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tv   News  RT  February 23, 2018 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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twenty three hundred dollars in unpaid homeowner's association the seventy eight year old wife was thrown into a jail cell and her eighty three year old husband to he eventually had to be taken to the hospital after the stress of jail made him start vomiting blood the kicker the reason they didn't show up to court in the first place or address the debt was because the process server had given the notices to the wrong people forty four states allow arrest for unpaid loans or bills and scott glee of the northwest justice project was recently in washington state courtroom when he observed the judge signed roughly thirty arrest warrants in about ten minutes all defendants with latino last names the setting bail at the alleged amount owed can the school of law professor alan white explains in effect people are being incarcerated until they pay bail and bail is being used to pay their debts then they're being incarcerated to pay their debts and if you're wondering how the u.s. can get away with violating the united nations international covenant on civil and political rights it's because while the u.s.
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signed it congress never ratified it once again leaving americans without the personal liberty the constitution promises them who always always you see that over and over and over again i think hearing this thing over and over again where we we didn't really ratify or. that's why we can use chemical weapons we don't really use we can use you know. all sorts of figure that are banned in other countries during war but we get to use them because. that to me is the sniper and their lives is disgusting i'm sorry but but debtors prison is you know it is illegal when the comes to include. and we shouldn't be allowing this to happen people have debts to pay yes let them pay their debts but how are they going to pay back their debt if they're in jail i've never understood that logic like once you go to jail you care we're going to job you're not good now delayed right you get paid when your bottom hour making license plates if you're lucky and what about still pay off your
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student loan but no it's going to be if you're a couple of packs of roman at the commissary and maybe one phone call in what's interesting is how many people have actually been yeah it turned over if you had asked well and understand this there's about seventy years an estimated seventy seven million americans have debt that are in collection are being run by a collection agency sort of out there if you're in collection on anything bad your we all have your those and your brothers in arms are exactly so you like you said the person falls behind on their bills they go into collection the collection agency takes them to court and so what happens is most of the time they don't get the they don't get the notices or like i said they get sent to the wrong people or they're not aware that this is happening and so in the case of the all the really couple the notices that were actually given to a forty five year old man and any year old. you know i want to i want to point out very quickly jennifer turner the a.c.l.u. is principal human rights researcher and author of the report that did this and she said quote they are never criminally charged in the warmth or still civil but they
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still lose their liberty they don't have a criminal record but they suffer a lot of the same collage collateral consequences she's talking about people who go to jail for this kind of thing and this and people over two hundred three hundred dollars and all i mean are some things you go to something i mean was it the a.c.l.u. phone cases in which threatening letters were sent for debts as low as two dollars dollars are you going to send some of threatened letter for two dollars to go to jail so got you've. one in three americans has managed by a private collection agency to cry every body it's incredible i need percentage of defendants it goes against them i mean criminalizing proverb poverty is wrong it is that it is wrong it's doubly wrong and we will double or bottle that story because it's a big story all right as we go to break court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter see our poll shows that are tea dot com coming up we welcomed our colleague the founder of reaching america into the hawk's nest to discuss his organization's work in solving social divisions and promoting real opportunities states to watch looks.
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similar to the sports deal in the studio because he mostly snowboarding one of them . beautifully is good couldn't you push your push we'll see you in humid young clothes but then this material to my gym the idea of the on the fringe of the you know sometimes the. surfing demeanor i use in the even split of the video you will see is so you'll see a little. loop
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of suits and you put yellow with somebody else but you have the you showed some cool bullets to the police but yes history busting things for them so just to take a while not you to be a guy. that would usually the nation as we see would use these to see just those telling them something that you know the playful immune system will be so. the united states is going very deep mystic for us shell and the supreme a c. north from the outside noise from russia not from china the inside those sites and this is what you see now on the ground russia and cyber bullies easing over russia that. is psychological or understandable of his line sound buddies outside the united states will is responsible for that while the real problem isn't so.
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you don't. security interests that's russia's security interest ok not just decide we want a stable syria and we want a stable lebanon and you can't just send in planes every week to bomb the country and disrupt the political process in this way it's unacceptable. the united states today stands as politically and culturally divided as it ever has in our two centuries long history whether it be maga hot owners versus hillary voters or even clinton supporters and bernie bros gun owners and urban yuppies living in two entirely separate realities or the racial undertones of the war over
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police brutality and unconditional support for law enforcement the nation is truly divided and with every minute we spend watching the mainstream news media it seems like president lincoln's cautionary words of our house divided against itself may be increasingly relevant and prophetic but not everyone in the field of social activism feels that we are irreversibly headed down this bleak road and many in fact are redoubling their efforts efforts one such american as their holly. founder of reaching america and a pioneer in minority outreach to combat social divisions and inequality it's an equities and promote opportunity to discuss his work derek joins us today and knox nast welcome their absolute pleasure to the star from the from what you do you know what is reaching america what is the do exactly sure rich americans my organization are developed to address complex social issues that are impacting our communities and we're focusing all solutions not based on right or left wing views but what makes sense for more united america and thank you for this is
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a symbol i think. difficult as it is about. your organization bills itself as spoken to so focused on african-american outreach that ignores and supersede sort of the traditional left right paradigm that this idea of you're either one or the other user or against what one would think in this day and age that is a very difficult objective considering how divided our nation is and how do you manage to do this without getting caught up in that partisan. there you are yes i am trying to be i do try to make the world order of things is we're not you know we have do outreach events and i kind of thing i tend to stay away from saying the word republican ok that's sometimes can be a dangerous word depending on audience and a lot of times you know when i'm speaking to black audiences you know i don't mention the president either because he's going to get a negative response so i talk about the issues and so we start talking about energy
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and energy poverty and energy poverty exist when low income families spent i was a thirty percent of their total income on electric bills and when that happens it puts people in a very difficult situation having to make tough choices like do i eat today or do i pay the electric bill to get a prescription filled or do i pay my leisure bill and so we start talking and put it in layman's terms like that now people i will wait a minute what can i do to actually lower the cost of my energy bill and so now we start talking about the use of fossil fuels and so i'm very passionate about energy because my first graduate from college moved back home to norfolk virginia and i worked for norfolk southern railroad i was a break then ok. we are going to hook the hoses right up the brakes and everything and so our job the responsibility was to low coal ships that transport coal all around the world so i've always asked myself the question if our coal and natural resources are good enough of the countries that was not good enough for us right
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here at home and in addition to that my grandfather was a black coal mine in southwest virginia so when i start talking about for gen i mean if you fossil fuels and energy now it comes across as very genuine and i've been able to i would say humanize fossil fuels and energy but obviously fossil fuels of divisive issue because it is you know given the fact the i don't think we can change the fact that we're pushing into a new green energy world you know and that eventually fossil fuels are going to kind of go the way of the dinosaurs and came from the president did that on purpose . but you know how to how do we balance that especially when we're talking low income especially we're talking people that you know they're not going to have access to the electric car but at the same time their gas bills super expensive i said you know how do they navigate this shift in dynamic that we're in the middle of well we use right now more energy than we ever have in the history of this country and it's because of our mobile devices so good point and so when you start putting in layman's terms with it ok most of the time right now in this country we
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have an abundance of affordable and reliable energy ok that we can have if we can get access to roll back those regulations and make it happen and so and to and so when i start talking to people about going green and of course we all need to reduce our footprint i'm an agreement with that and until we can figure out what's the best way to harness all of this renewables we need to use what we have right and so i will for you know the approach in terms of what's new what's what can reduce our carbon footprint the kind of thing but until we harness the sun and to harness water then we have the use of fossil fuels the god given. right here in north america i've begun we should be they could go for the amount of fossil fuels that we have and it's going to be right here as opposed to other countries but we have a brown and black outs right now for us and for how does that connect to racial inequality because at the end of the day i start thinking when i think about how do we bring
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those costs down for low income people and anyone in any place white or black you know you're saying we how do we connect that with using what we have bringing down the cost moving into another and what how does your organization help people with a lot of knowledge it's a lot of education and awareness and so we do a lot of events where we go out and we talk about talk to people about energy and washing poured in to utilize fossil fuels and how it can improve their lives and we talk about the regulations that exist when you start looking at your energy bill so we would do it and we would have a panel discussion where we. talked about energy poverty and so people would actually bring in their electric bills of a thousand dollars and live in an apartment and so now we start talking about reducing those regulations to reduce your energy bill not make sense with people but again no one's been able to give deliver the message has been the message in the messenger which is why i think we've been embraced reaching america that's interesting the center one of the other aspects of do you guys who talk
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a lot about energy what are some of the other issues not just one of just a surprise or let's talk about though of course is a bipartisan bill right now with senator congressman mark walker from north carolina and the c.b.c. chairman cedric richmond it's always an honor so they have a bipartisan bill that's out right now and so that's something people can unify because bipartisan and so everyone in america would appreciate some type of c.j.r. criminal justice reform and so the president right now he talks about there's going to be an executive order coming down right now where there's going to help some of the returning citizens and so when we even when i debate people on my show my podcast reach america on demand you know people have to agree ok some criminal justice reform over criminalization that's going to help a lot of people we definitely need it we were far too much of an overcoming our society i think i think it's it hurts our standing when we say that we're land of the free and we have people incarcerated right now in the world because that's cost
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to everything that's in a position where we have had jobs going overseas and all this stuff on risky it all is connected and i think that's what's interesting activists often forget those connections they get so caught up in a message or keeping that hash tag going and staying on that message how can activists fine tune with their doing i mean you fine tune to come up here and say like coal is great and not have me like right. or is it good that's going to big it's like you're having a conversation what is it activists can do to fine tune their mess. in a way that we can have these feelings and make it personal it's about human it's a good thing is all i'm trying to improve people's lives even when you talk about you know education ok i'm of the believe the school choice is the way to go and when you look at some of the school systems particularly in our area and we call prince george's county they're ok they just went through this whole thing with a change of test grades and pushing kids along that this should have been promoted
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well that's that's an example what's going on a lot of public school systems across this country and so even in prince george's county you have a lot of parents who send their kids already to private schools for high school because the high schools are just they're not up to par so any time you send your child to a school outside of your district you're for school choice and so a lot of people offer school choice and support but don't really know that amherst and i think you think maybe my father worked for a public school and he sent me to a private hell i probably have adviser was in there and got so it's so interesting how we can find those connections to people that it's not always one one way but i know and i think i think it's also important i think you understand this is that is that in this country because we have so many different political ideologies and so many different cultural backgrounds and everything like that that we really should be focused more on finding the best set of ideas rather than just one or the other . you know because i think that when you can have a balance between you know like you say like coal and green well then you're
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helping to at least offset the dangers of both you know and when you talk about schools like you know i don't necessarily want to see a completely you know kind of capitalized privatized school system i think you need a combination of both so you know but we have to reform the existing school system and we have to make sure that the couple was school system doesn't turn into like the university problem we're becomes all about the money and then suddenly are people going to the dead just to send their kids to grade school you know it's like you know i don't see that i don't know as i do the right and i really i think it's good that you can sit up here and we could have these kind. decision whether that's one of those would happen i think reaching america is good for that i'm glad that you're out there doing that and hear them grudged come up here and have this conversation absolutely i'll be glad to come back. very quickly what what's the next thirty seconds or so with what you just focused on that right now we're we're going to go out we have tour dates lined up right now we go out and again we speak to individuals about our different issues and we're going to kick it off here in march in cincinnati ohio in the carolinas coming up in texas and we're going to be
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talking about all of our issues including energy criminal justice reform occupational lives as a reform research go to our free speech is raised and i don't raise it all that is where they are americans who are obviously going to. take you there live for you instead they're calling it was a poser thank you. for the northern and southern life also known as the over a borealis and a stratus respectively are created by high energy radiation and solar particles slamming into the earth's magnetic bubble this we know but scientists have not known why some. pulsate until now the team at nasa time history of events and macro scale interactions during sub storms mission no misty mist and cooperation with the japanese iris spacecraft have shined a light on the mystery turns out the pulsating over as are created when plasma in the magnetized cone shaped bubble that surrounds the planet is just stirred by
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electrons from space and makes it pulse and flicker in shades of green blue purple and red and even better the research suggests that flickering auras could be happening on jupiter and saturn as well it seems that the forces that hold us together push us apart and protect us from the darkness space are the lights that inspire us to dream of magic in a dark night sky beautiful words beautiful words and interesting show interesting conflicts about the is. always good to do the show over. thank you everybody for watching that is our show for you today remember one thing in this world we are not told but we are love them up and so it's all you all i love you i am i robot interrupt and on top of a lot keep on watching those hawks another great day and night out there.
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i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch put the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each kill the narrowness and spend each student twenty million one player. it's an experience like nothing else on to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game played great so well more chimes with. the base this minute. dismantle the settlements once we got good neighbors we got to tell organization. they look at still our religious symbol we'll keep them safe and dug tunnels so instead of having good neighbors we have a mustang which is
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a terrible state. powerful body prepares for another round of crisis talks on syria's rebel held eastern. russia accuses the international community of double standards. here russian lawmakers consider tougher penalties for child sex abuse as harrowing details emerge from an orphanage in central russia. head to the follow to school massacre further polarizes american society over gun control with both sides digging in suggesting radically different security solutions. if we want to introduce weapons and encourage teachers to carry weapons then i think there's a word for that and that's called a police state that's the only stab they could reasonably protect every kid in
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america that day. and we take a tour around the olympics host city with none other than donald trump and kim jong un well kind of sci. fi this is about international with me kevin zero in this hour four pm it is now here in moscow friday the twenty third of february so first the big story and learning first world powers prepare for another round of discussions on the situation in syria's eastern guta at the u.n. . curity council on thursday rushes amendment to a resolution on a ceasefire called on all warring sides to end all still ities and to work to bring stability to the region addressing these security council facilities vassily in the bends are also criticized the way the western media international community have been representing the situation in the enclave to. must. read there is
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a must have so i could he says in the mainstream media which is spread in the same room as day after day it doesn't help to understand the situation it's. food that idea that there are only hospitals in eastern guta which the tsunami of fighting against now what we just heard was the russian ambassador to the united nations responding to what he characterized as a smear campaign now the meeting was called in response to the situation in eastern guta that this is a suburb of damascus located to the east of damascus and at this point it's an enclave of rebels and terrorist forces now there's been increasing hostilities and eastern goods as the syrian government is fighting to retake the city from terrorist russia was responding to some of the very heated words and accusations we heard from other countries in the chamber in the lead up to his remarks systematic targeting of civilians in disregard for human life and attacks against health care
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and hospitals constitute workrooms the regime wants to keep bombing and gassing these four hundred thousand people and the assad regime is counting on russia to make sure the security council is unable to stop their suffering now in his remarks to the fifteen member body now betty was very clear that situations in eastern guta are rather dire however the situation is much more complex that it's being made out to be that essentially civilians are being used as human shields by the terrorists he pointed out that some of the more extreme allegations being made against russia and syria are being made by the forces that just leveled the city of raka the u.s. led coalition leveled syria's rucka this is in the recent post should be forgotten so focused when it happened there was no credit for some reason nobody damone the international law to observe the.
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seven thirty yet and we were forced to leave our homes because of isis when we returned we found everything just rubble look at all the devastation our rock is a ghost city every ninety minutes we are living in the midst of destruction we feel completely abandoned everything around has been destroyed. life years horrible the city lies in rubble that we have to pay to remove the debris with own money there's no running water so we have to buy it in barrels and the us coalition caused the destruction of records and has a responsibility to rebuild the city we need to help with restoring the water supply and clearing the rubble. the u.n. says syrian air strikes have killed at least one hundred people in eastern guta this week it's secretary general describe the situation there was alone earth assad government for its part says it's trying to bring an end to rebel shelling attacks that have been killing civilians there in damascus murkowski of looks know who the
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fight is controlling the a battle downplay of actually. east ghouta is not a nice place to live in surrounded as it is under siege a constant war zone within and without. islam the army of islam holds most of east ghouta as the name may imply these guys aren't crusading for democracy and when they aren't busy killing each other they share power with nuestra while qaeda in syria and the number of smaller groups. these are ruthless people they cage civilians literally put woman and the
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elderly in metal cages and hoisted them onto roofs where they left them a literal human shield made of civilians to protect themselves their fighters from airstrikes these same people jihad ists who say they're fighting to free the country from a sad then turn their guns on protesters when they day complain about the jihad ists themselves. these infamous incident being one of them a crowd of demonstrators fired upon by rebel fighters joe. kerry himself once called the rebels holding east ghouta a subgroup of isis and al-qaeda remember what the u.s. led coalition did to isis in mosul.
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what are they leveled an entire city thousands of civilians dead yet they say there's no choice the terrorists were sponsible by using human shields a sad fact of war two billion casualties are a fact of life in this sort of situation do you agree that some of the the high level of i think ridiculous standard that we had previously is now created this. behavior by ice is that they now realize if they take human shields they're going to avoid being struck and that actually this is adding to the problem congresswoman i do believe they understand our sensitivity to civilian casualties and they're exploiting that and i do agree that as we move into these urban environments it is going become more and more difficult to apply extraordinarily high standards for the things that we're doing although we will try for some reason this time around they seem to be avoiding any mention of who it is that controls east ghouta all but
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the same job that's when these limits blindly shell damascus every day and slaughter more and more civilians well that's war when the syrian army responds suddenly it's an atrocity remarkable isn't it how the rules change entirely depending on who's calling the shots you know a state department spokesperson has the know it is also commented on the situation there in syria i lambasted russia over its role she also had some choice words for us that out as well. b. shout to the russian government to implore them to stop enabling the syrian regime to do what is doing to its own people is russia listener i'm not sure that they are but i would encourage each of you to ask russia take these questions to vladimir putin take these questions to r.t. to sputnik asking them those very questions what are they doing to stop the
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devastation the deaths and the murders that are taking place in syria i think what you're trying to say is that any kind of civilian deaths that take place in the course of the syrian government offensive are the responsible of the russian government because the russians are supporting the syrians so therefore anything they say the syrians are guilty of russia is guilty of to that same principle could be applied for example when the iraqi forces recovered a bosal from diane or one of the kurdish led forces the s.d.f. recovered rocka from di actually both cases with strong american air support which took a tremendous civilian toll in these areas but. russian lawmakers are considering penalties for child sex abuse is up for a series of extremely disturbing on occasions emerged from an orphanage in the church we have been screeching.
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i asked my son what they did with the man who came to see them my son was stunned and said what made fright potatoes i asked what else they did he rape me that was his answer i was lost for words i called another mother she told me her kids had the same story. my son decided to tell me everything he told me i was so afraid they said they would draw me the lake would lock me up in rehab for the rest of my life. children say that one of the supervisors who brought them to this man and his friend just watched them.


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