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tv   Cross Talk  RT  February 20, 2018 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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syrian pro-government forces entered the kurdish held region of africa and come under shell fire from the turkish are. both samples of a russian olympic medalist in south korea have tested positive for a banned substance and this is now confirmed by russian sports officials. people in japan break their silence on massive forced sterilization program which went on for decades. for the latest on the story is going to stay with us now for.
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oh and welcome to cross talk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle is the day of reckoning coming will the liberal corporate media ever own up to their dismal and even dishonest coverage of what is called russia gate there is growing evidence the media are at the very center of this fake scandal. the fake news media i'm joined by my guest charles or tell in new york he is a private investor and writer as well as the host of the podcast show sunday with charles also in new york we have don de bar he's an anti-war activist and host of a daily radio program and in london we have garri he is the director of eurasia future all right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want to go to adam first thing in london adam if i didn't know better watching the cable network. i would have thought that it is a next series
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a very bad series that should have been cancelled probably after its pilot but no it's goes on in on and on and has no reflection to reality let's take for example the indictment of thirteen russians i looked at the c.n.n. and embassy in d.c. i didn't have any indication whatsoever they actually read the indictment and all they do is go on and on and on and we have matthew chance from c.n.n. in same st petersburg russia going through the trash the garbage of that troll farm that's well i guess trash meets trash go ahead adam well that really is truly a marriage made in heaven and it's symptomatic of the image of a kind of stereotypical image of what the mainstream media is doing the very sad part and there is a tragedy buried within the lies which themselves are wrapped up in a force and that is that these people who are peddling the russia gate myth have
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failed to even acknowledge that the united states is no longer a democracy and i sub about that i take no joy in saying it instead it's a talk receipt which instead is super which itself is supervised by an all of this is made up of the military industrial complex foreign intelligence agencies the corporatocracy and this collective thing that we all know were not so much love as the deep state if they were truly concerned about democracy and the united states they talk about how to reform it to even get it back to a level where it is actually something that resembles rule of the people where the people listen to the people of being totally ignored and the only thing they talk about is russia russia didn't riggers a system that itself is rigged in an manner ok charles let me go to you because if you take your time and you look at it logically without bias and you know we could just take one major piece. this fake story that fake dossier by christopher steele
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but if you look at the timelines of all of the quote unquote leaks because they're intentional is that you have all these mainstream outlets having knowledge or some knowledge of the dossier and they draw they dribble it out because they all thought because they were all liberal outlets that hillary was going to win anyway so nobody was going to be held accountable for it i could go through the the the outlets here the new york times the washington post yahoo news the new yorker c.n.n. mother jones reuters b.b.c. i can go on and on and you know this was an open secret if this is a scandal created by the media and then it just bounce bounce around their own echo chamber go ahead charles. i totally agree i mean we could go back before the obama years but let's start with the obama years and understand this scandal in context we have to ask the question who authorized hillary clinton to monetise the state department through her foundation using private servers or unsecure devices
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starting january twenty first two thousand and nine i mean and how come the media didn't look into any of that i think the answer is the media was captured certainly under the obama years by people who wanted to stay on the right side of the obama team wanted obama to be reelected so other virtues and hillary ultimately becoming president so they could carry on the same game this scandal is a classic example of gaslighting with the clinton team and the obama team in support of the media and support accusing the right wing of the trumpet ministration of the very things they were doing in spades which is from july tenth two thousand and fifteen it is in the public record the f.b.i. had open an investigation into hillary clinton's misuse of classified information we won't yet see a we ought public hasn't yet seen the inspector general report when that report comes out i expect it will be explosive it could be a lot bigger than you know five hundred dollars worth of facebook ads and some midwestern state and this is this is all about miss mishandling of classified
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information potentially for the economic benefit of supporters of the democratic party in the deep state and possibly even into the zone of treason that's a real scandal and the mainstream media has dick discredited self in this country and around the world in my view you know don you know the interesting thing for me is that when. rosenstein of all people to be on is that he was reading out that indictment i mean i think he needs he needs to get in front of a grand jury i mean seriously and he's reading it out i mean i didn't say classic example of taking out the garbage on friday that changed the topic here because by the way i think most in his team they're all paid by the hour how many more hours they will get they going to be paid i mean are they going to be able to retire on this and support that or do. children on this ok but don you know let's go back to the thirteen an indictment i mean when i saw it. i saw it on you tube i read the indictment and the first question that came to my mind well where
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is christopher steele's name what he did he wasn't registered as a foreign agent he didn't register with the federal elections commission i mean everything they accuse these young kids they were basically interns at this troll farm. applies to christopher steele but. in the mainstream media that cable crazy people didn't even one of them there are legal experts didn't even draw that conclusion that was the first conclusion i came to go ahead. well first of all you have to look at what exactly this indictment is coming from a grand jury and what the grand jury process is you know famously this been described as a process where a prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich this was term that was coined by the former head of the state court system here in new york who himself and set up getting indicted on his way out of his career and this is a process that took place
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a grand jury came out of the grand jury pool it's it was in washington d.c. district court district of columbia district court the most heavily democratic yeah election district or court district in the united states and so if you look at polling data on what people believe about was quote unquote rushing gate democrats in a vast majority buy into this whole narrative and so the jury pool you have a group of people who are in a process that can will follow basically wherever the prosecutor leads them who are already inclined to buy into this thing and so they didn't require any evidence and actually none was presented in the indictment to the public we don't know what was shown to the grand jury but what they would cite as showing to the grand jury doesn't make a case of the thing itself no but john is also on top on top of this don also is that those russian nationals will never face trial they know that there isn't there is no extradition treaty between the two kind of i mean point was just that was
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yeah that's it i mean it was just for display here adam let me go to you because it was interesting for me in looking at a time like that because i wanted to say something to that ok let me go to adam we'll pick it up later and i just wanted to say something that point the point essentially is this if if i were running the group in st petersburg if i were represented or own one of those corporate entities i would have it appear in a process and do discovery demand and you know send a corporation can appear by counsel not the press. well they don't have to come and have them come and defend it and make them disclose the case because the reason that they brought it in the first place is exactly what you said these are people that will never end up in court they're not planning to i would go in with a corporation and appear in court and do what discovery demand show us your case and really should to the public they don't want a case they just wanted a propaganda to score propaganda point here adam that the interesting thing about the timing of the indictments being announced is that it tries to try to hide the
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developing scandal real scandal that is developing at the d.o.j. in the f.b.i. this is another thing they do not want to talk about there are real facts there are real documents we have we have exchanges between people we know who they are we know what they're talking about that is real everything else i mean the seventeen trolls i mean it wasn't even political you guys they were just trying to make money shake some money out of gullible american americans on facebook and twitter i mean it was a business probably wasn't politics go ahead adam first of all in terms of the f.b.i. and the d.o.j. what we're seeing now is a bigger scandal than the overtly political impeachment of andrew johnson in the eight hundred sixty s. because at least it was politicians who were being political albeit bending some of the rules which they themselves were supposed to abide by now we see agencies that
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are supposed to be apolitical they're supposed to police things from becoming too political and too biased and they are acting on behalf of a political party and it's party the leadership we have in the triangle of bermuda triangle if you will but between the f.b.i. the d.o.j. the democratic party and it's just become a square because we can add the u.k. intelligence in terms of this christopher steele a failed a failed u.k. vote. the cia man let's put it that way who then went into writing bogus intelligence which was really just paid for fiction by the hillary clinton campaign and the democratic party and instead of talking about this which just shows what an the united states is tragically become they're talking about something in russia which also happens in india in pakistan throughout east asia you can buy where people on twitter or facebook comment on your posts like your posts interact
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probably the things you're talking about and it's all perfectly legal it's so perfectly legal to use a pseudonym online. and adams it adam before we go to the break our viewers have to take this on board how many other countries around the world in organisations that exactly what that troll farm did ok how many i bet you we could stay here for hours and name people that bought but that's never mentioned what about saudi arabia what about qatar what about turkey what about israel there it's not mentioned no they weren't meddling they meddle in our elections all the time gentlemen i'm going to jump in here we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on fake news media.
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that's true we all were americans were smooth enough but what that's not us americans are crude ruthless huckster golf playing sharks that's who we are and that's who john travolta is that's why i don't like to go barack obama that's why they love trouble. and that's just. the girl i want to do things or show everybody is doing a review very career like go away go to. management. and they don't they they when they have them they have.
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skimmed you need to feel that you need. some yeah i'm them what do you how they become us awfully good what do you love do you. do about the money if this. all mean that we could measure up let's talk more negative. with no make goods manufactured and sentenced to public wealth. when the roman closest to protect themselves. with the famous larry go around the sun with the one percent so. we can all middle of the room sick. room i mean real news.
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welcome to cross like where all things are considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing fake news media. let me go back to charles in new york not that i feel sorry for him but you know what's the situation and i'm talking about the mainstream media the corporate mainstream media is that they're so invested in this story that they can actually turn back i mean this is the problem they've built up this imaginary world where they're hiding under their beds at night with the light on it they actually i believe that they do believe it's real because of their ideological blindness and hatred and they've gotten so used to it that it has to it has to somehow succeed i mean look at rachel maddow do you use ever see her going on her program and say we were wrong and we i apologize to my viewers that ain't going to happen under any
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circumstances whatsoever because it will go further and further up the chain you know luis mention is lunatic you know if the new york times or the guardian disagrees with her well then there's working for putin you don't see it gets it's gone to the point of madness go ahead charles. well actually the real irony here is there's something called her where there was something called the journalist which was a list of journalists who all were sort of coordinating message and i suspect strongly one of the reasons the mainstream is resisting this story and pushing the wrong story is there are a lot of mainstream journalists and family members who likely were paid off out of this twelve million bucks that supposedly the democrats and hillary clinton campaign pushed in and we don't yet know how much of it came before the election and how much of it came after the election that is a massive scandal you should be able to buy a journalist by a political campaign i suspect that's. believable illegal as well well let me go to
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don i don't know if it's illegal but it's certainly a moral ok and it really shows the level of professionalism that exists right now i mean this is the greatest irony because donald trump was never supposed to win in the minds of these people and that's why we see so many irregularities corruption fraud all kinds of things because they never thought they would have to own up to it i mean it was just business as usual rigged the democratic primary and then try to rig the general and then you close the circle here and that's really that's they have this cultural hatred for trump but they're actually fearing for their their lives in many respect because the level of corruption the real swamp that they were living in is being exposed slowly but surely based on facts not opinions and i think that's what we need to stress most i don't say anything i haven't been able to verify on c n n n m s n b c you know if you slip a little piece of paper in the door and write something you know they'll repeat it
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on air we already found that out go ahead. well first of all in the music industry there was a practice known as payola radio deejays would basically solicit money from the producers or the artists you know musicians hear here's a hundred bucks play my record you know three times a day or something and this became a widespread practice and then there were criminal massive criminal prosecutions throughout the industry over this and this was just over how music gets played on the air it's not something as fundamental to the operation of a society as the news and we're talking about something you know of an entirely different order when we're talking about what you know what we're talking about here what charles was referring to so you have that to consider first of all secondly today you know i've always thought on the one hand there's some room in langley or somewhere where they're cooking all this stuff up and spewing it out from someone having a big picture of the massive public relations effort that's been underway for
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a couple of years now to take trump out and to push this russian thing and yet i'm looking at the newsstand today the new york times next to the new york daily news and the new york times it says essentially russia bots jumping on the chance to divide the you know american public over the shooting in florida they said it in fewer words on the other hand right next to it there's a full page picture in the daily news of donald trump playing golf saying can i play through that says trump plays golf less than a mile from scene of shooting. in other words they're doing exactly you know full page spot what they're accusing russian box of doing which is dividing people over the issue of these kids getting murdered in florida and i'm wondering you know i see this obviously not a newsstand one newspaper next to another throughout the new york area those two papers why next to each other on a noose there but i'm wondering if whatever is there when the little segment did
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push you know this narrative if anybody there is actually seeing these things side by side because those two things are contradictory and it's very interesting adam you know in looking at the big picture like what don was just saying right there i mean we had that case a couple of months ago where you know the trump in the trump campaign knew of the leaks dump ten days before and then they got the date wrong right ok and a number of the of the outlets ran with the story almost simultaneously and i have to say and i'm going to be very careful with my words because i do believe in being responsible as a journalist here one could easily get the impression that they are singing from the same hymn sheet that they they have all this information simultaneously because if you look at the new newscasts they are remarkably similar remarkably even rhetorical of their they're very similar here i mean this is this is a concerted effort right now and then when one makes a mistake they all make
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a mistake and they all make fools of themselves they destroy their reputation and they never apologize ever to their view or go ahead adam. you're absolutely right and it's what in the fifty's was called operation mockingbird all of the mainstream media outlets were fed certain stories that went with the pro intelligence agency line some of them knew that they were doing the bidding of this all the gorki and some of them were the useful idiots who actually believed the nonsense and the lies in the midst truce that they were spewing out and this was of course at a time when the u.s. was really good at rigging and hacking elections we can talk about the illegal removal of the most a deck government in iran or the removal of the i.n.d. government ensure they in the one nine hundred seventy s. so when it comes to tampering in other people's democracies i would say that the cia coups and the occasional military invasions that the u.s. does let alone iran contra while they were allies with saddam sending money to the
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iranians is enemies and filtering the profits to the right wing in nicaragua and this country is worried about people on twitter in russia. people on twitter i think that the perspective and a necessary and their average wages are one thousand five hundred dollars a month ok and their primary business was concerned was in russia not in the united states you know adam since you mention that you know i have a suggestion maybe you can think about it we could do a marathon program of the eighty one elections around the world that the u.s. meddled in up to two thousand are you game better be a long program. and russia's got an election coming out next month so that might have just got longer well we'll see how that one goes charles you know one of the interesting things and i think everybody would at least agree on one thing is that the united states is a very divided nation right now more divided than i've ever seen in my life and it
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is it's only getting worse but the fact that they're peddling this story in the mainstream media is only making it worse because there are plenty of people like ourselves rational people. we do have political opinions but you know. what the other half of the country is so alienated by this narrative that has nothing to do with their lives what so ever it doesn't mean anything to them it does to these ideologically driven leftists marxist radicals in the media that means everything it's their identity but when it comes to the average rank and file people this story is alien to them even the c.n.n. on an off the cuff comment even it maybe that ok so if you want to talk about a divided nation who's dividing it seventeen trolls in st petersburg st petersburg russia or the media go ahead charles. i think it's very much the clinton wing
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perhaps supported by the bush never trump wing of the republican party i mean if you go into hard facts that are on the f.b.i. involved which we can assume i hope are facts by february of two thousand and sixteen february early february the f.b.i. and the state department have concluded that hillary clinton mishandled two thousand one hundred fifteen e-mails out of the thirty thousand four hundred ninety that she reluctantly turned over december fifth two thousand and fourteen i mean that is a staggering fact because why didn't bernie care about the e-mails why didn't the bernie weighing push hard they could have actually gotten bernie to the nominee and why aren't those people extrude really upset with this whole process not just the trump supporters i actually think we're very close in this country to a hopeful moment where people on the on the left the bernie supporters the people who want change a different way via trump are going to look at this mess and say you know what it's time for house cleaning out a c.n.n. and out of the new york times out of wall street journal out of all these people who are relentlessly focused on a false tale
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a damaging false tale that is hurting relations between two great powers united states and russia for too long i think this could be a pivotal moment that we're close to done to weigh in on that because i've often thought that myself here because i would have thought i would have liked to have seen trump go up against bernie sanders because i think that would have been a real national conversation instead of the corporate is determining the narrative in the message and all of that and you can take your pick i mean i think that would have been an honest choice between i mean we had two insurgents grassroots popular appealing and i think that that would have would have really given a shot in the arm of american democracy but what we have now is we're left with these people like i keep saying he trump was never supposed to be president and that's why we're seeing all of this corruption and it's coming from the left it's coming from liberals that's where the corruption is here go ahead don. yeah i would
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say liberals not the left those who are not ok i understand ok but at definitely we're liberals yeah ok so so first of all you know when you look at the phenomenon in two thousand and sixteen the sociological phenomenon we're looking at going into it first of all people in the streets black lives matter and all of that you know it's following people on the streets with occupy and the discussion of class and the ninety nine percent you know becoming front and center in this society for the first time polling data that people don't respect the institutions or look at the institutions as being capable of solving their problems anymore a lack of legitimacy that you see sanders arise in the democratic party as an insurgent as you said riding on the back of exactly that democratic party institution as the clintons all of that lacking widget a missing trump exactly the same he's an outsider instead of bush the insider and cruz and rubio all the insiders the whole lot of them were rejected by republican vote don i'm sorry maybe
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i was most i mean really sorry don i have to jump in here we have run out of time fascinating talking to all of you many thanks to my guests in new york and in london and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t. see you next time and remember crosstalk rules. what politicians to do something to. put themselves on the line they did accept the reject. so when you want to be president. some want to listen. to the right person it's like the three of the people. interested in the war.
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hey everybody i'm stephen bob taft hollywood guy the suspects everybody proud americans first of all i'm just george washington and intervened to say this is my buddy max famous financial guru and she's a little bit different i'm not a lincoln. no one knows up with all the drama happening in our country and i'm hitting the road to have some fun meet everyday americans the moment and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american pill which. suggests.
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more there and. since selling i tell you what i just. had no problem. if. there are. not numbers. of. a way to be and that's the way it wash another way of thought about it. a way it was only important. to note there and it. was here in senegal is comfortable back up to standards of beauty compete against
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each other while not true beauty is of course a general standard worldwide here bleach plays a big role in the beauty process. their own boss cooperate do you post on the farm keep everybody sort of missed me as aunt . atavistic. because. members of the first call of initial in out about my business is due to begin to shoot you see is very severe infection of the skin this one is going little bit because you have septicemia and you dip. during dhaka fashion week models spoke out against skin bleaching.


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