tv News RT February 18, 2018 12:00am-12:31am EST
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just laws conversely one has a moral responsibility to distil bay unjust laws i get out there comes the pipeline to repeal the orthodox highlights of pico de gallo run free. well john i actually can now let's take the news from behind this week israel majorly escalated their involvement in the war on syria and now i get a bit crowded but as you know before israel it was just a nice little romp between syria the u. s.
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. other various rebel factions are wrong on saudi arabia russia and turkey but now too many chefs in the kitchen ok. you'll recall that one of the reasons we have to we must bomb the stuffing out of syria is because the syrian government has used sarin gas on their own people chemical weapons well two weeks ago general mattis sheepishly admitted there is no evidence of use of sarin gas and to the washington post credit as you see they they got that headline right for once but here's what c.n.n. here's what c.n.n. ran with mattis war in syria against using chemical weapons. i guess at one way of saying they haven't used chemical weapons. from time god comes the trumpet ministration just war theory or not you have got to go out. you keep
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saying chemical weapons i do not think it means what you think it means. point is our media and our ruling elite will manufacture war for ever unless we get some antiwar voices in power we. have to do that. luckily there are actually some bold progressive is trying to unseat corporate democrats across the country nationwide there is one problem though the d.h. yes well there's probably ninety nine problems but the h.s. is one. the department of homeland security basically took over our voting system when they declared this critical infrastructure at the end of obama's term this gives the federal government oversight over storage facilities polling places and centralized vote tabulation locations as well as information and communications technology like voter registration database is voting machines and other systems
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used to manage the election process and report results. forgive me but that sounds like all of the things. because. because you know when you're taking a voting system that's ranked worst in the western world and perform gone completely unaccountable machines that no one is allowed to see the code for and you want to find someone really trustworthy to take control of that that of course means the department of homeland security does which is we're just headed by here's to nielsen who used to be principal deputy chief of staff under donald trump. they were donald trump he was like our worst president you remember that guy. he was he was awful and she was special assistant to the president under george w. bush. when your resume says donald trump and george w. bush on it for your next job you'd be better off submitting
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a bloody rotting raccoon ahead is your resume. that's your resume you're better off. more likely to get a job so we've taken our horrible voting system which i covered extensively on this show in two thousand and sixteen we took that system and handed it over to a partisan hack at a ridiculous federal agency how horrible is the department of homeland security well on this alert short right here you can see. justice currently at orange high level of. but they've got their eye on severe level of. but some areas of this country are trying to get away from this cat crap traffic voting system pennsylvania wants to move to pay for exact machines but they can't afford them yet well they were told by the governor that they can't afford them which. we can afford anything we really want if you're on fire certainly you can afford water
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no matter how much it costs we should declare an emergency of democracy and a lot. all of the money in the world to switch to paper ballots until block chain system is worked out right thanks for with. us money is not the only problem there thrown in there past the directive issue by gov tom wolfe was only for the for the state to buy paperback machines if and when they replace their current stock now folks we will have an accountable election system but you know let's not rush to wait ok let's let's keep using these fraudulent fax machines duct taped to a rotary phone welded to all vibrating butt plugs. programmed by the corporations in line with our corporate politicians let's keep using go for. these until we have to be purchased new machines and that will keep this whole the
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real democracy thing a look see this go to a quick break but since facebook google and youtube are suppressing our content you can also follow me dot com slash atlee camp or you can text the word redacted to four four four nine nine nine it's free and quick we're back in ninety seconds. looking at value surveys russians aren't so different from the european neighbors when it comes to individual rights and freedoms however they do have a very low tolerance for uncertainty in politics that translates into a strong electoral advantage for the incumbent making power transition threat and precarious what would it take for russians to stop playing it safe but it's a clue. i've
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played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside out it's. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch pull the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each kill the narrowness and spending two hundred twenty million on one player. so it's an experience like nothing else on to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game played great so one more chimes for. the base this minute. you for most lucian amused by smelling. this news the first thing in the book this
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back welcome back as more cities and states pass paid sick leave laws there are still people who believe it's a death knell for small businesses yet they are totally fine with their employees looking like death or spreading it around some people just want their listeria infection the same way they want their you know crap to be or local. problem or on this we go to our senior sic expert now him again oh no thank. you i can't think of a single good reason to oppose pain. i can think of two really yeah this one for small business owners to pay scale back on other benefits and be lay off staff. and you know the american economic engine does not slow down first not. just with an impending nuclear holocaust we could all stand to be exposed to a few germs the build a tolerance. my local subway doesn't even use the gloves anymore. and once i
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fill out this punch card i'll have the immunity of a retired kindergarten teacher. because it's a good plan as you know my sandwich place they fire the news good a bit more firing for small business especially in maryland where lawmakers just approved paid sick leave for seven hundred thousand workers even though a lobbyist at the national federation of independent business say it's another harmful policy that has more red tape more record keeping and devastating stations for small businesses providing paid sick leave make sense u.s. employers lose hundreds of billions of dollars in productivity when workers are sick and then they just spread it around the office these laws don't restrict their freedom so i will if they didn't why does the federation fighting these laws get millions in funding from a group called freedom partners freedom partners is one of the scrooge mcduck money pit backed by the koch brothers all the family dies is pollute the earth by all of
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our politicians and undermine free speech there's no reason the national federation of independent business is any less evil than they are did you not realize the koch funded now because i've been busy trying to get to ten punches on this goddamn thing. right now only i'm interested in is the fizzy kind coughed on by a seasonal subway employee who skipped a few vaccinations. plus what an evil group cosigned a labor department proposal for a restaurant owners to pull server steps together and allow employers to redistribute that money to tip the workers such as cooks and dishwashers their experiment of socialism. just like young adults experiment in college today it's socialism tomorrow it's babying math from a big pen with your organic chemistry professor. or joining an improv troupe called americans for some parody. so they're open the saying yes and to really any
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idea as long as it isn't from someone poor brown or female because then the scene kind of dies after that yeah i mean why would you why would you listen to them now when the key word though is allowed you think employers are actually going to redistribute the money the right thing to do is just paying all these people more but corporations are clearly going to pocket this and and we know this because the labor department scrubbed analysis the proposal would rob billions from the actual workers don't you see that story in doing your research my research. over until now i thought freedom partners but the political action committee run by people in open relationships. but either way those are two groups of people who want to have their cake and eat it too now let me get. through they were doing this because it's multitasking we can take away paid sick leave and
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meddle in iran's affairs at the same time multitasking redacted correspondent on the caravan he brings us an update on this raging controversy. i'm here at the iranian and see. where i heard these themes best party is there. anyone who's anyone is here. to do it is this the closer for years what this is always going to mean lies and now we get from a little late. we're usually all right i got it there's no more stars studded. sorry seeing as the notorious embassy closed down and seventy nine when in retaliation for decades of us meddling in their affairs islamic revolutionaries with the us embassy in tehran. and we have not gotten over it now us
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military bases in circle around and also in america us citizens with a persian background find themselves tangled up in this endless international flight into iranian american turn down the f.b.i.'s request to spy for them and wound up with a prison sentence well that's one way to not take no for an answer. f.b.i. rejection is a part of life it's not him it's you except in a mine didn't want to spy on his employers at the united nations iranian mission where he worked as a political consultant you wouldn't want to find now twelve years later on when you thought you knew had a goal to help the iranians and the americans to live in peace the f.b.i. proposed this by to this iranian american academic and yoga enthusiastic by detaining him at a hotel for questioning the agent revealed that shakes out it was the subject of
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a sealed indictment in the eastern district of new york when he refused to spy he was charged with falsifying is tax returns flown by other more serious accusations including money laundering and conspiracy to violate u.s. sanctions against iran and that was the second dirtiest thing that ever happened at the jersey city hyatt the first was one could davers were dissected in the hotel ballroom i'm just wondering if i could get the vegetarian option at this kind of event you know i mean an entire vegetarian. after nine eleven the government gave a blank check to the intelligence community the f.b.i. also mind the u.n. consultants. going calls and emails to find evidence of the doctors aiding to ron's nuclear enrichment program which even the judge found insane so the prosecutors stress disorder verity of the tax violations and asked is it him passing nuclear
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secrets and then he answered his own question by saying no it's not. what a performance i mean the f.b.i. and the prosecutors aren't even convinced of their own lives i know toddlers with more conviction when they do nine fingerpainting because this wasn't a monster first f.b.i. rodeo he knew what they were up to in court he said that over the years he had had many opportunities to work in the intelligence community but if you refused to see police by these because his honor meant more to him than greta a modern receive three months in federal prison for choosing not to spy on his own people it's either you're with us or you're in jail with all your honor this case might seem strange in the wake of the iran nuclear deal however the us still in the hague says the iran is the number one enemy of the state if we want better
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relations we're going to have to practice diplomacy instead of being disappointed when everything is not on our terms i mean when it comes to iran the u.s. is like that as disappointed with the food at an amazing embassy party. waiter this is not what i ordered this is the peace and goodwill towards all men i clearly ordered the regime change. reporting from the iranian embassy this is now we care a body redacted tonight. that's our show but i have live comedy shows coming up in austin houston rochester new york pittsburgh washington d.c. and other cities. go to redacted tor dot com for details or to vote for your city to be added until next time goodnight.
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and twenty four you know bloody revolution to the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know who i mean you are liz put me in the new bill is that i'm new school and new to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty four. those who took part in this to do over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. the other make they're talking back on a banker and fiduciary to fiduciary in other words are saying that bitcoin as even our lunch the returns on bitcoin of made everything we do is a bank look stupid a mature and a low performance even warren buffett has not kept up with bitcoin nobody's kept up with that point so they're saying that oh it's
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a non correlating asset ok what does that mean that means stocks bonds and currencies are all in bear markets now and i'm going to continue to be and bam markets and they're probably going to wipe out a whole generation or two currencies are the only thing is going to save these people and us from being fired so we're going to middle of the group the currency market because even if we get a little bit of those gains about a last ten years i've been calling it'll save us from our going to report big red negative year on year returns on every single piece of money management business we touch. in america a college degree requires a great deal. decades. studying so hard rick. why is. going through humiliation to enter an elite society. parcheesi dance sometimes quite literally. want other true colors of universities in the u.s.
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. u.s. indicts thirteen russian nationals during the investigation into alleged election meddling but say any such actions didn't affect the result. there is no allegation in the indictment that the charge conduct alter the outcome of the twenty sixth. only indictments come as the f.b.i. faces heavy criticism and calls for the director to resign after the bureau says it failed to react to tip offs ahead of wednesday's deadly school shooting in florida . and the palestinian school teacher is left badly scarred after being mauled by an army dog his israeli soldiers mistake the man for a murder suspect. this
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is out international coming to you live from moscow i'm kate partridge thank you for joining us. thirteen russian nationals and three companies have been indicted by the u.s. over alleged meddling in the twenty sixteen presidential election the defendants are accused of waging information warfare jaclyn to go reports. the indictment charges thirteen russian nationals and three russian companies for committing federal crimes while seeking to interfere in the united states political system including the twenty sixteen presidential election the financial legibly conducted what they called information warfare against the united states with the stated goal of spreading distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general
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because meddling is not chargeable offense though i bet good money it soon will be the thirteen nationals and three entities have been indicted for first and foremost conspiracy to defraud the united states one of the main defendants is the st petersburg based internet research agency and their alleged goal was to sow discord in the u.s. political system namely the two thousand and sixteen presidential election funnily enough i catering company can also be found on the list of the accused apparently they were used at least partially to fund the whole scheme meanwhile the allegations have not been left on the answered with the russian foreign ministry spokesperson calling them absurd tens out there with thirteen of them according to the u.s. justice department fifteen people were meddling in the u.s. election against the billion dollar budgets of the intelligence agencies against the intelligence counted teligent against the state of the art technologies upset yes but this is america's modern political reality by the way why thirty apparently that's the only number with bad associations announce that only hope the parties in
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question are said to formulate the plans to bolster donald trump and disparage hillary clinton using methods ranging from organizing political rallies to posing as grassroots groups but some of the tactics listed are questionable and. one instance russians are said to have fun of the construction of a cage aboard a flatbed truck and then to have paid someone to wear a costume portraying clinton in a prison uniform to sit in it defense also allegedly purchased advertisements on facebook to promote a rally titled support hillary save american muslims not sure how that fits in with the pro trump anti hillary agenda and let's not forget efforts claim to have been made on social media where the russians are meant to have use fake identities to push divisive hashtags and topics according to the document the fake accounts became the means to reach quote significant numbers of americans however when platforms like facebook and twitter were grilled about what part their companies may have played in the alleged meddling they testified that the influence was minimal. we determined that the number of accounts we could link to
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russia and that we're tweeting election related content was comparatively small. aggregate these ads and posts were a very small fraction of the overall content on facebook but any amount is too much . these videos mostly had low view counts. and it looks like at the end of the day all of those efforts were in vain at least according to the us deputy attorney general there is no allegation in the
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indictment that the charge conduct alter the outcome of the twenty sixteen election now this development came out of nowhere and something worth noting is that all the accused are private individuals and companies the indictment is silent when it comes to trump kremlin collusion the goal of the whole investigation president trump reacted on twitter saying his campaign did nothing wrong he also reiterated accusations that russia began its alleged anti us campaign in twenty fourteen he announced his presidential bid in a separate statement he called for bipartisan unity claiming discord serves the goals of so-called bad actors like russia russia and private investor charles hotel believes the indictment serves to cover up all the failures i think f.b.i. after so many bonds of work going to so many millions of dollars spent by the moeller team this is not seem to me to be much of a harvest. and you know i think it needs to be seen in context our f.b.i.
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as we saw sadly in florida is tasked with many pressing issues they seem to have slipped up in florida they slipped up on the brothers they slipped up on many other things and you know why are so much resource so many resources being spent to get such a low yield here especially considering that mohler was head of the f.b.i. from september third fourth two thousand and one until september fourth two thousand and thirteen so it can he pursue any of these. inquiries free of conflicts of interest you know what what would he have been doing back in two thousand and eight nine ten in connection with other russia related ingres that he may or may not want to see come to light so i think you know this is a very disappointing harvest. as you heard the indictments come as the f.b.i. faces heavy criticism over wednesday's deadly school shooting in florida the bureau admitted it failed to react to tip offs about the danger posed by the suspect
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nicholas cruz who's accused of killing seventeen people florida's governor rick scott has called for the f.b.i. director to resign the f.b.i. says failure to take action against this killer is unacceptable seventeen innocent people are dead and acknowledging a mistake isn't going to cause it and apology will never bring the seventeen floridians back to life or comfort the families who are in pain the families will spend a lifetime wondering how this could happen and apology will never give them the ohmss they desperately need the f.b.i. director nice to resign well earlier lauren forced him to authorities admitted they've had over a dozen calls regarding the suspect over several years. we have uncovered at the broward sheriff's office that we've had approximately twenty calls for service over the last two years regarding the killer the f.b.i. has a term and the protocol was not followed. the information was not provided to the
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bombing field office. and no further investigation was conducted at that time. when in particular the f.b.i. had been given information about the suspects gun ownership and his social media posts also flagged up where his alleged desire to kill people erratic behavior and potential to conduct a school shooting a man who was in the security service about the suspect has spoken about what led him to raise the alarm. september twenty fourth two thousand and seventeen i sent a screenshot of a comment on one of my videos you know this comment i'm going to be a professional school shooter. and i knew that i could just ignore that i hit the report but report it to you. of course they remove the comment and then i try to email it so that we are. a wednesday shooting in the florida city of
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parkland was allegedly conducted by a former student it left as are said seventeen people dead and around a dozen injured the nineteen year old suspect was detained by police on the day of the massacre his case and how the f.b.i. failed to recognize early warning signs is now being investigated as on saturday hundreds of people including survivors gathered in the nearby city of fort lauderdale they condemned florida's existing gun laws and rallied against the national rifle association. well meanwhile u.s. attorney general jeff sessions is calling for an immediate review of the f.b.i. and the department of justice florida isn't the first deadly attack that arguably could have been avoided had more attention being paid as artie's kellett morgan explains. nicholas cruz isn't the only mass killer to be on the radar screen of the f.b.i. before conducting their crime all marma teen who shot up the post nightclub killing forty nine people in orlando florida was investigated by the f.b.i.
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twice before he committed his mass murder. turns out they deemed him not to be dangerous that all forget about dylan rufe the self-proclaimed white supremacist who killed nine churchgoers in south carolina. well it turns out he was able to purchase his weapons because of errors in the f.b.i.'s background check process and then there is no adel hassan he shot up a u.s. military post in texas back in two thousand and nine and. turns out the f.b.i. was fully aware that he was online in communication with top al qaeda leaders they still didn't bother to investigate i think we've seen time and time again over the last he is our intelligence agencies across the west.
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