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tv   Boom Bust  RT  February 8, 2018 3:30am-4:01am EST

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and it's not just fluffy pony there are other crypto barons as well exactly well they're getting in on the game and i'll go into some of the details about how significant this is because right now by the way they're real the only two. chip companies that control a large part of the market are a bit maine and then taiwan's t.s.m. c. so they control out of the chip market in terms of the fastest mining and most efficient mining capacity but here the samsung is getting in and they're like top of the game nobody can compete with them on many different. aspects of a production of semiconductor for example for apple but local media outlets reported that samsung partnered with a chinese bitcoin mining equipment manufacturer last year and finished the development of its chips samsung which operates one of the largest semiconductor as i said manufacturing plants in the world will manufacture and supply cryptocurrency mining equipment to the chinese market first which of course is funny because you
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know it was just announced that china is banning. mining of bitcoin in china south korea saying we're going to provide some mining equipment these chips for china. some people say that again that's just fake news as well that we're or we're misreading the statements coming out of china that china just has there's a problem with the local corrupt officials who are doing deals with between miners getting the taxpayer to finance the electricity for the mining operations and taking all the money themselves so again we don't know really what's going on in that part of the world but right now in the long term samsung plans to expand its my new equipment venture from china to other regions like south korea and japan they have a stronger demand for crypto currency than other countries are the reason they have all this confusion as a national government in various locations still don't even understand what crypto currency is. mining works what bitcoin does and that confusion and that learning
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curve that they haven't bothered to climb leads to a lot of missed policy choices messed up policy choices and it's because of a massive confusion out there so little is known about bitcoin and cryptocurrency is at all levels of government most levels of the go sooner world and even within the crypto community itself probably less than twenty percent of the crypto community even has a basic working knowledge of how the technology works but if we stay with this theme of dystopian philip k. dick sort of novel is it could also be a sort of prisoner's dilemma is this is why there's so much confusion is you know it's like one of those police procedurals where they're going from room to room to try to get the prisoners to you know the bad guys to turn on each other here we're saying like which countries the first to adopt coin or crypto should we be the first if it's all a scam and they're all looking at each other and everybody's moving for incentives or poets that's the allegation so the protocol that's the genie toshi doesn't want
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to take over and anyhow the game theory played out in the summer lol some loans were buying the central banks were buying because the prices don't try to go to a hundred thousand dollars a court and then finally just to put into context what it means in terms of who samsung is samsung has a large scale sophisticated semiconductor manufacturing plants which are capable of matching orders of any size since last year samsung has been the sole supplier of o l e d screens for apple's i phone ten production line because it has been the only company that is able to match the supply needed by apple apple is a mess of billions and competitors at l.g. but nobody is able to match what samsung can do i guess they didn't really need that capacity because apple has not done so well with our i phone ten but samsung is also after this basically going to get into a g.p.u. minor so expanding the market to ordinary investors as well go well if you want to learn more about mining stay tuned for the second half our guest will bring. down.
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across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies to meet the sales with simple song alone even find company elsewhere though they invite private companies to take over their utilities anybody tell us that. allowed for mr garcia got. to go. this is us to quote them out. of more use than bill bill if bill brought up locals are ready to stand up for the basic human right of access to water it's about water but it's also over much more than war it's about the hurt and the redistribution of. purpose. downwards we want our.
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welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to turn to j. p. barrett of mining stuart bad code j.p. welcome thank you all right j.p. we ran into you recently at a at a meet up a bit coin actually the party that anniversary of the genesis block being launched and you're a miner and this is really fascinating to a lot of people is it fair to say you're in your twenty's or early twenty's or fairly young guy. before we talk about your crypto mining operations tell us about how and when you got into cryptocurrency so i got in the crypt when i was a freshman high school kind of got my whole school was going to really small high school got everyone in on crypto eval was trading it you know so i guess most fifteen years old sixteen years old and what so how did you hear about i think it
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was about once i tried buying coins through a wall in mt gox and i was like this is way too complicated and then eventually tech crunch another article came out like ok this stuff is crazy i need to do i want to do this and tell myself you know get the coins and i was like whoa and i have a core and let me see what i can do with it and then from there it's been just a learning process so there is a story a few stories i've been reading teenagers basically getting into crypto and doing rather well and has it changed your view on. the economy or work or at you know you know you're in high school suddenly you're mining currency and you're you're exposed to a whole world of. economics and well how did that affect you you know at that time well let's just say i spent a lot of time focusing on because they went on the rabbit hole like you know a lot of people do and you just keep researching researching a story you learning about how you konami explore you know how the government works how you know what money is and just kind of really learned
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a lot and i was like wow the stuff crazy and started taking with my school and kind of spent a lot time krypto by loved and it was worth every minute of it honestly and at school. no worthier perfect your teachers they were they interested in this and that this kind of filter back up to them to the older well i got a lot of questions about crypto you know as a young kid and they're always like what is this big court stuff a lot of the classmates started joining in on me so we started kind of taking over some of the classes and all the discussions were about to coin and some almost every project i did was about pickle and if i could make it about it so i was kind of the big guy in school so all right cool all right so now when let's talk about the mining so in setting up a crypto mining operation how difficult is it to enter the space. you know as competition for chips it's quite fierce so how difficult now is that they get into mining so right now we've actually seen just the past since january first like an eighty percent rise in graphics card prices so it's been crazy i was trying to get into the space because a lot of money can be made but it's just the biggest thing is like i told mining's
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for anyone anyone can get into it from someone who wants to be a gamer we start a program that you could you know mine cryptocurrency computer and get paid and pay pal but you know we invention shut that down but miners are for anyone from gamers to you know large scale is to show investors it's all about the capital you have an let's anyone play the game it's just the same level returns on your investment it's just you know if it's one hundred dollars or if it's you know ten thousand or one hundred thousand right so you know we hear about the cost of getting into the big play mining now getting quite high and you have institutional players and pools getting together but you're mine across the spectrum all kinds of koans right how do you determine what coing to mine when it comes to asset management for miners is a big thing because you know you're mining cryptocurrency we started money or money you know hundreds of a theorem a day if you have proper asset management and proper portfolio management you're able to you know reserve some of those for later down the line and not sell them all so really it comes down to which koreans you think are going to do the best in the future mining is kind of you know a hedge to getting into crypto it's
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a group of people to get in who have been who don't really believe in because you don't can really understand it's like ok why have physical devices make mean. i can kind of you know get a grasp of what it is also ok so how do you pick let's say there's something like fourteen hundred coins out there and depending on a lot of variations yes some are profitable to mine one day and not the next how does that all work yes so i would go ahead and say that most people most of our customers you know my theory i'm in the cash i'm an arrow those like the big three and you see customers will just mind that and hold it but there's also some people that use you know use nice has and has gone ahead and you know truth is the most powerful coins and automatically sell on place that it's really you know why you're in mining are you in it for the long term unit for holding the coins and just getting them and not selling them if you're selling it for me for profit then you're in a mind something called the most profitable coin and there's websites like what to mine dot com that kind of show you which coins the most profitable but that's which is because you know as difficult to goes down some of these coins in the price are
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pressured up you know the mining rewards are basically in balance that's right dynamic market so let's say how would you describe here grandmother for example she would say j.p. what is mining is it possible to sum that up in a one minute blurb how do you describe it or how funny enough actually my grandma was one of the first we're going to go out in the money with me you know back in the day so i kind of explain to her i was like so mining is this you know it's a new real estate play for people it's like if you want to go ahead and you know you're buying a small mini apartment complex and you're kind of you know getting money from your tenants and each one of these tenants is like you know when you make the queens and the kind of paying you for that so it's kind of you know using that play to explain it to people of kind of payment works in it's just an easy way to explain it it's like a very similar to real estate investment ok that that's maybe too easy yeah oh yeah do you understand mining the words can you just talk to the audience out there what what is what is crypto mining exactly i mean can you break it down what happens so
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yeah i mean in crypto mining you know you're solving you're building a block right and the whole goal is to build the next block in the block chain and you're kind of go to poor. and you know people join these pools in the pools all together and they also you know contribute to get this block i would say you know crypto mining if it's for someone who's never heard of it it's just you're kind of securing the block and kind of using now as recently as like you were the kind of securing the network or the army or the military for this currency you're providing the security you know that's of all the big clones out there of all the if the amount there's no one can you know overtaken have fifty one percent attack or you know overtake the network so it's another way to go about it that you know might helps answer some questions from people who have no idea and you start explaining you know what actually you know the math is in the technical know behind that it's people just they just usually glaze over and forget we're trying we're talking about so well i mean j.p. you're a miner you've made money mining do you yourself or is it really necessary to dive
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into the mathematics to aggressively i mean it's not i don't think it's necessary to do this. there's some people that need to do it and people have done it and you know with a very thankful for them but you know as a businessman you don't really need to understand the technical background of it because all the code is out there it's open source and people have you know vetted it and audit it and looked at it it's really pretty simple now you just kind of plug in your computer and kind of start graphics cards can start mining you know different crypto currency like a theorem or you're a sick man you just plug it in connect to a pool now it's going so there's not really any technical background that you need to have to get into mining now back in the day it was a different story but ok so have you got a pushback from any any the level of authority could be even a school authority or a federal or a state authority or federal government has there been any pushback whatsoever so i mean not really with anyone from schools or you know in school we're talking about here like what are these mining things are running has really started getting on the computers like testing them out on the school computers and they're like oh
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what are you guys doing it's like oh we're just kind of playing around with stuff or using the school yeah let's say you know we all tested they were our laptops you know back in the day ok. i want. the most competitive locations at the moment u.s. china. price per kilowatt is a metric you hear often do you look at that i mean is that what's going on there the energy cost that's the biggest thing when you come to institutional mining is you know when you're deploying millions or tens of millions of dollars for the assets that electricity electricity costs you know years when it comes to electricity cost the price that out you kind of want it could be you want it for four point five two you know five cents per kilowatt we've seen you know pricing down to two cents per kilowatt in some places in the us and it's really just finding it the biggest thing i've seen is the actually the us infrastructure is having a hard time scaling like the actual power structure of a hard time scaling with the demands of these cryptocurrency miners on the some counties in you know in somewhere in the us there were have applications that there's about a thousand megawatts where the power currently just allocated in
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a queue that's for future deployment but you know you're not looking for the these companies are going to be deployed for you know maybe three to five years because of just the time it takes to build the substations and the time it takes to build out the infrastructure to support these cryptocurrency miners so they use a lot of power so where were you going in the your education and career now you've been exposed to something that gives you a look at the energy business the currency business crypto mining business i mean you're in the air down involves a lot of different things suddenly and so you're at the beginning of your career i guess you could say so where's this taking a j.p. word do you think this is all heading for you on your journey so i think for me in my journey i think it's going to kind of walking towards more institutional investors working with them on getting their you know their assets deployed in kind of helping them out that's where i see the you know a lot of the funds moving money is moving more towards you know i think we'll have like you know right now money make your money back in about a year and a half a year to you and a half is conservative very conservative estimate but you know i fancy i think that'll be five to ten years before you make that money back because we're seeing
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what a year and a half a year and a half or an out of what about this is the gratification i like to get like to get the mining started to make money if they want well maybe i'm going to. oh i see you're in a year and a half right as you say your cost of the chips yes you cost so surely but that is a group is that number growing i mean it's been fluctuating you know we've seen i haven't you know six or seven years ago you were mining on your laptop and you know printing bitcoins exactly that was worth nothing. and now you're saying that the cost of the rig what does your company do exactly so you're mining store dot co so what do you do exactly so what we do with its kind of our consumer facing company we're going to manufacture rigs for anyone who's looking to spend you know anywhere between five thousand to one hundred twenty thousand dollars on hardware if i came to you and i said ok up to you could do that for that between five thousand or whatever you're saying but i'm i are why does a kick in for a year more than a year where you make money but you're going to make your principal amount on your
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investment back in basically a year or two and a half so not cash flow positive yet another year year and a half and that's attractive for a lot of folks i mean that's the price a bit quieter crip those were to continue right there in a soft patch you know if they continue to slide obviously that pushes that out further exactly and what's your view on the crypto market price going forward well i'm very interested in a hit ten thousand you know hit twenty almost twenty thousand dollars that's why our crazy you know couple years ago we were like oh we're going to hit a thousand dollars is a big deal but i think you know crypto is growing exponentially you know as i can just as an organization as an organism as a group of people as you know we as a network grows as we see a network effect of you know i'm talking about big corn and that's kind of what i've seen is like you know i talked about decline of bunch of people now they're all coming back to like oh what is this because when you're in a big corner like yes i told you about you know four years ago you should have got in then but you know it's still happening i think there's nobody wanted that million dollars no one everyone wanted it eighteen thousand dollars and that's fine with me you know i think there's still huge value in decline i think we're going to
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see you know higher prices you know maybe we'll hit fifty thousand dollars by the end of next year but you know no one really knows and it's kind of like as interest . sure builds and as more companies start working in the industry says ok so now you're out of high school i guess yeah so i was in college at n.c. state university in raleigh and finally just took off and now i'm working full time on money from your and your fellow post-millennial generation has it changed your world to sell crypto space in a big way i mean i think it has it's given me you know there's a lot of opportunity in this market and it's allowed me to really like you know i always want to be an entrepreneur and kind of take that and be like ok let's run with this and you know really see what we can do and what you know my generation can build in this into the watch and i think watching are going to play a huge part in the tokenization of like assets as we move forward and you know with and just in a virtual world all right well thanks so much for being on the show thanks all right well that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report was made back as i say several i think i guess j.p.
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barrack of mining store dot co if you want to reach us on twitter it's kaiser report and told next time by. two americas to be intensely charged in opposing news narratives to cable news networks reflect these divisions or rather function as triggers intensifying cultural divide also what has happened to journalism is it now profession inhabited by hats in the politically possessed. of a war zone you on the idea that dropping bombs brings to the chickenhawk forcing you to fight the battles. that you talk to try to tell you that the public. doesn't tell you on the cool enough to buy their product.
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that we. will walk. i'm here at money field stadium in edinburgh the home and the heart of scottish rugby i'm here to interview a scotland legend doherty we're a man who fought many great battles on this pitch behind me now is engaged in the greatest battle of all his struggle against motor neuron disease. if. you keep them. on the field.
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can you dance like on a daily guest said it's pretty. rude i think since i called or they still also want to do everything in their view. these net but. it all one. hopes homicide is on the up. if you don't know. but if you take. this you double up on all the. shows that open. up even. in the last fifteen years increasing their release we could call a spontaneous emergent trans global tract of water and it's policy which goes in the opposite direction taking water back into public cap it's only until a few years ago the problem was the only game in town. interest
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to most create position second which. has recently. come up but each year lean. come forth and. in the case of those who know that if you can. get the thank you to the middle if you can make a thought all of these how to make it become piece but it's light. matter strike it's becoming more more. be who highly profitable might be tradeable those people who see everything as something to invest in they want. they want our.
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water is the driving force of life. a scarce natural resource to which one out of ten people on us have no access. to the scarcer it becomes management of it that is who provides water to big cities becomes more significant. for more than half a century this was a domain of private water companies however since two thousand things have begun to change. ninety four cases of this awful fronts and i think that this is quite
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important as a trend especially because france is the kountry that as invented with the proposition as we know it today the country that those would have brought out is a should best. be and yet look at all this on the resource like on. stupid to. heat up your community saw him enough not that i made you eat. biscuits entered this a good dollar. it's just you you have enough because. you know when you buy the origin of a family by going to. have a dish out. and that easy. so do you. live are you separate a party or. the successes to that era are today's french multinational companies veolia and suez two of the world's largest private water corporations.
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who is just. not. the story seen. in. your. local more lessons scenario. this was all cindy looked more. developed morsels or.
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was better but i put it on a college student as well for me to call them what would you have been to call it is. is to assist the tamil. rejected deborah and only be. a fair good libby do you know are you truly left asked. a precaution. or be do you shoot a d.v.d. since you gave me plenty of you very excited about it all that donna shows you that i might buy. to leave it was a trade unionist and veolia when he started to publicly condemn company practices. that cost him his job and led to a long legal battle that ended with him because owner rated and rehired by veolia. shipshewana continuous i don't want them back video eve did you delete my food did
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you mention last year extraordinary something to me on the all maybe demo i think the fuel show's going to get married. if you just go on that. include moon do loop until just a bit more. by like top. it off then it how many ma owns that it would sound it will have a more it's truly wrist astraea liverpool are the neon i phone it. is sassy should pose as physics for around thirty two who put on them on then they get the p.v. chargers on the inside to talk on the ball see
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a little down to postpone i do it courses from. new on up but pretty you see if i don't do a pattern there it is that's when the only person still. out on this when i. close down says all cell could look into four i've watched of one pretty bleak me transit in the biggest story between. gong to that's when i don't know each seed of. the b.s. you know there is a unit out there that bonding with. my new. when he's not on the. poor it was surely.
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in that side one night and that nicest person i know and since i've been there and the only possible guy and mid year. political idea exactly. that is your business good. doofus fun get. this do it in such and this must be done. as a display towards men or men had. between us and sledged. and. now this all does lidy glint to we once lover going to meet him but if it's yes if it's yes it. has a pretty rigid preventives it wouldn't die and i would ask him how much of it can be never chaffed it and does not believe in up the first one out there does
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not believe. for sure it lies at this fair for infant i see. sure why does in their living space and when they shouldn't and wish to put it back to see it all neat militia. kalinda sharma the social democrat m.p. and balance parliament asked for and was granted permission to read the contracts between the state and the two companies. she was led into a windowless room where she wasn't allowed to copy a nothing oh. even bring a pen to take notes. to soak them out. no matter what in public private partnership or traffic. thats is in ma by p.p.p.
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it's all. ready they leave now they can barely managed a new class had to take michigan who was out of power is khamis didn't work then given the easy first problem that undoes have had alley it went on in and she skittish and get high on this she'd skittish uncles when we as indecent to typify trading of conspirators and she's going to just own guy in a disk attacked we'll see how from atlanta i live in and other supplies fuel and gallon they're given a file and i call it back as i can cliche i can tell youngish slow under their scheme can i for tougher entices yon as it is your own prima shift is would it make is there are plenty batter kirlian reason i'm gay in this current year of the nation under name nation or here were incredible can happen nor are these equal.


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