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tv   News  RT  February 24, 2018 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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i. feel when security council unanimously approves a thirty day ceasefire for syria to provide humanitarian access to areas most affected by the conflict. the house intelligence committee releases a democratic memo countering republican claims of wrongdoing by the f.b.i. during the surveillance of the trump campaign also ahead. of the. police clash with the left wing he's the senior political rallies are held across italy ahead of next weekend's general election.
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and broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is our to international i'm sean thomas glad to have you with us and bear with me i'm trying to fight through a little voice thing here we'll get through it world powers have approved a thirty day humanitarian ceasefire for syria and resolution was passed in a unanimous vote at the u.n. security council headquarters in new york art he's been the latest. there has been a resolution agreed on by the fifteen member body that leads the united nations regarding the situation in eastern guta this is an enclave to the east of the syrian capital of damascus and it's a place that's under the control of rebels and terrorists that are working to overthrow the syrian government twenty thirteen it has been surrounded by government forces and the fighting there has recently intensified and we're hearing allegations against both sides about human life being taken about civilians being killed we're hearing accusations from the syrian observatory for human rights which
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is based in the united kingdom they're saying that that syria with the support of russia is hurting civilians and committing atrocities against civilians we've also heard reports from the russian center for reconciliation in syria they are pointing out that the areas essentially being used to shell civilians in damascus furthermore they're reporting that the terrorist groups in eastern guta are working actively to prevent medical aid from getting to civilians and they're using these civilians as human shield the resolution was passed calling for a thirty day cease fire now after the unanimous vote we then heard from various countries we heard from nikki haley of the united states and she said she doesn't believe the syrian government will actually comply with the cease fire. it is critical that the assad regime and its allies comply with our demand to stop the assault on eastern guta and immediately allow food and medicine to reach everyone who need to all of us on this council must do our part to press the assad regime as
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hard as we can to comply we are deeply skeptical that the regime will comply but we supported this resolution because we must demand nothing less now we also heard from the representative of the russian federation now he addressed the security council and he emphasized that the fight against terrorism is not affected by this resolution that internationally delegated terrorist groups groups like al nasra isis that the fight against them is not restricted by this resolution that fight will continue he also had some concerns about how the fight against terrorism seem to be serving some other goals a. game of battling terrorism can't become a cover for solving geo political problems of dubious legitimacy and that is exactly what the u.s. is doing in syria right now we insist that the so-called coalition and its attempts and occupation as soon as possible it would have among other things a clear humanitarian effect nikki haley the representative of the united states
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walked out before the syrian representative could speak under u.n. rules if the resolution pertains to you all countries have the right to address the security council the syrian ambassador to the united nations went on to point out that he said that the thirty day ceasefire should be implemented and not just implemented in eastern guta but also in our friend as well as in the golan heights beam if you've got it i mean this resolution must be implemented in all parts of syria including our friends and including the territories controlled by the united states extremist groups who would use the cease fire to recruit we organize and receive more military equipment and just. who supports you are trying to stop us from defeating terrorism in our own country forces not thousands of kilometers from home fights against other countries we are fighting terrorists in our own land the resolution has been passed down and it looks like there will be a thirty day ceasefire in eastern good. to discuss this further we can now bring
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in rick stirling investigative journalist and member of the theory of solidarity movement rick thanks for being with us here on our two international you always a pleasure when this whole situation broke out you're one of the people who wanted to discuss the situation with. so the russian envoy was quite cautious about this deal saying that russia supports the intentions behind the document but that no ceasefire is possible without agreement from the warring parties how optimistic are you that this is actually going to play out the way that the u.n. security council wants it to. well i think a kid addition to the resolution was the inclusion of the fact that the syrian government can continue the fight against al qaida and isis which. extremists in and in. so that was a key addition to the resolution and i think that was the reason that it did pass
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unanimously with the support of russia and the encouragement of the syrian government so i think it's a good it's a good thing that this is unanimously and we're going to see how it's carried out the syrian government has always supported. supplying medicines and foods to this a billion in in in areas like this it's the problem is that the extremists and terrorists who after all have been bombing damascus on a daily basis shooting mortars and hill cannon missiles into a heavily populated major city that meniscus on a daily basis for five years. now you mentioned the humanitarian aid there the main goal of the ceasefire is to allow humanitarian aid into the conflict zones but do you see any signs of agreement between world powers on a long term peace plan for syria. well time is going to tell i think the united
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states is instead it's kind of at a crossroads where they're going to allow the syrian government to regain full territorial integrity and basically eliminate terrorism or whether the west is going to continue to support. the terrorist project there that's really what's at stake one good thing in the resolution is that it specifically affirms the fact that the territorial integrity of syria needs to be preserved of course this is very relevant because right now the united states has illegally set up their bases and is occupying territory in eastern syria we've got turkish soldiers in in northern syria so this is this is a very important to keep reaffirming reaffirming the principle of territorial integrity. known terrorist groups including i so i do nusra are not included in the
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cease fire and russia has repeatedly accused them of hiding in the civilian population and using them as human shields specifically in the ghouta region so is there any real clarity here over which areas can be targeted in which can't. well that will be i'm not sure if they have got a map and delineated specific areas or or not. it's not hard to predict i think nikki haley's comments that she was going you know there may be suggestive of the attack the u.s. is going to take when the syrian government untaxed al qaida and isis any scooter the u.s. government is going to claim that they're attacking civilians the syrian government despite the constant barrage of accusations and propaganda the syrian government has no it does not attack civilians it has no. no there's no benefit to that the
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syrian government is trying to reach reconciliation with former terrorists no it's welcoming the syrian government welcomes the billions and it it also welcomes leaders who are willing to lay down their arms reconcile with syrian civil society all right very interesting to hear your thoughts it'll be interesting to see how this all plays out rick stirling investigative journalist and member of the syria solidarity movement thanks for being with us my pleasure. in other news the u.s. house intelligence committee has just released a democratic party memo countering republican claims of f.b.i. surveillance abuses that's despite objections from the white house which earlier said the memo should not be released as it contains sensitive material relates to the ongoing probe into alleged russian meddling in the two thousand and sixteen american presidential election now the latest document accuses the republicans of trying to undermine the f.b.i.
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that's after the republican memo earlier this month accused the f.b.i. and the justice department of securing a warrant to spy on donald trump's presidential campaign. all right now after the memo was released to donald trump tweeted the democrat memo response on government surveillance abuses it is a total political and legal bust he went on to say that the f.b.i. failed to disclose that the notorious trump dossier was paid for by the clinton campaign and the democratic party we should mention that it was partially paid for by them now according to the republicans the warrants to spy on the trump campaign was based on unverified claims made in that dossier written by the former british spy christopher steele however according to the democrat memo the f.b.i. probe along predated the receipt of steele's information. now for some insight on this story we can now bring in political analyst to john griffin thanks for being with us here on r.g.p. international. what a day i mean the memo wars continue i guess so. as we just heard donald trump
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claims this democratic memo actually vindicate him and confirms that the surveillance against him was illegal. i don't think the democrats see it that way do you think he's right. well yes he's absolutely correct because in the democrat memo which is a few pages long all they all they do is say that they started their investigation without evidence seven weeks to be precise prior to getting the steel dossier they started their investigation if you remember at the time senator dianne feinstein said we have to start an investigation to find out why we have to investigate never before in the annals of jurisprudence have you ever seen an investigation start without probable cause without sufficient evidence so they essentially admitted to not having evidence and are pursuing this investigation without evidence and in other words they got lucky with the steal. at least they thought they did and they
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use that seven weeks in so you're not talking about a long period of time between the time that the democrats initiated this investigation and they used to still dossier it's not an eternity here now this document claims that the republican memo was a transparent effort to undermine the f.b.i. the special counsel and the congress investigations and that it risks public exposure of sensitive sources for no legitimate purpose do you think that these are fair accusations. no because the democrats have advocating releasing the same quote unquote sensitive sources when it vilifies and targets republicans this is simply a partisan attempt to neutralize the extreme series of instances of corruption here that have been exposed by republican efforts if you look at what the f.b.i. did for example with clinton they essentially let clinton off the hook for
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divulging major classified information to the public through her servers so this is not something that the that the republicans have done to the f.b.i. this is a culture of corruption at the f.b.i. and the f.b.i. has done this to itself. one of the key disputes here is the role of the controversial trump i should say steele dot ca written by christopher stone which of the republicans claim was the main reason for the f.b.i. probe. the even the republican memo states that it was actually information from george papadopoulos that started that probe so how important is this document actually. the steel dossier about me. well it was very important to the democrat rebuttal all it says that the steel dossier wasn't used until seven weeks into the investigation that's actually a very short window of time what that means is they didn't have sufficient evidence
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to start their investigation they started their investigation and then latched on to the steel dossier an order to make their make their own his claims that trump was somehow selling out u.s. elections to russia now that's even worse than basing the entire investigation on the steel dossier that's essentially saying well look we lucked out we got this hillary funded steel dossier midway n and we put everything around that well that doesn't make a better or stronger argument that that russia hacked us elections and as a matter of fact the entire democrat rebuttal is essentially a series of no it isn't it's of contradictions of contrary and claims they're saying no it isn't no we didn't do this no we didn't abuse us intelligence gathering process but yes they did and it wasn't just carter page there were multiple instances of unmasking improper unmasking of trump officials of trump campaign officials so this is not something that is a that is
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a new problem it's an ongoing culture of corruption at all the democrat memo does as call more attention to it now it's interesting that russian investigation aside it's easy to say that this is just partisan politics playing out in washington d.c. but the memo was actually released by the house intelligence committee which is controlled by the republicans and they unanimously voted the entire committee to release it twice so how much of this is partisan bickering and how much of this is political maneuvering what does this all really mean oh no question a good percentage a good percentage of this is partisan bickering. doubt conceit however that doesn't negate the factual content of the republican memo and the many instances of his stablished abuse of the f.b.i. and abuse of pfizer that were demonstrated by the republicans prior to the nunez memo so we're dealing for example the national security adviser under obama going
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in to the office entering her code and unmasking improperly top campaign officials ok this is not something that is just about carter page it's not just about the nunez memo it's about a culture of corruption yes this is taking place around political parties in an entirely contentious scenario no doubt but this is this is not just partisan it's about principle and we need to get back to discussions about principle all right. john griffin thanks for have being with us on our international we'll have more news after break. what's going on is only. for just saying. i'm told. is it doesn't have any meaning unless it leads to real kids which can be.
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you know guaranteed only by christina president. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and you. want to listen. to going to be press this is what the three of them will be good. i'm interested in the ones. from film. from. the from from. and welcome back this is our team international clashes have broken out in milan
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a week before the italian general election police stepped in to break up in a student protest against the anti immigration northern the lead party. i think should i think i'm thinking i mean rasta started on friday in peace and a tour and has spread to other italian cities the northern league the main focus of the anger held its own rally in amman on saturday as well. politics professor marco but sonnie told us that radical parties are seeing a resurgence in italy we can't explain a lot of things done for women but don't in economic crisis but there is so there is another story the story is that there is a warning in this country there is a growing look legitimization all of the right of any kind of radical sunni team from the economic crisis from didn't do time i don't think that john ridley can go
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on like this there are too many differences between the north the south and nobody addresses that we'll all this is that change. you know that could change the situation government spending goes up boring goes up the national debt is out of control and nobody talks even talks about the real issues. the german newspaper has successfully registered a dog as a member of a major political party the social democrats build says it pulled the stunt to show how easy it is to manipulate the party voting process as the s d p decides whether to enter a coalition with chancellor merkel's party but some can't see the funny side as art is pretty or all over explains. it's almost certainly not the sound bite top german social democrats under expected to be having to give to the press this week it came after the newspaper build a registered a named lemur is a member of the s.p.
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devastating name gender occupation and age dog ears they received a party card saying she was in the only reason that this is anything more than a hilarious mistake by the social democrats is that it's their party members that will get to decide on a coalition with. conservatives a no vote in that ballot well that could see fresh elections here in germany people who wish to manipulate the votes in a grand coalition through criminality could do just the same and that is what forced the social democrats into making their somewhat embarrassing canine climb down and prompted me to enlist the help of my own four legged friends. to help come this what berlin's pooches and some of the humans they grow with the thoughts that use homes they are. not but do you see helen was using
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a module in the next hour. and she laughed agrees they actually. let them in really young dogs so i'm pretty sure seem to she'd want a lot good to be a connection you know. she's one year old all the couple more years and i think it's stupid the cost how do you think about this time i want to have a career in the park will be fucked up i don't. know that it just wasn't. real because you know you have to take you back on. the side of the. look of a. vegetable. we look first let's look at your answer to. the next.
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piece or all of us policy that. russia has warned ukraine it is making a colossal mistake after key have passed a law on the reintegration of the war torn down yet scanned lugansk regions moscow says it shows kiev is not committed to a peaceful solution to the conflict and that the move undermines the minsk agreements that are currently in place the new legislation allows the ukrainian president to use the armed forces in peacetime against the breakaway republics but also designates russia as an aggressor state and labels the two territories as being occupied the conflict between eastern and western parts of ukraine broke out after a coup in two thousand and fourteen here's how it all grappled. watch out.
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for that. experts we spoke to agree that the law will do more harm than good in east ukraine
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it won't contribute to the peace process it will have to be either withdrawn or amended in order to accord with the minsk agreement simple as that i think but i think it's more of a a little small cancers for the process it's what i call double track pseudo diplomacy he wants to be seen to be a good guy but in fact the original agenda remains the same which is that eventually you want to. make as big many problems for russia as he possibly can because i think he's probably acting according to an american nato agenda trying to setting in stone in a conflict will situation isn't it it's not going to be it's not going to did lead to any constructive dialogue between the two solids the minsk agreements is all we've got to hold the situation in as a frozen conflicts and it's better off as a frozen conflict than as
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a conflict on the plenty of forces inside the ukraine itself and in the west that want to see a conflict here as a means of debilitating the russian federation on the world stage the breakaway republics have broken away the ceasefire laws have been established there's not going to be any change on the ground by fighting on attempts to talk about fighting as a resolution or not realistic. makes the world's largest freshwater lake in temperatures of at best minus thirteen degrees celsius and you get an ice festival on a grander scale for lovers of chilly conditions in small part of a lake by col and russia siberia has been turned into a heart shaped ice rink and playground the festival night rounds off with an atmosphere light show on ice take a look. you
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gotta love it when you watch rock international hundred thomas back on top of the hour with more news. just getting international recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos i'm in bill fails to miss it like it is here this is my compass he is going up the study hall maybe. john tells. me the only palestinians is gets the most help from his jerusalem counterparts i
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don't think there's some of those who in the world under the oak vision they're not going to go through this. and the earth is off to this lady in the muscle that you have i'm going to compete in the doesn't seem to do more than the most awesome don't piss off. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. when lawmakers manufactured him sentenced him to public wealth. when the roman classism project themselves. in the final the merry go round the sun in the one percent told. us
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to ignore middle of the room signal in. the room the real news is really the world. put your hands up in the honey belt or don't care. honey badger don't care oh that's a good honey badger really nice so there's no she might have heard about it called honey badger don't care honey badger approaches and fights anything if you go on youtube and you'll see a thousand videos of honey badgers in the african savannah and they fight anything they fight lions tigers. any sort of creature you can think of down there they'll approach and start fighting even though it's like
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a little ferret looking sort of creature a beaver looking creature and it fights whatever so when no matter how horrifying the creature you know a lion looks pretty scary right this guy looks pretty scary you know i've seen photos of those blobfish they from like way down deep thirty thousand feet below and that charlie munger is uglier than a blobfish that's a magic ball you know as wife is the one putting the paper bag on her head you know what this guy looks like the tape or i'm got hit with an ugly stick charlie munger urges regulators to ease off wells fargo blasts bitcoin. badger don't care charlie there's a charlie munger approach to economics. boom boom boom boom boom quacky there you go you know we're going to rehearsal well you know ninety four. this is this is charlie munger approach to economic blown holes
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through wells fargo through fargo through out the terrace charlie munger and warren buffett tourist a marriage top photo i showed that was from a tweet from reuters berkshire's monger urges regulators to ease up on wells fargo . oh so you know before janet yellen another honey badger left the federal reserve bank she did basically force them to replace three of their directors because they themselves were unwilling to basically get a better attitude about all the fraud they had committed you know they had set up all this fake accounts for their clients in order to basically meet some targets and get better bonuses but they had also been found in this kind of got overlooked because it happened in the summer when a lot of fake russia great stories were happening but also between started to take off the back.


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