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tv   Boom Bust  RT  February 13, 2018 1:30am-2:01am EST

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obviously this isn't the first instance of fake news regarding russia there have been rumors floating around that russia influenced the braggs it though and the us has been accusing the kremlin of interfering in the twenty sixteen presidential election for over a year and a half now now the british government's been busy trying to link russia to the briggs it folk but even you tube has gone on record saying that there's been no proof of that sort and across the pond the us has been searching relentlessly for anything to pin hillary's loss on russia so this is just yet another russian interference and it successfully debunked but the u.s. establishment refuses to let go of this idea that russia supposedly hacked the election so i have to ask how many more times will this have to happen until they finally admit that there was no you know magical russian meddling earlier we talked to dave perkins radio talk show host and political commentator who thinks it is all part of a campaign against the u.s. president. what people fail to understand in the rest of the world i think even americans are just now beginning to fully understand it is that the media here are
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no longer about broadcasting or journalism or even making money the media's sole purpose as they play out every day on television is to get rid of donald trump and what their problem has been with this russia collusion story so far is because obviously it isn't true there's no evidence for it and here there's d.h. as homeland security lady has said something that sounded like evidence of like testimony by an official that the russians did in fact interfere with the election so what happened was in d.c. you have misquoted the wrong public official she got the spine and she stood up for herself and said that's not what i said so eighteen months and counting the russia trump investigation continues to be presented as a serious matter even though there's absolutely no evidence for it and in in my world when there's no evidence for something it means it didn't happen. in the united states and south korea are expecting a growing this connect in their policies over reproach with the north south korea
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has announced its plans to improve ties with north korea by reducing our very tensions and by leaning reunions for granted and what we have been divided since the korean war it's now been followed the visit of a north korean delegation including kim jong un sr comparing chang for the opening of the olympic games this visit also saw an invitation from kim for the south korean president. to visit pyongyang u.s. on the other hand is still committed to a policy of maximum pressure on north korea. earlier we discussed this issue with eric's iraq and human rights attorney and co-founder of lawyers for peace and demilitarization in korea he thinks that it is time for the u.s. to support the south and its peace efforts with its neighbors. we have to find common ground to move forward and not be stuck in this old cold war rhetoric will that cause
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a problem between the us and seoul yes potentially because the us has been wanting to dictate the policy the us still since the korean war ended in one nine hundred fifty three have wartime authority to declare a war or stop a war and negotiate that way over the south koreans and so it really becomes a question of sovereignty for peace and who's going to suffer if war breaks out on the peninsula and it's very clear that the people who are going to suffer are most are going to be the people on both sides of the border in korea and i think that we have the best opportunity yet with this progressive lawyer who's now the president of south korea stepping up and i think we're we as americans we in the international community have to step in and support him so that the u.s. doesn't use its economic leverage for example to put a squeeze on plans that could lead to peace. u.s.
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president trump wants a lot more money for the military and his newly released budget but other items may see cuts that story much more after a short break you are watching our two international. you know. what these.
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few friends. are welcome back you are watching our national president donald trump has unveiled his new budget plan and it's expected to add another one trillion dollars to the federal deficit the proposal calls for a large increase in defense spending while slashing money allocated to other programs proposes earmarking one hundred sixty five billion for the military with only around one hundred thirty billion set aside for domestic matters possibly
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signaling a priority shift towards national security for example the much talked about border wall with mexico will get five billion more than a program to fight the nation's opioid crisis at the same time as budget may get almost twenty billion dollars in funding space is cool and that is five hundred million more than last year we spoke to former cia officer philip giraldi who thinks the u.s. president has misplaced priorities. the united states spends more than the next eight countries in the world on on the military and it spends far more than any other country by far more than russia or china or any other country so it's a bit of a mystery why mr trump believes that. the military is. weak. it seems to me that he is getting bad advice from his generals most particularly general mattis at the defense department and i think that is causing the problem
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he's been convinced by by the generals that this money is needed by the military to keep america safe that is an opinion that i think it's faults and i think that donald trump and probably not be convinced on this unless there is a an economic crash like there was in two thousand and eight which will mean that there won't be any money to give for the workers. the labor party in the u.k. is facing claims of discrimination the party says that straight white men will not be allowed to attend its conference for equality which will be held next month for women the disabled and members of the l g b t community earlier are to u.k. asked a social activist and a fund raising director to weigh in on the controversy. it's quite ironic that a conference that's focusing on discriminated groups. has now the focus has now
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become about people who are in who are in a dominant position is that a lot of what has your males not only. you know what is it for males have got the lowest the most underperforming. compulsory education under the least right and there's no higher education but not only that it's more that they need for to hear what these people are facing and hear what the solutions to the problems are going to be so that they can help contribute themselves there's obviously a feeling amongst those with the lived experience that they need a space where they can discuss things that pertain to their and their demographic and then share with the world about how to make the world a better place the reason that discriminated groups are recognized as needing a space is because there is an imbalance there's an imbalance in politics if you look it's not representative the representative for your group should be voted for by your group white males should not be included in the. voting present
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but it's about the discussions and all the things that are going to go on around the conference i think it's really important everybody to be included in and for everybody to be able to for. nearly four months after it's a liberation from islamic state people from the syrian city of rock are slowly returning to what is left of their homes but many buildings in the city remain riddled with land mines and booby traps and locals say they have been left to take on the reconstruction by themselves. was still a thirty year we were forced to leave our homes because of ice and when we returned we found everything we could use to rubble and look at all the devastation the wreck is a ghost city and i mean that when living in the midst of destruction we feel completely abandoned everything around has been destroyed.
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life years horrible this is the lies and rubble that have to be to remove the debris with all money there's no running water so we have to buy in. the us coalition of course the destruction of records and has a responsibility to rebuild the city we need to help with restoring the water supply in clearing the rubble. i. found a man on the streets near my house my friend and i tried to detonate it from a distance but it didn't go well we thought the mind didn't work and work towards it exploded my friend was killed i survived. already human rights watch has called for international support in clearing the rubble and the demining raka it says almost five hundred civilians were injured in the three months after the liberation
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and many were killed and its report organization also highlighted the growing risk of more civilians being killed as people returned to the devastated city. counterterrorism program director at human rights watch spoke to us on the group's fighting. i think you just described to you what i saw in iraq residents are very desperate from their home homes and because of the high risk and because of the few working offered to these primitive young men you can go to a couple of ground that's in the city and who are about fifty dollars you can hire people to go to your house. you know but also well and. run and so war this is at a time when you know they're not trained to do this it's very dangerous but us and many other countries. they need to provide more support what sort of support. to be more you might be equipment more funding and an increase in number of the miners
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and greatly increase in to treating the. residents of the mining while there have been some mighty efforts to wreck. the mining we're going to say she's funded by the international coalition or through training this is not sufficient compared to the elite and local residents are desperate for more support for the. russian athletes have won their second medal at the winter olympics in south korea a silver in team figure skating with canada taking gold and the u.s. bronze fifteen year old. who's debuting at the olympics took first place in the free skate section to ensure an overall second place finish but a fellow athlete not actually competing was far from complimentary on her twitter account twenty six year old american figure skater ashley wagner accused of the russian teen of killing time in her program and condemned her tactics in which she
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reserved her jobs for the second half of the routine and those remarks have sparked if your reaction online. i personally disagree that this wasn't the program it matches the belly of relatively well maybe you're just jealous you can't compete with that stamina and those jumping passes your face looks a big green with envy it's just your envy you can't jump like that in the second half and even in the first we've got reaction from russian coaches on wagner's comments who told us it is point that actually wins prizes. ashley wagner has done a lot for figure skating she's an outstanding athlete the rules for the competitions have changed and it's like accounting we simply need to points it's not about beauty that i do not have to win you need to do what alina is a good of a day to day. as well as the competitive side there's also the social aspects to the olympics with most nations hosting their own hospitality houses russia isn't
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officially represented at the games rather olympic athletes from russia because of a disputed doping investigation but there is still a corner of crime chang and feels very much russian as are trying to has been finding out. as usual there are all kinds of national houses at the olympics and young chang the likes of the hole and house near the coast the countries like austria and switzerland naturally settled a bit higher in the mountains and since team russia doesn't officially exist here the traditional russian house doesn't either or isn't that immature or sca. to make sure russian fans have a home in korea it took a few tricks after all the i.o.c. must be respected the place is called the sports house obviously you'll find wide
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blue and red in the design but never specifically and the recognizable pattern like here white and black in between what could appear to be flag stripes no official russian symbols the mentors because i haven't become official right other than that pure i ration fun and spirit. among the attractions here are these hockey jersey shore from every year at the alleged banks that russia long goals but this one from nine hundred ninety two like here in korea you won't find the letters russia or the u.s.s.r. i'll go ask the guests if they know why why did russia compete under
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a neutral flag at the olympics twenty six years ago and saying nothing i don't know all the boys see believe. it was increase. i don't know sorry i don't know and if i got some clues for you countries take turns with a will hey. i mean respect for the i.o.c. is essential is essential now i know i think it's number one and then i getting old thank penton as in the same reason. that. so many who don't be so now i think it's. the third world brussels disestablish is a country so being unique left russia was just established as a country that's when the soviet union. had its break up so neutral flags were always down to the i.o.c. sanctions. have
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a drink go our tea chang. and it does it for me i would back in about thirty three minutes with a full truce with some. financial while i don't buy any i passed on a futures. almost final as the last of my from the future so propped up was kaiser. i. used most lucian amused but smelling them. just music was taken from both of them which was written on the top of the new.
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thank. you for. live this all up and it was just almost trying. to put don't play i promise to get to some odd time all this. if. i gave you. a quick buck off your thousands of. lebanese over the but a that was it you have to see to physically did he make all of you good missteps in
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. lexington in the central east of the united states it is within this city with a population of three hundred thousand at the university of kentucky can be found. it is barely nine in the morning david and brandon two first year students are in the middle of a video game. jewel as a warm up before the first match of the season for their universities american football team the wildcats are going to drink a beer before you can start the race so you're waiting to hear what cheers all of. these students have found themselves a great way of supporting their team since breakfast is a star. a large supply of strawberry banana flavored vodka david and
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brandon down four shots in less than two minutes on empty stomachs in the truth about cause good. for the students university sports events are a great chance to get away from the pressure of their studies but also a particularly good opportunity to party and dress. on moral. grounds isn't twenty one years old yet the legal age for drinking alcohol in the usa. but on campus circumventing the law has become a national sport. goes on. away to the stadium they get thirsty again yeah competition has started. in the streets of lexington the behavior of these young men doesn't seem to shock anyone you go there. these students even walk along with a bottle of vodka in their hand however as is the case on many other american
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campuses alcohol is a legal here the cops don't care that this if there was a default down to hammer though like arrested as long as you can spare. the gold rush or somebody on university match days anything goes for almost anything. just outside the stadium the traditional parade has started. led by kerry their leader the cheerleaders galvanize the crowd. heave a triumphant parade announces the arrival of the uncontested stars of the camp this . around fifty students football players accompanied by their team of staff. all eyes are on this group of players good enough to play for the big professional team . in the usa the love of university sports goes much further than the campus borders. in the stadium parking lot many supporters tense have been set up.
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fans of all ages from all over kentucky support the wildcats. is beyond me me me me me me but we will bring. it to. the fans are very loyal and also very generous. tickets sales related merchandise supported donations last year the football team votes in more than thirty million dollars for the university a cash machine which contributes to its space. inside the. stadium the great event of the sports business has begun. the brass band and the cheerleaders provided a great show. for the play it's a rifle. that cheered on by a crowd of sixty thousand supporters. twenty two year old frenchman tom giambi has
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a front row seat. to look it's a touchdown i missed it almost a tester. tom as a top level tennis player recruited by the university to defend their colors i think. it was one thing. the frenchman was awarded a sports scholarship which allows him to study for free today's his moment of glory . and a nun attainable dream for the majority of students because behind all the show and the american universities hired a reality that is very different. columbia dartmouth new york university
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american universities are among the best in the world renowned for their teaching their sports establishment but also for campus life. and party. studying here can cost up to eighty thousand dollars a year so when students stuff receive scholarships like tom they take on a debt in order to finance their studies. thirty two thousand. two hundred twenty seven. to get by financially some female students like elease don't hesitate to look for support. take your first few hundred dollars. aside openly matches of generous donors with indebted students and so the controversy breaks out. you are a prostitute and you are a mit educated printer. on campus the pressure to succeed is so high that american students often overindulge binge drinking to let their hair down. but also taking
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amphetamine derivatives to boost their academic results there's a real trafficking of substances going on. the fraternities are symbol of prestige in american universities they attract students who want to be part of the elite. to join these influential and secret societies some are willing to be put through all sorts of humiliation we would get points for vomiting on each other. diving into the heart of american campuses where the obsession to success justifies all manner of extremes. lexington is the second largest city in the state of kentucky. over the last three years tom giambi has become one of the local tennis teams mainstays and thanks to this he lives in this residence with the swimming pool free of charge also know the locals who see those in need. or keep.
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the lexington campus holds more than twenty eight thousand students cost of studies up to twenty thousand dollars per year. but even so the tennis player doesn't pay a penny it gets better in order to enable him to succeed on the tennis court the university adapts to his sports schedule. while here interest to read through the house. thomas in his final year of communication studies now with the many matches he has scheduled for the season he will often be absent will. such students the university asked that the teacher's off lexical. suggest is that. all right is for an isp it official university sponsored event yet that's not a problem so teachers have to be accommodating was students like tom yeah we have to be able to work with work with them in their schedule we can do that.
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because at lexington the campus lends itself to sport and the olympic size swimming for a climbing wall abounding track the city is also home to the largest basketball stadium in america. to attract the best athletes the university lays out its red carpet. almost twelve million dollars of scholarship money is shared out every year. but the schedules of the school students are not restful in the slightest. most students are still sleeping with thomas back at the changing. the world. with a new university term new supplies await him in his locker. to georgia to. those who think like you
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few. gifts bearing the acronym of a big sports equipment brand the university's official sponsor. of the mean the more than. you guys are just in the form of your. career well this is. tom and his eleven team members trained on average for four hours a day coached by fellow frenchman city called. blue we told you about. this former profession. player has led the kentucky tennis team for the last two years. to strengthen their teams american universities recruit internationally the contract is simple they have to wait for the destruction. to the beautiful. and the university of kentucky certainly provides the means. there are almost two
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hundred people to ensure the welfare of the athletes footballers basketball players tennis players after training that all meet in the state of the art care facility. with a mandatory dip in the high spots. to the. children or the. league on american campuses the athletes are not quite like the other students. every year they bring in about one hundred four million dollars for the university. on the top of the podium american footballers and their indispensable cheerleaders. nineteen times university champion the kentucky team holds the most titles in the history of the united states and flexible agile here cheerleaders are reluctant. kiri is twenty two years old she's one of the team captains. like tom no school fees are
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completely covered so this young woman likes to get things right. today is official photo day these photos will grace the posters on the calendars for the upcoming season carrie therefore wants to look perfect they are actually the image of the school we are we are us along with the wildcat so the nascar there's a lot of pressure oh of course it is but you get used to it you know like the first time i went out on that football field it was terrifying but the coolest thing. i wouldn't change it for the world. a little girl's dream becomes a reality but it's also a job under intense scrutiny that we have to really really watch like even our coaches watch what we. like tweet and facebook and what we stand to worry not allowed to do for your facebook and all the.


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