tv News RT March 1, 2018 10:00am-10:30am EST
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by that they say evil is like cancer option and i say we should you're creating the whole russian program to fight against certain diseases remaining in the sciences and people tend to be our pharmaceutical companies modernizing our your logical center is. this way starting to work from the very bottom up with the tag of the first signs of cancer to the very treatment of what we have already some positive developments on that track question because they're telling because the bullet because of all the indicators. will you all that they will we should be at the same model level as other at that level should be doing double ones you know rush is going to be hard to. maintain a healthy nation. we need to work much more than health care services in russia. a country we need to ensure high levels of environmental awareness actions that all
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the well being and you can imagine a healthy life without music that was millions of people drinking water which is below the standard so if you have. snow coming down crossly i was going to you should ask those senators because of course. they cannot see the sun for months and . years and some other cities have to tighten up our environmental policies for the industry which will decrease the you should not do we're going to. start over twenty twelve. fifteen eastern but we expect that as many as three hundred industrial complexes will be coming onto the use of new new technologies in the utilization reduction systems and bludgeon from the twenty twenty one every industrial group and to russia will introduce these new measures and mechanisms of course was seen many difficulties on the way but it was. there is no way back could
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and you should know that we will never postpone the deadlines any more will not expand the current problems. those are partly to move that also will need to modernize the energy sector this will be achieved through and i believe it would create a new roads and highways and enhanced soothingly quality of transportation emissions control today the civil society swell work found out that in russia there are more than twenty two thousand of dumpsites we need to settle this problem and we need to eliminate the dump sites within the borders of cities we need to the hands of quality award in remote small here on the street the water has been delivered we cannot show interest for seven but only several hours per day we need to introduce more technologies which are already used in results in our defense and we have to make all of this too if you need to maintain and preserve the unique environment of the by call of the volcano basin and of each alecky lake which will
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have a directly positive impact on the quality of life of. russian citizens. of the accrue to. the poor you are you show us on twenty four new preservation centers the national parks they should be accessible for the environmentally friendly toll is where it will help us to bring up people who are responsible about the environment issues and colleagues in the twenty eighteen is the year after. very symbolically serious started with the adopting a law which introduces that every level of government and authorities should pursue it if the work of volunteers today you know volunteers those who are socially oriented actually participate in solving the most burning task today and that involvement of people in the work of the authorities as well as the moral habitation is what makes our one and this a. nation that's what's helping to. make headway we should preserve our identity
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even and need. no logical changes we experience and you cannot overestimate the role of culture which is our of all nation our civilization code we share with you it opens up the creativity. creativity in every one of us so we should create more culture a museum or institutions across russia concert halls theatrical halls music halls and many other schools an institution in the halls as well as it is a big areas where the leading museums of russia will be deployed in all they have one displays they should not be storing that in the archives. they should be displaying it with to commuters they have these will be the centers for cultural life for the you for the people of all ages and the first broaddrick of that kind
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will be implemented in vladivostok in the other cities will follow. our children will be only a dreaming of russia which will be obligated towards the future essays including many many words about the dreams of our children and we should you dream we dream about the big things we should really there would open up the talents of our children to help them achieve what they want and it is this school which is responsible for answering the call of times and you because only this way because you will be ready to face the challenges of the day x. would say that our. school is one of the leading in the world will continue of the workers and handsome the quality of education at all levels and in there but i'm ordinals maybe high quality education should be accessible to everyone child in russia an equal opportunity is it is a huge potential for the country to achieve greater social justice and equality when you. to transit to more recently new technology of individual education so
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that the people from the very young age will greatly to creatively search for new information and use the kill we need to build up your garbage into as you want it to be. we need to support you talented gifted you can use pupils in the unions and teachers as well and we should create a noble and a system of selection for preparing the personnel and the heads of schools for them because they are responsible for the hands of the quality of the. human potential well ten thousand years you simply reinforce our system with an officer award for gifted children in a kind of a system should be garbos from every region of russia we should integrate these h one platform is going toward him and syria is the center for. curriculum education and that should be the case for every region of russia thanks.
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to create him order in the center of the. asian courses universities should bear up with friends called. successful guardians but i starting with a new school year we should launch the early broad brush in our intentions were wrong around them like a ticket to the future window to the future that will help our children our youth to drive their skills in the company is in the real companies which work today and we are to allocate one billion rubles to support that initiative. is not immune so that you should do it as we could using and also it is important to work on it is their goal change is what helps us to unite moral foundations and the skills and competencies of generations and mentorship mikkel is the answer to the drop them so we're facing a very competent you know who we think is the knowledge. technology are the keys to
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the breakthrough in the house in the quality of life and the immediate future we should create a more than a legal basis or the usual lifting of every woman barrier for a bar to the use of robots artificial intelligence and men vu cause each trade about them but big data in the. legal framework should be updated on a regular basis it should be based on the flexible approach to every sector to average acknowledge that we have all the necessary prerequisite to introduce as fast as possible the five g. networks and the internet of things sic knowledge is just as well we need to create our own new digital platforms which will come back with them both with the global information of platforms which would allow worse if you have any kind of technological order logistics and everything else because when you distribute it registered knowledge is the answer for the challenges on the way to be
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transactions. knowledge across a very practical thing we need to create community acknowledges the new solutions to discover the real resources of the arctic. develop the potential of every our industry. in their hands the quality of services. provided to the people who need to have the nexus you rehabilitation we need to see more start up students should use. new technologies to the industries. three to do it. here we're speaking about a very comfortable taxation infrastructure. writes i'm very sure in the vast moments our technological growth should be based on the fundamental science potential for. the years were increased. because of the
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border we are now one of the top countries in the world to the russian academy of sciences and the larger the the leading research institute in russia our experience of the carpet and says we need to come to the new level today in action and do we see projects for more than one thing because the research. installations of the mega scientists. level and created with also enormous risk we have planned to create a single throne with installation as well as the same kind of instead they should be still in the with every of moscow and russian research institutions this way will be one of the leading ones of the world and the use of these you get a bill which is will not allow our carbon is to be more competitive in creating new drugs new materials. new motherboards and ever thing else and that
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kind of new infrastructure will support the ambitious dream of scientific research attracting our compatriots from abroad. we need to have a proper legal and contractual basis for the work of international scientific research groups of our own but then szell should be intrigued when it comes to the locational centers who should be integrated with the. university of high tech companies such centers are already being created in cozart in the mara and dark skin and. banyan for that you must start caring and grow it in other cities of russia. we need look to our again towards the implementation of interdisciplinary project such a promising area as gene arm. because the breakthrough on that track will help us to create new methods for prevention of diseases and treatment of disease expanding our capabilities. human terms of agricultural development and also.
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in our mathematicians who come in other ones who are to push forward our digital. we have the necessary mathematical research centers and because our in there was serious they're working successfully on the frame recovery decisions were made we had to open the same status the same pittsburgh moscow and but in sochi just as well our. thanks to. the russian new leaders to even those proving your. they are capable being the leaders of many. our school students and you because you have been awarded for thirty eight medals maybe she wins the first in the world skills competition twenty seventeen hours students really have claimed twelve victories on the year in the competition for programmers. best
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practices and experiences we can to help us to more denies the professional education system the need to give new levels of. education when it comes to these new technological or demanding areas we should introduce leaves you for libel she actually has a degree and new courses for engineers as well as we should be creating new standards for advice you should crash qualification in the hands of the courses for those who already work also we need to create a feral environment for our youth to tell and to give as well as the youth from other countries will be willing to join our universities we need to create the environment in the us the will is students from abroad to come to russia for. the sake of education and then they should stay in russia which should make it in the right. enough for them when you try their hand procedure for the citizenship
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worrying you guys we should focus our attention on those who are needed. they're healthy the well educated they should enjoy a simplified or seizure of for citizenship. because they should. want to be american colleagues i mean especially to ensure a breakthrough in grow you know where both our education our health care andre new level together with the infrastructure and services quality we need to allocate as much you to the future miles of budget money is that all of these sectors need to find additional money but how are we going to do that when you think that's what will be the sources where will find the necessary amounts of money first of foremost we should single our priorities in the hands seen the quality and.
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efficiency of our work attracting private investment major projects and the future garma we need to create a new taxation a framework which would be stable and senator for the several years to come through the highlight of the fact that we need nearly fiscal solutions which would help us to improve their. income that together with the do you have any theories that we will allocate enough to stimulate growth at the same time implementing all our social obligations the economic growth of russia. even when you can eavesdrop and tell us that we need to go and russia's economic potential to develop the potential of three problems. that was the source for the growth in there and we need our economy to grow above the world so every trade we put this is not easy task. this is not just wishful thinking. this is
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a basic requirement for a conceiving of your breakthrough in addressing. infrastructural and defense you go yes this is the top priority for the next government to make living in a stable as their economy we are less dependent now in going to. energy prices and their development towards the we have increased our international reserves inflation is at an all time low a little over two percent. about filming and of course we realize that for a number of products prices keep growing above the average tree and we need to keep an eye on that this i'm referring to our anti-monopoly service but on the whole of your set up we need this low inflation that offers additional opportunities for us for development in twenty fifty and just recently the inflation rate was almost thirteen percent twelve what he pointed to being said i
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don't know currently you can then russia has a new macroeconomic reality with low inflation you can general stability of the economy. for people this offer is opportunity to increase their personal income so we can for businesses offer us predictability and we can cheaper loans so businesses should get accustomed to this smoothly konami korea already has well needs to finally this makes it possible that to attract in the long term loans for large scale infrastructure projects. in the we can we keep inflation low back to responsibly and at the signing time gradually reduce the jewelry making loans more easily accessible. and i shoot with because of that and i hope that the bank of the russian will support me here. monetary
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implementing it's more that your policy i expect to work with the government towards our common goal is going to be creating conditions for further economic growth in your change and least structure of our national economy to make it more common that civilian leaders need to use a fundamentally new approach for our sources of the rule where are those sources first we need to know greece are products. we are still lagging behind. and we need to increase in productivity and made sure that's the middle sized companies construction agriculture trade commerce and so on but we need growth rate that would list five percent a year by the end of the next decade and we'll be among the world's leading economies increasing productivity means increased salaries as well it was before with us this means that demand will grow this in turn will provide an additional
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driver for economic development. we should mark to beat companies to reduce. that we. revise our system of subsidies and retarget them to. stimulate the production of the sophisticated what's next in the investment if we had a goal of increasing it to twenty five percent of g.d.p. and we were unable to achieve this goal unfortunately but we still have to get. any cost and i hope that the next government and the bank of russia will present your specific program on how to get. what we need. need to get to a level where on the average. every other and company. like you just is going to
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modernize is it's a production line it's in a year then we'll see specific results you know modernization and if a third source of growth is developing small and medium sized businesses over the next decade it's contributions to the russians just should approach forty percent will actually and employment climate should go from nineteen to twenty five million by evil one of the key problems that businessmen are concerned about his access to financial resources. the government has a special new program business model for small production companies slightly better to get loans at six percent six point five percent i think we should continue this program and we need to make this instrument a few surely they'll a bill to use. another source of growth he says developing commodity exports we need to remove all administrative barriers in operate the most
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favorable for companies that are an export and those are actually over the next six years so we have to double our anon commodity exports out of the two hundred fifty billion dollars. i. don't just buy stuff here but i'm looking we shooting at a pretty stimulating increase in junior products fifty billion dollars in exports it's one hundred more billion yeah but if there were any real boost. tourism and medical services so on you in the early eighty's we would have ended highly on imports now the situation is your thing and it's the rest of your future . over the next several years we plan to export it was more food items then we had the money and that i think important but i think that we want to look for a better but we'll use and zero solutions it's only in the envelope. to supply
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russia polluted with digital it's. true in the developing source you would realize it was the big companies but the this issue cannot intervention smaller businesses and usually it is working there we need to support the family farm to see it as the way supporters of the money to develop the cultural call for it to be an appropriate necessary condition here in the rural areas but of course we know you know that we have certain problems every now and then that in people serious interest as you might you know one of them but we should be close attention to such situations but once again i would like to thank our farmers and the workers of the every industry for the bomb profi had the sheer hundred thirty four million . as they meet. this is more chimp. more rain and then the record for the soviet union this was
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in one thousand nine hundred ninety eight they had their record crop will divert four hundred twenty seven point four million. and one in the hearing. these days from the red will have crops over one hundred million the science of course there's a downside to such a promise prices goes down there are problems with storage in which transporting grain to support our producer which is what we've introduced here in the. lower tariffs for railroad transportation of grain and so that we see is july first going to eighteen and we need to consider similar measures for the use surely. and we should. put that purchasing a green you know remote areas like the urals and even areas that are far from scene . so you create with this added but i doubt you need to offer your products at.
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before it is. going it will certainly discuss these issues for the agricultural workers at the agricultural forum that i'm going to have a march to me going to be based on that we will come up with additional support measures for for the agricultural industry colleagues for the economy to work at its full capacity we need to make a really good business climate and we need to put your butt in the sure of the highest level of the business that freedom is in competition with the. rate of government involvement in the economy should steadily decrease in recent years due to improvements in the bank use fear and i really support pro-social not the government that wired a number of financial matters but we should market those and sell them off. stop with the shoot get rid of everything that held us corrupted people in the government institutionalization of law enforcement to put pressure on businesses
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billion completion and criminal code should no longer be used as a two in economic disputes sort of such disputes i think he's going to be away which means that i think you can search disputes should go through up administrative form and. put up a resolution pretty much just so much as i would ask one of them just said i work in a group that would include at the supreme court. in service representatives of the business community and come up with specific proposals and get a subject because you cannot resolve such matters if we trade away but we certainly need to consider the situation and come up with certain solutions and we need to do this at all soon as possible and at the same time. the law should be applied on an image that relentlessly to those who seek while a personal rights and property where. it's.
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unfair competition with tax evasion embezzlement and such things which were another of the subject of my liberty but inspections on the one hand the number of inspections has greatly reduced but i knew this is a formality when we talk to business you only tell us that the situation hasn't really changed. it up but i would not an inspection should be a rare occasion this should only apply to my wrists distant. places in other places we should have a system of very early but for the future when we need to implement a aris oriented version of project international somebody might know we need to so much. more coming through. to make their first step if they should be able to start a company with one click. through the internet but you might believe someone you're
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self-employed or people. who use digital services just shouldn't you. that knowledge of that might be just computers should be able to register automatically controlling a business woman who use cash registered. was named joy facilitated the regime of reporting that. things but these are the things that's not of them from developing for the women to do our best to remove all. get rid of all the. introduction of digital form this new class knowledge will make this system a new more transparent but i would like. women see meaning to. family farms. you know a lot of companies or maybe a large industrial facility and i know i know we still have
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a lot of things that we need to do and i assure you we'll do our best to make sure that our memories of what have all the necessary opportunities for me in their companies and creating new jobs but at the same time i really exude the russian business people will also make a greater contribution to breakthrough development of our country. and people will respect businessmen more me and this is also very importantly colleagues and if you know in addition to developing model services for the business we need to make this whole system more comfortable with transparency in the easier to understand the whole system of the interaction between the government and we see the government and our citizens and we've created an ad to work which. centers where you can go and get government services through one. one stop the system one desk. video and now we need to take the next step over the
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next six years all government services and they will shoot. you know real time or email. maybe we should also about digitalize to document circulation in between government institutions this would be important we both for gov institutions and for people so they don't have to run from between to place them so you can get everything you have digitalization will probably the entire system or a governess making it more transparent kind of also help us to fight on corruption when you go government office also told there was surely interested in you praising their. country yet nobody should pursue specifically mcgorry so you know we can be talking about corruption but government over to show us how to say this rebuke and most of all government of the shows mostly by the objects services in our community good results oriented people murdered but what i just said will help everybody like we those who were in the government service and also people who use government
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services. to remove them from the entire society. based on maybe's project of yours and your method of gaga because of course we need to know why the personnel what kind of government services for the pigs the signs here induction were facilities and all the different areas. we had for the first two leaders over russia context and we have other initiatives now to support young professionals volunteers and college students with my school students and we use your brain around the together thousands of young people from all over russia and this is an important step in their lives in their careers i'd like to emphasize we want to thank our board for all those who wanted to those who weren't you know want to serve their country later on there was more for those.
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