tv Boom Bust RT February 15, 2018 8:30am-9:01am EST
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abdul's best friend tosh matt managed to win hash marks applied for his visa while still in afghanistan and after a two year wait he was brought over to the u.k. under the government's official afghan interpreter scheme do you feel guilty sometimes that you got the visa and abdul didn't buy one visa for every interpreters or do spend time over the telephone is on the seventh person you know on the phone bill moore paul will be able to be searching for people. that they work would. like nato forces. if you want to get back in afghanistan abdul was a professional boxer he can't compete in the u.k. because he doesn't have a work permit but he can still train the sense i can he can do nothing to staying at home going out sometimes they keep him busy with my trainings you google mark martin i mean if you're human being.
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told move a very. few of the challenging part. of the work that the world. should be all me but i have a full. view of the rugby. a for which you would go to people who would trust the rules and if we. were named above you were all abdul can do now is wait for his final appeal against deportation to be considered to buy the home office problem turf either in afghanistan. or the same cost there was a big for me the taliban and have i have a very bad depression day by day my depression is getting worse so i'm buried about my life but nothing could happen to me pretty boy who are to see greater manchester . officially the u.k.
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government says it investigates every claim of intimidation and considers all cases on an individual basis and we've asked for reaction to abdel bari situation from a number of organizations that focus on human rights still yet to hear back from anywhere we do we'll tell you what they say. until russia sentiment and anger over alarm clocks that's a glimpse into an alleged kremlin campaign to influence the twenty sixteen u.s. presidential election is from a database of tweets from supposed moscow linked accounts released by an american news outlet jacqueline bouvier joined me earlier to talk us through some of the tweets. for a while now social media has been wrapped up along with the allegations of russian meddling in the two thousand and sixteen presidential election in the us cores of so-called russian bots took over twitter and facebook and all social networks in order to influence potential voters and sway the election that's what the idea is here and suffice to say u.s. politicians are more than a little bit concerned about this let's take
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a listen the film portaloos into our society russia has harnessed the tremendous and quite frankly to me frightening power of social media sowing discord in the u.s. by inflame passions on a range of divisive issues truly troubling evidence. of the scope and reach of russia's interference in our last election what is clearly got the. dish the dirt what's in these tweets well not what you might exactly expect these deleted tweets are coming from accounts that are supposedly linked to the kremlin and they were published by a news outlet who got ahold of them through a third party and then honestly so it's not exactly clear how they got them but you think that this database would just be chock full of pro trump tweets given that the u.s. intelligence community believes that putin's goal was to get trump to the white house let's take a listen to what the former f.b.i. director had to say about that secretary clinton so much the flip side effect going
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was she had a clear preference for the first run against the person who did so much and while of course there are a number of tweets on the list that either support or specifically against hillary clinton the opposite of that is also true you can find in the mix tweets in favor of clinton encouraging people to vote for her and support for bernie sanders the other democratic candidate was also in the mix but that also comes with along with attacks on trump himself so it's all a bit of confusion that it's all in there at their support for all sides while of course there is a lot about trump as well bit of everything is it all about the election now. no many are completely off topic focusing instead on the hard hitting woes of sleeping in your contacts of the dislike for alarm clocks and because it's the internet there was also porn in there as well we've also been told that twitter bots have been used to promote inflammatory tweets to get messages to divide people in the country and yet you can also find among this database tweets that are calling for
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peaceful solutions for unity in the country referring to black lives matters protests so it's all in there but the real cherry on the top of this whole story is the fact that there are a number of anti russia tweets in this list and a lot of them are really interesting they're going on about how russian hackers were involved in the election how heller warned us against trump russia collusion and how those ties must be investigated let's take a listen to some of the best hits of what they are whether to be found in their. jeweled be do it's job is to get drawn brushing times things you can't ignore ration plant as you're next. some americans have been softly rather close by hate groups russian propaganda through electronic perhaps the biggest threat and those are supposed betweens that are coming from accounts that are linked to the kremlin it just doesn't quite fit together and the internet is of course it's just
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a very divisive place everybody has their opinions and everybody feels free to post them there so this database really just does feel like a roundup of the typical things that you can find on twitter. a spike in anti-semitic attacks in germany has prompted government action i'll have the details on that for you when we come back. the protocol is hard coded. the world as we know it and those trying to get their way will be destroyed but those who want to come on board like a friendly regulator that's ok. a bit wary you know it's the classic good cop bad cop scenario you know when regular. you have to be a little leery. to mars a coalition negotiations germany's two largest parties are provisionally agreed on
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a compromise that may yet fall through. all of these difficulties a sign of something major going wrong in german politics the birthing pangs of the country's fourth from the coalition. all over again now the road to unusual teams of this year's winter olympics one there's the united squad from north and south korea competing is one for the. first time in twelve years and was being widely seen as a positive sign that relations might be warming between them the other team is limping athletes from russia known as taking part under a neutral flag after the doping scandal that hit the official team he betrayed has
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been asking some of the spectators whether they recognize the rebranding of russia's athletes. it will take a long while for russian athletes journalists like myself that i can tell you first sure to forget the acronym oh ok r after chang twenty eight thing well just before the winter games a group of russian designers thought they could take advantage of the international olympic committee's language sanctioned. i put one of those on myself and decided to walk around near the olympic park a little bit. what kind of team did people with this kind of sweatshirt support i'm sure. it's a limb take it half really really can't wait for the russian north korea i think
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north korea russia the russians the food we eat here because they do that if you lose a limb and then something of a limp think athletes of russia what would you chant if you were annoying our team supporter oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh we've come from relief on. our. legs some people say a russian animal can make a sound like that bear the russian fair siberian tiger i fear was. fear will make it sound when it's hungry. for gold medals well judging by the first few days of the winter olympics the russian fans have chosen to stick to the more traditional chants and symbols.
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here we have a train go artsy n.p.r. . there's growing concern among the jewish community in germany after more than fourteen hundred anti semitic crimes were registered there last year there's also been a wave of anti semitic demonstrations with protesters burning israeli flags and shouting anti jewish slogans. the german government says it is addressing the problem last month and launched a special commission to monitor anti jewish muslim follows years of appeals from
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the jewish community to raise awareness of the hate crimes we spoke to a rabbi in berlin he thinks people need to come together if the problem is to be defeated. it has to become much clear to people in this country especially to refugees that have recently arrived that we all share a personal responsibility and that it will not be tolerated where the burning flags of israel whether the any attack on any community any child in the school will not be tolerated as near zero tolerance policy for anti-semitic attacks and that has to be clear it has to be not shoved under the carpet it has to be said loud and clear and then people will realize a recognize that if they want to be part of this country there is also responsibility there is a personal responsibility of civil courage not only not to be involved in any any
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of any such acts but but also not to tolerate if you see something say something that we all have the personal responsibility to stand up for any minority and of course also for jewish people and jewish institutions. the french president is on course to take another campaign pledge of his list emmanuel macross promising to bring back compulsory military service and his party has been busy trying to whip up support. we call it the national service because it's the place where the youth of our country and the nation meet one another where they get to know the military service on the one hand and civil engagement on the other it's where one gives his time to the nation and to society. what about the age range it will cover all age ranges both boys and girls will take part in the service will be obligatory polls three years ago suggested that eighty percent of people were in
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favor of the move but now that's dwindled to a little more than half. and skis been asking people in paris what they think now. are you ready to serve your country yes i have even tried to get in the army. i think there are many ways to help your country and not in the army but it's not all about taking a weapon in your hands. or. training is just. a school curriculum. and you perspective on things. as well i think military service is something that is this creates unity around the country but serving should be optional. as the most. crazy person they say it will.
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be the. french military expert javier morrow told us he doesn't expect a president plan to work out. no being you know. it did during come pain talking about three or six months is. because to teach the basic. basic skills to a soldier needs many three months is. to make something useful for a. modern like the french army. reserve many high. systems i'm not sure global news right from our t.v.'s our thanks for watching the altie app on your phone and stay in touch around the clock i'll be back here thirty
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a little bit. just the most trouble. for don't ask me to gather some odd to see if. i. in america a college degree requires a great deal. paying a decades long dead. studying so hard and require the strongest. going through humiliation to enter an elite society. and paci into debt sometimes quite literally. wants of the true colors of universities in the
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us. off to mars and coalition negotiations germany's three largest parties have provisionally agreed on a compromise that may yet fall through. these difficulties a sign of something major going wrong in german politics of the birthing pangs of the country's fourth brown coalition. this is boom bust broadcasting around the world from right here in washington d.c. the belly of the beast i'm part. and coming up is big brother watching you today we
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discussed surveillance in our society we talk with science smith the c.e.o. of cognition analytics and anastasio churkin up reports from london on one if not the most surveilled cities in the world you're going to be amazed at all this plus we talk with the executive director of the healthy markets associate. tyler the lash markets regulation it's a risky financial products now let's get today's some of our today's top stories and that like. at least one u.s. regulator and i surmise more are looking into whether prices linked to the u.s. stock markets volatility and x. the vix which they sometimes refer to as the fear index have been manipulated concerns about such manipulation of existed for several years at the chicago board options exchange cboe but now a whistleblower says it could be costing traders millions of dollars today to be clear there's no evidence that such is the case but it's certainly something to be
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examined and i'm glad that regulators are on the case further complicating matters are the myriad financial products which investors use for exotic bets like leveraged and inverse exchange traded products which can boom or yes you guessed it bust a traders portfolio in a single day i was personally contacted by several traders one who lost his entire life savings on these risky products i've been speaking out about the need for more disclosure especially for average mom and pop investors and we'll have more on this topic coming up in today's broadcast. president trump's infrastructure proposal released earlier in the week looks like it's a little too little and a little too late for many on wall street when mr trump was elected after promising to focus on a trillion dollar rebuilding efforts many on wall street cheered and markets rose on the prospects of prosperity for increase jobs but here we are thirteen fourteen
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months later and with less federal government commitment and more federal government calvi it appears unlikely at best that something significant will be approved by congress and passed in the near future. today will be watching the watchers surveillance has increased over the years to the point that some people question if people's privacy is a thing of the past with thousands of satellites overhead cameras on many street corners and the fact that we carry motion monitoring devices around with us how we become overly observed and who is watching us and what are they doing with the information we go to one of the foremost experts in the world in this field his career in technology and data analytics is impressive he's pioneered technology developments in areas like network analysis and intelligence he holds many patents
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and is the c.e.o. of cognition analytics we're really pleased and honored to be joined from atlanta by size smith so i thank you for being with us we sure appreciate it by the way how many patents do you all. it's over twenty five bart quite a number internationally in a lot of different companies but it's four in the u.s. and then dozens in other countries around the world all right well that you are the guy then so they'll give us an overview on on how we're being watched whether or not it's satellites or any other mechanism what's happening people want to know what we live in fascinating times from a technological viewpoint. as you mentioned i've been in data analytics for a long time so for me it's all about data and we do have a lot of surveillance and some might see that as as is not so good another see it is good. i think it's i think it's a great thing as long as the organizations in the people that have this data use
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their powers for good and not for evil so to speak but we have in north america today we have about sixty two million security cameras to million on sixty two million throughly throughout north america gosh. we have three hundred twenty three million people in the u.s. and about two hundred twenty four million of those people carry around smartphones or those mobile devices which are in essence serving a sensors to collect data and information and pass it on to friends or pass it onto to other organizations that might use this data for various purposes. you know but it's not that new you know since we've been in the electronic age you know we've had credit cards for a long time. we have over one hundred seventy four million people that carry around credit cards at that store and collect information any times a transaction so a lot of different sources of data collection you know it just turns out that we're
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with the advances in technology we're in a day i like to quote an earth wind and fire song one of my favorites says sounds never dissipate they only recreate at another place and that's the same with data it would nobody throws data away anymore it just gets recreated in a different place in a different aggregation viewpoint for different purposes so nothing and nothing ever disappears anymore. two one one thing you know you always get me with the song lyrics i but to you know yes like those those old t.v. shows where they would say you know if you're going to go on the lam go on the run you know don't use your credit card but really a credit card for a way of finding out where people were what time what they were doing then you'd see the the police officer show up and ask the proprietary about i don't know the long haired guy with wear glasses or something but who is it these days sigh who
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are or who is it that's watching us one of the entities. you know it's basically every individual i mean you can't go outside and if you think you're going to go outside do something stupid today you gotta remember if i do that somebody is going to have their cell phone and they're going to video and it's going to one up on you tube so everybody's collecting data out in public now that's at an individual level but you know most government agencies are now collecting data for efficiency purposes most organizations are collecting data you know what we used to do manually you know you even way back in the day when you go to the mom and pop grocery store they want to keep an idea of what customers bought what products and services so they'd know better how to market and that sort of thing today it's just all done electronically and all this data and information is collected automatically so it's not really new it's just more efficient in the way the data is collected but but all the all of government agencies again we have bigoted kind of patients about what some may be doing with that but. some will abuse it
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obviously and some will but for the mat for the for the most part most organizations are using this data to create better products and services and make better advances so that we can all have a better quality of life i so i want to ask you about that i mean people you know are concerned about their privacy except you know at many instances for good reason but but what are the good things other than maybe catching bad actors out there somebody gets mugged and they're on camera but what other sorts of good things come about from the use of these sorts of technologies. well you know obviously from a safety standpoint you know there's there services like enhanced nine one one so we all have the expectation that would we dial nine one one from our mobile device that the emergency responders are going to know exactly where we are in case we're not able to tell and we all appreciate that that safety aspect of of data
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collection or surveillance of this kind so to speak you know other things that happened in one of the things that got me into a business of providing traffic data using mobile devices to monitor how fast vehicles are moving is actually i'm a movement that started in the mid ninety's called intelligent transportation systems and an example of that was in atlanta just before the olympics in one thousand nine hundred eighty six city of atlanta spent a received a grant for over one hundred fifty million dollars to put sensors video cameras and fiber optic cables and speed detectors on about forty miles of interstate and that's a lot of money to spend for the government to visit to build out surveillance technologies now since then most every major city in the world has developed some form of electronic surveillance so they could better communicate what's going on with traffic to people on the roadways and we all love that we take for granted sometimes the efficiencies we get but you know there's no excuse for being caught
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in traffic anymore because you can know before you go how bad the traffic is and whether or not you should take a different route or whether or not you should just stay at home are something we all benefit from inside those cameras outside of atlanta are those they use those for not just look at traffic flows but they use it for speed and to give folks tickets except for. they don't give anybody tickets with this with this system and most systems they're not giving tickets and again i think most government agencies and others realize that they've got not only from the laws that protect us on what they can and cannot do but also from a public perception if they started giving out tickets with these cameras there'd be a big public backlash and and the public would probably force them to to remove some of those but they do certain things like tell us how how the traffic is moving but the other thing most cities have a roadside assistance program so if you get a flat tire and you have to pull off the interstate. nowadays you're going to find
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that there's there may be a government truck right behind you ready to help you fix that flat tire and get you off the road and out of traffic it saved many many lives. with this type of technology so again just benefits that we sort of take for granted when when we were thinking about technology and surveillance there's so many good things that happen from from the fact that all this data is collected and processed in an automated way nowadays and sigh what's going on worldwide is the u.s. more diligent about watching folks or or is it happening around the world too. it's all over the world bart i mean the technology is is being used in many different many creative ways you know i would say the most monitored city in the world this is beijing china they have different use cases and purposes for monitoring what's going on around the city of beijing london is probably a second most monitored they've got about four hundred fifty thousand cameras
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throughout their city and as compared to the united states and chicago is one of the most monitored cities in the u.s. with about twenty five thousand and twenty five thousand security cameras so it's happening all over the world and like i said most of these organizations are using it to provide great value services for for citizens science myth c.e.o. of cognition analytics thank you for joining us what a fascinating conversation we hope you'll come back take care thanks bart. and with more on london we go to london to r.t. correspondent anastasia churkin up. the british capital has been a new stranger to close circuit television surveillance or c.c.t.v. for decades with a history of terrorist attacks and crime c.c.t.v. is a fixture that most are long used to but along with their increasing numbers and scope of capabilities questions about the extent to which the watchful lenses have become a part of everyday life is often a hot topic and huge spike in numbers took place recently over seventy percent in
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the period between twenty twelve to twenty fifteen london is said to have more c.c.t.v. cameras than anywhere else in europe and some sources have even suggested that this is true compared to any other city on the planet and twenty seventeen there were understood to be half a million cameras in the british capital it's been estimated that by twenty twenty that number will be at over six hundred and forty thousand now according to the british security industry authority there is roughly one camera for every fourteen people here the average person living in london will be recorded on camera three hundred times in just one day the bottom line no matter which numbers you want to look at londoners are considered to be amongst the most watched in the world with a rapidly expanding technological capabilities keeping track of these numbers will be even more tricky moving forward since many cameras are operated not necessarily by government related bodies but by businesses and individuals to according to the u.k. government surveillance camera commissioners.
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