tv News RT February 6, 2018 9:00pm-9:30pm EST
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to the masses another is no laws for these folks and that's clear anyway so that story stop and we've been covering it for years here is to see f.t.c. and the likes of these guys the o.j. and f.b.i. who were concerned about crypto occurrences and whether or not they're transparent enough and yet here are these allegedly very transparent markets gold silver they were very transparent and to traders that we've interviewed here like angela wire who showed you on screen the spoofing happening and yet people still refuse to believe the transparent spoofing happening and nevertheless so a lot of people have moved into crypto currency because they feel like well perhaps that you know this is a market that is not controlled by u.b.s. and h.s.b.c. and deutsche bank who go golfing with the president and the you know attorney general and therefore always get off from these crimes and never charge with these crimes maybe some. of the like minions the the low guys on the totem pole get
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arrested as in this case in the six traders who were arrested and are being charged criminally in the gold and silver market manipulation so we're moving to this next headline here more than one million people signing up for early access to robin hood's new crypto trading service no fee stock trading app robin-hood announced thursday it was rolling out commission free trading in digital currencies big queen in the theory i'm beginning in february although the service will initially only be available in just five states within one day after that announcement hundreds of thousands of people had indicated they wanted to be notified about early access to crypto currency trading so seventy eight percent of the users of this seventy eight percent are between eighteen and thirty five years old their millennial zx they they want to they're pouring into this app in order to have access to crypto currency trading it's only allowed in california massive. he says missouri montana
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new hampshire first and then a real roll out across the rest of the united states but looks pretty big news you know it's amazing they have over a million and it's just those five states so if robonaut is available in all fifty states who are saying what you know what that would be ten twenty million people would be signing up for this which is an enormous amount of people and cryptocurrency is a really caught the imagination of this generation that is rejecting the old school model of banking and they like the censorship resistance of crypto currency and the individual sovereignty that it brings so this is part of the new generation a lot of people are saying the likes of queen they should be worried because this is a developed app that is already in existence this robin-hood app is what else have been using to trade stocks now they're in its or so it's already something they're using to trade stocks and now they could trade cryptocurrency s. but you know the news in the past week as well has been that this exchange in japan was hacked of some crypto currencies four hundred over four hundred million u.s.
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dollars worth of currency and then these three young guys these three young japanese guys came out and had the press conference and announce that they would give cash on hand back to these people four hundred million dollars or it was is a huge surprise because i hadn't even heard of the exchange we've been around and cryptocurrency sector for a long time and yet they made enough money to four hundred million dollars on hand to reimburse people who had cryptocurrency stolen or i want the other markets capital owners who are five to six hundred billion and that just happened the last few years and they bother a v.c. funded entities that are on the periphery are worth another half a billion to a trillion so there's a lot of cash out there there's a lot of cash out there and then i want to turn to this headline about those same sort of millennial is now pouring in to the stock market it's a tweet amazing retail trading activity is going parabolic explains a lot this is a chart showing trading activity at retail focused brokerages skyrocketing. the
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gray line on top is the s. and p. five hundred but look at that blue line that's going parabolic even more than the market and that's the trade ameritrade and as a percentage of the new york stock exchange trade you see those are all the young kids as a money else especially retail down money pouring into the stock market at all time highs and you know well you know markets go to a subtle testing to see how this generation deals with the correction and we could easily see a fifty percent correction in markets across the board and the bond market looks pretty weak and we'll see how this group deals with that i'm curious to see how they handle it now in the second half we have a tremendous more amount of information to cover so don't go away stay right there we'll be right back after these words.
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i'm here at money field stadium in edinburgh the home of the hall of scottish rugby i'm here to interview a scotland legend doughty wheel a man who fought many great bottles on this puts behind me now he's engaged in the greatest bottle of all his struggle against newborn disease. welcome back to. put up but but hey max in the first half we ended with talking about the robin hood ads in the united states offering to five states within the united states mostly to their clients who are
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a millennial seventy eight percent of them are eighteen to thirty five years old they're signing up in the millions in order to get early access to crypto currency trading so this could see in evolution in the maturation of the cryptocurrency market people are going bonkers for crypto currency in the virtual space but also in the real world this is bleeding over into the real world this is an interesting story that hasn't got much attention in the cryptocurrency world which i suspect means that some of our friends are actually maybe behind this and this is the tesla effect taino industrial park only out of land after seventy four thousand acre sale the tahu reno industrial center billed as the largest industrial park in north america is nearly out of land about seventy four thousand acres which is one hundred fifteen square miles of the park east of sparks nevada was recently sold for about one hundred seventy five million dollars t r i partner broker lance
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gilman said on the vada newsmakers the biggest buyer was block chains l l c they say there's some block chain company they've bought one hundred fifty square miles in nevada right next to the line mosques five billion dollar tesla battery factory what's going on well according to the developers and sellers of this land of the biggest buyer was botching c. which is at the forefront of one of the most revolutionary innovations since the advent of the internet block chain distributor like what i'd be doing with all those less well. according to the developer gilman yeah he says quote locked chains will be a city within itself so right so they're creating a sovereign state within that state is their seceding from the world using their own currency it's going to be in their own world it's going to be block world we don't know nobody knows who these people are behind block chains l.l.c.
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it's a mystery it could just be one of these companies as a block chains to its name in order to add value could just be like but it's a private company it's exactly they're not getting any halo effect there's no bump they're creating a mission within a mission unless it's next to tesla where they get the battery power they're going to go off the power grid to get at their own block chain their own governance it's going to be a nation within a nation what's this is again it's in the bottom of honor and so according to gilman the property developer who sold this hundred fifteen square miles to a company called block chains l.l.c. he said so think of this in terms of residential project that could be four thousand housing units and apartments along with a shopping a full cybernetic community based on the block chain theory and technology they pick up a huge amount of property along the freeway interstate eighty for what i would call freeway visible retail and that would include everything from hotels truck stops to restaurants again all with a blocking technology foundation so ok so that is could be a development of like
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a whole community of all the inputs and outputs the housing shopping health care and obviously nevada have gambling and whatnot so it's going to be an attempt to create a block chain enabled community nation within the state of nevada again it's one hundred percent speculation because all we have is as you can see from this guy he doesn't really know that much about block chain and the fact that he thinks you're going to advertise it along the interstate freeway but i'm thinking it is either somebody trying to. sell flip condos and they think adding blotching to it will add premium just block chain to their name like kodak does or you know long island iced tea as a block chain to their name and their stock price or is it could be something like that or it could be the fact that it is next to tesla it could be a musky is always talking about
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a block chain and bit quick. flame thrower as it could be nevada is a zero percent interest is zero percent income tax state it could be the libertarian sorts who are in nevada already somebody like me or huge as a broadway all these sort of people there are many many thousands of peter mares and of thousands and thousands of people within bitcoin are libertarian sorts perhaps it is a sovereign nation that they're building highlander land in the mata anyway nevertheless i thought it was interesting and started interesting because it means the us government will be challenge from nevada i very much doubt it because even sovereign nations of like navajo nation or soon it look otoh a nation they have no sovereignty even though there can turn around longish and so try to look total silver coin but this is like going to their own mint the nevada you know crypto coin new labor land in the votto next to the textile battery factory can challenge just that
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a reserve bank nevertheless this new sort of world of dreamers from iran must dreaming of these teslas and hyperloop and going to the mars to the open possibility of what you can do with a crypto currency and create a new economy it seems to be driving some sort of investment and movement in the vita and this new world who knows they could be developing at their own city within a city states yes you know many people say that's what the future is a city states we're going back to the city state which would of course make sense if we're in a neo feudal world to have city states. on top of that we have what the west is reverting maybe two city states i want to also call your attention to another story that while we were basking in the sun in miami and los angeles there was another story that happened that also got zero attention in the u.s. media in fact this headline is from the b.b.c. but this is a zero attention in the u.s.
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because of course they're focused on conspiracy theories most of the news here and gossip so china to develop arctic shipping routes opened by global warming china has announced plans to develop shipping lanes through the arctic to become a polar silk route beijing said global warming meant viable shipping routes through the arctic would become increasingly important for international trade as a china would work with russia and other arctic countries to develop the polar route so while china itself kind of stays part from the global warming protocols onto which all other nations sign up. and in the west we have many climate change deniers who are mostly eating tide pods i don't know if that goes hand in hand i don't know which comes first like are you global warming denier first and then you start eating tide pods or was it eating the tide pods
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that caused you to become a global warming denier that maybe mess with your brain circuitry maybe basically what china has done is the opposite of the opium war is they've sent us these type pods probably i'm assuming they're made in china and they did something to it to entice. westerners consume and clearly that's happening and it's part of their initiative to conquer the globe by destroying this entire generation has become addicted now to place type parts and we see this really as a continuation of the jim jones call indiana remember he had everyone drink kool-aid and there was a mass die off here they just create pretty little candy like tide pods full of hallucinogenic carcinogenic chemicals and of course the millenniums find this irresistible because they were grown up on things like teletubbies i remember that t.v. show where it's like a walking type are saying in drivel on t.v.
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but hypnotizing the generation to buy into i phones and other consumer goods that bind them irreparably to the slave mentality of the electronic ghetto and that's really what another type odds are really the drug of the electronic ghetto if you go into any prison system you'll find people getting high on lighter fluid or cleaning fluid or paint chips here this generation that list the electronic ghetto they actually see type as this generation's twinkie you know i had twinkies when i was a kid and that kind of messed us up with the saturated fat and lard and fake. food stuff that that was the synthetic food movement of the era of the seventy's we went not green but spleen were all the food became essentially. so we started the show yeah this story about spoofing in the gold and silver
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futures markets people who cared to look could see it right there on the screen happening was its leaders day it's plain as day a lot of people said it wasn't real regulators said it wasn't real everybody said it wasn't real nothing happened the same thing here you could see the ice melting by the. fact that you could sail a ship through of course russia in the last year or two sailed a ship through for the first time without an ice breaker so you could see with your own two eyes that you could sail through but the same sort of people who compose our economy of tide pod the eating sort of consumers they will say that's not real so let's not look there in the meantime china of course which is denies its role in they never sign up to the sort of global protocols that we're going to call there and yet here we see them bill planning a polar silk road
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a lot of people say can happen can happen cat can happen they're going to eat my cod pod i'm going to eat my tie pod i can do that but yes so what's your point there that in other words there's a climate change deniers and meanwhile there is a polar silk road being built through the melting icecaps so it's obvious that climate change is happening and the world's ecosystem is being irreparably damaged and transformed before our very eyes and the us is losing into a summer one the climate denying is precluding them from the dissipating in this new economy number one and number two the effects of the climate change the weather catastrophes the global you know migrants that are the result of it and all this other problems are hurting the u.s. economy on the other side of the trade so you've got a double bind happening from the myopia that comes with failing to see what's in your fridge and face that the sea levels are rising the ice caps are melting and
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the world economy is changing and it's favoring those that are not blindly to this blind to this kind of what you're saying there that the economy you can deny all you want that manipulation is happening in the futures market you can deny all you want that the ice is literally mel. thing in front of your freaking eyes and the ships are going through with ice breakers and you know if it if you need to i don't know how many types you need to eat to make that's what i thought reality was plucky. plucky i many times was do you need to eat to be a climate denier. to get how many forty seven. has done help has the healthy burger look at this healthy bird time party eating doesn't think that it took useful of them one way one plucky worry about we haven't seen for
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a while. oh my god that is quite a journey oh. well back to china and the arctic polar the silk road china hopes to work with all the parties to build a polish silk road through developing the arctic shipping routes china said in its first official policy paper on the polar region and said every country's right to use the arctic shipping routes should be ensured the new route could take twenty days off the forty eight days it currently takes to get to rotterdam from china via the suez canal so as you see the theme of the show is this notion that you can all the ignoring the proof and evidence ignoring the spoofing in the markets ignoring global warming and ignoring the power and awesomeness of cryptocurrency doesn't make all the development happening in the real world go away people are going to take advantage and seize the opportunity that you decide to ignore while playing
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with plucky or eating thai pods well said every empire kind of crests and then falls apart based on a certain imperial narcissism well that's going to do it for this edition the cars are part of the most geysers days are what i think are good. lucky if you just on twitter at kaiser report and select.
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julian assange she will remain holed up in the ecuadorian embassy in london for the time being after a hearing on one of the rest warrants. for another week. also this hour the u.s. defense secretary calls on congress to. counter the supposed threat from russia and china. and released new. rights watch reveals how drugs are being misused. to. totally dry and you can even talk.
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live with me. thanks for joining us on the program. you may have spent over five years now holed up inside the ecuadorian embassy in london they will need to wait another week to find out whether or rest as being dropped off for hearing in the u.k. it was postponed until february thirteenth. but at the court. it was expected today that a judge would move here outside the court behind me to potentially lift the arrest warrant put in place by british officials in connection to the initial allegations made against julian the songe by swedish officials his legal team has been saying since since those were dropped it's time to drop the arrest warrant however the judge here has decided that at this stage this would not happen quite yet so this was technically the last legal hurdle for julian assange to be able to walk outside the airport or an embassy and not be arrested now there was certainly some
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confusion earlier on in the courtroom where the judge said that at this point she's not persuaded that the arrest warrant should be lifted and up lots of journalists started to publishing headlines that the court had ruled against him and julian assange to want to twitter as he often does to say that this was big news and the hearing was actually continuing because legal team and julian assange himself have said time and time again that what's key and what he fears most is possible extradition to the u.s. let's take a listen mr sound remains willing to answer to british justice in relation to any argument about breaching bail but not to bend the fate of injustice in america. this place appears and has always been about the risk of extradition to the united states and that risk remains real while it's also been made clear that even if at some point a court here in london does decide that julian a songe could potentially walk a free man his concern is some kind of guarantee of free passage again to would
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this potential extradition to the u.s. given that american authorities to see the least earth point on the copy with the work week elites have been doing and have said time and time again that they want to see him on u.s. soil the united states do something to stop mr sausage. right now this guy is a traitor a treasonous and he has broken every law the united states the gut ought to be. i'm not for the death penalty so if i'm not for the death i don't want to do it illegally shoot the son of a wiki leaks walks like a hostile intelligence service and talks like a hostile intelligence service ignorance or misplaced idealism is no longer an acceptable excuse for lionizing these demons julian assange his legal team will continue to battle it out here at the court room in london it's clear that what he in terms of what happens to julian assange will largely depend on any guarantees including from the us that he would not be taken there and this is continuing to be
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a major hurdle despite what happens here in london depending on the decisions that will come possibly as early as next week on february thirteenth of course given the scale of the revelations wiki leaks has published against the u.s. so little wonder many believe washington is keen to get its hands on him for instance we can expose the truth about torture at guantanamo bay as well as damning u.s. military logs on the war in afghanistan and the company also leaked the cia's spying tools as well as this material. sixty sixty. three. this video you can see which show wiki leaks called collateral murder shows just how american helicopters gunning down more than a dozen iraqis more recently of course was the story with the d.n.c. e-mails which has been suggested helped win the u.s. presidential race human rights campaigner peter tatchell believes these revelations
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could easily see a song extra u.s. election experts are telling there's no doubt the. bottom line in the astounded case is the very serious and likely risk that he would be extradited to the united states to face a whole raft of very serious charges including espionage which can in theory carry the death penalty and at the very least he can expect forty years in prison and possibly life imprisonment so it is totally understandable that as a rational human being during the sarge would not wish to step outside the ecuadorian embassy when the risk of arrest and extradition to the u.s. hangs over his head. or british actor larry love who on monday won his fight against extradition to the u.s. visited a sergeant at the embassy the man's accused of carrying out cyber attacks on the f.b.i. as well as nasa and other organizations while we can leaks is also known for publishing
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classified information about american politics and the work of its security services clearly the two men have a lot in common and had plenty to discuss speak to journalists love said he wished the science luck in the case. of course five years holed up inside a small embassy left plenty of time on asar just hands it's a good thing had plenty of friends over to visit.
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thank you. i would on the news the u.s. defense secretary has called on congress to approve a major funding boost for the budget traits accounts of global threats including russia kaleb open. well james mattis the secretary of defense was speaking before the congressional armed services committee in his remarks he talked about how both russia and china were in his view a major threat to the united states because they were updating their nuclear arsenals well russia has reduced only the number of bits accountable strategic nuclear force russia has been modernized in the weapons as well as other nuclear systems. moscow advocates a theory of nuclear escalation for military conflict trying to modernize and
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expanding its already considerable nuclear forces pursuing entirely new nuclear capabilities now these words come from a country that recently updated its nuclear weapons doctrine the us nuclear review was recently released and in the review the united states named russia china iran and north korea as potential threats to the united states they could essentially attack these countries with nuclear weapons in what they deem to be extreme circumstances and that includes a non-nuclear situation later in his remarks before the armed services committee matter is actually talked about increasing the u.s. military budget at this point the united states has the largest military budget of any country in the entire world it's bigger than the top eight other countries combined however james mattis says that it's just not enough this is what he said no strategy can sure vive you pointed out without the funding and insufficient
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funds you know created an over and under resourced military congress must commit both an increase and sustained investment we must be good stewards of the tax dollars and support the budget for our military we need congress to lift the defense spending caps and support the budget for a military no strategy survive without the necessary stable predictable funding if you need more money for weapons one who is better to scare the u.s. public with then russia. a human rights watch report has exposed how drugs a misused in u.s. nursing homes the victim's relatives say strong psychological medicines are used to control residents with dementia the rights group has released some of their testimonies. why are you so sleepy day. when the racine whom he was. totally droned to you couldn't even talk to my mother's name is laura sprinkler she's seventy five years old where we went to see her she wouldn't
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talk. with her eyes she wouldn't do anything she would just sit and stare like she wasn't even there if you have dementia and somebody in a nursing facility doesn't understand what your needs are you could be given an anti-psychotic drug and you end your life not being yourself not being understood and there is no reason that this should happen. according to the study almost one hundred eighty thousand people mostly with dementia are given drugs each week a drugs are often administered without the consent of residents or their relatives or patricia maginnis from the california advocates for nursing home reform told us what that the use of ideas aquatic drugs poses a real threat to the lives of people with dementia at least one hundred seventy nine thousand people every.
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