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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  March 1, 2018 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

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put its intent was to sober up the west and to bring that back to realities i don't think anyone in the us mainstream media is going to pay attention to the proceeding to the cause of russia's military build up to only look at the consequences what russia has done but that's not a matter of importance what russia has done is breathtaking and i think as i said it will make the us generals the pentagon the whole military budget the spin indorsed by congress. look like chumps so the united states whatever it says publicly is going to have to have a deep rethink of everything that spending no on military because it's useless that's an important point because even alexei pushkov he's a member of russia's federal council when he spoke to us just not long ago he said we expect in a sterile reaction from the western media over this but. we hope it might mean a reassessment of foreign policy and perhaps an invitation to sit down with russia
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and talk an equal terms about what can be done is that how you see it. that's the minimum nobody is going to speak about revising u.s. foreign policy that would be politically unacceptable in the congress as presently constituted washington is deeply set against russia but i think we may expect it's very reasonable to expect in the short term there will be a calling upon moscow to reenter into the overall full landscape arms to go she talks that is certainly the greatest likelihood and certainly what for dinner putin. is looking for a very interesting deal but really good to get your thoughts we appreciate your time. independent political analyst thank you. now in other news the third russian sponsored humanitarian pause in ceres eastern ghouta has been violated by terrorist shelling just like the previous two this is stop civilians from leaving the embattled district according to the russian run
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reconciliation center trap presidents are now asking for human rights groups to get involved failed troops efforts provoked a heated debate at a u.n. security council meeting. the fighting has not stopped opposition groups operating in eastern good to have made clear their commitment to the ceasefire on the very first day the militants use the declared pause to start an onslaught on the second day the same mortar shelling has continued including of the humanitarian corridor not a single person has left the danger zone. there were reports that the assad regime once again used chlorine gas as a weapon i'm tired of asking this but do you understand how pointless it would be for damascus to use chemical weapons both from a military and political standpoint whereas for the militants it would make perfect sense i think you understand this perfectly well but you persistently look for
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a pretext for an armed intervention. russia does not get you know laterally rewrite the terms of the resolution if russia is able to deliver a five oppose let it deliver a twenty four hour one you wouldn't need to me but would you and our western partners are patrolling the situation as if the resolution applies only to damascus and to russia as if it all depends almost exclusively on the will of our country may i ask you what you have done to implement the resolution if any of you lifted a finger if you use your influence on those who you consider the moderate opposition have you persuaded them to lay down their weapons and release hostages there been a large number of efforts to protect civilians in the area russia carries out a five hour humanitarian pause and a daily basis in the hopes of protecting civilians and allowing them to get out through the humanitarian corridor furthermore the u.n. security council has passed a resolution calling for a thirty day cease fire now
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a letter was sent to the u.n. security council by some of the opposition and rebel groups saying that they would honor this u.n. resolution however at this point always three hundred civilian. have been prevented from leaving due to the tax they've experienced as they try to escape now the russian representative pointed out that these kind of humanitarian concerns and outrage were not being raised while the liberation of rocket was taking place. so where were you when the us coalition were leaving rock where was you and it's been months since the terrorists were forced out of the city and it still unfit for life there was quite clearly a gap in the international media in the way the different situations have been portrayed when the syrian city of raka and the iraqi city of mosul were being liberated by the u.s. led coalition and a lot of bombing was taking place so we heard u.s. leaders saying making statements to the effect that civilian casualties are just
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a fact of life civilian casualties or a fact of life so it was quite a heated exchange at the united nations but all parties agree that the life of civilians in eastern guta is key however there is quite a disagreement about who's responsible for the circumstances in the situation in the country. facebook has not found any additional signs that russia linked accounts into feed. through a new death or to unearth some proof that the company sent a letter to the head of the british probe into the matter saying there's no evidence other than the minimal activity already known. as moved into this. this is actually the second attempt by facebook to investigate and see whether russia was involved in any attempts to try to influence the brig's that referendum in december their investigations found that there were three adverts which were taken out by russian accounts but the budget for those totaled less than one pound only reached
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two hundred people so not exactly extensive proof of russian meddling facebook vend went back and investigated again upon the demands of damian collins who's a leading member of parliament here in the u.k. and that's where that letter comes from again saying that there has been no additional evidence of any russian interference in bragg's that referendum now mr collins traveled to the u.s. to try to grill the officials from a number of leading tech companies and again the message was clear that russia hasn't been interfering in the democratic processes there be looked at all advertisements of any connection to russia and we found no evidence of our services being used to interfere in the referendum and a very small number of suspected research agency linked accounts of forty nine such accounts were active during the campaign which represents less than not point five
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percent of the total number of accounts these are very low level things now despite those testimonies that runs against what we've been hearing from leading politicians including the prime minister to resign may who insists that russia is up to no good it is seeking to weaponize information deploying its state run media organizations to plant fake stories and photo shopped images in an attempt to sow discord in the west and undermine our institutions so i have a very simple message for russia we know what you are doing and you will not succeed so all in all three really frustrating for those. you have been attempting to find a link between russia and the briggs that referendum and the matter how hard you try you just can't find something that isn't there. not germany's dark nazi past or troubles of the country although less in some parts apparently because a village near frankfurt has been thrust into the spotlight after it decided to
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retain a nazi symbol. of course a couple of people don't like. having the ceiling to know that there's a clock with. story like this.
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and this bell has been here for some time and now someone wants to get rid of it as a side of this bell didn't do anyone harm i think there are more terrible things to pay attention to. just coming up to twenty past three here in moscow will have more news to be just off the bat. well blogs tell you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battle. to stop the predator tell you that every gossip and public lifestyle for years. doesn't tell you on the cool enough to buy their products. all the hawks that we all love walking.
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with manufacture consent to public wealth. when the ruling classes to protect themselves. in the final. we can all middle of the room sit. really. really. slow again the bully in authorities have circulated a brochure among kindergarten stuff that focuses on issues including transgender identity and same sex marriage the booklet designed to help teachers explain these sensitive topics to children has sparked controversy as peter all of reports. it is
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a city famed for its liberal and inclusive attitudes to sex and sexuality. but conservatives in the german capital are upset at a new guide for kindergarten teachers that they say goes into too much detail and is aimed at kids that are too young the idea is to give educators the information they need to be sensitive to children coming from non-binary families say children that have same sex parents or transgender parents it doesn't have the most catchy of names but what it has done is certainly ruffle some feathers among those in angela merkel's c.d.u. party children should be allowed to be children and not be confronted with things like these it's also come in for criticism from the opposition alternative for
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germany party well it's very simple we believe sex education is important and of course our young adults should know about sex planning and all the rest but please not in the kindergarten give them some space let them be children don't force this issue onto them it's not even a problem for them they want to play around they want to discover the world so please let them be children leave them alone these subjects will come to them soon enough in school or at home when the parents talk about this but not of an age of five or six years that is far too early on the streets of berlin opinion is mixed on when is the right time to be discussing with children issues of sexuality do you think that children in kindergarten should be taught about same sex couples and about transgender people yes. it's normal
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nowadays. to be with people. around the great people in all gender conditions are not gender or sexuality isn't all the stuff i don't think it's the right thing when they. received sex. education in school that's enough i think that's thinking on the one hand i think it's ok but on the other i don't dawdle very much in favor of that i do so yes i do and why i think it's important structural of life so i think children should be taught about all factors of life and this is one of them the left wing coalition of the social democrats greens and the left party that runs city government are accusing those on the right wing of politics but be overly prudish and unwilling to discuss the issue. after their attempt to scandalize the handouts on sexual and gender diversity for teachers didn't work the c.d.u. would prefer not to talk about the issue there's very little chance of the city
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government repealing this booklet however discussions sex and sexuality and talking about it in kindergarten are set to continue in fact there's a petition going round the house already almost fifty thousand signatures from those who want to see this particular booklet stopped peter all of a r.t. berlin. following the florida school massacre the debate over gun control in the u.s. has come to a head with both sides of the divide resorting to some unconventional methods to get their message across among the latest example of the church in the u.s. state of pennsylvania held a somewhat unorthodox wedding ceremony the entire congregation there as you can see was armed to the teeth with pistols and semiautomatic rifles the display of weapons was meant to show their willingness to defend their families and their right to carry guns however at the gun owners are apparently falling out of love with their barrels and are destroying them on camera. decided today. i'm going. make
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sure this weapon will never be able to take a life the only way that i can know for sure that this gun will never hurt anyone is it doesn't exist. i just made holes in everything now all of this stuff is unusable now. meanwhile google has banned the word gun from that shopping search engine google does say it's to protect users from possible harm but the unintended consequences have had some people up in arms. google wants to help keep people safe both online and offline so we don't allow the promotion of some products that cost damage harm or injury.
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international thanks me company is often a more news in just over half an hour. from . ukraine isn't it pre-collapse a situational crisis there moment or do you really knew all of ukraine agreement was that all region all just blowing its coalitional decries exactly because of some countries for the story care results of european countries are obsessed about the role of russian federation i can understand breaking off the greek.
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greetings and sal you teach us history is a fascinating fascinating thing arc watchers especially in regards to how quickly
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we choose to forget or ignore our shared histories this week on february twenty seventh u.s. citizens got themselves yet another round of russia fear mongering this time in the form of obama era holdover admiral michael was rogers in the senate armed services committee aghast and whore over russian midterm meddling at will rogers declared to the committee that president donald trump has not given him any new authorities to combat the evil russian cyber scourge of internet memes and facebook ads and that we're taking steps but we're probably not doing enough and if we don't change the dynamic here this is going to continue who this declaration to congress prompted the uncrowned queen herself as hillary clinton to tweet out i say this as a former secretary of state and as an american the russians are still coming. uhm
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this all comes of course without well any actual evidence the raj is in any way gunning for the us mid-term elections or the politicians running it haven't seen anything that they know is produced any evidence and basically we're all just supposed to accept all of this on the word of our illustrious intelligence community and civil servant politicians. you know and one of the great ironies that only history can provide all of this russia fear mongering comes in the eighty fifth anniversary of the rice tog fire yes february twenty seventh nineteen thirty three is when the infamous communist terrorist attack took place on the headquarters of the german parliament which emboldened the newly appointed chancellor of germany adolf hitler and his nazi party to abolish the freedom of speech assembly privacy in the press and legalized phone tapping and the interception of correspondences and. that sounds really very
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familiar to me i don't know where i would ever hear something like that before. you know what i think it's time to start watching all. you. want to. look like real this would. be the plot of. the day like you know what i got. this. week so i. rather want to watch the hawks i am a robot and i'm topical and it always somehow goes nuts if this it does doesn't it doesn't that it's not a joke it really is every conversation but it does and i think that's that's what's interesting about connecting those two things and having these moments is that so
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much today so much and mainstream media or people like hillary clinton are saying something something when the russians are still coming it's just i can't it's hard to it's cartoonish at this point for her to say that but. it does make the point that this is always been the case it's always and it tends to go back to the communists and the case of russians i think still that when you say this like former soviet nation it's that dog was all about communism like we're still terrified of my god communist socialist what do we do share things with people i know it's. the last time i checked russia was well communist country and it's interesting because look the reichstag fire has has taken that point where you know a lot of historians say it's what they said it was you know one lone guy and let the place on fire because he was a communist sympathizer whatever the excuse was and things burned out of the nazi party capitalized on that fear but out that same time in that era of history they
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also did there of him and dependent investigation and so geno it looks a lot more like the nazis secretly set this fire blamed it on the for you know on the graft on the political foreign threat and then that gave them enough fear of the you know fear power. fear credit in the populace to basically take ever over take away everyone's rights and really assume power and take over germany and not sure of their constitution which really what it did was prove not the idea that you can. have a fake attack or something that weren't. doing you know an attack and make it look like someone else is doing it that is something that absolutely politically goes on top of course i mean that well that's that's a part of military procedure that's not something that we kind of you know push that idea of thinking into like the corners of conspiracy theory or conspiracy people and have to put it but it actually is
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a right military maneuver search done and hasn't done throughout history i mean when you look at vietnam of the gulf of tonkin you know some would argue the you know using the whole the nine eleven in the war on terror and like all of that now russian hacking where you. have you taken a vow and you twist it were you perpetrated and you twisted to meet your own hands and when you've heard of nine eleven it's an interesting case because since we've learned you know those missing pages especially it's a very different angle puts a very different sort of patina on it you know that to a lot of people and in that same thing it's a you know if there's all these saudis on a plane why weren't we courthouse for so to read it was this thing going to go to the well you're gone out of there communism in the nazis came in and ok wait a minute and that happens all the time and i think the you know i think the question that we need to really ask ourselves is why do we keep allowing you know people in power people in positions of power to kind of manipulate the populace of repeat history over and over to give way and the thing is part of that i think is
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because we are ignoring laws that were put in place a long time ago for this for this very reason and to protect as opposed to just using you know like for an actor or other world where to call their own laws there's actually certain ones that make sense and one of those was the smith month that was in one nine hundred forty eight and that we did is prohibited the u.s. government from propagandizing its own citizens for two so when what's interesting though though is that there's a difference now is that using the n.d.a. as cover again the government modified the sum of money to act. to allow for what they call permit materials produced by the state department and the broadcasting board of governors to be available within the united states which we talked about this years ago how dangerous that is what they're saying is the stuff that they nor the propaganda that they normally put out outside the united states that they're not allowed to do here which is really i mean you're talking about voice of america
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which is a government funded news outlet and so now there's this idea that there should be more propaganda we should do it more in the united states colorado to get out. there are probably again and it's really ridiculous at the end of the bat i think that you know u.s. citizens and citizens around the world you have to remember that governments are going to lie to you and they're going to live unit she even and people in government are going to live you can't get around that that's just the normal nature of human beings but you have to be vigilant you have to do your due diligence to not just accept what your government tells respect and not accept what some stranger on the euro tells with fact you have to do your own due diligence and try to find the truth yourself that is the most important thing. for the first time ever according to the chain sharma kind consulting tony seventeen u.s. model market update there were more cars added to cellular networks than phones and
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with an estimated ninety eight percent of new cars expected to be equipped with internal modems in the next few years it seems that people are totally on board with big brother on the dashboard or are they a recent survey from salis a technology company found that even if costs were not an issue fifty seven percent of respondents still wouldn't buy a self driving car more disturbingly nearly half of those polled didn't know that connected cars can store their personal information like home address social security numbers and birthdays. of course everything a scammer needs to steal your identity or everything the car company needs to make some extra coin off of your personal identifying information the estimated market value to car manufacturers is in the billions of dollars per year and the big bucks will be made in bundling your data to oil and gas companies they want to not only know how much gas you buy but also things like tire pressure odometer readings and
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has been c.e.o. of tom no explained the fuel companies want to offer you more than fuel many times the fuel stations are also interested in anonymized data why do some people always stop to take whatever's available or specific brand places to build new stations and so on no data loss here in the united states are much more lax than they are in europe where the regulations are much much stricter so when it comes to connectivity the american car manufacturers are in the driver's seat especially if you're looking for a deal many car manufacturers are now looking into selling bundles of applications for things like navigation or remote ignition in the event those upgrades are out of the customer's price point car manufacturers will give them the attack in exchange for permission to serve drivers with pop up ads totally seems safer now than sitting in traffic and sugar along with a good bought for five dollars off pizza at a shop near your ex that pops up over under a to work and you get a nod for free pastry with your starbucks it is standard for most applications now
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free to use and full of perks if you're willing to give up your privacy now with those ads and access to your car's applications the company can mine and massive amount of personal and anonymous information on you richard roger a consultant for strategy analytics told money magazine that carmakers recognize they're fighting a war over your customer data your driving behavior location has monetary value not unlike your search activity that war live for companies. and toyotas among others to spend years researching a way to embed heart monitor sensors in its cars to track stress levels and heart rate of course neither of the systems they were developing were designed to warn the driver of potential. like a heart attack in addition to this technology it will eventually track location external environmental data in cavite information user recognition through face cams or fingerprints and much much more which may be why the national automotive
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dealers association put out a brochure about personal data in your car in twenty seventeen in which they laid out the three automotive privacy principles manufacturers have voluntary agreed to agree to abide by first there's transparency the company promises to provide you with a clear and concise privacy policy second is that your consent is required before certain sensitive information is used for marketing or shared with an affiliated third parties and finally car dealers and manufacturers will limit their sharing of your information with government and law enforcement into the future is bright and while we don't quite have a flying car yet they are becoming more like computers with wheels and as those computers grow to provide us with every connective need and want will there be a tradeoff between privacy. and convenience and that jab at the wall is the
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million dollar question that i think we've already traded off when it comes to our own personal computers and our cell phones i think very easily we said oh give me a pop up ads give me this i don't care i want all the convenience or i want to. just dump it all over and you know we don't get nearly as outraged as we should be when you have telecommunication companies sharing our information with governments and things of that they have right. so i think i hope it doesn't happen with cars but i have a feeling given the fact that as of right now i've seen the modern culture is kind of prefers convenience over their own personal identity and security and things like that that i don't know i think people just kind of sign it away well i think there's two sides to this and there's money to be made from both sides of the privacy file which is fairly sad but you know from a capitalist sam point you have money that could be made not only in selling that information but in not selling that information.


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