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tv   Documentary  RT  February 15, 2018 4:30pm-5:01pm EST

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but the issue is the person behind it their intent their motives their means the us is when i was going to long history of school shootings there's been two hundred seventy five incidents since twenty thirteen that's not rigid nearly one a week eighteen shootings have been reported in school so far this year is a look at some of the most serious in the last decade.
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over three hundred million guns is enough for every person in the united states to have a gun it's insane and you know we license cars you can't just get in a car and drive it but you can get a gun and shoot it you don't need any training you don't need any licensing. and a lot of states now you can carry them. undercover illegally there's a lot of nutty miss in this country about how guns make you safer. and they evidences also the contrary. russia's foreign minister has admitted some russian citizens may have been killed a week ago in syria after u.s. warplanes conducted an asteroid close to the city editor is ill over moscow denies they were service personnel nicaea in the polls. well after all the conflicting reports and speculation we've seen in the media over the past few days we now have the russian line on what occurred in the syrian province of de areas or last week
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media reports have alleged that anything between a few dozen to more than six hundred russian military personnel all mercenaries were killed in those u.s. strikes last week today marias the horror of a said that the reports are a result of classic distance of mation this being spread by anti-government militia and in fact the real number of people killed in those airstrikes is significantly less. the reports ago dozens of hundreds of russian service personnel killed are a classic example of disinformation according to preliminary data involving military confrontations we can talk about the deaths of five people who were allegedly russian citizens but now the nationalities of these five people killed in these asteroids is still not been confirmed there may have been russian the may have been from anywhere else in the world was a however was very clear on however was that these people were not russian military personnel in fact the russian military was not even in the vicinity at the time of
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these clashes she also added that these false reports being circulated by the mainstream media may even be an effort to sow discontent in russia just ahead of the russian elections which will be taking place in march and that this is something which she said is tantamount to meddling now this latest incident in syria's dear restore is quite concerning because it's the second time the u.s. and pro-government forces have clashed in the space of one week and this is something that perhaps prompted the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov to speak out about his concerns over the uncertainties when it comes to washington's true aims in syria. all this reminds us more and more there is a line to undermine the territorial integrity of syria and its territory in the panel from the master's house and i. being created the money's good and that to keep them functioning the security services supported by america also received weaponry so just months after the jubilation of the victory over islamic states
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time when we started to even contemplate that peace might actually be achievable in syria and this is a very worrying escalation that we're seeing now. the caravan brought for break rex tillerson is building repairing toys in the middle east to his latest one will tell you but i'll get some comments on it and some analysis of when we come back. what politicians do. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected . so when you want to be president. for something i want to. let you go right to the press this is what. three people. interested always in the last. question.
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after marriage the coalition negotiations germany's through largest parties have provisionally agreed on a compromise that may yet fall through. these difficulties a sign of something major going wrong in german politics the birthing pangs of the country's fourth brown coalition. against moscow time now the u.s. secretary of state said to finish his relations building two of the middle east with a visit to turkey rex tillerson is due to arrive there thursday in a much anticipated meeting following a souring of ties of late with ankara the two nato allies have been at odds over
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kurdish forces in syria but washington's rhetoric seems to be softening. through where it's going to. new york there so what's been happening the buildup to this final leg to listens trip take us through it. well in the lead up to the trip of tillerson to turkey we are hearing u.s. officials make statements to the effect of supporting the turkish government and saying that their security concerns are fully legitimate let's take a listen to what we've heard nato or one nation one of our allies. and insurgent shooting inside its own borders and nato and america stand with turkey on an image should curity concern we have never given heavy arms to the wife to do so there is none to take by. now these security concerns that u.s. officials are referencing are security concerns that it could be argued the u.s.
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government had a lot to do with creating at this point the united states is currently supporting kurdish forces in syria and at this point we are now seeing the turkish military which has moved in to syria an operation olive branch to fight against kurdish forces now the s.d.f. a a group supported by the united states has seen a number of its forces actually defecting and going to northern syria to fight against the turkish operation and in the lead up to the visit we're hearing how the turkish president is a less than thrilled with u.s. activities this is arrow on speaking about u.s. support for kurdish forces. me to my use to him why do these weapons still run america is in the process of creating a terror army on all good do nothing crucial now borders do not provoke who run out of patience. now at this point in the lead up to
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all of this we're hearing we're hearing different things now at this point tillerson when he will be visiting the country he will be visiting the u.s. embassy and the u.s. embassy is in the process of actually being renamed it will be being renamed for the street on which is the street on which the u.s. embassy will be will be based it will be renamed as olive branch street in honor of the turkish military operation into syria into fighting against kurdish forces so there's a quite a lot lot of tension between turkey and the united states as the united states continues to support kurdish forces but also to make statements saying that it supports the turkish government which is fighting against kurdish forces so the position of the united states between its two allies is not exactly clear all eyes are on and car in the lead up to tillerson visit. oh i think so
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that we need some more analysis on it with the biggest political sciences professor mommer university studies of the line either so as you see it looking on where you are what do you think the u.s. is trying to get from this visit to. pick chile where i don't know what the united states will want but in turkey the government the people of turkey believe that it truly is of you are fed up with these words it's coming from america and they're saying good to be you know i understand security teams of turkey at the same kind of big terrorist group there. was turkey is expecting there's some you know not promises to do something related to the syrian issue especially relate to free membership because it is you know. america promised before to take kurdish forces from. member
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but he didn't deliver his promises now this turkey is not awaiting any diplomatic sentences from united states just want to keep this promises to deliver these promises to turkey related to africa and especially in man bitch otherwise i think it doesn't work or you know kind of diplomatic need to be clear to be clear it's it's a kurdish issue up there in the northeast of syria is the main talking point flash point if you like right now between turkey and america here and america seems to be moving with the quicksand here a bit i mean woman it has been supporting kurdish forces now it's saying there are no weapons going to them what is what can america bring to turkey to try and pacify the situation here but as far as turkey is concerned. i think you know now there's an issue that river europe it's. east of it and the west of it and turkey
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is very clear that he doesn't want to see any kurdish fortress forces the west of the river you've rates now and now turkey wants from united states to retreat its army from membership area to take them to. is part of the river usually for between putting it simply said he would like america to choose basically between ankara and the kurds especially in the rest part of the euro fits right now this is the first step i think but the second one after that the other issue you know of that there are two cantles in the east side of the river al jazeera and coburn you can toast this is the second step for turkey but the first step is african and their man bitch. thank you very much political
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science professor from moamar university and i see. time from a quick story for say goodbye tonight the british government's again being accused of turning its back on interpreters who helped the military in afghanistan and many of received death threats from the taliban and say they can't remain in their homeland poly boy spoke exclusively to an afghan interpreter who's facing his final bid for asylum in the u.k. . they only give me the notice for deportation they told me that you have to leave the country so they're going to send me where i will depend because abdul barry was a front line interpreted with british forces in afghanistan from two thousand and eight to two thousand and ten. i know that if i join the british forces will be very close for me but i have to do that because our country was. the situation in our country was very bad so i have to help the international forces to protect other countries so they came to my country to protect us so why should i not hope
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that working with u.k. troops made abdul a target for local taliban forces that was a phone call from my from my father and a letter put in my door so he's a do you know that your son is working for the infidels so tell him to leave the job that they were still be slatted the threats soon turned to violence when the taliban raided on my family beaten up my father and my mom and my dad so on that time when that happened he was completely angry and his face all the problems happened to me just because of you creating problems for us with his and his family's lives in danger abdul was forced to flee i don't i had enough time to go and see this for protection or something like that only twice was for me one choice to leave the country he came to britain illegally through cali and applied for asylum in the very first day since then the home office has rejected his initial
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application and his appeal the government says it's safe abdul to return to kabul where he says his life is in danger that was. ours and justice. because when i worked i helped the british forces in a very risky time but at the moment i am at risk so i i need help but they still ignoring me. as an asylum seeker abdul can't work and this is the modest accommodation that the government provides for him he also gets thirty five pounds a week in living expenses and he has the constant threat of deportation looming over him there around a thousand afghan interpreters that worked with british forces around four hundred of them have been given u.k. visas which means abbeville is one of around six hundred who haven't qualified the system has been described as unfair and
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a lot hurry along abdul's best friend how it managed to win hash much applied for his visa while still in afghanistan and after a two year wait he was brought over to the u.k. under the government's official afghan interpreter scheme do you feel guilty sometimes that you got the visa and abdul didn't know one visa for everything to those who spend time over the telephone isn't that seventy per cent you know going to see your move forward will be a boy who is searching for people. that they were would. know me well. need before so. if you want to get back in afghanistan abdul was a professional boxer he can't compete in the u.k. because he doesn't have a work permit but he can still train since i came here he can do nothing to staying that going out sometimes they keep him busy with my paintings you googled marco
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werman so you must be. told you would be. sure of a challenging part. of the work that the world. should be told me but i have a full. view of the world the north. i think we should lose the people with the rules. above. all abdul can do now is wait for his final appeal against deportation to be considered by the home office problems five in afghanistan. are the same there was a big third for me the taliban and have i have a very bad depression day by day my depression is getting worse so i'm buried about my life and nothing could happen to me. see greater manchester as you can see the
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guy would know piers between a rock and a hard place there was a footnote to this officially the u.k. government says it does investigate every claim of intimidation and it does consider all cases on an individual basis. to check it out for all up to the minute news of videos around the clock here in moscow this thursday is kevin owen saying good evening and thanks for watching i was appreciated you know neal c. is for the coming hours with more the news for you there are more great programs lined up right after this quick break. manufacture consent to the public will. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the famous.
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we can all middle of the room sick. thank you. thank. you thank. you. thank you
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thank you. thank you i thank you. thank. you thank you i thank you i thank you thank you thank you thank you but if you buy your way to cyprus blue polo player u.s. military i mean it's just because you did you wouldn't have done that i'm sure this
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would be delicious i did it to come here with bush with the british corporate machine is it you didn't seem good last time i said if you just press this thing was it the issue and now we're told by now why did the special. woman or an insidious know someone is my cousin let's see randy i should refuse if you didn't think he should be some decent enough. brain is like. with me as the who is the cut along with own who cannot bear to live birth my you question the truth of this he has been to those a lot i think if they still know who the british diva gave that are we sure didn't . know knew who was on the level at age two years especially such i'll give you a new one here that i knew but britain which.
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i think. the ice is going on as a way of saluting the stain of the room before the. show us that our boys so you know when the sun am will when he is here for you sammy and what is the shiny up when you must him that's me at the embassy is this but oh yeah. good thing i'm a specimen the indonesian way doesn't with the course when you mind in the visit to me with this without the. yeah you are dumb but i just think if you do. not like a look of it the way. you see it. thank you.
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zain if it is that those who won't believe start with the new face of water though we've been hearing a. rude thing there just a few of them and they. know what you multiply this. business here don't know very soon emma is the bill and. yes the funding by the. by the by the way they're going to still is trying to lessen but the five zero five. bull is only a little out there was the a little by little yes. at h.l. of the fellas that no one knew was it was like i don't like you when you don't that my bizarrely see you well you know what i wish both of them to any of them or if. any of the the clothes the clothes the little. cars and the seriousness that so more so as it was so over
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a see so much in the states this point or two studio but that he had to put out to go program. is that it's what i had to stay at and i don't miss the test this i'm not. at the woods was a step forward for me as a good little story. you missed through it seems to be my part of the program wasn't paying for coming in so what saved those stores you know was sitting at those i mean. the whole sunland assuming you put in a dish they stood you know walk to a schoolmistress moonlighted aluminized in the us with this on the outside of town they put in there you would still staying in yet use food as daughter we did the more to assure.
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you. thank. you thank you. thank. you e here it is to thank you. to you just to say you. it was just to say. they're going to be like you. do you think you know your friends you know you feel please do you know do you. have a life. yet it was only a. small part or.
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you know. it's. you push through all the good you don't post what you wish you a. little bit. i thought it was done with does it. it's good that in your last year the stuff of the machine is the big push for. the same doesn't give you the support that for two months you know there seem to be. i mean i think it's a lovely deal of course. it's meant to. be and to make you. come down
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kids should play. and day of. the most music. to my little place she has knowledge of his nature childhood to and then to push those to be able to. pull. these. suitcase more. it's ok to catch following our. people. can go to where it's. like to show us a couple. minutes
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of someone's little. schoolkid us who proceeded to smother me. live in you couldn't. tell you the full. bloom but then my bitch. gives them a chain. to dump water and then to wish to tell you i should go to do good at this
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that i was the us and you have kids. and they're bitching limeys to want to talk. with the young man not going to. force him to shows dylan. seems boy in the disneyland sure she was a boy and i don't think that big balls or the laws will be. what it was so there's a pool of when this dish is going to do it but i see it was a glow in the wood barrel but i see bits and. storm was wondering. if it was going to be pulled down on the bull pup by some loser who cleaned up went on to be a. intended to it's cool to pursue montreal. but was to you could at the post want to feel. the love she knew would go to conduct there was not a doodle question there was totally. fall into this new school no there's not got those so those months. in the us and then you read this you'll see.
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what it was just a proposition of course of. the most sophisticated was just almost a trial of. saddam for us foreign minister to jeju so mark them all. yeah but to us on our feet these things out that let's see our cities today this. moment here. to tell the difference up to the. past was up. to some icy allergists. to ok asked mr s. we are. here is that. to say.
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that. it is not just what you see is short to be so when i say so next time someone asks me. to stay for half. that. apply to many flips over the years. yes so i know the game inside. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch put the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each kill the narrowness and spending two hundred twenty million on one player. it's an experience like nothing else on a because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game played great so one more chance for. a nice minute.


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