tv News RT February 27, 2018 12:00pm-12:31pm EST
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just like russian sanctions do you think putin is going to miss a meal even you know is that do you think the people you know who are at the top and he thinks he's been in cuba do you think castro was missing a meal or do you think kim jong il is going to miss a meal now it's the people that barely have anything to survive on now and you honestly think that people who are starving the point of sanctions is this idea that they're all going to rise up and go up against them they don't have food you know they don't have food they have limited resources to begin with and we think starving out an entire generation of children is somehow going to be answer the question and i'm sorry but you know and i agree with you completely tell her that i'm sorry but why is talking such a negative thing in my mind is like isn't talking isn't dialogue isn't that the way you understand people that you prevent war from happening you prevent bombs from driving by continuing to talk absolutely ridiculous so hard as we go to break court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter your full shows at our two dot com coming up we ask off the lawyer jerk back what happened to bernie sanders his new book apparently has the
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absolute states to watch. t.v. but i'm stephen both. hollywood guy you suspect every proud american first of all i'm just george bush in our view to say this is my buddy max bemis financial guru well just a little bit different i'm. going to run your windows up with all the drama happening in our country and the brood have to be every day americans. and we start to bridge the gap this is the great american.
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i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside out. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money kill the narrowness and spending to get to the twenty million and one player. it's an experience like nothing else i want to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy great so one more chance with. the base it's going to. cut off.
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switch. thanks. election rigging collusion fraud and a full frontal assault on the foundation of our democracy to any regular viewer of c.n.n. and m.s.n. b c that might sound like the tagline of russia gave a list of reasons that donald trump is now the forty fifth occupant of the oval office but to america's progressive left that is also the op summary of the two thousand and sixteen democratic primary when hillary clinton and the d.n.c. machine succeeded and relegating the nation's most motivated and hard fought movement in decades to a pre-determined second place finish and a humiliating lesson in true democratic obedience many bernie sanders among them
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have accepted this stinging loss and learned to stay quiet and carry on but many have not one person who insists on continuing the fight for transparency has started litigator jared back author of what happened to bernie sanders joined us earlier today. the bottom line in my opinion is that bernie sanders and in a system that was specifically designed for candidates such as him in other words progressive candidates in the mold of george mcgovern to not get the nomination it was a rigged system and it was rigged from the start and it was rigged in a number of different ways and what i try to do in the book is put the pieces together and synthesize all the evidence that's out there in the public domain in order to explain and clarify how this system operated
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and in my view one probably the most critical factor in the rigging of the primaries against bernie sanders was the role of the media and the role that the mainstream media played in connection with the d.n.c. in rigging the elections against bernie sanders i couldn't agree with you more of the bearer of their role it was was agreed just across the border and just sitting back and watching it you know. from a viewer and there's still a part of the media you could see that absolutely and that was one of the issues that a lot of bernie's supporters had they were frustrated a lot of people that they saw what they saw as a sort of reluctance on bernie sanders part to call out the full sixty six tenths of the of the rate primary that he sort of acquiesce to the hellery coronation
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having studied this election so extensively do you think critics those critics have something to go on do you think they're right that part of that oh absolutely yeah absolutely in fact we are at a historic an unprecedented. time in our nation's history because we are we have been afforded an unprecedented opportunity to look behind the scenes at the workings of this rigged system because wiki leaks. really a revolutionary publisher has released so much documentation into the public domain for us to study and so what i try to do in this book is go through that documentation and connect the internal. documents from the d.n.c. s. own servers and connect those documents into what exactly
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happened in the mainstream media. through the network that exists between d.n.c. operatives on the one hand and mainstream media operatives on the other and so what i charge in this book is exactly how the mainstream media works at the behest of the d.n.c. itself to create false narratives against bernie sanders from the very beginning of the process including perhaps the most famous of false narratives which i called the myth of the bernie bro who. was a big one of that was a big special because everybody out there that about election i think you know everyone out there has people who are who you know they wish wouldn't speak for them or if you know i mean a lot of it is startling ultimately though there's still the extent of it is still that kind of like smoke and mirrors up the. river now i understand you were during the process you know you were in the process of
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a lawsuit yourself over this matter. where does the lawsuits that day is this something that we can expect to see come for to fruition or you know were the idea of this lawsuit you know i need to make this political statement because you know for the historical records because somebody had to stand up and kind of do something amidst all of this evidence fly around and then i'll ask is there any way to actually hold the d.n.c. ad in the clintons accountable you know for this rig at the end of the day. right so we filed the lawsuit very shortly. after the first documents showing the d.n.c. these fraudulent intent were released into the public domain and that actually was in wiki leaks that was good for two point zero which released a number of internal d.n.c. documents and i believe june of two thousand and sixteen which showed how the
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d.n.c. was strategizing to. elevate hillary clinton to the nomination and how exactly it was going to pursue a very specific and discrete media strategy among other things in order to achieve that outcome and so we filed our lawsuit very shortly after gucci for to came out with those documents. that lawsuit there were two hearings held in the district court in fort lauderdale florida where the lawsuit was filed which is also happens to be debbie wasserman schultz's district and of course she was named as a defendant with the d.n.c. as the former chair person. and so the court held two hearings. eventual ie the court dismissed the lawsuit and said that our clients who were donors to the bernie sanders campaign didn't have what is called legal standing to
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pursue claims against the d.n.c. and debbie wasserman schultz for rigging the primaries but in the course of those these lower court proceedings something very very interesting happened in open court before the judge hearing the case and what happened is that the d.n.c. is counsel got up and said that the d.n.c. had every right to go into back rooms and select the candidates like they did in the old days smoking cigars. hours and he said those precise words and there is absolutely no. nothing no legal resource recourse for that in fact the d.n.c. has every right to rig the primaries that way and this was a shocking statement i was shocked at the time i heard this and i'm still shocked and we and i said at the time if what the d.n.c. is counsel says is true then this is
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a very very sad day for democracy in this country because it means that there is absolutely no recourse that can be had legally to ensure that there are fair elections in this kind of country so worst on appeal in this case we appealed the judge's order dismissing us for not having standing and we are in the briefing process right now before the eleventh circuit court of appeals which sits in atlanta and has jurisdiction over the over the appeal so i absolutely hope that that. that the d.n.c. is wrong about this and that we do have legal recourse and we are going to pursue this case until the very end and try to get justice for all of the bernie donors that were harmed by the d.n.c. his conduct because they paid over two hundred twenty seven million dollars to
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bernie sanders campaign based on the belief that this was a legitimate and fair demick credit process and all the evidence shows that it was not but i think we've already gotten this these facts out into the public domain through the litigation process of course we've been blacked out by the mainstream media but that is a good thing that has come from the lawsuit but i hope it's not the only thing. hillary and bernie supporters have harper and it pretty strong animosity for each other throughout the whole process of the primary. isn't even through the election but most of them do seem to sarah share a certain reverence for president obama and the interesting thing about this this entire situation is this the fact that obama had a pretty big role in the primary he was a sensually the defacto head of the d.n.c. at the time or at the democratic party he's responsible for appointing debbie wassermann schultz at the d.n.c.
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and it seems that all all things considered he has avoided his share of the blame here why do you think that happened. well i i think you're absolutely right this all happened on obama's watch but i think all this is happened and all this is happening not just from obama but really from the very leadership of the d.n.c. right now which is swearing in till the end that the process. that there was nothing wrong with the process or that you know claims that that that the process were unfair are unfounded and all you have to do really is read the briefs that the d.n.c. has filed in our case i mean they're taking positions like. to the extent that we're threatening their first amendment rights by suing them for rigging the primaries which is just ridiculous to me so you know the short answer to your
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question i think is that. the d.n.c. and its leadership including president obama or former president obama has very much double down on the strategy that they pursued in rigging the primaries against bernie sanders and when you double down on the strategy you never back away from the strategy never apologize for the strategy you never give any ground and so i think we're just really at a historic log or heads right now. in terms of the democratic party and people who were formerly in the democratic party because i know a lot of people are leaving the party or have left the party in droves over what happened in two thousand and sixteen to bernie sanders most definitely jared and i want to say thank you and keep up the good work that you're doing out there definitely check out your book what happened to bernie sanders juror thank you so much for coming on today and definitely like to have you back on as we get closer
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to the twenty eight team primaries because i think that loggerheads you talked about is going to play a huge role in who gets on the democratic ticket and i think it's a good personal all the talk about that thank you so much for coming out and writing this book. well thank you for having me it's been a pleasure. this time of year the north pole or the arctic as proper scientists call it normally sits around motive thirty degrees celsius or negative twenty two degrees fahrenheit for my fellow americans but this year something is different see the northern most weather station in the world clock temperature is at forty three degrees fahrenheit six degrees celsius all because the lack of sea ice is making it easier for warm air to head north but it also sent frigid air south to europe we were seeing record cold temperatures the eternal city of rome saw freezing errors snow fall for the first time in nearly a decade and then thirty years before that they call this siberian weather from the
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beast from the east and it brought four inches of snow to rome delaying public transport closing schools cemeteries and even bringing priests and nuns into the blizzard for snowball fights the police have even taken to detaining homeless citizens to protect them from the elements it looks as if our weather flips and dances through our expectations it might be a time to start a middling the climate is asking us to make some changes that are most certainly years ago amazing amazing scene the colosseum was slow around the well you don't happen very often but dozens of lives of those paid times require the good are that is our show good today remember everyone in this world you are not the love of sorts or the world i love you. and i'm happy for all the people watching those orcs .
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join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest on the world of politics sport that's less i'm show business i'll see you then. fifty years ago breaking within two cons again as a sleeping pill the dust pieces would only because not to dust would share this thought the scientific sweat terrible but not on the road as shown induction in football will be here not the war then boom boom of across europe victims are starting legal battles demanding at least some compensation in software in two ways first will the physical damage itself as well as the concert mind that
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the people who actually perpetrate this crime has never been able to justice and there has been a couple. of nice keyser one for my guide to financial survival this is fun if a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. that's right these has flaws are simply not accountable and we're just adding more and more to the. totally destabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get in for a lot faster. to. feel on the high very materially above optimal saadi in china six oir to. an estimated eighteen fastens under-age refugees are now living in greece. you know
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still more go. to get a home in the euro food during. the many sell their bodies just to make ends meet it's. only them second on the second on yet no assistance in that is helping them says you know the one thing is can it. also has turned to dealing drugs to make a living. with this single engine life blood. in your.
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headlines and terrorists have shelled a humanitarian corridor in ceres east i'm going to shortly after it was established preventing civilians from leaving the water and it's true all sides of israeli soldiers conduct employees all right in a palestinian village arresting ten people including a fifteen year old boy awaiting surgery for severe head injury allegedly inflicted by the i.d.f. two months ago and environmental activists in the u.s. faces jail time and a hefty fine the copying microsoft software but he insists he was only trying to refurbish. i think it was helping people
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extend the life cycle of their electronics to combat planned obsolescence and to make sure that we keep as much working product out of landfills as possible. for the welcomers just to end for in the afternoon here in moscow you watching the international in our top story medicines occupying the syrian one. of eastern ghouta shoulder humanitarian corridor that was established to let civilians out of the war ravaged area these are pictures of a corridor checkpoint on the government controlled side the russian military says terrorists shelled the corridor or shortly after it was set up preventing civilians from leaving r.t. arabic correspondent is on the ground in damascus and visited the area had there had it last night no civilians have come out of the corridor yet minutes after it
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was killed in the area was showered with five times and several syrian soldiers are . now curious have asked or been firing at those trying to quiet your heart like you know why civilians are in use in this rout out. well east and cooter is located just outside the syrian capital and has been occupied by various rebel and terror groups for years it's that area in red their violence there has recently escalated to with both sides accusing each other of targeting civilians while to the north is where the humanitarian corridor or was set up by russia is located in the dean district what attempts to give safe passage to those desperate to escape are being coordinated by the syrian red crescent buses and ambulances are on standby to evacuate civilians and leaflets being dropped inside the rebel enclave telling people about the location of the corridor along with text alerts a megaphone announcements first aid points have also been set up near the exit to
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help those needing medical assistance however despite these efforts it's feared that rebels will prevent civilians from leaving the war zone as murder against the earth explains. civilians dying they're dying from rebel shells from government bombs from bullets shrapnel and crossfire in damascus and in east ghouta the u.n. cease fire is dead on arrival no one stops shooting so the syrians are trying their own way humanitarian corridors backed by russia thousands of these leaflets being dropped over east ghouta by syrian helicopters there are instructions for civilians on how to get out of the war zone maps with arrows follow them if you dare women of all the jews and children reportedly
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continued to be forbidden by local armed groups from leaving the area for security reasons they've done it before in aleppo is limited rebels wouldn't let anyone out they shot at civilians trying to feed to government held areas they shelled humanitarian crossings and if you made it out that punish your relatives same story in ghouta this has been going on for years the evidence indicates that non-state armed groups in eastern guta and in particular josh islam are also responsible for inflating the price of food and other basic necessities they're arbitrarily restricting the movement of civilians wishing to leave and abducting and arbitrarily detaining people. you'd think this is important right while loops pundits and activists screaming about gouda and not once have they asked the pertinent question do not have nothing at the top we welcome the security council's
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decision regarding a ceasefire because of the burden on our families and he said this suffering must be lifted to the decision to stop the bloodshed caused by the regime an ace in my home and the alarm. when the regime is not abiding by the un resolution i cannot stand still and watch and defend myself and our families in good time why are they still there despite their access to the spokesperson of the army of islam the jihad this group that holds east ghouta they have not asked him why his group is blocking woman and kids from leaving a war zone it's good press for him to stand there and complain that innocents are dying while meeting that they're dying big because his own rebel fighters won't let them leave the armed groups inside east ghouta will not allow those people to leave
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simply because the little they will be the next target after that it will deprive them from a very strong media arm because those civilian deaths among the civilian actually created a sympathy all over the middle east and all over the world i think human are you almost as you know a propaganda tools and these bloody war and in syria so it will continue i don't believe it will stop but definitely with this according to your human humanitarian corridor or actually could do it use that human casualties among those people. well the corridor has just closed but it will reopen again tomorrow morning and of course we'll keep you updated on events in the east and get. israeli soldiers are conducted a pre-dawn raid on a palestinian village arresting ten people among them a teenage boy still recovering from an alleged gunshot wound to the head sustained during a west bank protest two months ago the raid was caught on video by one of his family
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. well ten palestinians were arrested by the i.d.f. in a pre-dawn raid five of them were minors and among those detained was mohammad khatami meat who was seriously wounded after an israeli soldier fired at him with a rubber bullet back in december and now he is currently waiting for surgery to help restore part of his skull after it was removed in emergency surgery following that december incident. gautam number two to learn with what i'm going to. the israeli army has confirmed that it a race to tell me overnighted says that the service was approved by an army
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physician now after being arrested he was interrogated and has been subsequently released during that interrogation it seems as if he was forced to say that he fell off a bike and when his head hit the handle bars that cause the injury now his family has refuted this and in fact doctors have proven that the injury to his head was in fact caused by every other bullet he is the younger brother of tamimi who is currently in detention awaiting trial off to slapping an israeli soldier who arrived at her home. now that was filmed back in december when soldiers arrived at the tommy home to rest mohammed naturally i heard was extremely angry and her brother of regularly at protests and demonstrations with israeli soldiers there very often in confrontations. forcefully there now an investigation into one of the worst. cases
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of child sex abuse in the u.k. is stalling due to a lack of qualified personnel the abuse scandal centers around the sexual exploitation of fourteen hundred children over the course of three decades in the british time of the room it was revealed that eighty percent of the suspected perpetrators were of pakistani origin artie's party boyko looks at why the investigation launched three years ago is failing to make progress according to the senior officer investigating the scandal one hundred more police officers are needed to uncover the truth so far police have managed to interview seventeen percent of a possible one and a half thousand victims due to a shortage in specially trained detectives it's a really specialist area engaging and interviewing vulnerable victims a lot of our victims were children when they were abused but they're now adults and
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have associated problems as a result of that abuse including suicidal tendencies mental health issues drug and alcohol addiction there were other and scandal led to a national outcry when the scale of the child abuse was first exposed back in twenty twelve two years later an independent inquiry found that for decades through systemic failures in policing and social services the sexual abuse of children went on right under the noses of the all thora ts gangs of men the majority of whom were of pakistani origin preyed on mostly white girls aged from eleven to fifteen many of the victims thought they were in relationships with their abusers when the crimes were uncovered local authorities in yorkshire were accused of failing to tackle the problem partly through fear of being branded racist on the part of the authorities in their cases they were actually saying that these girls made a lifestyle choice it's about the fire.
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