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tv   Going Underground  RT  February 5, 2018 2:30pm-3:01pm EST

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neighboring street all but destroyed the street across. the street over there. it's the same story wherever you look. countless bodies very all this rubble and build what builds how long it will take to get wouldn't. let me show you west mosul now a wasteland the city for all intents and purposes has been erased and there's little or nothing left so it's no surprise people don't want to return and they would rather live in tents on one issue i was really excited to return to my home
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and see it when i see it in this state i wish i'd never come back and hand i feel completely destroyed i don't feel like coming back to this home i've lost all hope of living here after seeing all this devastation. this was iraq's second largest city founded thousands of years ago and it's been a pillar of religion architecture and culture ever since its reconstruction will never be the same if it even happens and its population will be massively diminished official sources the iraqis and the u.s. have all vasili understated the sheer volume of civilians suffering and death a thousand they said investigative journalists put the figure around ten thousand senior health chief in mosul who didn't want to be filmed told us. the
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number much higher. this book alone contains the names of seven thousand dead victims i have four or five of these every day we got two or three more bodies victims of new explosions. so where does iraq even begin and who will help foot the bill the answer is simple if given the choice no one it will take tens of billions of dollars to rebuild mosul alone and there is a more pressing issue to deal with first the bodies the iraqis hoped the u.s. led coalition would help resurrect mosul since its bombing campaign created much of this destruction the americans in bluntly said no we freed you will spend two hundred odd million dollars fixing the pipes but aside from that you are on your own as a call and we are not in the business of nation building or reconstruction we must
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ensure that our respective nations precious and limited resources are devoted to preventing the resurgence of isis and equipping the warring torn communities to take the lead in rebuilding their institutions and returning to stability and the civilians in mosul the desperate and hopeless few that have returned have nothing. to be going to school. not. what else is there to do in mosul. that is. that if. that was. the grim reality in mosul in the wake of the grueling liberation campaign. has requested comments on the situation from a number of rights organizations as well as the u.s. led coalition has humanitarian coordinator for the middle east alexandros join us
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to share his thoughts on mosul's plight. the reality is it's been a very intense battle to get sickly. so it's your postal. now experience it's all very complex to rehabilitate just. the most quake or poison like this a lot of the funding is new is the rehabilitation you're all clearly outlined the bill is very hard angles and i know this was so moving to reduce the national finance standards into place or was it all starts early and starts to increase in the recovery or the such as a whole lot just yours which is what's so for the whole region. which is so by. the u.k. high court has ruled against the extradition of an alleged british hacker to the united states lorelei was accused of carrying out cyber attacks against the f.b.i.
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and nasa among other organizations as well but the u.k.'s lord chief justice said extradition could put the hacktivist life at risk only worker was there she's got the full details when the judge read out the verdict the applause and the celebration from larry love he was so loud that the judge had to remind them all that this was a course of nora not i think here to say exactly very happy scenes of celebration as they walked out holding hands with his girlfriend and his family and he was rushing off to a press conference but we managed to catch him for a few words and very painful. after a very long ordeal that the right result has come and we can exercise the sovereignty of our legal justice system you can have a reason let's play station that you know be treated humanely and if they have engaged in criminal behavior that they will have a portion of sentence and it's very important as well that the recognition of. the effects of having autism and having to question. how somebody be treated by the
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criminal justice system it was very unfortunate the prosecution tried to paint a mental health conditions speeding made up six conviction as come february to contribute to the stigma of people with them so the situation is in. the ministration of criminal justice and also it will be humanitarian accommodation of people whose brains were just released larry love is wanted in the u.s. for charges of cyber hacking is accused of hacking into u.s. government websites the f.b.i. nasa the federal reserve among them stealing huge amounts of data and his extradition had already been approved back in two thousand and sixteen so this appeal is really the last chance saloon his legal team have argued all along that it would be dangerous to extradite him to the u.s. for a number of reasons but mainly because he suffers from ask her just syndrome and he has a depressive illness so he was at
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a high risk of suicide and they worried that the u.s. incarceration system wouldn't look out for his well being couldn't guarantee his safety essentially many of us all remember the case of gary mckinnon he was wanted in the u.s. for a very similar charges hacking charges he has a similar health condition he has autism back in two thousand and twelve reason may when she was still home secretary managed to block his extradition to the u.s. but since then that law has changed and it's no longer the government that has the power to do this but it is the courts the judges that inside here and this was the first real trial run of this new law it seems to have gone in larry loves favor he was very pleased with what happened seeking out here earlier as well and he said that he hopes that his case has set a precedent so that no others have to go through this legal live legal limbo or deal the way that he has i mean this family have always said that he's very happy
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to face the music but they wanted it to. a british and it looks like that british pound is on its way because his legal troubles on tell you that he now faces trial hit in the u.k. opposition to the united states nuclear policy is growing will have a reaction to washington's plans through diversify its on the gospel just after this short break they should. seem wrong why don't we all just don't call. me. yet to stamp out disdain become educated and gain from it equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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with politicians to do something. they put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to be rich. but you're going to be close this is what before three of the more people are. interested always in the water. all come back to the program and washington is facing a growing backlash from the international community over its plans to modernize and diversify its nuclear arsenal both germany and china have now joined russia and iran in condemning the initiative the u.s.
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defense department published its nuclear posture review last week the review asserts that the u.s. sees its nuclear weapons i said the terror and against both nuclear and non-nuclear attacks it also claims that china russia and north korea represent a unique and complex threat to the u.s. as well as its allies but as mentioned some of washington's own partners of raising concerns over the program the decision by the us government in favor of new tactical nuclear weapons shows that the spiral of a new nuclear arms race is already underway as in the times of the cold war we in europe are especially endangered we hope of the united states will abandon its cold war mentality only sleep soon special disarmament responsibilities correctly understand china's strategic intentions and objective leave you china's national defense military buildup. let's go to victor go our director of the china national association of international studies good to have you on the program today. but
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have a difficult one this isn't i mean the u.s. says it needs to upgrade its nuclear capabilities for defense that they're obsolete is that something you accept is that a valid reason. personally i think this is completely mis representation of the situation the united states has the largest the defense budget in the world larger than the next ten countries military budget combined together and it has very obvious military superiority in weapons ending other measurements for the united states to claim that you need to continue to refine and improve its nuclear weapon arsenal as if it needs this as a defense measure is completely inaccurate and is misleading the whole world i think in the world we live in today we need peace we need stability we need development we need to have responsible global countries like the united states for
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example taking up their responsibility rather then spending money more and more saw . developing and improving their nuclear weapons which are eventually a major threat a menace to world peace and stability therefore i think the chinese government has made the right decision to strongly oppose the u.s. government's decision to continue to improve their nuclear weapons well china itself has said that this move by the us signifies a cold war mentality in america so i mean what do you think the reasons off washington pushing for this expansion of nuclear capabilities if it's not simply for self defense. i think ever since president donald trump moved into the white house the u.s. government under his leadership has really demonstrated very irrational and erratic and dangerous behavior including for example lumping d p r k china
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and russia together as if these are the rivals of the adverse there is of the united states as a matter of fact for example of the nuclear weapon program of cannot be resolved peacefully and diplomatically without the four corporation of russia and china together with the united states for example therefore the world would require china the united states and russia to corporate rather there to be a strange deal with each other and prepare for a showdown that's why i think the us president on the troubles demonstrated cold war mentality as if for example arms race is the only way out as if the more weapons you build the more nuclear weapons you possess the more nuclear weapons you refine and develop the better it will be for yourself nuclear weapons eventually may actually destroy human kind as
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a whole therefore for any world war love peace in the world we need to get rid of the cold war mentality we need to reach out towards each other we need to really embrace peace rather than embrace nuclear weapons we don't think nuclear weapons in the hands of d.p. r. k. or in the united states is a good thing the united states need to reduce its nuclear weapon rather than further improve and enhance its nuclear weapon capabilities. oh come back to that question in just a moment mr gold but in terms of who's criticize this move i mean russia china you know they've always had a bit of a history of tension perhaps with the united states to put it mildly but germany and nato ally of the united states of european art being critical of the plans that's shows just how concerning this really is isn't it. indeed i think in my personal judgment any country in the world which really loves peace
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would need to a polls the u.s. disease into further in holes and improve its nuclear weapons because world peace does not need more refined more improved the nuclear weapons developed by the united states the u.s. already is in possession of nuclear warheads which can destroy the whole world their main kind of the whole world their main kind hundreds of times if not thousands of times this is actually a menace towards mankind as a whole therefore i think we need to really engage in diplomacy rather then arms race is specially the nuclear weapons arms race ok thanks so much victor garde director of the china national association of international studies thanks for your insight today on r.t. sir thank you for having me. well outside the headlines for this hour we're back at six pm moscow time for more global news hope to see about where .
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the u.s. is losing into a summer on the climate denying is precluding them from the dissipating of this new economy number one elaborate to the effects of the climate change the weather catastrophes the global you know migrants that are the result of it all this other problems are hurting the u.s. economy on the other side of the trade so you've got a double by. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself in taking your last bang turn. your attitude up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath . but then my feeling started to change you talked about war like it was
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a cave still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our ark and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with death this one different person i speak to now because there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. join me every thursday on the i like simon short and i was reading to get a feel of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then. hey everybody i'm stephen bob. taft hollywood guy usual suspects every proud american first of all i'm just stored in r.v.'s to see this is my buddy max famous
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financial guru well he's a little bit different i'm. going to tell our no no no when those up with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the road to have fun meet everyday americans. and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american people. oh.
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no welcome to sophie and co i'm sophie shevardnadze new sanctions room in the u.s. russia standoff what is a spat mean for the world and is terror an answer to it my guest today is matthew barr as i see a veteran alice and a former national intelligence counsellor. chaos in the middle east a nuclear threat in korea the trade war between russia and the west the world order is being tested on multiple fronts and without a clear by poor a system where sole superpower good what we know all be on the verge of collapse will at leaderless world balance itself and find ways to move forward was a doomed to descend into chaos and anarchy. dr matthew burroughs a cia veteran analyst and a former national in town just. welcome to the show it's really great to have you on our program so matthew the world is no longer split into like during the cold war and clearly u.s. isn't leading the world like it's tried to in the ninety's so she will be bracing
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ourselves for a cast in this new lateral reality chaos maybe a strong word certainly instability because i don't think we have really achieved some sort of equilibrium the u.s. is trying to find a new role for itself other powers as well so why though why it why is it so bad i mean we've had it leaderless world for many centuries before and we were find well that leaderless world had quite a few wars in it and obviously i think you know our own. advertize i mean for conflict is very very low these days and public server much more eager to see economic improvement than they are to.
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actually get into a fight with the neighbor or or with other powers in the world how dolly tile is to current state of u.s. russia relations i mean do you see more a sort of a stability within this confrontation or is it teetering on they are predictable and dangerous it's it certainly is unpredictable i would say. it's potentially dangerous if it keeps. at this low level of of non cooperation. you know we've had differences before but we've also been able to talk to one another and we also add those channels of communication and at the moment even between you know non-governmental bodies there seems to be a very low. low communication between between the two so
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is it a sad as to cold war reroute or even worse in a way well it's worse in the says there isn't that communication i think it is different to the u.s. really sees its peer competitor is china so in some ways you know is not is concerned i i don't share that that belief but is not as concerned about russia they see russia as a declining power and therefore a power that in their minds. we shouldn't have to pay that much attention to so that is a very dangerous situation. donald trump who looked like it could be a blessing for moscow washington relations cheering as companion is now conducting their washing business in an even more adversarial matter than barack obama why
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such a huge turn first well i. i think he is hemmed in with finished yet i mean i am not sure that he has changed his views i mean his views were always that we should be trying to cooperate together but he is a weakened president there's an ongoing investigation as i'm sure you know about whether there was collusion between his campaign and and russian authorities so he can voice and he sort of. argument for better relations but i mean he's the president of the united states who can hammy then if you want to have a good relationship with russia you should have a good relationship with russia doesn't his word mean anything when i'm president is that. i mean this is the definition of a weakened president. you know has congress who is passed
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sanctions almost unanimously he couldn't veto it. and so he asked still by by that legislation and he can actually voice much sentiment for better relations without implicating him him selfie in some sort of conspiracy with russia or collusion with russia can move the russian investigation coupled with possible democratic gains that the twenty eight we term elections and us bring matters to a crisis point and impeachment trial even well. i mean it depends if the democratic party wins both houses because it is it can impeach in the house of representatives so with a majority if it wins a majority after the november elections it could bring in pietschmann proceedings
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but in order to. convict a president. and throw him out of office us have to have a trial in the senate. and it's not clear if the democrats can win the senate. i mean you know bill clinton was impeached as well but he wasn't convicted i think when it comes to it a lot of legislators both on the republican and democratic side may actually hold back from going through particularly with a conviction not so much the impeachment now it's been done against bill clinton so there's a precedent so they were on dail and some progress in syria shows russia and the united states can sit down and tackle global problems successfully if they need arises is this how it's going to be for the foreseeable future sanctions and
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hostility mixed with pragmatic operation. you know that is certainly. i mean it's a step maybe in the right direction where you can get more cooperation on different issues. you know hopefully at some point that cooperation improves there a lot of east shoes like arms control where we need to be talking with one another so yes i mean fully it doesn't stay there and minimal cooperation but moves up so more and more cooperation the u.s. and russia managed to deal with it on issue together and now we have another nuclear crisis with north korea can the two countries go again and set down involved china at the koreans to work things out pull this off one more time.
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it will be it would be easier for the u.s. to deal with russia as part of a group of countries along with china japan south korea and others it is very difficult to at the moment to have those bilateral talks. at least openly and even if you have them behind doors there are so many leaks from this administration that it's very hard to carry on diplomacy. you know with russia without that leaking so yes i think you could see in a. in a broader setting where you have other powers you could actually see improvement in the cooperation and that may build some trust back into the relationship. now during the john kerry years so that the surprise of working on some issues while clashing over others will actually lead to a comprehensive amending the russia u.s.
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relationship but that hasn't materialized why doesn't taylor send continue working this line. well there has been you know a sea change and nobody saw this exactly coming but you know obviously there are dead there are difference here is on the interpretation but most americans believe that there was russian interference in the elections so and they see that as an attack on american values so during the kerry years and even before that during the clinton years there was more of a willingness to in their mind reset relations after they had. deteriorated on one issue or the other host ukraine crisis and certainly. particularly now with with still the investigations on what
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happened in the elections going on it's very hard for tillerson or any or trump as we've discussed to make the case to the american public that we should have better relations now despite the hostility if they americans and the russians so i say why when it came to fighting isis and now the terrorist state is all but defeated i mean should we expect the u.s. to distance itself from problems like syria and play out well. i would say under the trumpet ministration there is been more disengagement. although there are as efforts now in the state department elsewhere to begin thinking about reconstruction in syria i would say in my own mind i think you know both russia and the u.s. have big interests and share big interests. in syria i mean both of
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us don't want to see more instability or terrorism but there is a huge disagreement on tactics you know u.s. is not. making it a condition anymore that assad leaves office but nevertheless there's still strong anti a sawed sentiment all right matthew we're going to take a short break right now and when we're back we'll continue talking with dr. i have that iran analyst and a former national intelligence counselor and we'll talk more about the challenges they today's world order facing stay with us.


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