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tv   News  RT  February 28, 2018 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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it. was. a ceasefire in the syrian enclave of eastern fails for a second day as reports of terrorist shelling stopped hundreds of civilians leaving the war torn area. facebook admits it still found no sign that russia in defeat in the u.k. is present vote despite our new efforts to dig up proof. and south africa's parliament passes a measure that could see the entire white population stripped of their lungs without compensation. this is r.t. international coming to you live from moscow i'm kate partridge thank you for
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joining us. a humanitarian pause in the syrian enclave of eastern has apparently been broken by terrorists first second day safety corridors established by russia came under heavy shelling from militants preventing civilians from leaving the besieged district the situation was discussed at a u.n. security council meeting as artie's caleb maupin reports. the assad regime and their supporters have been pummeling eastern ghouta where four hundred thousand people live under siege and constant bombardment needs to be understood and still legitimate targets of military operations they are asking civilians to leave eastern good to on the false premise that they can then attack anyone left in the area as much as they would like to set up temporary settlements most civilians ambulances because we've been through this before we know what russia will say today when you know you don't know they will say that there are terrorists in eastern good so the assad regime can bomb as ferociously and discriminately as it
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wants want to what do you do to implement the resolution did you consider a moderate opposition did you persuade them to stop shelling and taking people hostage it was a heated meeting in the halls of the u.n. security council we heard from different countries addressing the council regarding the situation in eastern guta now we've also heard russia's president vladimir putin comment on the situation and point out that essentially this enclave in eastern guta is being used to attack civilians in damascus and that civilians in eastern go to are being used as human shield. and you might look unfortunately there are lots of extremist forces in the east and good to risk what is a range of terror organizations recognized by the un the shelling is continually coming from that area on some days the number of missile strikes and mortar shell attacks which is fifty to eighty they even reach the territory of the russian embassy should we tolerate this indefinitely of course not. there's been
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a large number of efforts to protect civilians in the area russia carries out a five hour humanitarian pause on a daily basis in the hopes of protecting civilians and allowing them to get out through the humanitarian corridor and furthermore the un security council has passed a resolution calling for a thirty day cease fire now a letter was sent to the u.n. security council by some of the opposition and rebel groups saying that they would honor this u.n. resolution however at this point with three hundred civilians have been prevented from leaving due to the attacks they've experienced as they try to escape now the russian representative pointed out that these kind of humanitarian concerns and outrage were not being raised while the liberation of rocket was taking place. when u.s. were levering rocco's. croy. it's be months since. the city or through. the security council requests to circuit digital clocks
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producers to send the mission to assist you with that in news that there was quite clearly a gap in the international media in the way the different situations have been portrayed when the syrian city of raka and the iraqi city of mosul were being liberated by the u.s. led coalition and a lot of bombing was taking place so we heard u.s. leaders saying making statements to the effect that civilian casualties are just a fact of life civilian casualties or a fact of life in iraq and in syria people are much more accepting that because it's their city being liberated they understand where they were suffering civilians will get caught in the crossfire civilians will get hurt civilians will get killed if you want to liberate your towns and cities it comes at a price so it's unavoidable part of war and commanders have to press on despite that the responsibility for civilian casualties in iraq and syria lies with isis
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that is on them not on us that we are the good guys and munition people on a battlefield know the difference. r.t. arabic correspondent was only reports on the latest developments in eastern guta. how much any account it's the second day of the truce we haven't seen any civilians walking through the corridor it's known that there are many civilians who want to flee the enclave to leave it through the one and only corridor open for civilians from guta however militants prevent civilians from exiting and don't allow them to leave guta through the evacuation route to reach the road to damascus the militant positions are just three or four hundred meters from the corridor or near the campus are offered in the syrian government has distributed leaflets a monster brilliance of the militant controlled and place with detailed information and a map on how to get into the area under government control we can see that everything is ready here to receive civilians and to deal with any difficulty monetary and situation. professor of political sociology dr saeed saadiq says it's the u.s.
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that's fueling tensions in syria by supplying weapons to various armed groups. for always playing was fire the one who was doing that was fun is all it was for voting weapons who was providing the center is who is financing them who was caught by the media coverage for them. and trying to show that that what is happening is. a must saw that is a big must let go of innocent people what they care about is the those whom they have supplied of whom they had finances whom they have been breathing in the last few years and now they have lost the war but they don't have the same college to admit that they lost the water was do they just keep on bargaining making all those claims. iraqi refugees in the country's anbar province feel safer in camps than in the homes they're being forced to return to that's according
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to a joint report called the long way home from three humanitarian organizations the report says eighty four percent of refugees feel much safer in the accounts only one percent assure they still have a house to return to while half of those questioned know their homes were destroyed testament is in the report appeared to reflect those figures. we didn't make it to this place without seeing death without a thousand times. of the. we can't return to ramadi my house was damaged by isis i'm worried about the canned management telling us to leave and return home i heard rumors that he might close the camp but there is nothing official lots of my friends have returned back to ramadi but i can go i can't afford to repair my house. that is not the
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enemy we are stuck in here like ship. well last month an arty crew was filming in the iraqi city of mosul which was liberated from weisel over a year ago but as the pictures show they're still a little sign of the city returning to normality locals claim the authorities have no idea what the situation on the ground really is. how many bodies have you removed since you started working in this area approximately five hundred are there any more yes in houses and on their odds. i challenge any member of parliament to live in the conditions we are currently living in here i bet they are even afraid of entering this area they have no idea how horrible the smell is or how critical the medical situation is. we haven't received any kind of aid or support since things finished seven months ago on one occasion did they receive a small box of food problems no food nothing melanie markham from the norwegian
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refugee council who worked on the report says refugees fear traps and violent reprisals if they return home there's a number of dangers i think one of the largest threats is that a van exploded bombs that exploded mortars and booby traps and in fact we heard one report of a family who returned home only to find their house to be trapped and it killed a family member some of the other things that make it unsafe for papal violence from the community around them people who even suspected of having links with isis particularly vulnerable but other people under the threat of violence by. members of their own tribal community so there are a number of reasons why it's unsafe still unsafe for people to return home. the russian olympic committee has confirmed it's been reinstated as an official member of the international olympic committee r.t. snow day richard has the details. this is big news from russia as we all know the
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country has been at the center of a long running doping scandal accused of state sponsored cheating and the repercussions of this have been huge one of the biggest was russia being kicked out of the international olympic committee the i.o.c. so this latest decision to reinstate it to the club is a key milestone as the head of the russian olympic committee points out. the read statement was tied to the full doping check of russian athletes who participated in the winter olympics the letter we received today says the i.o.c. is able to confirm all remaining results of the olympic athletes from russia are negative the i.o.c. has banned men to many of russia's experience their fleets were unable to compete at the winter olympics in pyongyang this meant of course that those who were allowed to compete should only do so under a neutral olympic flag and they were mainly newcomers nevertheless they won
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seventeen medals overall now if we go back to the events leading up to the decision to reinstate russia to the i.o.c. there were expectations that it would have happened during the winter olympics themselves but there was a problem to russian competitors failed drugs tests another consequence to those positive tests was russia being banned from waving the country's flag during the closing ceremony initially they were going to be allowed but the privilege was taken away however it's now hoped the past is behind it competitions planned to take place in russia and not under any threat. well for the concerns i'm prepared for those so immense the rights which russia already obtained so russia is once again an active member of the international olympic committee but it is not the end of the road yet there are still two issues which remain unfulfilled situation of compliance was renewed rosado is still noncompliant the still a way to go because the russian anti doping agency restarted is still banned by the
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world anti-doping agency or wada we saw the last its accreditation and that is yet to be reinstated as an ongoing saga as russia disputes the legitimacy of that mclaren report which detailed russia's alleged systematic system of state sponsored doping accusations russia has always denied and wada has been insistent that to move forward russia must accept the findings of the mclaren report this is stalemate and it doesn't look like either side is yet willing to back down but for now with the i.o.c. his decision it means russia's olympic athletes will be able to compete under their own flag and play their national anthem when they win medals a huge deal for competitors and the country they represent an idea or tutor r.t. . the head of russia's world cup organizing committee alexei serapion told r.t. host stan collymore that the i.o.c. is decision was the right one justice prevails that's my only emotion thing that's
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it's only it's only just. that after we complied with every requirement that has been put forward no matter what we think about this requirement but. russia has complied and. just as has been done to us and very happy that our athletes will now complete complete with their proper uniform and with their proper fired. radio show host alan moore believes the anti doping agencies will now shift their focus from russia to their own countries. they're trying to get back on which is good side because there are a lot of things that were coming out so i think that in order to quieten things down or prepare for greater waves ahead in the sports ocean that russia needs to be brought back into the fold sort of basically they could calm the situation down a little bit right now there are dissenting voices there are people who are a little bit angry does too soon bush doesn't deserve it they would say it in any
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case are no punishment would be too harsh for russia in there from their point of view simply because as long as the russians are the bad ones their houses in order but now we've got to start to look around and see who else is a little bit dirty. now afghanistan's president has extended a new all of branch to the taliban following decades of war more on that story and us after the break. our.
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political blogs telling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings peace to the chickenhawk forcing you to fight the battle. to do socks product tell you the lobby gossip the tabloids by fell. off about her eyes and tell me you are not cool enough to buy their products. that we along with all. welcome back facebook admits it still found no sign that russia linked to cowes interfered in the u.k.'s breck's it votes despite a renewed efforts to unearth some proof. this is actually the second attempt by
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facebook to investigate and see whether russia was involved in any attempts to try to influence the brig's that referendum in december their investigations found that there were three adverts which were taken out by russian accounts but the budget for those totaled less than one pound only reached two hundred people so not exactly extensive proof of russian meddling facebook vend went back and investigated again upon the demands of damian collins who's a leading member of parliament here in the u.k. and that's where that letter comes from again saying that there has been no additional evidence of any russian interference in the braggs that referendum now mr collins traveled to the u.s. to try to grill the officials from a number of leading tech companies and again the message was clear that russia has been interfering in the democratic processes there be looked at all advertisements
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of any connection to russia and we found no evidence of our services being used to interfere in the referendum a very small number of suspected research agency linked accounts forty nine such accounts were active during the campaign which represents less than not point five percent of the title number of accounts these are very low level things now despite those testimonies that runs against what we've been hearing from leading politicians including the prime minister to resign may who insists that russia is up to no good it is seeking to weaponize information deploying its state run media organizations to plant fake stories and photo shopped images in an attempt to sew discord in the west and undermine our institutions so i have a very simple message for russia we know what you are doing and you will not succeed so all in all three really frustrating for those who have been attempting
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to find a link between russia and the briggs it referendum and no matter how hard you try you just can't find something that isn't there. south africa's parliament has voted in favor of new legislation that could see land from white farmers seized without providing any compensation artie's paulus clear reports the south african parliament has backed emotion that calls for changing the constitution and allowing for land exposed creation without compensation essentially white south africans will lose their land they will not be compensated this despite the fact that it flies in the face of the current constitution it follows the inauguration of the south african president oppose a two weeks ago he has said that he wants to speed up the transfer of land from white to black south africans now despite the fact that a party ended two decades ago you still have a situation in south africa where most of the land is owned by whites this is a hugely emotive subject for south africans the motion was bought in parliament by
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the economic freedom fighters party now it did receive the support of the ruling african national congress that holds some two thirds of the parliament the leader of the affair had this to say. the time for reconciliation is over now is the time for justice we must ensure that we restore the dignity of our people without compensating the criminals who stole our land malema is a controversial and somewhat radical figure in south africa in the past he has said that he's not calling for the psalter of white people at least not yet in recent years there has been a spike in the killing of farmers in south africa now those who support the motion say it will go a long way to restoring justice but those who criticize or say it will do anything but there are those who say it will lead to unforeseen consequences and also will be a scapegoat that the a.n.c. can use to explain away its own failures nonetheless it certainly seems as if we're
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far away from restoring racial tensions in a country that has so much history mired in them. afghanistan's president ashraf ghani has called on the taliban to join talks to bring peace and stability to the country he's also promised to recognize the terror group as a legitimate political force. to the taliban leadership and every other taliban member except peace accepted with honor and come together so we can make this country safe and secure well the taliban has yet to respond to the invitation but two weeks ago the group issued a statement calling for peace and urging u.s. congressman to pressure the trunk of ministration into negotiations it came in response to donald trump's earlier declaration that ruled out any possibility of peace talks between washington and the taliban there's no talking to the taliban we don't want to talk to the telegram we're going to finish what we have to finish
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what nobody else has been able to finish we're going to be able to do it. for political analysts muslim shows that thinks the afghan president lacks the will soroti to propose peace talks with the taliban. why the taliban after seventeen years should come to the table with a government where the taliban say it didn't have anything to to do with their self otherwise the united states is going to decide the conflict of afghanistan and the other issue i don't think that afghan government especially prison gani and in u.g. michel unity government can be tackled the ongoing issues because when you can't do and compromise with your cabinet ministers i mean prison accept any how you can convince a group like taliban would defy to seventy years and they control the territory for five years and now they have support of several countries to come to the table so the big question is do you have this authority to do forward besides writing
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not because you know this is as inside the country and they decide you should talk with a taliban or should fight with the taliban. karan as chancellor angela merkel has acknowledged the problem of so-called no go zones in her country it's the first time she's made such an admission artie's peter oliver has the details. we've seen an unexpected change of time. when it comes to talk of no go areas germany. there should not be any no go zones there can be no places where nobody dares to go because these owns exist and they should be named and something must be done about it. burkle had previously used the same injury phrase no go area to describe parts of the country with a high crime rate but that rate has been going up the government's own figures released earlier this year point to a ten percent rise in violent crime between twenty fifteen and twenty sixty ninety
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percent of which is attributed to young male refugees there was criticism of last year of the way the german media covered the refugee crisis a highly respected group of researches said that it is acted as public educators and that the whole refugee crisis and the arrival of hundreds of thousands of people was covered in too favorable a light. i think that out. i thought. that. the only people who had been talking about no go areas were alternative for germany
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and they were bound mocked for doing so are common enough that all guns are lying can you as a woman walk alone on vaal show streets on a weekend evening would you dare will pause for show or nearby streets and then they say and make it look like we are the aggressive ones and say bad things about the city no what we do is look at things in perspective what we do is simply address facts and facts only ladies and gentlemen. the his the thing in order to secure a ruling coalition angela merkel has been trying to win over the right wing of the conservative alliance should try to secure that fourth term chancellor she may well be thinking. taking a step towards the social policy of alternative for germany could help get those hardliners back on the side with peter all of us. were german media claims the biggest cities are the worst affected with criminals taking over
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entire neighborhoods police have come under physical assault in such areas which are reportedly run by ethnic gangs political scientists verna pat's out says some neighborhoods are unrecognizable. it's not no longer the case that every person can move freely around just as he or in particular she wants because we hear of neighborhoods in cities which look not like being in germany but like in a different country if you look at some cities like the northern parts of. like parts of deuce book like parts of the lead then for some neighborhoods it's really a problem and this truth is not quite they'll come but to be frank on this point we have the same problem arising out of truck criminality but immigration is a part of the whole problematic phenomenon. i'll be back with more news in just
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over half an hour meanwhile for more on all of us stories. i'm back eyes are with more of my guide to financial survival this is a head on a device used by professional galley way to earn money. that's right these has for us are simply not accountable and we're just adding more and more to them. totally destabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get in for what has a report. join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics or business i'm showbusiness i'll see you there.
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the you economic war is unfolding in the realm of education the right to education has been supplanted by the right to access education low high education is becoming just another product that can be pool and sold so this not just about education anymore it's also about running a business and what you're good at them also through chic look good is also trying to make an image. what is the place of students in this business model before college i was more now i'm an extremely more high education of the new global economic war. or fear or theory or are you a mirror mirror or a different barrier or goodness or.
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are here or are there or don't or for. your more or are very very need more it's ok very they more or are right and perfect. or ok they are in your home or work or their home. partner. or where you are. this is a middle aged man bargain a for sex of a teenage life and she from syria. according to unicef there are more than eighteen thousand under-age refugees in greece and one in five of them is here alone. many went for hell to get here and that tell continues for some teenagers in the heart
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of athens where they now sell their forty's to make ends meet. these are their stories. marina nice to meet our goal from says to us all of the songs from syria and. the mama don't seem to simply. just. seventeen seventeen sixteen and twenty one. ok so where do you live when the show simply assumes that come up with a lying hero i know it's a shelter and then on time. on a bit new sun on some of the. new greek system into the greek greek system good
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system laws. and when i come out i do that's one of the most solemn amano with all the. book down the field. i love you and i love the bit. of work you did of a number. of not be shot i hate i missed in michigan a should have known and i know the clock the thing that led you sued the whole government about how closely the local city made but it could almost a deal. with a simple rule and then a plug made democrats do you know i'm so gentle we should point to all of them how to do something i want nothing but that until one of them said they are i mean i don't want so long as i go bottled up both of those are both about it but he's well off on his own well never gonna do it i would miss some of the something that was down one percent a moment and all that sort of better because sort of but maybe i'm going to be a little. busy with that but it will have limited.


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