innocents but in their case due to insufficient evidence the abuse of held the sanctions and old their individual results achieved in such reinstituted team russia adopts the judgment was swift and immediately became gospel for much of the olympic world ever since the infamous report on doping in russia saw the light of day but its claims of a state sponsored conspiracy the pretext for the ban have been shaken to their very foundation in the last few days bombshell one. twenty eight russian athletes make a comeback from a lifetime ban over the past few years the international olympic committee unleashed to the ultimate punishment on them following a damning verdict they cheated the tests it seemed that their dreams careers and
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lifetime goals were annihilated in one stroke but last thursday the top sports court had a different opinion on that the ban was no more those stripped of their medals got them back the i.o.c. was both red faced and furious its members see the thing with bitterness and resentment but all things considered the i.o.c. had some trouble standing beside their initial ruling a lot of people asking hell the i.o.c. got the brief so wrong that they were able to throw it out so quickly. let's let's let's you can look at the decision but let's let's see who will be competing here in the games coming up then we can have this conversation again. the embarrassment is understandable the court of appeals decision to reverse the ban was among other things based on the testimony of the very same people who convinced
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the i.o.c. to impose the sanctions in the first place the mclaren report didn't find any individual violations of doping rules of individual sportsman because there was only a very limited time the team of mr mclaren had fifty seven day thing born showed to . the russian paralympic team also had its very decided this week two years ago the doors of the summer games in real were slammed in their faces a blanket ban meant no one was welcome this february a team of almost eighty people will have a shot at the pyong chang golds as so-called neutral athletes not great but it's something russian are regularly tested and they are amongst the most scrutinized after it's in the world. under the supervision of while we now have a greater confidence that the anti doping system in russia is no longer
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a compromise and corrupt and given the latest winning streak for russia those athletes who have cleared their names in all likelihood will are play a game bigger than of. it was an arsenal day for the russian athletes involved you can see the reaction of one across the country scared clear day after the verdict was announced russian outlets were in high spirits as previously they believed their dreams and careers had been dashed. wrong in the sitting room from europe i found out about the decision during my training c.i.s. decided to overturn my disqualification my ban i had only positive thoughts in my head about that i've been ready to ski for a long long time keeping up my training but i had a question right away what about the olympics are we able to dispute this and get an invitation but i was waiting for the results of the appeal when i came back from practice it's amazing news then my scouts and team started congratulating each
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other it's such a relief we're not guilty in the whole public will know that a lot of people thought we date only those close to us knew it's not true or you say they are not guilty or you say they are guilty and they have ruled that there is not enough proof for a dope in your phones hence they are not guilty and this is very important also because it makes to make law report to become not in bases which is enough to convict athletes and every seeing that was up to now was based on the mclaren report and if this is now not basis enough to convict their clits them i do not understand why also all the russian athletes could have been banned khalik to flee without having any any prove of the hoping. back and some of the russian flag and national anthem it was banned by the
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i.o.c. from appearing at the south korean games and the athletes all compete as neutrals but one branding agency has designed long term it of uniform for russian fans.
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the u.s. city of baltimore is taking action this weekend after a record number of homicides in twenty seventeen we'll tell you all about that story after this break. little more hostility on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles that still exists a new socks for the so you could be gossip and trouble with the forests it's awesome as the sizes of the pool and i might say. these are the hawks that we along with all the ones. you criminalist released by the white house into an institution those included on
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the list are accused simply by association. being from russia is no one except cause for suspicion doesn't criminalist really change it. back to the program moderates in the us skyrocketed in twenty seventeen with fifty six killings per one hundred thousand people. that already has a reputation for being dangerous and crime ridden. little cities in body american urban decay
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a more depressing lead in the city of baltimore baltimore struggles with a record high murder rate. murder from full. yes baltimore there is a robust active crime strategy a little. little. a little more subtle. a little. little . the city introduced a ceasefire this weekend aim to talking those record high murder rates and stopping
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a spate of killings is the third ceasefire of his kind we talked to the activist behind the move. people all around the city make commitments to just be peaceful and not be violent for three days and says celebrate life and do life affirming even so there are events all over the city we distort what do we care if we keep it in a weekend no homicides it all comes as baltimore has been rocked by one of america's biggest police corruption scandals the gun trace task force was made up of plain clothed officers and were supposed to be tackling the city's spiralling a murder rate however it seems they have actually been adding to the levels of crime the unit was dissolved in march last year and its officers arrested they're facing various charges including fraud drug trafficking and planting false evidence six out of eight members of the group have pleaded guilty to charges of organized crime artists american has been following the story. the baltimore police
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department is now involved in one of the biggest scandals in u.s. why enforcement history for months now the court system has been trying to investigate corruption within the city's police force eight officers are on trial over drug trafficking racketeering robbery and planting fake evidence like drugs and. we would create false reports to cover up the robberies we were involved. it was like aware of life where got away with a lot of things if proven guilty the officers and maybe face twenty to one hundred years in prison and six of them have already pleaded guilty and are now acting as witnesses in hopes of softening the moving verdict and their lawyers claim the officers feel guilt over what they've done mr jenkins is extremely remorseful he's been remorseful for a long time even before these charges were brought and he's relieved that today finally he was publicly able to accept responsibility for their clients sorry for what they did or should. be so it seems regretful of what what happened i
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really really common meanwhile officers cases continue to be dismissed with hundreds under review and most of them involve incidents of officer switching off their body cameras to plant drugs or guns and then reenact seizing the evidence they had already planted. the libyan man who has lost his whole family in a nato air raid is planning to take his fight for justice to the european court of human rights he says the alliance dropped two bombs on his house during its military intervention in the country in twenty eleven. now we demand that we need to explain why our house and other houses were showing are they military targets i don't understand why nato targeted our house sadly my dear wife died as well as my cousins my innocent children our neighbors our friends were there with us it was a monstrous crime and nato has the latest equipment and technology which allows
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them to accurately determine the targets of the nato aircraft struck specifically at night when people were in their home they intentionally hit civilian targets hospitals schools gas stations they destroyed all the infrastructure while they were killing civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure apparently knowing there were no weapons there. you can see on the map here where the nato attack took place as colleague mentioned thirteen people were killed in the bombardment including three children he says his house may have been targeted because his father was a general he served under libya's former leader moammar gadhafi but cali says it was just a family home and not a legitimate target he began his battle for justice back in twenty twelve that has faced an uphill struggle to actually get his case heard in court nato argues that it had no intelligence suggesting civilians were in the house at the time of the strike nevertheless cali's hopes his case will set
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a precedent for others who lost their families. we gathered our families in different parts of libya we found a man whose wife daughter and son as well as his mother died during the shelling there were other families in other cities a lot of families we compiled a report from all identified victims after having documented in photograph the materials so that this case could become a historical precedent. cryptocurrency bitcoin has seen its value rollercoaster of late with many believing the future of all currencies lays with the technology behind it blocked chain alphonsus on travel to a quick to conference and caught up with the famous i.t. specialist john mcafee. now it's time to take a swim at the coins bank asian block chain cruise. welcome that
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a coin bank who kept blotching conference we're about to get acquainted with over a thousand different participants from fifty different countries including one hundred russian i ceo's some of the hottest new stuff in the world a voc chain lets go. events like this allow you to mix and mingle with some of the top talent in the block chain industry one of the speakers happened to be a man who is considered by some of the block chain guru john mcafee what are some of the. criteria that you would suggest to look for in a good i.c.a.o. . first and foremost this is something that you would use if you would love to have what they're trying to build a great supportive again number two is a team and you can find this out it goes in in the white paper will be a list of the founders and developers have they had experience in building blocks of things if not you might think maybe they can produce. a number for does it sound
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like the people who are doing this course love it themselves and the story. one of the more unique i.c.a.o. is i found here is a russian project called marc space it's intriguing to say the least a three d. and virtual reality space creating platform powered by block chain technology basically it's a way for businesses communities and really anyone to run and showcase their service or an idea in virtual reality for example to virtually take a walk through a flagship store in beverly hills or do a test drive in that cool car you always wanted so what's this hype and why. i think because you know people understand that we have an existing company with more than ten years experience you know you see in every r. and three dollars a recession. and we all know you now have a product that we can try to go to our website to try our cultural construct early build the all in three d. but it will go upside they see that it's here how does it actually work you go to
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a website you choose the place in our eco system it's a unit it's a virtual space then you use our virtual constructor and you build it very fast and very easy so you know even kids can do that you build your own three d. and d. are compatible the upside. in five years time over half of the world i promise you will be using crypto currency and they have to does a lot is going to be they have that probably doesn't have smartphones or any access to the and it. may be watching the weekly hair on all t. international i'll be back in the top the hour with more so they stay with us. when gold make its manufacture consent to stick to the public wells. when the roman closest project themselves. with the famous
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merry go round the sun in the one percent. during the whole middle of the room signals. the real news is. this is says holland kentucky. the voice of the people street fanny's. a co money city with almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal miners of said that that was a laugh to see these people the survivors of a world disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become
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a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's happened it's happened. to. her. son of welcome to worlds apart shame. has long been the preferred tool of american foreign policy but the new kremlin least released by the white house gives it a more institutionalized form formally speaking those included in the least have done nothing malicious they're just guilty by association but at a time when being from russia is already an accepted cause for suspicion and perhaps even discrimination does the publication of this least really change much
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to discuss that i'm now joined by eric ferrari a washington based defense attorney specializing in sanctions security it's good to talk to you thank you very much for your time thank you and i'm happy to be here i think it's fair to say that when these so-called kremlin list was published the wealthy russians breathed a collective sigh of relief they certainly expected something both mauled by doing and more precise i wonder though if you believe these relief may be a little bit premature do you think the worst is yet to come oh yes i do and i think that is reflected in secretary nugent's comments to congress earlier this week that this list could be a preview for future sanctions does it nations now many observers have pointed out that in compiling this report of the trumpet ministration has essentially called pasted both the kremlin's phone book and the forbes magazine sleestak wealthiest russians what do you make of these whole fail method of complacent well so it's not uncommon for the treasury to use. classified and open source material to prepare
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such a reporter a list and the point about the forbes list and the copy paste from the list is interesting because if you notice and you're paying attention some of the same spelling mistakes that were contained in the forbes list have also been carried over into the treasury report well as you say it's not uncommon to rely on public source materials but at the same time i think this report this sensually makes no distinction between people who are friendly to the kremlin and people who have been it could be argued persecuted by the kremlin so is there any. substance to it because from the russian. one of you is just publishing. at least about who is who in russian politics and in russian business you know if you take a look at the report it's what the designation criteria is and to your point you're correct in that some of the criteria is related to senior political officials in russia and some is just based on net worth and therefore you could have the latter
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group of people not have any ties to the russian government whatsoever and still find themselves in the report but done to the ask what's the point of compiling reports in the first place and i don't know if you would agree with me but that i think there is a certain degree of i think trolling and even read to kill police targeting not so much russia but the congress do you think the way this report has been compiled ease it in keeping it in compliance with the congress requirements i think they did their best to comply i think they're actually added more information than i even expected them to add. to your point though this design of this report was to be a name and shame list in the effects of the practical effect of it is that people business partners people in joint ventures banks that are engaged in transactions with these parties would move away from them or enhance due diligence in regards to
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their commercial activities and give a higher higher level scrutiny to those activities well and this is what many years officials have suggested that this least was designed to be some sort of a psychological tool and if you take into account the amount of fretting. among the russian business elite on the eve of the opiates release i think that objective was definitely mad but given. you know the preexisting conditions they already existing environment with regard to the russian companies doing business in the united states do you really think it changes much because from my understanding the environment had already been pretty toxic eva. before the release of this report now i think that's a good point the environment was already rather toxic what i have heard is that certain banks are now including the people identified in the report on their politically exposed persons list and subjecting them to enhance due diligence and there is potentially going to be some of those parties off border.


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