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tv   Cross Talk  RT  February 11, 2018 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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a controversial new law passed in december which we called the marriage equality law which for the first time a lot of sexual couples to marry it was very difficult to get that passed because our political elites were much more conservative than the population it was clear that the population wanted it but certain powerful politicians in the parliament did the very best to to impede it what i did find if i may extend the question a little is i'm probably of jewish origin i'm half irish catholic and have been a jewish by descent i've expected a degree of that to semitism in russia. i didn't encounter it and i was enormously impressed with the jewish museum. i found the presentation of the jewish contribution to russian history and culture right through the years since russia conquered parts of poland in the jewish population of poland and below russia
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became russian citizens that whole story was fascinating i left that museum with the spirit of uplift because i folk this means that russia and its row getting on the path of decent mutually respectful relationship. issues a respectful relationship between russia and israel is not a problem i think they are now a little bit concerned that the personal relationship between putin and benjamin netanyahu is endangering the middle east peace process because everybody's so accommodating towards israel but rather than going into international affairs i want to ask you know specifically about the logic and putin has been in power of on and off for eighteen years and you've just recently speaking at one of the conferences here in russia you said that you wish lie to me if we can and his foreign minister sergey lavrov a long political career is the world needs that was them in moderation even if that's your genuine failing donte think you know the long stay in power i'm
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a in danger of russia in the long run because. the power transition is inevitable one day we all believe this world and. with having one leader even their very popular leader in power for so long don't you think that it will make russia vulnerable more vulnerable when time comes to hand over the keys to the kremlin to somebody else i see what you're getting at and i think you're worried about some sort of personality cult developing around putin especially in the western press by the way not so much in russia but i think also in the western press because much of the western coverage about russia is about putin that's right we we personalize everything and when i gave a lecture in perth i don't know whether it's the you know my website i've got that lecture and i've got the photographs that i put up during the lecture one of them in particular is a pair of photographs the there's an ordinary tass or something new this picture of
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putin's sitting in this disc of his head and shoulders and the next picture is the famous cover of the economist which portrayed putin as a devil it's a photoshop image of exactly that same picture so we demonize putin in that image mr cameron i am so for indigestion i think it's safe to say but that both of us have a. fairly neutral if not positive attitude towards putin of what he has done for this country but. that none of us standing my question still stands don't you think that. you know he too has to think about what russia will be after he's gone absolutely and i think and i talk about this in my book in the chapter about suicide oh i think he's trying to leave. a positive legacy of ideas the idea of the russian wilderness can mirror the idea of. civil is that he
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is actually trying to leave a legacy of a multicultural russia a russia of many of the cities not just to orthodox russia. certainly proper respect for all of the ducks he has in england this respect for the anglican church but not not as the periodic table of the ducks for up the religions and i think he's trying to leave a legacy of multiculturalism and i talk about that quite a lot. he's trying to leave you know thought up this question. what is the russian motherland if you're not if you're not off the books what is the road enough to you and he's trying to help broaden that concept we have to do this in australia too because when i was young australia was basically what i think was sex and now we're i think we're well on the way to being a genuinely multicultural country and in that respect i think russia and australia have a lot in common already well there as you point out then your book many commonalities between russia and australia being the outsider is being territorially expansive
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countries perhaps sometimes struggling to defined who they are but i want to bring you back to the question of blood and putin's and sergey lavrov along political careers because there is now a rumor in moscow that sergey lavrov for example the foreign minister asked for his retirement several times because as much as he i assume lost his job it is quite tiring there was also speculation that logic put in wasn't planning on coming back to power or running for presidency again in two thousand and twelve but the events in libya and the murder of moammar gadhafi the disintegration of libya afterwards made him change his mind i wonder to what extent and western policies are responsible for keeping those perhaps not fully appreciated individuals in power for so long well those two room as you mentioned. may be a conspiracy theorist but i suspect the origins of some of those rumors think this
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is all part of trying to make russia feel weak about. and the information war it's ruthless and ongoing thing against against russian stability but let me come back. what what makes them special i remember even when i was forty seven years ago and certainly in my subsequent twenty five years as a diplomat the smartest people in russian embassies were almost the kind of people now it's no accident that a young ambitious intelligent man like putin growing up in leningrad in fairly tough circumstances looking at his career opportunities as well join the k.g.b. there's nothing sinister about this it was the most cagey business there is that people see if that's what. it was where ambitious people would would gravitate and so it's a mark of it's an ability that he was promoted quickly in the k.g.b. and finished up in east germany at the time of it which i just left it off for
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a friend of mine was a fellow diplomat of lover of the united nations. thirty five forty years ago they worked together in a committee he said lever off was super bright and you know super organized just the professional diplomat you can see that no leverage gives a media conference without notes and he just talks about every issue out of this and gets right gets the language exactly right we have running out of time here and i want to ask quiz and one more question there is a presumption in the west that if putin of were not in the kremlin that russian policy somehow would have been different that russia would be such a big thaw and in the side of the west and i get it from your book. you really chide she showed that russia's decisions recent decisions they comply with certain historical logic that there is certain continuity to decision making in russia if it wasn't put in let's say for alexina vallone comes to power at this year and next
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year do you think the west should expect a dramatically different foreign policy line from russia i don't think there's any chance of developing coming to anybody else i mean any other lady if rigs. later of the communist party kind of power or. the daughter of a totally stopped shot came to power i don't think there'd be huge differences because as you've said there is a professionalism at the competence about the russian administrative class which which would continue well mr cameron we have to leave it there thank you very much for your time and to our viewers please keep the conversation going on our social media pages and i hope to see you again same place same time here on of also part. of.
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tens of billions hundreds of billions probably a trillion dollars of u.s. government subsidies a shot on the energy industry yes government can subsidize mining of big oil or other crypto currencies and put those into the wall it's called american citizens going to each have an automatic wallet tied to this also security account and they can get a daily and weekly or monthly air drop of crypto coins that they can then years to boost the economy with the government can easily do that. about your sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself in taking your last wrong turn. your attitude up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest piece things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each
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breath. but then my feeling started to change you talked about war like it was a cave in still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our ark and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral in the same as one enters my mind it's consumed with death this one quite different i speak to you now because there are no other takers. to the claim that mainstream media has met its maker. it's all to me we have a great story we need to strengthen before the free float world cold and you're better than a legend to keep it so i took the bach. in ninety nine to two that mud qualify for the european championships at the very last
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moment no one believed enough. what we want and i'm hoping to bring some of that waiting spirit to the r.c.c. . recently i had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that peter schmeichel will be on the best fall since my last will call i think the last throes or three. thousand no joke i was only kidding here i called russia. dr. no i left left left more or less ok stuff that's really good that. politicians do something. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. some want. to go on to be press as a white woman for free in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the lives of our. guests in.
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a plate for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch to the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money just kill the narrowness and spend the tribute to the twenty million one player. it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy but great so what chance with. the base is going to. it's in american interests to not see any russians die in terrorist attacks as it is in russian interest to prevent any terrorist attacks in the united states or elsewhere in the world so i don't think there's any dispute on that in congress and i think maybe some of the posturing is frankly political as opposed to substantive
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. a passenger plane with seventy one people on board crash shortly after takeoff from moscow leaving no survivors because of the tragedy is so far unclear. one of the aircraft's black boxes is recovered from the crash site where a massive search operation is ongoing. and in the russian city of course where the plane should have landed distraught relatives grieving the loss of their loved ones. are broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow recapping the week's top stories with our weekly program this is r t international but we start with some
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very sad news from russia playing with sixty five passengers and six a crew members on board has crashed outside moscow shortly after takeoff leaving no survivors. we want. to see it wasn't where it. was a way to help people like her. feel so sorry for her daughter's terribly sad.
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didn't crash. always wanted to be a pilot he loved everything related to flying he was in love with the sky. these are the first images of the crash side that emerged online after the tragedy the footage was apparently shot by locals the plane came down near a village about sixty kilometers southeast of moscow and the plane was heading to or city close to the russian border with kazakhstan it took off from airport in the russian capital four minutes later the plane disappeared from radar investigators say that the crew did not report any irregularities to air traffic control before tragedy struck.


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