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tv   Boom Bust  RT  February 8, 2018 7:30pm-8:00pm EST

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thousand doses in fact containing banned substances now that is ten times more drugs than for example neighboring finland took to south korea. the quantity of us medicine that's raised as you might expect a lot of concerns most of them most of these drugs contain substances that are being banned by wada that open watchdog argues that they can enhance an athlete's performance by expanding lung capacity the norwegian anti-doping agency has also admitted that the country has a problem with the over use of aspirin medication it is common practice in norway to occasionally use as a medicine in major elements in the respiratory system even with the diagnosis vastly is not specific or the latest revelation comes after the release of a documentary that alleges the existence of all good eyes doping system and norway ski federation we spoke to one of the journalists behind that film the ski federation is very angry about it and they don't want to talk about this
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problem and that's very sad in the region it's more. than a ski federation doping program we can see that forty one percent of the middle east have normal blood it means i don't think this is clean competitions we will see there are skiers doping also in this competitions we have asked the international olympic committee whether it will investigate such doping allegations we are awaiting a reply however a sports lawyer that we spoke to told us it's worrying the i.o.c. hasn't publicly commented on the issue. what's interesting is you heard the outcry in the media about these allegations you haven't seen any action by wada as it currently stands i don't see there being an investigation which you know is in the light of everything we've discovered with regards to the russian doping allegations is troubling everybody where there is
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a problem should be investigated we need to understand that the doping is in fact a global problem is raised by this documentary we need to understand that doping as happened and occurs across the world and that this is not an incident slated to russia that this is a global problem it's a continuing problem and it's something we need to address seriously right now even the greatest anti-doping experts in the west as a want to cannot currently detect doping in athletes that's a problem. you cheap has found no evidence russia somehow it defeated the u.k. briggs friend of france according to the company's global head of public policy who testified in front of the u.k. house of commons committee. we looked at all advertisements with any connection to russia and they found no evidence of our services being used to interfere in the referendum but we don't look in a survey for the pay for advertising the election but actually the operation of
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channels will go to the films which are which can be linked back to russian agents who have a political purpose a message through the referendum would you be able to do that for us we are happy to cooperate with that investigation so yes yes despite these are endless attempts to accuse russia of brecht's that meddling in this pressure on online platforms to expose any shady business that russia might have been up to yet another revelation this time from you tube that nothing of sort had happened and this indeed as yet another session of the u.k. parliamentary committee inquiring into feek news who this time travel to washington to ask their questions but it has to be said that despite all of their hard work this inquiry has produced no results of substance so far if you remember previously this committee seems to have been sort of left hanging by twitter we found that one percent of the accounts in the dataset were registered in russia could you confirm how many other accounts were being controlled from agencies in russia even if they
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were not registered there we do not have sufficiently strong evidence to enable us to conclusively link them with russia the failure to obtain straight answers is simply increasing concerns about these issues rather than reassuring people well this as google also said they found no evidence of russian meddling in the brics that referendum as well as of course facebook following their investigation having said that they found that russia spent seventy three p. on any kind of post related to brock said regarding campaign financing a u.k. campaign to reverse the briggs's vote has received a hefty boost from u.s. billionaire george soros best for britain has confirmed he donated almost half a million pounds to his foundation. george soros foundations have along with a number of other major donors also made significant contributions to our work indeed through his foundations he has contributed four hundred thousand pounds he's
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funding is one among many sources. as for britain is a pro e.u. lobbying group pushing for a second brags that referendum one of their key ideas is quote lead did not leave the european union the campaign hopes to influence the opinion of the public and politicians on the issue downing street has been quick to react on the matter to resume a spokesperson says that there would be no second referendum as the country had already voted to leave the e.u. local conservative politician paul miller told us that the braggs it process is a matter for the government and the e.u. only this is a british issue it's an issue for the british people anybody from the outside stay outside this is something for us to determine both through the threats at vote and then through the progression of discussions and negotiations that we're conducting with you but you parties and the rest of the british government and the e.u.
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if you want to oppose it well what we call freedom of speech but to have external influence in terms of money from america or influence from the french that strikes me as being. a nose where it shouldn't be. republican lawmakers in the united states are threatening to cut funding to the world health organizations cancer research program after the international agency for research on cancer that that america is most widely used weedkiller made by the angry business giant monsanto probably causes cancer. unsubstantiated claims i or your responsible handling of why should receive any government funding in the future they are disputing the organizations findings regarding its leading herbicide called round up and back in twenty fifteen the international agency for research on cancer concluded that roundups active ingredient life estate could be
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carcinogenic to humans now roundup is made by months santo and it's the world's most widely used weed killer since the seventy's it's been sprayed on corn soybeans a cotton and other crops and republicans believe that the study was flawed and relied on cherry pick science accusing the agency of lack of transparency an anti industry bias they say that it's quite a status designated as carcinogenic it will require manufacturers and retailers to warn workers and consumers and plus it'll increase costs and instill fear in the public some have disagreed with republicans it is important that we review the methods and tactics that industry has used to influence this administration and attack independent scientific organizations like the world health organization's international agency for research on cancer or i would like to say that fundamentally this hearing is about the ability of a public health agency to call a carcinogen a carcinogen even if that carcinogen makes a huge amount of money for powerful corporations according to the center for
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responsive politics monsanto lobbied more than four point three million dollars in twenty seven team the environmental protection agency which is not an international organization concluded that the same ingredient does not cause cancer and i are says that they've been under attack ever since they published their conclusions against life a state at the same time monsanto has been pushing against these findings through several different means and the company is seen as well quite controversial not only in the u.s. but all over the world president micron promised in november that would be banned within three years dineh to clean modified crops have been abandoned. over thirty five different countries but not band of us international organizations have put it that like us it could be hamster as the so these are lawmakers and tensions are quite unclear. the body of military pilot for leap of has been returned to his hometown of verona in western russia and. syria of his plane was
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shot down by militants. the funeral for a major roman filipe of who died tragically fighting in syria takes place here in his hometown of earlier we saw hundreds of people attending the memorial ceremony as family members friends his colleagues people who didn't know him all came to pay their last respects and now the same crowd say here at the cemetery women is to speak to some people who share it with us their memories of mine. and i just wanted to pay my respects to such a strong and brave man. was my close friend he was kind and loved life every minute he was ready to help to support your few such people we remember him forever. it was a very kind very fair person he always smiled a lot not everyone can do what he did you should have a special understanding of and duty just like he did the palace plane was shot down
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on saturday and the northwestern part of syria which is still controlled by the latest incarnation of the terrorist group oh no sra roman tried to stay in the air as long as he could he then managed to a jacket from the airplane only to find himself surrounded by a terrorist the pilot of the plane supporting romance shared the details of their last communications his voice remained calm when i. get out of the movie yes i see them was the commander's reply and then he said so even as if it was something ordinary on the. portland i got hit hard the right is on fire moving south the lift slowing down to about twenty seconds here i did google search and rescue then he ordered me to gain altitude of course i didn't do it to leave my command is the last thing i would do i always tried to have his back during flights
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and now i have to do it on the ground while he was fighting i stood there and made several attacks to vehicles that were getting closer to the olive groves where romance down i stayed until the fuel was extremely low i barely made it back to the airfield roman had waited for the terrorist to get closer to him and only after that he decided to detonate a grenade taking his own life but avoiding capture he even managed to shout this is for our lads what he did that russia's defense ministry released several facts about his life he left a wife and a four year old daughter behind he was an experienced pilot and it was not his first time serving in syria he was part of a dozen successful military operations and he died as a hero fighting terrorist at the age of thirty three pilots bravery hasn't gone unnoticed started we see this letter from a veteran us this man offering support and asking if there's a funds collecting donations for the widow and child we asked the russian armed
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forces if such a fund is being created and waiting for clarification the man who wrote that letter steve solar gave r.t. his thoughts on major phillipe of story he knew what it is characters' war. and he knew what he had to do. any knew he was never going to be captured. that's a decision he had to break. a very hard decision to back but. he did what he had to do the most was a personal decision. he knew what could happen to him he knows what can happen to other troops. and what has happened to his comrades these are very important people to you. and you do most anything for them . even risk your life he had to die like this. here.
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i wonder if i would be brave enough to do what he did he was he was a good bit of a. british newspaper the times as it is the b.b.c. of bias for renting out his t.v. studios to our channel this is how the times describe the situation the b.b.c. is making money by hiring out its studios to r.t. the television channel controlled by moscow the b.b.c.'s dealings prompted damian collins the conservative chairman of the commons media select committee to question the b.b.c.'s ethics the b.b.c. though says that it hires out studios just like other international media independent journalist martin summers sees double standards in the times article. there's a general attack all arty in the political attack in the west they don't like your
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t.v. station because they see it as competition for their own narrative about events of course there is a whole attempt in the west to the legitimize the russian point of view of things one of the strains of the times which is owned by rupert murdoch and of course a lot of print anything it likes takes a particularly hard line for example on briggs it but they say the b.b.c. can't engage in commercial activities on the side which they've been doing for years without any interference whatsoever is not impartial amelie's course an agenda is very different definitely got his views and he uses his media to push those views now in a free society that's acceptable to a certain extent it's a bit cheeky of him to start check attacking other people for expressing their views in a perfectly legitimate fashion and it just shows how twisted the debate about these things in the west is now become. support for women's rights and gender equality is picking up pace online with
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a number of prominent hashtags but when it comes to feminism people can't seem to agree on what's acceptable to say and what is not possible it has more value a feminist if you put on a muslim headscarf or on the contrary if you take it off and even burn it according to the internet it could be either you just have to choose your hash tag there's world hejab day that's the one that promotes women's rights to wear a headscarf it's going big in the u.k. and the u.s. . i hate job has nothing to do with oppression it's a feminist statement but many men and men had to be women this piece of clothing is the very epitome of oppression but then there's also the no hit job movement the one that condemns muslim headscarves as a form of oppression it's especially relevant in iran right now where women are being arrested for costing off their and the anti head jab brigade is outraged.
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i have you know you have to. earn the earn. but if you thought religious dress was a minefield or simply that it doesn't apply to you be aware because language is getting political too in case you won over faith with the new rules using the word mankind is kind of a foe par that's precisely what the canadian prime minister justin trudeau tried to explain to a female journalist who used the word in a question to him little did he know that an even bigger if opar no matter how much of a feminist you are is mansplaining to
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a woman that she shouldn't be using the word mankind but don't worry the internet told him maternal love is the love that's going to change the future of mankind so we're like you to look what we're going to see people kind not necessarily mankind . there's lots of things you can do to be better family says a man but here's a simple one don't interrupt. the. private. part by offering
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people kind. but what about formula one bosses who presumably thought they were acting in an in lightened and pursed weinstein manner when they fired all the grid girls those are the promotional models who traditionally adorn the racetrack there is to support the ban say that being a pit babe object of eyes and sexualizes women but try telling that to the grid girls many of whom are more than upset and trying to think up a new profession i've never had even the slightest hint of feeling exploited. i've wanted to be that i worked hard to get they paid me well to do the job i saw my outfit before i agreed to do it i knew i was wearing i knew what was expected of me the world has gone completely mad. i don't see
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a problem with permission or work at all we all do it by choice and we're not forced into the work and all girls apply for the job it seems these days you can purchase right perhaps all the hashtags could now be replaced with one much less binary one something like freedom to choose you go to fridge choose whether to come back and join me for the latest news headlines in half an hour i hope you will see that. that's geysers financial survival guide liquid those that you can convert music as quite easily. to keep in mind though as it's been to a place. for. fun
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and welcome to worlds apart the publication of panama papers produced a lot of moral arguments but very few legal ones that's because as the marches the authorities may be compelled to deride offshore financing in reality they do little to stop by how much has the discussion about tax avoidance become a distraction from mismanaging money on shore well to discuss that i'm now joined by anthony travers senior partner at an offshore law firm based in the cayman islands one of the world's most popular offshore destinations mr travers it's good
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to talk to you thank you very much for your time morning now you made the point in one of your articles that the reason why the governments especially in europe dislike offshore financing so much is pure jealousy and resentment as you put it it reveals they fear and blow the retreat sites within the e.u. offer any jurisdiction which can demonstrate its successes with valid the imposition of unreasonably high taxation but isn't that high taxation in france in germany. the very thing that allows the cayman islands to do so well no not not really that is a popularly held misconception what the cayman islands dollars is structure international capital flows through vehicles which are formed under its very specific lords into jurisdictions where the markets exist for example the united states united kingdom even europe. china or wherever but it does it in
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a tax efficient way on the understanding that the investments that are made in those jurisdictions will pay tax in accordance with the laws of those jurisdictions it's efficient structuring that is the basis of the cayman island success story well but i'm not suggesting that that became a law islands or any other destination for example in the caribbean i doing anything illegal i'm just asking whether you think they're essentially capitalizing on the inefficiency of others is it just a matter of tax competition for you that they certainly do capitalize on the inefficiency with regard to the ability to create efficient legal structures for onward investment that's the key point the cayman islands has a common law system which is very very well respected and is very attractive to international investors who wish to find a jurisdiction in which they can pool their money for on what investment well let's explore the attractiveness of those investments a little bit because i have
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a few rich friends in france who let's say explored offshore financing and the argument essentially comes down to why should they give away our ports of fifty or even seventy percent of my hard earned money to the government which doesn't sweat equally as much to manage my taxes essentially they make the point that governments in europe tags to cover their own inefficiency is that something that strikes a chord to be of you know not a tool the. what you have to understand is that that is a popularly held misconception anyone in france or any other jurisdiction in the world investing through a cayman island structure will pay tax firstly in the jurisdiction where the investment is made in accordance with the rules over that jurisdiction and secondly they will pay tax in from when the net profit to distribute it to them the purpose of the cayman islands is to provide a a highly functional efficient conduit for the structuring of those pooled
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investments but am i mistaken in thinking that the cayman islands for example would not would also not tax. either he's income or has possession of that income and that by itself for certain benefits but it doesn't offer any tax benefit or tall other than the profits of the investment made in the united states united kingdom china wherever are not tax free times they're certainly taxed once where the profit is made in the market in question and they're certainly taxed a second time when the net profit to distribute it to the investor the point about the cayman islands is it doesn't add a third and unnecessary layer of taxation now at the heart of this whole offshore controversy lies the question of whether one should keep money or pay taxes in the country where that money is earned and obviously believe in
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a globalized economy but the also still even our home countries that home cities that need to be taken care off how do you see the balance between the two well i don't think the cayman islands has any bearing on that question at all. in no way does an investor coming into a cayman island structure avoid tax in his own jurisdiction. what you're talking about is the old school notion of tax evasion but the camera. has full text transparency with most jurisdictions united states united kingdom the european jurisdictions and so there is no tax advantage to investing in the cayman islands and no one is reducing the tax that would otherwise be paid in the jurisdiction of the investor by using a cayman islands but mr travers i think one of the advantages would be the interact taxation model that the cayman islands has been relying on for two hundred years as
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you often point out that many of your speeches and that's a section sensually taxing goods and services rather than taxing people's incomes which obviously gives you. a sudden competitive agile with the majority of countries that tax income and property but i think over the last couple of years and even decades we have been seeing some shift from direct to direct taxation a lower their world that feel partially by globalization is that something that may in the long term or perhaps even medium term undermine the modell that you have benefited from for so much. well i think you have to understand that the indirect taxation model is of no relevance at all to an overseas investor it's only relevant to someone who is resident in the cayman islands and so a resident of the cayman islands pays tax to the cayman islands government by way of indirect taxation that is to say particular stent duties import u.t.s.
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fees of that sort rather than having income or other sorts of tax but that's not a system that oversees invest the benefits from at all however whether it is a more efficient model for other jurisdictions to adopt is a very interesting philosophical question personally i think it is because our indirect system of taxation is highly efficient in terms of revenue collection if you want to get your new b.m.w. into the cayman islands you have to pay forty percent stat import u.-t. to the collector or you don't get your b.m.w. so there's no question of avoiding tax under an indirect system such as the cayman islands applies well i think it came out and. also has a rather well protect if it's not protectionist labor market then it's actually you know has a lot of regulation that tries to shield your people from the i would call it
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exploitative excesses of globalization do you think object countries should do more of that and if they indeed do more of that don't you think that your people will suffer as a result let's break that into two firstly it is absolutely the case you're correct that the cayman islands have a very scraped immigration rules and very strict work permit laws which are protectionist in that they are designed to provide the first opportunity for employment within the cayman islands to cayman islands citizens and residents. so that is absolutely right and indeed that was the model in. in for example europe before the european union arrived now you know it's a very interesting question as to whether that is desirable or not but that is very much a question of protecting the local people from undue competition from non cayman island persons i don't think that's going to change in the foreseeable
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future well interesting speaking about protecting your people from non-citizens the u.s. congress has just scrapped the previous tax system for corporations which allowed companies like apple and microsoft to defer a year's income taxes on foreign earnings and i know that the cayman islands certainly benefited from that deferred taxation regime i used torrie to see that goal i think we can break this into two again the first point is that the tax avoidance of that the apples and the googles of the starbucks. applied to reduce their taxes occurred in europe because you need double tax treaty jurisdictions and there's all the european jurisdictions ireland the netherlands luxembourg the involvement of jurisdictions like the cayman islands which is not a double tax treaty jurisdiction and therefore not involved in that form of tax avoidance is simply that there are maybe one hundred or two hundred subsidiaries
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of the major u.s. corporates which are located in cayman which way use that as the ultimate holding vehicles for the net trading profits of those global u.s. corporations now to the extent that the tax regime has just changed under the tax tax cuts and jobs act two thousand and seventeen. we may find there is no further use for those came and subsidiaries of the major u.s. corporates. and so we may be involved in having a hundred or two hundred companies. no no no longer used in the cayman islands and possibly liquidated by bear in mind that's out of a total of around one hundred thousand so it's a statistically irrelevant.


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