tv News RT February 12, 2018 3:00pm-3:31pm EST
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with lawmakers manufactured concern to the public well. when the ruling classes project themselves. in the final merry go round certainly the one. who ignore middle of the room signals. the real news is really the world. washington's political elites chatter endlessly about memos the u.s. continues to deepen its role in the syrian proxy war of course there is no public debate about this and are the two koreas giving peace a chance. i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game and saw. the ball isn't
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only about what happens on the pitch to the funnel school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each of killian erroneous and spending two to twenty million fly a. book it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy but great so what chance with. the base is going to. show the same wrong but all roles just don't call. me alone but you get to stamp out just a constant activity. and gains from it because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground.
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climax keyser one for my guide to financial survival this is fun and it's a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. that's right these has flaws are simply not accountable and we're just adding moons to them. totally destabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get informed watch kaiser.
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now we're back with ca a bachelor and ralf small at larsen former top cia official and a two decade veteran of the agency talking about the spy bureau's rolling today's united states internal and external policy so ralph michael powell has just recently matt had so freshest intelligence verus to protect the american people as he put it so hostile rhetoric threatening sanctions aside russia and the u.s. are still programatic enough to work together on some issues right. well that's right sophia it's really important that professionals in the intelligence business not cease cooperation even at the hardest times we have a long history between the u.s. and russia that goes back in the soviet days of setting aside our most grievous complaints against one another to cooperate in areas like counterterrorism and sometimes on counterintelligence and other issues that impact on both on our bilateral relations and i applaud the recent meeting of the three russian
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intelligence. visits chiefs in washington with director pompei and others i think it's a great move toward to reinforce the idea that we must continue to cooperate in areas of common interest to both countries now obviously the congress is up in arms in american intelligence she was meeting why would the lawmakers big games do this if it does bring tangible results in the fight against terrorism. well i know some people in congress and i interact quite a bit with congress too if you will inform and advise specifically on the areas that we need to talk with one another to continue keeping our country safe both of our countries that's in american interest to not see any russians die in terrorist attacks as it is in russian interest to prevent any terrorist attacks in the united states or elsewhere in the world so i don't think there's any dispute on that in congress and i think maybe some of the posturing is frankly political as
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opposed to substantive i haven't heard anyone say we shouldn't be talking to one another on counterterrorism issues democrats senator chuck schumer has demanded publicly naming everyone who had contact with the russian intelligence delegation and we want that sort of all across the board disclosure being that imaging for the nation. yes i think it sends the wrong message if if i were to talk to senator schumer i would i would certainly urge him not to politicize you talked about politicizing intelligence earlier this would be an example of it if we don't do this cooperation with it but between one another in areas such as. exchanging information and analysis on the terrorist groups and their activity whether it's in syria or around the world in the caucasus in them in the u.s. we should all be fired so we have to have the courage to do that it's in my
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experience of i was involved in the earliest if you will lays on work between the u.s. and russia at the time of the breakup of the soviet union and i don't recall a time when three intelligence chiefs all came together to washington that such as just happen and so i think it is a very positive signal of a desire to do more and i hope both sides can find the strength to do that. this is just a chance for politicians to the louden t.v. friendly blaming spies right and left because on the other hand surely they must care about the actual issues of national security right yes i hope so and i have i have a deep respect for senator schumer and i i quite i would question this based on what i've seen in the media and i hope behind it all it's not a seriously questioning why we would be doing this at this time i would also add that again this is a somewhat unorthodox view for someone like me i'm not
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a believer in applying sanctions to people that are doing their jobs we have a long history of of trying to avoid that sort of politicization of intelligence so i think we try to have to try to find out find a way to deescalate the politicization of intelligence activity it would help again if both sides particularly in this case i would have to put more pressure on the russian side to stop interfering in u.s. domestic affairs with intelligence activity and that would set a better environment to deescalate the rising tensions on a political level that this fact that intelligence committees on capitol hill haven't been briefed about this mean that the administration has no trust in congress. i don't think i would go that far sophia as i think it reflects the very sharp political dividing lines right now in our country and not just between the democrats and republicans but between within the parties
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themselves i think the democrats are struggling to reestablish their identity to decide what hard or wing of the democratic party will move forward into the next election cycles and i think the republican party is there trying to decide how much the president some do some don't it's you know i'm not a true betraying any secrets here so i think there's there are there's conflict and tensions and instabilities within both parties again having watched this for much of my over sixty years i've seen other times in our country when we've seen just as confused and days and we generally emerge out of it stronger than we enter that so i'm overall confident that we'll get out of this phase that we're in stronger than we were before we entered it so one terror attack has already been prevented thanks to the cia and sharing intelligence with moscow and put in has personally thanked the americans for their help in that how does that work with the intelligence agencies and how do you call parade on some matters when there is general mistrust
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and hostility i mean how do you know you not think i think that's a great question and i love that question. yeah well i love the question because it gets back to the heart of what we are what i hope we are and what we strive to be and even on our on the days we don't we don't reach this ethics i would call it of intelligence our basic motto our basic if you will standard is we have a duty to warn we have a duty to warn anybody anywhere in the world if they might their lives might be threatened by terrorist activity and of course in my time at cia working in counterterrorism i personally instructed my officers to analyze and then provide the russian government with information that i believe prevented attacks on russian citizens during my time so i consider that a high one of our best days any time we help one another prevent attacks where people might be killed obviously and so that's that's
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a great story and as we've done before this is just fortunately on this occasion there's a little bit of recognition that it happened and i think that's a good thing so getting there recent pentagon military doctrine shift from the war on terror to great power while great with china and russia given higher priority now means that the cia's anti terror effort will fall to her. i don't think so sophia because terrorism is not going away we fact i'm a little worried right now because every time there's been a relative lull in activity such as we've seen since a little bit of reduction of conflict in syria recently there's been a rebound and then the terrorists every merged in a new form so i'm not in any way believer in the idea that we were past this threat of terrorism i think at the same time the great power rivalry doesn't necessarily imply that we're enemies again or that we're back to a cold war i think in
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a way whether you're that you apply this idea of rivalry to china or russia it's a recognition that both countries should be taken seriously and that their interests are sometimes a threat to the united states but i would describe it more as competition than adversarial. i've heard former cia officials lament the fact that the agency has fewer resources now than sure in the cold war but does new technology like the n.s.a. surveillance mean that fewer people are needed at the agency anyway. i generally am not a person that believes that intelligence resources are insufficient i think we have plenty of resources and we have to be smarter in how we go about things as you as you indicated technology helps leverage we can leverage technology to as afore we call a force multiplier that makes us stronger there are other ways to do it too i don't think numbers is often the way to attack the problem i think we need smart people
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we need people who have the authorities they need the resources they need to do their jobs but i don't think the numbers indicate whether we have enough coverage in other words i believe or the u.s. intelligence community we have some we have sixteen different intelligence and it is within the what we call our intelligence community we have plenty of capability i think where we need to make more efforts is in how we decide what we do and then being more efficient in going about our missions so will the agency have less need for gathering old fashioned cold war style human intelligence like i don't know talking to someone or infiltrating a guerrilla camp control like hacking is dropping on phone conversations intercepting e-mails spying would. replace the human intelligence component. well you're talking to an old school person so i don't feel i need to reform my thinking at this point my life so i'd have to answer you by saying there's always room
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there's been room for thousands of years for old old fashioned espionage spies go back to biblical times and you know as long as there are humans on the earth there's a need to know what our if you will competitors and adversaries are thinking and human spies will never be replaced by cyber or hacking or any other key or drones or any other technology in fact in the one nine hundred ninety s. in my view are the u.s. intelligence can community became too unarmored with what i call national technical means whether that was satellites or other things to replace human intelligence we thought the world had changed after the collapse of the soviet union and it hadn't we're still living in the same world i was born in the one nine hundred fifty four so i believe in answer your question will always going to need understanding of adversaries and even some of our friends plans and intentions because by having that knowledge will make better decisions and i also feel like more technology progresses where typewriters and old fashioned letters are the safest thing out
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there still all as well thank you so much i know that to be right as well jack you're right thank you so much for this interview this wonderful insight always shoot all the best of luck for a talk until ralf mullets larsen two decades cia veteran former moscow station chief about the cia's relationship with the trumpet ministration and its role in today's cow to quote that's it for this initiative so it can cost you next.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest in the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. about your sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself in taking your last bang turn. your attitude up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feeling started to change you talked about war like it was again still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave
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a funeral in the same as one enters my mind it's consumed with death this one quite different i speak to you now because there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. in america a college degree requires a great deal. paying a decade's long debt. and studying so hard it requires a tremendous. going through humiliation to enter an elite society. and parching to death sometimes quite literally. want other true colors of universities in the us. here's what people have been saying about redacted in the neighbor's yard exactly full on awesome well the only show i go out of my way to like really wanted was the really packed upon our own belief yeah because the john oliver of our three america
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is doing the same but we are apparently better than booth nothing better such as a fable you never heard of love redacted the night was the president of the world bank though very. because you write me seriously send us an e-mail. everybody i'm stephen bob taft hollywood guy you suspect every proud american first of all i'm just george washington and r.v. to say this is my buddy max famous financial guru and we're just a little bit different i'm honest. though no one knows up with all the drama happening in our country i'm rude have some fun meet everyday americans. and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american people.
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tens of billions hundreds of billions probably a trillion dollars of u.s. government subsidies a seat on the energy industry yes government can subsidize mining of big oil rather cryptic currencies and put those into while it's called american citizens going to each have an automatic wallet tied to this also security account and they can get a daily weekly or monthly air drop points that they can then years to boost economy with the government and as they did that. i say i. got to cut that that that. cut.
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me out a lot. and i and that. russia is mourning the. seventy one people who died in sunday's plane crash near moscow the jet came down just minutes after takeoff leaving no survivors. locals slowly returned to the syrian city of rock out of the one defacto capital of islamic state which is now left with no clean water or infrastructure but it seems to be a shortfall when it comes to voting the bill for reconstruction. and russian athletes grandstand second imagine at the winter olympics to south korea taking silver in their figure skating with canada getting gold and the u.s. coming bird but some athletes have criticized the russians medal willing medal
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winning performance and. a warm welcome you're watching r.t. international with me here airing. rush's morning seventy one people killed in an air crash on sunday the regional passenger plane went down minutes after taking off from moscow there are no survivors it's now been over twenty four hours that since the crash and we're learning more about the passengers on board the ill fated plane was one grieving mother who lost her only son in the tragedy so she couldn't believe it when the news first came through. i. don't work. week. i was the anchor.
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of a little bit but. this woman and her daughter were also on board now dia the youngest victim was just five years old ileus dobzhansky also caught the flight it was his thirty third birthday he was on his way home to celebrate with family. yes a minority is that the world. is a lot of the middle schoolers matter of course.
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don't think you can see. them for tuesday just cut it off to the world of the not the issue which. say you have. to survive years just. a. normal. the flight's final seconds were captured by a security camera thought to be installed on nearby house the crash is visible of the top of the picture followed by
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a powerful explosion you can also see black smoke rising investigators have confirmed that the plane exploded on impact and not in the air a large scale recovery operation was launched on sunday involving hundreds of emergency service workers and vehicles but it's been extremely difficult to find a breed due to the weather conditions in moscow more downstairs reports. well it's nearing its conclusion just twenty four hours since it started i was here yesterday just when the trucks were coming in when the rescuers were being bussed in of course the crash site itself is still still out of bounds it's cordoned off by police and no one is being led near in order to not to be the operation itself but out of the thirty square hector's that the plane and debris from it landed in about twenty five have been search zone you have
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a little bit left until they've comb the entire area of course they said before that you know there are hundreds and hundreds of rescuers involved dozens and dozens of different vehicles they even brought in equipment to melt the snow because that has been more than one of the major problems over the last two weeks moscow has seen a huge amount of huge amount of snow and obviously the roots are being cleared but it's it's out in the fields and it's very deep and that has complicated the entire operation nevertheless we are now nearing nearing the conclusion both black boxes have been found and most of the bodies have been recovered from what rescuers have told us see these getting dark though so it might slow things a little bit but we are being told that there is a conclusion coming soon. radar stations recorded the erratically flight path of
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the plane a wasted on state of nearly ten thousand made to it before federally plunging to one and a half thousand after regaining height apparently plummeted once again and then disappeared completely from the radar the last time it was seen on screens was it nine hundred meters well the plane was a russian made antonov one for eight and by saratov lines it had been in operation for eight years the airline is now being in. vesta guided by the will for its east but the company claims it carried out all of the necessary technical maintenance however this particular plane was previously involved in several safety incidents including engine and fuselage problems with the investigation underway we talked to aviation experts about the possible causes of the crash like to extend my thoughts and prayers to all the families of the passengers and crew and the airline staff in the wake of this tragedy the weather is probably the primary factor that depends
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a lot on the rate of the snowfall or precipitation and how long the airplane had been sitting on the ground collecting all that material the fact that the airplane became airborne inclined to six thousand feet tells me that probably the airplane was in pretty good shape at the time of the takeoff we're dealing with great great tragedy there are common protocols for an investigation the structural integrity of the aircraft the fuselage the engines and so on then you look at various energies who watches whether we're talking god electrical systems power for the engines things the fact. that the train car really. external to in the aircraft and then lastly we have to look at human issues. nearly four months off to his liberation from islamic state paper from the syrian city of raka slowly returning to what's left of their homes but many buildings in this city
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remain riddled with land mines and booby traps and locals say they've been left to take on the reconstruction by themselves. was still a thirty year we were forced to leave our homes because when we return we found everything we just rubble and look at all the devastation rock is a ghost city by the minute we're living in the midst of destruction we feel completely abandoned everything around has been destroyed. life years or the city lives in rubble have to be to remove the debris with all money there's no running water so we have to buy in. the us coalition cause the destruction of records and has a responsibility to rebuild the city we need to help with restoring the water
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supply in clearing the rubble. i found a man on the streets near my house my friend and i tried to detonate it from a distance but it didn't go on we thought the mind didn't work and walked towards it exploded my friend was killed i survived the human rights watch has called for international support in clearing the rubble and the mining raca is there's almost five hundred civilians were injured in the three months after liberation and many were killed and its reports the organization also highlighted the growing risk of more civilians being killed as people returned to the devastated city. across the border in iraq civilians are also struggling to rebuild their homes with the country's second largest city almost completely reduced to rubble mosul was liberated by the u.s. led coalition under rocket forces back in july after months of fierce fighting and
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as strikes some forty thousand homes need to be rebuilt or repaired the cording to the u.n. the government says it needs some eighty eight billion dollars in reconstruction funds for areas devastated by war as some that it aims to raise that occur across britain this to say underway in kuwait however the u.s. which is expected to attend says it has no plans to contribute money do u.s. government make you announce your times of usual because i'm not aware of any announcements that we will be making and i can tell you overall. over the past few years we have spent the united states government has one point seven billion dollars in humanitarian aid in iraq alone after the conference the pakistan institute for conflict and security studies thinks that there's a high risk of a new insurgency if iraq is not rebuilt quickly but the sunni population are already there them are going to live by the the shell.
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