tv Boom Bust RT March 1, 2018 7:30pm-8:00pm EST
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and there will be from of the major nations will we hear any any kind of message coming from say the united states will any of these countries then up the ante in terms of the research and development. well i think that i think that it's quite clear that there will be condemnation of this from the americans and from nato allies over the next few days it will be it will be sold as a contribution to an ever escalating arms race. the funny thing is though is that is that actually race or not it's it's this this sort of technology eventually will become redundant not because of missile defense or any other ways of of physically intercepting these missiles but because actually it's far easier to hack into these systems or to neutralize them in other ways and we're not there yet but that will be as soon a reaction but as i say the reaction will be very similar to the reaction of many
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skeptics within the american system to the. nuclear posture review that was announced just a few weeks ago by the american government which itself contributed to the announcement of new technologies and new systems this is this modernization process is is unfortunate in the sense that it sends the message that states are committed to developing nuclear weapons systems that they want the one development i would say is that is that these systems that president putin announces today are clearly strategic in nature they are not the systems that the americans accuse the russians of developing which is systems that are designed for war fighting these are not designed for war fighting these are designed to send a very clear message that president putin said quite clearly which is that these these systems are basically saying if you mess with us we will nuke you and we will
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not hold back now that is a strategic statement it's not a statement about escalating to deescalating which is what the russians are. often accused of and were accused of officially by the american government in the nuclear posture review which is indeed a dangerous. doctrine but it's not a a real doctrine that the russians have ever endorsed paul i greatly appreciate your comments some fascinating insight and i feel that many thanks paul ingram my guest executive director of the british american security information council. said to syria now where four civilians have been killed by militants in the embattled area of eastern go to this happened while the latest humanitarian pause was in place russia's reconciliation center said that the deaths came during demonstrations in the district against the militants.
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the areas controlled by groups including al nasra terrorists the civilians being caught in the crossfire the u.n. estimates more than three hundred have been killed or has been trying to establish five hour daily truces and evacuation corridors while the un has called for a thirty day nationwide cease fire so far though both of those ideas are proven fruitless damascus and moscow have been accused of a disregard of civilians during the operation although the repeated claims of chemical weapons use are standing up to scrutiny. for what are you seeing any evidence that the assad regime has used we could work burns. that. we haven't seen any of that evidence yet. ok we're joined on the line now by r.t. samir a car samir you just saw a clip of the pentagon briefing what else has been found. it's pretty surprising even though us mr military officials have also stated that
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there is no evidence but somehow russia is to blame now that's after us several people in eastern good which is a an area controlled by militants said that they suffered symptoms consistent with chlorine gas and then the western media was quick to call it a suspected chemical attack committed by assad but even the pentagon statement so didn't stop the media from citing local activists let's take a look child has died than a dozen more being treated after another suspected chlorine gas attack say several people were treated for exposure to chlorine gas reports of intensified fighting on the ground and of chemical attacks chlorine gas was used during one of the raids by pro-government forces russia blames the suspected chlorine attack their own terrorists not the government. now regardless of the pentagon admitting that they haven't seen any evidence western officials accused damascus included including
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boris johnson who said that the west shouldn't stand idly by if these claims are proven and here is the u.s. rep at the security council who seems to contradict the pentagon. there were reports that the assad regime once again used chlorine gas as a weapon i'm tired of asking this but do you understand how pointless it would be to damascus to use chemical weapons both from a military and political standpoint whereas for the militants it would make perfect sense i think you understand this perfectly well but you persistently look for a pretext for an armed intervention. so it looks like they're just ignoring the fact that they haven't seen any evidence yet and just choosing to push whichever narrative that basically fit many thanks very calm and washington d.c. bring us up to date.
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in other news berlin or thirties of circulated a brochure among kindergarten staff that focuses on such issues as transgender identity and same sex marriage the booklet designed to help teachers explain these sensitive topics to children a spot in privacy be to all of it has a story. it is a city famed for its liberal and inclusive attitudes to sex and sexuality. but conservatives in the german capital are upset at a new guide for kindergarten teachers that they say goes into too much detail and is aimed at kids that are too young the idea is to give educators the information they need to be sensitive to children coming from non-binary families say children of same sex parents or transgender parents it doesn't have the most catchy of names
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but what it has done is certainly ruffle some feathers among those in angela merkel's c.d.u. party children should be allowed to be children and not be confronted with things like these it's also come in for criticism from the opposition alternative for germany party well it's very simple we believe sex education is important and of course our young adults should know about sex planning and all the rest but please not in the kindergarten give them some space let them be children don't force this issue onto them it's not even a problem for them they want to play around they want to discover the world so please let them be children leave them alone these subjects will come to them soon enough in school or at home when the parents talk about this but not of an age of five or six years that is far too early on the streets of berlin opinion is mixed on when is the right time to be discussing with children issues of sexuality do you
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think that children in kindergarten should be taught about same sex couples and about transgender people yes. it's normal nowadays. to be with people. around people in knowledge and their conditions are not gender or sexuality is an older stuff i don't think it's the right age i think when they. receive sex. education in school that's enough i think there's a stink on the one hand i think it's ok but on the other i don't get on very much in favor of that idea so yes i do and why i think it's important factor of life so i think children should be taught about all factors of life and this is one of them the left wing coalition of the social democrats greens and the left party that runs city government are accusing those on the right wing of politics at the overly
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prudish and unwilling to discuss the issue. after their attempt to scandalize the handouts from sexual and gender diversity for teachers didn't work the c.d.u. would prefer not to talk about the issue there's very little chance of the early in city government repealing this booklet however discussions sex and sexuality and talking about it in kindergarten are set to continue in fact there's a petition going round the house already almost fifty thousand signatures from those who want to see this particular booklet stopped peter all of a r.t. berlin. germany's dark nancy past still troubles the country though less it seems in some parts a small village near frankfurt has been thrust into the spotlight after it decided to retain a nazi symbol. i
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think. should leave the course a couple of people don't like. having the feeling to know that there's a clock with. a big story like this. yeah yeah and this bell has been here for some time and now someone wants to get rid of that as a side of this bell didn't do anyone harm or i think there are more terrible things to pay attention to.
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person by a pic drama dove lot of hits screens on thursday the film about soviet dissident writers said good of lots of premiered at the birth in film festival where it won the silver bear for outstanding artistic contribution is director told us why he was surprised the film was even shown. you mean you could do all of that in this one with the name we. knew of them was that his thing. on a piece of the screen you said you. were sort of in if you could if you can she also uses the excuse socially that you insist. he will i knew the decisions would be obstructed by the political and particularly personal views of the jury and that's what happened there are a lot of films no worse than our movies and the german pictures all of them were
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left with no of wards whatsoever of the outstanding movie about the brave it events didn't get anything all of that is kind of hard to explain because i think there were other intentions than just fair competition but i was amazed that a lot of it was even shown there when i walked by the convention center where the festival took place i saw a person with a book in german about of lot of and another with the same book in english and then a young german guy came up to me and started asking me lot of was about the culture of the one nine hundred seventy s. leningrad culture what kind of struck me was how well a film was received how universal and relatable it's what's to everyone. women dominated this year is better than our way with both the top prize is awarded to female filmmakers nevertheless the lack of female representation generally in the film industry was discussed at a special festival panel as was the topic of sexual harassment of course in the wake of the need to movement alexei german jr again shared his views on the issue.
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this is a tough one on the one hand we've got to treat the sexes absolutely equally there should be no gender preference it's obviously on the other hand bearing in mind everything that's going on some sort of support for women is important i think we have fewer problems with this in russia i've heard some unpleasant stories but very few maybe because we have less money for less money there is less power and less temptation in. the south african parliament has voted in favor of new legislation that could see land seized from white farmers under those plans white farmers will be stripped of their land with no compensation although this runs against the constitution which would have to be amended is what the man behind the initiative had to say about it the time for reconsideration is over now is the time for justice we must ensure that we restore the dignity of our people
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without compensating the criminals who stole our land julius malema is something of a controversial figure in south africa he's been convicted of hate speech and back in twenty sixteen said he was not calling for the slaughter of white people at least not yet despite that the country's former president jacob zuma described him as a future leader the rate of murders and violent attacks on farmers and landowners as risen in recent years according to official figures seventy two percent of the country's farmers are white earlier we put this issue up for debate. people do not own land in south africa legally white people are alive t.f. from europe in sixteen fifty two they killed our people they stole our land all oppressed us all the land they have his land. taken from us by force and in many instances by must be all visitors to south africa including the what the blood types of south africa that came from the north that is well documented. thank you
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for the land is the position of the black tribes the only the first occupants of south africa were the korean the son so if these are argument. that should be the way in the sons of the peasant like the one who is now my opponent easier for the night in south africa and the land he in checked talking about be quite sound i am quite certain he can say my same name only time i ask him to say it he does it it can't because as a foreigner i even wanted it that day parliament is moving slow and politician we don't trust them they are using this lens as a political a ball instead of addressing the issue of this legislation could actually be changed to satisfy the white farmers as well there's a lot of corruption involved and that's why the oprah series of that was taken from the pro legally in the past to be returned to them is not going as it should go you see this molding in front of me that is the issue. if this goes on
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investment in this country would stop people won't invasion of their country will go the same way as zimbabwe they won't reproduction and then we will have a big spring in south africa about food that's not available to the people of south africa. and you show on our premiers today hosted by former ecuadorian president rafael his first guest philosopher north and no chomsky you can watch the full interview on a website for now though here's a preview. according to the what's wrong under his government he's power will be. stronger. well actually it's quite the opposite under crumpets becoming weaker less effective it's internally disintegrating it's losing its whatever international authority the
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prestige and it's also moving to destroy the world and the most important policy of the triumphant ministration by far is its approach towards the real existential crisis climate change here the united states under trump has departed from the entire world. can be read to you or do you know the states and north korea what they do know that ace you know or we are consequences could very easily. in this case there happens to be a very feasible approach to dealing with the crisis and it's pretty well known. chinese proposal which has been on the table for years the proposal is for what's called a double freeze north korea freezes its development of
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weapons and the clear the clear nuclear and missile development that freezes them and the united states calls off the constant highly threatening military maneuvers on north korea's border. that could set the stage for negotiations which could deal with the conflict and crisis in a sensible and constructive way. and if it was the full first episode of the new show by heading to a website. if
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anyone thinks that for the sake of joining the european union we serbia would recognize kosovo under the conditions that they impose right now and not on the basis of what dialogue compromise their very wrong once a compromise but the solution proposed by cost of all the indians is not a real solution. welcome to worlds apart for two decades after the collapse of the years to start going west seemed the most natural option for several former soviet republics
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encouraged though no guaranteed by the e.u. itself and making russia invariably unnerved but now that the e.u. wants to put the brakes on its all expansion what does it leave the countries in between to discuss that i'm now joined by franco frattini former foreign minister of italy and currently the always see special representative on the peace settlement mr fortini good to talk to you thank you very much for your time. this frozen conflict in transnistria it's one of the most for attracted posts soviet conflicts people of moldova have been divided for over twenty five years why do you think the italian chairmanship of the oil decide to prioritize it to an extent of putting you in charge of the settlement process well i think the. presidency has put to some important priorities among those priorities there is situation interest here and the possibility to get some concrete results because we are
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convinced given the goodwill you shown by. there are some feel some points where it would be possible to get a result so i give you just some examples we are quite close to agree on how to me. neutral state license plates to guarantee do all nerves of the vehicles the interest to freely circulate in the open or rumania on european union maybe which is not possible today and i'm sure that's going to be a very important for people who leave on the ground and who have been excluded from the economic process in their region because i'm sure you would agree with me and despite being a very small territorial mr it is also an intersection of major interest of
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several big players like russia the european union the united states ukraine do you think all those interests now compatible enough to make a path forward possible well having some. shows immediately after my appointment to a common good good will to get results and to succeed i consulted with the. a special representative for russia ukraine the american ambassador mrs condon who is in his now and oldest people the tide consulted including the deputy prime minister moldova. from. all those people said it is possible to get results this by decries is of ukraine including india and thus of the of ukraine the special representative who said to me i'm quite optimistic i was
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the suit prize but to listen to those people now you mentioned a few practical matters that you're currently working on at the. nikko number plays that you mention a little more recognition of diplomas there if you practical issues that can improve immediately pulled the quality of life they learned of but how far can you go in addressing those practical concerns without tackling the most divisive issue which is sovereignty and independence well we have to pave the way we have some good example that i have in mind. my political constituency is to be the cell to rule is an italian province which enjoys under an international treaty the gasper group or advance of this kind of the advance of thorn in me could be an example do look at. i am aware i'm not naive that
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disproved there will be not sold overnight but if we reestablish mutual trust for example if trans the students accept the risk to to show or defy arms to them will do all the farmers in three months time it will be a very important gesture if moldovans would accept to make free suki relational for commercial trucks from transnistria. to the rest of the west there will be another important gesture we have to pave the way so far there has been mutual mistrust we have to overcome such a situation but. if i may put a counter-argument to that i know that you often bring the example of italian provinces as a potential model you have another province of d.g. if i'm pronouncing. clear what i mentioned but which is populated by predominantly
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german speaking people exactly. in order for that model to be accepted as a viable alternative what needs to happen is for the government in moldova as well as for example have the government in ukraine to recognize that the russian speaking minority is not some trojan horse that is trying to be a conduit for. the politics of another state but that you know those people leave there that they are their own citizens and they need to be granted certain rights do you think both moldova and to some extent ukraine have arrived there that they actually claim those citizens of those breakaway regions as their own is too early to say. i prefer to move with the bottom up or commit to we have to create proper conditions to make it possible that ukrainians for example. this kind of people living into dustball.
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but of course the result of the state to squeeze will come later after some i would see trust building measures been implemented this is my work in me now moldova itself is facing a constitutional crisis for the president and the parliament being in active confrontation partially because of their different views on how to develop relationship with russia served. it is again a major factor here. do you thing i'm above and consensus an internal moldovan consensus possible on the. transistor when there is so divided and everything else well no doubts we have a president obama which is pro agreement we have a prime minister and the government and the coalition in which is going through electoral campaign time as i said many times. this is the only
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potential obstacle i see to politicize transnistria negotiation and for domestic problems and it has been politicized for decades has i saw a very interestingly opinion pulled in moldova all the eleven percent of our interests to the transnistria he sure if this is true i will be in moldova and in. beginning of march i don't know if discovery spawns to the real feeling of the population but if yes it could be it could be my warning to the leadership over please. be aware don't politicize this is the only potential obstacle now many more the media describe you as a personal friend of russian foreign minister sergey lavrov and you yourself are on record saying that you have extensive contacts here is not a secret yes is that an asset or
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a liability in trying to mediate this concert for sure is an assett. lover off knows me he knows me as an honest broker as anonymous person i will never give up my profile conviction but i will try always to cooperate and no doubts russia is one of the key players if you want to succeed in it was nice young please i will be meeting of course i had a consultation before with. who is from russia and from ukraine with the american ambassador scandal i will have with. you so all people that i had to consult i did i don't want to do. or that i think in the current european environment and western environment being. even unbalanced towards russia is not always accepted well do you understand that
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even if you are trying to be balanced that may work against you i criticize have really european foreign policy for be unbalanced because of the russian federation i'm free to do i accept to the rule of special representative for the good or a c. and for the good of the italian presidency not for money not for everything so i can be free to criticize it but i don't think that that is going to undermined your efforts to bring peace to you know because i would be fully transparent once the different points of view i would put the points of view on the table publicly and transparently. everyone we've been able to evaluate now some of the one politicians and their friends in the west for example u.s. senator john mccain how long called for the withdrawal of russian peacekeepers from transnistria and back in one thousand nine hundred nine at an oil sees summit
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russia clutch to do that but never follow through how big of an issue is this right now for world is simply not realistic talking about the russian military presence would be not realistic unless we create a comprehensive package including other points like the stages of prisoners there was how to treat those people the imprisoned or the recommission the mutual recognition oban consistent all girls people should stay together i prefer to start from practical and tangible issues that are on the ground next step would be to address the bigger issues now not many people in europe know where transnistria is i think it is. a potentially dangerous flashpoint because.
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