tv Cross Talk RT February 4, 2018 11:30pm-12:00am EST
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hello and welcome to crossfire or all things considered i'm peter lavelle the memo has come and gone but this controversy is far from over the political bias of the deep state has been revealed and the illegal activities exposed if anyone will be held responsible. crosstalk in the memo i'm joined by my guest mark sloboda he's an international affairs and security analyst we also have a cure all leverage is a political analyst as well as a leading expert at the center for actual politics and we have dmitri bobbitt she is a political analyst we spoke nick international or a german crosstalk rules in fact that means you can jump in anytime you want i
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always appreciate we're going to talk about this is kind of a post-mortem here might be a very long when depending on how advance unfold here let me just give real quickly for our viewers here are six takeaways most important takeaway from the memo that was recently released by the g.o.p. regarding pfizer war televised house intelligence committee hillary clinton and the d.n.c. hired foreign spy to concoct a fake dossier on from. the clinton campaign in the d.n.c. gave fake dossier to obama d.o.j. an f.b.i. the department of justice and f.b.i. knew that the dossier was fake and politically motivated the department of justice and the f.b.i. present fake dossier to face a court to get trumped wiretap we're talking about a page in this case the d.o.j. in the f.b.i. don't tell the pfizer court that the dossier is fake and from trump's political opponent and the face of court. fraud into ordering wiretapping the trump campaign again quarter page here. this. victor this is devastating ok devastating there is
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well six smoking guns at the very least and from what i understand this is i hate using the term tip of the iceberg but what. the intelligence community made available through the you know the white house was approximately ten percent there's a lot of underlying evidence that can be released that was based on these six points look at the irony of the situation and the american intelligence community accused russia of interfering in the election process in the united states while in the aleksey there is not a single fact. there is no beast there is no factual basis for saying that at all russia did nothing to fear the american elections but the american intelligence committee it was a case certainly directly interfered eagerly unconstitutionally interfered in the american political process and this memo outlines parts of that interference not not all of it we know of instances. where they interfered and it
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shows how what the american intelligence community is playing in the american society and unconstitutional and oh you know what's really interesting to me when i read the four pages plus the one and a half pages from the white house i have to pat is on the back we've basically got it all right yeah basically connected all of the dots that's what i want to say is actually there's very little new here you know very little we have been saying on the confirmation for a long time it is a partial confirmation because of course the democrats the f.b.i. a whole host of former deep state officials from the liar liar james clapper on down came out and declared that releasing this was a pack of democracy attack on security national security the heavens would fall well. i think the u.s. is still there last time. i checked anyway after that but you know what do you know
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what the interesting thing was and the flipside of what mark is saying is that you know it was a threat to national security it's an affront to our intelligence agency to have law enforcement you know use it used to be the liberals that used to be very you know worried about law enforcement everything is flipped over right now ok but the interesting thing is immediately after it was released i don't know if anybody these liberals or c.n.n. or m s n b c actually read it but then they decide it's. nothing to see here move along how could they within one news cycle it was a threat to national security then move along exactly to see here i think what we should prevent from happening here is this let's move on attitude prevailing thinking because we understand where it comes from tromp is basically leading the same polish just now hillary clinton and obama have been lead in before trump was elected he struck at syria he published this all for nuclear posture review right
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so he is basically moving the country towards war movement if you mean it was destruction so now they are prepared to let it be and i think what they're prepared to let it be for a very different reason to picture i mean you you have the former director of the f.b.i. i mean i watched the hearings he perjured himself repeatedly. and i'm sorry let's make sure you know i wonder what mike flynn was he watching or did he read the memo that paul mann afford read the memo to the read died it ok but we have a whole cast of characters at the d.o.j. in the f.b.i. that perjured themselves in front of committees under oath where there's a game where you can't you can't walk away from the job he's going up or do it well i mean i'll go much director of national intelligence did it twice. and the other occasion was it was really just is james called me going to twitter and
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frankly proclaiming himself a victim. like to the victims of julie mccarthy code me or the rosen stand these are the loving descendants of joe murphy that well i mean i put the chain can i put the cherry on top ok gentlemen get a headline from the new york times the feeling new york times trumps unparalleled war. on a pillar of society law enforcement i mean this is orwellian i mean from what i read those four pages that there are the deep state is at war with the democratically elected government of president of the united states that is the assault that's going on right now this is so duplicitous it is so hypocritical to hitler and i want to the biggest accusations is it's starting to undermine americans trust in their intelligence community out of i don't know if my kids need to know all of you out there but i've been doubting our intelligence community
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since oh the iraq war since the gulf of tonkin. gulf war from the libyan genocide i've you know i mean down to the spanish-american war and. needing ships in fact if i could for a minute about that for intelligence court the family deals with the qualities of the first sending up of the court was to prevent the abuses that the american intelligence community. did in the seventy's in the sixty's in the fifty's so post post with and get that america decided to create this act and what do we see now we see that first it will let's go back to how this court functions if we look at the record of this court last led judge to almost every single last ninety nine point three percent said only nine point eight percent ok this is a secret court that hears secret arguments about how our intelligence community wants to spy on american citizens they approve ninety nine point eight percent of
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cases brought against it no no negative no credible oversight or it's a rather special authority it's a rubber stamp secret court and they're spying on american citizens and this is they they bring obviously fraudulent evidence in front of it they look this is the important game and we think we know what you're right but i mean let's let's let's let's finish it. the threat here they're spying on american citizens a citizen who is working for a political campaign for a presidential candidate i mean this is the this was the whole reason the fires of course were put up to make sure something like this would happen and actually because of the way it was set up we have and we have the rest of them they know how to go around let's be perfectly clear about this they know one of these people seriously believe that carter page or george papadopoulos these bumbling internal idiots were russian agents this was an attempt to use their bumbling to
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get intelligence wire taps inside the trump campaign it's true well what i find especially astonishing about this whole story is that feisal warrant was based on a story written by michael isikoff. and why do you want to get the story from the facts took us five from christopher stevens so the story is that d.n.c. campaign paints pace christopher steele so that he would dig dirt on trump like heem going to mosque or hotels meeting with prostitutes there sleeping on obama's former badly you know in a hotel there and michael isikoff takes an interview from this guy and then finally decides oh the whole possible fits together that there is a conspiracy against the night that's all you do also know that the feis of course was not made aware of the origins and the author of this dossier
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ok what is there not being in there also we're not told this article that was in the yahoo newsletter was also my suggestion i think i could correct them very easily you know let the farce of court just to read my stories about russia i think we should say by. the evidence was so should it be that they were in this rubber stamp court one said no had to light to get the word it's that bad and it's that. we should stress this again this was the evidence put forward to wiretap an american citizen who was working for trump's campaign or had recently stopped working. in the case of of carter page that when it was renewed that they not only use this dodgy opposition research tabloid scandal news from a foreign spook that the u.s. intelligence community itself says has. minimal. meaning it's its complete
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you know horse water. but to back it up they used are ya who knows story that is talking to the same people reference the same document that the biggest shock to most of us might be that yahoo is still out there and that includes it and by the way michael isikoff has a book coming on this very subject i must know one thing he's going to have to do you would do if somebody were to actually i'm doing a thing here if he wrote a number of books on russia on the middle east you know just read his stories on russia and the media is he's an extremely on objective journalist but i just loved what feist actually believe so far so warrant mentioned information on george papadopoulos which one of the local stroll down australian diplomats in the long haul that the mounties profess connected to russia and that he in russia he's doing . well even start in secret police would not accept it you know like you would talk to someone in the london who works for
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a long time and quit. connection to the really bad script elements but if you're generally going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on the member states with our team. the u.s. . is losing until a summer on the climate denying is precluding them from the dissipating in this new economy number one and number two the effects of the climate change and why the catastrophes the global you know migrants that are the result of it all this other problems are hurting the u.s. economy on the other side of the trade so you've got a double bind. across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies who
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p.m.a. to me to be about the social simple song alone even find company elsewhere they can find private companies to take over the utilities anybody tell us that. allowed for mr guys who got to buy them the going to go buy been pieces of us to quote them out . some more you know and of the left bill brought up locals are ready to stand up for the basic human right of access to water it's about water but it's also over much more and more it's about the hurt and the redistribution of all or whether birds dare date downwards do you want or will. apply for many flips over the years so i know the game and so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch to the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money kill the narrowness and spending to
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do the twenty million fly a. book it's an experience like nothing else going to be true so i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game but great so what more chance with. the geeks. welcome back to cross talk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing the memo. for a gentleman to continue with the memo but i want to change. a different path here
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and watching him be seen c.n.n. they're absolutely giving complete cover. i saw one segment with a wolf blitzer talking i think was to. a congressman and he kept talking about his his issue was well why didn't you release it the same time because the democrats are going to have one and finally the congressman was quite polite he said well can we talk about the contents of the memo instead of the timing of a memo we don't know much about because it hasn't been completely written ok this is the tactic again nothing to see move along but they're giving cover to would like i gave the new york times title right here if they don't want to talk about it a lot of people are talking about it it has amazing implications here the the real potential criminality and there is actual not just misuse of authority here questions but there is a potential criminality in if there was false presentation of
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evidence to the pfizer the secret courts when the f.b.i. investigation was requesting wiretaps on quarter page that's the potential for criminality but it has to be said of course the democrats the neo cons are completely denying they say that things are being taken out of context now they put forward kind of a rebuttal memo headed by adam schiff that's been blocked by the trump ministration that should not be blocked let's let's have all of this out in the open so it isn't just like the g.o.p.'s memo it was scout order and it was checked the democrats. done their homework they it should be put made public as i think it would be it all of the underlying evidence which is clearly not any threat to national security as as as indicated in this memo all the underlying evidence should be unclassified and made public and this is where the hypocrisy of the republicans comes in because
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they just two weeks ago rude know the same flies apart from that mark you know and for democrats republican right to gather and there was no no discussion there was another should know that they had these powers to trump that the democrats say you know is a tire and to put you know a desk but sort the republicans meanwhile are talking about the deep state you know of course is also a threat but they don't have a problem renewing the powers either so there's a bit of hypocrisy on both sides here all the evidence needs to be made available to the public. picture what about the mohler investigation i mean if this is ten percent of the underline in this is according to the g.o.p. it would be fair. what does the rush investigation have two legs to stand on. and those who put him in that place where he is right now are they upset the
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elected president of the united states and they are going to try to do their best to go as he was us and to reach their goal despite all the obstacles to paddy wagon to pick up a lot of people and is it from the fourth floor of the f.b.i. i mean there's a lot of people involved radio i mean one of the really means i'm asking this is that given the media cover that the state is being given here i mean this is a growing confrontation we have documentation people under oath in front of congress during interviews have lied ok and it can't stop right there we you know recent. he is still sitting in his office right now yes if one has to wonder what he's doing in three history of the f.b.i. and other single director of that agency now a single director of the cia or the n.s.a. ever went to prison it's not because they never abused power it's not because they never committed crimes according to the american constitutional american criminal
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code but it's because the power of the exercise in the american society in the american political war there is so overwhelming that they're essentially above the law it's been revealed this time ok we do we've seen behind the curtain here you know this is a growing crisis here because you know there's enough evidence here to put a lot of doubt in this in the let's be clear here i don't want to repeat the same mantra that i keep all the good people at the f.b.i. have nothing more to say that because i don't know what it is they're all they all doing studies show that there is no the interesting thing here this is really again we started out mark you know at the end of the obama administration changing all of those regulations about having access to classified information unmasking and what not i mean this is falling solely on the administration the just left office of the old obama administration to all these people who we're talking about are his appointees ok this is coming to
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a head right there what i may do differ i'm with victor here i think this is an opportunity for trump not that i necessarily like him very much but this would be an opportunity for him to clean house and he may have justification because they are afraid off i mean the local war of course they're terrified of what that water gun. writes about it they're not afraid that people are actually under all they're afraid their breath is none trump may where show it went that meek saw in four or sitting at the justice department and the f.b.i. well actually now and you know you know what you make it very clear here you know something. you know. all the media does is the cast is unbelievable shadow around the president the united states the president the united states can fire anybody he wants in the executive branch and he doesn't need a reason he can do it you know one of the event the media has been trying to deal with getting my kids at me
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a station they have been doing it every day every hour and every minute of their coverage and they're going to continue doing it until they believe that the goal but of course even. in the last few days and the myth that there's a constitutional crisis is possible in the very near future in the united states because of the situation developing now because it's being as you said correctly it's a train wreck i don't know what we have right here you know what's interesting is what we know and what we said who was it who said it was a clapper you know there's six ways to sunday to get you ok i mean these are this those are that's a threat here and so we have and we d.o.j. and the f.b.i. absolutely have resources to defend themselves but you know they're defending themselves against the constitution this is the crisis that i'm talking well of course they see themselves performing it back and i mean that's peter struck all those messages to his girlfriend yes perino ok so the f.b.i. who's officials perjured themselves to the pfizer court in order to get
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a warrant or who are approved then are charging. quarter page papadopoulos with lying about things that actually weren't criminal to begin with but i think there's two details in these documents that really struck out at me they're not pivotal towards criminality but they speak to a wider conspiracy one is bruce or as wife he is working in the attorney general of the money he should with she works for fusing g.p.s. and she works specifically on the line to getting this done. dossier this tabloid sheet presented to the f.b.i. and she continued contacts even after all of this nonsense was over with similarly andrew mckay whose whose name is signatory on all these files documents he is a former f.b.i.
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assistant director who just resigned when all of this came out in the last couple of weeks his wife ran for office region your state senate as a democrat getting seven hundred thousand dollars now lies this is all of course it's ridiculous conflicts of nothing to see that i think usually but i work that it does speak to a wider conspiracy. like the cortlandt from the new york times about all of this the republican assertion that investigative smike of a lot about mr steele is potentially problematic this is nothing compared to a constitutional crisis that may be unleashed by the white house if it decides to fire him your or s. now seems unlikely deputy attorney general holder wasn't your general so when speaking to the f.b.i. with a lawyer it was and wasn't recorded it is what the memory of the. interrogators the york times would never call that problematic who he was afraid to anyway so he
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would have to be court to look at it was similar to if you were for example accused of grand larceny you were that into an interrogation and then to investigate they would find out you could nothing to do with that but in the course of your interview you would see the plant see steerage that you went to the supermarket to buy milk in the check from the supermarket and said you bought orange juice so you lied on that also yes in the grand jury oh. well i mean i also like this against this new news report that they cherry pick facts right the fact that obama in late two thousand and sixteen promised just seven leaders that trump. what will become the president of the united states this elephant is the room in the room is never mentioned right the fact that ninety five percent of the mainstream media support that hillary clinton is now one of the things that we need to find in the rest of the ninety percent here is the the importance of these fines to warrants are
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such a level of importance that one has to assume that the president of the united states was aware during his briefings in the morning i think we're going to find out if he was aware of this here on the on the back end of what you were just saying to go ahead with my prize of the week goes to john mccain john mccain it out of the most desperate of all the desperate attempts to try to or wash over this to try to discredit the memo he said there's only one person that benefits from this memo and we can say it in unison a lot of there proved to you when you were in the oval prize of the week. those are probably going to be the last words of john mccain goes. away from one hundred if you can and speaking of the american service if i think some the whole thing up very well this is from the american conservative former us presidential candidate patrick buchanan trump pater's in the press may be terrified that the memo may
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credibly demonstrate that the poor balls were right that the elite media have been had that they were exploited and used by the deep state that they let their detestation of trump so blind to reality that they've made fools of themselves and they credited with high don't belittle a major conspiracy to overthrow an elected president of the night it's and despite all that came out in the last few days that deep state and private miller and others they will not stop they will attempt to go on they will try to go on and accomplish their goal of removing an elected american president it's not going to be pretty it's going to be even if we don't like it this is. dangerous time to be living in i have you with this situation from a bird so i. think that deep steve and in general you know this i do or would you which is really doing it to states if trump approves of the new clip if he moves towards a nuclear war if he is getting going to jump in they're going to win their dream at
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a time when he thinks and i guess here in moscow and thanks to our viewers who are watching us here on t.v. this is the end of our broadcast segment stay with us to the extended version on our you tube channel see you next time and remember. oh no appetite i mean for conflict is very very low these days and public service much more eager to see economic improvement than they are to. actually get into a fight with a neighbor or or with other powers in the world. running just go with the flow to the best out of the children of. the concepts
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those paying to perform i actually pass myself to die i. don't know said he'd well. sorry trust me. as most of. the snow in home obama stuff. i'm sure. this country was. good. so we'll see. what. was that he could with us to. yes get back to me she also told me she called a couple so kind of b.s. i mean.
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here's what people have been saying about redacted the night with us in the long office of the only show i go out of my way to lunch you know what it is that really packs a punch. yampa is the john oliver of hearty americans do the same we are apparently better than. c. people you've never heard of love jack tonight i'm president of the world bank go take. me seriously send us an e-mail. it. is to. eat and eat eat eat eat. eat eat eat i am a little bit of. good to. the
12:00 am
shocking revelations of the forgotten city of mosul one think toryism is the ration from islamic states now left for dead and in ruins our correspondent and video agency look at the unimaginable chaos in iraq. along following an american received an economy or something since the thing is finished seven months ago on one occasion didn't receive a small box of food no dogs no food nothing. a german court bans the muslim call to prayer after an elderly couple complained their religious beliefs were being violated. plus the government sets up a special unit to combat fake news. outlets.
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