tv News RT March 2, 2018 11:00am-11:30am EST
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i don't know that someone else isn't going to pull a gun out so yeah unfortunately around around here we end up going our guns a lot. better safe than sorry. the chase ended up with no major problem before but this is not always the case none of the suspects were armed but the police chased them with the finger on the trigger. to american police are allowed to point think guns very easily and also to shoot each other. so what are the rules they are taught to follow. in the us every state and every city often has its police academy. the one in pittsburgh is located if she meets us from the police station usually that teaches
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a form of policeman. here like in france the training last one year but the average in the us is only of six months. this morning the trainees are reviewing the highway code ok if a driver is flooded driving a driver with a drivers license expired within sixty days of the day that the expiration was his fine sixty days his drivers like in this classroom they will learn the rules of the new ethics in crisis management but that is only a small part of the program. the most important is this. ok. in these images sim by the police itself we discover the training. around the loud music is used by train is to raise the stress to the
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maximum. hidden behind blue tops they prepare future policeman for the west. this student will be confronted with an armed man who is shooting someone in distress the police cheney will direct his gun at the victim before changing his mind. he'd. be everybody i'm steven both test hollywood guy suspects. proud american first of all under stuart washing an r.v. to say this is my buddy max famous financial guru well just
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a little bit different i bought a car no no no windows up with all the drama happening in our country i'm hitting the road have to find me every day americans. are. hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american pill which. move. move till on a hot day in a period of a bottle aside a child of six soyinka. an estimated eight since under age refugees are now living in greece. you know storm over the. whole. to your home when they hear of being. many sell their body
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video students are taught how to react in extremely violent situations. that i want. them aggression the question. ship policeman will follow this kind of training for two weeks just before starting to tatchell in the city. the kid shelling on the videos it's him david wright a former policeman converted to combat sports he has trained every policeman in pittsburgh for the last fifteen years. too much violence doesn't worry him it's the opposite that preoccupies him well. my fear is that they under react if an officer under react perhaps fails to recognize that their life is in danger. by the time
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that they realize this it could be too late and they could be seriously hurt or killed want to put them under stress yes but we also we want to them to win and you know it's just sort of like a coach on the sidelines yelling and screaming at their players to get moving and at that point in the academy it's generally to get them going is to bring out the best. shot by the violence of these videos we look for an expert's opinion delores jones brown is a professor at the university of new york and an american thirty six according to her this type of training can explain why agents often use excessive force. in absolutely is indicative of the warrior mindset statistically few people that
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you encounter are really going to be the kind of serious threat that would warrant that kind of aggressive behavior and they are actually training the folks just the opposite be ready and unfortunately they're it takes human beings to be a police officer and there are some human beings that will come to the job already with aggression or anger management issues to train them the way that this training and then to tell that person and go out on the street and assumes anybody you encounter could be a threat. it's a recipe for disaster. it's a recipe for disaster i think we've got enough incidents that particular based on some video footage like this one of the things that maybe needs to happen is to create a liability for trainers who encourage police officers to behave aggressively in
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situations where they don't need to be aggressive. in the us students receive five times more training in these fighting techniques than the resolving conflicts without violence. and the most important training is the control of firearms. policemen a change in school but not only it is the only subject continuously throughout their careers. to assist a firearm training we went to set a grave in new jersey today as it is the case twice a year eight policemen will train in the cool environments. i guess yeah. yeah yeah i hear yes but
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i. mean look at this growth do you think that i posted record that i think. despite the laughs the training is very serious. fire. last year in the us one hundred twenty seven officers were killed on duty. in a country with three hundred million firearms in circulation the police mustn't lose hand so we do the same thing over and over again so we do what we can do with our eyes closed probably because we do it over and over again it's we're taught the same way of life our magazines are the same spot so we don't have to look we don't you'll see as we don't look at our daughter we'll look at our our magazines at all it's all done by memory that you don't see it's like i said no no no i don't know but i but you probably could do pretty good because you're so used to having it the
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same spot all the time they want to get it in grained in them that it's muscle memory that they're able to do without even than what have you been having to think and it just becomes like a natural type of thing for you to do so take a rest things exactly they're able to respond like that. in addition to the shooting range police officers train with the simulator just to tell you my adrenaline is is pumping right now so i'm a little. to the situations ministry could he met a policeman to change his toy guns. you know just to ride it is there was a call this is where the evaluation is tested is there a danger must the weapon be checked ounce. valuable. and if a threat to k.s. your career is over for fear. the reaction is instantaneous the police fire six bullets with such mindsets the slightest mistake can be fatal right there what he had put they did raising a sense in this same way as again i very may very very well may have shot and that
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would have been bad for very bad very the officer could have killed an innocent man and he admits it with a smile because he's thinking about an old expression that old us policeman know. it's better to be tried by twelve than carried by six and basically we would rather take the chance of going home and shooting someone rather than being placed in a casket because we have to second guess. which is that the police are not afraid of being sentences because they are rarely prosecuted nor convicted of the law allows them to shoot as soon as they feel threatened the soon as a police officer is afraid he can shoot already but when does fear begin and the sense of being threatened this is a subjective chris cherry that legitime its many abuses. in the
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us there are no official statistics on the number of people killed by the police. the police is not fools to provide that states. some n.g.o.s make statements listing the victims case by case the figure is a frightening. been able to find one thousand one hundred seventy five people in total were killed by the police it's what it works and off this amount two hundred victims were not tom among them the most affected for americans they represent only thirteen percent of the population but compose fifty percent of the unarmed ficta. she was shot by the police every week today this statement scares america. in pittsburgh a victim testifies. the survivor who almost died from bullet
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everything. just go back. to control was filmed from the police car which was equipped with a camera it was at night in november two and a half years ago initially it is a classic controlled. the start finish i gave my driver's license my registration my cars aren't they damn right man for mesa but they ran a name el for. when the police typed l fought the search result. displayed the warrant of arrest of lemon forward clement ford is black he is the same age as lee and is wanted for truck traffic leon who is waiting in the car does not have a criminal record but the police is convinced that he is the suspect. it was. everything i could possibly say to.
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being a muse they were very aggressive they never asks me to get out the door. they . told me. they live in food is afraid and he refuses to get out of the car or one of the policeman gets in on the passenger seat to force him out. running there was no doubt in my mind that they were they were going to kill me i just knew that they were one and in that moment. as soon as the cut rates the policeman in the car fires five bullets. he will then say that he thought that leon was armed. they called me out a call or told me that they hoped that i would die. for scream the
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words the worst because and again telling me that they were. leo neither had drugs no weapons he is convinced that the police would not have acted the same way with a young white man. i don't think in blackness and nice cars unless you're on the. sables come the lies a time limit coming though that last call. says one. police officer of course has power. and some. power and do. bad things to people.
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fifty years ago breaking and women to come together as a sleeping pill and dusty's would turn me in because i like to share the scientific sweat terrible but not on the road. to untroubled. warm. across europe. legal battles demanding at least some compensation. in two ways first will the physical damage itself as well as with the constant mind that the people who take this call it has never been able to justice and there's been a couple. if anyone thinks that for the sake of joining the european union serbia would recognize kosovo under the conditions that they can post right now and not on the basis of dialogue compromise very wrong and
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once a compromise but the solution proposed by costs of all veiny else is not a real solution. i'm done some is not so is not i can quit places not good to country and. children yes it is to administer. a family as well as from. a visit to this but i guess that is all that is. the state of the culture. of the code which is less for the from the secular c.s. . falling into just little and bias from the i'm still forbidding little. of this fossil. play almost anything from the member for the past and not a second hour that john said on based on our mushroom does not mean can i do not ask how we are slightest from catholic matter how anomaly came. from michelle time
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in cannot. change from i can now move he was almost feeling now with who to fuck a man that. could see this original soul and not heard bush argued with the bible or the lord of the sinners in the micra voices in his or the one of the street the . cinema bar the other you know the lousiest. the cods the as well. as. i.
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parts. the media go into a frenzy after vladimir putin unveils russia's new strategic arsenal in his state of the nation address meanwhile the u.s. state department snubs questions from russian reporters on the issue. to say that they are you take out react from there shouldn't you say ok enough sat down and move on disturbing video images of the moments leading up to the death of a palestinian man during an israeli raid in the west bank the i.d.f. disbeliefs its soldiers killed him although has changed its version of events several times and in italy right leaning parts and surge in the polls there with the general election just days away r.c. visits a time for their radical approach to migration but it's their hopes will be adopted across the country.
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by the welcome you watching r.t. international this friday afternoon it's just gone two o'clock here in moscow in our top story fatima putin the state of the nation address has sent parts of the media into a frenzy accusing russia of harking back to the cold war during his speech the president showcased the country's new strategic weapons which he said could outsmart all existing missile defenses the white house and the country learning of that new threat from russian president warning at first reason and in the west in particular not to mess with russia computer graphics of missiles flying over mountains and heading over oceans and he says he's not bluffing well many saw the a tresses a threat directed at the u.s. moscow claims they would has no intention of using its military might high tech weaponry is intended only to preserve the global balance of power is made of gas
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the reports. if you aren't russian in the first hour putin's speech would have been boring taxes and corruption science and industry that sort of thing after that though it got real hot real fast and i mean russia is a major nuclear power basically nobody wanted to talk to us nobody listened to us so listen to us now rockets lasers nukes in a rush hooted unveiled an arsenal of new weapons bigger faster stronger and deadlier than any that came before the law. of. the some super heavy i.c.b.m. two hundred ton missile capable of penetrating any existing defense in service at
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the end of the year next an enigmatic new development seemingly nuclear powered cruise missile it flies extremely low to avoid detection and can hit almost anywhere in the world says putin up next it's just fantastic an underwater drone submarine also nuclear powered with a nuclear payload it can reportedly underwater for months and months silent and media undetectable next to the oven god the hypersonic missile extremely foster rockets that can actively dog and the vaid anti missile defenses you would see it is heading for the target like a meteorite to top all of that off laser weapons systems though putin didn't go into detail saying only that it still classified the russian president says all of this isn't to intimidate or scare anyone or invade anyone these
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a serious way. buttons designed for one thing restore and guarantee russia's strategic power in an age where an ever expanding nato is trying to nullify it. we have no plans and have never had plans to use this potential to achieve offensive or aggressive in russia's in hands military power is simply a guarantee for peace on our planet for it preserves restore parity in the world sure that there's no point in gauging in a senseless arms race after all mutually assured destruction has kept the world safe for the best part of a sentry on everybody very buys president putin's explanation of the thinking behind his speech he was pressed about it in an interview with n.b.c. several analysts in the west have said this is the declaration of
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a new cold war are we in a new arms race right now my point of view as the individuals who have said new cold war has started are not really analysts they do propaganda if you were to speak about arms race has been an arms race began at exactly the time in moment when the u.s. opted out of the anti-ballistic missile treaty to stress his point that the new weapons the only to balance the world was putin did point out that u.s. missile defense is already deployed in alaska and california nato is also expanding into eastern europe too with two sites having been set up in romania and poland and new sites are soon to be established in japan and south korea apart from ground launch weapons the us complex also includes a naval component meaning that america currently has five navy cruises and thirty destroyer ships stationed right along russia's eastern borders but we did speak with several different defense analysts about this you think the russian
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president's speech wasn't intended as a threat. it was defense the terence competition and containment no aggression no thoughts of starting off initiating a war which is reassuring the defense versus the orphans missile technology and technology has probably reached a new phase. and the americans even though they have known at least in general terms that these weapon systems are in the pipeline will probably react with some surprise at the advanced stage in which they were unveiled these are not designed for war fighting these are designed to send a very clear message that president putin said quite clearly which is that these three systems are basically saying if you mess with us we will nuke you and we will not hold back now that is a strategic statement it's not
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a statement about escalating to deescalating which is what the russians are often accused of and were accused of officially by the american government in the nuclear posture review which is indeed a dangerous. doctrine but it's not a real doctrine that the russians have ever endorsed well the u.s. state department has his out at russia for developing what he calls the stabilizing weapons saying that they do violate existing treaties however the russian ambassador to the u.s. retorted that washington appears not to know what it's talking about tensions also ran high in the u.s. state department briefing with more on that his samir account. heather now it was particularly concerned about the video or imagery that was released claiming that it showed the missile targeting the u.s. and when reporters asked about this the scene turned pretty ugly and now revealed just how uncomfortable she was when she slammed the russian reporters who pressed her on this as officials of the russian government will slaughter taken the united states interests new styles all sent
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a different direction so i had to say that they are you know you ran from the action and i can't hear you saying that ok enough said then i'll move on. which is what he did happen they're not. officials of the russian government they're just asking a question about me oh really ok well we know that. r.t. and other russian news or so-called news organizations are there i'm good and directed by the russian government so if i don't have a lot of this sure no matter how they're going to set you up to that moment you know this is my video the studio that you're talking about yesterday which is not an excuse me through and it was met with significant backlash from reporters all throughout the room but how did she respond with several doses of sarcasm of course but for the record this is her usual m.o. when she wants to avoid answering questions in the passée is referred to me and my
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colleagues as representatives of the russian government and then i made a berridge of questions now or shut down the entire press conference and then rejected a reporter's question which rightfully upset the reporter who then stood up from her chair and followed an hour out of the room we've got it we've got to go on iraq i will talk to you after the no the iraqi parliament voted wednesday to call for a timetable for the iraq before and she. now it's unclear what exactly agitated now are but it could have been the continuous stream of questions regarding the american reaction to president putin's address. but journalists in the room we're all defending each other so i wonder if or hear any complaints from the other reporters. ok let's just bring you some breaking news this hour because gunfire and explosions have been reported near the army h.q. and french embassy in became the fast in west africa witnesses to say that five gunman arrived in a car and opened fire before making their way to the french diplomatic mission
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france a special envoy as a ready tweeted that the incident is a terror attack although there's been no official confirmation as yet the u.s. embassy became a fastow's capital is advised people to stay indoors of course we'll be updating you as we get more details on this story. now a video has emerged showing the moments leading up to a palestinian man's death during an israeli armed raid in the west bank please be warned you might find some of the images coming up upsetting yes in the can be seen running down an alley wielding an object of some kind here he is then shot by an israeli soldier the soldier and his colleagues proceed to kick him on the ground and then drag him along an alley a sorority later died the israeli army has changed its version of what happened several times firstly the i.d.f. said he did tack the soldiers with a knife and received first aid at the scene but then they say.
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