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tv   News  RT  February 16, 2018 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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it's components that makes everything more expensive in our life and so as oil will continue to go up and it will continue to trend higher it's going to make everything that we buy in part just in life if for no other reason shipping costs so inflation will continue to increase c.p.i. continue to increase and rates will continue to increase absolutely you know short of going to the editor of the logical investor newsletter we thank you so much for coming on and sharing your energy and oil expertise thank you preset it. time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return back by popular demand we have all the felde my or the big oil queen of switzerland and as we go to break here are those specific numbers at the closing bell. little. are little. purple.
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or little. the stakes couldn't be higher and it's happening in syria the goal of destroying the islamic state is largely complete now the syrian proxy war is intriguing a new stage for the players and one of their aims and what does winning. i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside i. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch pull the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each kill the narrowness and spending two hundred twenty million on one player. so it's an experience like nothing else on to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game
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a great one more chimes for that. and thinks it's minute. yes so most losing them is by smelling them. just music was taken from both of them which is this mission of the new close it. up a. little bit some of it is just some awesome trial of. a put down for us to gather some. serious.
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elliston is getting international recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos i'm in billfish dismissed it to do you like you noticed this isn't my cup of tea is going up the study hall maybe a bit of an old shot so about. the only palestinians it gets the most help from its jerusalem counterparts i don't think this is about those who endure on the open vision that not only could give this. i know it is unfair advantage to have to this lady of the muscle that you had i not going to continue muslims you know do more commitments also don't piss off.
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we did. all these really great interviews when boom bust went over to the world economic forum in davos switzerland i'll tell you they were informative and they were a blast to do and some of our guests were so fantastic we asked them to stay with us a little bit longer although all the felde buyers is a bit coin queen of switzerland is one such yes we did the first part of the interview outside with these beautiful outside in the background but after fifteen minutes or so we decided to go inside warm up for the rest interview and here it is i first asked her about inequality in the financial sector the have and have nots and our digital currencies leveling that playing field here is the quid. you see you. spent in several years at u.b.s. in wealth management and. you know i learned that. you know so well
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today's world of finance is there and the cool place today unfortunately right it's a privilege of safety in a safe offshore assets today it's a privilege of which right until until recently you know it's a global custody is a safe place for assets so it's been police a sleek switzerland and so on and if you're rich there is a place for you right but then bitcoin came up and the big going this actually is the same it's global custody rates for everybody and this is the first the first implementation of democratization of finance right so be it kone you know was actually from using inspiration rate i mean they come from ukraine you know we suffered through hyperinflation of the soviet union collapsed below us everest and you know and if you once lived through that and you know how devastating hyperinflation and all those you know economical cataclysm can can have
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impact on you and your family and then what bitcoin has achieved as a global as a global crypto currency post national crypto currency rate it's amazing so that that is the vision you know this market place that is successful to anyone and that gives everybody access to the same breed best breed of finance. to which only reach people used to have until now where it's observed civilization you come from a banking background at u.b.s. well it seems to me that the banking industry probably has some pretty definitive thoughts about bitcoin and other digital currencies and block what do you think they make of it what if anything are a big going to do about it. i think it was it's changing dramatically just several years ago. most people were dismissive this years that's all and if you're
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no use cases today but it's changing today today a lot of banks invest invest in heavily into you know start in how part of infrastructure can be substituted was a blotching based acknowledge applications especially in the area of trade in streamlining. transactions may consume settlement and it's a whole process of. exchange of ownership more efficient trade but but you know it's kind of like funny because. you don't need a blog just to make it a little bit more cheaper rate blog sheen in the both trust lists disinter mediated system rate so it's kind of like four banks can do it or is it can think about the way how's this going to disinter mediates their business anyway and already think
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about the new angle of the business model right and this is where the challenge is great how do you disrupt your own business. and this is this is a place where i think startups like like ours are coming into place right banks are looking very. very intensively and on what we do rate take our company is an example smart follower we are part of thomson reuters x. rated in crypto valley switzerland trades and in the same way a lot of banks are you know attract in companies into the returns because they want to see and to have a very close to their food door what's happening and if you're successful i mean they have pretty. enough capital you know to be able to participate in separate how my block. if you think it might in the developing world where opportunities are there really was there are so many you know like what is already working today is
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a petition in emittance is great so basically it started like it's been all over it it and years rate that people started to use bitcoin for sending money back home because it's it used to be instant has to be very fast it will become faster game. so remittances is a big one rate but also you know. let's see what we're building it's you know fund in. creation of infrastructure decentralized london great so again the same example i saw but imagine says i still is funded in creation build up of of great facility in africa and anybody can contribute one bitcoin to that project and they are not just you know given this money as
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a charity they're participating in this project social impact project great but funded and completely global distributed men are great so this is this is not reality today but this is what we would like to achieve and help our projects to get funded in this way on our platform what do you think is more valuable what sort of the best invention. in the wires decade is it actually blocked train or. bitcoin or other digital currency used them themselves what are you i think bart you know bitcoin is very important and it will stay important it even doesn't matter what's a name is a bit korean or it's just you know the notion of post national currency currencies that is not controlled by any government or it it just knows there and it will not disappear anytime soon i think never right because we just we just stage where
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you know money was controlled by governments this is that right. and if it's big corn or any other crypt i think there will be like at least ten or twenty cryptocurrency that will have set function right so that there's decentralized money i think this is just huge right. began of course. again i'm just talking about financial services. there are a lot of different applications very interesting one concept of ownership rate is to can you see. if you're to present a physical asset or a liquid asset or any kind of asset as a tokens at least sounds of like chain that is steered by smart contract you know as a governance code right not by people i mean that's completely new dimension and it enables very efficient transfer of ownership it can own anything it fractional ownership best quality of diamonds you know luxury cars you want exposure in real
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estate and this will rate and you can diversify in a way as only huge your. portfolio would be diversified great so that's i think a big one right. on prison in off assets rates. and transforming of the whole asset classes i like this one very much if you looked around your point queen of switzerland i go into the future what do you see as the long term digital currency that will be out there will be bitcoin and perhaps ten years might it be another one that one of the top there in the group now that have high market caps or might it be even a digital currency doesn't even exist today. well you know since i'm.
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also very interested in it been very successful cryptocurrency. i would wish you know that everything continuous before know or so my fear is that you know what we see in. the recent let's say six nine months you know is this speculation and it's greed for all and you know everybody is like oh you can make so much so much money you invest in bitcoin that had a consequence you know even retail investors turn into people is that actually i cannot afford to lose that money rate and cryptocurrency is a variable that you know it can can go seventy percent down just like. for us you know people that invested in bitcoin like five years ago and for used to it's ok right but for detailed investors you know people who drive taxi and all of
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a sudden you know two thirds of the value is away take on a panic and they're going to sell and then you know we're going to have like such a bias to you know and it's going to be very dramatic and and this is not good you know it's not good a bit coin because they've gotten is actually not for that purpose not for speculation rate. and i believe you know if this past happens and if that will turn into a more prolonged sht. you know downtrend pries developments and what can happen in the meantime is that as a currency said being developed and somebody will say look you know why i still look at bitcoins there are better currencies. and so so probably people will start to speech into ours a crypto currency is great. but the good news. the same is going to happen with it's going to be a roll in process rate it's difficult to see yet. if somebody starts to invest
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today in cryptocurrency i wouldn't recommend to have hundred percent exposure to i would recommend to split at least the top ten capped currencies and would you have a higher amount in bitcoin for no years short term so if i mean investor and i have fifty thousand u.s. dollars and i want to put it in the digital currencies where would you say i should put it how do you break that down fifty thousand fifty fifty thousand u.s. dollars i'm an investor in digital currencies kryptos how do i split it up just to fall over to invest much more. but. i would still put significant amount into big corps and maybe. turned to twenty percent into bitcoin rate because you see again this is so no surprise correction rate it's down to ten so it wasn't so obviously i think bitcoin has
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a potential to go two hundred thousand was in one or two years it can go back again two to five thousand trade but the potential is there right and as interest in applications. like cripple you know for payment political for payment right. syria may still believes they have a very good opportunity to scale and to develop new applications on say their network but there are also like more technical protocols like iota rate. very exciting that that will enable machine to machine payment for example rate so i would say you know put a little bit like maybe once or to in very technical protocols like you want or puts you know once into all those different cryptocurrency. like when there are and so on rate and put about one or one quarter into beat call
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and all the felde meyer c.e.o. of smart bauer and the digital queen of switzerland thank you thank you very much bart was a great time thank you. great right that's it for now thanks for watching be sure to catch boom bought on you tube youtube dot com slash r.t. see you next time. twenty four you know bloody revolution. demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful protests to be recently bought a. revolution is always spontaneous. you know we're here i mean your list book video through me in the new bill is out of the new school in the middle of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who
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took coach invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. if north korea really believes we're about to conduct a preemptive strike on this could be a significant and a serious preemptive strike that may. they may be motivated to make it to try to be this for the bike to have the first one. in america a college degree requires a great deal. paying a decades long debt. studying so hard it requires strong. going through humiliation to enter an elite society. and paci dead sometimes quite literally. want other true colors of universities in the
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us. that. certainly want to do things that show everybody is doing really be very clear let's go away go to. management. and they don't they they when they have them they have. given. yeah you feel the. sun yeah what do you how much. do you. mean that we could measure the cost more next.
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week. on a visit to ankara america's top diplomats attempt to improve worsening relations with . turkey that's as tensions grow in syria over washington support for kurdish groups that turkey considers to be terrorists. the olympic spirit is being embraced by competitors from around the world at the winter games in south korea with rivals helping each other out with. specific russian athlete he offered me help technical help the fact that he was willing to reach out and help me and such like a desperate time shows that sport can bridge you know cultures it can bridge politics
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. and a new report into alleged russian interference in the twenty sixteen u.s. presidential election claims that popular u.s. media outlets were directly involved in meddling with themselves. you could even see my names the. international. the u.s. secretary of state is in turkey in an effort to mend ties with ankara rex tillerson has met with president one as well as the country's foreign minister the nato allies have been it all over washington support for kurdish militias in syria and chris angry that the u.s. backs groups that he calls terrorists and try to ease tensions by claiming that that support is limited but this does not seem to be enough for ankara. always very
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clear with turkey that the weapons provided to the syrian forces would be limited. to provide it all in. to achieve the goal of curious gestures although we demand that this relationship and by that i mean we want them to and all the support given to the syrian arm of the p.k. k. the y.p. g. ok now let's take a closer look at the two groups just referred to by the defense minister the p.k. k. is the kurdistan workers party it's a group fighting to shore thought is for more than thirty years both anger marching to consider them to be a terrorist organization on the other hand american to have different opinions on the syria based kurdish militia called the people's protection units or the wind and crew regards it as a branch of the p.k. k. and therefore terrorists but the us led coalition says the y.p. g.
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as allies in the fight against islamic state in syria in january the pentagon announced that it was creating a kurdish led security force right on turkey's doorstep in northern syria in response anchor it launched a military campaign against kurdish militias they're threatening a direct clash with u.s. forces on the scale of morgan has been following the meeting between the u.s. and turkey and whether it's likely to produce any significant results. there seems to be an agreement that the countries will normalize their relations with each other but on the principle issue of disagreement which is u.s. support for kurdish forces in syria neither side seems willing to budge this point turkey says that any support for these kurdish forces is unacceptable he calls these forces terrorists however the united states says that it offers only limited support to the kurds in syria and that this should not be a threat to turkey now this is a principal point of disagreement and neither side really wants to budge at this
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point there's talk of a working working groups being formed in an attempt to possibly resolve this however there's also another issue of disagreement that has actually come up during the meetings at this point the fact that turkey persia purchased an s four hundred missile defense system from russia is now being raised under legislation that's been drawn up by washington this missile system the fact they purchased it from russia could cause turkey to be subject to u.s. sanctions now washington says the target of the sanctions is not its allies who may have purchased russian military hardware but russia but regardless i could be subject to sanctions for having purchased this missile system did indicate that turkey should reconsider purchasing military hardware from russia due to the legislation was not you. but it is directed at russia for its. actions so we've been advising around the world just what the impact of their relationship and purchases that there might be consider with russia maybe
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reconsider those in it have decided to not proceed with now at this point of the tone of the speakers has been quite respectable there hasn't been any anger or aggression between the two countries they seem to be speaking quite respectfully to each other however when tillerson arrived in the turkish capital there were a large number of protests against his arrival and on that. he issue of u.s. support for kurdish forces in syria neither side seems willing to budge other countries just don't seem to see eye to eye on that issue so at this point people are watching and car watching the meetings continue and wondering what will come next as to a long time allies are seem to be at odds over a very vital issue. it's a speak now to author and journalist karen too is a specialist in middle east coverage karen good evening to you what do you think of this meeting will it bring any significant easing of tensions between the two
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states. well that's think officially maybe there will be less tension between them i think we have to look at munich security conference which is taking place tomorrow and today it starts but i think the americans made a very big mistake and they are under mystere and estimated. deeply the rejection of the turkish policy towards kurdish political presence actually in their own country as well as at their borders and they consider what is happening in the north of syria as a threat to the national security i think the united states made a big mistake they underestimated this. threat which the turkish government things the kurds pose to them one particular point of contention
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between turkey and the u.s. the purchase of russia's s four hundred missile defense system by anger we heard rex tillerson speaking about a few moments ago he said this wasn't against individual countries it was against russia do you think that the u.s. will push turkey on this issue not to be purchasing from russia. yes definitely and i mean stern turkey is part as a member state of nato and a very important member state actually at the southeast. nato. area and you know all nato is trying to push forward towards the east so i think they need to recognize that turkey seems to be slipping away from their influence and they will put a lot of pressure on one side on the other side they were probably give them some incentives you know some things turkey might want to have to get them back into the air into the sphere of the nato influence but i think turkey has
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a very strong political will as a regional powerhouse in the area and i'm not sure if nato will be able to you know to bring turkey really hundred percent back into nato let's talk journalism now because the u.s. has been very critical of turkey locking up journalists on the very day of rex tillerson visit we see a turkish court sentencing six journalists to life imprisonment they're accused of taking part in the two thousand and six thing failed coup that coincidence happening on the same day. well from the point of view of germany it happens on the same day when they released a german journalist who has been president for one year which are the media focus on this and knocked on the. the. you know under trial against the six other journalists of the hundreds of other journalists who are still in prison yes i
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think he is a very you know they like symbolic policy and i'm sure they did this on the very same day when tillerson was there on monday and when they released this german journalist denis trip on the other side current greg speak to appreciate your time and your views my guest or for journalist karan like a felt thank you. moving on to the news it's now week since the winter olympics in south korea officially got underway and while there have been some touching stories of mutual help and support sporting controversy and n.b.a. have also been making headlines with more details is artie's. unfortunately with these winter olympics the story has been that every other day yung chang treats the media with some sort of scandal so far perhaps one of the most disgusting ones for
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me was when a canadian short track speed skater was receiving death threats from the locals after she finished fourth first but then a south korean athlete was disqualified and then her position was upgraded to third place and that's when the ugly things started happening but you shouldn't get the impression that the olympic games are doomed because in many sports there is such a family spirit it's the kind of family spirit that goes first after nationality rivalry politics etc there was one good example when during a cross-country skiing competition a russian skier lost a part of his equipment and then an american coach rushed to help him out if the russian sphere had to do this u. turn you don't come back to pick it up that would have been a disaster for him in the race but thanks to the american coach it didn't happen and we talked to the man in the cross country ski family is.


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