tv Watching the Hawks RT February 13, 2018 6:30am-7:01am EST
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going to go ahead with this operation in member in case this happens i think there will be a kind of military stand that could lead to more tension if not a military stand off between the united states and iran korea that could lead to a major escalation to more wars in on the ground that would lead to more alinea ating and more isolating of the united states. facebook and google are at risk of losing one of the world's biggest advertisers if they fail to improve news transparency and tackle extremism on their platforms consumer products giant unilever which makes some of the biggest brands in food and cleaning products made the threat at a ted conference on monday but the anglo dutch firms being caught out in the past itself with its own misjudged marketing has done a whole consumer explained so news different day facebook is again in the firing line having faced pressure from governments and activists over failing to root out
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hate speech racism fake news divisive comments and whatnot this time its global joint union leader leading the charge even threatening to reduce and withdraw advertising from the social media platform if things don't improve. unilever will not invest in platforms or environments that do not protect our children or which create division in society consumers do care about fraudulent practice fake news and russians influencing the us election they do care when they see their brands being placed next to ads funding terror or exploiting children now the message is clear no more deception abuse and controversy and a new era of positivity unity and includes everybody but a closer look at unilever's own p.r. record reveals a contentious history from this infamous dove soap placed on facebook triggering a storm of accusations of racism to fair and lovely skin lightening products
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marketed across asia spawning allegations of perpetuating racist colonial there are types to control this he's with me and sexism culminating in a damning report on chauvinists that marketing. after apologizing unilever has said it's now to change its ways it's released new adverts advocating inclusive ety it wants facebook to follow suit or else let's face it though unilever probably won't drop one of its biggest advertising platform money talks but the story probably has generated some good p.r. the butyl uber as any company is primary responsibility is to make money for its shareholders to turn a profit and sometimes p.r. initiatives like this are part of it they're just an effort to elevate your brand i
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think it would be difficult for them as a company that makes consumer products to avoid advertising one of the most prominent platforms today but what about the central actor in the whole story for. yes book the platform has shown commitment to the battle against fake news and abuse but the floodgates have now been truly opened under pressure left right and center to moderate to censor to sanitize and seems to have buckled under the squeeze well it has made itself very vulnerable because it has made these promises and it's even done some things to try to filter misinformation out of its social network even though they have tried to do things it doesn't appear to be working we're going to see a lot of pressure increasing pressure on facebook unilever thinks it could fix it by giving putting marketplace pressure on facebook i'm a little bit skeptical that that will actually work facebook is tackling an ever
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growing list of calls and ultimatums first from politicians and security services now it seems corporations that shipping into facebook spending to dumond's could well backfire. separately a top u.s. democratic lawmaker has called for emergency meetings on alleged russian meddling that's on top of the three major investigations already underway in the united states jerrold nadler thinks the current administration is not doing enough to address the threat which he described as being equivalent to bombs and bullets or to protect us so this is a very severe threat and this is as much an attack on the united states as if there were bombs and bullets this is an attack on our essential governing structure amid the continuing allegations of trump russia ties one of the investigators on the senate intelligence committee has found himself embroiled in controversy jacqueline who has the details. in case you haven't noticed the democratic party is very worried about big bad russia the film portals into our society the kremlin clan
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russia has harnessed the tremendous and quite frankly to me frightening power of social media truly troubling evidence of the scope and reach of russia's interference in our last election and the top democrat on the senate's russian investigation mark warner is no exception to the rule i'm concerned. but the president still does not recognize the severity of the threat but apparently warner does and he will do anything necessary to battle moscow's reach based on leaked text messages between the senator and a second party it looks like when it comes to the russian threat the ends justifies any means and could in attempting to carry out some collusion of your own several of the messages show warner trying to arrange a secret meet up with christopher steel the former spy behind the now infamous trump dossier we want to do this right private in london i want to send less yet because if we can't get agreement would rather not have paper trail so who was warner depending on the set up the clandestine meeting with steel that would be one
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mr adam walton a lobbyist best known for acting on behalf of the russian tycoon did it and according to the tax woman is also connected to julian asuncion another person accused of being a kremlin puppet now this is all way under the table warner repeatedly refused to make the invitation to speak to seal officially in writing while at the same time telling wildman that the pair's efforts would be helping america and apparently in his mind the way to do that is to be includes with a confidant of one of the richest men in russia and according to republican senator marco rubio the whole senate intelligence committee has known about the contacts for months so if the other the democrats nor the republicans care about warner's conduct is it just that collusion is a problem reserved for only one party or is the reality here that russia is just being used in a political game of chess one or said it one point we have to be careful of paraphrasing here i don't want a paper trail now if what he was doing was fine and dandy and innocuous and no big
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deal then why would he care if there was a paper trail he certainly should have or his staff should have known who he was communicating with who this lobbyist represented if you're going to talk to a lobbyist about getting a one on one face to face with christopher steele then you should know who you're dealing with in trying to arrange that need. the fix was in the ta is there between the democrats and russia more so than anything trump ever had to do with russia but it just shows what hypocrites they are and the american media just ignores these things this is all to the sensitivity in poland over its nazi occupied past to see the presidential advisor come under fire for defending a controversial new holocaust it's among all well news still to come after the break.
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here's what people have been saying about rejected in the us is it actually just full on awesome the only show i go out of my way to you know what is this the really packs a punch. is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same we are apparently better than the blue. sea people you've never heard of love back to the night president of the world bank. seriously send us an e-mail. what politicians do you should. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. some want to be rich. to going to the press that's what the four three of the four people. i'm interested
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in the last. question. welcome back an advisor to the polish president has come under fire for what some are calling anti israeli comments he was defending a new law that prohibits statements about poland being responsible for the crimes the nazi regime committed against the jews and supposed sentiments in the israel comes from the feeling of shame and the passivity of the jews during the holocaust . and the new law also makes it illegal to refer to nazi death camps situated in the country as polish ones those violating the law could face up to three years in jail the presidential advisor went even further in defending the legislation the religion of the holocaust has become a symbolic shield for their country which is used by israel to create for itself a special position in many places in the world many jews in gauged in denunciation
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collaboration during the war i think israel has still not work to throw more than three million jewish people lived in poland before the second world war most of them were killed during the conflict the auschwitz birkenau camp which was built in poland during the nazi occupation saw around one million jews lose their lives there newsweek magazine columnist mark schulman thinks the new law will influence poland's relations with some other e.u. member states. the problem with the law is not so much the fact it says you can't say polish death camps but the fact the law says you cannot diminish the role of the nazis which means that if you say that the poles had some part of it you are violating the war and by all accounts while the nazis were the ones who were ninety percent responsible for the holocaust and what happened in poland clearly the poles who were involved in really the cases where the poles were part of the part of the problem and so it's a real problem of course the question of freedom of speech as well freedom of people to study the holocaust to talk about the holocaust and not to mention the
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fact that thousands and thousands of israelis go every year to visit many of them high schoolers and the question is when their guides go to poland do they have to be afraid to speak the truth and speak of what went on in poland i think this will have an effect on poles relations with the western europe at this point i mean it's part of a series of actions that the polish government has taken their member of the e.u. and yet they're testing the e.u. and its ability to accept a much more nationalistic government in poland. the u.k. court is expected to announce later today the result of an appeal by wiki leaks editor julian assange against an arrest warrant for breaching bail in britain and here in a week ago maintaining the warrant he's been holed up in the ecuadorian embassy in london for over five years after seeking asylum that honest looks at his fight for freedom. when one door closes another door opens but not for julian a songe holed up inside the ecuadorian embassy in london for years on end he has heard all after hurdle to overcome to walk
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a free man without being forced to look over his shoulder but the seemingly endless international saga could be about to turn a new page as a judge in london continues to consider whether the arrest warrant against the weak you leaks founder could be dropped last week amidst a media frenzy it was decided that the suspension of an investigation into alleged crimes in sweden that first led to his arrest was not sufficient reason to drop the warrant but asuncion and his defense team believe his freedom is long overdue new judgment on whether to lift the u.k. warrant for my arrest two issues one cover up by the u.k. government of its collusion to keep me to taint to already served over three times the max theoretical sentence even before seeking asylum the cover up of sondre first two is based on newly released confidential e-mails between prosecutors in sweden and the u.k. seen and reported on by the u.k.'s guardian newspaper swedish investigators who ended their inquiries into sexual assault allegations against the week leaks
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founder last year reportedly wanted to do so much earlier only to be told by the british side to hold on as costs shouldn't be an issue and that the case should not be treated as just another extradition the latter has always been a songes biggest fear he believes the united states want him for scandalous revelations weiqi leaks published about their activities around the world this case is and has always been about the risk of extradition chain united states and that risk remains real he needs an issuance and he will not be extra to the united states to face prosecution and those are assurances that won't come from inside a courtroom what happens there is significant in terms of potentially opening legal doors one by one but the end game is much trickier than that because it's. what happens even if a songe walks out these doors that's going to decide his future in the long run and . this of course all stems back to twenty ten when sweden launched
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a sexual assault case against julian assange and june twenty twelve the wiki leaks editor and the ecuadorian embassy and asked for asylum a day later the u.k. course issued an arrest warrant for breaching bail conditions last year though sweden dropped the case against him so the u.k. to arrest warrant is the last legal challenge the prevents a song from leaving the embassy where across that and we'll let you know the court's decision as soon as it's known. a memorial service has been held for the seventy one victims of sunday's ads aster mourners gathered outside moscow as christ the savior cathedral a plane crashed minutes after taking off from moscow's domodedovo airport it was heading to or a city near russia's border with kazakhstan. she took the first. slides this was the contention it's got to. shoot here which with the way. the desire to.
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here for troops moving people for your. place when you're. even in the normal. do you mean you don't need. more than a thousand people are now involved in the recovery operation of the crash site working in freezing conditions and deep snow was they work to retrieve evidence to establish why the plane came down a both the jet's flight recorders are in the hands of investigators who are still yet to give any indications as to the exact cause of the crash. and that's the way the world looks at this hour thanks very much for watching i'll be back to you again in about thirty three minutes or so i've got you covered until then.
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thanks guys by that'll survival. when customers go by you're disappointed. in elf well reduce the hours. that's undercutting but what's good for market is not good for the global economy. everybody i'm stephen both task hollywood guy suspects. proud american first of all i'm just george bush and r.v. enthusiastic this is my buddy max famous financial guru where he's a little bit different. you know with those up with all the drama happening in our
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country i'm shooting the road have some fun meet everyday americans. and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american people. elliston is getting international recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos and to kiss it to do it like you know. this is my complicity is something going on the sunday i mean you. know john you tell me. the only palestinians who gets the most helpful is to some counterparts i don't think there's some of those who in the world and the vision to know when to do this . and that's the law if that is to have this lady of the most of that you have i
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don't know if you compete in the doesn't seem to do in the middle there are some positions. this is boom bust broadcasting around the world from the right here in washington d.c. i'm partial thing on tap for today in the broadcast president trump has given us more details on his infrastructure plan we'll take a closer look and as the markets melt down gold goes up we'll talk with peter schiff about what to expect now let's get to some of the headlines. the trumpets administration has unveiled the long awaited infrastructure plan this morning the white house proposal includes two hundred billion dollars in direct federal
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spending but officials claim that the two hundred billion dollars will stimulate at least one point five trillion dollars in new investment the difference would be covered by state and local government spending the outline does not include a financing plan leaving that decision to congress the outline notably emphasis. as rural infrastructure and claims about permitting process delays the congressional research service has questioned whether weakening permuting processes would significantly accelerate building we'll have more on infrastructure from artie's ashley banks in just a little bit. and with the trump administration again they have also unveiled their official budget proposal today investors and analysts are looking past specific spending request to the assumptions about growth inflation and borrowing costs contained in the report the budget assumes a three percent annual growth for ten years with well above estimates by investors
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and outside analysts in december the federal reserve predicted an overall rate of one point eight percent growth over the same period j.p. morgan on friday predicted two point five percent for twenty eight thousand and one point nine percent for the next year closely tracking the fed's projections from december the administration also is up to more optimistic about the impact of the recent tax cuts and what they will do then outside analysts the pace of growth in this scenario also would likely push interest rates above the levels predicted by the white house. google and facebook may lose a significant. significant form of advertising dollars if they continue to great create division or fail to protect children according to keith weed the chief marketing officer for unilever the second largest marketing and advertising spender in the world we gave a speech today at the annual interacted advertising bureau comforts and he came it
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came as part of a plethora of calls for google and facebook to do a better job of policing their products we'd said quote we cannot have an environment where our consumers don't trust what they see online unilever spent nine point four billion dollars on advertising just last year. while many larger financial institutions are staying away from digital currencies some smaller european banks are actually taking the opposite approach and allowing their access to customers swiss bank von tobel and falcon bank and german banks feed your bank and the liechtenstein bank are now offering their customers access to general currency products some of the banks are even advising clients on unusual coin offerings the i suppose with larger institutions taking a pass on digital currency the door has been open and smaller banks seem to be taking advantage of that opening.
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today the white house unveiled its long awaited infrastructure plan the proposal includes billions of dollars in federal infrastructure spending to be used to repair and rebuild the nation however some including democrats in republican soiled say the proposal fall short here's our chief correspondent ashley banks with more let's ride barnow and today the white house rolled out its plan to rebuild the nation over the next ten years and the proposal it says with its one point five trillion dollar investment over the next decade it plans to shorten the process for approving projects to two years or less address unmet rural infrastructure needs and power state and local authorities and train the american workforce of the future one of the newest elements to the proposal is x. abandoning the use of tax exempt debt letting states at tolls on interstates and making it easier to lease airports and other public and sets of the one point five
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trillion dollars two hundred billion of that would be considered federal spending the rest would either be paid for through cuts in other parts of the budget or it would fall on the shoulders of local governments by leveraging state and local tax dollars and private investment kevin has slipped associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at virginia tac university said quote trends and from structure plan flips the traditional capital expense funding model from eighty to ninety percent federal funding to ten percent federal funding the majority of the funding mandates get pushed to the states and private funding with the administration taking credit for the investment transfer pozole has been met with praise and opposition business and industry groups are praising trump's focus on improving infrastructure and pledging. to work with congress to enact a plan while environmental groups and democrats are accusing the administration of
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trying to benefit a corporate entrance and distract from a lot of federal investment just last week democrats unveiled their own one trillion dollar infrastructure proposal and entirely consisting of direct federal dollars experts say the trump administration may run into issues selling this proposal and congress republicans are concerned about overspending and democrats are already saying the plan falls short but democrats are disappointed saying the president and you missed an opportunity to provide a much needed federal injection of dollars into the country's infrastructure you know actually thank you so much for that report and i tell you what here it is it's fifty three pages you've been poring over it since eleven o'clock this morning and i've been doing the best job i can but you gave a great summary no i don't want to be tough on the administration or the president if there be enough detractors out there i'd wish he'd done this earlier that said it's a pretty good plan. we'll see if the money's actually there but one of the things
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that just stuck out to me is allowing tolling restrictions to be relaxed and that is if the states allow more pluck flexibility in the tolls that they charge or even allow others to privately operate the toll roads and you don't know this but i grew up just on lake michigan in indiana and that the toll road there is actually under a nineteen or a seventy five year lease to a spanish company so indiana doesn't own the toll road the federal government does it well they own it but they don't lease it so does this language in this report here in the proposal actually will it allow foreign countries or foreign private entities to own more toll roads in the u.s. oh bart obviously there's nothing in this proposal right now to stop it from occurring and in fact the proposal gives more flexibility to the states with regard to how and our state. it's running throughout the states or treat it so we could essentially see more foreign control of us toll roads under the proposal and bar
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the proposal also calls for commercializing rest areas so they could be operated by private firms all of the firms operating the rest areas cannot charge a fee for basics like rest area water and rest from facilities while there is that what other thing that i noticed in here actually it just seems in general this goes back to. you know what reagan was trying to do with community development block grants and giving a lot of monies back to the states is that the thrust of this in general that he's essentially going to give money back to the states and let the states do whatever they want yeah that's definitely right there are a few interesting mix ups and so this one is with regard to a section of the proposal it's called and powering the workers and it calls for abandoning state requirements for workers and gauging them for instruction projects working across state lines so basically workers from another state could actually end up working in any other state despite individual state rules and regulations or
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testing and licensing criteria so of course any such changes would need to be approved by congress and experts say that approving such a change would be difficult at best i'm going to be positive for today i'm glad he's put it out there we need the infrastructure good for the administration good for the president we'll get into more of these details archie correspondent ashley banks thank you so much. turning back to the day's big story this morning donald trump tweeted about infrastructure saying after after so stupidly spending seven trillion dollars in the middle east it's now time to start investing in our country and that's hard to argue with but now here to talk with us about the choices president trump has framed in that tweet is tweet us former pentagon official michael maloof michael it amazes me that he would do that because it seems to me that we're spending that and more and he's actually calling for some of this so
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what are the numbers that we're spending in the middle east well it it's been at least seven trillion dollars six trillion dollars in iraq when you consider the out years alone for your veterans for your for the handicapped for dealing with families and this is for out to ten years that that some hasn't even been figured in yet that doesn't include afghanistan and afghanistan the still a slippery slope so seven trillion isn't even enough in our view no no not when you consider the out years because we would probably have already spent about two trillion in afghanistan we've been at it for sixteen years now he's increasing troop levels that means more supplies more more training plus you gotta. keep that government of float in afghanistan otherwise u.s. influence in that area wanes so you mentioned supplies and training need seven trillion plus as you say over and over about another.
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