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tv   News  RT  February 8, 2018 8:00am-8:30am EST

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you don't get those. when the children nibble a different that. the newborn will be there when people go couldn't be just any number of years here in drug disguise the least little weakness you'll be closer to shores is worse than two years after you if you were there the first soviet a limpid team of nine hundred fifty two manipulated seeds of mindless concentration camp prisoners and from slime soldiers who still think maybe it is good to leave here with you if you use a much needed in the ship because your worst incidents of the month move through chicago with those that i was a client of this with you if you think video you want to go this is the they should feel pressure will push through personal personal enthusiasm rules so when you do will you help them still moving produced in your other words your words there's your copy of in the book you know if you don't come with.
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the know. i'm completely confused about why a republican administration made a change that was essentially. part of the democratic philosophy i can only think that sound where deep within what they called a deep state in the us treasury there were left leaning bureaucrats it who implemented it as this change to a territory out in a system of taxation without anybody actually being aware of what was going on. i'm here that money field stadium in edinburgh the home in the heart of scottish rugby i'm here to and to be a scotland legend doughty we have a man who fought many great battles on the pitch behind me now he's engaged in the
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greatest bottle of all his struggle against motor neuron disease. so tell us when you when you realized that there was an order saying talk of something couldn't be explained because you've developed motor neuron disease so how did that pose the first to me that possibly i was married nearly two years ago now and today . my heart i'm a daughter on my farm and been a ball those boy and been a farmer you can shake. and with lost a little power and so three months later of this is not very clever it's not healed and my skin started to throw up just a bit of an effect guy because you know you. keep sandy fat so you'd notice the i did. notice just when i got called israel fingers starting with a little bit more and then this was in the way of time where i was fine and so i
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knew there was something up there again just never for one day thought what it ultimately ended up to be so a three month later my skin started twitching and i kind of maybe we're sure here in the deed of i have no you can google. sugar in space travel here the test started. with him indeed there is no official test. see very good through a number of tests to see if this is not what it is so lumbar puncture is quite pain for you go brain scans which can then find anything goes shock therapy. blood. tests and stuff the juice to december just forty months ago an air india was was the issue obviously when you get confirmed. must be an. extraordinary moment to realize it wasn't feels
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a. little you more or less settling your mind that that's what you. might do something else. we'll explain. but i've always taken the. negative side of things so when the rugby i always thought when the team got announced i was going to get dropped so if i was dropped i was expecting that so it would be a shock if i was in the team i was quite delighted i'm back and i was little bit too often touchy. and i want to get you know the and the reason why not in the same was the attitude for. an idea that this is what it was and everything propelled what it was so when i got told it was ok what do you know it's a ticket that someone has given me so let's get on and just try and see if we can try and get something sorted the first people you you tell you be your family it's the board and. toughest to tell the way to
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a family that something really serious it was a difficult there because we could lead and i couldn't find when in the twenty third of december so pre-crisis so we didn't see anything till mid january to everyone because we were at my mum's and my sister's for christmas because mum at the time wasn't very well she had cancer and i'm pleased she still here would seem in one thing and so that didn't really what i want to propel the agony in and things with so we kept it to mid january. told the family just briefly what was going on because it makes life a lot easier. you're not trying to hide so much when you're when you have to go to maybe doctor's visits and stuff and also visit so they were able to cover. eventually we told the way the world went public in general which was which was. possibly to collect payment we thought about it did maybe mid february. this kid was on exams and we didn't want that affect his exams so hence we kept it to june
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so it's been pretty well timetabled because of a great team behind me of trustees. mention they've been very helpful so you say the not just the public. condition but also to to get the foundation going to try and do something do something about it so that's only talk over the family because obviously when you decide to go public with some little means that. the public need a litle interest in your condition it's quite a different thing from handling an illness to feel self and your family so that was a big decision to make it was that it was an easy decision into this and your question every second because when i got diagnosed the professor basically said this is your masses go and see what you've got to do and since then it's been like taking your car and your broken down car into got it and you've got to diagnose the issue and you've got to go and fix it that's been
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a frustrating thing for him indeed the medical profession really been helpful on the drug say to things to try and stop or cure this issue the nazis behind the scene i've been up to fantastic because there is only one drug available and that's really is on the twenty two years ago so the reason mine that's where my frustration is there's been no clinical trials since asco and so the question has to be did you know this this was the case and in those under the clinical trial that might expect a scene that would be as to why more drugs developed as a number of people who suffer from the condition is quite limited it's a real condition and does something is interesting is take the time to get the development. and conditions of delish sale to and that may be great but let it be known this condition go on for a number of years it's not a new condition and that's where my frustration wants which would tell you that there should be
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a public intervention to get the the scientific research going the space is it's a terrible illness and a moment as well and we like to send teams that's ever. who really has him as a certain way spawn and how many people in scotland so there are five hundred i think there are that about and so a small percentage of it and it's a selected group and i was going to quit a few people and i'm quite fortunate as a mention because i have a movie fourteen months to spend with family and friends and have some great experience and great memories people are doing a lot of things for me here so new was on the me another day three months and hundred one days of being told today and he's only thirty eight and two young kids so you've had a a tremendous public when you were on the pitch. and. an extraordinary warm loving emotional. response on the model but tell us how to put it that ditty when you saw just the sights on the
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slides was so let's get minority it was just phenomenal i think it was back to like in a fast competition so quick adrenaline there was a very special team as well but thanks have to be for that to get close and he's been a fantastic support same with these teams in the scotia reunion but same with. behind the scenes it's very difficult to put in words of support and generosity that i received just everybody to mrs smith sending me a little letter to say best wishes big money please people donating quite large sums of money to people coming in the street to see big money love what you do and here's twenty pound towards the foundation and stuff and when everyone's embraced the story to mr lewis to try and get a fix on much telly suddenly action needs to be put what's up secularly up to it there's a there's a couple opponent need at the moment we've just come off the back of a fantastic called the tough until after all done in kelso. macleod and description
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and a much that and it really is quite a lot of money through some old friends who have grown up with and david beard stuart bennett and stephen put it together. but a function they did a lot of support from from people jackie stewart the video footage vicki ross from deacon blue was involved bt upon the whole set up was fantastic it even forward to friends to. support in newcastle of which twelve to twenty all the players what fifty five miles from the haggis to take a decent haggis from jeddah to newcastle and and gallium song still think all but really no no no those that were there which i took it out a walk on the way home and with that there's a lot of things happen can you logan couldn't have done it on their own in london pale awareness and again fund so the funds are building what we've gone and done is sanctioned. review if we had i mean the it's in the world and we've done that as a team to try and pursue a business structure with a media is to see when to find
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a solution and we. professors and the people involved in m. indy think the best ways to go and that's that's the route we're going to propel so so with the funds that's what we've done at the moment said subject is to a video feed jackie is involved in a similar campaign because lady helen has dementia and he's targeting his is a subset tamil clinic and one of the you can eat a medical essentially that says to you looking round a little to see where the cutting edge just reception is in there in the condition yes we're obviously going to teams do not just now but in the back yes and yes i just recently come out from new york last week and got invitation of a lovely guy brian kennedy who's involved as well was involved he was on sale for inviting me costa to see some specialists and with the come back with
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a lot of people who were willing and trying to give and again michael. question always is why why should we need to do that to grow the scottish health. been a seasonal roberson the health of some of the other and it's a piece of the directors of the health service and we have an education i've been putting a lot of my trust into my professor dr oz and at the moment we're we're always coming up against a closed door because again going back to the commonality of being could not thanks to them because the medical board in the n.h.s. the strict rules it's just doing our things to happen but we're not very special situation as a terminal illness and people want to try and some to try something gives a little bit hope and any hope is good hope but at the moment it's not happening here and we've got to go but i'm the fortunate one that's able to get friends and family out to new york to try and look at some new treatment because
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a lot of people who don't have the opportunity are and we need to change the course as a great record until trials for a number of conditions because we have a relatively stable population which we're told trials is one of the but of the. real illnesses you have to have enough people for for the trial but essentially you'd look given the breakthroughs a scope has been responsible for medicine that would be a fantastic thing if we could if we apply our minds to this condition and it's there this is all good people do nothing about good work we just need to move relax who's a bit to try things because myself and our situation require how to do something because the moments know the americans seem to be more up to trying things and getting things to go and as you say when you're facing less conditions then it's the time to play it sometimes a little b. field to take to take a few less and less is probably why i think i could say i'm bringing this some to
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the game to give it a go there is an issue here and i would like is a bottle ahead is like. sculling a big battle big important battle and i'm certainly here for fate and we're going to go there so you and the welsh in uniform arranged a special match for your listeners then in the wheels that's going to be some occasion isn't it really very special and very just carry on and happening came a moment but. i'm looking forward to see the size of the cup it's got big handle from that can represent maybe isn't quite that way and sadness that it's quite nice that this is happening because normally happens when you're not here so quite a second witness it and have a good time being the same time so thanks to both parties for what they're doing and again it goes back to generosity. and support received to to make people aware of this horrific condition because basically it's
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a muscle wasting condition and. debilitating can't do anything for yourself eventually can't eat can't move can't cause. can't breathe even so it's not i'm a sui to the end and this is why we need to just publicise tell our people that we needed help the timeframe a solution or at least a stoppage and with their well still being discussed will be in and all the other people through the world has just been phenomenal person who one day we can find a reason to mobilize lots and lots of people behind to do you know that. every every success it's one last thing you know quaintly duty we're top but everybody appears on the show gets there alex salmond's clear the whiskey of course shot the supply yourself a list of the biggest we have seen that is given to the graphics all bases and support so thank you very much for the thank you very much very nice.
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when we listen to stories such as actors do or do you hear we are lost in all of the personal courage it requires to face dying such an illness started to mark to alex this is the hand he had been dealt and therefore he should get on with the task. the same steely resolve which he displayed on the pitch he will now devote to this his greatest challenge of all. my to feel stadium is famous for a special roar from the stand for the scotland team sorry just forwards from out of hope that the international group which now supports started his battle helps propel humanity forward to finally humble this crippling to see so from all of us here at alex salmon show we hope to see you next week.
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hey everybody i'm stephen barbee. hollywood guy you know suspects every proud american first of all i'm just george bush and r.v.'s to say this is my buddy max famous financial guru well she's a little bit different i thought of going to. enter with no doubt with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the good have fun meet everyday americans. and the start to bridge the gap this is the great american people. across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private
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companies to me to people this is the simple song alone even some company guess what elsewhere they invite private companies to take over their utilities anybody tell us they're all posts. like solicitously got booked but while on the program but because. i've been this is. just because i'm out of your corporate uproar over some more you know i don't but the left bill brought up. locals are ready to stand up for the basic human rights of access to water it's about water but it's also over much water the water it's about to hurt and the redistribution of all our west towards dairy date downwards we want our water. but politicians do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or somehow want to.
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have to go on to be cross that's what before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in the house. guests it. wants.
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holding out. a rebel group.
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a video of children. on the program. if first of worldwide news headlines live here from moscow of course at r.t. international a very warm welcome to you. dozens of russian athletes are still holding out hope of competing in the winter olympics which get underway on friday forty seven of them have appealed to the court of arbitration for sport to overturn an i.o.c. ban and they are now awaiting the ruling among those who are filed appeals are some
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of russia's most celebrated athletes for example six time olympic gold medalist victor on and saw two games champion and township poulan are. now reports from the olympic host city of. for almost two and a half hours the court of arbitration for sport was listening to the russian side which have now left led by their lawyer so these people won't get another chance to give their arguments to the court and now it is all up to the cast members they promised to announce some sort of decision by noon korean time on friday over the phone we came here to defend the caspar listen to our arguments and the decision will be reached within twenty four i was so things won't be decided to with a few hours before the opening ceremony which of course puts extra pressure on the russian athletes on wednesday the secretary general hinted that still their mind to
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be at delay now here we are looking at three scenarios either cas decides to do nothing about the international olympic committee's move not to invite the russian athletes who have never been caught for cheating and without specifying particular reasons for doing that or the court of arbitration for sport chooses to give the green light to the russians and in that case that would be a massive blow for the audio see and that would in turned mean that the international olympic committee discriminated against the russians the third scenario we heard about from an online leak that cannot be confirmed but reports are suggesting that there could be a split decision on the russian athletes i'm standing by here at the temporary home of the court of arbitration for sport and i'll give you any news as soon as it comes out however some athletes whose participation in the winter olympics is not
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in question and now embroiled in controversy as often though we state run broadcaster and published a list of drugs of the norwegian team doctor brought to pyong chang and noted a suspicious amount of assman medicaid. which contains banned substances some six thousand doses that is ten times more ask my drugs than for example what finland has brought to south korea now are norway's anti doping agency has an alcohol didn't investigate into the possible over use of i asked my medication but actually concluded there was no evidence of any wrong doing however the head of the agency admitted that the use of asmer drugs is common practice in norway even when there is no specific diagnosis of asmer the latest revelation comes after the release of a documentary that alleges the existence of an organized doping system of norway's ski federation we spoke to one of the journalists behind the film. the ski
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federation is very angry about this and they don't want to talk about this problem and that's very sad in the region it's more. than a ski federation doping program we can see that forty one percent of the middle east have abnormal blood it means i don't think this is clean competitions we will see there are. doping also in these competitions we've asked the international olympics committee whether it will investigate these doping allegations we are waiting for the reply however a sports lawyer we spoke to told us it's wiring the i.o.c. hasn't publicly commented on this issue. what's interesting is you heard the outcry in the media about these allegations you haven't seen any action by water as it currently stands i don't see there being an investigation which you know is in the
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light of everything we've discovered with regards to the russian doping allegations is troubling everybody where there is a problem should be investigated we need to understand that doping is in fact a global problem is raised by this documentary we need to understand that doping as happened at occurs across the world and that this is not an incident slated to russia that this is a global problem it's a continuing problem and it's something we need to address seriously right now even be the greatest anti-doping experts in the west as a lot of cannot currently detect doping in athletes that's a problem. the u.s. led coalition has conducted as strikes against pro government forces in syria reportedly killing over one hundred u.s. central command described it as a defensive measure. in defense of coalition partner forces the coalition conducted strikes against attack and forces to repel the act of aggression against
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partners engaged in the global coalition's defeat mission the coalition said the alleged the act of aggression targeted the so-called moderate opposition now of course going back to twenty forty nine that the u.s. led calls that assad must go america's focus in syria then shifted to battling eisel however with the terrorists now effectively defeated u.s. officials say the pentagon is preparing to dig in even further. our military policy in syria has not changed our priority remains the defeat of isis whether it's in iraq or in syria that is our intent to defeat isis and not do anything more than that the united states will maintain a military presence in syria focused on ensuring isis cannot reemerge total withdrawal of american personnel at this time would restore assad they continue his brutal treatment against his own people to put its ability to the lack of
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a fundamental commitment to our agreement that is typical of current u.s. diplomacy including the reasons why the americans stay in syria rex tillerson peter he stated that the only goal in syria was the defeat of i so it was now they've got far more ambitious plans for middle east expert a lot you put to him believes the u.s. has shifted its agenda. we started seeing the u.s. more interested in remaining and maintaining power in the us has over seven bases north eastern provinces of. syria are over kurdish militias are in control and it seems that they are preparing and building bases for the long run to stay for much longer than after the defeat lysol. they are in syria to counter the influence of iran and the middle east they are in syria they will not leave before the political solution is reached. up will create some kind of power transition
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with inside syria and this is a very long term goal and a very far goal with no different. timeline and the us is not going to leave and call these political agendas are met and defeating i said was only part of these embers and not all of that. today the body of russian military pilot a fairly powerful be buried in his hometown of. the major died fighting in syria after his plane was shot down by militants commemorations are being held across russia including in the far eastern city of light of austar near where the major was stationed the pilot of the plane supporting felipe off has shared details of their lost communications. his voice remained calm when i'm there off do you get out of this maneuver yes i see that was the commander's reply and then he said so evenly as if it was something ordinary and unimportant i got hit hard the right is
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on fire moving south the lift slowing down too and about twenty seconds later he had it called the search and rescue team then he ordered me to gain altitude of course i didn't do it to leave my commander is the last thing i would do i always tried to have his back during flights and now i had to do it on the ground while he was fighting isis. there and made several attacks to vehicles that were getting closer to the all of the groups where room on touchdown i stayed until the fuel was extremely low i barely made it back to the airfield after the particle shot down he was surrounded by militants and a gun fight ensued and unverified video of what happened later appeared online a warning you may find the following video disturbing. could be heard shouting this is for our lads as he blew up a hand grenade.


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