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tv   News  RT  February 27, 2018 7:00am-7:30am EST

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the supreme court heard opening arguments today in a case that could deal a crushing blow to the public sector labor unions and the labor movement as a whole the case janice vs asked me local council thirty one could result in public workers who benefit from contracts to go shaded by unions no longer having to pay fees that are used to negotiate those contracts and represent workers the ruling in favor of the plaintiffs in the case could financially cripple public sector unions one of the few remaining bastions of organized labor in the united states labor was previously spared this blow when justice antonin scalia died which left an evenly divided court unable to set precedent in a similar case justice scalia had since been replaced has since been replaced on the court by conservative justice neil who in famously ruled against a trucker who was fired from his job after he nearly froze to death while
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completing his job crypto markets are on the rise again with the top ten coins all in positive territory monday bitcoin has spiked above ten thousand dollars to ten thousand three hundred an afternoon trading that's a gain of more than ten percent up more than nine hundred dollars and twenty four hours. so will kryptos take off like they did late last year here discusses jeffrey tucker the editorial director of the american institute for economic research jeffrey welcome back i want to get to your op ed in a minute but what do you make of these price moves. it's funny in the kryptos face when the president everyone's happy with their fall and everybody's sad you know we discuss these waves of emotion and it's all fun we all know where this is headed up up up when how much nobody knows for sure right now when you wrote this op ed i want to read part of it to our viewers so you can explain it. you might be living
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in a time in which you will experience the end of central banking and perhaps even feel the currency and the replacement by a completely new system now you know deleted by question is a lot of times there's been sort of these out there statements jeffrey amy you have to admit on a bunch of things related to kryptos and i think if i had read this you know three years ago i would have thought you were you know. twelve but that it's worth discussing and i was a six one yourself i'm out yeah i'm actually believe it or not i'm actually a cautious writer i try not to say crazy things. but when i wrote that article i thought you know i just have to say it was true and what's true hair is that the central banking model is premised on two essential conditions one a complete monopoly over the money and two that all the money runs through the through the banking system and that it's controlled. from the center and so that's
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why in this piece argued in the monopoly is essentially to end central banking and i think crypto can do that is just a much better technology and we're seeing that happen gradually in some places very fast in other places like venezuela which i think was the topic of that article well explained of that as well and model and what's happened there with the ball of our. well that's an interesting case because you have a government tried to implement socialism which ultimately comes down to printing money since there's not a viable system and they destroyed the bowl of r. and the bowl of r. is just gone nuts right so you've got five digits six sometimes even by some estimates six six digit inflation so it's not a useful currency anymore and a hard fork occurred in the bowl over so now the hard currency is worth three times what the digital currency is you've got arbitrage opportunity is there some people are selling their hard currency for the digital currency and pay their bills you
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know with a digital currency and pocket in the differences it's just complete care of the chaos and so now the government found itself in an awkward position it's like ok we destroyed the bowl of our. bonds at the new currency so they came up with this fake crypto currency which they called the petro which wasn't really didn't really have a market valuation they floated and i.c.a.o. just like they see everybody else doing in two thousand and seventy except they only as far as anybody knows the only buyer was actually the government itself and now they're in there for same government owned oil companies to do except that. it's something like a scam right but it's an interesting model for how how. government money system comes to an end. all right you know there's another thing that you said in the op ed jeffrey but it'll get us actually back to prices and moves today you follow these things so closely but you said in the article two years ago
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bitcoin began to really catch on in the country but in two thousand and seventeen its popularity bumped into serious scaling problems that made it too expensive and too slow. for hand to hand used explain what that problem is for us. well in two thousand and ten one of the architects of the climb in this case a petition that comodo actually imposed a what one block block one megabyte limit on the block size and that wasn't a problem in two thousand and ten two thousand and eleven all the way until really essentially two thousand and seventeen when when when that when the currency really caught on and the network got so crowded that the miners were able to charge very high fees for sending or receiving which took away one of the benefits of i mean i was a kind of a i guess an evangelist since two thousand and thirteen and my friends and i used
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to sit around and you know restaurants and send them back and back and forth to each other and just enjoying it you know the speed and the low cost of sending that all changed in two thousand and seventy in some ways it was a nice problem to have because that indicated the success of big client but protocol wasn't really prepared for the for the for the amount of network traffic it taste and so so this cheap fast model that we got used to suddenly was obliterated that caused a fork in the chain and suddenly big cash came about in august. with an eight megabyte block size limit was solved all the scaling problems but in the meantime all these other competitors came along and how you look at the the market for crypto currency there's something like a thousand cryptocurrency is and if you look at the entire crypto sector bricklin itself constitutes only as of today thirty eight percent market capitalization so
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but you know this is not just through flexion declines to sas and actually limitations like i should say it's what it illustrates is that we're dealing with the technology of epic proportions and with so many different applications there's payment applications there's utility applications and very crucially there's security applications like to replace traditional ways of raising money for enterprises and that's where i think the real big ninety innovations are going to come in two thousand and late two thousand eight hundred two thousand and nineteen yeah i think word we are going to see some of that i noticed that we don't time to get into it now that switzerland has just put some protocols out for those initial clane offerings and i know that you see here in the states is trying to figure out how they go forward it's going to be a process but at least it is doing so and jeffrey just before we go let me ask you you know now that we see prices again moving up and you're right everybody gets
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excited do you think there's going to be some of this fear of missing out this with investors saying look if you're going to get back into kryptos better do it now before things before bitcoin gets to twenty k. or something. you know how it is i mean when the prices are going up everybody gives and gets interested when they go down people think well that's x. so this is why there's a tendency on the part of the investor community the amateur investor community actually the whole investor community to to buy and sell so if you want to make money in this space do the opposite you know but knowing what the opposite is. it is the trick and that's why the really edgy smart. people with money well they always say buy the dip you have to buy the dip and not become a dip geoffrey barker of the world are going to bear that enterprise's sorry jeff we got it got to run thanks a lot for joining us we'll have you back your time. it's my pleasure.
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and before we go the winter olympics ended yesterday with hopes that the spirit of sport can help alleviate foreign policy tensions between north and south korea which fielded a joint olympic team tensions have been higher in the past year as north korea expanded its ballistic missile test and garnered a twitter war about the size of each other's nuclear arsenal between president donald trump and north korean leader kim jong un evoke a trump the president's daughter attended the closing ceremony and sat with the leader of a high level north korean delegation for those that watch the olympics and i did lots of it including the opening and then yesterday the closing ceremonies it's hard not to be hopeful we'll see if that translates into foreign policy as the beach boys sing wouldn't it be nice that's it for this broadcast thanks for watching be sure to catch boom bust on you tube and you tube dot com slash boom
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bust r.t. see you tomorrow. years ago britain and within to come together as a sleeping pill does the switch on the in. the scientific sweat terrible but not on the road. across europe victims astonishing legal battles demanding at least some compensation in two ways the physical times itself as well as the constant mind that the people who take this crime has never been pulled the justice. and there has been the couple of. the.
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about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. you're out caught up to us we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry but only i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was a cave still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our ark and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with death this was different speech because there were no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker.
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one else chose seemed wrong. but old roles just don't call. me old yet to shape our disdain because that adjective and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart when just a look for common ground. feeling the hyundai elantra genuinely of a bottle of saudi china six oir. an estimated eighty five cents under each refugees are now living in greece. you know still more. to do at home and there you go food shopping. and many sell their
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bodies just to make ends meet. with them you know in the second or you know in the sense in that. this isn't the right things it. also has turned to dealing drugs to make a living what. this single is unlawful of. a living thing for. me.
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the headlines off the international humanitarian corridor has just opened up in syria's eastern ghouta to enable civilians to escape the war ravaged district. progress is being hampered in the investigation into one of the worst child sex abuse scandals in britain for. police now saying they need one hundred extra specially trained officers. an environmental activist in the united states faces jail time and a hefty fine. but he insists he was only trying to refurbish old posts and old computers. i think it was helping people extend the life cycle of their electronics. to make sure that we keep as much work.
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welcome to the program this is. a humanitarian corridor or has just opened in syria's east to allow civilians to leave the war ravaged district now. located just outside the capital damascus occupied by various rebel and terror groups now for years the violence there recently escalated with both sides accusing each other of targeting civilians now this new humanitarian corridor or set up by russia is located next to the. right now the humanitarian efforts to provide safe passage for those who are desperate to leave being coordinated with the syrian red crescent buses and on standby to evacuate civilians from the areas people inside
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the rebel enclave of being notified about the location of the corridor leaflets and even a megaphone announcements of first aid points are being set up near the exit to help those in need of urgent medical assistance however despite these efforts it's feared civilians will be prevented from by the rebels and the militants from leaving the war zone here's our correspondent steve. civilians dying they're dying from rebel shells from government bombs from bullets shrapnel and crossfire in damascus and in east ghouta the u.n. cease fire is dead on arrival no one stops shooting so the syrians are trying their own way humanitarian corridors backed by russia thousands of these leaflets being dropped over east ghouta by syrian helicopters there are instructions for civilians on how to get out of the war zone maps with
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arrows follow them if you dare women of all the jews and children reportedly going to need to be forbidden by local armed groups from leaving the area for security reasons they've done it before in aleppo is limited rebels wouldn't let anyone out they shot at civilians trying to feed to government held areas they shelled humanitarian crossings and if you made it out that punish your relatives same story in ghouta this is being going on for years the evidence indicates that non-state armed groups in eastern guta and in particular josh islam are also responsible for inflating the price of food and other basic necessities they're arbitrarily restricting the movement of civilians wishing to leave and the ducting and arbitrarily detaining people. you'd think this is important right pundits and
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activists screaming about guta and not once have they asked the pertinent question do not have nothing at the top we welcome the security council's decision regarding a ceasefire because of the burden on our families and he said this suffering must be lifted to the decision to stop the bloodshed caused by the regime in eastern my home and the alarm. when the regime is not abiding by the un resolution i cannot stand still and watch and defend myself and our families in good time why are they still there despite their access to the spokesperson of the army of islam the jihad this group that holds east ghouta they have not asked him why his group is blocking woman and kids from leaving a war zone it's good press for him to stand there and complain that innocents are dying while meeting that they're dying because his own rebel fighters won't let
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them leave the armed groups inside east ghouta will not allow those people to leave simply because they know they will be the next target after that it will deprive them from a very strong media arm because those civilian death among the civilian actually created sympathy all over the middle east and all over the world i think human are you almost as you know a propaganda tools and these bloody war and in syria so it will continue i don't believe it will stop definitely with this according to your human humanitarian could or actually could do it use that you meant casualties among those people. so with the humanitarian corridor now up and running we'll keep you updated on the situation in eastern guta throughout the day. and investigation into one of the worst cases of child sex abuse in the u.k.
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is stalling due to a lack of qualified personnel the abuse scandal centers around the sexual exploitation of fourteen hundred children over the course of three decades in the british town of rather and it was revealed that eighty percent of the suspected perpetrators were of pakistani origin auntie's party boy could have said why the investigation launched three years ago is failing to make any progress according to the senior officer investigating the scandal one hundred more police offices are needed to uncover the truth so far police have managed to interview seventeen percent of a possible one in the hall thousand victims due to a shortage in specially trained detectives. it's a really specialist area engaging in interviewing vulnerable victims a lot of our victims were children when they were abused but they're now adults and have associated problems as a result of that abuse including suicidal tendencies mental health issues drug and
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alcohol addiction the rotheram scandal led to a national outcry when the scale of the child abuse was first exposed back in twenty twelve two years later an independent inquiry found that for decades through systemic failures in policing and social services the sexual abuse of children went on right under the noses of the all thora ts gangs of men the majority of whom were of pakistani origin preyed on mostly white girls aged from eleven to fifteen many of the victims thought they were in relationships with their abusers when the crimes were not local authorities in yorkshire were accused of failing to tackle the problem partly through fear of being branded racist on the part of the authorities in their cases they were actually saying that these girls made a lifestyle choice it's about the fact that the authorities didn't want to be
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branded racist the ringleaders of the rod room grooming going last year i think distant relatives of mine but you know what it doesn't change the responsibility that people like me have on tackling this particular issue so i've been campaigning against child sexual exploitation and street gang grooming gangs who are predominantly of a pakistani origin for over ten years the investigation into rather abuses has cost ten million pounds so far four individuals have been convicted eighteen have been charged and thirty eight have been arrested no one senior has been held to account and with just seventeen percent of the victims interviewed so far all this. may just be the tip of the ice bag. and expert from california is fighting to stay out of jail and avoid paying a hefty fine due to his passion for recycling electronics
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a microsoft is accused of creating thousands of illegal copies of his software but he says he was just trying to help learn grow in a sustainable waste adfa could help to launch one of america's first electronic hybrid recycling facilities where discarded mobile phones and other electronics to give a new lease on life lundgren admits to using copies of windows when refurbishing old computers here's how we explain the process the microsoft software itself gets missing d.l.l. files and below where and viruses that over time will break down the software so that it doesn't operate and function as intended you might have seen that before if you ever use a computer and it just seems to slow down over time and it needs a every fresh which is what the purpose of a restore cd is so you have a license with your computer and that follows your computer in perpetuity until your computer's no longer working and that computer can be used by hundreds of people thousands of people and the license follows the hardware so the hardware
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itself over time might get missing d.l.l. files or it might get viruses in bloatware and what you'll end up doing is you want to refresh your re-install your valid copy of license on your computer and to do that you need three things you need to see a way you need a license and you need to restore media restore cd the restore cd is free you can download it anywhere online but the c.e.o. and license have to come from microsoft they're the only ones that can provide you with that microsoft has a huge lingering over infringing its copyrights the i.c. giant also claims it lost profits from the potential sale of his licensed products prosecutors allege looking grin made twenty eight thousand illegal copies of microsoft's operating system they were initially seeking almost. half a million dollars in compensation now last year lundgren was convicted in this case but an appeals court allowed him to argue his case one small but insists that he was just replicating free software which was already easily found online.


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