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tv   News  RT  February 13, 2018 5:00pm-10:43pm EST

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any anywhere in the world that no one owns it's an intriguing idea it's an unprecedented idea in the entirety of human history such a thing has literally never existed would your response really be l o l the true value of bitcoin is there oh no no no this is the result of a lot of very smart people thinking about this for many many years about how to move value over the internet without encountering what's called the double spend problem that it censorship resistant that it's immutable it's goal two point zero and it takes advantage of the a some pot a curve and costs in technologies for processing band with and other elements chip speed all approaching that price of zero which means you can have the block chain moving around at ever cheaper cost even though it's expanding in size because the
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economics of the internet is crashing toward zero that's one of the phenomenon in economics that people like paul krugman don't understand as it applies to bitcoin because he is used to things like increased returns economics based on diminishing returns and how that effects pricing and how that affects economic theory have increased returns where you have the basic raw material that is the say electrons in the processing and moving them around is constantly going to zero but year at the same time as infinite as that sounds the uniqueness of each bitcoin to there only being twenty one million is part of the intrigue that is this technology and this and this value system that is completely unique and the result of thousands of years of technological progress hundreds of years of economic thought and real true desirability to have a system that is completely outside central control well yeah it's important to understand. whoever you're reading or what analysis to understand kind of where
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they're coming from and what their background is so paul krugman is neil classical economists and ivory tower he lives in an ivory tower he's an academic there's nothing wrong with this there's ivory tower dwellers throughout history in india they have it codified into a class system a caste system he is an academic and he believes in the. the right shifts in this of a hierarchy that you know one should get trained to a doctor at the level and then you can tell the people you could teach people these poor students ignorant students what what the truth is about economics so. he comes from that sort of background where he believes elite know more and they should govern the economy politics culture so that's his background that's how he comes to big point. on the other hand as this article points out there have been
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a lot of scams. but that's attached to anything that is a store of value and he look at any clint eastwood film for history it's all about some schmuck trying to steal some gold from somebody else and they all fight and kill each other and then you know some woman is gained as well during the whole thing and you know they make off with a gold somebody who gets the gold at the end of the show but here he says there's a lot of that's dumb about crypto currencies the dumb seems to increase proportionally with the price every day some new idiot tries or a lock on the i c o roulette wheel and the hope of making a fortune of a lifetime for doing little more than writing a piece of paper and sticking a countdown clock on a website but there's a lot that's really profound and you need only look as far as to see that so he goes into the actual issue which gives it so much value which the likes of paul grossman mass and which you've just been calculated where he says the problem of transferring or holding value do. italy without permission is not
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a trivial one the fact the solution requires huge amounts of energy is just one sign of the difficulty the upshot of solving it however as you get an electronic network for value that governments cannot control or destroy except with significant financial and social cost even they might not succeed i mean you saw that with remember during the arab spring when in egypt when mubarak was overthrown he tried to turn off the internet and it worked for two or three days and all his cronies every would like that he had to turn it back on he had to connect them back to the internet because it was it became impossible he was he was going to be ousted no matter what at that point because he was either going to crash the economy take everything down with it and all his friends and all his cronies or he was going to have to turn it back on this barrier to entry for creating a coin is almost zero yam over a thousand coins and. hundreds of probably more than
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a thousand i.c.'s and you know i think i liken it to i remember but i don't even have this anymore but they used to have a form of cosmetic. product where you put this tape on your skin and pulls a black heads and you know the ease with which you can create a currency out of nothing as is pulled out the black kids that are a lot of dodgy characters and projects out there. alongside the internet just like you know there are many false prophets and then there was let's say jesus for example you know enter of being worth something but you know let's go back to. the secular world yes toshi is a problem a lot of people are seeking profits but here you know again the internet paul krugman meston every time he tries to offer his opinion on twitter about bitcoin of course if you look at the tweet tweet responses. all pictures of fax machines
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because of course he said the internet would have no impact on the global economy as much only as the fax machine ever did so he just thought it was a communication not a network and he clearly has some sort of blind spot to network effects and network impacts and changing of the mind and and certainly you were around during the first dotcom boom and. at that time people you know the markets investors went crazy and people thought pets dot com ties dot com shirt dot com you know that was where it was all going to go that was the way to make the fortunes and they didn't see social media they didn't see twitter facebook that was all came along later right thing the basic as i point out that it's missed is that the underlying fundamental building blocks of this economy are becoming cheaper every single day and it's a lot different than traditionally the moments where you have diminishing returns or you have the need you know if you're digging gold out of the ground it takes
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ever more energy to dig gold out of the ground now it does require more energy to mine coins but the ancillary markets themselves are popping up in a way that's almost exponential and dwarfing that underlying costs such a such a degree that the free money that's appearing in people's accounts that they can use then to go and do battle with the money that is the result of coercion by a corrupt state is quite remarkable i just want to also point out something about the first dot com bubble didn't you have some like seven year old pitcher and a knock knock joke say yeah i was. the height of the dot com bubble where i went to a conference i sat next to as a seven or ten year old kid who was launching knock knock joke dot com for a multi-million dollar valuation and it was the supreme knock knock jokes that one could find and there was also duty dot com as a daily drawing of the. deaf occasionally socially and drawn deaf
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a catering duty dot com but there's i see oh. yes jason calacanis about this jason remember duty dot com knock knock joke dot com maybe that was jason was of course the king of the dot com back then he's would come out he's against not against but even trying to sound the alert on the parallels between the dot com and the i.c. which is ok it's a fine analysis there is total access in the space but the underlying technology like there were survivors of the dot com like google and facebook a little later but ten general e.-bay another those lows a colossal yeah there's another thing going around which. is the founder of the theory i'm has been talking about this is the ocean a fair coin people are trying to figure a way to distribute coins better that was also an issue up at a meeting i heard some analysis saying that there was a lot of talk about sovereign currencies because at that point at the time of.
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venezuela has it just announced petro currency. so this is something going forward that could be a possibility as the sovereign currencies i don't know i haven't read the white paper on the petro but i don't know if that's workable but i think in the future there could be something that is like you know the alas alas k. if you're a resident of lasky receive some money every year it's like a thousand two thousand three thousand dollars check that comes in because you live in the state and the oil in the state produces a lot of oil so they get a share of that so there could be a way to distribute instead of having oligarchs and all they sort of very wealthy few where they're you know you're in an oil rich country or mineral rich country if it just goes to a handful of people they get to you know for some reason get the exclusive access to the assets of the nation that happened to lie under the nation you know this is a fair way to distribute the coins or invention of the government in america subsidizes the energy industry tens of billions hundreds of billions probably
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a trillion dollars of u.s. government subsidies ation of the energy industry u.s. government could subsidize mining of big oil rather crypto currencies and put those into wall it's called american citizens could each have an automatic wallet tied to their social security account and they can get a daily and weekly or monthly air drop of crypto coins that they can then use to boost the economy with the government can easily do that then we should do that i've said many times and this would be a way to fairly distribute wealth and it has no reason why wall street that goes to subsidization of free money from the fed why vest on shared equally amongst the entire population they can match that distribution of fair money from the fed using crypto coins the visa v the social security account yeah i mean and one problem of course is you don't want just one air drop like a roar coin try try it's land because they're all is the soviet problem because when the soviet union collapsed they did give basically the equivalent of what an air drop was that every citizen got some sort of cut of the assets of the nation
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and it turned out that the oligarchs went around door to door knocking and and collecting them all and bought. them for cheap and then became the controllers of the assets you know you want a dividend that keeps on coming in absolutely we can solve this stacey right after the break we'll have it all figured out don't go away. i think. i. thank. you for most lucian amused by smelling them. just musing
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first thing in the book is that which business in monaco the new course is a. small price for. a little this is a lovely deal just some awesome trouble. to put don't play a promise to gather some awesome all this. with more make this manufacture consent to step into public wells. when the ruling class assume protect themselves. with the famous
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merry go round if suddenly the one percent. we can all middle of the room signal. in the real news is really. out. there i put up clearly i think i thought i was unkind i. never thought i thought i thought that i.
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welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to go to acapulco and speak with jeff burrowing who puts on the biggest mass and arctic conference in politics and economics that is an article paltrow in this year is that of a one day crypt a polkadot jeff welcome back it's my pleasure max and jeff congratulations this is an archipelago krypto polka thing is blowing up man is a must go to of that era here about all the time you must be very pleased yeah actually we've been totally shocked we were not expecting this we have about triple the audience of last year it's going to we actually sold out it's going to be about fifteen hundred people we had about six hundred last year and you know it's piers that this anarchy thing is kind of popular there i'd say to as if i or somebody showed up out and they couldn't get a ticket it's completely sold out you know the main conference is sold out but
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there's all kinds of events before and after it's almost like a month long sort of a vent but so you go to an archipelago dot com and scroll down you can see all the workshops and you can also live stream the conference out of narco polka dot com slash live stream so what a lot of people are doing is coming down and they're going to actually just sit by the pool and watch the conference on their i pad and then when the good people all come out from after the conference and they all go to the parties and restaurants join them they're all right i call that let's get into some of these recent developments in the big coin space and you know let's talk a little bit about bitcoin a big coin cash. you know as well as one or two big coin maximalist so we say are you staying away from that fight big going versus big going cash or how do you weigh in on that one i know you're going to have a couple of the big cash people at the fest of all what are your thoughts on this jeff. yeah i definitely have not been staying away from this debate it actually
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took me a few months after the fork on august first to kind of understand what was going on it's not complex and technical and there's all kinds of different interests involved in this is what happens when you have a completely decentralized currency is there is a lot of disorganization there's a lot of fighting there's a as we know a big cash forked off from decline on august first and that was generally a dispute about how to scale because and that dispute is still very much still going on because bequest transaction fees have been still very high and bitcoin transaction speeds have been quite low and the main reason i got into big question was because i believed that if we could have additional currency that is decentralized it will essentially get rid of central banks which will eventually massively downsize governments and even eventually get rid of governments and as a matter because that's exactly what i want but the way the big quake has developed in the sea a lot of these big queen core developers you see people at block stream these have been the blocks he has been one of the most. active groups involved in this sort of
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thing and bloodstream is kind of half owned or owned by the chairman of builder berg so that's a lot of doubts about their intentions and you hear a lot of the big point core developers talking about it's ok if it cost one hundred dollars to transfer because that just shows that it's it's really popular and that's not what i first saw for because when i first got into it in two thousand and eleven i foresaw that we need a currency that can be eased by anyone in the world that is decentralized very cheap to use and very fast at least within ten minutes or something along those lines at the very least and now we're seeing big claim being moved to i've seen transaction fees well over one hundred dollars i actually paid one transaction fee of over two thousand dollars once trying to transfer three big coins about two weeks ago now there is a segment there's lightning that word has all kinds of things we could talk about there but i also have my doubts about those. and the main thing that i see is there are loads techies don't really understand what the really big queen was created for
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and that was to become a currency used by everyone and they keep talking about it being digital gold now so it's not digital cash is digital gold if so it's because it ends up being digital gold it can't be used very easily as cash then we're going to have to look at alternatives that's an ongoing debate i think them the market is going to sort this out one way or another nothing is bigger than the market i know there's a lot of grumbling about bitcoin cash kind of pleasure as ing the name bed cawing and by using but coin dot com as a gateway to big point cash causing a lot of what some would say unnecessary confusion and the marketplace but let's move on to another crypto currency that year involve the as your very prominent poster that steam it and this is an interesting application jeff because it's in all the coin and they all coins came around during the period of scaling debates
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and the delays in scaling that way of saying going to going back a few years and it really laid the foundation and created the room for these all coins to blossom and steam as one of those all coins but it also has a very specific use case and i always liked it i've talked about it before on this show it seems like a great use of tokens to incentivize contacts cetera and you're a big big big guy on steam and can you tell folks about it yes sure i got on to it about july two thousand and sixteen i believe and i didn't know anything about it i made my first post and i because you cannot vote and give steam to the best post on the site i made fifteen thousand dollars on my first post because i'm quite well known of the cryptocurrency community and everyone of the time who's who was on steam it was all going to cryptocurrency so i started to learn about it and i found out that the developer was a person named dan alarum or i really got into his concept he's an american capitalist he's try. and you create all of these sort of things cryptic currencies and ways that we can essentially make governments and central banks obsolete and i
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got really the steam minutes and then he went on to move on to something called ios no e.o.s. and i'm a big supporter of that as well but steam is one of the for me personally it's the first use case of a crypto currency being used for something other than just a currency and so far it's going really well for if people out there don't know about steam at dot com especially with what facebook's doing now facebook just banned all cryptocurrency and bequia related posts in ads so you can see what's going on there steam it is a social media site based on the block chain so once you post there no one can censor it it's on the block chain essentially forever and as long as i block chain exists so it is it could be the next level for social media all right jeff let's get into some politics here because it all is panned out spoken in your politics and obviously with an arc of all co and air push for anarchy and we've talked about this before and now with bitcoin encrypt achieving the certain
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mass adopt ends or a certain level of adopt ends but it it's gotten to a point where wall street's running scared a little bit governments are running scared and they're pushing back they are facebook as you point out is banning as far crypto we're saying government india you know they were far more positive torbay kind other negative tarpit point so they the revolution that is becoming has reached the state level and so this is really a new era we'll house jeff because you know you are. either out of describe this anti-state i guess i mean so but so it's gotten to that level you know it's got to the jeff berwick fight you know so will the state have the tools what are the state what are the tools the states using to fight bit coin as you see it and how successful will they be to fight that point jeff it's going to be very interesting this is a battle for the future of. freedom for humanity if they win we will have tyranny
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on earth like we've never known it if we if we win we will have peace and prosperity on earth like we've never known and give the power back to the people so really when big quake came out that was the big thing because the real first step for the problems for people like for things like government was the internet for the first time people had access to information and sort of the mainstream propaganda you get on things like n.b.c. and c.n.n. and fox news and all the other ones that are like those and so people for their first time had access to information now. has really hit at the root of their power structure because it's really the power the power behind these governments is their central banks you can't have many of the things that they do you can't have any of these wars without central banks they're all paid for through the inflation even donald trump that some people are for some reason excited about in the u.s. so he might reduce taxes somewhat but if you don't reduce the actual spending of the government then all you're doing is shifting that burden of those expenses onto
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the currency itself by printing more money to pay for it so this is where it's at and this is a massive battle this is a colossal battle that really has just begun it just began really in the last two years as you pointed out and now you see it talked about at davos you see the g. twenty s. you see it everywhere because there's finally realizing this is really he a major threat to their power structures and they will try to do many things to stop you pointed out many of them course they'll put in as many of the laws as they can try to outlaw it you see in china some of the things that they've done they've they've sort of outlawed i.c.'s but the great thing about all this stuff is you can't really stop it there is no place you can't go to big point and and find the c.e.o. and put him in jail you can't go to the big point office and bring in your typical government swat teams and shut it down it doesn't really exist anywhere and this is the beauty and this is what it's going to be the battle and i don't i don't expect that and for many years and i expected to. be very very bloody but not in terms of physical blood just in terms of a real struggle. for this for what's going on for
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a while we have complete tyranny complete government control global government as they're talking about one world government one world central bank or will the people finally have the power back and have a currency that gives the power back to the people now those two key technologies share that we've already seen they futility of trying to stop them one would be a bit torrent and then all the torrent sites despite the hollywood n.p.a. are i.a.s. best effort to stop file swapping and torrents they have not been able to stop if they had to change their models to accommodate the new reality second of all encryption itself is still in the domain of the cypherpunks and and the people who are supporting corruption as a as a means of privacy and for a mans of self governance as a man is. getting together for their right to assemble so these things have not
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been defeated let me talk about another weapon in their tool box i will ever and that would be the wall street. financial futures in our big coin price was twenty thousand are selling then they launched a financial futures contract in the c.m.a. and we recently trying to seventy five hundred a lot of people say think there's a correlation there because of all the games we've seen in the futures market even a long term observer of markets as well as what we've seen in the gold and silver market over the errors is that a fair assessment jeff in your view does see that connection you may find it funny to find out that i actually don't think that those futures of severely affected because at this point i've looked into the futures trading on the cme i believe it's called and the daily trading is around twenty million dollars. or something when the equate market of course is one hundred billion dollar market so at this
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point i don't see that as being the reason for the fall i see other reasons for it so i think we needed this fall if you look back one year ago max and just look at the prices of these cryptic currencies i believe big quaint even a year ago was still around under one thousand dollars i believe a year ago a theorem was around ten or twenty dollars a could have been a little higher now it's all around one thousand dollars this has been a very hot space a lot of the money printed by central banks has actually been flowing into this space which is really interesting the kind of half destroying themselves by printing this money and people putting that money into digital currencies but yes we'll see how much they can try to affect that through all of the other means they have and some of those are things like futures for sure but i don't think it's affected it too much yet guys have got to get out thank you main alicia thank you max all right that's going to do it for this episode of kaiser at par with may max keiser estates there but i think our guest geoff burrowes and our call paul go and this year a crystal ball go a knuckleball go look at possibly be more fun than that if you want to get in touch
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with us it's kaiser report on twitter until next time by all. in america a college degree requires a great deal. paying a decade so instead. of studying so hard it requires trust to. go through humiliation to enter an elite society. and today sometimes quite literally. want other true colors of universities in the u.s. . so it seemed wrong. just don't hold. any you told to
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get to shape out just a few comes to add to it and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. with this manufactured sentenced to the public will. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the final merry go round the sun be the one. nine. six. news is.
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breaking news this hour the foreign minister of the netherlands quits after admitting he laid out by the meeting with vladimir putin the russian leaders intentions to forge a greater russia. it is a double blow in the space of a week for wiki leaks co-founder julian assange is a u.k. court upholds his arrest warrant for a second time. in our exclusive interview with art see the head of the court of arbitration for sport defends the olympic committee's decision to exclude russia nothing leads to which the court itself had already cleared of doping allegations. the fact that the unable to show the guilt of enough leads that the truth has nothing to do over the case but is totally
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innocent. of your joining us from right around the world this hour welcome to moscow and to r.t. international o'neil we begin with breaking news dutch foreign minister house quit after revealing on monday he had lied about a meeting with the russian president putin twelve years ago. well in a full of. done a long. i mean is the boat going to. use. its course. and you know. what our culture has been following the story joins us live and we do know when we first talked about this we have been there may be some repercussions he's not himself go from his
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position give us some background on the latest to this story well you know first of all i need to mention that this news that the dutch minister had decided to resign from his post came a very unexpected treaty actually he made the statement just one day before he is official meeting with the russian foreign ministry said again loud enough and now was about to attend this meeting as many other journalists were and we had questions for him prepared of course concerning the fact that he admitted to lying about overhearing the russian president vladimir putin but now it seems that that particular meeting is the table as russia's foreign ministry has already released information that the side canceled that meeting as we heard that this was the evening of the dutch foreign minister and nouns and he was quite
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emotional and that his credibility has been damaged that he can no longer attend his post he also said that the netherlands deserves a minister who is of any doubt now the dutch prime minister was also present during that particular statement that was made by the foreign minister and he seemed very emotional as well because now this very scandal erupted just two days ago when the minister admitting that he lied to when he claimed to have heard of lattimer put in describing an ambition to. uni fi russia ukraine belarus of the baltic states and even kazakstan as a single country the dutch foreign minister claimed at a party conference back in two thousand and sixteen that he had overheard lattimer put in outlining the grand plan and that happened in two thousand and sixteen
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during gathering of a businessman now the dutch for a minister was working for the oil company shall at that particular time now in the original read tallying of the story he claimed to have been back of a country house when he heard this plans there were made by the russian president. in early two thousand and six i was advised to move putin's countryside house i stopped at the back of a room or a meeting was being held but i could hear very well vladimir putin talking about a great to russia he said this included russia the roofs ukraine and the baltic states and that kazakstan would also be nice to have you know well that particular story was questioned by the newspaper. which discovered that the dutch foreign minister had not been as part of a business gathering back in two thousand and six in russia and now when the
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minister was confronted about this he acknowledged that that was actually a lie and that he lied about overhearing the russian president and now two days later we received this news coming from the netherlands that the foreign minister had decided to resign from his post ok thanks for the updates all not this hour medina culture of. a british court has all pell the arrest warrant for wiki leaks co-founder julian assange and he's wanted for skipping bail in the country it's the second time in a week that other soldiers lawyers have been in court to appeal against the warrant with the details from london unless the see a church. despite any high expectations the jewel in the sanchez legal team and his supporters have been gathering outside this court room might have caught it looks like the status quo for his case remains and he's not quite close to being able to leave the ecuadorian embassy in london as he might have hoped now this latest
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ruling was focused of course on the potential of the arrest warrant against him being being lifted and last week we saw his legal team argue that it's time to lift that because the swedish investigation against him has long been dropped the judge said no to that more arguments were presented we could go in today the judge has ruled on some of the arguments that the legal team had presented and basically up held that the arrest warrant that was put against him by british officials here in london is going to remain which would have been the final legal hurdle for him to be able to walk out of the embassy now this has not happened it seems that the judge inside this courtroom behind me seems to think that julian assange is just fine the way he is given the fact that he's been inside that embassy for over five and a half years now some of the arguments that she talked about war that his defense team has said that his actions to go inside the ecuadorian embassy were reasonable
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however the judge believes that sweden would not have extradited him to the u.s. because this would have created a diplomatic scandal then she also talked about the united nations ruling of course that had found that his detention was arbitrary however the judge here seem to think that this detention is self-imposed that julie no sunshine as she said gets visitors he can eat what he wants he's free to leave any time he wants she said he's free to go out onto the balcony where he has seen has been seen several times of the ecuadorian embassy to this julian assange has tweeted that he's only been out there. about six times under heavy security so that's not really a reason also the. argued that his health condition is not as bad as it could be saying that's not a reason to consider lifting the arrest warrants and that any kind of punishment that his team presented as already having been excessive is also not a good enough reason the judge here said she believes that julian assange just like
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everybody else is not above the law he should have presented have some to himself to the case and that he could not just impose his own terms of justice so the judge here in london was not convinced which means that now it's back to the working table for a songe and his defense team to see what else there is they can do to try to either appeal this decision or come up with any new moves in order to move this case forward. well i'm glad to say we have no italian journalist margaret c. live by phone on the program she is responsible for releasing documents relating to a song just case under the freedom for information like the funny or welcome if i can just put this first question to you it has been claimed that sweden was close to suspending its investigation into rape accusations against before they eventually did last year but britain stockholm to keep its inquiry open is the to
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the best of your knowledge. well basically we know for sure that we took legal we would think you could cause some concern back in two thousand think we all. own the body you made that we treated the same to the british authorities clarifying you are doing the crime prosecution reply to the concert but we hope we can see who can tell the simply a very beginning the u.k. authorities basically are divided against again on the strategy can we basically could have allowed we could solution of this case very very clear what the the u.k. while you are changed to be very beginning in this case do you share julianna saunders fears that the u.s. is still actively seeking higgs extradition the judge in today's appeal said that
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she did not find his fear reasonable that he would be sent to the u.s. your thoughts. well i'm completely i definitely believe he's completely irrational the concern and i can tell you that they are going through the documents i was completely shocked to realize that there is not the feline discussing the. chandra levy to make concern of being with. us you have to realize that basically they when sandra was there and say back in two thousand and ten weeks had just started publishing some of the most devastating revelation and secret documents about the u.s. military the intelligence complex thirty three seem possible that the u.k. and the swedish prosecutors would never have got blair good concert even not see waiting i mean you have to realize that if you go through the documents they
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discuss all sorts of things. from knowing three different from weekend free time so i was it possible that they never had to discuss the when bill entire world was discussing the time even if i don't buy the document where they discuss the scale and probably there are this year or so documents addressing maybe discussions maybe . are not actually required for extradition and this is why he was denied documents because we were charged with a much for your for access to these documents and basically go. between should argue that we never had a contract we did us on these what are the u.k. authorities basically refused to confirm or deny whether they had any contact if they didn't have an contact why not to say hopefully i mean. just on your first
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point but you made the funny why do you think the u.k. wanted the case in sweden as you put it to remain open what what they get from that . to be honest i have no idea i mean that's what i want for factual documents i want. to learn all i want. to reach out documents documents but i'm not very big to really. ok i didn't write them what happened then i want to read. for you. we normally know. why you are
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so. well we appreciate you coming on to the program this hour giving us your take on that italian journalist moderates see live by phone the funny is responsible for releasing documents relating to julian assange just case under the freedom of information. a preliminary investigation has found that frozen speed sensors may have been the cause of sunday's deadly passenger jet crash near bosco the heating system that protects those centers was switched off during the ill fated flight but had been switched on for the previous fifteen journeys that the plane had made investigators hope to find out why the heating was turned off as they continue their extensive analysis of the ultimate one for eight black boxes the tragedy claimed the lives of all seventy one people on board radar stations record of the erratic flight path of the plane it reached an altitude of nearly two thousand meters before suddenly
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plunging to fifteen hundred meters after regaining height apparently plummeted once again and disappeared completely from radars the last time it was seen on screen was that nine hundred meters. well the victims of some things are crushed near moscow have been more individual right side the capital its main cathedral seventy one candles were lit for each person who lost their lives to remind you the pain crushed minutes after taking off from the capital's dome agenda for report it was heading to or skip a city near russia's border with. police . need to be used. to. just see what they truly a beginning but even they do you. look at each think we're going to show what it. was. the inclusion students. but.
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there. are troops here. for. the senior that's. the most. if. not. the. legitimacy of the. first serious and it's real time.
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to see their loved one want to wake up does not have the scholars to stare your thoughts around the surface there are also those hostile out of place. not just those who want to preserve a certain style or type. people are involved in the recovery operation covered thirty years special this people are moving smaller pieces of the wreckage continues to recover and identify the remains of the. still to come on the program we took a look at a virus that covertly uses your computer to illegally cryptocurrency it's making waves because it's infected sites on groups meant to protect us.
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i. know. that. if you speak french.
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hello again day four of the winter olympics in russia to its medal tally with two finishes secured events it brings the country's overall hole to four bronze on the silver medal spiked a reduced number of competitors from russia following decisions by the international olympic committee and the court of arbitration for sport over doping allegations. in twenty eight cases the evidence collected was found to be insufficient to establish that an anti-doping rule violation was committed by the athletes concerned now so the decision is extremely disappointing these decision shows some of the virtue and the need. for reform.
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in the internal structure of cars today the division of the court of arbitration for sport this missed the application filed by thirty two russian athletes against the international olympic committee applicants did not demonstrates that the manner in which two special commission system by the i.o.c. was carried out in a discriminatory or unfair manner. overturn the lifetime bans olympic bronze for twenty eight russian of the start affair but then did a sudden you turn saying it actually supported the i.o.c. decision not to allow the athletes to compete in the winter games our correspondent has been speaking exclusively with the secretary general of couse to find out more about the conflicting decisions after the court of arbitration for sport said no to forty seven russian athletes and coaches just as the winter games were getting
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underway perhaps the number one conclusion that came up on some people's mind was that presumption of innocence doesn't apply to the russian doping scandal well the cast secretary-general didn't literally say that the key law principle didn't work for cas but see for yourself how much it applied to the russians the fact that the only able to show the guilt of an athlete that would mean that the actually has nothing to do other with the case is totally innocence this is a logical consequence and this is nothing bad. about it mr reeve maintains that leaving the group of clean russian athletes on paper out of the winter olympics isn't a sanction also i found out that the refusal of the i.o.c. to get the dozens of russian athletes on board the olympics in some cases was
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a result of pure suspicion and other cases it was a result of some real evidence which however mr reeves hasn't seen after all he wasn't a member of the panel but the secretary general problem is that this evidence will soon be published so let's wait for now let's have a look at the other highlights of my exclusive interview a cas has been shown something as a people here there was no review of every the sochi case was not discussed here the metro report was last discussed here it's only the review of the process so it was not just sanction it was an eligibility issue i understand the reaction of the public in russia because it doesn't seem logical exactly the russian side doesn't see the logic here how is stripping a person of the right to compete at the olympics not a sanctioned this is. a special procedure because the created a special commission so the cast panel here reviewed these criteria and said they
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were fair please let me get this straight the saatchi case and the chang case you're saying that there are absolutely no contradictions between the two decisions yes the fact that you cannot establish the give evidence of the fields doesn't mean that you have established the innocence of the athlete you see what i mean i'm sorry but i thought that was the exact job of cas to determine whether that suspicion is enough or that kind of bad maybe that there are suspicions which are not. confirmed by sufficient evidence i don't know if i'm clear because it's a little bit skopec ated that is you can have some elements which show some. suspicious actions by the athletes but they may not be sufficient to convince the panel that for sure this athlete is guilty of an anti-doping rule violation but it doesn't mean that they actually did nothing at all there may be some. some strange
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actions which could lead to some suspicion so you are saying there can be more transparency it's possible it's possible yes as you heard a couple of minutes ago when cas initially overturned the i.o.c. bans of the sochi athletes the international olympic committee was very critical of the court thomas back demanded reforms and i asked the secretary general if anyone returned to these ideas after the final decision of the russian athletes was made and the answer was no so it turns out when the court of arbitration for sport came up with a verdict that fully satisfied the i.o.c. nobody wants to reform cas any more or you can see the exclusive interview with the general in full throughout the day on wed and state tomorrow here on our to international. a virus that can access your computer and mine
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cryptocurrency to huggers has reportedly infected thousands of government websites it's even affected the data protection watchdog the model where uses a technique known as. yours how it works effectively hijacks computers not visit the infected websites covertly cryptocurrency using your personal device instead of their own it then sends the bach to the hocker on your own nowhere essentially of the intrusion. will run two weeks ago many businesses were hit with similar malware including video streaming giant you tube earlier we heard from skull tellme sculpts the cyber security specialist he thinks we're witnessing a new trend in online crime. the rise of crypto jacking is related to the value of crypto currency so as a crypto currency increases in value if you can steal it or obtain it illegitimately then then you proceed to increase their worth more we will see the
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rise of more crypto jacking attacks like this partially motivated by the increase in the value of crypto currency is and partially motivated right now by the ease with which these attacks can be carried out criminals of use cash for hundreds of years and criminals will move to the next form of currency which is cryptocurrency fortunately this was a quiet mild example of what the attackers could have done but i think common advice still applies you know make sure that you keep your device up to date if it's an i phone do the i phone update if its windows do windows or days make sure you are reading the latest versions of maybe you have been to virus programs on your computer is all of the standard kind of advice still applies here. and you know that the wider industry just needs to react to this and start getting on top of these kinds of attacks. the day stories are shaping up do you join me again in just over half an hour for more on the breaking news this hour the dutch foreign ministers exit from office following the discovery that he lied about holding a meeting with vladimir putin.
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joined me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to get us out of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you there. i. gave him a solution on this but samantha. just music first thing in the room with this stuff which was going on about how the noise as a. whole. is modified. and you know this stuff and it was just almost
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a trial. of saddam for us to gather some autumnal. more. i. applied for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money just kill the narrowness and spending shouldn't twenty million one fly a. book it's an experience like nothing else i want to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy my great so will more chance for.
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a nice minute. to get their degree which will get them their dream job young americans no longer hesitate to put their health at stake is the first day of term on the columbia campus one of the most prestigious universities in the world more than eighty nobel prize winners have either study to. justice and many other ivy league american schools some students take drugs to boost their academic results thanks to unfit to mean defectives they can study through the night without showing any signs of tiredness if you do my friends to. break we're going to come here and there are hours to. be. in the united states the study drugs have become a public health issue more than a third of american students take them regularly. go to columbia thanks to an exam
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she took under the influence of unfair. to avoid a disciplinary action she will hide her identity i didn't have any expectations of getting in the essay i wrote was an autobiography five pages i ended up taking a ph d. medicine it just it puts you. in a mental space where you can focus entirely why not take a pill if everyone else is doing it to give you that competitive match or the helping hand that she got hold of very easily. a friend of mine prescription for a concert and he gave it to us for free i'm probably down like a dozen times or so. and you will see how these pills are almost sold us over the counter drugs on campus. we walk through the streets around new york university with a hidden camera. after twenty minutes of searching become across this student we'll
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call him joe. seriously. believe. you know. it just doesn't seem to be shocked we ask him he consulted sounds like. random. like one or two people like. you the student got to three scription from a fairly unobservant doctor. many minutes using. an elite athlete. so josh deals the twenty five milligrams that he doesn't use and sell. after a few minutes of negotiation he lets us buy one of his pills ten dollars for thirty milligrams of amphetamines you can't do it so they do hear you lose sleep you know the average. ten percent of students who take
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drugs become addicted. lunch fats is very familiar with this phenomenon of journalists at the new york times he was one of the first people to raise the alarm . but i have to succeed i have to get an a i have to get into the best law school i have to be in the in the cream of the problem if average is no longer acceptable we're all in very big trouble among the most fragile students these pills can cause violence elucidations and suicidal thoughts. despite the risks a real traffic of these drugs has developed over the internet. this classified ad site well known by americans has dozens of office full study trucks. to attract students these miracle pills have even been renamed study a. in order to get hold of them a simple phone call will do. what.
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the police have been looking at these new internet dealers for quite some time. october two thousand and twelve operation dot com led to the arrest of twenty one new yorkers who were operating on this site. among them a student at n.y.u. . the aim of the authorities is to break up any traffic where doctors may be involved. on campus the addresses of these specialists are being exchanged illicitly we went to interview one of them. and it was not the psychiatrist you know what is it you know before i take a test or something and i pretend to be a student who is having difficulties. so here's a loop through that said exactly here in other words. no no health scan no verification of my student status instead of any medical
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examination he just hands me a sheet. of red. orange. distance do you have problems organizing yourself or concentrating do you have memory problems you know that this questionnaire put together by the world health organization helps diagnose attention deficit disorders among adults. age also works as a medical guarantee for this doctor is that he will be able to text will read your post is there so you have to really take a breath and return to a large intestine yeah exactly this is what goals will go. to protect himself from any possible prosecution the psychiatry is made to sign a disclaimer it's two words of support for ok doctors there because it was. in two thousand and nine almost six million prescriptions like this were issued to
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young americans every month in four years this figure has more than double the to success. other students hedge their bets on another system of co-working which has stood the test of time. back at the university of kentucky. these great victorian like buildings are home to the famous fraternity house on the front of each building week letters identified. ronald reagan george w. bush steven spielberg mark zuckerberg all of them have been through these exclusively male secret brotherhoods. although they encourage support loyalty and integration as a code of conduct many americans consider them as violent and sectarian. after a few weeks of negotiations some of them allowed us to film them. it's rush week the week for selecting new members and tonight it's operation charm at the sigma
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alpha epsilon house. so the owners can see you the aim to find future flatmates for this brand new house located in the heart of campus inside there's a fireplace a club arm chair paintings of the former alumni you could almost forget their students live here from where it was so these are of any real changes. tonight the fraternity will only be create the university's best pedigrees. graham has been an essay member since two thousand and ten he knows the selection ritual well. for the house events are rules and events. which are a short history. the atmosphere is rather relaxed everybody is trying to make a good impression you're going to take over the house in
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a couple of years ago there are no. good for their candidates the first visit is only the beginning of a lie. own process selection hazing initiations to get a place here they will have to get through what are sometimes violent challenges but not tonight discouraging the contenders is out of the question their attack is still focused on the competing for eternity but for how far down the street their goal in this new house it's going to feel like one hundred square feet here in ours just to be bigger than ours but they're doing it like a two million dollar west budgets are struggling here to for eternity is operate with huge budgets entry for the sposi students cost between one thousand to three thousand euros a year. the wealth of these fraternities is mainly gifted to them by former members it's you know kind of like a a sweet almost for two people but. benefactors who will become sponsors of these students once graduated this is a fraternities main strength building
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a professional network to get re going jordan there. is a presence around it's kind of his role model. these fraternities are mainly hope to young white anglo-saxon americans. it's a great way of continuing a system of the elite and privileges spencer the town where a very bad place but hey you know if. this student in the red shirt gets a slightly warmer welcome spencer is a different kind of candidate to the athletes. oh i mean you know that i feel as i do my big head. you know. you know it's. right there at the s.a.e. house spencer is already a little at home. his place in the house is reserved it's a family heirloom. i don't know if you're serious. serious you are serious if you prefer. their pressure to work.
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or it's dirty. at the university of kentucky twenty five fraternities shared the campus and the pick of the students quite apart from their parent teaches them they also indulge in fierce competition in terms of parties and alcohol. what's up. for and this is what gives a fraternity its reputation these nights of heavy drinking at the end of the afternoon and the campus delta sigma fi house has already started to party and they need more pitchers. delta saying this is a new channel twenty two he's organizing the feeling he's in charge of the fraternity social life his mission for the days to motivate those who are choosing the new members and they begin by going over the classics. a
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very great joy. was there getting better at the met is best is. very aware. there are loads of little booklet for turning he gets a rally here and we chant this song and yeah we all rushed in for an l o. yeah but it's welcome like well well you know it's good. for these much obituaries have only one objective tonight the brothers for life who i would push money to if there was it up by a good live guys. even though on the road they were discussing. aside from the camaraderie the fraternities also have another purpose to enable them members to meet guilds this is mary gearin she's about to make out with t. ball of. their favorite targets aren't waitresses that sorority students the female
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equivalent of fraternities on campus. the of nine pm in the delta is at a house the party is in full swing. was among the thirty or so excited goes we see ciano delta six party guy. he's come on a scouting mission thanks so. much are doing. thank you thank you i was one of them on campus fraternities and sororities form a single community one big dating club the students from good families where everything goes to the was what happens here stays here was i
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think i think you normally is the fraternity is that host the sorority so that these young ladies don't have to pay each fraternity member contributes two hundred dollars perturb it is all done to encourage making connections on time for the prat parties it's all free however how i'd cooperate. the only guys who really associates are hearing us are pretty much only talk to her right or only voice yeah yeah i'm. sure he'll give this year a new email evidence with them and your friends are dating guys who answered paternity you say like that's just actually do but then we'll make fun of can we can make fun of like yeah people who are injured they have a name oh g.-d. i which is means an independent thank you on american campuses academic success relies on integration into these elite societies to get in some students
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will do anything even the most barbaric afresh the initiation. hey everybody i'm stephen bob. taft hollywood guy you know suspects every proud american first of all i'm just george bush and r.v. i'm losing steam this is my buddy max famous financial guru and well just a little bit different i'm not a abraham lincoln one of the minor windows up with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the road have some fun meet every day americans come home and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american people which. elliston is getting international recognition with the help of israel at least in
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the world of zoos remember wolf it was dismissive to do it looking like you know that this isn't my cup of tea is something i'm going to have no phil saviano maybe you know john go into a tough job or they should the only palestinians is who gets the most hopefully still a slim counterparts i don't think there's a lot of those who in the world under the cloak of vision did not only could give us a book and that's there's a lot that's not just you have to this lady in the muscle that you had i'm going to continue muslim seem to do more in the middle sauced some piss off. the wall off selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles but still. the new socks credit tell you that what we gossip the public by file for the most important day. off the past
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doesn't tell you things you are not cool enough to buy their product. all the hawks that we along with our audience will watch. we had to hand over on the east coast of the united states. where we have to document one of the oldest american universities. upon leaving its graduates are among the country's top six highest salaries. in promotional images of an elite campus without history where one out of every two students is a member of a fraternity. was one of them just like his grandfather a brother before him. let's start. over here too so i actually like every
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time every time i want to go to sleep it's like underneath. the student isn't bitter however his initiation nearly killed him. they spared him nothing this was actually the night the night of rush everyone gets kidnapped and taken to this other spot where they don't know where they are. going to charge a lot of six cups of beer. you know as fast as you can the first person here and they're dressed in blue suits and in the winter. in contrast to the principle of support among fraternities hazing or fresh the initiation is a time of and this humiliation about the vomit couple pledges vomit into a pan and one of the touch chairs cracked you know eggs and cheese and baked in the oven in the pledge. and juris no egg he has inflicted upon others the very same tortures he did out says before daring to testify about them in one of
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america's biggest magazines rolling stone confessions of a frat boy among these confessions there is something that nobody has forgotten when i first saw the people it was like a shock people vomiting and people. people are jocular and. the year before someone defra kid the pleasures were swim around and you're like baptized. at dartmouth his confession exploded like a bomb but once the scandal was over the university tried to bury the matter i tried to get them to investigate and they never did you know in a real way if you really want to know what i think yeah it is some money it's you know the what the alumni who give the most you know a lot of them are in for tourney's and a lot of them are on well some of them are on the board of trustees or were on the board of trustees and. you know millions of dollars changes hands.
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andrew left dartmouth before graduating. even though he survived the fraternity violence others weren't so lucky. you're ten am at the long island courthouse. jack omarion parte meehan have chosen to break the law of silence by pressing charges against their son's fraternity came to court to indicate my son's that stays. there until he died from alcohol poisoning. this civil trial marks the end of four years of relentless legal battle according to their lawyer this tragedy should serve as an example for going to gauge. that they're going to be. live on a plan for whatever damage that we can. get the jurors to work. for the loss of their son the parte millions are claiming damages against the
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fraternities president as well as two other frat boys who were present on the evening of the hazing. the university itself is not involved the tragedy took place off campus. a man was nineteen years old he was the only child from jack a merriam's remarriage. this is just before he went to college and the long hair was an a student. he was very smart very capable. a man wanted to be a doctor but on the twenty eighth of february two thousand and nine history mz were crushed his hazing turned into a tragedy after he was very very drunk and that he was trying to stop drinking that kept. pouring bucket down the stroke that's when the. party disband that they took my simple already had passed out and they took him up to the house and.
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put him to bed. they hit me i'm they just they really they left him there and he just died. but i almost thought. the next morning the police discovered our mom's lifeless body the alcohol content in his body was seven times the legal limit. since the tragedy time has stood still at the parte means house but. this was. just putting stuff in here right now so i just can't bring myself to take it out than. the poor of. the first char saw the three students sentenced to a weekend in prison an injustice for nicole and sister and a sign of impunity of these fraternities weekends in jail or going on very a comma and suddenly didn't even make any sense you know but now they can organize
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and get married and have kids and do whatever to not. have kids downstairs they don't know this is so the parte means filed a civil lawsuit to get compensation. the culprits were finally sentenced to pay a fine of millions of dollars in damages. on american campuses alcohol has become a real problem. once a year students from across the whole country gather for a heavy drinking session. we are in south padre island texas the spring break template. sixty thousand students meet here every year it's three pm on the largest beach of the island rowdy has been drinking heavily that student discovers the joys of spring break for the first time we. were really curious where it would really be the girls are going to read. what's in store for them dance
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competitions and drinking. american students forget the pressure of the upcoming exams in the meantime anything goes for good or for showing very show their breeds are going to show up. from their families and what they used to these youngsters no longer know their limits to drugs and alcohol many of them finished their afternoon in the medical tent set up a few metres from the beach there or be hydrated there drop in this barge later. accustomed to such depaul cheree the state of texas is not to mean with its resources their two hundred first aid workers are hired so that the party does not turn into a tragedy in charge of the fire chief bernie the sad sad sad bring regular course like we have a disaster is controlled chaos. every day one hundred spring breakers are admitted
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to this field hospital. today about he has managed to get back to his hotel without any problems in the supermarket or no call you but in the girl's room some haven't stomach the alcohol so well they get through drunk at the beach for their care in the year in the fall when. you have to keep going round again i don't have that technique from the beach they came in here in stop drinking if they want to can't drink when they want to be and they were going to party and just like us. for these students spring break rules the effort they've made throughout the year. so they party day and night. a few hours later the girls get to secondly. emily and cherie are two students from dallas with a clear objective means we are here diving maybe. again
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tonight the team gets going. headed to was one of the biggest nightclubs on the island that's loose in the city spring breakers are the cause of many out to the sheriff mike is the tense this period of the year right now we just want to make sure that we're in the park and watch we're going to try to make sure that. the washing cars are trying to break into the steal cars. since last year mike has been able to rely on a very special form of support to help them control the situation feels. his ability to up there to watch things that people don't think about. a control tower several meters from the ground and downed with night vision cameras we have one camera which located on top. of the tower what is it all frame around three hundred sixty degrees which i think you have here play station
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actually we can move that camera all the way around we can actually if you can show me pretty close. mike has just received a call from the tower an individual has been spotted dealing cannabis. use id rather for it right. the tower allows mike to rest jujitsu infringe that will. take in two thousand and thirteen the south padre island police makes three hundred and forty five arrests over eight days. we find rowdy in the queue for the nightclub tonight he's planning to dance and drink all night he's out for a night. the problem is he's only eighteen when he was ordered. for this student has a fake id he's pretending to be the legal age for drinking alcohol. before entering entering. the rowdiest managed to get past the barry unlike
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these underage girls. it turns out that he an out and have been planning this for a long time. place it. on a sixty dollars to. have a great night out these two boys have saved up almost five hundred dollars the equivalent of two months of student job salary. but plenty to. a. lot of. the silly stuff. every year spring break brings in around one billion dollars for the american economy. after several hours of partying rowdy and elgin are a little hungry and just as well because outside a pancake stand awaits that and there are catholics from all over texas cooking up the stove to share and learn to take their pain to train every really here.
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every evening these volunteers prepare more than six thousand pancakes to help the party goes absorb some of the alcohol that's been shrinking. in ten years spring break has become another miscible events on the schedules of american students tomorrow we get up early with good food and we continue to just party unity. like cool spring break is rowdy and old and will be going back to campus to take their exams. but there have to knuckle down in the united states one out of every two students leaves university without a degree. tens
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of billions hundreds of billions probably a trillion dollars of u.s. government subsidies a shit on the energy industry yes government can subsidize mining of big brother crypto currencies and put those into a wall it's called american citizens give each have an automatic wallet tied to their social security account and they can get a daily weekly or monthly air drop of crypto coins that they can then years to boost economy with the government can easily do that. with goods manufactured and sentenced him to from public will. when the ruling closest protect them so. when the final
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clear your own lives and be the will. to ignore middle of the room signals. from the real news is. the way. i. used to most illusional me spokesmen. just music first thing in the book was that which business in monaco to negotiate a. little business over there with just some awesome trying. to gather some are.
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just. i. i i i i i i'm. i i. i i.
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bricking used the foreign minister of the. meeting he lied about a meeting with. the russian leaders and tensions to greater russia. it's a double blow in the space of a week for wiki leaks founder julian assange is a u.k. court upholds his arrest warrant for a second time. also coming up on the program in. the head of the courts for arbitration defends the olympic committee's decision to exclude russia which the court itself has already cleared up doping allegations.
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from moscow every hour of the day this is r t international my names you know neil welcome to the program we begin with breaking news the dutch foreign minister resigned after revealing on monday he had lied about a meeting with the russian president twelve years ago. you know a little bit from the moment. you don't respond to most. we're going to pull over to. the mental. images that we voted. for. the apologies if you could only see the end of the translation. is here though with more on the story medina tell us what
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happened today and remind us what the noise former dutch f.m. said about this supposed meeting. well it just as you saw there the dyed foreign minister was quite emotional when he announced his resignation he was supported by the country's prime minister who was also present during this announcement and he also seemed quite moved to by this situation now what happened today is the result of a big scandal that erupted when it was revealed that the dutch of foreign minister allied back in two thousand and sixteen about in a van to end his life and at that time when he described that event that didn't raise that much of a lot of questions as it happened when russia was accused of all sorts of things moscow was accused of carrying out aggressive politics so that bligh said quite well into that context now back in two thousand and sixteen the minister for the
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dutch foreign ministry said that he was present at the meeting with the russian president vladimir putin and he heard the president talking about unifying russia ukraine ballerinas the baltic states and kazakstan into one single country creating a greater russia. because. fish in early two thousand and six i was a vitamin putin's countryside house i stopped at the back of a room where a meeting was being held but i could hear very well vladimir putin talking about a greater russia he said this included russia beller roofs ukraine and the baltic states and that kazakstan would also be nice to have. well these were his words back in two thousand and sixteen but then when he was confronted about that he acknowledged that that was a lie that he was not even in russia in two thousand and six and he was only protecting a source of his
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a person that was at that meeting and now of the ministry said that his credibility had been damaged by this scandal to such an extent that his position had become untenable now he described the risks and events as the biggest mistake in his political career adding that the country does for ng minister who is beyond any doubt now all that is taking place just one day before his official meeting with the russian foreign minister sergei allow for i was about to attend this meeting as were many other journalists and we had questions for him prepared of course concerning this particular situation but now it seems that the missing is off the table as it was officially declined by the dutch site thanks very much for that's all it's all our breaking news this hour medina. british court for your arrest warrant for wiki leaks co-founder julian assange he's
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wanted for skipping bail in the country it is the second time in a week of a soldier's lawyers helping in court to appeal against the warrant. the details despite any high expectations the julian assange his defense team and supporters might have that could have come from inside this courtroom here in london did not materialize as the judge has ruled that the status quo remains that the arrest warrant against julian assange imposed by britain is not going to be lifted now last week the judge said that beside most off the fact that the swedish investigators have long drop the case against him should mean that the arrest warrant associated with that case should go to. said no this did not work for this courtroom today the judge considered several more arguments brought forward by julie massagers defense team let's look at some of those highlights first they are huge that julian assange options were reasonable this in terms of skipping bail and
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going inside the ecuadorian embassy the judge here has said that this was not a reasonable enough argument because the judge believes that sweden would not have extradited julian assange to the u.s. because this would have created a major diplomatic scoundrel now the judge also consider the united nations ruling that had found that a son his detention was arbitrary to this the judge has said that this was based on misunderstandings according to her she said that julian the songes detention is self-imposed the judge believes that julian assange has been able to leave the embassy any time she wants she said that he has had visitors he can eat what he wants and even get fresh air and sunshine being able to walk out on that famous balcony to this julian a sun she had tweeted that he's only gone out on the balcony several times amidst high security now the judge also talked about the argument brought forward by the defense team that julian assange was always willing to take part in the
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investigation and the question to this she said the case has dragged on for way too long and that this willingness was not very obvious also another argument brought forward was that his punishment might have already been quite excessive given the fact that julian assange has been holed up inside the ecuadorian embassy in london for over five and a half years now the judge found that his condition his health condition is good enough and that it could be worse the conclusion brought forward by this case today that the arrest warrant stands the judge has said that like everybody else julian assange is not above the law that he should have presented himself to the. room and face the consequences of his action however now all eyes will be on what kind of moves julian assange just defense team come up with to move his case forward and. we also spoke to patrick henningsen the founder of twenty first century wired dot
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com he believes the u.k. is acting as a us puppet in the case it's become clear now the sort of the games up with for release of the e-mails from the crown prosecution service is showing that there was collusion between the c.p.s. and the swedish judiciary to sort of keep this his case on the rocks even though sweden could have dropped the case for five years ago we're looking at a situation here where the u.k. is effectively a sockpuppet with washington is the hand inside it can be you know their explanation they said this is in the public interest and so forth at the hearing today i can't see how they can prove that it's in the public interest having spent four million pounds on security around the ecuadorian embassy to make sure though that julian assange doesn't make a run for it. day four of the winter olympics has seen russia
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to its medal tally with two bronze finish is secured in ski events it brings the country's overall haul to four bronze on the silver despite a reduced number of competitors from russia following decisions by the international olympic committee and the court of over treatment for sports over doping allegations. in twenty eight cases the evidence collected was found to be insufficient to establish that an anti-doping rule violation was committed by the athletes concerned because a decision is a extremely disappointing. decision. the need for reform. no the interludes structural for a cause today the division of the court of arbitration for sport dismissed the application fired by thirty two russian athletes against the international olympic
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committee did not demonstrate that the manner in which two special commission system established by the i.o.c. was carried out in a discriminatory arbitrary or unfair manner or curse overturn the lifetime and big bombs for twenty eight russian update at the start of february but then did a sudden you turn saying it actually supported the i.o.c. ease this is not to allow the athletes to compete in the winter games are correspondent who has been speaking exclusively with the secretary general of chaos to find out more about the conflicting the sessions. after the court of arbitration for sport said no to forty seven russian athletes and coaches just as the chang winter games were getting underway perhaps the number one conclusion that came up on some people's mind was that presumption of innocence doesn't apply to the russian doping scandal well the cast secretary-general did literally say that the
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key law principle didn't work for cas but see for yourself how much it applied to the russians the fact that the unable to show the guilt of an athlete doesn't mean that the truth has nothing to do although with the case of the innocence this is a logical consequence and this is nothing bad about it mr reeve maintains that leaving the group of clean russian athletes on paper out of the winter olympics isn't a sanction also i found out that the refusal of the i.o.c. to get the dozens of russian athletes on board the olympics in some cases was a result of pure suspicion and other cases it was a result of some real evidence which however mr reeves hasn't seen after all he wasn't a member of the panel but the secretary general promised that this evidence will soon be published so let's wait for now let's have
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a look at the other highlights of my exclusive interview a cas has been shown something as a people here there was no review of every the sochi case was not discussed here the meca report was last discussed here it's only the review of the process so it was not just sanction it was an eligibility issue i understand the reaction of the public in russia because it doesn't seem logical exactly the russian side doesn't see the logic here how it's stripping a person of the right to compete at the olympics not a sanctioned this is. a special procedure because the created a special commission so the cast by the here reviewed these criteria and said they were fair please let me get this straight the tsotsi case and the chiang case you're saying that there are absolutely no contradictions between the two decisions yes the fact that you cannot establish the give evidence of the deal doesn't mean
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that you have established the innocence of the athlete you see what i mean i'm sorry but i thought that was the exact job of cas to determine whether that suspicion is enough for that kind of bad maybe that there are suspicions which on that. confirmed by sufficient evidence i don't know if i'm clear because it's a little bit skopec ated but it is you can have some elements which show some. suspicious actions by the athletes but they may not be sufficient to convince the panel that for sure at least is guilty of an anti-doping rule violation but it doesn't mean that if you did nothing at all there may be some. some strange actions which could lead to some suspicion so you are saying there can be more transparency it's possible it's possible yes as you heard a couple of minutes ago when cas initially overturned the i.o.c. bans of the sochi athletes the international olympic committee was very critical of
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the court thomas back demanded reforms and i asked the secretary general if anyone returned to these ideas after the final decision of the russian athletes was made and the answer was no so it turns out when the court of arbitration for sport came up with a verdict that fully satisfied the i.o.c. nobody wants to reform cas any more. a lot of interesting points there and you can watch the exclusive interview with the cast secretary-general in full throughout the day when state tomorrow here on our to international. the international olympic committee has another situation on the towns in south korea as reports emerge the told the u.s. women's ice hockey team to remove the image of the statue of liberty from its helmets the rules state that no political symbols can be displayed on the uniforms well the reports that lady liberty was being given the cold shoulder by v.o.c.
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quickly made headlines on sparked outrage online with some media suggesting national flags and anthems might as well be removed to another is even cited reports suggesting it was the russian president who requested the olympic committee get the u.s. to remove the image people on twitter echoed the media's criticism of the move some accuse the i.o.c. of bias saying it doesn't mind sponsor money and logos such as the famous nike tick of the question of color that should therefore remove the iconic maple leaf its national symbol from jerseys and equipment however the i.o.c. has backtracked saying it was a misunderstanding that it never asked the u.s. team to remove the statue of liberty we discussed all valid twit sports studies and sociology professor ellis cashmore he thinks elite competitions are no more about politics than the sport itself. i do find it absolutely ridiculous that the
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olympics is now trying to stamp out any kind of reference to nationalism the whole point of the olympics was originally at least in the late nineteenth century when the modern olympics started to bring nations together over the years what has happened is that the olympics have been hijacked in one way or another by political interest groups sometimes whole governments i don't think you can keep politics out of the olympics any more than you can keep politics out of the sport generally this whole russian doping business has just escalated and escalated to the point where russians have been eliminated disqualified from competition that is in itself a political decision and we've seen this whole narrative that's been gone for a very long time still to come facebook and google have been told to clean up or lose side that's a warning from one of their biggest advertisers that story and more after this.
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altie we have a great team but we need to strengthen before the freefall world cold and you're better than a legend to keep it so it's at the back. in one thousand nine hundred two that my qualify for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in us but we won and i'm hoping to bring some of that winning spirit to the r.c.c. . recently i've had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that peter schmeichel will be on the best form since my last will come closer as we've. seen the euro.
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rush. drive. left left left more or less ok stop that's really good. eighteen minutes into the program welcome back facebook and google are risk of losing one of the world's biggest advertisers if they fail to improve news transparency and tackle extremism on their platforms consumer products unilever which makes some of the biggest brands in food and cleaning products made the thread at that conference on monday but the anglo dutch firm has been caught out in the past with its own misjudged marketing as daniel hawkins looked into the same news different day facebook is again in the firing line having faced pressure from governments and activists over failing to root out speech racism fake news divisive
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comments and whatnot this time its global joint you need me for leading the charge even threatening to reduce and withdrawal advertising from the social media platform if things don't improve. unilever will not invest in platforms or environments that do not protect our children or which create division in society consumers do care about fraudulent practice fake news and russians influencing the us election they do care when they see their brands being placed next to ads funding terror or exploiting children now the message is clear though more deception abuse and controversy and a new era of positivity unity and inclusive ity but a closer look at unilever's own p.r. record reveals a contentious history from this infamous dove soap placed on facebook triggering a storm of accusations of racism to fair lovely skin lightening products market
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across asia sporting allegations of perpetuating racist colonial there are types to control this he's with me and sexism culminating in a damning report on chauvinists that marketing. after apologizing unilever has said it's now to change its ways it's released new adverts advocating inclusive ety it wants facebook to follow suit or else let's face it though you leave out probably won't drop one of its biggest advertising platforms money talks but the story probably has generated some good p.r. that you believe or as any company is primary responsibility is to make money for its shareholders too to turn a profit and sometimes p.r. initiatives like this are part of that they're just an effort to elevate your brand
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i think it would be difficult for them as a company that makes consumer products to avoid advertising one of the most prominent platforms today but what about the central character in the whole story. spoke the platform has shown commitment to the battle against fate can use and abuse but the floodgates have now been truly opened on the pressure left right and center to moderate to send such a sanitized and seems to have buckled under the squeeze well it has made itself very vulnerable because it has made these promises and it's even done some things to try to filter misinformation out of its social network even though they have tried to do things it doesn't appear to be working we're going to see a lot of pressure increasing pressure on facebook at unilever thinks it could fix it by giving the marketplace pressure on facebook i'm a little bit skeptical that that will actually work facebook is tackling an ever growing list of calls and ultimatums first from politicians and security services
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now it seems corporations that shipping into facebook spending to dumond's could well backfire. a preliminary investigation has found the frozen speed sensors may have been the cause of sunday's deadly passenger jet crash near moscow the heating system that protects those sensors was switched off during the ill fated flight but had been switched on for the previous fifteen journeys the plane made investigators hope to find out why the heating was turned off as they continue their extensive analysis of the one for black boxes the tragedy claimed the lives of all seventy one people on board. a virus can access your computer and mine cryptocurrency bot to hackers has reportedly infected thousands of government websites it's even affected the u.k.'s data protection watchdog the mole worm uses
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a technique known as crypto jackie your so it works it effectively hijacks computers that visit the infected websites covertly mines cryptocurrency using your personal device instead of their own at the end of the call ins to block to the hot girl while you're on aware of the intrusion. or run a fortnight ago many businesses were hit with similar weren't hitting video streaming giant you tube we heard from scott helm who is a cyber security specialist and thinks we're witnessing a new trend in online. the rise of crypto jacking is related to the value of crypto currency so as a crypto currency increases in value if you can stimulate illegitimately then the new approach you can create worth more we will see the rise of the talks like this partially motivated by the increase the value of crypto currency is partially
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motivated right now by the ease with which these attacks can be carried out criminals of use cash for hundreds of years and criminals will move to the next form of currency which is cryptocurrency fortunately this was a quiet mild example of what the attackers could have done but i think common advice still applies you know make sure that you keep your device up to date if it's an i phone do the i phone update if it's windows do windows or. make sure you're getting the latest versions of maybe you have antivirus programs on your computer is all of the standard kind of advice still applies here. and you know that the wider industry just needs to react to this and start getting on top of these kinds of attacks. museum of egyptian artifacts in the italian city of stirred controversy by offering discounts to our visitors so much so that the museums chief was forced to address a crowd outside the building but nobody's going to. let you know it's just going to get.
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going you know he was talking about how i'm. going to say. well the woman we saw there in the view is a georgian military and she is the leader of the un team a gratian party brothers of italy she accused the museum of discriminating against the tell the ins and christians the museum's chief defended the offer saying that they have various promotions for other groups throughout the year. well video of the confrontation went viral in italy and reached the country's culture minister he defended the discount and said the museum was well run people we spoke to ensuring were also behind the initiative. you know i don't see anything racist i consider it a promotional initiative like many others. who are looking at these i believe that the work carried out by the egyptian museum is extremely important and on guard in
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the intel in context so this controversy is absolutely instrumental and necessary but i absolutely agree with the director of the museum i think that george maloney did not understand that arabic is a language not a religion. over immigration policy are ruling that mates in the build up to at least general election set for the beginning of march the latest polls put central coalitions and migrant parties in front for no but no single party is expected to win a majority in parliament. ok some breaking news coming into us before we wrap up a. big news another departure of a top official in europe and it means that the future of the so-called grand coalition in germany is up in the air social democratic party leader martin schultz has announced he is quitting is decision comes after he lost in the german election
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to chancellor angela merkel and then faced criticism over agreeing to form a coalition which would essentially form a major majority government for a second time in the country something that was promised that would not happen it comes after days of personal debates within the s.p.d. this martin shuls is stepping down. ok more on that story plus all of the day's big news can be funded r t v dot com if you want to delve a little bit deeper also the get your news on the go easily follow and on the search engine of choice.
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and is getting international recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos. to this if you like you know. this is my cousin is going to some. you know maybe you know chango about a tough job with. the only palestinians who gets the most help from his to respond counterparts i don't think there's some of those who are on the open vision of not only because it is. and that's the zoloft at that age to have this lady in the muscle that you had i don't know if you call tedium the doesn't seem to do more and the most also some put results. hey everybody i'm stephen bob. taft hollywood guy usual suspects every proud american first of all i'm just george washington and intervened to say this is my buddy max famous financial guru just
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a little bit different i'm not. going to find out no no one knows up with all the drama happening in our country and i'm shooting the road have some fun meet everyday americans. and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american people. this is bull bus broadcasting around the world from the right here in washington
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d.c. i'm partial thick on tap for today in the broadcast president trump has given us more details on his infrastructure plans will take a closer look and as the markets melt. down gold goes up we'll talk with peter schiff about what to expect now let's get to some of the headlines. the trumpets administration has unveiled the long awaited infrastructure plan this morning the white house proposal includes two hundred billion dollars in direct federal spending but officials claim that the two hundred billion dollars will stimulate at least one point five trillion dollars in new investment the difference would be covered by state and local government spending the outline does not include a financing plan leaving that decision to congress the outline notably emphasizes rural infrastructure and claims about permitting process delays the congressional research service has questioned whether weakening permuting processes would significantly accelerate building we'll have more on infrastructure from artie's
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ashley banks in just a little bit. and with the trump administration again they have also unveiled their official budget proposal today investors and analysts are looking past specific spending request to the assumptions about growth inflation and borrowing costs contained in the report the budget assumes a three percent annual growth for ten years with well above estimates by investors and outside analysts in december the federal reserve predicted an overall rate of one point eight percent growth over the same period j.p. morgan on friday predicted two point five percent for twenty eight thousand and one point nine percent for the next year closely tracking the fed's projections from december the administration also is up to more optimistic about the impact of the recent tax cuts and what they will do then outside analysts the pace of growth in this scenario also would likely push interest rates above the levels predicted by
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the white house. google and facebook may lose a significant. significant form of advertising dollars if they continue to great to create division. or fail to protect children according to keith weed the chief marketing officer for unilever the second largest marketing and advertising spender in the world we gave a speech today at the annual interacted advertising bureau comforts and he came it came as part of a plethora of calls for google and facebook to do a better job of policing their products we'd said quote we cannot have an environment where our consumers don't trust what they see online unilever spent nine point four billion dollars on advertising just last year. while many larger financial institutions are staying away from digital currencies some smaller european banks are actually taking the opposite approach and allowing their access
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to customers swiss bank von tobel and falcon bank and german banks food or bank and the liechtenstein bank are now offering their customers access to general currency products some of the banks are even advising clients on unusual coin offerings the i.c. goes with larger institutions taking a pass on digital currency the door has been open and smaller banks seem to be taking advantage of that opening. today the white house unveiled its long awaited infrastructure plan the proposal includes billions of dollars in federal infrastructure spending to be used to repair and rebuild the nation however some including democrats in republican soil that say the proposal fall short here's our correspondent ashley banks with more let's ride barnow and today the white house rolled out its plan to rebuild the nation over the next ten years and the proposal it says with its one point five
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trillion dollar investment over the next decade it plans to shorten the process for approving projects to two years or last address unmet rural infrastructure needs and power state and local authorities and train the american workforce of the future one of the newest elements to the proposal is excessive banding the use of tax exempt debt letting states at tolls on interstates and making it easier to lease airports and other public and sets of the one point five trillion dollars two hundred billion of that would be considered federal spending the rest would either be paid for through cuts in other parts of the budget or it would fall on the shoulders of local governments by leveraging state and local tax dollars and private investment kevin has slipped associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at virginia tac university said quote trends and from structure plan flips the traditional capital expense funding model from eighty to ninety percent
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federal funding to ten percent federal funding the majority of the funding mandates get pushed to the states and private funding with the administration taking credit for the investment transfer pozole has been met with praise and opposition business and industry groups are praising trump's focus on improving infrastructure and pledging. to work with congress to enact a plan while environmental groups and democrats are accusing the administration of trying to benefit a corporate entrance and distract from a lot of federal investment just last week democrats unveiled their own one trillion dollar infrastructure proposal and tirelessly consisting of direct federal dollars experts say the trump administration may run into issues selling this proposal and congress republicans are concerned about overspending and democrats are already saying the plan falls short but democrats are disappointed saying the president and you missed an opportunity to provide
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a much needed federal injection of dollars into the country's infrastructure you know actually thank you so much for that report and i tell you what here it is it's fifty three pages you've been poring over it since eleven o'clock this morning and i've been doing the best job i can but you gave a great summary no i don't want to be tough on the administration or the president if there be enough detractors out there i'd wish he'd done this earlier that it's a pretty good plan. we'll see if the money's actually there but one of the things that just stuck out to me is allowing tolling restrictions to be relaxed and that is if the states allow more pluck flexibility in the tolls that they charge or even allow others to privately operate the toll roads and you don't know this but i grew up just on lake michigan in indiana and that the toll road there is actually under nineteen or a seventy five year lease to a spanish company so indiana doesn't own the toll road the federal government does
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it well they own it but they don't lease it so does this language in this report here in the proposal actually will it allow foreign countries or foreign private entities to own more toll roads in the u.s. oh bart obviously there's nothing in this proposal right now to stop it from occurring in fact the proposal gives more flexibility to the states with regard to how and their state. running throughout the states or treat it so we could essentially see more foreign control of us toll roads under the proposal and bar the proposal also calls for commercializing rest areas so they could be operated by private firms all of the firms operating the rest areas cannot charge a fee for basics like rest area water and rest from facilities while there is that what other thing that i noticed in here actually it just seems in general this goes back to. you know what reagan was trying to do with community development block grants and giving a lot of monies back to the states is that the thrust of this in general that he's
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essentially going to give money back to the states and let the states do whatever they want yeah that's definitely right there are a few interesting alm exceptions to this one is with regard to a section of the proposal it's called and powering the workers and it calls for abandoning state requirements for workers and gauging them for instruction projects working across state lines so basically workers from another state could actually end up working in any other state despite individual state rules and regulations or testing and licensing criteria so of course any such changes would need to be approved by congress and experts say that approving such a change would be difficult at best i'm going to be positive for today i'm glad he's put it out there we need the infrastructure good for the administration good for the president we'll get into more of these details are to corresponding actually banks thank you so much. turning back to the day's big story this morning donald trump tweeted about infrastructure saying after just after so stupidly
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spending seven trillion dollars in the middle east it's now time to start investing in our country and that's hard to argue with but now here to talk with us about the choices president trump has framed in that tweet is tweet us former pentagon official michael maloof michael it amazes me that he would do that because it seems to me that we're spending that and more and he's actually calling for some of this so what are the numbers that we are spending in the middle east well it it's been at least seven trillion dollars six trillion dollars in iraq when you consider the out years alone for your veterans for your for the handicapped for dealing with families and this is for out to ten years that that some hasn't even been figured in yet that doesn't include afghanistan and afghanistan the still a slippery slope so seven trillion isn't even enough in our view no no not when you
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consider the out years because what we probably have already spent about two trillion in afghanistan we've been at it for sixteen years now he's increasing troop levels that means more supplies more more training plus you gotta. keep that government of float in afghanistan otherwise u.s. influence in that area wanes so you mentioned supplies and training i mean seven trillion plus as you say over and over about another ten years ok remember the ever derksen quote right i mean sooner or later you're talking about real money sounds like real money what else are they spending this real money on michael others and supplies and troops i mean their infrastructure over there you're going to have infrastructure we've had to be roads you know to have it was schools keep order just to go in systems and in the rural areas and that is in in addition to having to deal with fighters from various clans that that. i don't want any of that western influence in that region so it's really going to continue to be in an
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endless struggle for quite some time and that that seven trillion dollars michael does that include the veterans and what we're doing here at home it will yeah it has to it has to include them and their medical medical attention and and also the families and and taking care of those who have been. severely wounded over time and taking care of them and it really all adds up over a period of time i would say that if you combine afghanistan with with iraq we're talking probably upwards of ten trillion dollars by the time it's all done that far exceeds what it would have cost for infrastructure that the president proposed who write in when you talk about when you look at the comparison between what we're spending here infrastructural spending over there and put it in a context what a report i heard in recent days over the weekend i think that iraq is now seeking i don't know if it's from the u.n. but from international authority is the reports that additional funds to rebuild
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where in the world would that money come from well it may ultimately have to come from the united states if we don't want iran's influence to take over completely in iraq that is a major political concern and policy and strategic concern that the united states has from a strategic standpoint and so the u.s. has got to deal with that not only iraq but we're going to have to also continue in afghanistan on top of all that. we haven't had a budget in the defense department for at least two years and it's been under a sequester so there's been a cutoff and that's now been lifted at least for two more years and so there's going to have to be reloading the contingency funding that went in and on top of all that we've lost one point eight billion dollars here in recent days and we don't know where it went and when you when you invest in a. afghanistan a lot of that gets filtered away there's a lot of corruption in the country so and there's been studies by the by the
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inspector general of a specialized special inspector general on this he says the money's gone nobody knows where it went and this isn't a problem no one a follow up on that one so last question though got about thirty seconds michael so the president said seven trillion dollars is stupid that we spend all that much you're saying no you actually need that to protect our security and more but what is the president done his budget request that's out today he asked for more to that seven trillion that stupid or less well the seven trillion is going to be what has accumulated over time he's he's asking for almost another trillion dollars but when you consider his new strategic defense posture plan which calls for more capital ships more updated nuclear weapons hypersonic aircraft it's going to be an incredible amount of money in order to compete with what the defense department perceives to be a continuing threat from both russia and china in their build ups love to have you
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back to talk about which your companies are going to make out on some of this former current pentagon official michael thank you so much for being here thank you appreciate it. and time now for a quick break but stick around because when we return u.s. trade frictions with china escalate and the riyadh ritz hotel reopens and for business and wells fargo's troubles you guessed it continue as we go to break here the numbers of the closing bell gold and silver were up in trading this morning as usual it climbs with turbulence for stock investors take refuge in precious metals as a hedge against instability the weak dollar and a mild rebound in the oil prices are awful playing a role in this dynamic through the impression of growing the dollar has found a few.
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tens of billions hundreds of billions probably a trillion dollars of u.s. government subsidies ation on the energy industry yes government can subsidize mining of big brother crept up currencies and put those into while it's called american citizens going to each have an automatic wallet tied to this also security account and they can get a daily and weekly or monthly air drop of crypto coins that they can then he is to boost the economy with the government and as they did that. apply to many clubs over the years so i know the guy in saudi guides. football isn't only about what happens on the beach with the funnel school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each a billionaire owners and spend the children twenty million on one player. it's an experience like nothing else well to me because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game played great so what chance with. the
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base it's going to take. yes some new solution a nice but smelly thing. to sneeze at this thing in the woods which business in manitoba nucleation is a. small part. of the business so up until just almost trial a. couple don't play uproar on the spur to get to some odd time all this.
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i mean if. you're going to let. us. remember. last week we reported and discussed in detail the trumpet ministrations thirty
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percent tariff on solar panels that has panels coming into the united states china is the key importer of solar panels to the u.s. and their imports have dropped by more than fifty percent last year to six hundred twenty million dollars well china is now considering upping the trade war and has announced an investigation into the dumping of u.s. sorghum sorghum is the animal feed china imported more than one point one billion dollars worth of u.s. sorghum last year in the scheme of things these are small matters as the two nations the two largest economies in the world have bilateral goods trading of over six hundred thirty six billion dollars each year although china enjoys a three hundred seventy five billion dollars trade surplus with the united states nevertheless the sorghum investigation by the chinese commerce ministry raises concern that more trade retaliation could be in the future watch this space
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particularly if china raises concerns about larger u.s. agricultural exports like soybeans beef or dairy products. and saudi if. are hoping to raise more than thirteen billion dollars by the end of the year in their settlement discussions with princes and high level moneyed interests who have been rounded up and holed up in the corruption scandal last year and held in the ritz carlton hotel in riyadh which serves as a luxury jail the crackdown which witnessed hundreds of princes and businessmen and they were business men not women being held are now beginning to be released on sunday the hotel open for business to the public today no details on any settlements have become available. and bad boy the bank wells fargo is back again and they can't seem to get it right after years of wrongdoing the big bank has announced that they recently recently sent thirty eight thousand
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erroneous communications to customers that forced them to purchase unneeded auto insurance the bank has yet to begin to do their refund outreach on another misstep where as many as one hundred ten thousand customers were charged in appropriately for various mortgage related fees the bank said the auto insurance mistake was due to a quote coding error as many of you recall days ago boom bust reported and discussed in detail about you the u.s. federal reserve took the unusual step of restricting the banks growth until it sufficiently improved its governance and controls. a new study says there may be truly ends of planets beyond our galaxy it's a discovery scientists have been working on for years trinity charges as more scientists have long been unable to find planets outside of our solar system beyond the borders of the milky way because it's so incredibly difficult since these extra
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galactic galaxies are located some three point eight billion light years away they are simply too far to be observed directly not even with the best telescopes that exist but despite all the odds a new study gives the first evidence. exoplanets do exist beyond the milky way using data from nasa as shondra x. ray observatory space telescope and with the help of gravitational microlensing astrophysicist at the university of oklahoma say that they found the first evidence that more than a trillion exoplanets could exist beyond our milky way dr ch'ien knew an assistant professor of physics and astronomy at the university and the leader of the new research said in a statement we are very excited about this discovery this is the first time anyone has discovered planets outside of our galaxy these small planets are the best candidate for the signature we observed in the study using the microlensing technique we analyze the high frequency of the signature by modeling the data to determine the mass the researchers say that in this image alone it is estimated that there are trillions of planets in the center elliptical galaxy dr shen you rob
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although. you. can still reach you about. war. where we've. gotten. one group. you can start so we. load and. you can start. number one we wish you all the study points out that oftentimes planets within the milky way are discovered using the same technique it wasn't until this study that there has been any evidence of planets in other galaxies and why don't go to us a researcher on the study says that quote this is an example of how powerful the technique of analysis of extragalactic microlensing can be this galaxy is located three point eight billion light years away and there is not the slightest chance of observing these planets directly not even with the best telescope one can imagine
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in a science fiction scenario however we are able to study them unveil their presence and even have an idea of their masses this is very cool science also. experts are skeptical of the research dr sheerin you says that he hopes that other independent teams can confirm their analysis because after all that's how science works reporting in new york trinity chavez r.t. . and we continue to worry about puerto rico it's important for businesses it's important for economy and it's important for you know the people we're very pleased to be joined by tabitha wallace from what we're watching the hawks who happens to have a lot of interest in a spend a lot of time on this terrible health care if we come on puerto rico since the hurricane not as far as as i feel like we should and what a lot of people feel we should on some of the instances we did collect a lot of things stateside and overseas to help the people in puerto rico but one of
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the biggest issues they've had is getting those things they're actually shipping items so that's been a huge thing we i was in orlando just last week and i spoke to the head of the hispanic office for learning and assistance and they take on people coming from puerto rico and sort of help them in the area and that was that was a big thing for them and so much stuff to give just no way to get it there yet you know my wife was down there recently and she said you know they do have power in most most places but at some places it's sporadic the hotels are open for business we covered some of that last week but what else do we know about how it's going i mean it's cmos said they were going to pull out and they said no we're not really going to pull out we're going to stay there what else do we know about what's happening on the ground one of the biggest issues for people is as you said hotels are coming back online these kind of places are coming up but for a lot of the people that live in rural communities who work in those places those that those options aren't there a lot of the factories closing down there's
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a lot better than the other parts of the are right and a lot of that has to do with the fact that factories closed down places where people could work were closed down so one is power and one is having a job which. what leewood is leaving some of them as evacuees to come to the united states because at this point it's actually easier for them to find a job say in orlando than it is for in puerto rico you know it seems to me that boy you know it's got to feel like a little bit of maybe a lot of a gut punch if you're a puerto rican you're there you see how the resources have been going to texas and florida and even california with the mudslides you know for gosh sakes the u.s. territory and this got to be sort of a bummer for them doesn't it it does and i think that's the hard part is that it these are people who hold the u.s. passports these are people who are american citizens they have been for a very long time and for them in having to either come as evacuees to be united
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states and the main goal for them is they want to get home they want to go back where they are and that's a problem we need to be able to help them because truthfully they're they're part of the united states they're american citizens and it's an island so we owe them even more help than anybody else because it's ten times harder for them to just get power up and running but i think that's where a lot of alternative energies are going to come in to play to help them out hopefully well i hope so i hope that they don't just do band-aid approaches and they do the longer term visionary stuff i'm doubtful about it but with solar renewables because it is difficult to get there tariff was thank you so much for sitting down with i really appreciate. in the u.s. it's been the worst flu season in ten years and now a japanese company says that they have developed
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a pill that can cure the flu within forty eight hours that is a third shorter time period than roche age east amma flu quickly killing the flu can also mitigate contagion of course the company that has developed the one day flu pill is japanese firm shawn g. the japanese drug regulator is now fast tracking the drug through the clinical trials and the approval process and the company is expected to seek u.s. approval from the food and drug administration later this year other drug makers including johnson and johnson astra zeneca are also endeavoring to devise a quicker flu pill in the meantime wash your hands a lot. that's it for our broadcast today be sure to catch boom bust on you tube you tube dot com slash boom bust r.t. see you next time. stein is getting international recognition with the help of israel at least in the
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world of zoos i'm in bill fiddlesticks mission to do it look like a movie this is my compass he is going up the study hall maybe you know john does. the only palestinians is who gets the most help from his jerusalem counterparts i don't think there's some of those who in the world under the oak vision there's no one who could do this. and that is all of us not just you have to this lady of the most of that you had i'm going to compete in the customs you know do more commitments also don't piss off. the off selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings peace to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles that still. produce talks try to tell you that what we gossip to the public by falsehood. off the bad guys i'm telling
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you i'm not cool enough to buy their product. all the hawks that we along with our loved ones. good politicians do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted over checked. so when you want to be president i'm sure more some more want to be pressed. into the right to be cross that's what the forecast for you in the morning can be good good i'm interested always in the waters of our. quest to. truth through.
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germany's social democrats leader martin schultz and shortly after agreeing to form a so-called run coalition with the country's chancellor angela merkel. another big name resignation this day in europe the foreign minister of the netherlands quit after admitting he lied about a meeting with vladimir putin the russian leaders intentions to forge a greater russia. in an exclusive interview with the head of the board of arbitration for sport defends the olympic committee's decision to exclude russian police which the court itself had already cleared of doping allegations. the fact that unable to show the guilt of an athlete. has nothing to do with the kids.
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global news live or from our moscow h.q. this is r.t. international you know neal with you this. lot of news today let's start with our breaking news at the top germany's social democratic party leader martin shuler his resignation with immediate effect his decision comes after he lost in the german election to chancellor angela merkel and then faced criticism over agreeing to form the run coalition to form a majority government for a second. but i suppose even if i want to inform the prison of the social democrat party then living my post with immediate effect yeah that story just developing we will bring you right up the date on it with a live report a little later in the program but moving on now the dutch foreign minister has
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resigned as well after revealing earlier in the week he had lied about a meeting with the russian president in two thousand and six. we're going to pull over to. the little. people over for. the night foreign minister it was quite emotional when he announced his resignation he was supported by the country's prime minister who was present during this announcement and also seem to quite moved by the situation and now what has happened today is the result of a big scandal that erupted when it was revealed gods the dutch foreign minister a lie back in two thousand and sixteen about an event in his lives that when he described it didn't raise a lot of questions as back at the time russia was accused of all sorts of things
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moscow was accused of carrying out aggressive politics so his ally fit quite well into that contacts now back in two thousand and sixteen and the minister said that he was present at a meeting with the russian president vladimir putin and he heard the president speaking about unifying russia ukraine valorous the baltic states and kazakstan into a single country creating great russia. in early two thousand and six i was invited to meet putin's countryside house i stopped at the back of a room or a meeting was being held but i could hear very well vladimir putin talking about a great to russia he said this included russia. ukraine and the baltic states and that kazakstan would be nice to have now these were his words back in two thousand and sixteen but when he was confronted about this he acknowledged that that was a lie that he wasn't even in russia back in two thousand and six and he only said
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that to protect his source a person who was present at that meeting now the minister said that his credibility had been. damaged by this scandal is just such an exit wound that position has become. he described these recent events as the biggest mistake in his political career now all this took place just one day before his official meeting with the russian foreign ministry said i was about to attend this meeting as many other journalists were and we had questions prepared for the dutch foreign minister of course concerning this particular situation but now it seems that this meeting is off the table as the dutch side had officially cancel it. ok to discuss this further i'm happy to say we're joined live by martin mccauley author of russia list hello to you martin why do you think the former foreign minister of the netherlands
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who publicly lied first of all has been given so much support from his colleagues as we saw in the video there the pm of the country mark roots a whole you know holding his arm saying you know we support you but understated there has to be a lot of embarrassment in this doesn't there. there's enormous embarrassment and the government is obviously enormous embarrassed because mr sister the ex foreign minister lied about meeting being in a meeting and and hearing that ima put in make these statements about a greater russia in two thousand and six twelve years ago and it turned out to be fake news and therefore it's hugely embarrassing for the dutch government and when you have when the government or the prime minister is confronted with this situation he tries to minimize it he then says well sorry my colleague and i appointed him and my colleague made a mistake and he has lost the public confidence and the government's confidence and
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the nation's confidence because he made statements which turned out to be completely false and we can't have a foreign minister who makes statements in the interest of the of the dutch interest of another this who is in fact found out to be lying and if he's found to be lying yes to go because he loses credibility and the government also will be under assault now because they had a minister who was openly lying and admitted he was acting like and this could affect the of the coalition government yeah as you say this isn't a civil servant you know making this kind of remark i put it she what if it was one of russia's top officials admitting to lying and that kind of level would we see the same kind of sympathy. it would be then be up to president putin and the prime minister to decide whether if they it worse they gave rove or some
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other high ranking politician. he might in fact also say you have to go because you've been found to be falsifying this fake news. and if you do that once then your credibility is gone because then if you make a statement in the future. the other side will say. i'm not one hundred percent certain that that is accurate because in the past you've admitted that you actually did lie so therefore can we like you to believe you this time so you're in a predicament and most governments would in fact say right the foreign minister has to go is it surprising that the public trust his words though back in twenty sixteen about what happened a decade before that because it came at the time and had plenty of similar allegations that russia wanted to boost its presence around the world. yes because there are two reasons why i made that statement one is that he projected to me to
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the public newspapers the headlines and so on this was a sensational statement to make therefore the foreign minister was in fact a very important person and he was making a very important statement which would affect native policy western policy and so on and the second thing would be that of course it fed into the ne to. the native narrative the narrative of the west at that time still is which is basically under russian sees the demon put in as a threat to the national security and it fit into that and therefore for these two reasons then it appeared to be from the dutch point of view this is a very good very good thing to do and i presume the prime minister was not aware that the foreign minister had not been actually at the meeting or even in russia at the time i presume he accepted what the foreign minister said and is that case that he loses the confidence of. the prime minister the been cases like that in britain
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and so on where minister lies to the prime minister and this turns out to be a lie when when things are brought profumo affair years ago he lied to the prime minister macmillan and of course that meant the end of his political career like million had to seche him because he lied and it had been found to be a lie and in politics credibility and voracity are very very important martin mccauley author on russia unless martin thanks so much here take this hour. day four of the winter olympics are seeing russia add to its medal tally with two bronze finishes secured in ski events it brings the country's overall hole to four problems are less severe mental despite a reduced number of competitors from russia following decisions by the international olympic committee and a court of arbitration for sport overtopping allegations. in twenty eight cases the evidence collected was found to be insufficient to establish that an anti-doping
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rule violation was committed by the athletes concerned because a decision is a extremely disappointing. decision of the virtue and the need for reform. know the interludes structural for a cause today the division of the court of arbitration for sport dismissed the application fired by thirty two russian athletes against the international olympic committee did not demonstrate that the manner in which two special commission system established by the i.o.c. was carried out in a discriminatory arbitrary or unfair manner what casts overturn the lifetime of the big balance for twenty eight russian athletes at the start of february but then did a sudden new turn saying it actually supported the i.o.c. is decision not to allow the athletes to compete in the winter games our correspondent who has been speaking exclusively with the secretary general of chaos
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to find out more about the conflicting decisions. after the court of arbitration for sport said no to forty seven russian athletes and coaches just as the chuang winter games were getting underway perhaps the number one conclusion that came up on some people's mind was that presumption of innocence doesn't apply to the russian doping scandal well the cast secretary-general did literally say that the key law principle didn't work for cas but see for yourself how much it applied to the russians the fact that the unable to show the guilt of an athlete doesn't mean that the truth has nothing to do although with the case of the innocence this is a logical consequence and this is nothing bad about it mr reeve maintains that leaving the group of clean russian athletes on paper out of the winter
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olympics isn't a sanction also i found out that the refusal of the i.o.c. to get the dozens of russian athletes on board the olympics in some cases was a result of pure suspicion and other cases it was a result of some real evidence which however mr reeves hasn't seen after all he wasn't a member of the panel but the secretary general promised that this evidence will soon be published so let's wait for now let's have a look at the other highlights of my exclusive interview a cas has been shown something as a people here there was no review of every the sochi case was not discussed here the metro report was last discussed here it's only the review of the you see process so it was not just sanction it was an eligibility issue i understand the reaction of the public in russia because it doesn't seem logical exactly the russian side doesn't see the logic here how it's stripping
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a person of the right to compete at the olympics not a sanction this is. a special procedure because the created a special commission so the cast by the here reviewed these criteria and said they were fair please let me get this straight the tsotsi case in the chain case you are saying that there are absolutely no contradictions between the two decisions yes the fact that you cannot establish the give evidence of the deal doesn't mean that you have established the innocence of the athlete you see what i mean i'm sorry but i thought that was the exact job of cas to determine whether that suspicion is enough for that kind of bad maybe that they are suspicions which on that. confirmed by sufficient evidence i don't know if i'm clear because it's a little bit skopec ated that is you can have some elements which show some. suspicious actions by the athletes but they may not be sufficient to convince the
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panel that for sure is guilty of an anti-doping rule violation but it doesn't mean that if you did nothing at all there may be some. some strange actions which could lead to some suspicion so you are saying there can be more transparency it's possible it's possible yes as you heard a couple of minutes ago when you cast initially overturned the i.o.c. bans of the sochi athletes the international olympic committee was very critical of the court thomas back demanded reforms and i asked the secretary general if anyone returned to these ideas after the final decision of the russian athletes was made and the answer was no so it turns out when the court of arbitration for sport came up with a verdict that fully satisfied the i.o.c. nobody wants to reform cas anymore you know that's. it's an
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interesting one and you can see it in its entirety with the cast secretary-general in full throughout the day on the web and stay. here on r.t. international. well the international olympic committee has a nother situation as tons in south korea reports emerge the i.o.c. told the u.s. women's ice hockey team to remove the image of this statue of liberty from its helmets the rules state that no political symbols can be displayed on a fleece uniforms now the reports that lady liberty was being given the cold shoulder by the i.o.c. quickly made headlines and sparked outrage with some media suggesting national flags anthems might be well lou moved as well others even cited reports suggesting it was the russian president who requested to help the olympic committee get the u.s. to remove the image when people on twitter echoed the media's criticism of the move some accuse the i.o.c. of bias saying it doesn't mind sponsor money and logos such as the famous nike tick question of cali they should then remove the iconic maple leaf its national symbol
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from jerseys and equipment who are of the i.o.c. litter box saying it was a misunderstanding that had never asked the u.s. team to remove the statue of liberty we discuss that with sports studies and sociology professor ellis cashmore he is of the belief that elite competitions are now more about politics than the sport itself. i do find it absolutely ridiculous that the olympics is now trying to stamp out any kind of reference to nationalism the whole point of the olympics was originally at least in the late nineteenth century when the modern olympics started to bring nations together over the years what has happened is that the olympics have been hijacked in one way or another by political interest groups sometimes whole governments i don't think you can keep politics out of the olympics any more than you can keep politics out of the sport generally this whole russian doping business is just escalated and escalated to the
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point where russians have been eliminated disqualified from competition that is in itself a political decision and we've seen this whole narrative that's been gone for a very long time. ok let's return now to our top story and breaking news this hour germany's social democratic party leader martin schultz has announced his resignation with immediate effect is decision comes after he lost out in the german election to chancellor angela merkel and then faced criticism over agreeing to form the grand coalition to form a majority government for a second time he has said his decision will load the party to refresh itself and come back stronger yes we do. need to compute renewal of organization including its personnel and this is. the party members with my resignation and also the relinquishment of month federal government i want to help bring an end to this
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debate and then really focus on coalition the green. party surely devinsky joins us live now to bring us up to speed on that this isn't hi there charlotte how much of a surprise was this because last week i was talking about him possibly becoming foreign minister of the country what's behind this resignation. well we know that resignations is something that martin schultz's done well in the past he actually resigned his job as the president of the european parliament last year because he said he wanted to fight the german elections and to become the chancellor of germany as we know in those elections in september he failed to do that in fact his party did so badly in those elections that they lost forty seats now following that defeat in the elections he turned around and said i will never be a minister in a move led coalition and that led to angela merkel and her c.d.u. having to seek out potential partners for forming
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a german government that fell by the wayside and then of course martin schultz said he would talk to angler merkel about forming another so-called grand coalition this was between his party the social democrats and the c.d.u. to rule germany now in that he said that he wanted to be foreign minister and he accepted that that would be his position if that grand coalition goes ahead but he gave up on that too just in the last few days saying that he wouldn't be the foreign minister in that government if that government takes place now the current german foreign minister had something to say about it all at least his young daughter did she was widely quoted in the media and they had a hoot about this as apparently turning round to her father and saying you know daddy don't worry you'll have more time to spend with us talking about the fact that he could be using his post and then turned around and said well that's better than spending time with the man with the hairy beard of course referring to schultz
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and he's famous whiskers well back now to his resignation and martin schultz has said quite clearly that he hopes by was a leader of the social democrats he will be able to help heal internal divisions within his party his party members have to go to a ballot on march the fourth in which they are due to vote on. and whether or not they want that grand coalition to go ahead and there is a lot of division and chaos in the party the youth wing of the party are currently traversing around germany urging people to vote no to that coalition and if it is in no vote then we could see germans head back to the polls very soon will martin short says departure aid those internal divisions or will it deepen the chaos and the division we have yet to find out scheuer thanks very much charity charlotte dubin ski live this hour. charlotte's first question there let's put it to geo political analyst unconsulted run
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a rough for us who joins us live on the program very short notice as well runner thanks so much what impact will schultz's resignation is it going to have for german politics particularly for the graham correlation agreement at such i would suggest is a key time. i hope that the resignation of ma will need for the s.p.d. a little more stability now in the future because in the past months we have so seen so many youth turns in all the announcements of march insurance that he has become. rather unpopular in the german population and i think the s.p.d. can now have a new start and have a reorientation. because this is really necessary. to. seventeen percent the party compared to the twenty per sound.
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elections in september twenty seventh this is really a dramatic loss and the election results in twenty seventeen were the worst since the fifty's of the social democrats so there needed to be a change yes indeed just all not one of the reasons given for his resignation he said unself it was time for the social democrats to have a renewal on revamp the party do you think that is the main reason here or i don't mean to be cruel or was that he was simply seen as a serial loser by his party members. i think that the specialists of the advisers of the s.p.d. have just understood that it is really important to have a party leader who is popular in the population a sympathetic person warm hearted that people like to see on t.v. and then they would also like to vote for such
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a personality so i think it's not mainly a matter of competence it's a matter of popularity and i guess that marshall's will have that back to the e.u. he will try to get the post didn't do a commission in the coming years and this is better of course for a personality who is not so close to people because commissioners are not voted for and therefore it is a better career option for much insurance right a rough geo political analyst and consultant putting some meat on the bones of our breaking news this hour ryan are always a pleasure to have you on the program thank you. thanks so much. the british court has upheld the arrest warrant for wiki leaks co-founder julian assange he's wanted for skipping bail in the country it's the second time in a week that a stone just lawyers have been in court to appeal against the warrant with the details here in the situation. despite any high expectations that julian assange
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his defense team and supporters might have that could have come from inside this courtroom here in london did not materialize as the judge has ruled that the status quo remains that the arrest warrant against julian assange imposed by britain is not going to be lifted now last week the judge said that b. sigmas off the fact that the swedish investigators have long drop the case against him should mean that the arrest warrant associated with that case should go to said no this did not work for this courtroom today the judge considered several more arguments brought forward by julie massagers defense team let's look at some of those highlights first they argued that julian assange options were reasonable this in terms of skipping bail and going inside the ecuadorian embassy the judge here has said that this was not a reasonable enough argument because the judge believes that sweden would not have extradited julian a songe to the u.s. because this would have created a major diplomatic scoundrel now the judge also considered the united nations
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ruling that had found that a sundress detention was arbitrary to this the judge has said that this was based on misunderstandings according to her she said that julian the songes detention is self-imposed the judge believes that julian assange has been able to leave the embassy any time he wants she said that he has had visitors he can eat what he wants and even get fresh air and sunshine being able to walk out on that famous balcony to this julian assange had tweeted that he's only gone out on the balcony several times amidst high security now the judge also talked about. the argument brought forward by the defense team that julian assange was always willing to take part in the investigation and be questioned to this she said the case has dragged on for way too long and that this willingness was not very obvious also another argument brought forward was that his punishment might have already been quite
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excessive given the fact that julian assange has been holed up inside the ecuadorian embassy in london for over five and a half years now the judge found that his condition his health condition is good enough and that it could be worse the conclusion brought forward by this case today that the arrest warrant stands the judge has said that like everybody else julian assange is not above the law that he should have presented himself to the court room and face the consequences of his action however now all eyes will be on what kind of moves julian assange has defense team come up with to move his case forward and r.t. . former u.s. president barack obama has reportedly received a letter containing an all new identified white powdery substance police in hustler this material suits were seen on its side obama's office in washington d.c. well let's cross the it's. been for more. brock obama isn't the first
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person correct me if i'm wrong to receive a suspicious package in the last number of days is he bring us up to date with all the. and yes now the incident happened at roughly twelve thirty pm local time and what we understand happened was that this is that the office used by former president barack obama this is in northwest washington d.c. and it's closely nearby the house in which he is currently staying that a package or an envelope containing a suspicious white powder was delivered now from what we understand individuals and hazmat suits are on the scene and people are trying to get to the bottom of this and determine what type of powder this is what's really going on here now this comes just hours after we have a suspicious package delivered to houses of parliament in the united kingdom also containing a white powdered substance now just the previous day we had
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a letter that was delivered to the to donald trump jr and as a result vanessa trump the wife of donald trump jr has been hospitalized as a precaution now it was determined that what was in that letter was not actually the letter that was delivered to donald trump junior's residence there it's determined that that letter did not actually contain anything dangerous it was an anthrax or any dangerous substance it was merely cornstarch but this is this is simply the latest i mean this is been happening from what we understand there was a package that was delivered to julian assad just a week or so ago a similar situation so all across the united states and britain we're seeing packages with mysterious white powder is being delivered to politicians this is a security concern to individuals it's a security concern a lot of questions are being really raised what's now on people's minds as people
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are wondering now are these coming from the same person are these coming from the same source or are these in attacks perhaps not coming from the same source but inspired by one another to someone see on the news about one. figure receiving the white substance and then those send their own are a lot of questions are being raised but it's certainly a matter of security here in the united states and yes thanks for bringing us right up to date to this so our t's killam open a worrying time for many officials there thank you. all right we're staying in washington d.c. because we're back watching the hawks in just a tick you're with r.t. international. elliston is getting international recognition with the help of israel at least in
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the world of zoos a member of the commission you like you know. this isn't my cup of tea is going on the sunday all media. you know john i just hope. the only palestinians it gets the most hopeful is jerusalem counterparts i don't think this is of those who is under the vision the only could be this thanks and that's the zoloft that it's got to this lady in the most of the i don't you can't be the i'm the doesn't seem to do more than the most awesome but there's often. a. lot of. i. don't really i i
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was i i i. remember i i. was. reading the salutation. who doesn't love a good spy story arc watchers and boy oh boy oh boy oh boy did we get a doozy this week in both the intercept and the new york times released competing stories featuring one hundred thousand dollars cash drops shady intelligence agency middlemen the promise of trump russian compliment and the danger of stolen n.s.a. hacking tools you know tom clancy couldn't write any better ian fleming could but i
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digress writing for the intercept james risin outlines how the n.s.a. was desperate to recover documents that intelligence officials believe russia had obtained through a mysterious group known as the shadow brokers but once the communications channel opened the russians on the other side offered to sell documents related to trump along with these stolen n.s.a. documents risin goes on to write how the cia was wary of accepting the trump documents initially worried about not only the motives behind the offer but the potential political blowback as well meanwhile over at the new york times matthew rosenberg reported that after months of secret negotiations a shadowy russian built american spies out of one hundred thousand dollars last year and that the episode ended this year with american spies chasing the russian out of western europe a spy story told by rising the story didn't mention the hundred grand both stories ultimately concluded that the russia russian and go between offering all the info
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could not be relied upon or trusted but i guess that didn't stop us from handing over a hundred thousand grand to him in the process cia has come out firing telling a fee that this is a fictional story that the cia was built out of a hundred grand is patently false the people swindled here were james rising and mad rosenberg. journalists versus the cia the cia versus credibility the n.s.a. still left wondering where their hacking tools under the up and the russia gaiters all of the russia gaiters once again disappointed that reality just does not reflect their fantasy i guess it's time to start watching the hawks. what. it looks like. it's like. the bottom. like you that i got.
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this. week so. welcome aboard the watching the hawks i am i robot third and i'm taffeta while it's a lot of spies this weekend to have big spy was spying novel near go along and yet somehow we don't seem to get more information about this by that suppose the reason we're investigating spying and the first. it's too hard to keep eyes too hard to keep up now this was a fascinating think as you saw like the intercept story came out like earlier on friday and then suddenly out came the new york times and i had first to think like oh we were negotiating for information to get like these hacking tools then we got like russia gate to trump russian collusion the russians themselves wanted to sell to us and then suddenly the new york times story comes out undercuts all of that
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and says no they were built out of one hundred grand and that like all these people seem to be kind of phoneys and not really who they say they were and not really representing what they said they represented which is begs the question said we believe the cia when they come out today you know saying that they never paid the russians off for they are in for. rationed or anything we didn't pay anybody but the cia literally has a policy of not confirming or denying that so them saying it's not is odd to me it is because they wouldn't normally speak on this sort of stuff they wouldn't have any they would say there's nothing i mean that would mean the guy from the gall who shows they still haven't confirmed that he that's true is or isn't and wasn't a cia or was a spy so how do you know. it's very bizarre is a very strange story this idea of they wanted to pay for information that was theirs but it got stolen but they want it back yes. yes it is an odd
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one it isn't because of that it begs the question of why would the you know n.s.a. pay for mation right now compromised hacking tools you know when when the question would be you know it's not like you could just make a copy of it right it's all a photocopy right all of this but i don't know they have an answer to that but there was an answer to that right one of the things that they did say about that was arise and reported that the shadow brokers theft of these but the fact that u.s. officials wanted to see how deep it went how much they actually have but then my question is again what you're doing is relying on stolen information from people who stole information from you and you're you're paying one hundred thousand dollars it wasn't going to just be a hundred thousand dollars apparently want they would have kept going it was a million well you sort of already know you started it ten million men immediately drawn to him and then you got this weird hundred thousand dollars that no one wants
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to take responsibility for that apparently there they were using the whole negotiations where they were using like an american businessman to like act as proxy of the star and go see ations and the other guy was supposedly acting as proxy for like you know russian intelligence services i mean to me it really at the end of the day tab it really does this big this question because they're trying to say well what was it like a. but it hang out were they trying to get us to buy bad information that's easily disprovable of like trumped russia meddling with the intelligence agencies look bad so the question now is was the bad trump and so designed by russians to make the u.s. agencies look bad or was it just really just like a shady character in europe who figured out a way to build goble us intelligence agencies for some money because then when they're like you know dude we don't trust the information the guy just took a drink walked away you know he's like oh ok i'm out you know you were saying like which is it those is which was somebody who was trying just trying to make you know
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shady russian making a off of. americans. or he was an idiotic american. i say yes to both i think it's a little of both honestly i think it's odd that we would be spending resources and time and not realize that this is how this works you send out bad information in order to make them look bad and the truth believe it's worked there even if it was just so you know. national who wanted to just build some people and make americans look bad either way it just looks ridiculous so it starts getting stolen all the time we can't even keep our hacking tools safe i won't we get our hacking tools stolen we use lots of money and resources to get them back even though now they've already got them and all that stuff is out because it's been leaked so why are we and it's not a secret anymore than it is before we move there's one good note is the n.s.a. was communicating their herd like the guy you want to know if the u.s.
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government is truly doing this to the n.s.a. it was using their tweets from over the summer about like morse code as code to this guy to let them know that it really was the u.s. government you know interested in what he had to say so what does this tell us more we're don't trust what the n.s.a. tweets it's probably code for something. lisa lucas a lifelong resident of west virginia is planning to run for the state's house of delegates and one of the reason she's running as her disgust with big money buying power that belongs to the people at a recent public hearing for west virginia bill age before two six eight an oil and gas industry sponsored bill that would allow companies to drill on land without the owner's permission lucas pointed out the hypocrisy of the public airing. to keep it short simply because the public only gets a minute forty five while lobbyist can throw a gala at the marriott with whiskey and wine and talk for hours to the delegates.
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but when locust begins reading off the donations members of the committee had received from the very corporations who would benefit from the legislation those members felt she was making a personal attack eventually silencing with lisa lucas first stating those facts. in the. first place. what's even worse she wasn't just being comical when she mentioned whiskey and wine the shale energy alliance literally you had a whiskey wine and policy winter legislative reception at the charleston marriott hotel two days before the public hearing lukas attended the purpose was according to them for legislators suppliers and other supporters will attend the event to network a discussion energy alliance as
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a legislative priorities so if she is simply spokes facts why were these legislating snowflakes feeling so darn attacked well as lisa lucas put it quote if they feel attacked by mentioning their donors to me they shouldn't be taking that money and quote your fax. true fact this is this is great because what this points out is exactly what everybody is harped on government across the land for doing especially here in the states our local national bedroll the whole bit because here you have a she made a great point you guys can go of one cigars and hang out and talk about shale energies legislative priorities for hours on end but citizens get about a minute forty five in the morning each to get up there and just say whether they like this bill or not yet and if the facts are a little too like uncomfortable for them they know and lets her know attack telling people where i get my money from this guy who was sitting up there said that she
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was doing personal attacks that's what the drug are way they said while you're down there you're getting personal you make mistakes which of course i would say that person should just go up and say oh there's do you know who i don't like him but she was a she was no not at all saying fast she was some what love to use these guys campaign she wasn't stating like this guy's a jerk face i don't like it was you say well there's oil company gave x. amount of money to this guy's campaign this oil company gave x. more with it that it's public record it's not there's not i'll do something that's not known these things are facts and the legislation she's talking about benefits big business you know not the little guy and that's this this whole thing in west virginia is they keep pushing this like well if we could just get coal back because you know black lung hasn't been popular in the last couple of decades you know it was a bill that they were trying to vote on that sparked all this so this was a bill forty two sixty eight so what it what it says is that a majority of seventy five percent of the owners of shares of
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a single piece of property could determine whether the property could develop for ass for oil or gas extraction so what that means or someone might have sold or at least off their mineral rights and they own like one percentage or seven eighths of a share. air which if you have minerals underneath your limb that could be a huge amount of money to a farmer someone who owns land the problem was before if that person with even the tiniest share said no you couldn't do it now what they're saying is we don't care about what that minority person who may be living on that land if the corporation owns a bigger portion they essentially get eminent domain and they control sideways into someone's land whenever they decide they won't let it about way so it's a pretty ugly piece of legislation that was written by the goyim gas lobby that is for the oil and gas lobby and gassho gives them to their money bingo you are going to cost more on a dark side of west virginia a lawyer who specializes in real estate small regarding things like oil coal oil
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and natural gas wrote about the west. because that person in your version you get sort of i was just sort of like the late last year in which she claimed that this lucas was ill informed that she warns against exploitation of the servitude of the hillbilly classes she or literally calls them the hell billy classes and you wonder why people think you're in the pockets of big business when you sit and call the poorest people which you know the areas around mining operations tend to be the poorest people not hillbillies those are your constituents you are the people of the good fight lisa keep up the good bye but i don't think i started it was we go to break court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics you cover to facebook and twitter see our poll shows that r t dot com coming up sean stone looks at the future of cryptocurrency the stock market with the publisher of the trends journal gerald so let's say and then we got robert snowflakes and blackberries coming your way though it's not
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a drink it's in the story state to watch in the heart. and in america a college degree requires a great deal. paying a decades long debt. study so hard it requires. going through humiliation to enter and indeed society. sometimes quite literally. wants are the true colors of universities in the u.s. . no matter how you look at it the last year has been a roller coaster of
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a ride for the american economy the dow jones rode wall street records with an unprecedented rally before it lost a shocking and percent and the blink of an eye bitcoin made many a clueless millennial a millionaire overnight before crashing down to earth just as rapidly the partisan media is at war over whether the economy is booming or not all while struggling families wonder what planet their cable news producers are living on all this is to say it's been quite a turbulent year and nobody really knows what's coming next but one man is literally paid to figure out exactly what's coming next and that's gerald solent a professor publisher of trends journal johnstone sat down with gerald to get his take on the trump economy. twenty seventeen did see a boom in the stock markets the dow now is cooled off a little bit these past few weeks but how much of the overall stock surge can we associate with trump you could you could associate a lot of it with trump since he got elected because think of the things that he
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promised wall street i'm going to get rid of those regulations that hold your bags of a give you free rein and amen to cut the taxes so you're going to get more money and that was the initiative to drive the stock's up and he said he would cut the taxes within a year and he did and he said it you know i'm a let you repatriate that money you got overseas so let's go back to when george bush did that in two thousand and four the money didn't go into capital expenditures it when it's a stock buybacks when you look at the whole stock market boom it's cheap money they did everybody knows it they denied in the beginning by the way you know they tracking trends is an understanding of where we are how we got here and where we're going so when i believe that the market's really going to crash in two thousand and twelve i looked at how we got here so they didn't teach
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me in economics one hundred one about zero interest rates negative interest rates and quantitative easing these cats just made this stuff up and all they did was juice the markets. so trump is giving them a tax break hey how about those corporate earnings haven't been so bad have they why do they need a tax break they didn't put that money into corporate earnings back into capital development it went into stock buybacks that's what's been driving the market's up and the fear that interest rates may go up and the cheap money flow may stop is what's bringing the markets down now. do you think there were basically you mentioned past crashes and it's from the two thousand seven eight time period you know led to the great recession do you think that we're now out of the great recession the people aren't out of the great recession the what seventy eight
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percent of the people living paycheck to paycheck three people who are the united states have more dough than sixty percent combined median household incomes below nine hundred ninety nine levels the gap between the richer the poor is the widest in the united states than any of the industrialized nations so yes we're out of the recession in terms of yes here's g.d.p. growth yes the market's going up yes there are more people employed but where they employed it's not the united states of america it's slave led to get so when they talk for instance that the last time you know it brought the market down was wages went up it wages went up but take a look at the numbers wages only went up for about twenty percent of the working population the managerial levels that's what skewed it eighty percent of the people
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is still making the lousy wages they were making before. so that's what it is so yes the economy is in much better shape now than it was from the panic of zero eight people yes they have debt the credit card debt sit all time high but they don't have those subprime mortgages now instead they have those a subprime called voyages rather than the house mortgages but they're not as big as the so did they get caught and made on the whole is in much better shape than it was back then but not all boats ride side and so when you mentioned before how when bush repatriated money from the corporations that was put in stock buyback you expect that what trump has done basically with this corporate tax break will bring money back but rather than being in invested in the companies themselves and into the workers workers in the technology to be more invested at this to the stocks that will truly overheat the economy and create other crash it will put more money
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back into the stock market standing capital development it to get go by history again it's not as though corporate earnings have been so terrible they've been very good so why did he have to give them a tax break so trip trumps trade policies are much different than you know that will bring jobs back if you bring back manufacturing you know but we're a service sector economy and you look at the jobs i mean you know hospitality sector you may be a bought tenure at a waitress and making beds in a hotel not that i'm demeaning that but those are the jobs that are available they put fancy name on it so these think choose to when you want to see where the economy is going it truly is the trump economy look at trump's track record as a businessman and about those of bankruptcies over there that linux city but he makes things happen on another end so that's what you're going to see you're going to see a lot of ups and downs. at the end of last year the trends journal we forecast
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a ten percent market correction in two thousand and eighteen it's down ten percent and may go lower this is the end of the trump economic rally as far as the stock markets go we believe we're at the peak and there's a what nobody can predict the future there are too many wild cards in life absent the wild card we can go back to maybe of a bear market we're in a correction now the market's up over six thousand points since trump got elected so it has a ways to go down before it crashes so because when you're looking at the global economy and you see the numbers coming out of the i.m.f. they're positive hey take a look at that trade data that just came out of china last week oh they're ever there are terrible debt yes no kidding everybody is but look at the trade numbers
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exports increased you know levon percent imports increased. twenty something percent so the people are buying so the global economy is in much better shape than they used to big but again going back to the markets the markets are overvalued they are over leveraged the price earning ratios in the markets today are near the historic highs and in the tech sector do way above it so yes it is going to be a correction it's way over built it's going to come down and what are the signals that you look for in particular before an economy let's say or a market or what not it's going to start collapsing is a key signal that no one seems to be looking at and this is it when gold prices shine the markets will go red
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look what happened over the last week. when the markets were going down poof gold was moving down to. if the markets are really in trouble gold is the ultimate safe haven asset that they would have skyrocketed and gold can't break over fourteen hundred dollars an ounce and our forecast is that gold has to go over fourteen fifty an ounce solidify around four hundred fifty four thousand nine hundred sixty and then it's going to take a big coin bounce this thing's going to go to two thousand plus watch gold and gold is the ultimate safe haven asset so with these markets are going to go down go back to see what happened the last time gold prices spiked in a haven't spiked gold is the one to watch that they're not watching right you mentioned big coin obviously that's an interesting side of things cryptocurrency many people are excited about the currency is the new tech bubble basically of the
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late ninety's that you know early two thousand do you think there could be a currency can prove to be more see you know as basically as they believe the internet has proved as far as you know with a bubble burst big has burst a little bit it may burst more but the point is do you think that overall cryptocurrency is here to stay yes i do. go back to bitcoin what board the prices of bitcoin down government interference china south korea the banks now in the united states it can't buy you because you can't buy a kryptos with the credit cards the number of banks it's regulations us going to bring it down but the important thing is crypto z. here to stay as well as the block chain technology that everyone's fall in love with and that's really a whole new way it's a whole new accounting system and so many ways so this is the twenty first century now let's go to china. you go to china end up paying for cash or credit cards you're putting your wrap up there the world is going cashless people are an
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attached to a coin of the realm we're talking about the markets being over that al you'd over leveraged which they just passed that no other. you know we're going to keep the government going and put is deeper in debt just hundreds of trillions of dollars in global debt and people that are awake don't want to invest in their currencies you want to own these digital currencies aren't worth anything oh you mean those digital dollars printed on nothing is backed by nothing worth more you got a clown out there shooting their mouth off about a digital currency when you've got all these digital nothing you want to she is euros and dollars so yes stay here to stay but the ones that we're focusing on particularly are the ones that have an action a purpose a product of a service behind them going back to block chain. transactions that dudly that you
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could what health care you name the industry they're all going into it it's it's verifying solidifying processes in a way we've never seen it's the twenty first century and so too is digital currency is. having a severe allergy is no laughing matter i know even when it's used as a joke by magical talking rabbits or at least some parents seem to think that the new children's movie reboot peter rabbit based on the classic book by beatrix potter includes a bunny hating tom a cracker mcgregor is allergic to black berries at one point the rabbit shoot blackberries and the villains mouth he chokes and must use an epi pen to save him from an awful active shock this is when parents of children with allergies felt a trigger warning should have been added a trigger warning because they felt that the scene specifically shamed kids with our g.'s the worst part sony is apologizing for being insensitive to people with
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allergies no word on whether the talking bunny inlaid will apologize as well but i can. sir my concern is that at this rate the list of trigger warnings for your average children's movies will be longer than the movies themselves try on some grim fairy tales sometimes of trigger warnings that go to our realistic fairy tales baghdad in the body want to kill peter rabbit right that's right there are only a week or so to start pretty those are over the day remember everyone in this world we're not told with love so it's all you all i love you i you know if i were over the top of the people watching. tens of billions hundreds of billions probably a trillion dollars of us government subsidies is
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a shit on the energy industry yes government can subsidize mining of big rather cryptic currencies and put those into while it's called american citizens going to each have an automatic while at times of the social security account and they can get a daily and weekly or monthly air drop points that they can then years to boost economy with the government can easily do that. not that. i. was going to really was. i. was unclear. i. remember i i. was i.
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germany's social democrat leader martin shultz resigned after helping recently. called granny coalition with chancellor merkel. the other big resignation the foreign minister of the netherlands quits after admitting he lied about a meeting with vladimir putin the russian leaders intentions to forge a great russian. coming up in the program in exclusive interview with our to see the head of the court of arbitration for sport defends the olympic committee's decision to exclude russia which the court itself have already cleared of doping allegations. the fact that. the guilt of an athlete that has nothing to do with the case.
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with all the day's big stories live at the top of the hour every hour this international broadcasting from moscow hello and welcome to our top story germany's social democratic party leader martin schultz has announced his resignation with immediate effect his decision comes after he lost it in the german election to chancellor angela merkel and then faced criticism over agreeing to form the coalition to essentially form a majority government for a second he said his decision will allow the party to refresh itself on come back strong. yes but you need a computer when you were a police organization and police and it's personnel and this is. the party members with my resignation and also that really the strength of my federal government i want to help bring an end to this debate and really focus on. show
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dubinsky took a brief look back to our martin short career as s.p.d. leader we know that resignations is something that martin schultz's done well in the past he actually resigned his job as president of the european parliament last year because he said he wanted to fight the german elections and to become the chancellor of germany as we know in those elections in september he failed to do that in fact his party did so badly in those elections that they lost forty seats now following that defeat in the elections he turned around and said i will never be a minister. led government and that led to angela merkel and her c.d.u. having to seek out potential partners for forming a german government that fell by the wayside and then of course martin said he would talk. about forming another so-called one coalition this was between his party the social democrats and the c.d.u.
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to rule germany now in that he said that he wanted to be foreign minister and he accepted that that would be his position if that grand coalition ahead but he gave up on that too just in the last few days saying that he wouldn't be the foreign minister in the government if that government takes place now the current german foreign minister had something to say about at least his young daughter did she was widely quoted in the media and they had a hoot about this as apparently turning round to her father and saying you know daddy don't worry you'll have more time to spend with us talking about the fact that he could be losing his post and then turned around and said well. that's better than spending time with the man with the hairy beard of course referring to schultz and his famous whiskey well back now to his resignation and martin schultz has said quite clearly that he hopes from what i was signing a leader of the social democrats he will be able to help heal internal divisions
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within his party and his party members have to go to a ballot on march fourth in which they are due to vote on whether or not they want that one coalition to go ahead and there is a lot of division and chaos in the party the youth wing of the party are currently traversing around germany urging people to vote no to that coalition and if it is a no vote then we could see germans head back to the polls very soon will martin short says departure those internal divisions or will it deepen the chaos and the division we have yet to find out we also heard from geo political analyst rona roughness that martin will likely continue his political career within the european union. the specialists of the advisers of the s.p.d. have just understood that it is really important to have a party leader who is popular in the population and a sympathetic person warm hearted that people like to see on t.v.
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and then they would also like to vote for such a personality so i think it's not mainly a matter of competence it's a matter of popularity and i guess that martin will have that back to the e.u. he will try to get the post didn't do a commission in the coming years this is a matter of course for a personality who is not so close to people because commissioners are not voted for and therefore it is a better career option for much to choose. well just on to a nother resignation and it's over the border from germany in fact the dutch foreign minister has now quit after revealing earlier in the week that he had lied about a false meeting with the russian president in two thousand and six but in a full of. let me give them both
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a lot of. people over for. the night foreign minister was quite emotional when he announced his resignation he was supported by the country's prime minister who was present during this announcement and also seem to quite moved by the situation and now what has happened today as the result of a big scandal that erupted when it was revealed gods the dutch foreign minister a lie back in two thousand and sixteen about an event in his life that when he described it didn't raise a lot of questions as back at the time russia was accused of all sorts of things moscow was accused of carrying out aggressive politics so his ally fit quite well into that contacts now back in two thousand and sixteen and the minister has said that he was present at a meeting with the russian president vladimir putin and he heard the president
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speaking about unifying russia ukraine valorous the baltic states and kazakstan into a single country creating greater russia. in early two thousand and six i was advised to made predictions come true so i had house i stopped at the back of a room or a meeting was being held but i could hear very well vladimir putin talking about a great to russia he said this included russia. ukraine and the baltic states and that kazakstan would be nice to have now these were his words back in two thousand and sixteen but when he was confronted about this he acknowledged that that was a lie that he wasn't even in russia back in two thousand and six and he only said that to protect his source a person who was present at that meeting now the minister said that his credibility had been damaged he described these recent events as the they. it's a mistake in his political career now all this took place just one day before his
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official meeting where the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov i was about to attend the sneezing as so many other ensuring less war and we had questions prepared for the foreign minister of course concerning this particular situation but now it seems that this meeting is off the table as the dutch side had officially cancel it medina culture where we discuss the latest developments in the netherlands with martin mccoy author russia a list he said false remarks from the former foreign minister supped well with the general. sentiment in the west at the time there are two reasons why you made that statement one is that projected to me to the public newspapers the headlines and so on this was a sensational statement to make therefore the foreign minister was in fact a very important person and he was making a very important statement which would affect nato pulls western policy and so on
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and the second thing would be that of course it fed into the new to. the native narrative the narrative of the west still is which is basically the russian sees. as a threat to the national security and it fit into that and therefore for these two reasons then it appeared to be from the dutch point of view this is a very good very good thing to do. day four of the winter olympics seeing russia to its medal tally with two bronze finishes secured in ski events it brings the country's overall hall to four bronze on a silver medal that's the spyder reduce number of competitors from the country following decisions by the international olympic committee and the court of arbitration for sport overtopping allegations. in twenty eight cases the evidence collected was found to be insufficient to establish that an anti-doping rule
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violation was committed by the athletes concerned because a decision is a extremely disappointing these a decision of the virtue and the need for reform. in the internal structure of couse today the division of the court of arbitration for sport dismissed the application filed by thirty two russian athletes against the international olympic committee did not demonstrate that the manner in which two special commission system established by the i.o.c. was carried out in a discriminatory arbitrary or unfair manner or curse overturn the life balance for twenty eight russian athletes at the beginning of february but then did a sudden new turn saying it actually supported the iowa sees the second not to allow the athletes to compete in the winter games our correspondent has been speaking exclusively with the secretary general of carers to find out more about
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the conflicting decisions. after the court of arbitration for sport said no to forty seven russian athletes and coaches just as the chang winter games were getting underway perhaps the number one conclusion that came up on some people's mind was that presumption of innocence doesn't apply to the russian doping scandal well the cast secretary-general didn't literally say that the key law principle didn't work for cas but see for yourself how much it applied to the russians the fact that the unable to show the guilt of an athlete doesn't mean that it has nothing to do although with the case of the innocence this is a logical consequence and this is nothing bad about it mr reeve maintains that leaving the group of clean russian athletes on paper out of the winter
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olympics isn't a sanction also i found out that the refusal of the i.o.c. to get the dozens of russian athletes on board the olympics in some cases was a result of pure suspicion and other cases it was a result of some real evidence which however mr reeves hasn't seen after all he wasn't a member of the panel but the secretary general promised that this evidence will soon be published so let's wait for now let's have a look at the other highlights of my exclusive interview a cas has been shown something as a people here there was no review if every of the sochi case was not discussed here the report was last discussed here it's only the review of the process so it was not just sanction it was an eligibility issue i understand the reaction of the public in russia because it doesn't seem logical exactly the russian side doesn't
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see the logic here how it's stripping a person of the right to compete at the olympics not a sanction this is. a special procedure because the created a special commission so the cast panel here reviewed these criteria and said they were fair please let me get this straight the saatchi case and the pound chang case you're saying that there are absolutely no contradictions between the two decisions yes the fact that you cannot establish the give evidence of the good of the doesn't mean that you have established the innocence of the athlete you see what i mean i'm sorry but i thought that was the exact job of caste to determine whether that suspicion is enough for that kind of bad maybe that there are suspicions which are not. confirmed by sufficient evidence i don't know if i'm clear because it's a little bit skopec ated that is you can have some elements which show some. suspicious actions by the athletes but they may not be sufficient to convince the
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panel that for sure this athlete is guilty of an anti-doping rule violation but it doesn't mean that they actually did nothing at all there may be some. some strange actions which could lead to some suspicion so you are saying there can be more transparency it's possible it's possible yes as you heard a couple of minutes ago when initially overturned the i.o.c. bans of the sochi athletes the international olympic committee was very critical of the court thomas back demanded reforms and i asked the secretary general if anyone returned to these ideas after the final decision of the russian athletes was made and the answer was no so it turns out when the court of arbitration for sport came up with a verdict that fully satisfied the i.o.c. nobody wants to reform cas any more it's a very interesting sit down with phil you can watch the exclusive interview in full
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with the secretary general throughout the day tomorrow wed and stay here on r.t. international. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu could be facing several official charges over his alleged involvement in corruption cases it's really police say they have enough evidence to open a case against him well the accusations are based on two cases the first one connected with bribery sees netanyahu accused of receiving gifts from businessmen to the sum of tens of thousands of dollars the second case focuses on an alleged deal with a newspaper giving him positive coverage in exchange for a crackdown on a rival at that protest over the allegations have been ongoing in israel for months already. and. i i i.
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barry netanyahu for his part denies all allegations against him saying his time as israeli leader is not up as he's played no part in any corruption scandal. actually probably the watermen trauma since the moment i was chosen to leave the government not a days come but our slander and foresight does ations. let's get further into this not join columnist for the israeli dealing haaretz gideon levy gideon you're always welcome to the program some strong allegations and reaction against net new house we're looking to but we've been here before he's been embroiled in scandal down through the years yet he is still the leader of your country will he continue to be for the short while for sure he's not going to resign he's not going to give up he was very clear
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in his message to the people that he's going to give a fight and i think that his popularity. i don't know if it will raise but he's not finished in israeli public opinion one should understand that he created a situation in which many israelis maybe the majority of them don't see an alternative for him and there is great success could there be almost a trump effect to all of this because if the act or find not to be true could it actually strengthen his position when it looks as if his approval rating is quite low and it could actually bolster his support. yeah especially if you listen to what he says he's message was combined by two elements to the one i am your statesman i am working only for the state i secure phrased everything for the state i gave my life to this day i am serving
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my state for so many years and the other one was i am a victim and and many people might identify themselves was this even though i must say that he never faced such serious charges by the police by the general inspector of the police who was nominated by him as right wing full secret service agents and still people who might have some sympathy well the scandal itself getting it's being months and months in the making you know back in early twenty seventeen when it but no firm proof has been following are you confident that something will come out no. yes i think that something must come out because finally we are facing no note charges by the media or by any politicians this is the israeli police and their and their material seems to be
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very serious and the evidence seems to be very serious. one can pool more time and maybe the legal advice of the government the one who has to decide because he's also the state attorney has to decide by the end of the day if the thing you know will have to go to court by any any way to judge it finally he will note be able to ignore those recommendation of the police he might pull more time for him but he will not be able to ignore it it's impossible does this particular suppose we can call it a scandal celt way whatever way it turns out does it seem to be different from before is there an underlying belief that perhaps his time is actually up others as a leader of the country. i think we are facing the end of his career it's my take some more months maybe even
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a year maybe even one more election in which he might succeed but he's now living on a borel time by the end of the video mean that you know we'll have to face a trial ok and then he's political career will be finished gideon levy columnist for the israeli daily ha'aretz great to have your company thank you sir. netanyahu fate might be hanging in the balance as we heard europe seen two major resignations as we've been talking about this very day but there is someone who won't be going anywhere for the time being wiki leaks co-founder julian assange on just seen his latest appeal for his arrest warrant to be lifted thrown out by u.k. court he's wanted for skipping bail in the country and it's the second time in a week that the songes lawyers have been in court to appeal against the warrant says he brings us more. despite any high expectations that julian assange she's defense team and supporters might have that could have come from inside this
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courtroom here in london did not materialize as the judge has ruled that the status quo remains that the arrest warrant against julian assange imposed by britain is not going to be lifted now last week the judge said that b. said miss off the fact that the swedish investigators have long drop the case against him should mean that the arrest warrant associated with that case should go to said no this did not work for this courtroom today the judge considered several more arguments brought forward by julie massagers defense team let's look at some of those highlights first they argued that julian assange options were reasonable this in terms of skipping bail and going inside the ecuadorian embassy the judge here has said that this was not a reasonable enough argument because the judge believes that sweden would not have extradited julian assange to the u.s. because this would have created a major diplomatic scoundrel now the judge also considered the united nations
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ruling that had found that a sundress detention was arbitrary to this the judge has said that this was based on misunderstandings according to her she said that julian the songes detention is self-imposed the judge believes that julian assange has been able to leave the embassy any time he wants she said that he has had visitors he can eat what he wants and even get fresh air and sunshine being able to walk out on that famous balcony to this julian a son she had tweeted that he's only gone out on the balcony several times amidst high security now the judge also talked about the argument brought forward by the defense team that julian assange she was always willing to take part in the investigation and the question to this she said the case has dragged on for way too long and that this willingness was not very obvious also another argument brought forward. was that his punishment might have already been quite excessive given the
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fact that julian assange has been holed up inside the ecuadorian embassy in london for over five and a half years now the judge found that his condition his health condition is good enough and that it could be worse the conclusion brought forward by this case today that the arrest warrant stands the judge has said that like everybody else julian assange is not above the law that he should have presented himself to the courtroom and face the consequences of his action however now all eyes will be on what kind of moves julian assange has defense team come up with to move his case forward and . we've got the thoughts of putting henningsen founder of twenty first century wired dot com on this he believes the u.k. is acting as an american puppet in the case it's become clear now the sort of the game's up with the release of the e-mails from the crown prosecution service is showing that there was collusion between the c.p.s.
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and the swedish judiciary to sort of keep this his case on the rocks even though sweden could have dropped the case for five years ago we're looking at a situation here where the u.k. is effectively a sockpuppet with washington is the hand inside it can be you know their explanation they said this is in the public interest and so forth at the hearing today i can't see how they can prove that it's in the public interest having spent four million pounds on security around the ecuadorian embassy to make sure though that julian assange is doesn't make a run for it. former u.s. president barack obama has reportedly received a letter containing an identified white powdery substance and he's not the only high profile figure to receive a suspicious letter over the last couple of days either for more on this let's go live in direct to kill and following this story obama as we said he isn't alone in
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being on this g.b.'s mailing list tell us more. yes now this took place at obama's office the office located on the northwest side of washington d.c. not too far from the former president's residency where he's currently living now at this point we understand the incident took place around roughly twelve thirty local time just after noon at this point individuals and has met suits are getting on the premise of investigating things trying to get to the bottom of it now this comes just hours after a similar suspicious package was delivered to the u.k. house of parliament again still questions being raised about that it's not exactly clear now on just the previous day there was a package a very suspicious package delivered to the residence of donald trump jr was opened it was discovered that there was
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a white powdery mysterious white powder inside of it and vanessa trump the wife of donald trump jr was actually taken to the hospital preemptively in the concern that there could be a dangerous substance like anthrax or something else in the envelope now we've seen in a tweet from donald trump jr it turns out the after all in the package from yesterday all that was contained a was cornstarch it was not indeed a dangerous substance live determined that no dangerous substance was there it was simply cornstarch but questions are being raised now just a week ago there was an incident in the united kingdom and suspicious powder was sent to julian assange so a lot of questions are being raised this is this is happening in the united kingdom this is happening in the united states people don't really know exactly what's going on here suspicious packages are turning up with suspicious white powder in them now all kinds of questions are being raised by the people in the u.k. and by the people in the united states but at this point we just don't have enough
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information to draw any conclusions so we'll be keeping you updated on the situation. yes certainly a worrying trend artie's caleb maupin live from the us this hour thank you. a preliminary investigation has found that frozen speed sensors may have been the cause of sunday's deadly passenger jet crash near moscow the heating system that protects those sensors was switched off during the ill fated flight but had been switched on for the previous fifteen journeys the plane made investigators hope to find out why the heating was turned off as they continue their extensive analysis of the antonov one for eight black boxes the tragedy claimed the lives of all seventy one people on board. a virus stuck in access your computer and mine cryptocurrency back to doctors has reportedly infected thousands of government computers and websites run the world i should say computers actually
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websites affiliated to governments it's even affected the u.k.'s data protection watchdog the mob were use a technique known script to jacking and here is how it works it effectively hijacks computers that visit the infected websites covertly minds cryptocurrency using your personal device instead of the road and then sends the coins back to the hacker while you're on aware of the intrusion around a fortnight ago many businesses were hit with similar moer including video streaming giant you tube earlier we heard from scott helman a cyber security specialist he thinks we're witnessing a new trend in crime. the rise of crypto jacking is related to the value of crypto currency so as a crypto currency increases in value if you can stimulate or obtain it illegitimately then then your proceeds increase and you know they're worth more we will see the rise of the market so jacking the talks like this possibly motivated by the increase in the value of crypto currency is and partially motivated right
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now by the ease with which these attacks can be carried out criminals of use cash for hundreds of years and criminals will move to the next form of currency which is cryptocurrency fortunately this was a quiet mild example of what the attackers could have done but i think common advice still applying is you know make sure that you keep your device up to date if it's an i phone do the i phone updates if its windows do windows it days make sure you're getting the latest versions of ups maybe you haven't a virus programs on your computer is all of the standard kind of advice still applies here. and you know that the wider industry just needs to react to this and start getting on top of these kinds of attacks well we keep their financial fame running in just a few moments muxes here with his latest kaiser report and i'm back at huff an hour's time with all the global news from that busy news day stay with r.t. international.
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still seems wrong. just don't call. me. yet to see. this day come out to. and in detroit equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. in america a college degree requires a great deal. paying a decade's long debt. studying so hard it requires strong.
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going through humiliation to enter an elite society. and partying to death sometimes quite literally. wants other true colors of universities in the us. i am an astrologer this is the welcome is done once again to get into the nitty gritty the fun and beauty the ultimate expression oh what station i have a confession to make we are actually in mexico right now oh my god that's true we are in mexico for this a toshi round table and we have reprieve recorded this so we're at the social round
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table talking about decline with all our fellow big coiners and i'm pretty courting this so just in case the price has crashed zero or the price has gone to fifty thousand we don't know at the point that we're recording this but i do want to talk about the general headline here regarding decline and it reads nobody puts bitcoin in the corner this is from f.t. alphaville skate i'm super. and he's written for. telegraph and all these sorts on line wired as well about crypto currencies and stuff and this is gotten a lot of attention because of this opening these three paragraphs that i want to talk about very very fascinating way to put it suppose for a moment big question never existed and the theory i'm never existed and the whole crazy world of crypto currencies never happened someone comes along and tells you to imagine an electronic network for moving money anywhere in the world that no one owns it's an intriguing idea it's an unprecedented idea in the entirety of human
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history such a thing has literally never existed would your response really be l o l the true value of bitcoin is zero no no no this is the result of a lot of very smart people thinking about this for many many years about how to move value over the internet or they encounter. what's called the double spend problem that it's center ship resistant that's immutable its goal two point zero and it takes advantage of the a some pot a curve and costs in technologies for processing band with and other elements chip speed all approaching that price of zero which means you can have the block chain moving around at ever cheaper cost even though it's expanding in size because the economics of the internet is crashing toward zero that's one of the phenomenon in economics that people like paul krugman don't understand as it applies to bitcoin
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because he is used to things like increased returns economics based on diminishing returns and how that effects pricing and how that affects economic theory have increased returns where you have the basic raw material that is the say electrons in the processing and moving them around is constantly going to zero but year at the same time as infinite as that sounds the uniqueness of each bitcoin to there only being twenty one million is part of the intrigue that is this technology and this and this value system that is completely unique and the result of thousands of years of technological progress hundreds of years of economic thought and real true desirability to have a system that is completely outside social control well yeah it's important to understand. who ever you're reading or what analysis to understand kind of where they're coming from and what their background is so paul krugman is neoclassical
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economists and ivory tower he lives in an ivory tower he's an academic there's nothing wrong with that there's been ivory tower dwellers throughout history in india they have it codified into a class system a caste system he is an academic and he believes in the. right shifts ness of hierarchy that you know one should. trained to a doctor at the level and then you can tell the people you could teach people these poor students these ignorant students what what the truth is about economics so. he comes from that sort of background where he believes elite know more and they should govern the economy politics culture so that's his background that's how he comes to big quine. on the other hand as this article points out there have been a lot of scams. but that's attached to anything that is
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a store of value look at any clint eastwood film for history it's all about some schmuck trying to steal some gold from somebody else and they all fight and kill each other and then you know some woman is gained as well during the whole thing and they make off with a gold somebody who gets the gold at the end of the show but here he says there's a lot of that's dumb about crypto currencies the dumb seems to increase proportionally with the price every day some new idiot tries or a lock on the i c o roulette wheel and the hope of making a fortune of a lifetime for doing little more than writing a piece of paper and sticking a countdown clock on a website but there's a lot that's really profound and you need only look as far as big to see that so he goes into the actual issue which gives it so much value which the likes of paul graham asked and which you've just been calculated where he says the problem of transferring or holding value digitally without permission is not a trivial one the fact the solution requires huge amounts of energy is just one
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sign of the difficulty the upshot of solving it however as you get an electronic network for value that governments cannot control or destroy except with significant financial and social cost even they might not succeed i mean you saw that with remember during the arab spring when in egypt. when mubarak was overthrown he tried to turn off the internet and it worked for two or three days and all his cronies every would like that he had to turn it back on he had to connect them back to the internet because it was it became impossible he was he was going to be ousted no matter what at that point because he was either going to crash the economy take everything down with it and all his friends and all his cronies or he was going to have to turn it back on this barrier to entry for creating a coin is almost zero over a thousand coins and. hundreds of probably more than a thousand i.c.a.o. zz and you know i think i liken it to i remember but i don't even have this anymore
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but they used to have a form of a cosmetic. product where you put this tape on your skin and pulls a black heads and you know the ease with which you can create a currency out of nothing as is pulled out the black kids that are a lot of dodgy characters and projects out there. alongside the internet just like you know there are many false prophets and then there was let's say jesus for example you know enter of being worth something but you know let's go back to. the secular world yes toshi is a problem a lot of people are seeking profits but here you know again the internet paul krugman meston every time he tries to offer his opinion on twitter about bitcoin of course if you look at the tweet tweeted responses as all pictures of fax machines because of course he said the internet would have no impact on the global economy
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as much only as the fax machine ever did so he just thought it was a communication not a network and he clearly has some sort of blind spots and network effects and network impacts and changing of the mind and and certainly you were around during the first dotcom boom and. at that time people you know the markets investors went crazy and people thought pets. dot com ties dot com shirt dot com you know that was where it was all going to go that was the way to make fortunes and they didn't see social media they didn't see twitter facebook there was all came along later right thing the basic as i point out that that's missed is that the underlying fundamental building blocks of this economy are becoming cheaper every single day and it's a lot different than traditionally going to mix where you have diminishing returns or you have the need you know if you're digging gold out of the ground it takes ever more energy to dig gold out of the ground now it does require more energy to mine coins but the ancillary markets themselves are popping up in
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a way that's almost exponential and dwarfing that underlying costs such a such a degree that the free money that's appearing in people's accounts that they can use then to go and do battle with the money that is the result of coercion by a corrupt state is quite remarkable i just want to also point out something about the first dot com bubble didn't you have some like seven year old pitcher and a knock knock joke say yeah i was. the height of the dot com bubble when i went to a conference i sat next to as a seven or ten year old kid who was launching knock knock joke dot com for a multi-million dollar valuation and it was the supreme knock knock jokes that one could find and there was also a duty dot com as a daily drawing of. def occasion especially and drawn def a catering duty dot com but there's i see equivalent yes jason calacanis about this
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jason remember duty dot com knock knock joke dot com i mean that was jason was of course the king of the dot com back then he's been come out he's against not against but even trying to sound the alert on the parallels between the dot com and the i.c. which is ok it's a fine analysis there is total access in this space but the underlying technology like there were survivors of the dot com like google and. facebook a little later but. another those lows of colazal yeah there's another thing going around which the urine who is the founder of the theory i'm has been talk about this is the notion of a fair coin people are trying to figure a way to distribute coins better that was also an issue up at a meeting i heard some analysis saying that there was a lot of talk about sovereign currencies because at that point at the time of. venezuela has it just announced petro currency. so this is something going forward
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that could be a possibility as the sovereign currencies i don't know i haven't read the white paper on the petro but i don't know if that's workable but i think in the future there could be something that is like you know the alas alas k. if you're a resident of lasky receive some money every year it's like a thousand two thousand three thousand dollars check that comes in because you live in the state and the oil in the state produces a lot of oil so they get a share of that so there could be a way to distribute instead of having oligarchs and all they sort of very wealthy few where they're you know you're in an oil rich country or mineral rich country if it just goes to a handful of people they get to you know for some reason get the exclusive access to the assets of the nation that happened to lie under the nation you know this is a fair way to distribute the coins or a mention of the government in america subsidizes the energy industry tens of billions hundreds of billions probably a trillion dollars of u.s. government subsidies ation of the energy industry u.s.
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government could subsidize mining of big oil or other crypto currencies and put those into wall it's called american citizens could each have an automatic wallet tied to their social security account and they could get a daily weekly or monthly airdrop of crypto coins that they can then use to boost the economy with the government can easily do that they never should do that i've said many times and this would be a way to fairly distribute wealth and it has no reason why wall street that goes to subsidization of free money from the wide best on shared equally amongst the entire population they can match that distribution of fair money from the fed using crypto coins the visa v the social security account yeah i mean and one problem of course is you don't want just one air drop like aurora coin try try because they're all is the soviet problem because when the soviet union collapsed they did give basically the equivalent of what an air drop was that every citizen got some sort of cut of the assets of the nation and it turned out that the oligarchs went around door to door knocking and and collecting them all and bought. them for cheap and then
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became the controllers of the assets if you want a dividend that keeps on coming in absolutely we can solve this stay sick right after the break we'll have it all figured out. and is getting international recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos a member of the commission if you like you know. this isn't my cup of tea is going to be all we did you. know john. the only palestinians who gets the most help from its jerusalem counterparts i don't think this is about those who. wish to. do this. i know it is unfair to this lady of the muscle that you have no difficulty in the doesn't seem to do more. because of.
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that. i was going to really i. was unclear i i i. i . welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to go to acapulco and speak with jeff who puts on the biggest mass and arctic conference in politics and economics that is an arc of paltrow and this year is that of a one day crypt
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a polkadot jeff welcome back it's my pleasure max and jeff congratulations this is an archipelago krypto polka thing is blowing up man is a must go to of that era here about all the time you must be very pleased yeah actually we've been totally shocked we were not expecting this we have about triple the audience of last year it's going to be actually sold out it's going to be about fifteen hundred people we had about six hundred last year and yet it's piers that this anarchy thing is kind of popular there i'd say to as if i or somebody showed up out and they couldn't get a ticket it's completely sold out you know the main conference is sold out but there's all kinds of events before and after it's almost like a month long sort of a vent but so you go to an archipelago dot com and scroll down you can see all the workshops and you can also live stream the conference at an arco polka dot com slash live stream so what a lot of people are doing is coming down and they're going to actually just sit by
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the pool and watch the conference on their i pad and then when the people all come out from after the conference and they all go to the parties and restaurants join them they're all right i call that let's get into some of these recent developments in the big coin space and you know let's talk a little bit about bitcoin a big coin cash. you know as well as one or two big coin maximalist so we say are you staying away from that fight big coin versus big coin cash or how do you weigh in on that one i know you're going to have a couple of the big cash people at the festival what are your thoughts on this jeff . yeah i definitely have not been staying away from this debate it actually took me a few months after the fork on august first to kind of understand what was going on it's not complex and technical and there's all kinds of different interests involved in this is what happens when you have a completely decentralized currency is there is a lot of disorganization there's a lot of fighting there's a as we know a big cash forked off from decline on august first and that was generally
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a dispute about how to scale because and that dispute is still very much still going on because bequest transaction fees have been still very high and bitcoin transaction speeds have been quite low and the main reason i got into big question was because i believed that if we could have a digital currency that is decentralized it will essentially get rid of central banks which will eventually massively downsize governments and even eventually get rid of governments and as a matter because that's exactly what i want but the way the big quake has developed in the sea a lot of these big quake or developers you see people at block stream these have been the bucks he has been one of the most. active groups involved in this sort of thing and bloodstream is kind of half owned or owned by the chairman of builder berg so that's a lot of doubts about their intentions and you hear a lot of the big core developers talking about it's ok if they cost one hundred dollars to transfer because that just shows that it's it's really popular and
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that's not what i first saw for big plane when i first got into it in two thousand and eleven i foresaw that we need a currency that can be eased by anyone in the world that is decentralized and very cheap to use and very fast at least within ten minutes or something along those lines at the very least and now we're seeing big queen being moved to i've seen transaction fees well over one hundred dollars i actually paid one transaction fee of over two thousand dollars once trying to transfer three big coins about two weeks ago now there is a segment there's lightning that word has all kinds of things we could talk about there but i also have my doubts about those. and the main thing that i see is there are loads techies don't really understand what really big queen was created for and that was to become a currency used by everyone and they keep talking about it being digital gold now so it's not digital cash is digital gold if so if because it ends up being digital gold it can't be used very easily as cash then we're going to have to look at alternatives that's and i'm going to bait i think them the market is going to sort
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this out one way or another nothing is bigger than the market i know there's a lot of grumbling about big cash kind of pleasure as ing the name because i and by using but coin dot com as a gateway to big point cash causing a lot of what some would say unnecessary confusion in the marketplace but let's move on to another crypto currency that year involve the as your very prominent poster that steam it and this is an interesting application jeff because it's in all the coin and they all coins came around during the period of scaling debates and the delays in scaling that we have seen going to going back a few years and it really laid the foundation and created the room for these all coins to blossom and steam as one of those all coins but it also has a very specific use case and i always liked it i've talked about it before on this show it seems like a great use of tokens to incentivize contacts cetera and you're
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a big big big guy on steam and can you tell folks about it yes sure i got on to it about july two thousand and sixteen i believe and i didn't know anything about it i made my first post and i because you cannot vote and give steam to the best post on the site i made fifteen thousand dollars on my first post because i'm quite well known of the cryptocurrency community and every one of the time who's who was on steam it was all into crypto currency so i started to learn about it and i found out that the developer was a person named dan alarum or i really got into his concept he's an american capitalist he's trying. and you create all of these sort of things cryptic currencies and ways that we can essentially make governments and central banks obsolete and i got really the steam minutes and then he went on to move on to something called ios no e.o.s. and i'm a big supporter of that as well but steam is one of the for me personally it's the first use case of a crypto currency being used for something other than just
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a currency and so far it's going really well for if people out there don't know about steam at dot com especially with what facebook's doing now facebook just banned all cryptocurrency and big queen related posts in ads so you can see what's going on there steam it is a social media site based on the block chain so once you post there no one can censor it it's on the block chain essentially forever and as long as a block chain exists so it is it could be the next level for social media all right jeff let's get into some politics here because it always panned outspoken in your politics and obviously with an archipelago an air push for anarchy and we've talked about this before and now with bitcoin encrypt achieving certain mass adopt ends or a certain level of adopt and but it it's gotten to a point where wall street's running scared a little bit governments are running scared and they're pushing back they are facebook as you point out is banning as for a trip down were saying gov india you know they were more positive torbay cleaned
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out their negative tarpit point so they the revolution that is because it has reached the state level and so this is really a new era we'll house jeff because as you know you are. either out of describe this anti-state i guess i mean so but so it's got to that level you know it's got to the jeff berwick fight you know so will the state have the tools what do the state what are the tools the states using to fight bit coin as you say it and how successful will they be to fight that point jeff it's going to be very interesting this is a battle for the future of. freedom for humanity if they win we will have tyranny on earth like we've never known it if we if we win we will have peace and prosperity on earth like we've never known and give the power back to the people so really when big quake came out that was the big thing because the real first step for the problems for people like for things like government was the internet for the first time people had access to information and sort of the mainstream
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propaganda you get on things like n.b.c. and c.n.n. and fox news and all the other ones that are like those and so people for their first time had access to information now. has really hit at the root of their power structure because it's really the power the power behind these governments is their central banks you can't have many of the things that they do you can't have any of these wars without central banks they're all paid for through the inflation even donald trump that some people are for some reason excited about in the u.s. so he might reduce taxes somewhat but if you don't reduce the actual spending of the government then all you're doing is shifting that burden of those expenses onto the currency itself by printing more money to pay for it so this is where it's at and this is a massive battle this is a colossal battle that really has just begun it just began really in the last two years as you pointed out and now you see it talked about at davos you see it at g twenty s. you see it everywhere because there's finally realizing this is really he
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a major threat to their power structures and they will try to do many things to stop you pointed out many of them course they'll put in as many of the laws as they can try to outlaw it you see in china some of the things that they've done they've they've sort of outlawed i.c.'s but the great thing about all this stuff is you can't really stop it there is no place you can't go to big point and and find the c.e.o. and put him in jail you can't go to the big point office and bring in your typical government swat teams and shut it down it doesn't really exist anywhere and this is the beauty and this is what it's going to be the battle and i don't i don't expect it and for many years and i expected to. be very very bloody but not in terms of physical blood just in terms of a real struggle. for this for what's going on for what we have complete tyranny complete government control global government as they're talking about one world government one world central bank or will the people finally have the power back and have a currency that gives the power back to the people now those two key technologies
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share that we've already seen the futility of trying to stop them one would be a bit torrent and that all the torrent sites despite the hollywood n.p.a. are i.a.s. best effort to stop file swapping in torrents they have not been able to stop if they had to change their models to accommodate the new reality second of all incursion itself is still in the domain of the cypherpunks and and the people who are supporting corruption as a as a means of privacy and for a mans of self governance as a man is. getting together for their right to assemble so these things have not been defeated let me talk about another weapon in their tool box i was ever in that would be the wall street. financial futures in our big coin price was twenty thousand are selling then they launched a financial futures contract in the c.m.a.
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and we recently tried a seventy five hundred a lot of people say think there's a correlation there because of all the games we've seen in the futures market even a long term observer of markets as well as what we've seen in the gold and silver market over the errors is that a fair assessment jeff in your view does see that connection you may find it funny to find out that i actually don't think that those futures of severely affected because at this point i've looked into the futures trading on the cme i believe it's called and the daily trading is around twenty million dollars. or something and the market of course is one hundred billion dollar market so at this point i don't see that as being the reason for the fall i see other reasons for it so i think we needed this fall if you look back one year ago max and just look at the prices of these cryptic currencies i believe big even a year ago was still around under one thousand dollars i believe a year ago a theorem was around ten or twenty dollars a could have been
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a little higher now it's a look around a thousand dollars this has been a very hot space a lot of the money printed by central banks has actually been flowing into the space which is really interesting the kind of half destroying themselves by printing this money and people putting that money into digital currencies but yes we'll see how much they can try to affect it through all of the other means they have and some of those are things like futures for sure but i don't think it's affected it too much yet guys have got to go thanks again alicia thank you max all right that's going to do it for this episode of kaiser at par with may max kaiser stay sara would like to thank our guest jeff burrowing in our call paul co and this year crystal poco and acapulco what could possibly be more fun than that if you want to get in touch with us it's kaiser report on twitter it's all the time by all . here's what people have been saying about redacted and i suspect you will on author
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bill the show i go out of my way to find you know what it is that really packs a punch and leave it yam is the john oliver of our three americas do the same. apparently better than blues. and see people you never heard of love back to the night president of the world bank very. seriously send us an e-mail. in america a college degree requires a great deal. decades of debt. and studying so. requires. to go through humiliation to enter society. sometimes quite literally. want of the true colors of universities in the u.s. led.
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germany's social democratic leader martin schultz resigns after having recently agreed to form a so-called grand coalition with chancellor angela merkel. yet another resignation in europe today the foreign minister of the netherlands quit after admitting he lied about a meeting with vladimir putin the russian leaders intentions to forge a greater russia. also ahead on the program in the exclusive interview with r.t. the head of the court of arbitration for sport defends the olympic committee's decision to exclude russian of pleats which the court itself had already cleared of doping allegations. the fact that the unable to show the guilt of an athlete that has nothing to do with the case.
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you're tuned in to our two international live from moscow i'm you know neal hello and a warm welcome our top story this hour germany's social democratic party leader martin shools his resignation within media to affect his decision comes after he lost all its in the german election to chancellor angela merkel and then faced criticism over agreeing to a grand coalition government for a second he said his decision will allow the party to refresh itself and come back stronger. yesterday. this big you need to compute the renewal of police organization including its personnel and this is the urgent wish of the policy members with my resignation and also the relinquishment of my federal government membership i want to help bring an end to this debate and allow among others to really focus on coalition agreement. show dubinsky takes
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a look back dad martin schultz this career as the s.p.d. leader. we know that resignations is something that martin schultz's done well in the past he actually resigned his job as the president of the european parliament to france she said he wanted to fight the german elections and to become the chancellor of germany as we know in those elections in september he failed to do that in fact his party did so badly in those elections that they lost forty seats now following that defeat in the elections he turned around and said i will never be a minister. led government and that led to angela merkel and her c.d.u. having to seek out potential partners for forming a german government that fell by the wayside and then of course most issues he would talk. about forming another so-called one coalition this was between his party the social democrats and the c.d.u.
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to rule germany now in that he said that he wanted to be foreign minister and he accepted that that would be his position if that grand coalition to head but he gave up all that too just in the last few days saying that he wouldn't be the foreign minister in government if that government takes place now the current german foreign minister had something to say about it all at least his young daughter did she was widely quoted in the media and they had a hoot about this as apparently turning round to her father and saying you know daddy don't worry you'll have more time to spend with us talking about the fact that he could be losing his post and then turned around and said well that's better than spending time with the man with the harry be it of course referring to schultz and he's famous whiskas well back now to his resignation and multan schultz has said quite clearly that he hopes what i was signing a leader of the social democrats will be able to help internal divisions within his
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party in his party members have to go to a ballot on march in which they are due to vote on whether and. they want that one coalition to go ahead and there is a lot of division and chaos in the party the youth wing of the party are currently traversing around germany people to vote no to that coalition and if it is a no vote then we could see germans head back to the polls very soon will multan schultz's departure those internal divisions or will it deepen the chaos and the division we have yet to find out earlier we heard from geo political analyst reiner ruffo's he said martin shultz will likely continue his political career within the european union the specialists for their visors of the s.p.d. have just understood that it is really important to have a party leader who is popular in the population a sympathetic person warmhearted that people like to see on t.v.
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and they would also like to vote for such a personality so i think it's not maybe a matter of competence it's a matter of popularity and i guess the market will have back to you he will try to get the post did in the commission in the coming years this is a better course for personality who is not so close to people because commissioners are not voted for therefore it is a better career option for much to choose. well on to another resignation in europe on the same day the dutch foreign minister has quit after revealing earlier in the week that he had lied about a meeting with the russian president back in two thousand and six but in a fall over. the. i mean is that.
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the diet foreign minister was quite emotional when he announced his resignation he was supported by the country's prime minister who was present during this announcement and also seem to quite moved by the situation now what happened today is the result of a big scandal that erupted when it was revealed gods the dutch foreign minister a lawyer back in two thousand and sixteen about an event in his lives that when he described it didn't raise a lot of questions as back at the time russia was accused of all sorts of things moscow was accused of carrying out aggressive politics so his ally fit quite well into that contacts now back in two thousand and sixteen and the minister said that he was present at a meeting with the russian president vladimir putin and he heard the president
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speaking about unifying russia ukraine balor the baltic states and kazakstan into a single country creating greater russia. in early two thousand and six i was about to make predictions come true so i had house i stopped at the back of a room or a meeting was being held but i could hear very well vladimir putin talking about a great to russia he said this included russia. ukraine and the baltic states and that kazakstan would be nice to have now these were his words back in two thousand and sixteen but when he was confronted about this he acknowledged that that was a lie that he wasn't even in russia back in two thousand and six and he only said that to protect his source a person who was from that's me saying now the ministers said that his is a credibility had been damaged he described these recent events as the they.
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as you little career now all this took place just one day before his official meeting with the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov i was about to attend this meeting as many other journalists war and we had questions prepared for the minister of course concerning this particular situation but now it seems that this meeting is off the table as the dutch side had officially cancel it well we discussed the latest developments in the netherlands with martin mccauley in north list he said faults remarks from the former foreign minister self-willed with the general to you russian sentiment in the west at the time. there are two reasons why he made that statement one is that a projected image of the public newspapers the headlines and so on this was a sensational statement to make therefore the foreign minister was in fact a very important person and he was making a very important statement which would affect native policy in western policy and
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so on and the second thing would be there of course it fed into the need to. the native narrative the narrative of the west. still is basically the russians are seen. as a threat to the national security and it fed into that and therefore for these two reasons then it appeared to be from the dutch point of view this is a very good very good thing to do. before where of the winter olympics are seen russia to its medal tally with two bronze finishes secure in ski events it brings the country's overall haul to four bronze and the silver that's despite a reduced number of competitors from russia following decisions by the international olympic committee and the court of arbitration for sport over doping allegations in twenty cases the evidence collected was found to be insufficient to establish that's looking at rules violation it was committed concerned
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because of the decision is extremely disappointing this decision of the church and the need. for reform. in the internal structure of cars today the division of the court of arbitration for sport dismissed the application filed by thirty two russian athletes against the international olympic committee applicants did not demonstrate that the manner in which two special commission system by the i.o.c. was carried out in a discriminatory. well chaos overturned a lifetime a limp for twenty eight russian athletes at the start of february but then did a sudden new turn saying it actually supported the i.o.c. is decision not to allow the out that leads to compete in the winter games our correspondent has been speaking exclusively with the secretary general of couse to
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find out more about the conflicting decisions. after the court of arbitration for sport said no to forty seven russian athletes and coaches just as the winter games were getting underway perhaps the number one conclusion that came up on some people's mind was that presumption of innocence doesn't apply to the russian doping scandal well the cast secretary-general didn't literally say that the key law principle didn't work for cas but see for yourself how much it applied to the russians the fact that the unable to show the guilt of an athlete doesn't mean that the truth has nothing to do although with the case really in the sense this is a logical consequence and this is nothing bad about it mr reeve maintains that leaving the group of clean russian athletes on paper out of the
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winter olympics isn't a sanction also i found out that the refusal of the i.o.c. to get the dozens of russian athletes on board the olympics in some cases was a result of pure suspicion and other cases it was a result of some real evidence which however mr reeves hasn't seen after all he wasn't a member of the panel but the secretary general promised that this evidence will soon be published so let's wait for now let's have a look at the other highlights of my exclusive interview casts has been shown something as a people here there was no review of every the sochi case was not discussed here the meca report was less discussed here it's only the review of the i you see process so it was not just sanction it was an eligibility issue i understand the reaction of the public in russia because it doesn't seem logical exactly the russian side doesn't see the logic here how it's stripping
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a person of the right to compete at the olympics not a sanctioned this is. a special procedure because the created a special commission so the cast by the here reviewed these criteria and said they were fair please let me get this straight the tsotsi case and the chain case you are saying that there are absolutely no contradictions between the two decisions yes the fact that you cannot establish the give evidence of the deal doesn't mean that you have established the innocence of the athlete you see what i mean i'm sorry but i thought that was the exact job of cas to determine whether that suspicion is enough for that kind of bad maybe that there are suspicions which are not. confirmed by sufficient evidence i don't know if i'm clear because it's a little bit skopec ated that is you can have some elements which show some. suspicious actions by the athletes but they may not be sufficient to convince the
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panel that for sure this athlete is guilty of an anti-doping rule violation but it doesn't mean that he did nothing at all there may be some. some strange actions which could lead to some suspicion so you are saying there can be more transparency it's possible it's possible yes as you heard a couple of minutes ago when cas initially overturned the i.o.c. bans of the sochi athletes the international olympic committee was very critical of the court thomas back demanded reforms and i asked the secretary general if anyone returned to these ideas after the final decision of the russian athletes was made and the answer was no so it turns out when the court of arbitration for sport came up with a verdict that fully satisfied the i.o.c. nobody wants to reform cas any more.
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is actually an interesting sit down and you can watch the exclusive interview with the cast secretary-general in full throughout the day on wed stay here. on r.t.e. international moving on israel's prime minister binyamin netanyahu could be facing several efficient charges over his alleged involvement in corruption cases israeli police say they have enough evidence to open a case against them when a large i'd live on the program by our correspondent. hello there the police appear confident that an indictment could be brought about what do we know about this probe. yes well this announcement comes as no surprise considering it was reported just several days ago in israeli media such a recommendation would come down this week from the israeli police for over a year now tens of thousands of israelis have been rallying across the country on a weekly basis demanding the man who's now been dubbed their prime minister face
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some sort of accountability after details of these corruption cases began trickling out in the media and we learned tonight israeli police as you say believe they have enough evidence to open an official in the case against netanyahu for two cases the first one known as case one thousand alleges b. netanyahu accepted lavish gifts such as champagne cigars jewelry and clothing for his wife sarah in exchange for political favors this includes apparently gifts from israeli american movie producer are known mil sean and in this specific incident and then yahoo supported the path the passing of a tax break even named in mill trans name which. basically grants tax breaks to israelis who spend time overseas and then return to the country the second case case two thousand cubans netanyahu of making
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a deal with one of the main israeli newspapers that's. not the and it suggests netanyahu essentially spoke with the owner of that paper and agreed he would repress circulation of a competing paper in return for favorable coverage now netanyahu has already addressed this recommendation to the israeli public speaking tonight saying he's always served the country as. responsibly and faithfully and dismissed. in this case against him as baseless he also said it's part of a wider campaign against him. since the. months none of.
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it is now in the hands of israel's attorney general. mendel believed to make a final decision on indictment however many israelis i spoke to including the man who began this protest against the prime minister his former paratrooper and many enough tali have questioned the independence of the attorney general considering he is part of a netanyahu inner circle and we're learning from these cases just how corrupt that inner circle may be live from dallas at this hour r.t. america correspondent. well you know whose fate may be hung in the balance in europe senos we've been talking about two major resignations this choose me but there is someone who won't be going anywhere for the time being at least we can leaks co-founder julian assange has seen his latest the people for his arrest warrant to be lifted through night by a u.k. court he's wanted for skipping bail in the country it's the second time in
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a week fellow soldiers lawyers have been in court to appeal against the war and with the details on the us to see if turkey. despite any high expectations that julian assange she's defense team and supporters might have that could have come from inside this courtroom here in london did not materialize as the judge has ruled that the status quo remains that the arrest warrant against julian assange imposed by britain is not going to be lifted now last week the judge said that b. sigmas off the fact that the swedish investigators have long drop the case against him should mean that the arrest warrant associated with that case should go to said no this did not work for this courtroom today the judge considered several more arguments brought forward by julie massagers defense team let's look at some of those highlights first they argued that julian assange options were reasonable this in terms of skipping bail and going inside the ecuadorian embassy the judge here has said that this was not a reasonable enough argument because the judge believes that sweden would not have
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extradited julian assange to the u.s. because this would have created a major diplomatic scoundrel now the judge also consider the united nations ruling that had found that a son his detention was arbitrary to this the judge has said that this was based on misunderstandings according to her she said that julian the songes detention is self-imposed the judge believes that julian assange has been able to leave the embassy any time she wants she said that he has had visitors you can see what ones and even getting fresh air and sunshine being able to walk out on that famous balcony to this julian assange had tweeted that he's only gone out on the balcony several times amidst high security now the judge also talked about the argument brought forward by the defense team that julian assange was always willing to take part in the investigation and the question to this she said the case has dragged on
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for way too long and that this willingness was not very obvious also another argument brought forward. was that his punishment might have already been quite excessive given the fact that julian assange has been holed up inside the ecuadorian embassy in london for over five and a half years now the judge found that his condition his health condition is good enough and that it could be worse the conclusion brought forward by this case today that the arrest warrant stands the judge has said that like everybody else that julian assange is not above the law that he should have presented himself to the court room and face the consequences of his action however now all eyes will be on what kind of moves julian assange has defense team come up with to move his case forward and. we spoke to patrick henningsen the founder of twenty first century wired dot com he's of the view that the u.k. is acting as an american puppet and. it's become clear now the sort of the
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game's up with release of the e-mails from the crown prosecution service is showing that there was collusion between the c.p.s. and the swedish judiciary to sort of keep this his case on the rocks even though sweden could have dropped the case for five years ago we're looking at a situation here where the u.k. is effectively a sockpuppet with washington is the hand inside it can be you know their explanation they said this is in the public interest and so forth at the hearing today i can't see how they can prove that it's in the public interest having spent four million pounds on security around the ecuadorian embassy to make sure though that julian assange is doesn't make a run for it. ok no continuing with our story about corruption charges being leveled out is really prime minister binyamin netanyahu
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protests over the allegations have been ongoing in israel for months already which may mean a serious shift in public opinion towards netanyahu a political figure. ok to discuss this we're joined live on the program by mark blumenfeld author and senior editor of the real news max welcome this scandal happened last year where months and months of efforts being put into this but no firm proof has been presented do you think it's going to come. well first of all all of the police officials of israel have recommended an indictment they have reviewed the evidence and have concluded that there is enough proof now all eyes
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are on attorney general of the high men to believe who is a very ambitious figure someone who's been hounded himself personally by protesters even to his own synagogue mandell believe he has ambitions to serve on the israeli supreme court and that puts him in an uncomfortable situation he would have preferred for this government to have collapsed so he didn't have to make this decision if netanyahu goes to trial after an indictment and he's acquitted man don't believe after having called for netanyahu to be put on trial would look terrible and the supreme court ambitions would be destroyed if if he refuses to recommend an indictment he will impede appeal or appear to lack independence appear to be one of netanyahu cronies and that will also harm is ambition so it all focuses on this one figure who is a very private figure right now and the protests will continue intensify in the courts it's a good point because the legal process in the case could take
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a long time the appeals could take years given that netanyahu really law can't be forced to resign until then there is a case to be made that is this just a waste of time and destruction from real issues and perhaps more importantly bolster his support in the country and actually weaken the people who want to vote . well you know when netanyahu is opposed by that kind of metropolitan middle class very similar situation to what donald trump faces in the u.s. and netanyahu is taped taken trump in tactics of accusing his opponents of fake news he struck a very confident tone tonight he's the most sophisticated political animal in israeli political history he's going to fight this and you know if you talk to the man in the street in israel although netanyahu is historic popular by historic standards he remains the most popular figure in israeli politics today his approval rating how's shelf done in recent months but he does as you say k.-mart publicly
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denying all allegations but how does public trust how does not of his fellow politicians as well has not been lost for him it puts him in a very difficult position if he's going to continue does it not absolutely i mean president ruben rivlin who's a likud party old timer has suggested that if netanyahu is indicted he should resign you've all steinmetz who is a top minister been a top minister in netanyahu coalitions has said the same in the most interesting development as sheldon adelson who is the owner of israel's largest paper which used to push for netanyahu and who netanyahu betrayed as part of case two thousand and agreed to reduce or harm the circulation of battle since paper in exchange for favors from a rival paper adelson is thrown netanyahu under the bus and adelson is an incredibly powerful figure because he's close to donald trump so there are all of these developments around netanyahu and he now faces
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a two front war in the north with syria and iran and at home with all of his critics and figures within the likud party who are gunning for the top position yeah we'll wait and see how this all unfolds it looks to be an interesting few weeks in israel blumenthal author and senior editor at the real news thank you. thanks for having me. former u.s. president barack obama has reportedly received a letter containing an on identified white powdery substance and he's not the only high profile figure to receive a suspicious letter over the past number of days with more here's our tease kill of my pen. now the incident took place at the office of former u.s. president barack obama this is his office on the northwest side of washington d.c. place he has been renting for the purpose of conducting business not too far from his residence now this comes just hours after a similar package with a similar suspicious white powder was delivered to the house of parliament in the
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united kingdom so questions are being raised about that individuals are trying to get to the surface of that situation in the u.k. it's being investigated and this comes just one day after on the previous day we have the delivery of a suspicious and lope to the residence of donald trump jr the son of the u.s. president now when the package was delivered we then heard that his wife vanessa trump the wife of the president's son that she was taken to the hospital preemptively in the concern that this is specious white powder may have actually contained a dangerous substance like anthrax or something like that it was tweeted out that this could have come from the opponents of president trump however it is now being determined that in the envelope that was sent to the residence of donald trump jr all that was contained was simply cornstarch now keep in mind a week ago a suspicious package containing white powder was sent to the residence of julian a sign she was hauled up in the ecuadorian embassy in the u.k.
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lot of questions are being raised now a lot of people in the united states in the united kingdom are observing these events as they go on but at this point we really don't have enough information to draw any clear conclusions about who is behind this or what the purpose of these suspicious envelopes really is at this point we're still waiting for the truth to come out. a virus that can access your computer and mine cryptocurrency back to hooker's house reportedly infected thousands of government websites around the world it's even affected the u.k.'s data protection watchdog the mode where use is a technique known. krypto jeff king here's how it actually works effectively hijacks computers that visit the infected websites covertly minds cryptocurrency using your personal device instead of their own then sends the coins back to the hucker while you're essentially all know where all of the intrusion when i learned a fortnight ago many businesses were hit with similar malware including video
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streaming giant you tube earlier we heard from scott helman a cyber security specialist he thinks we're witnessing a new trend in online crime. the rise of crypto jacking is related to the value of crypto currency so as a crypto currency increases in value if you can stimulate or obtain it illegitimately then the new approach you think creates you know they're worth more we will see the rise of all crypto jacking the talks like this partially motivated by the crease the value of crypto currency is impossible motivated right now by the ease with which these attacks can be carried out criminals of use cash for hundreds of years and criminals will move to the next former currency which is cryptocurrency fortunately this was a quiet mild example of what the attackers could have done but i think common advice still applying is you know make sure that you keep your device up to date if it's an i phone do the i phone updates if its windows do windows days make sure you're reading the latest versions of maybe you have antivirus programs on your computer is all of the standard kind of advice still applies here. and you know
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that the why didn't you just need to react to this and start getting on top of these kinds of attacks. more great program start in just a moment stay with our to. thank you thank. you thank you. thank you thank you thank you. thank you.
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mixing two. in the central east of the united states it is within this city with a population of three hundred thousand at the university of kentucky can be found it is barely nine in the morning david and brandon two first two students are in the middle of a video game. jewel as a warm up before the first match of the season for their universities american football team the wildcats are going to drink a beer before you can start the race so you're waiting to hear cheers or one of. these students have found themselves a great way of supporting their team since breakfast is into. a large supply of strawberry banana flavored vodka david and brandon down four shots in less than two minutes on empty stomachs into their cause good.
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for the students university sport events are a great chance to get away from the pressure of their studies but also a particularly good opportunity to party and drink. more. ground isn't twenty one years old yet the legal age for drinking alcohol in the usa . but on campus circumventing the law has become a national sport. and other on the way to the stadium they get thirsty again they are competition has started. in the streets of lexington the behavior of these young men doesn't seem to shock anyone you go there. and these students even walk along with a bottle of vodka in their hand however as is the case on many other american campuses alcohol is legal here the cops don't care that is there was a default down through to hammer the larger residue but as long as you can spare.
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the gold rush or somebody on university match days anything goes for almost anything. just outside the stadium the traditional parade has started. led by kerry their leader the cheerleaders galvanized the crowd. heave a triumphant carraige announces the arrival of the uncontested stars of the campus . around fifty student football players accompanied by their team of staff. all eyes are on this group of players good enough to play for the big professional team . in the usa the love of university schools goes much further than the campus supporters. in the stadium parking lot many supporters tents have been set up. fans of all ages from all over kentucky support the wildcats. if you.
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see any of it but we will bring. it to. the fans are very loyal and also very generous. tickets sales related merchandise supported donations last year the football team voted more than thirty million dollars for the university a cash machine which contributes to its space. inside the stadium the great event of the sports business has begun. the brass band on the cheerleaders provide a great show. for the play it's a rifle. that cheered on by a crowd of sixty thousand supporters. twenty two year old frenchman tom giambi has a front row seat. look it's
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a touchdown mr almost a chester. thomas a top level tennis player recruited by the university to defend. khaled's. while. it was being. done. the frenchman was awarded a sports scholarship which allows him to study for free today's his moment of glory . another attainable treat for the majority of students because behind all the show and the american universities hired a reality that is very different. columbia dartmouth new york university american universities are among the best in the world renowned for their teaching
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their sports establishment but also for campus life. and party. studying here can cost up to eighty thousand dollars a year so when students don't receive scholarships like tom they take on a debt in order to finance their studies. thirty two thousand. two hundred twenty seven. to get by financially some female students like it don't hesitate to look full support. to the first two hundred dollars. a site openly matches of generous donors with indebted students and so the controversy breaks out if you are a prostitute and you are a mighty educated person. on campus the pressure to succeed is so high that american students overindulge binge drinking to let their hair down. but also taking amphetamine derivatives to boost their academic results there's
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a real trafficking of substances going on in. the fraternities are symbol of prestige in america. in universities they attract students who want to be part of the elite. to join these influential and secret societies some are willing to be put through all sorts of humiliation we would get points for vomiting on each other . diving into the heart of american campuses where the obsession to success justifies all manner of extremes. lexington is the second largest city in the state of kentucky. over the last three years tom giambi has become one of the local tennis teams mainstays and thanks to this he lives in this residence with the swimming pool free of charge also known for the locals to those in need. or keep. the lexington campus holds more than twenty eight thousand students cost of studies
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up to twenty thousand dollars per year. but even so the tennis player doesn't pay a penny it gets better in order to enable him to succeed on the tennis court the university adapts to his sports schedule. while here in the interest of your active directory ivy password. thomas and his final year of communication studies now with the many matches he has scheduled for the season he will often be absent with such students the university asked that the teachers are flexible. if this is because they're. all right as for the spirit official university sponsored event yeah that's not a problem so teachers have to be accommodating was students like tom yeah we have to be able to work with work with them in their schedule we can do that. because at lexington the campus lends itself to sport and the olympic size swimming for
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a climbing wall abounding track the city is also home to the largest basketball stadium in america. to attract the best athletes. the university lays out its red carpet. almost twelve million dollars of scholarship money is shared out every year. but the schedules of the school students are not restful in the slightest. most students are still sleeping with thomas back at the changing. the world. with a new university term new supplies await him in his locker. is no. joy to. those who think like you few. gifts bearing the acronym of
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a big sports equipment brand the university's official sponsor are the main the more than. your eyes are just in the form your all. clear on this it is a new emotion for. tom and his eleven team members to train on average for four hours a day coached by fellow frenchman sydney. this former professional player has led the kentucky tennis team for the last two years . to strengthen their teams american universities recruit internationally the contract is simple they have to wait. just. a little bit. and the university of kentucky certainly provides the means. there are almost two hundred people to ensure the welfare of the athletes footballers basketball players
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tennis players after training that all meet in the state of the art care facility. with a mandatory dip in the high spot. please say. the northern. league on american campuses the athletes are not quite like the other students. every year they bring in about one hundred four million dollars for the university. on the top of the podium american footballers and their indispensable cheerleaders. nineteen times university champion the kentucky team holds the most titles in the history of the united states code and flexible agile here cheerleaders are reluctant. q.b. is twenty two years old she's one of the team captains. like tom no school fees are completely covered so this young woman likes to get things right.
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today it's official photo day these photos will grace the posters on the calendars for the upcoming season carry their four wants to look perfect so you're actually the image of the school we are we are us along with the wildcat so the mask that there's a lot of pressure oh of course it is but you get used to it you know like the first time i went out on that football field it was terrifying but the coolest thing ever . i wouldn't change it for the world. a little girl's dream becomes a reality but it's also a job under intense scrutiny that we have to really really watch and even our coaches watch what we. like tweet and facebook and what we posted to worry not allow. for those looking although they sound as if it's something that you wouldn't want your grandma to see and don't understand that's the best way to
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fix right now i know some people at some crazy grandmas but we know what it really means. and so this means that cheerleaders are representing that american campuses twenty four hours a day and they're not allowed to make mistakes i think to not see everything. around to the good always so you'd be surprised right. thank you very well washing around and playing around or getting email about it those guys reaction to it never fails. you know just the here right there. gotcha. you always project the best image of yourself so as to not tarnish the university's reputation and that's even true of the mascot they also receive a scholarship. this young man refuses to be filmed though not through vanity but because his contract requires him to remain anonymous. like a disney character he's not allowed to talk his job is to keep people guessing.
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this is you just need to dissolve his emotions. so all it always emotions are in the life of the orders out there in your face you understand what he's trying to express. it like can't even talk to you know the most the most reason you want to get out of assuming it was really here but that's about it this time his handler cheerleaders are you so that this combination of show and business is perfect. for the university athletes must obey very strict rules. in their official activities of cool split also outside the stadiums. with more make this manufacture consent to stick to the public well. when the ruling class isn't protect themselves. with the famous
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larry you're a liberal certainly the one percent. ignore middle of the room sit. delete the real news. for you it's eleven pm on a saturday night tom the french tennis player has gone out. with a few friends by going to a student night and they buy a house. tonight to the athlete has swapped his official uniform for a rather provocative t. shirt. to show you. the price of fame on the system here the athletes are celebrities tom invites people to take photos. the
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sports stars have to be exemplary. while the other students let themselves hoops and the girls work to be outdone. lives in one of. the districts or would like to. know. within barely an hour these two students will have consumed almost two metres of strong alcohol. i asked to tom he knows that he is closely monitored in front of our camera the frenchman accessible. the extremes of this america tom has learned to make the most of it. but for the students without scholarships getting into university is a real luxury to out as three students have to borrow money. oh in april two thousand and twelve the amount of american student debt reach
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a significant high of one billion dollars in new york hundreds of students demonstrated. you know the media relate that and what's the potential of it economically a lot in the regime and the narrative to come and see you right now over twenty five thousand dollars it apparently disappeared for the rights. and among the victims the president of the united states himself the show and are we know about this person this is not somebody i read the briefing book we always been a pain or first student loans about eight years ago think about that the president the united states. and increasingly greedy society in the united states the cost of studies has tripled in thirty years. woodstock two hours' drive away from new york. this is where sky lives thirty one
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years old married and the mother of two children like many students to fund design school she had to borrow money. they said student loan debt is a good debt that you can carry and i was told that it was like paying off a car. at the time part of the sum was loaned by the state the other part by sallie mae the leading american student loan company but at the end of her study she had a nasty surprise sky couldn't find work her debt skyrocketed so i started at thirty two thousand nine hundred sixty four dollars and today oh one hundred twenty seven thousand eight hundred eighty dollars so it's thirty seven thousand dollars in interest alone and the rest of that is collection costs and fees. in eighteen years sky stet has tripled the accumulation continues to grow havea by one thousand dollars a month. erica husband has to cover the household costs on his own no
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bank will open a current account for his wife. for all her purchases sky has to use her husband's debit card. even worse due to her debt no employer wants to risk taking her own. now hundreds of job applications then barack obama called out but i have been treated like a friend yes i. call the credit report they look at what's on that piece of paper and they decide we were based off of that sheet of paper. faced with this debt and sky has decided to fight this morning she is going to a solicitor to file a complaint against her old school who forced her to borrow. and this is not her first attempt at plenty of these. cases that a one word against the third party collection agency representing sally. sky has sued them for however cement they were calling in two thousand and sixteen and the
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minister has said that he was present at a meeting with the russian president vladimir putin and he heard the president speaking about unifying russia ukraine balor us the baltic states and kazakstan into a single country creating greater russia because. in early two thousand and six i was about to meet preachings countryside house i stopped at the back of a room or a meeting was being held but i could hear very well and talking about a greater russia he said this included russia russia ukraine and the baltic states and that kazakstan would also be nice to have now these were his words back in two thousand and sixteen but when he was confronted about this he acknowledged that that was a lie that he wasn't even in russia back in two thousand and six and he only said that to protect his source a person who was present at that for me saying now the minister has said that he has
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a credibility had been damaged he described these recent events as the vegas. little career now all this took place to. one day before his official meeting where the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov i was about to attend this meeting as so many other ensuring less war and we had questions prepared for the reaction pouring minister of course concerning this particular situation but now it seems that this man saying is off the table as the dutch side had officially cancel it. let's turn our attention to the middle east where the pentagon claims that it destroyed a syrian army tank in self-defense on sunday we. are the. ones. who we saw. that was oh. we always have the right to. do that.
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when u.s. special operations forces in syria say this is the second time they have come under attack from prue assad forces in this week our correspondents america has been keeping a breast of this story. tell us more about this what are we learning about it. well the pentagon says that it was an act of self-defense accusing syrian forces of trying to attack kurdish forces but apparently with isis forces in a story it's easy apparently with u.s. forces imbedded they were forced to respond now on wednesday the u.s. said it carried out defensive airstrikes for what they saw was a unprovoked attack but according to reports more than one hundred fighters aligned with the syrian government were killed in the strike but this latest escalation is definitely something to worry about on all sides especially considering the fact that the syrian conflict has been largely perceived as a fight against terror well against isis in particular but isis however is almost
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wiped out and it's opened a way to a whole series of conflicts now we have the turkish kurdish conflict tensions between israel and iran and then american and kurdish forces of up against a mascot but even though isis has pretty much fallen the u.s. still wants to stay in syria announcing plans last month to maintain an open ended military presence in the country some two thousand troops or so to prevent a resurgence of isis and to counter iran's influence let's take a listen to what tillerson had to say. the united states will maintain a military presence in syria focused on ensuring isis cannot really merge is presently has one foot in the grave and by maintaining an american military presence in syria until the full complete with the devices is achieved it will surely have to do counterterrorism we will continue to work with allies and partners. and the u.s.
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isn't the only one just today the french president said that france will attack if they find proof that chemical weapons were used against civilians saying that france will strike world where chemical weaponry shipments originated so the question is are we seeing this syrian conflict enter a second stage of some sort well we'll just have to wait and see. that is always the fear is now live from washington d.c. this hour thank you. day four of the winter olympics has seen russia to its medal tally with a two bronze finish is secured in ski events it brings the country's overall hole to four bronze on the silver medal that's despite the reduced number of competitors from russia following decisions by the international olympic committee on the court of arbitration for sport over doping allegations overturn the lifetime olympic bronze for twenty eight russian plates at the start of february but then did a sudden u. turn saying it actually supported the i.o.c.
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is decision not to allow the athletes to compete in the winter games our correspondent elizabeth cohen has been speaking exclusively with the secretary general of couse to find out more about the conflicting this issue. after the court of arbitration for sport said no to forty seven russian athletes and coaches just as the chuang winter games were getting underway perhaps the number one conclusion that came up on some people's mind was that presumption of innocence doesn't apply to the russian doping scandal well the cast secretary-general didn't literally say that the key law principle didn't work for cas but see for yourself how much it applied to the russians the fact that the unable to show the guilt of an athlete doesn't mean that the truth has nothing to do although with the case really in the sense this is a logical consequence and this is nothing bad about it mr reeve maintains
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that leaving the group of clean russian athletes on paper out of the winter olympics isn't a sanction also i found out that the refusal of the i.o.c. to get the dozens of russian athletes on board the olympics in some cases was a result of pure suspicion and other cases it was a result of some real evidence which however mr reeves hasn't seen after all he wasn't a member of the panel but the secretary general promised that this evidence will soon be published so let's wait for now let's have a look at the other highlights of my exclusive interview a cas has been shown something as a people here there was no review of every the sochi case was not discussed here the metro report was last discussed here it's only the review of the process so it
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was not just sanction it was an eligibility issue i understand the reaction of the public in russia because it doesn't seem logical exactly the russian side doesn't see the logic here how is stripping a person of the right to compete at the olympics not a sanctioned this is. a special procedure because the created a special commission so the cast by the here reviewed these criteria and said they were fair please let me get this straight the tsotsi case and the chang case you're saying that there are absolutely no contradictions between the two decisions yes the fact that you cannot establish the give evidence of that. doesn't mean that you have established the innocence of the athlete you see what i mean i'm sorry but i thought that was the exact job of cas to determine whether that suspicion is enough for that kind of bad maybe that the us suspicions which are not. confirmed by sufficient evidence i don't know if i'm clear because it's
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a little bit skopec ated that is you can have some elements which show some. suspicious actions by the athletes but they may not be sufficient to convince the panel that for sure is guilty of an anti-doping rules violation but it doesn't mean that he did nothing at all there may be some. some strange actions which could lead to some suspicion so you are saying there can be more transparency it's possible it's possible yes as you heard a couple of minutes ago when cas initially overturned the i.o.c. bans of the sochi athletes the international olympic committee was very critical of the court thomas back demanded reforms and i asked the secretary general if anyone returned to these ideas after the final decision of the russian athletes was made and the answer was no so it turns out when the court of arbitration for sport came up with a verdict that fully satisfied the i.o.c.
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nobody wants to reform cas any more. well netanyahu says we are talking of course about the story that we were speaking a little bit earlier. benjamin netanyahu may be in dieted dollars one of the things that they were keeping across this hour also the stories europe seem to major resignations this choose this well but someone who won't be going anywhere for the time being wiki leaks co-founder julian assange has seen his latest appeal for his arrest warrant to be lifted through unearthed by a u.k. court he's wanted for skipping bail in the country it's the second time in a week that a soldier's lawyers appeared in court to appeal against they weren't allowed to see the details despite any high expectations that julian assange has defense team and supporters might have that could have come from inside this courtroom here in
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london did not materialize as the judge has ruled that the status quo remains that the arrest warrant against julian assange imposed by britain is not going to be lifted now last week the judge said that b. sigmas off the fact that the swedish investigators have long drop the case against him should mean that the arrest warrant associated with that case should go to said no this did not work for this courtroom today the judge considered several more arguments brought forward by julian massages defense team let's look at some of those highlights first they argued that julian assange options were reasonable this in terms of skipping bail and going inside the ecuadorian embassy the judge here has said that this was not a reasonable enough argument because the judge believes that sweden would not have extradited julian assange to the u.s. because this would have created a major diplomatic scoundrel now the judge also considered the united nations ruling that had found that a son has detention was arbitrary and should this the judge has said that this was
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based on misunderstandings according to her she said that julian the songes detention is self-imposed the judge believes that julian assange has been able to leave the embassy any time she wants she said that. he has had visitors who can once and even get fresh air and sunshine being able to walk out on that famous balcony to this julian assange had tweeted that he's only gone out on the balcony several times amidst high security now the judge also talked about the argument brought forward by the defense team that julia saunders was always willing to take part in the investigation and the question to this she said the case has dragged on for way too long and that this willingness was not very obvious also another argument brought forward and was that his punishment might have already been quite excessive given the fact that julian assange has been holed up inside the ecuadorian embassy in london for over five and
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a half years now the judge found that his condition his health condition is good enough and that it could be worse the conclusion brought forward by this case today that the arrest warrant stands the judge has said that like everybody else julian assange is not above the law that he should have presented himself to the court room and face the consequences of his action however now all eyes will be on what kind of moves julian assange has defense team come up with to move his case forward and r.t. london. where we spoke to patrick henningsen the founder of twenty first century wired dot com he's of the few that the u.k. is acting as an american puppet in the case. it's become clear now the sort of the games up with for release of the e-mails from the crown prosecution service is showing that there was collusion between the c.p.s. and the swedish judiciary to sort of keep this his case on the rocks even though
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sweden could have dropped the case for five years ago we're looking at a situation here where the u.k. is effectively a sockpuppet with washington is the hand inside it can be you know their explanation they said that this is in the public interest and so forth at the hearing today i can't see how they can prove that it's in the public interest having spent four million pounds on security around the ecuadorian embassy to make sure that julian assange doesn't make a run for it. israel's prime minister binyamin netanyahu could be facing several official charges over his alleged involvement in corruption scandals r t america correspondent. to list that is really police may have enough evidence to open a case against them. israeli police believe they have enough evidence to open an official in the case against netanyahu for two cases the first one known as case
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one thousand alleges b. netanyahu accepted lavish gifts such as champagne cigars jewelry and clothing for his wife sarah in exchange for political favors this includes apparently gifts from israeli american movie producer are known mil sean and in this specific incident and then yahoo supported the path the passing of a tax break even named in mill shawn's name which. basically grants tax breaks to israelis who spend time overseas and then return to the country the second case case two thousand queues as netanyahu of making a deal with one of the main israeli newspapers that's. not the and it suggests netanyahu essentially spoke with the owner of that paper and agreed he would repress circulation of
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a competing paper in return for favorable coverage now netanyahu has already addressed this recommendation to the israeli public speaking tonight saying he's always served the country as responsibly and faithfully and dismissing this case against him as baseless he also said it's part of a wider campaign against him. since the. month. before sarkozy since it is now in the hands of israel's attorney general i mendel believed to make a final decision on the indictment or we spoke to or through a senior editor of the real news much blumenthal who told us that binyamin netanyahu policy reminds him of the us president. netanyahu is opposed by that kind of metropolitan middle class very similar situation to what donald trump faces
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in the u.s. and netanyahu is tape taken trump in tactics of accusing his opponents of fake news he struck a very confident tone tonight he is the most sophisticated political animal in israeli political history he's going to fight this and you know if you talk to the man in the street in israel although netanyahu is historic unpopular by historic standards he remains the most popular figure in israeli politics today. former u.s. president barack obama has reportedly received a letter containing an all night ten to five white powdery substance and he's not the only high profile figure to receive a suspicious letter over the past number of days with more here than. now the incident took place at the office of former u.s. president barack obama this is his office on the northwest side of washington d.c. place he has been renting for the purpose of conducting business not too far from his residence now this comes just hours after a similar package with
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a similar suspicious white powder was delivered to the house of parliament in the united kingdom so questions are being raised about that individuals are trying to get to the surface of that situation in the u.k. it's being investigated and this comes just one day after on the previous day we have the delivery of a suspicious and loke to the residence of donald trump jr the son of the u.s. president now when the package was delivered we then heard that his wife vanessa trump the wife of the president's son that she was taken to the hospital preemptively in the concern that this is just white powder may have actually contained a dangerous substance like anthrax or something like that it was tweeted out that this could have come from the opponents of president trump however it has now been determined that in the envelope that was sent to the residence of donald trump jr all that was contained was simply cornstarch now keep in mind a week ago a suspicious package containing white powder was sent to the residence of julian
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a sign she was hauled up in the ecuadorian embassy in the u.k. lot of questions are being raised now a lot of people in the united states in the united kingdom are observing these events as they go on but at this point we really don't have enough information to draw any clear conclusions about who is behind this or what the purpose of these suspicious envelopes really is at this point we're still waiting for the truth to come out. a virus that can access your computer and mine cryptocurrency buck to hookers has reportedly infected photos and of government websites around the world it's even affected the u.k.'s data protection watchdog the mower uses a technique known. krypto jackie this is how it works it effectively hijacks computers that visit the infected websites and cool vertically minus cryptocurrency using your personal device instead of the real it then sends the clones buck to the hooker while you're on the word of the intrusion. wrote
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a fortnight ago many businesses were hit with similar mo we're including video streaming you treated earlier we heard from scott hell cyber security specialist he thinks we're witnessing a new trend in online crime the rise of crypto jacking is related to the value of crypto currency so as a crypto currency increases in value if you can steal illegitimately then. worth more you will see the rise of attacks like this partially motivated by the increase the value of crypto currency is partially motivated right now by the ease with which these attacks can be carried out criminals have used cash for hundreds of years and criminals will move to the next form of currency which is cryptocurrency fortunately this was a quiet mild example of what the attackers could have done but i think common advice still apply and you know make sure that you keep your device up to date if it's an i phone do the i phone update if its windows do windows. make sure you are reading the latest versions of maybe you have been to virus programs on your
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computer is all of this time that kind of advice still applies here. and you know that the why didn't you just need to react to this and start getting on top of these kinds of attacks. facebook and google are at risk of losing one of the world's biggest advertisers if they fail to improve news transparency and tackle extremism on their platforms consumer products lever which makes some of the biggest brands in food and cleaning products through done the ultimatum of the tech conference on monday but the dutch firm has been caught out in the past with its own misjudged marketing daniel hawkins explains. same news different day facebook is again in the firing line having faced pressure from governments and activists over failing to root out hate speech racism fake news divisive comments and whatnot this time it's global giant you need leaver leading the charge even threatening to reduce and withdraw advertising from the social media platform if
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things don't improve. unilever will not invest in platforms or environments that do not protect our children or which create division in society consumers do care about fraudulent practice fake news and russians influencing the us election they do care when they see their brands being placed next to ads funding terror or exploiting children now the message is clear no more deception abuse and controversy and a new era of positivity unity and inclusive ity but a closer look at unilever's own p.r. record reveals a contentious history from this infamous dove soap placed on facebook triggering a storm of accusations of racism to fair lovely skin lightening products market across asia sporting allegations of perpetuating racist colonial there are types to control the seas with massage any and sexism culminating in
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a damning report on chauvinist that marketing. after apologizing unilever has said it's now to change its ways it's released new adverts advocating inclusive ety it wants facebook to follow suit or else let's face it though you leave out probably won't drop one of its biggest advertising platforms money talks of the story probably has generated some good p.r. the leader as any company is primary responsibility is to make money for its shareholders to turn a profit and sometimes p.r. initiatives like this are part of that there are just an effort to elevate your brand i think it would be difficult for them and as a company that makes consumer products to avoid advertising one of the most
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prominent platforms today but what about the central actor in the whole story. i spoke the platform has shown commitment to the battle against fake news and abuse but the floodgates have now been truly opened on the pressure left right and center to moderate to send such a sanitized and seems to have buckled under the squeeze well it has made itself very vulnerable because it has made these promises and it's even done some things to try to filter misinformation out of its social network even though they have tried to do things it doesn't appear to be working we're going to see a lot of pressure increasing pressure on facebook at unilever things that could fix it by giving putting marketplace pressure on facebook i'm a little bit skeptical that that will actually work facebook is tackling an ever growing list of coals and ultimatums first from politicians and security services now it seems corporations that shipping in to facebook.


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