tv Documentary RT February 12, 2018 11:30pm-12:00am EST
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we're living in the midst of destruction we feel completely abandoned everything around has been destroyed or a human rights watch has called for international support in clearing the rubble and the demining rocka says almost five hundred civilians were injured in the three months after the liberation and many were killed in its report the organization also highlighted the growing risk of more civilians being killed as people return to the devastated city who are counterterrorism program director of human rights watch spoke to us on the group's findings. just describe to you what i saw in iraq residents are very desperate to go and check on their home and because of the high risk and because of the few working offered to these for many young men you can go to a couple of ground in the city and who are about fifty dollars you can hire people to go to your house. you know but also.
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run and so war this is at a time when you know they're not trained to do this it's very dangerous and many other countries. need to provide more support what sort of support. to be more you might be equipment more funding and increase in number of the miners and third of the increase in the treating the. residents of the mining while there have been some anybody ever heard either direct. by the mining or going to see she's funded by the international coalition or through training this is not sufficient compared to the need and local residents are desperate for more support for the. u.s. homeland security department has slammed n.b.c. news over what it calls a misleading report on russian election meddling we will discuss it live after a short break.
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tens of billions hundreds of billions probably a trillion dollars of u.s. government subsidies a shot on the energy industry yes government can subsidize mining of big brother crept up currencies and put those into a wall it's called american citizens give each have an automatic wallet tied to the social security account and they can get a daily or my. airdrop crypto courts that they can then years to boost the economy with the government can easily do that.
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are welcome back you are watching r t international now on monday the u.s. department of homeland security pushed back against an n.b.c. news report on russia's alleged role in the two thousand and sixteen presidential elections calling it misleading the report claims that a top trump official found that russian hackers quote successfully penetrated the u.s. election systems american joins us live with details on this story. thanks for being with us here on r.g.p. international so how did n.b.c. get itself into trouble. well the department of homeland security like you said
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has discredited the report which claimed that russians hacked into voter registration rolls prior to the two thousand and sixteen election now in a statement jeanette man for the department's chief security official said that quote recent n.b.c. n.b.c. reporting has misread that represented facts and confuse the public with regard to the department of homeland security's efforts to combat election hacking but in the report n.b.c. interviewed man for a and all she said was that twenty one states were somehow targeted but then the article was actually titled russians penetrated the us voter system which according to man for a statement she found incredibly misleading now man for also offered an assurance that is that the department of homeland security along with the state and local officials will continue to secure the nation's election systems but so yet another russian myth but still the u.s.
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it refuses to let go of this idea that russia hacked the election so how many more times will this have to happen before you know somehow built it mitt that russia never had the election so nobody knows and neither do i to be honest i don't use american there for us from the united states for more on this i'm joined by dave perkins a radio talk show host and political commentator always a pleasure to have you with us here on our two international thanks john so and b c news drew on an exclusive interview with the department's chief cyber security official bud homeland security then says that they didn't kill or accurately report her words so is n.b.c. deliberately trying to push an agenda or a narrative here. one hundred percent absolutely true not just n.b.c. but almost all the mainstream media in america this is something i find really hard to make people understand because it's so outlandish but it's absolutely true the media is doing their best with there's non-story this hoax with no evidence because
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it's literally all they have going now they've invested an awful lot in it over the last year and a half and they're going to keep on going and finally they thought they had n.b.c. thought they had an administration official they could quote as having provided evidence which is what has been outrageously lacking this whole time that the russia trumped collusion story was true they thought the da just person had said something sufficiently like evidence that they could cite her and of course what happened in. the misquoted the wrong government official who has a spine and stood up for herself and what she actually said versus what they said she said and again we are left with absolutely no evidence which hasn't stopped them at all before and won't stop them now she asked the lady that was on before me asked how long will this go on how many times will they keep saying it the answer is at least until the next election in two thousand and eighteen where they intend to have trump coming into the midterms with
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a damaged reputation from all this investigating and if not all the way through two thousand and twenty where they hope they can make sure he doesn't get reelected this is literally political propaganda that the mainstream media has taken the side of the democrats and they are determined to wound if they are unable to kill at least to injure donald trump sufficiently politically that he fails from here on out and i don't know what could be better evidence she said it in your noticing it you're asking me about it the whole world is scratching their heads and wondering why the american media continues with this story the answer is they hate trump they want him out it's a story that was made up by the way to explain why hillary lost when they all predicted with ninety five percent accuracy they said that she would win they had. explainable to cheating they couldn't explain that by admitting that the american people chose the other guy so kind of picking up on some of the you said there is he said she said they said that he said that she said this. gets all confusing
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after a while but if you go to the report itself it claims that twenty one states were targeted but only a small number were actually successfully penetrated yet homeland security says no votes were actually changed why do you think n.b.c. continues to push this narrative russian interference given that information because it sounds like evidence they're speaking to people who aren't really paying much attention the vast majority of american people just sort of skim over the headlines and just hear a few seconds of the news while they're busy eating dinner with their families or what have you and the effort is to present a problem as ongoing and building and more information coming to light and so forth when if you analyze it the way you and i are analyzing it there's no more information coming to light none of the true there's no evidence not a single vote was changed they say somehow the russians had a small amount of success and some small way but it was a success because they weren't able to change any votes it's not hard to see that nothing happened this is as the democrats are over fond of saying hey nothing
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burger there's no evidence they thought there's da just statement could be interpreted as evidence so they cited it as evidence and it made the da just lady angry because she says she didn't say that and i believe her when all right dave is interesting to hear thoughts dave bargains radio talk show host and political commentator thanks for being with us here on our to international. thank you john appreciate it. all right. by rushing the athletes have won there are second to medal at the winter olympics in south korea a silver in team figure skating with canada taking gold and the u.s. bronze fifteen year old alina who's debuting at the olympics took first place in the free skate section to ensure an overall second place finish but it fell athlete not actually competing was far from complimentary on her twitter account a twenty six year old american figure skater ashley wagner accused the russian teen
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of killing time in her program and condemned her tactics which she reserved her jumps for the second half of her team those remarks have sparked a furious reaction online i personally disagree that this wasn't the program it matches the belly of relatively well maybe you're just jealous you can't compete with that stamina and those jumping passes your face looks a big green with envy it's just your envy you can't jump like that in the second half and even in the first we've got reaction from russian coaches on wagner's comments who told us it's points that win prizes actually a good little. but actually wagner has done a lot. she's an outstanding athlete the rules for the competitions have changed and it's like accounting is simply two points it's not about beauty but i you know to win this doesn't need to do what i mean as a day to put their social position as well as the competitive side there's also the social aspect to the olympics with most nations hosting their own hospitality
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houses russia isn't officially represented at the games rather olympic athletes from russia because of a disputed doping investigation but there is still a corner of trying chang and feels very much russian as are trying to go as been finding out. as usual there are all kinds of national houses at the olympics and young chang the likes of the hall and house near the coast the countries like austria and switzerland naturally settled a bit higher in the mountains and since team russia doesn't officially exist here the traditional russian house doesn't either or isn't that immature or sca. to make sure russian fans have a home in korea it took a few tricks after all the i.o.c. must be respected the place is called the sports house obviously you find wide blue
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and red in the design but never specifically and the recognizable pattern like here's white and black in between what could appear to be flag stripes no official russian symbols the mentors because i haven't become official right other than that pure i ration fun and spirit. among the attractions here are these hockey jersey from every year at the olympics that russia has long goals but on this one from nine hundred ninety two like here in korea you won't find the letters russia or the u.s.s.r.
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i'll go ask the guests if they know why or why did russia compete under a neutral flag at the olympics twenty six years ago and see the money goes on oh boy you see these was increased. and i don't know sorry. i don't know i got some clues for years countries take turns with that well hey look i respect you know i always see since i was in school you know i know i think it's. funny i meant i getting older thank god ten isn't the same reason. that. told me that i don't think so no i think it's. the third with russia looks just establishes a country so be unique fluffs russia was just established as a country that's when the soviet union. had its break up so neutral flags weren't always down to the i.o.c.
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sanctions. if you drink go r t. the wife of donald trump a junior was hospitalized on monday after she opened an envelope with an unknown white powder inside the envelope was addressed to vanessa trump's husband upon opening the letter she called nine one one as a precaution was taken to a hospital along with two other people the substance was later confirmed to be non-hazardous an investigation is currently underway. meanwhile wiki leaks founder julian assange says that he also received an envelope containing an unidentified white powder last tuesday he said he did it over to the police at ecuador's london embassy and claimed that the letter came from the u.s. . well that does it for me i will be back in about thirty five minutes with a full look at your news you are watching our two international to have you with us .
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while washington's political elites chatter endlessly about memos the u.s. continues to deepen its role in the syrian proxy war of course there is no public debate about this and are the two koreas giving peace a chance. to show its seemed wrong. but all roles just don't call. me world yet to shape out this day comes to attitude and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart when we choose to look for common ground .
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if you are going. to lose. yourself and you're doing it look at his or her. clothes. she chooses including. all of you good missteps in. the past. to get the degree which will get them their dream job young americans no longer hesitate to put their health at stake is the first day of term on the columbia campus one of the most prestigious universities in the world more than eighty nobel prize winners have either study to torture you. just as in many other ivy league american schools some students take drugs to boost their academic results thanks to
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unfit to mean deliberative so they could study through the night without showing any signs of tiredness i did my friend say did. break you're going to love me and there are hours to meet you. in the united states the study drugs have become a public health issue more than a third of american students take them regularly. go to columbia thanks to an exam she took under the influence of infection. to avoid a disciplinary action she will hide her identity i didn't have any expectations of getting in the essay i wrote was a hot a biography five pages i ended up taking a ph d. in medicine it just it puts you. in a mental space where you can focus entirely why not take a pill if everyone else is doing it to give you that compared to vouch that you
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haven't heard of her. uppingham that she got hold of very easily. a friend of mine prescription for a concert and he gave it to us for free probably down like a dozen times or so. and you will see how these pills are almost sold us over the counter drugs on campus. we walk through the streets around new york university with a hidden camera. after twenty minutes of searching become across this student we'll call him josh. seriously. believe. it. just doesn't seem to be shocked we ask him if he can soldiers out. friends. like. people like. the student got to three scription from a fairly unobservant doctor. i mean it's easy. to.
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lose so josh deals the twenty five milligrams that he doesn't use and sell. after a few minutes of negotiation he lets us buy one of his pills ten dollars for thirty milligrams of amphetamines you can't do that so they'd hear you. know that. ten percent of students who take drugs become addicted. to lunch fats is very familiar with this phenomena of journalists at the new york times he was one of the first people to raise the alarm. but i have to succeed i have to get in may i have to get into the best law school i have to be in the cream of the problem if average is no longer acceptable we're all in very big trouble among the most fragile students these pills can cause violence elucidations and suicidal thoughts. despite the risks
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a real traffic of these trucks has developed over the internet. this classified ad site well known by americans has dozens of office full study trucks. to attract students these miracle pills have even been renamed study aids. in order to get hold of them a simple phone call will do. what. i mean. good the police have been looking at these new internet delist book quite some time. oktober two thousand and twelve operation dot com led to the arrest of twenty one new yorkers who were operating on this site. among them a student at n.y.u. . the aim of the authorities is to break up any traffic where doctors may be involved. on campus the addresses of the specialists being exchanged illicitly we
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went to interview one of them. when it was not the psychiatrist you know what is it you know before i take a test or something and i pretend to be a student who is having difficulties. so here's a loop. that said exactly. no no health scan no verification of my student status instead of any medical examination he just hands me a sheet. with. this and do you have problems organizing yourself or concentrating do you have memory problems you know that this questionnaire put together by the world health organization helps diagnose attention deficit disorders among adults. it to also works as a medical guarantee for this doctor is that you will be able to. read your report
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but there's. so the root of the root of the origin of this and yeah exactly this with what goals was. to protect himself from any possible prosecution the psychiatry's made to sign a disclaimer. that would support for ok daughters the court as it was. in two thousand and nine almost six million prescriptions like this were issued to young americans every month in four years this figure has more than double good to succeed other students hedge their bets on another system of co-working which has stood the test of time. back at the university of kentucky. these great victorian like buildings are home to the famous fraternity house on the front of each building week letters identify them. ronald reagan george w.
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bush steven spielberg mark zuckerberg all of them have been through these exclusively male secret brotherhoods. although they encourage support loyalty and integration as a code of conduct many americans consider them as violent and sectarian. after a few weeks of negotiations some of them allowed us to film them. it's rush week the week for selecting new members and tonight it's operation charm at the sigma alpha epsilon house. so the only just so good to see you the aim to find future flatmates for this brand new house located in the heart of campus inside there's a fireplace a club armchair paintings of the former alumni you could almost forget their students live here only a tire store is or of any real change of. air tonight the fraternity will only be
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crew deed. city's best pedigrees. graham has been an essay member since two thousand and ten he knows the selection ritual well. for the house event so there is an event. we started a short history. there you go. the atmosphere is rather relaxed everybody's trying to make a good impression you're going to take away the house in a couple of guys together although you. could fool their candidates the first visit is only the beginning of a long process selection hazing initiations to get a place here they will have to get through what are sometimes violent challenges but not tonight discouraging the contenders is out of the question their attack is still focused on the competing for turn a tease for how far down the street their goal in this new house it's going to feel like one hundred square feet here in ours just to be bigger than ours but they're doing it like a two million dollar west budgets are struggling here to fraternities operate with
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huge budgets entry for the sposi students cost between one thousand to three thousand euros a year. the wealth of these fraternities is mainly gifted to them by former members it's you know kind of like a a sweet almost for two people but. benefactors who will become sponsors of the students once graduated found this is a fraternity's main strength building a professional network radio in jordan there. is a presence around it's kind of his role model. these fraternities are mainly hotel white anglo-saxon americans. it's a great way of continuing a system of the elite and privileges spencer the town they are a very bad place to hang out if. this student in the red shirt gets a slightly warmer welcome spencer is a different kind of candidate to be at this. hour. when you're that idealists i
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give a big head. you know. you know it's. right there at the s.a.e. house spencer is already a little at home. his place in the house is reserved it's a family heirloom. here. very secure. you prefer. their preferences. or its territory. at the university of kentucky twenty five fraternities shared the campus and the pick of the students quite apart from their parent teaches him they also indulge in fierce competition in terms of parties and alcohol. lots of both. for and this is what gives a fraternity its reputation these nights of heavy drinking at the end of the
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afternoon and of on a campus delta sigma fi house has already started to coffee we need more pitchers. delta saying this is your channel twenty two he's organizing the feeling he's in charge of the fraternity social life his mission for the days to motivate those who are choosing the new members and they begin by going over the classics. a series on great joys. was a game best of the met is best says i i i knew that it was yes there was a. place for turning he gets a rally here and we chant this song and yeah y'all russian pournelle oh. yeah but it's welcome like well well you know how it's good. for these much over. i have only one objective tonight the brothers for life who i
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would push the money to if there was enough by a good five rise was even though i thought i would go forward because. aside from the camaraderie the fraternities also have another purpose to enable their members to meet go. this is mary gearin she's about to make out with two balls. their favorite targets aren't waitresses but sorority students the female equivalent to fraternities on campus. of the new nine pm in the delta said to have the parties in full swing. it was a monk the thirty was so excited goes we see luciano delta six party guy. he's come on a scouting mission. was our doing. thank you thank
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you thank you was. to be on campus fraternities and sororities form a single community one big dating club the students from good families where anything goes. thank you was that what happens here stays here was thank you god thank you thank you i normally it's the fraternities that host the sorority so that these young ladies don't have to pay each fraternity member contributes two hundred dollars perturb it is all done to encourage making connections our time for the frat parties it's all free how i how i'd cooperate that's like the only guys who really is a shares are you hearing us or are you pretty much only talk to her right.
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