tv Documentary RT February 6, 2018 12:30am-1:00am EST
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mosul now a wasteland the city for all intents and purposes has been erased and there's little or nothing left so it's no surprise people don't want to return and they would rather live in tents on one issue i was really excited to return to my home and see it when i see it illustrates i wish i'd never combine this with xerox second largest city founded thousands of years ago and it's been a pillar of religion architecture and culture ever since its reconstruction will never be the same if it even happens and its population will be massively diminished official sources the iraqis in the us have all vastly understated the sheer volume of civilian suffering and death a thousand they said investigative journalists put the figure around ten thousand
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a senior health chief in mosul who didn't want to be filmed told us the number is much higher. this book alone contains the names of seven thousand victims i have four or five of these every day we got two or three more bodies victims of new explosions it will take tens of billions of dollars to rebuild mosul alone and there is a more pressing issue to deal with first the bodies the iraqis hoped the u.s. led coalition would help resurrect mosul since its bombing campaign created much of this destruction the americans in turn bluntly said no we freed you will spend two hundred odd million dollars fixing the pipes but aside from that you are on your own as a call ish and we are not in the business of nation building or reconstruction we must ensure that our respective nations precious and limited resources are devoted
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to preventing the resurgence of isis and equipping the warring torn communities to take the lead in rebuilding their institutions and returning to stability and the civilians in mosul the desperate and hopeless few that have returned have nothing she's still hungry are scared of you know she go to school in the cellars and martin what else is there to do in mosul. still a dollar holler questions like did you feel that if she ever thought that if you. now the u.s. vice president will head to the winter olympics in pyongyang chang but not apparently to enjoy the sport according to one of mike pence his aides he wants to prevent north korea from hijacking the games the vice president will point out the reality of the oppression in north korea by a regime as insulators people we will not allow north korea's propaganda to hijack
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the messaging at the olympics. well the vice president's visit was announced in january one day after north korea revealed its plans to send a high level delegation to pyongyang well this follows a recent breakthrough in relations between the two koreas on january the fifteenth they held their first direct talks since twenty fifteen and soon afterwards it was announced north korea would attend the olympic games the two countries agreed to march together under one flag at the opening ceremony for the first time in twelve years and the nelsons us also decided to send one joint women's ice hockey team while in the latest news the leader of north korea's parliament kim yong none will be attending the opening ceremony. for more on this let's now cross to dr simone chan from the korea peace network dr chan thank you very much indeed for joining us well according to an aide to mike pence he wants to remind
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the world that everything the north koreans do at the olympics is just a shiraz i mean how do you expect him to do that. i hope he does and i think that this is. all in big games for players and they're not quite as. restraint from actually going on a very offensive by greece and united states in. new york. and i think really vice president should are the spirit of the olympics and also this extraordinary moment that the two koreas start engagement in little more than two years and and it is truly unfortunate if you think there is too you want to use this sort of political campaign propaganda to to to to criticize north korea so i think you should just embrace the. koreans that is seventy percent according to a thinking into korean talks participation in the olympics contribute to peace and
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also including you know many. politicians and also of world famous leaders and also including vatican ascending the delegation and so i think i hope my parents really respect the spirit of the olympics one of the as you highlighted a yourself and we mentioned earlier some of the signs of progress between the two koreas i mean do you think then that the u.s. is happy about this. you know as is as you know trying to actually supported the korean our participation and unity and but he seems to me that there are divisions within travertine distractions especially hardliners who really want to. have next months of pressure are sanctions and also it's not just a preemptive strike against north korea so i think that there is the vision with india trump a demonstration and hopefully those people who are for peace and engagement policy
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issues should be more proactive and role in this very critical time as you know already u.s. is there that the u.s. sanctions are really having such a horrendous effect on a very innocent people in north korea it is because literally creating intact u.s. you know intention of creating sort of a genocide of the north korean people so i think this is very it's very unfortunate and that we should be aware and more the united states without even. talking about using this olympics as a sort of a critic of the north korean regime or tell it to you know has already quietly lobbying military assets even you know bombers and ships to the north because they share the korean peninsula near the korean peninsula so i think that there is a fear or still is still remaining and this is really truly started time that two koreas trying to go on you know piece of rock that the end of war
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a faster and this is this is typically treats just to strategic time to a halt. or longer in the. woman so i think that really i hope the united states. you know vice president respect the koreans as i go get i point out that what it said was because important think that the the korean unit here during the olympic winter olympic is you know a benefit not. but also the entire world so i really hope that you know my present vice president doesn't really wound this. opportunity and the spirit of didn't believe it that dr someone chon from the korea peace network thank you very much indeed thank you thank you. well there's been a new twist in the trump russia commission claims that story imo it's time to fight .
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appetite i mean for conflict is very very low these days public service much more eager to see economic improvement than they are to. actually get into a fight with a neighbor or or with other powers in the world. but hope to do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and she. want to be preached. to going to the press which is what the four three of them will be good. i'm interested always in the water.
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welcome back some further revelations have emerged on the so-called trunk dosia which describes alleged links between donald trump's campaign team and russia these relate to the author of the document former m i five agent christopher steele and from where he obtained his information so maybe we can reports from washington. mr steele's memorandum states that the report was information that came from a foreign subsume who is in touch with a friend of the clintons it is troubling enough that the clinton campaign funded mr steele's book but that these clinton associates contemporaneously feeding mr steele allegations raises additional concerns about his credibility well according to a newly released document clinton associates were feeding information to
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christopher steele while he was compiling the trump russia dossier or and what is the document exactly well it's a heavily redacted version of the criminal referral against steele that was filed by republican senators chuck grassley and lindsey graham interesting lee enough it exposes coronation between the clinton campaign and the obama administration with the intention of damaging trump and in the document it says it appears that either steel lied or the classified documents contained materially false documents but going back to friday's memo it states that steele's dossier is full of unverified claims about trump's supposed links to russia but most importantly the memo asserts that the f.b.i. didn't reveal the origins of the document and of course both the f.b.i. and the democratic party have claimed that the memo is incomplete and misleading however somewhat legal experts have also said that the f.b.i. was actually under no obligation to reveal the memos origin so let's quickly go back to how this all started a steele was hired back in two thousand and sixteen to find links between trump and russia but according to reports his dossier or was based on unverified allegations
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provided to him by the clinton campaign who was funding steele along with the d.n.c. and then the obama administration to use that dossier to secure a warrant to spy on the trump campaign now it's been revealed that the clinton campaign was not only funding steele but providing him with information well the house intelligence committee has voted unanimously to release the memo so we're just going to have to see how this all plays out. well to discuss this further now joined by political talk show host brian kronk brian thank you very much indeed for waiting well as we just heard it's emerged christopher still was not only being paid by the clintons but was also apparently being fed information by them how could this affect the investigation into so conclusion with russia. well i don't know how it's going to infect infect or affect the investigation but it should affect it greatly because basically you have a opposition research which proves to be propaganda and not even factual
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information that led to the appointment of bob muller to investigate trump for russian collusion that appears not only not to have happened but to have been invented by the democrats paid for by the democrat national committee and the clinton campaign and now they're investigating trump i still think the funniest part about this is they want to say trump well we couldn't find any collusion so it must be obstruction of justice that he fired the former f.b.i. director well what was he obstructing if there was no justice to be served because what they were investigating wasn't even true i think that's laughable well it's also not what happened on monday the house intelligence committee voted to release a concept i democratic memorandum rebutting republican claims against the f.b.i. how do you see this standoff playing out. well this memo i would think about the democrats' trajectory here first of all last week before the pfizer memo was released democrats said oh no we can't do this with we would be devastating to the
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institution of the f.b.i. be devastating to intelligence gathering in america we simply can't release the memo then from friday once the memo was released till today we've heard this was a dud the memo was a nothing burger it didn't mean anything it was just republican opposition to try to save the president so wait a minute first it was going to damage the f.b.i. terribly it was something we could never release it was going to damage our sources and our our contacts and methods then it was nothing and now it deserves a rebuttal of my head spinning how it how does it play out well obviously there's going to be a politically weaponized document forthcoming the white house will likely release that will try to refute what is in the memo that took months to create republicans this things just been in the making for a couple of weeks now by the democrats so that's the first point the second point is it will give the left in our country democrats something to say look all of it
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is untrue and there was from russia collusion that's going to be the narrative that plays out. there as well a bit that brian crabtree political talk show host thank you kittles thank you. now the international olympic committee has rejected the requests of thirteen russian athletes to coaches for invitations to this month's winter games the athletes were recently ruled not to have violated don't pin rules by sports highest court and the i.o.c. still has the power to decide who can compete at the end and takes. we are right the same street procedure after extremely disappointing constitution is up only. repeats. the privilege to be invited requires more than just the existence of a stage. so we have not the right. all the athletes requested
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invitations to compete along with our clean russian competitors under the banner of neutral athletes from russia on thursday the court of arbitration for sport said the i.o.c. is evidence that the twenty eight had taken banned substances was insufficient in twenty eight cases the evidence collected was found to be insufficient to establish that's an untidy looking rule violation was committed by you actually it's concerned with the i.o.c. his decision has infuriated a number of russian officials the prime minister has accused the committee of violating the olympic charter and basic legal principles while a representative of the country's bob sleigh federation described the i.o.c. as puppets and the head of the cross country skiing association warned that a war is beginning sports nurse stuart gilhooly believes politics played a big role in the decision making process. it seems like a very strange way of going about things the the i.o.c.
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should be operating on the basis of the decision the car said made what's the point in having that system if they're not going to adhere to it it does seem to me that political pressure has been brought to bear in this situation it's hard to see. where a sort of a legal reasoning can come come about this decision certainly there's been a huge amount of pressure put on the i.o.c. over the course the last six months or so particularly relation to russian athletes and i think that there are i think there would be such a backlash if they were allowed to compete that maybe the i.o.c. feel that the that there be a lesser backlash if they if they need them out which is of course that's really unfair on the clean athletes involved a seam and of course they are clean well for more on these and plenty of other stories to go to our web site r.t. dot com otherwise i'll be back with the latest headlines at the top of the scene.
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here's what people have been saying about redacted in the night with us exactly just full on awesome the only show i go out of my way to launch you know what it is that really packs a punch. bleep yampa is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same we are apparently better than blue nothings better and see the people you've never heard of love redacted tonight my president of the world bank so they can go right many seriously send us an email. to local walmart selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings produce to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles that still. produce offspring to tell you that but we gossip and tabloid lifestyle for the most important. off advertising tell me you are not cool enough to buy their product. all the hawks that we along with our loved ones.
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with no make this manufacture consent to stick to the public will. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the final merry go round the sun be the one percent. we can all middle of the room six. million more you'll need to. hello and welcome to crossfire or all things considered i'm peter lavelle the memo
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has come and gone but this controversy is far from over the political bias of the deep state has been revealed and the illegal activities exposed if anyone will be held responsible. crosstalk in the memo i'm joined by my guest mark sloboda he's an international affairs and security analyst we also have a cure all leverage is a political analyst as well as a leading expert at the center for actual politics and we have dmitri bobbitt she is a political analyst we spoke nick international our german cross-talk rules in fact that means you can jump in anytime you want i was appreciate we're going to talk about this is kind of a post-mortem here might be a very long when depending on how dense unfold here let me just give real quickly for our viewers here six takeaways most important takeaway from the memo that was recently released by the g.o.p. regarding pfizer war. criminals intelligence committee hillary clinton and the
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d.n.c. hired foreign spy to concoct a fake dossier on from. the clinton campaign in the d.n.c. gave fake dossier to obama d.o.j. an f.b.i. the department of justice and f.b.i. knew that the dossier was fake and politically motivated the department of justice and the f.b.i. present fake dossier to face a court to get trumped wiretap we're talking about a page in this case the d.o.j. in the f.b.i. don't tell the pfizer court that the dossier is fake and from political opponent and the face of court. fraud into ordering wiretapping the trump campaign again quarter page here. this is victor this is devastating ok devastating there is well six smoking guns at the very least and from what i understand this is i hate using the term tip of the iceberg but what. the intelligence community made available through the the white house was approximately ten percent there's
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a lot of underlying evidence that can be released that was based on these six points look at the irony of the situation and the american intelligence community accused russia of interfering in the election process in the united states while in the ality there is not a single fact. there is no beast there is no factual basis for saying that at all russia did nothing to fear the american actions but the american intelligence committee it was a case certainly directly interfered eagerly unconstitutionally interfered in the american political process and this memo outlines parts of that interference not not all of it we know of instances. where they interfered and it shows how what the american intelligence community is playing in the american society and. you know what's really interesting to me when i read the four pages plus the one and a half pages from the you know the white house i have to pat is on the back we've
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basically got it all right yeah basically connecting all of the dots that's what i want to say is actually there's very little new here very little we have been saying it's a combination for a long time it is a partial confirmation because of course the democrats the f.b.i. a whole host of former deep state officials from the liar liar james clapper on down came out and declared that releasing this was a pack of democracy attack on security national security the heavens would fall well i think the u.s. is still there. last time i checked anyway after that you know the interesting thing was and the flip side of what mark is saying is that you know it was a threat to national security it's an affront to our intelligence agency to have law enforcement you know use it used to be the liberals that used to be very you know worried about law enforcement everything is flipped over right now ok but the
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interesting thing is immediately after it was released i don't know if anybody these liberals or c.n.n. or m s n b c actually read it but then they decide it's. nothing to see here move along how could be within one new cycle it was a threat to national security than. nothing to see here i think what we should prevent from happening here is this let's move on attitude prevailing again because we understand where it comes from trump is basically leading the same poll it's just now hillary clinton and obama have been lead and before trump was elected he struck at syria he published this fall nuclear posture review right so he is basically moving the country towards war movement if you mean it was destruction so now they are prepared to let it be and i think that what they're prepared to let it be for a very different reason to picture i mean you have you know the former director of the f.b.i. i mean i watched the hearings he perjured himself repeatedly. and i'm
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sorry let's make sure you know i wonder what mike flynn was he watching or did he read the memo that paul mann afford read the memo to the really die did ok but we have a whole cast of characters at the d.o.j. in the f.b.i. that perjured themselves in front of committees under oath where there's. a you can't you can't walk away from that is what i'm going to do if we're any of our board much director of national intelligence who did it twice. and the other occasion was religious is james called me going to twitter and frankly proclaiming himself a victim. like to the victims of julie mccarthy code me or the rosen stand these are the loving descendants of joel and see. i put the chain can i put the cherry on top ok gentlemen ok headline from the new york times the feeling
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new york times trumps unparalleled war. on a pillar of society law enforcement i mean this is orwellian i mean from what i read of those four pages that there the deep state is that war with the democratically elected government of president of the united states that is the assault that's going on right now this is so duplicitous it is so hypocritical to hitler and one of the biggest accusations is it's starting to undermine americans trust in their intelligence community out of i don't know if my kids need to know all of you out there but i've been doubting our intelligence community since oh the iraq war since the gulf of tonkin. gulf war from the libyan genocide i've you know i mean down to the spanish-american war and. needing ships in fact if i could for a minute about that for intelligence court the family deals with the whole reason
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that we're sending up to the court was to prevent the abuses that the american intelligence community. did in the seventy's in the sixty's in the fifty's so post post with our great america decided to create this act and what do we see now we see that first of will let's go back to how this court functions if we look at that's record of this court last legislative almost every single last ninety nine point three percent seventy nine point eight percent ok this is a secret court that hears secret arguments about how our intelligence community wants to spy on american citizens they approve ninety nine point eight percent of cases brought against it no no negative no credible oversight or it's a rather special court authority it's a rubber stamp secret court and they're spying on american citizens and this is they they bring obviously fraudulent evidence in front of it they look this is the
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important game and we think we know what you're right but i mean let's let's let's let's finish it. thread here they're spying on american citizens a citizen who is working for a political campaign for a presidential candidate i mean this is the this was the whole reason the fires of course were put up to make sure something like this would happen and actually because of the way it was set up we have and we have the rest of them they know how to go around let's be perfectly clear about this they know one of these people seriously believe that carter page or george papadopoulos these bumbling inturn idiots were russian agents this was an attempt to use their bumbling to get intelligence wire taps inside the trump campaign it's true well what i find especially astonishing about this whole story is that feisal warrant was based on a story written by michael isikoff. and why do you want to get the story from the
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facts facts from christopher stevens so the story is that d.n.c. campaign paints a pace christopher steele so that he would dig dirt on trump like heem going to mosque or hotels meeting with prostitutes there sleeping on obama's former badly you know in a hotel there and michael isikoff takes an interview from this guy and then finally decides oh the whole possible fits together that there is a conspiracy against the night that's all you do also know that the face of court was not made aware of the origins and the author of this dossier ok what is not in there also were not told this article that was in the yahoo newsletter was also my suggestion i think i could correct them very easily you know let the fire court just read my stories about russia i think we should say by. the evidence was so should it be that they were in this rubber stamp court one said
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no had to be light to get the word in step back and it's that. we should stress this again this was the evidence put forward to wiretap an american citizen who was working for trump's campaign or had recently stopped working. in the case of of quarter page that when it was renewed that they not only use this dodgy opposition research tabloid scandal news from a foreign spook that the u.s. intelligence community itself says has. minimal. meaning it's its complete you know horse water. but to back it up they used ya who knows story that is talking to the same people reference the same document that the biggest shock to most of us might be that yahoo is still out there and that is it going to find their way michael isikoff has
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a book coming on this very subject i must know i wonder if he's going to have to do you would do if somebody were to actually i'm doing a thing here if he wrote a novel of books on russia on the middle east you know just read his stories on rush and then it was he's an extremely unobjective journalist but i just loved what . so far so warrant mentioned information on george papadopoulos which want to put the opal stroll down australian diplomat in a long time but that the mounties profess connected to russia. really in russia during the clinton well even started a secret police will not accept it you know like you would talk to someone in the london. reportedly in connection to the really bad script elements but if you're gentlemen we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on the memo with our.
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