tv News RT February 16, 2018 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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if north korea really believes we're about to conduct a preemptive strike on it's going to be significant in a serious preemptive strike that may be and they may be motivated to make it to try to be this of the guys have to go first but i. applied for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football
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isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money just kill the narrowness and spend eternity twenty million up one player. it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy a great so one more chance with. the base it's going to. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. caught up to us we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry. so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath.
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but then my feeling started change you talked about war like it was again still some marshawn to feel those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with death this one quite different i speak tonight because there were no other takers. claimed that mainstream media has met its maker. backed up politicking continuing the political discussion let's spend some time with off panel amy holmes political analysts former staffer to senate majority leader bill frist and they lerner executive director of the democratic coalition
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and creator of the boyd contract. studios in new york in the start with you we just spoke with the formal maroko plea county sheriff joe arpaio who's running for the open seat in in arizona many in the republican establishment are worried that they might have another roy war situation where things are going to have the thing trump would endorse him. well i don't know if the president is going to endorse. the sheriff. who is very controversial and certainly someone who has national mayme id i don't know if the folks of arizona necessarily like all the tactics tactics that he's taken i think we're going to have to see and we're going to have to see how he campaigns what kind of promises he makes to his constituents. happy to welcome you to politicking a third white house official resigned after being told he wouldn't qualify for full
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clearance it was national economic council george david banks what he and then of course you got the rub poor situation what's your reaction to all it's going on in the white house and it's very indicative of the chaos that we've seen since day one this white house has been incredibly embarrassing a national disgrace if you will if you've seen just the revolving door of individuals coming in and out who are woefully unqualified and borderline dangerous as we saw with porter i mean them you don't don't even qualify for security clearance which is incredibly disconcerting and it's what happens when you elect a leader with no previous political or government experience whatsoever you get the trouble ministration any. well we just heard a very partisan spin on the situation ignoring the fact that hillary clinton donald trump's competitor in two thousand and sixteen had her own problems with mishandling classified information if you want to talk about what's dangerous to the country she's not
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a president any the voters decided that hillary clinton could not be trusted even her own campaign manager and then your pal me aerie said during the course of that campaign that she had a big problem with trying to i don't mean in our lives they mean that she's not the president no but i was just responding to the very partisan take that we were hearing on the white house i'm very concerned that at the very least the chief of staff was aware that rob porter for example had a lot of problems in his background and it seems to me that when you work at the white house that's an enormous honor and the very first thing you should be thinking about is serving your fellow americans and the chief of staff mr general kelly i'm afraid to say seem to put his own interests in having a staffer that he liked ahead of the interests of the american people and i'm kind of maybe leaning toward the side that maybe he's got to go i'm not sure i need to know more about it. vice president pence gave them a ringing endorsement i think i mean kelly i think needs to stay i don't agree with
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all of his policy stances but he's a strong leader he's organized he's you diminish the chaos a bit in the tribal ministration much more so than it was he's someone i trust a bit more to make reasonable decisions with regards to foreign policy or military i think he's you know really made sure the president is receiving more accurate news and reports as opposed to a lot of the the fake and misleading information he was getting before hand and again he's not my favorite person he's not who i would love to have there but he's a lot better than what we've seen previously in this administration which has been it's interesting larry because we just heard a say that the white house was a do that disaster and full of chaos and now he's praising the chief of staff. i think there's a lot of still in chaos and it's getting better and who i miss is a lot of shakeout that needs to go on and weirdly made there on the opposite sides when it comes to the chief of staff if the chief of staff is being told that he has a staffer who has not one not two but three people accusing one of his closest
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aides of despicable behavior first of all i just think that should be disqualifying but also you would know that that would reflect poorly on the president and states as i say i'm not ready to say that i think that the chief of staff should go but i'm leaning in that direction i may do you think president bush should sit down with rather mower absolutely i mean it's what the majority of americans want it's his responsibility as a public servant to answer for his potential crimes and would really address a lot of the questions that are still up in the air in regards to investigation and he said he wants to so you know the president claims a man of his word so he should follow through on that will he i doubt it but it would be very very nice to see and i think he owes it to the american public do you think gamey he should. larry you've talked with a lot of lawyers on your show all of them tell you that the president ited states
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should not be sitting down with miller that it's a perjury trap that miller already has on record what he would want to then confront the president with and if the president's statements don't comport precisely with what he has then he can say the president was it wasn't being entirely forthcoming and we know this president we know donald trump we know that he is inexact in precisely this language and i just heard saying something about potential crimes well so far we haven't seen any what we know to arrive to you actually has a hold on me or let me finish let me finish what we know is that michael flynn the national security adviser was speaking with a russian agent during the time of the transition which all people agree was a completely appropriate and during those discussions that were taped he then was asked by robert mueller to explain them and discuss them and what he said to the f.b.i. did not comport with what they had on tape so many people came to the conclusion that that interview was more of a perjury trap would you want to do that to the president ited states many lawyers
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including alan alan dershowitz of harvard law says that's ridiculous and irresponsible and not good for democracy and certainly creates constitutional issues. so first of all we've had four indictments in the russian investigators are now two guilty pleas for the f.b.i. so to say you know there's nothing there is completely inaccurate you know this is very clear miller has something and it's what he called a perjury trap you know that implies therefore that trump is then guilty of something so you know if he's coming in well that's what you're going through you can settle if he's coming into this interview concerned about perjuring himself that he's likely guilty of something so you can't have it both ways either he's innocent or he's guilty. amy guilty of what exactly nay that's what everyone keeps asking a good argument what and so far the investigation which was intended to investigate russian meddling meddling into the election what we've discovered is that the clinton campaign and the d.n.c. hired fusion g.p.s.
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to hire christopher steele a british agent to get information from the russians to smear donald trump so if you want to talk about clues and it seemed to me hiring you to be goes to aggressively on the other side that's been that's been very well covered that christopher steele was never hired by republicans fusion g.p.s. was republicans dropped it in the primary than democrats picked it up and in the course of that christopher steele was then hired to go and collect information which he did from russians who were very likely very unreliable spread just information the f.b.i. got that big of a deal it f.b.i. said it doesn't care who the information comes to them from they follow up so it doesn't matter who brings them the right so here here larry here's what's really interesting about that in the file is a court application the f.b.i. did not make clear that this information was coming from christopher steele while getting out i heard it by an opposition campaign they did not make that clear i'd
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be very interested to see the pfizer application and beat to know the opinion of the judge now that all of this all of this has been revealed or much of it the american people the f.b.i. has said or at least most of said they relied very much on a dossier which we now know was a partisan document meant nothing here and undermine the internal look in part a little bit is nothing seems to. trump with his base his personal lawyer announces the term paid one hundred thirty thousand of his own money to a porn star who allegedly had a sexual encounter with him. how bad is this need or why there's a. as a as a as a public figure i mean this is very damaging is it not it's incredibly damaging but i think it would more so during the election at this point people are numb to these kind of scandals which really tells you a lot about this president and the kind of man that he is it's absolute disgraceful
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but i think at this point we have larger concerns to worry about we have you know a president in a stray ssion that's under investigation for collusion with a foreign adversary we have a president that's you know trying to tear down our democratic institutions while we have to stand on the sidelines and we have a huge election coming up in november where you know we have potentially can tremendous gains in the house and that's what democrats need to stay focused on. her is unfortunate but it's unfortunate it's not going to blow it as much this should amy how do we solve the dockets thing why gal gosh i mean the immigration wow well why didn't this be resolved. well that's a really interesting question that i worked for bill frist you know during the two thousand when they tried to do immigration reform unfortunately the other side was torpedoing torpedoing it because it seemed that they wanted an issue more than they wanted a solution the present the united states donald trump the one that seems to feel is
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you know illegitimate in some way despite an election the president has said he's happy to legalize to create legalization and a path to citizenship by the way for daca recipients and also for millions of people who would qualify for daca but didn't apply dollars for this of that but what he says that he wants in return is some immigration reform and there's a question there early that democrats aren't willing to pay me a lot of people don't know why the d.'s including including a lot of immigration activists came here gives why is it have to be let them go i'll let them get a pass this is the ship if you give me a war a war is a war liza people what wiley i really want to know who went and i actually don't i agree with you one hundred percent but i don't think actually the point of debate is about the wall the point of debate is about chain migration that if you legalize this group of people that process then creates chain migration which donald trump
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the president has said he wants to reform democrats don't want to because that those are their future voters they want chain migration i think that's where the real battle is. this is what's so unfortunate the immigration debate right now it's such a more complicated issue than let's build a wall that will solve all our problems and it's really unfortunate that the president wants to waste government money government resources on building a wall that our country does not need net immigration to from mexico right now is actually negative we are losing more immigrants to mexico than we are gaining it's been steadily declining since two thousand and seven we have absolutely no use for this wall daca needs to be put back in place we define protections for the one point six million immigrants who are here and a pathway to citizenship for them and then we should have a larger conversation afterwards about how we can improve our immigration system not just ban everybody as the president wants to do amy or president i just explained doesn't want to ban people in fact he wants to create a path to legalization both for dhaka recipients and also people who would qualify
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for daca what the president has said to the other side is and in return for that we should have immigration reform so this doesn't become a floodgate of chain migration which a lot of americans polling so disagree with by the way they don't agree that you should have all of your extended family members coming on the strength of one person who's gotten legalization. made wonderful having both of you with a sad little man call on you again thank you nate great haven't you have you back to thank so much thanks guys and thank you for joining me on this edition of politic you can remember you can join the conversation on my facebook page or tweet me at kings things and don't forget to use the politicking hash tag and that's all for this edition of politicking.
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the islamic state is largely complete now the syrian proxy war is in train a new stage for the players and one of their aims and what does winning. the protocol it is hard coded to dismantle the world as we know it and those who try to get their way will be destroyed by it but those who want to come on board like a friendly regulator that's ok i am a bit wary though you know it's the classic good cop bad cop scenario where you know when to regulate anyone if the government comes with the gift you have to be a little leery. of one else seemed wrong. but old rules just don't hold. any new goals to get to shape out these days become active. and engaged
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equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. in twenty forty you know bloody revolution of you tube clip the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be increasingly violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just always pretty meaningless book video at the new bill is that i'm new school in the middle of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty four g. and. those who took the lead invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other calls that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. nation
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the u.s. secretary of state is on a visit to ankara in an attempt to improve siring ties with nato ally turkey. the olympic spirit is being embraced by competitors from around the world at the winter games in south korea the rivals helping each other right bryza specific russian athlete he offered me hope boy technical help the fact that he was willing to reach out and help me in such desperate time shows that sport can bridge you know cultures it can bridge of politics. and french president emmanuel micron moves journalists out of the presidential palace which has been their home for decades.
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you're watching r t international live from moscow studio with me in india today welcome to the program the u.s. secretary of state is in turkey in an effort to mend ties with ankara rex tillerson has met with the turkish counterpart and with president. the nato allies have been at odds over kurdish forces in syria in the run up to the meeting the turkish if the defense minister made clear what ankara wants from the u.s. . we demand that this relationship and by that i mean we want them to end all the support given to the syrian arm of the the white b.g. . let's take a closer look at the two groups just referred to by the turkish defense minister the p.k. k. is the kurdistan workers' party a group that's been fighting turkish authorities for more than thirty years and current considers them a terrorist organization the y. p.g. on the other hand is a mostly kurdish militia based in syria regards them as a branch of the p.k. k.
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however the us led coalition sees the why peachey as allies in january the pentagon announced it was creating a kurdish led security force right on turkey's doorstep in northern syria in response to a military campaign against kurdish militia has long been complaining about the us army syria's coast however washington insists that its weapons supplies a limited we have never given heavy arms to the wife e.g. so there is none to take but we should be using we should be telling the kurdish region to be that this matters really proving to be the most really do is now the turkish government considers these kurdish forces operating in syria to be terrorists and feels quite threatened by them and has been a long outspoken man doing that the united states and its support for these forces . why does the u.s. troops and where you are in syria even after i see. why do these weapons still
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arrive you must be plotting against america is in the process of creating a terror army on our. what we have to do is nip this terror army in the bud american do not encroach on our borders do not provoke a run out of patience tillerson has arrived in turkey and he'll be going to an embassy a u.s. embassy in turkey that is on a street it's actually for the military operation against those kurdish forces and by the united states operation olive branch they're sending a pretty clear message to washington that they do not approve of this policy of arming kurdish forces the united states is caught in a strange place between two hours it's aligned with the kurdish forces and it's also a line with the turkish government a member of nato that considers those kurdish forces to be terrorists. one expert told us turkey is losing patience with the u.s. and needs more than just words from its ally. actually there i don't know what the
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united states want but in turkey the government and the people of turkey believe that it actually is of you are fed up with these words it's coming from america i miss a good to be you know understanding security teams of turkey it's the same kind of big kurdish forces. turkey is expecting there's some you know not promises to do something related to syria if you're now turkey is you know not so waiting any diplomatic santas is from united states just want to keep its promises to deliver this promises to keep otherwise i think it doesn't work you know this kind of diplomatic meetings for turkey. is now one week since the winter in pics in south korea officially began last opinion bracing the in the big spirit that some fans have visited to making online threats and reports from
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china unfortunately with these winter olympics the story has been that every other day yung chang treats the media with some sort of scandal so far perhaps one of the most disgusting ones for me was when a canadian short track speed skater was receiving death threats from the locals after she finished fourth first but then a south korean athlete was disqualified and then her position was upgraded to start place and that's when the ugly things started happening but you shouldn't get the impression that the look big games are doomed because in many sports there is such family spirit it's the kind of family spirit that goes first after nationality rivalry politics it said sure there was one good example when during cross-country skiing. petition a russian skier lost
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a part of his equipment and then an american coach rushed to help him out if the russian sphere had to do this u. turn you don't come back to pick it up that would have been a disaster for the race but thanks to the american coach it didn't happen and we talked to the man the cross country ski family is is exactly that it's a family we often benefit from russian or no region coach is giving our fleets a full in a race and we'll do the same i would say it's very friendly when you walk by a russian athlete or coach will always say congratulations or if we've had a good race they will say congratulations to us three years ago and most of the entire russian women's team came up to our hotel and had tea and cookies with our own or continue and not many people spoke the same language we know a few words of russian a couple of them they knew some more english than we knew russian but we had a great time and that it was one of those moments in my career that i remember well
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i guess when it comes to pole what i call rivals russia and the u.s. helping each other out in sports it works both ways and here with me i got the chang silver medalist in luge bris master who definitely knows what i'm talking about and he's ready to tell us about a story that happened to him a few months ago as far as a distant chris hi again congratulations and what's that story with the russian athlete i guess helping you out yeah thank you very much so as it was a couple weeks ago where i was having a very difficult last season people were starting to reach out and help me and there was a specific russian athlete he offered me help like technical help with with my i pod with with fiberglass with with aerodynamics and although it didn't work because i'm much larger than he is the fact that he was willing to reach out and help me in such like a desperate time shows that spoke. it can bridge you know cultures it can bridge
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politics that we can connect on the human level through sports and that's that's really what embodies the olympics here is that so many countries are coming together connecting through sport it really shows the power of the human spirit absolutely this is a small little step it takes a lot of people to get one of these and i can't think simulate enough for thinking about me and just trying to help me out and it's a time of need i am very close friends with with so many different russian athletes and yes there's been a lot of scandals and i'm really i can't wait for the day that we can move past this and we can just get right back to sport clean sport it's so easy to talk about negative things but it's really difficult to highlight these positive situations you know who knows maybe one to a live picture this will all be behind us and we'll get right back to you know clean competition and a lot of fun and friends and pick up things from russia it's another successful medals day and then on friday the team won another bronze and another silver scare
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tennis itself came in his face when the key to trade came second in skeleton that makes a total of seven medals for the then pick athletes from russia team. now the winter olympics on the only major sporting event you might want to follow this year with four. months away r.t. host stan collymore looks into the history of one legendary football club that despite its massive influence on the game never hit the big time. which could spoil all white kicks. which gave eleven players to three. which inspired one of brazil's right football clubs ladies and gentlemen i give you corinthian casuals. what actually happened was in nineteen zero seven there was
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a split between the f.b.i. and what became the i. and it was quite acrimonious to do with amateur professional and the if i refused to allow any if i play as all clubs to appear on the pitch is all there so there was a complete split their spirit was here with the knowledge you forty and just what you saw in the first world. after the first world war the two clubs struggled over one hundred players between the two sides were killed in the one nine hundred twenty s. it was a strong. interview if i come. first on identity any competition or. is a. romance around the club because romance doesn't necessarily. mean fact. but most of the stories all true it is a wonderful story about the. penalty kick was introduced and we didn't accept it gentlemen.
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