tv Keiser Report RT February 13, 2018 11:30am-12:01pm EST
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leading the charge even threatening to reduce and withdraw advertising from the social media platform if things don't improve. unilever will not invest in platforms or environments that do not protect our children or which create division in society consumers do care about fraudulent practice fake news and russians influencing the us election they do care when they see their brands being placed next to ads funding terror or exploiting children now the message is clear no more deception abuse and controversy and a new era of positivity unity and includes everybody but a closer look at unilever's own p.r. record reveals a contentious history from this infamous dove soap placed on facebook triggering a storm of accusations of racism to fair and lovely skin lightening products marketed across asia spawning allegations of perpetuating racist colonial there are
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types to control this he's with me and sexism culminating in a damning report on chauvinists that marketing. officer apologizing unilever has said it's now to change its ways it's released new adverts advocating inclusive ety it wants facebook to follow suit or else let's face it though unilever probably won't drop one of its biggest advertising platforms money talks but the story probably has generated some good p.r. that butyl uber as any company is primary responsibility is to make money for its shareholders to turn a profit and sometimes p.r. initiatives like this are part of it there are just an effort to elevate your brand i think it would be difficult for them as a company that makes consumer products to avoid advertising one of the most
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prominent platforms today but what about the central actor in the whole story. i spoke the platform has shown commitment to the battle against fate can use and abuse but the floodgates have now been truly opened on the pressure left right and center to moderate to send such a sanitized and seems to have buckled under the squeeze well it has made itself very vulnerable because it has made these promises and it's even done some things to try to filter misinformation out of its social network even though they have tried to do things it doesn't appear to be working we're going to see a lot of pressure increasing pressure on facebook at unilever things that could fix it by giving putting marketplace pressure on facebook i'm a little bit skeptical that that will actually work facebook is tackling an ever growing list of coals and ultimatums first from politicians and security services now it seems corporations that shipping into facebook spending to dumond's could
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well backfire. a top u.s. democratic lawmakers called for emergency meetings on alleged russian meddling on top of the three major investigations of course already underway in the united states jerrold nadler thinks the current administration isn't doing enough to address the threat which he describes as being equivalent to bones and bullets. we ought to protect ourselves this is a very severe threat and this is as much an attack on the united states as if there were bombs and bullets is an attack on our essential governing structure. amid the continuing allegations of trumped russia ties one of the investigators on the senate intelligence committees found himself embroiled in controversy to jaclyn. in case you haven't noticed the democratic party is very worried about big bad russia the film portals into our society the kremlin clan russia has harnessed the tremendous and quite frankly to me frightening power of social media truly
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troubling evidence of the scope and reach of russia's interference in our last election and the top democrat on the senate's russian investigation mark warner is no exception to the rule i'm concerned. but the president still does not recognize the severity of the threat but apparently warner does and he will do anything necessary to battle moscow's reach based on leaked text messages between the senator and a second party it looks like when it comes to the russian threat the ends justifies any means and clued in attempting to carry out some collusion of your own several of the messages show warner trying to arrange a secret meet up with christopher steele the former spy behind the now infamous trump dossier we want to do this right private in london i want to send less yet because if we can't get agreement would rather not have paper trail so who was warner depending on the set up the clandestine meeting with steele that would be one mr adam wallman a lobbyist best known for acting on behalf of the russian tycoon did the pasta and
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according to the tax womyn is also connected to julian asuncion another person accused of being a kremlin puppet now this is all way under the table warner repeatedly refused to make the invitation to speak to seal officially in writing while at the same time telling wildman that the paris efforts would be helping america and apparently in his mind the way to do that is to be uncouth with the confidence of one of the richest men in russia and according to republican senator marco rubio the whole senate intelligence committee has known about the contacts for months so if the other the democrats nor the republicans care about warner's conduct is it just that collusion is a problem reserved for only one party or is the reality here that russia is just being used in a political game of chess one or said it one point we have to be careful of paraphrasing here i don't want a paper trail now if what he was doing was fine and dandy and innocuous and no big deal then why would he care if there was a paper trail he certainly should have or his staff should have known who he was
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communicating with who this lobbyist represented if you're going to talk to a lobbyist about getting a one on one face to face with christopher steele then you should know who you're dealing with in trying to arrange that need. the fix was in the toys are between the democrats and russia more so than anything trump ever had to do with russia but it just shows what hypocrites they are and the american media just ignores these things. going to the us he's over alleged russian meddling average the us media to the homeland security department accusing one major t.v. network of folds reporting of the most has been seen talking to voters during the twenty sixteen presidential election in washington with. well the department of homeland security has discredited a n.b.c. news report claiming that russians hacked into voter registration rolls of prior to the election now in a statement jeanette mann for the department's chief security official said that
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quote recent n.b.c. reporting has misrepresented facts and confuse the public with regard to the department of homeland security's efforts to combat election hacking but in the report n.b.c. interviewed man for and all she said was that twenty one states were targeted but somehow the articles headline was russians penetrated the us voter systems which according to you man for a statement she found incredibly misleading while the us has been accusing the kremlin of influencing the election for over a year and a half now but there have also been rumors floating around that russia influenced the brags that now the british government's been busy trying to link russia to the regs of folk but even you tube has gone on record saying that there's been no proof of that sort and across the pond the us has been searching relentlessly for anything to pin hillary's loss on russia so this is just yet another russian interference and it successfully debunked but the us establishment refuses to let go of this idea that russia supposedly hacked the election so i have to ask how many more times will this have to happen until they finally admit that there was no
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you know magical russian meddling with the recovery operation continues the victims of sunday's deadly plane crash near moscow but a member of the vigil in the city you got more about when we come back. global blog selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles that will. produce offspring to tell you that what we gossip and tabloids myself a little boy was the day. off the bad guys and tell me you are not cool enough and wants to fight their product. all the hawks that we along with our audience will watch. nor make its manufacture consent to stick to public wealth. when the ruling
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class is protect themselves. in the final merry go round be the one percent. nor middle of the room. thanks for watching today the victims of sunday's a crush in a mosque of big mordred a vigil outside the capital's main cathedral seventy one candles were lit for each of the people lost their lives in that tragedy the plane crashed just minutes after it took off from the sitting down with a different port killing everyone on board was heading to or skips a city near russia's border with kazakstan. if it is.
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in the school don't work. at least until it for the first serious and it's reassuring sleep there are. still a lot of us still want to do wake up this lifestyle is this terrible was really was where it was there was also this last line of play precious just what precious little stuff are safe. around a thousand people not involved in the recovery operation it's already covered thirty had to specialise vehicles are moving smaller pieces of the wreckage well but continues to recover my identify the remains of the victims post the plane's flight recorders are in the hands of investigators never yet to give any indication
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as to what went so badly will. museum of egyptian artifacts in the italian city of cheering the state controversy by offering discounts to arab visitors so much so that museums chief was forced to address an angry crowd outside became a curious where you could hear him say channel and she cashed at the screen and just security at. the very very very cute and try to carry our national political savvy how you see me trying to see the candidates ready to walk. the woman we saw there in the video is giorgio maloney she is the leader of the anti gratian a party brothers of italy she accuse that museum of discriminating against italians and christians museums chief defended the office saying that they have various promotions for other groups throughout the year to video the conversation went
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viral a little evo and reach the country's culture minister he defended the discount and said the museum was well run because we spoke to him children were also behind the initiative. i don't see anything racist i consider it a promotional initiative like many others. of the collective youth i believe that the work carried out by the egyptian museum is extremely poorly armed guard and the intel in the context of this controversy is absolutely instrumental and necessary part of the i absolutely agree with the director of the museum i think that george maloney did not understand that arabic is a language not a religion. meantime it leads you to elect a new parliament the most wonderful it seems that any issue no matter how remotely connected to the grey should raises heated debate the latest polls suggest a coalition of center and far right parties is expected to gain most of the vote there but not enough to have a governing majority. elsewhere in europe britain's opposition labor party is facing claims of discrimination after it sent out
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a very specific invitation to an equality conference the invite from young labor says that you have to be under twenty seven and be from at least one of these groups minority ethnic l.g. bt disabled people or women to talk to the director of human rights group who supports the event. it's quite ironic that a conference that's focusing on discriminated groups. has now the focus has now become about people who are. who are in a dominant position there's obviously a feeling amongst those with lived experience that they need a space where they can discuss things that pertain to them and their demographic and then share with the world about how to make the world a better place the reason that discriminated groups are recognized as needing a space is because there is an imbalance there's an imbalance in politics if you look it's not representative there are really calls from employees in the really conservative party to investigate the event one says the labor party is not a better quality anymore the preacher of the conservative party called on labor to
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ensure that the discrimination came to an end ed smith from activity britain the center right youth organization thinks that inequality conference should be open to all. what has your males in the face of creation you know what is this from the. most underperforming. compulsory education the least represented in higher education not only that it's more that they need for the what these people are facing and hear what the solutions to the problems are going to be so that they can help themselves the representative for your group should be voted for by your. should not be included in the. book it's about the discussions and things are going to go on around the conference i think it's really important everybody to be included and for everybody to be able to. leave you that's the way the world looks thanks so much for watching i'll be
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passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each kill the narrowness and spend each religion twenty million and one player. it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful game but great so one more chance with. the case it's going to take. ratings and salutations who doesn't love a good spy story arc watchers and boy oh boy oh boy oh boy did we get a doozy this week when both the intercept and the new york times released competing stories featuring one hundred thousand dollars cash drops shady intelligence agency middleman the promise of trump russian compromise that and the danger of stolen
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n.s.a. hacking tools you know tom clancy couldn't write any better. ian fleming could but i digress writing for the intercept james rosen outlines how the n.s.a. was desperate to recover documents that intelligence officials believe russia had obtained through a mysterious group known as the shadow brokers but once the communications channel open the russians on the other side offered to sell documents related to trump along with these stolen and this a documents risin goes on to write how the cia was wary of accepting the trump documents initially worried about not only the motives behind the offer but the potential political blowback as well meanwhile over of the new york times matthew rosenberg reported that after months of secret negotiations a shadowy russian built american spies out of one hundred thousand dollars last year and that the episode ended this year with american spies chasing the russian
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out of western europe a spy story told by a rise in the story didn't mention the hundred grand both stories ultimately concluded that the russia russian go between offering all the info could not be relied upon or trusted but i guess that didn't stop us from handing over one hundred thousand grand to him in the process the cia has come out firing telling a fee that this is a fictional story that the cia was built out of a hundred grand is patently false the people swindled here were james rising and mad rosenberg. journalists vs the cia the cia versus credibility the n.s.a. still left wondering where their hacking tools under the up and the russia gaiters all of the russia gaiters once again disappointed that reality just does not reflect their fantasy i guess it's time to start watching the hawks. to. get the. real deal with.
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the ball out of it. like you know that i got. three. weeks. welcome on the watching the hawks i am i robot and i'm taffeta well that's a lot of spies this weekend to have big spy was spying novel big here going on and yet somehow we don't seem to get more information about this by that suppose the reason we're investigating spying and the first. it's too hard to keep an eye was too hard to keep up now that was a fascinating think as you saw like the intercept story came out like earlier on friday and then suddenly out came the new york times and i had first to think like oh we were negotiating for information to get like these hacking tools then we got
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like russia gate to trump russian collusion that russians themselves wanted to sell to us and then suddenly the new york times story comes out undercuts all of that and says no they were built out of a hundred grand and that like all these people seem to be kind of ponies and not really who they say they were and not really representing what they said they represented which is begs the question and said we believe the cia when they come out today you know saying that they never paid the russians off for they are in for. rationed or anything we didn't pay anybody but the cia literally has a policy of not confirming or denying that so them saying it's not is odd to me it is because they wouldn't normally speak on this sort of stuff they wouldn't have any they would say there's nothing i mean that you would mean the guy from the gall who shows they still haven't confirmed that he that's true is or isn't and wasn't a cia or was a spy so how do you know. it's very bizarre is
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a very strange story this idea of they wanted to pay for information that was theirs but it got stolen but they want it back yes. yes it is an odd one it isn't because of that it begs the question of why would the you know n.s.a. pay for mation no compromise hacking tools you know when when the question would be you know it's not like you could just make a copy of it right it's all a photocopy right because we don't know they have an answer to that but there was an answer to that right one of the things that they did say about that was rise and reported that the shadow brokers theft of these u.s. but the fact that u.s. officials wanted to see how deep it went how much they actually have but then my question is again what you're doing is relying on stolen information from people who stole information from you and you're you're paying one hundred thousand dollars it wasn't going to just be
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a hundred thousand dollars apparently what they would have kept going it was a million well you sort of already know you started at ten million immediately drawn to him and then you got this weird hundred thousand dollars that no one wants to take responsibility for that apparently there they were using the whole negotiations where they were using like an american businessman to like act as a proxy of the sort of go she ations and the other guy was supposedly acting as proxy for like you know russian intelligence services i mean to me it really at the end of the day tab it really does this big this question because they're trying to say well what was it like a. but it hang out where they try to like get us to buy bad information that's easily disprovable of like trump russian meddling so that where the intelligence agencies look bad so there are now as was the bad trump and so designed by russians to make the us agencies look bad or was it just really just like a shady character in europe who figured out a way to build goble us intelligence agencies for some money because then when
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they're like you know dude we don't trust your information the guy just took a drink walked away you know he's like oh ok i'm out you know you were saying like which is it those which are that somebody was trying just trying to make you know shady russian making a off of idiotic americans. or he was an idiotic americans. i say yes to both i think it's a little of both honestly i think it's odd that we would be spending resources and time and not realize that this is how this works you send out bad information in order to make them look bad and truthfully it's worked there even if it was just so you know. national who wanted to just build some people and make the americans look bad either way it just looks ridiculous so it starts getting stolen all the time we can't even keep our hacking tools safe i won't we get our hacking tools stolen we use lots of money and resources to get them back even though now they've already got them and all that stuff is out because it's been leaked. so why are we and it's
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not a secret anymore is it is before we accepted one good note is that n.s.a. was communicating like there heard like the guy you want to know if the u.s. government is truly doing this of the n.s.a. it was using their tweets will this summer about like morse code as code to this guy to let them know that it really was the u.s. government you know interested in what he had to say so what does this tell us more we're don't trust what the n.s.a. tweets it's probably code for something. lisa lucas a lifelong resident of west virginia is planning to run for the state's house of delegates and one of the reason she's running as her discussed with big money buying power that belongs to the people at a recent public hearing for west virginia bill age before two six eight an oil and gas industry sponsored bill that would allow companies to drill on land without the owner's permission lucas pointed out the hypocrisy of the public airing. short simply because the public only gets a minute forty five while lobbyists can throw
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a gala at the marriott with whiskey and wine and talk for hours to the delegates. but we'll look at begins reading off the donations members of the committee had received from the very corporations that would benefit from the legislation those members felt she was making a personal attack eventually silencing with lisa lucas for stating those facts. but. what's even worse she wasn't just being comical when she mentioned whiskey and wine the shale energy alliance literally you had a whiskey wine and policy winter legislative reception at the charleston marriott hotel two days before the public hearing lukas attended the purpose was according
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to them for legislators suppliers and other supporters will attend the event to network a discussion energy alliances legislative priorities so if she is simply spokes facts why were these little legislating snowflakes feeling so darn attacked well as lisa lucas put it quote if they feel attacked by mentioning their donors to me they shouldn't be taking that money and quote facts lisa true fact this is this is great because what this points out is exactly what everybody is harped on government across the land for doing especially here in the states are loads of national bedroll the whole bit because here you have a really great point you guys can go out of one cigars and hang out and talk about shale energies legislative priorities for hours on end but citizens get about a minute forty five of warning and each to get up there and just say with me i like
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this bill and yes and if the facts are a little too like uncomfortable for them they know and lets her knowledge tack telling people where i. my money from this guy who was sitting up there said that she was doing personal attacks that's what a drug or where there's a while you're there you're getting personal you make about sex which of course i would say the person should just go up and say oh this dude you know. i don't know what you're but she was a she was no not at all stating fact she was some what love to use these guys campaign she wasn't stating what this guy's a jerk face but why did you say well there's oil company gave x. amount of money to this guy's campaign this company gave x. where were the that it's public records it's not there's not i'll do something that's not known these things are facts and the legislation she's talking about benefits big business you know not the little guy and that's this this whole thing in west virginia is the keep pushing this like well if we could just get coal back because you know black lung hasn't been popular in the last couple of decades you
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know it was the bill that they were trying to vote on that sparked all this so this was a bill forty two sixty eight so what it what it says is that a majority of seventy five percent of the owners of shares of a single piece of property could determine whether the property could develop for asked for oil or gas extraction so what amuses someone might have sold or at least off their mineral rights and they own like one percentage or seven eighths of a share which if you have minerals underneath your land that could be a huge amount of money to a farmer someone who owns land the problem was before if that person with even the tiniest share said no you couldn't do it now what they're saying is we don't care about what that minority person who may be living on that land if the corporation owns a bigger portion they essentially get eminent domain and they control sideways into someone's land they decide they won't let it about way so it's a pretty ugly piece of lead just.
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