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tv   News  RT  February 21, 2018 8:00am-8:31am EST

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the turkish military intensifies its operation against kurdish fighters in reach pretty late. in the city this is a gratian protest breaking out in paris as president. and russian figure skaters excel at the winter olympics in south korea breaking two world records in just.
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coming out from syria two hot spots. heavy shelling from the turkish army. in the region to try to dislodge the kurdish fighters there which it sees as terrorists. all the. syrian government militia arrived to join the fight against the turkish military president. shelling forced the group of fighters to retreat ten kilometers but other reports suggest the pro syrian government forces have taken up positions in africa. i i.
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ves are pictures of their arrival for the pm here on tuesday night our senior correspondent laura ghosted takes a closer look at this volatile and complicated situation. this was a demonstration hundreds of pro assad militia fighters with tanks armor brazenly riding into africa with smiles cheers and cameras. the turks well see for yourself and korea's response was explosive loaded and delivered in artillery shells. today towards evening he was determined by the hague t.s. militia that about ten pickup trucks were coming towards afrin they were then forced to turn back following the shelling this case has been closed for now
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everyone warned that this would happen no one may help the y p g said as for the kurds themselves he's promised to put them in a choke hold in days i need to keep the preparation on the ground takes time in the coming days we were laid siege to the city of afrin here you have two major anti isis coalition partners terrorist and aggressor as they call each other turkey and the y.p. ji partner in all but name duking it out beating each other to bloody pulp one might ask where is america the head of the us led anti isis coalition in the store why are you still here why are these weapons still arriving america is in the process of creating a terrorist army on our border do not encroach on our borders do not provoke us we will run out of patience let's not for. get how it all began with this statement
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a u.s. declaration that it would build an army of kurds to patrol the turkish border that sent into a fit of rage and it was that statement that was used to justify this new war washington backtracked it's now laying low but the damage was done the coalition imploded and it's up to others to stop this. we do not believe that the us. the year you a strategy depends on creating chaos in the middle east to pursue its interests in this region it is sad washington said the fire that is now consuming its own anti isis coalition and burning africa into the ground the us role has been reduced to diligently expressing its concern worry but not regret. middle
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east analyst joshua landis concurs of the two he says the kurds have fallen victim to america's power play in that part of the world. the u.s. has been supplying a lot of weaponry to the kurds east of the euphrates when the united states first entered syria. it church in the united states came up to an agreement that everything west your priest was turkomans everything east of the euphrates the united states men beige is a sore point but that's still to be decided on but that's the way it's been in the united states that's been giving a lot of weapons to the white egypt now it's obviously telling a white chief do not attack turkey with those weapons because the moment you do that you will justify everything that aired a war that says is going to happen that you're connected with it and so the united states is sitting on the kurds it in essence is telling them why peachey you have
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to sacrifice your brothers and me to preserve us out east for its main time another flashpoint area there's been a spike in violence there in the east to go to an area close to the syrian capital damascus has provoked an outcry from the united nations the organization is calling for an end to hostilities following reports the government strikes on the rebel enclave of killed at least one hundred in recent days now used to go to one of the few remaining opposition strongholds the syrian government says it strikes on the militants there in retaliation though for shelling attacks they've killed civilians in the capital an area may recall was among the deescalation zones that were established by the warring parties last year so of course all the developments with us as we get more in from there to. texas afternoon we continue our look at recent discoveries from japan's official archives which shed light on the grim government run eugenics program which left thousands of people
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infertile over the decades when it was in force jacqueline vogue has got more. records of only a fraction of the people subjected to sterilization have been revealed but this may finally help the victims to get justice after decades of suffering and some are already taking action has a hard time going through the middle school that's when i was diagnosed with a mental disability my teacher took me for a medical check and then i was taken to hospital that's when i remember at home my parents told me that i was operated on and now i cannot have babies my father disposed to sign documents by my teacher and welfare offices there are many more victims the government should make apologies and pay compensation to them it's believe they're up to twenty five thousand victims all under the eugenics protection law in force for almost forty years as late as the mid ninety's the procedures were in order to quote preserve the purity of the japanese race people with mental disabilities or hereditary diseases were targeted but misdiagnosis of such conditions was common causing even more unnecessary suffering we managed to
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speak to the relative of one such victim when i got married my mother in law told me that my sister has been sterilized after i made an information disclosure request i found out she was only fifteen when that gratian to place genetic mental disease was the only listed reason for her sterilization however as it's not true when she was a one year old she became mentally handicapped because of the anesthesia three different doctors gave her so she didn't have a genetic condition and over sixteen thousand cases the procedure was even carried out without consent and shockingly victims were as young as nine years old a pill to admit the practice had taken place were dismissed for years with victims being told that the evidence was simply gone the only show the question is who's responsible for all of this to me is the government's fault thanks akita the program as well as the national legislature which
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a doctor the law needs to take responsibility and make apologies a soonest possible doctors will service. sponsible but in a way that we used by the government. i think that the now defunct eugenic protection law existed for the sole purpose to reject a ban of disables the time when i requested the disclosure of the documents regarding my sister surgery the files which are said to have been strictly process had been thrown away the evidence of the mutilation of my sister's body were simply trashed in the case of another victim mrs zucker the documents were thrown into the fire when i heard about it i was beside myself with their anger. hotlines have been set up to bring together victims for what's likely to be an extremely long and traumatic battle for justice but while victims one compensation they say money isn't the main reason their goal is to create awareness to ensure that horrors like this never take place again. next that you say it sing closer tell you
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about it the united nations security council to the u.s. envoy and the palestinian leader mahmoud abbas to live in a vitriolic address on tuesday aimed squarely at washington for recognizing jerusalem as the israeli capital and claiming he says america is not committed to the peace process therefore. one of. the us administration took an unlawful decision which was rejected by the international community to take the issue of jerusalem off the table and to recognize the city as israel's capital almost they're doing but we're ready to begin negotiations immediately in order to achieve peace and security for all in our region and the world. maybe to underline this point susie's said that finished his speech about us then promptly stood up walked out of the meeting not waiting for a response from the u.s. envoy the key haley. don't even know he has left the room i will dress the balance
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of the narrow marks to him. the president asked i sit here today offering the outstretched hand of the united states to the palestinian people but i will decline the advice i was recently given by your top negotiator side erekat i will not shut up nikki haley was reacting verdict comments from the palestinians chief peace negotiator he told her to be quiet and not criticize the palestinian leadership the editor of the palestine chronicle told us he thinks america is now becoming a third wheel indeed in the peace process. so u.s. has lost its why to participate in any kind of international mechanism that would attempt to bring peace and reconciliation between palestine and israel they have lost their right to do so when they decided to flee and biased
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unfair and cruel is really a position the u.s. has never been an honest broker mahmoud abbas trying to send a message to the palestinian people that after decades of pursuing this frivolous and futile peace process and nothing has been achieved as a result his message to the palestinian people that i'm still here and i'm still fighting and i'm still challenging the american diktats and american foreign policy . and check out those went from picks can tell you two world war records are broken in the space of just fifteen minutes by russian athletes at the winter olympics in south korea earlier the first was set by figure skating of guinea amid vet of the woman short program her skull was then topped by a teammate alina's a get of the details from pyongyang about that. the younger russian figure skater had been hot on the heels of her older teammate for
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a very long time and there you have it even gagnon vedova could all the enjoy her world record for a few minutes because then i mean as they did even better and scored an extra point as to what it takes to set these kind of world records both figure skaters include some of the most sophisticated elements in the sport and we see them at the end of the program all these difficult jumps when the athletes are more worn out it's a higher risk but if everything goes smoothly it automatically adds skyrocketing points i guess something precious for us journalists to take note of was the reaction of you gave following her and michael a performance she said it was not my best but it was ok and apparently that ok was enough for a world record well indeed we heard from experts in the sport that is either of us program was more difficult so i guess she definitely deserve it when it comes to
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the other competitors it seems that now they can only hope for bronze they are way too far behind so it looks like the female figure skating competition at these olympics and for young chang is turning into a head to head class between two russian teenage girls eighteen year old give getting me and fifteen year old eileen as they gave them up they got one coach they are from one country but of course they only have one gold medal to compete for at piano chang twenty thing if you're trying to the head french president mccrone was accused of but tracking on promises to help refugees we'll talk about after this quick break. shots seemed wrong. but old clothes just don't call. me cold but you
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get to stamp out these days to come out ahead and in danger because the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. i fight for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch to the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money kill the narrowness and spending to get to the twenty million and one player. it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game played great to what paul chimes with. and thinks it's going to.
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new in a promo gratian rallies been held in paris following president macross initiative to tighten laws on refugees the people there say that he's stepped back from his promise therefore to help migrants get off the streets and out of the woods this initiative is going to double the detention period for immigrants now to ninety days it will also include one year in jail for anyone who crosses the border illegally as well as leave leave less time to apply for asylum as well as is really tightening it up there we spoke to some of the people taking part in the protests.
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were. these next about a prominent bahraini human rights activist now bill he's been sentenced to five years in prison as the latest for criticizing the gulf monarchies role in the war in yemen on twitter and of course he's already serving a two year sentence for previously having spoken out against the regime he's often been on this channel as well over the years a reminder of his history rajib rose to prominence as an opposition leader during the mass pro-democracy protests back in twenty eleven he's also the president of the bahrain center for human rights which makes him a focus maybe here very much so between twenty twelve and twenty fourteen he was imprisoned for organizing unauthorized demonstrations and the two years he's currently serving were handed down for publishing and disseminating rumors and false news apparently in connection with a number of t.v. interviews he gave in twenty fifteen and sixteen now to remind you the bahraini uprising started during the arab spring a wave of protests then kicked off across the middle east and twenty eleven the
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main demands of the opposition at the time were more rights for the shia population and the education of the king of bahrain how the police responded with what's been described as a brutal crackdown a senior adviser at the bahrain center for human rights spoke to us early he told us the latest verdict against now bill raja is completely unjust. what the sun turns the clearer mark curry to just a slap to the rule of law human rights values and standards and principles. after having more than twenty court hearings authorities to resign substantial evidence to charge an a b. of a deal did was he focused on warning of the destructive result of war in yemen he called the part of the resort to dialogue to peace rather to turn to war and destruction. being charged today for express
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think it's we'll use all pooly human rights organizations to try to draw attention to this case and it's internationals been calling on the king of bahrain to free now bill and the campaign on twitter as well. the story of a boy next he's been through a lot russian boy was left stranded in iraqi territory previously held by islamic state is being brought back to russia to be reunited with his elderly relatives and a bit of safety now his parents are believed to have traveled to iraq to join the terror group back here in russia his grandparents are waiting for him but in a coach never was at the airport when he arrived a bit earlier. this is a three year old boy who is coming back home from the orphanage in baghdad is happy his finally going to see his family again here at the moscow airport the child looked tired done last he was trying to hide his face from all the cameras and
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didn't respond to any questions or when he was called by his name he doesn't know what happened to his mother nor does he remember his father is too small to understand what happened to his parents that small boys traumatized is missing one little finger on his left hand and the injury that he sustained during a shallowing attack has spent over five months in an orphanage while all his documents were prepared for him to be able to leave iraq because ada has a little brother who's only one year old but his fate is still unknown zaid has a little brother who's only one year old but his fate is still unknown moscow is not his final destination his next step is travel to the city of grozny where his grandparents are waiting for him.
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to walk. was. that this was one of their interests which would suggest. what the crew will those this mean this. group we want you through this will. news in exit america's world renowned gail university is launching a new study program aimed at deconstructing what it means to be white in modern day society the module looks at how the issue of race permeates almost every aspect of
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cultural and economic life in the states but not everyone's happy about this new course as we've been finding out. racial tensions in the u.s. go back centuries from colonize ation and genocide to slavery and racial segregation the country's troubled past continues to fuel and tag an ism between the races and people of color have a waged war on what they see as a system that favors white supremacy but what's been happening in the us seems to have turned the tables reinforcing the conversation on so-called reverse racism for example yale university has introduced a course in countering whiteness through plays poems and memoirs and to quote the program constructing whiteness counter narratives in any creative form and stop as yale many universities in the us are making quote white awareness programs available but critics are fighting back or using that white awareness programs are just as racist as black or honest ones in another extremely divisive case some women of color felt isolated and unsafe in their communities so they organized
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a healing retreat and coast rica and then banned white people from attending to white people is to let us have our space let us have our room and go hang out with other white people. you know you've done enough damage well of course screams of hypocrisy and reverse racism ensued and then there's this picture depicting black women beheading white women the artist explained it's a quote unquote sort of a play on the kill whitey thing critics are outraged alleging well you guessed it reverse racism they say imagine what would happen if a white person was shown chopping off a black woman's head however when it comes to all of these claims reverse racism may not exactly stand up to scrutiny when looking at the history of the country's racial dynamics but whether or not these cases qualify as hypocrisy or reverse racism the question remains will any of this actually qual racial tensions in the u.s. or will this only result in further polarization. so mark on our team washington
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d.c. it's a big question really complicated alice's social commentator and brian logan believes indeed there are double standards at play in u.s. society if it was a white woman holding a black woman say the painter way the painter would be caught everything he'd be caught in the or not see a basic premises because the default reaction to anybody white do most of the negates somebody black or even painting a picture is to say that white person is a racist because the default thought process is dead white people are racist anyway and there's some say that if you know why you cannot be races which is really ridiculous there's been a lot of things flow in around about white supremacy as of late there these things become normalized is seen as a rational thing to say in public so people again they get to feel guilty any want to tell everybody hey i'm not our races look at me i'm fighting the gays the way men are fighting to get by supremacies you get some white people to say to even a white and say how do you hate whites your way it doesn't make any sense was like
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do you hate your parents do you hate your grandparents is really a crazy thing. going to the next or some people on twitter in the states is saying their accounts blocked on their list of followers deleted this because twitter is allegedly saying those particular users with conservative views as bought a. house in real through their locality trying apparently thousands of accounts will receive the same locale masseur to the same owner to provide phone and then a tax of their if you question code. to it's a lock me out to not last two thousand followers simply because i'm conservative exposing liberal hypocrisy i wonder how many laws i mean far worse donald trump must deny. yeah let us know if it happened to you meantime check it out see dot com for the latest these the pictures in from syria double hotspots the lot going on you can not follow exactly what's not in there also you don't call me thomas kevin
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though in saying thanks ever so much for watching this latest live news update more from me in just but often i was timing all programs continue on. with the old make this manufactured consensus stick to the public well. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the final merry go round be the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. of the real need for. politicians to do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or
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rejected. so when you want to be president. or some want to. have to be right to be for us that's what before three of them all can't be good. i'm interested in the why. this should. or similar for the sport the least skilled yes and most of the snowboarding for them and so. beautiful yes they were going to push. him over to them close to them is my idea of the deal my mother goes with the star you know comes. so from you know will some of the youth in the middle i mean the sport of the video the dog yes it's a little. too
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cool supervillain with some openings for you at the motor show to go bulls to the police but yes the people still most of them so just to to go well what you could you what you would usually do couples when they should be see would you do you see just those close to me and some of the you know the playful to me it was a little bit so. then you don't. see the teacher what did it cost to do. what are you most through only ten space to. make. love to know kelly said. claiming to know. that to. you speak french. while it's
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a. senate bill floats new polls morning. is closing the top septics calls. this is boom bust broadcasting around the world from right here in washington d.c. i'm part of. coming out to talk with laura fix the heart coach about self driving cars and ask her how they handle the winter roads and in the wake of the here round us florida shooting ashley banks looks at gun manufacturer earnings and the toughest week reports on the iconic los angeles times and it's due on or plus we have the second part of my interview with indian minister katie ram our row and
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what he has to say about renewable energy for the future but first let's get to the headline. kentucky fried chicken has closed five hundred fifty of their nine hundred restaurants in the united kingdom due to what the company called operator issues which has to do with actually getting the chicken and other menu items to the stores b. of the delivery company d.h.l. k.f.c. inc the contract to do business with the h.l. only a week ago but the incomplete or delayed deliveries has become one of the worst logistical failures in recent memory the owner of k.f.c. yum brands can reconfigured the u.k. supply chain last november and is now using three delivery services including bid this quick service logistics and d.h.l. d.h.l. actually boasted that their engagement would quote rewrite the rule book and set a new benchmark for delivering fresh.


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