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tv   News  RT  February 27, 2018 9:00am-9:31am EST

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out there on twitter and facebook and your like your cousins and uncles don't listen to those people there because their minds might not be able to contemplate and understand fake news because here's another headline poland central bank secretly paid you to berger's to slander kryptos so a polish youtube or with around one million subscribers was paid about thirty thousand dollars by the central bank of poland in collaboration with the polish financial supervision authority to portray crypto currencies and the negative light without disclosing the payment and the video now here is the difference between. paying you know you tubers to descript o.-o. d.c. any big corners crying saying oh my god big queens being undermined our institutions are blocked cim is being undermined by these people being paid by the central bank to discard currency you know because we're like bring it on like nothing's going to take it down we have faith and our foundations and our
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institutions and our and what we believe in we have faith in it we don't like you can say whatever you want about it you can say all the fund you want in the world doesn't matter we don't have that same sort of conspiracy theory minded absence of faith and our own beliefs such as michael pollan but quite expose them they were just a little bit criminally minded and a little bit psychotic and run by bad actors and serial fraudsters but because i exposed central bank of poland to be outright fraudsters and criminals so thank you but going to a central bank of paula now has no credibility well in the second half we have a really special guest and i'm really excited to find out who it is stay tuned don't go away see about.
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the everybody i'm stephen. hollywood guy that every american first of all i'm just george bush in our view this is my buddy max bemis financial guru where he's a little bit different. with all the drama happening in our country and. every day americans. we start to bridge the gap this is the great american. bit. later on.
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about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. you're out caught up to us we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry suddenly i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met in my life turned on each breath. but then my feeling started to change you talked about war like it was again still some more fun to feel those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters in mind it's consumed with death this one to. speak to now because there are no other takers. claimed that mainstream media has met its maker.
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welcome back to the kaiser report imax kaiser time now to turn to one of america's preeminent journalist a follower of the new journalism school talked about by tom wolfe i think gone back to the seventy's. as a go next very good thanks for being on the show and as i make that comparison to the new journalism school new journalism because at that time just as a quick digression here this idea that the truth versus facts and facts can be kind of plain. don't necessary give the truth and writers like yourself that are gifted with the language can offer a truth that is transcendent and that we saw this in your bank
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a rolling stone in times like goldman sachs and you galvanized people's imagination with the fam pyar squid that's a great turn of phrase i mean it really put into context what this is all about and now subsequently what your books in your article as you've continued in that vein bringing really good journalism to the fore and so let's get into what you've been talking about recently as a new nuclear posture review the n.p.r. you'd never know it watching cable news but you're right that this n.p.r. shows that the president and the people around him believe in the usability of nuclear weapons to talk about this right that would be one of the main features of the president's new nuclear posture review is this idea that they should completely revamp our nuclear arsenal and we should focus on more flexibility in our nuclear by which the socially they mean they want to design nuclear weapons that have a smaller payload we can hiroshima size payload so that they can countenance the use of nuclear weapons without completely destroying humanity which is crazy
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basically because anybody who's in the scientific community will tell you that a very very limited exchange of nuclear weapons potentially destroys the entire world freud. environmental reasons but the trump posture review pretty much says this openly and i go into a present of this country because there's only one story in this country and it's you know trumps ongoing you know scandals right down to the interim scandal they rush again story you know this is interesting you know and i guess part and parcel of the you're talking about here is that you know the end of the cold war featured what with reagan and gorbachev some agreements between the two countries to scale back on atomic weaponry and there was an agreement not to go east with nato and there was a detente and there was. and there was peace in the valley and that lasted for a while but then apparently there's been heating up recently the cold war is back i
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guess because it does time to nuke question and what how do you how did that for people say how did this cold war and becoming a hot again like what triggered that in your view i think it's a variety of factors going back to what you were saying you know it's amazing to think that even at the at the very peak of the cold war when reagan was calling the soviet union an evil empire and you know gorbachev was this is the precursor of that is that they were coming up with agreements like start and salt. because even at the time when they were most motivated financially politically in every respect to keep building nuclear weapons they knew that it was a bad policy and it had a number of near misses both sides did over the years and all the way up through two thousand and eleven and two thousand and twelve russia and america continually work to kind of scale back. the nuclear says even at the height of the cold war
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there was an idea to scale back on atomic weaponry because it was so crazy yes right both countries your allies as you know michel this destruction was assured if the wind went down this path and they were but that somehow that got flipped now and now there is. idea under trump the current posturing is that actually tomic weapons it's acceptable if the scale if you do the right way i roll down a small nuke so it goes to repudiate an entire line of thinking so that's very very dangerous and yours and stop being covered because the mainstream media seems focused elsewhere so talk a little bit about i guess how dangerous is it i mean you've done the work on it so what are we talking about here how what level of danger are we at well i mean i talked about this before the election with trump the one thing you know when you're thinking about donald trump getting elected potentially this is a person who has almost no attention span who acts almost before he thinks he tweets he bypasses his entire staff to go do things he speaks directly to the public is an extremely impulsive individual and he starts things with other
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countries potentially you know but with through tweets or whatever this is the worst case scenario was an early use of nuclear weapons the one thing he would want to make sure of if he got elected was that this question was paid attention to constantly and it's not mean we he's with his various kerfuffles with north korea and with this nuclear posture review he's made you know the kind of the world is significantly more dangerous place but we're not paying as much attention to it as we probably should i think this is the one area where everybody should be keeping an eye on trump constantly how do you see overall so far in the trump era what was been kind of the biggest surprises for you so far in the first year now that he's been in office the first thing i would say is that i expected. this huge reckoning within the democratic party yeah after after the loss i mean the day after trump
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got elected my first thought was wow they're going to look back and say how can we lose this guy and say we have to completely rethink how we do business and overhaul their entire apparatus. and that didn't happen and we've what we've instead have is were kind of stuck in a kind of perpetual two thousand and sixteen this sort of russia good scandal has kept those sort of frozen in time continually reliving getting all the issues of that election season and trump trump's administration has essentially been frozen in place by this one over a chin crisis that has dominated the news dominated his presidency dominated politics i mean everything has to keep coming back to this one story and it's been it's been amazing and strange to watch you know you're a shrewd observer of the media and you write about it and you're part of it and i want to get a comment on something that seems like something remarkable this happened you know
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thirty years ago in texas on public access cable a little known guy named alex jones started this thing and he became very big and before the twenty sixteen kicked off or trompe visited alex jones and kind of kicked off his campaign and a lot of people would get put alex jones in the camp of a conspiracy theorist sure and someone who is constantly you know bending the facts to suit the narrative that is some may consider wild but then you look at cable t.v. and like rachel maddow who is number one in cable today and she now sounds exactly like alex jones she's got nothing the conspiracy theory so we just become the defacto model for news america what do you think of that observation and what does that tell us i think you're you're right on i mean i might not characterize rachel exactly that way but you know i saw this coming in the summer of two thousand and sixteen that there was a very very sharp polarization that was going on within the media community we were reporters were talking about it they were discussing the idea that we had to become
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more actively partisan. trump was so much of a threat that we had to quote unquote do more to. prevent present his. and c and so that kind of old school boring third person let's reset the news dispassionately version of journalism just vanished from the landscape and now everything has gravitated towards what you know what you're exactly right it's the alex jones model it's the sort of foreman eating. anger inducing kind of rhetoric that is very very popular and makes a lot of money and also i mean this is a key factor and the one thing that people forget about the trump presidency is that he's making the media a fortune i mean c.n.n. made a billion dollars last year but the media has has been looking at the climbing fortunes for decades and oh but soon as trump came along he's he's made us all a lot of money and i think that has affected coverage tremendously. as leading up
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to the campaign and you know that over the c.b.s. in the way broadcast an empty podium waiting for john and he would say this guy is probably very dangerous i'm paraphrasing but nonetheless he's making us lots of money so the media you know that famous from of the the you know the tail wagging the dog with dustin hoffman talking about the campaign and they kind of cooking up the. paranoid schizophrenic kind of crazy schemes to get people in office and the media had they had doesn't often playing a movie producer to concoct a story and so that's become the go to scenario now it's just all this think this is all you think about this phrase fake name is like what does that mean exactly yeah it's interesting because one of the problems is the entire kind of modern system of commercial media. designed to make fake news or something like fake news viable it's financially viable to do to do short blasts of
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angry rhetorical journalism right increasingly every single year we see more and more people are getting all their information from mobile devices not just tablets now but especially phones so what. you are looking for something they can see on their phone and watch for like ten or fifteen seconds or thirty seconds and the stuff that's really really popular is alex jones style journalism that's the stuff that really really works with this medium and so it's these little means little little you know sensational headlines that's what everybody's trying to do is what the quick and i know you write typically a piece of rolling stone is what three thousand words four thousand more in six thousand words i say doesn't fit on a tweet it doesn't fit into a you know twitter friendly environment and you know people like me were dinosaurs and you know every generation says that the political divide in america seems to go sharper and sharper but you know this generation you know is watching this group of the students in florida who have been now tragically gunned down and they that they
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seem like they're motivated now they're coming out and saying you know you're threatening us we are fighting for our lives like the generational divide at this particular moment seems really the sharpest has been in a long long time how do you think of what your thoughts on the i think we're becoming more polarized than ever for sure but you're right this next generation the younger generation in the morning older generation and younger they're more politically active. in a specific way and maybe my generation was in other words we what we had the sixty's then we went in like the eighty's or was a very go go raw raw reagan esque top gun was a big movie and of django istic and then we went to a very heavy pop says' like pop became like the prevailing cultural norm mixed in with a little hip hop but now i mean it seems like we're all the way back to maybe the kent state days these kids are like you're trying to kill us yeah we don't want to
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get killed you know is that what it is that a possibility it's really interesting because i think. in my generation written kids and my generation grew up listening to you. our parents who were the sixty's kids and they had a more ironic take on everything right like you know their parents had been incredibly earnest you know fighters for causes and then they of course grew up and went to business and their kids saw them as kind of phone use and fakers and they had this kind of jaded ironic take on everything which is why you know the eighty's and ninety's were a generation that was really ripe for like stand up comedy and humor and offbeat tyrell expire a magazine that kind of thing and now we're the pendulum is swinging back the other way i think this next generation of looking at my generation and saying you guys didn't take politics seriously enough you left us with with trump that office and now we have to get serious and clean up your mess and i think that's what's coming is a new wave of kind of earnestness and seriousness and anger and it's not it's not might
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be dead it might be did irony is. yeah exactly. absolutely all that's going to this edition of the kaiser chorus max keiser stacey when i guess that me if you're right just on twitter it's kaiser report it's like. fifty years ago breaking it within to come together as a sleeping pill. does. something to fix what terrible. victims are still getting legal battles demanding at least some compensation. to waste the physical times itself as well as the constant mind that the people who
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take this call it has never been pulled the justice has been. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest in the world of politics score this list i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. please. fill in the hyundai opinion of a bottle a saudi in china six oir. an estimated eighteen thousand since under age refugees are now living in greece. you know still more to go. to your home in there you go food shopping. and many
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sell their bodies just to make ends meet. you know that on the second or no on the sit in that. says and let me ask. also has turned to dealing drugs to make a living why. this single is unlawful runs a little. game of it in your. immediate.
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headlines ought to be international news for a terrorist to reportedly shelled the humanitarian corridor or in syria's eastern two to there were set up just an hour or so ago to allow civilians to escape the war torn district. israeli soldiers conduct a pre-dawn. arresting. a fifteen year old boy. for a severe injury to the head allegedly inflicted by the i.d.f. two months ago. an environmental activist in the u.s. faces jail time. trying to refurbish. i think it was helping people. lifecycle of their electronics to combat. to make sure that we keep as much working
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. day here in moscow thanks for joining us this. terrorists are reportedly shelled a humanitarian corridor which was just opened up hours ago. this was a stop to allow civilians to leave the war ravaged district of east ghouta now the suburb is located just outside the capital damascus it's been occupied by various rebel and terror groups for years we're talking about this region just over here the violence there has recently escalated with both sides accusing each other of targeting civilians now the humanitarian corridor by russia is located near the. as you can see right now the humanitarian efforts to provide safe passage for those
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desperate to escape being coordinated with the syrian red crescent buses and on standby to evacuate civilians from the embattled area and people inside the rebel enclave are being notified about the location of the corridor leaflets text alerts and even megaphone announcements first eight points have been set up near the exit to help those in need of urgent medical assistance however despite these efforts it's feared civilians will be prevented by rebels from leaving the war zone as i. explained. civilians dying they're dying from rebel shells from government bombs from bullets shrapnel and crossfire in damascus and in east ghouta the u.n. cease fire is dead on arrival no one stops shooting so the syrians are trying their own way humanitarian corridors backed by russia
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thousands of these leaflets being dropped over east ghouta by syrian helicopters there are instructions for civilians on how to get out of the war zone maps with arrows follow them if you dare women of all the jews and children reportedly continued to be forbidden by local armed groups from leaving the area for security reasons they've done it before in aleppo is limited rebels wouldn't let anyone out they shot at civilians trying to feed to government held areas they shelled humanitarian crossings and if you made it out that punish your relatives same story in ghouta this has been going on for years the evidence indicates that non-state armed groups in eastern guta and in particular josh islam are also responsible for inflating the price of food and other basic necessities they're
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arbitrarily restricting the movement of civilians wishing to leave and abducting and arbitrarily detaining people. you'd think this is important right well doom's pundits and activists screaming about good and not once have they asked the pertinent question going to happen i think at the heart we welcome the security council's decision regarding a ceasefire because of the burden on our families and he said this suffering must be lifted the decision to stop the bloodshed caused by the regime an ace in my home and the alarm. when the regime is not abiding by the un resolution i cannot stand still and watch and defend myself and our families in ghouta why are they still there despite their access to the spokes person of the army of islam the jihad this group that holds east ghouta they have not asked him why his group is blocking woman and kids from leaving
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a war zone it's good press for him to stand there and complain that innocents are dying while meeting that they're dying big because his own rebel fighters won't let them leave the armed groups inside east ghouta will not allow those people to leave simply because they know they will be the next target after that it will deprive them from a very strong media arm because those civilian deaths among the civilian actually created sympathy all over the middle east and all over the world i think human are used as you know a propaganda tools and these bloody war and in syria so it will continue i don't believe it will stop but definitely with this according to human humanitarian corridor or actually could do it use that human casualties among those people the corridor will be open until two pm local time and then reopen again the next day in
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the morning here on r.t. will keep you posted on the situation all day long in east ghouta. now israeli soldiers have conducted a pre-dawn raid on a palestinian village arresting ten people among them a teenage boy still recovering from an alleged gunshot wound to the head sustained during a west bank protest two months ago and the raid was caught on video. paulus lee a study by for us of paula can you tell us what happened. what was during a pre-dawn raid that the israeli army arrested ten palestinians five of them were minors and one of those detained was mohamed tamimi who is currently waiting for
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surgery to help restore part of his skull after it was removed in emergency surgery back in december not at that time he was fired at by an israeli rubber bullet. it's something. i've gone with god i'm going to learn what i'm going to. now the israeli military has confirmed that mohammed was arrested overnight they say that this was off to an army physician approved the erased he was subsequently interrogated and has been released there is a post on facebook where it says that under a terra geisha and he admitted to the soldiers that he had injured his head after fourteen of his bike and hitting the handlebars now his family refutes this they say it was all under pressure and of course they say that it was
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a rubber bullet that injured him and this has been confirmed by a doctor not mohammed to me is the brother of to me he is her younger brother she is currently in detention awaiting trial off the slapping and israeli soldier. now that incident was filmed back in december after israeli soldiers arrived at the tell me home to rest mohammed as you can well imagine our head was extremely angry both her and her brother are regularly at protests with the israeli soldiers way more often than not clashes erupt. or authorities are policy or life for us thank you. and the investigation into one of the worst cases of child sex abuse in the u.k. is stalling due to a lack of qualified personnel the abuse scandal centers around the sexual
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exploitation of fourteen hundred children over the course of three decades in the british talent of raw the room it was revealed that eighty percent of the suspected perpetrators were of pakistani origin or to use a police boyko looking at why the investigation launched a few years ago is failing to make progress. according to the senior officer investigating the scandal one hundred more police officers are needed to uncover the truth so far police have managed to interview seventeen percent of possible one and a half thousand victims due to a shortage in specially trained detectives it's a really specialist area engaging in interviewing vulnerable victims a lot of our victims were children when they were abused but they're now adults and have associated problems as a result of that abuse including suicidal tendencies mental health issues drug and alcohol addiction the rotheram scandal led to
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a national outcry when the scale of the child abuse was first exposed back in twenty twelve two years later an independent inquiry found that for decades through systemic failures in policing and social services the sexual abuse of children went on right under the noses of the all thora ts gangs of men the majority of whom were of pakistani origin preyed on mostly white girls aged from eleven to fifteen many of the victims thought they were in relationships with their abusers when the crimes were uncovered local authorities in yorkshire were accused of failing to tackle the problem partly through fear of being branded racist on the part of the authorities in their cases they were actually saying that these girls made a lifestyle choice it's about the fact that the authorities didn't want to be branded racist the ring leaders of the rodham grooming going last year i think this
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