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tv   News  RT  March 2, 2018 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside dives. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money just kill you narrowness and spending two hundred twenty million one playa. it's an experience like nothing else on to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy a great so will more chance for. the base this minute.
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fifty years ago pregnant women took loans again as a sleeping pill and thus this is what i mean because does what he said to the scientific sweat terrible but not on the road as shown in dutch one football love more to hear not that warm. across europe victims are starting legal battles demanding at least some compensation in something in two ways first will the physical damage itself as well the consumer mind that the people who actually perpetrated this crime has never been the justice and there's been a couple of. hey everybody i'm stephen baldwin gushing with task hollywood guy will suspect every proud american first of all i'm just george washington and r.v. to say this is my buddy max famous financial guru well just a little bit different i'm not. going to find out no no no come with all the drama
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happening in our country i'm hitting the road have some fun meet everyday americans home call me and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american to catch. me. up. by the power digging i'm talking with david jolly for you as well that. was from tampa you spend any meaningful action on the gun issue.
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i think we will see the laws change but the question is will they change in the direction far enough to really accomplish any prevention so what we are seeing at the state level is for instance that debate also happening nationally do we raise the age we're also seeing do we harden schools are there additional restrictions on assault weapons but at the end of the day larry the answers are pretty straightforward we need comprehensive and universal background checks and that means every single gun transaction should be subjected to a deep background check that doesn't exist and really was unlikely to pass even in the current debate that would include the moment you go to purchase a firearm your mental health records do have to be evaluated if that's there that's a change in conversation for americans to have i think we need to address an assault weapons ban or whether or not we make them so difficult to get and we also need to address and forstmann president trump has suggested through his immigration policy and he has shown that he is going into people's homes and workplaces and
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removing people because they have violated our immigration laws he should put the same level of unfortunate into enforcing gun laws and going after the people that illegally trade in these arms they can do that david during congress to be n.r.a. contribute campaigns. in my very first campaign and congress was the first office i had run for so i didn't have a voting record and my very first campaign i believe they gave five or ten thousand dollars to my candidate committee and then they came in with about one hundred thousand dollars of negative independent ads against my opponent and coordinated with myself but certainly i knew they were spending money larry once i got to congress and started voting they weren't very happy with my voting record and after the polls nightclub shooting in orlando i went out on a limb and and offered a compromise bill to address the terror watch list i also became the only republican to co-sponsor a builder require universal background checks as
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a result of all that the next time i ran not only did they not support me but they supported my democratic opponent because they were so angry with the votes i had taken that they did not agree with why did they have such power. so we do have to talk about the n.r.a. in two different ways first is the amount of money they have very deep pockets that they spend on races and in the united states we know it is very expensive to run a race that really is the undue influence of the n.r.a. but we also have to look at the influence that there truly is nothing wrong with and by that i mean the voters listen they have a very mobilized membership that believes deeply in second amendment issues and if you're an elected official you don't get to choose the constituents you listen to and those you ignore and so the responsibility for a member of congress is to balance the interests and concerns of the second amendment advocates with those asking for more gun control the deep pockets out of washington to distort accountability but we can't overlook the fact that there are
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voters who hold very deeply to the second amendment issues the president has already announced that he's warming again in twenty twenty you on this program said that you're involved in finding someone to run against him in primaries. is there anything he could do in his first term to change your mind about. you know i don't think so but that's a very important question because republican critics of the president like myself we do always have to ask are there things he is doing that are consistent with republican orthodoxy and there are but on matters of a president who continues to undermine democratic institutions the rule of law our judiciary continue to attack free press frankly on matters of someone say moral fitness of course we're no nobody is perfect but but the way in which he represents the highest office in the land on those matters i don't think that people like
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myself can ever reconcile with this president's administration the attack on rule of law is something we've never seen in the likes of a republican or a democrat or when we have we've seen it rise to impeachment charges so i think the country would be better off with somebody other than donald trump and my efforts in two thousand and twenty will be towards that end david jolley as always thanks for your time today. great to be with you thanks larry i'm now joined on set by robert c. o'brien former u.s. representative to the u.n. general assembly during the george w. bush administration he was also senior advisor to the presidential campaigns of mitt romney and scott walker it's always good having him with us ok first robert so many things happen with this administration this news every other minute the director of the national security agency admiral mike rogers recently told congress that the troubled ministration is not doing enough to counter
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russia's efforts to cyber meddle in elections that i know you know mike what do you make of that look at how the russians have been our adversaries for a long time you know i grew up in an age where you know we thought we'd go to war with russia someday that didn't happen which was great then the cold war ended but the russians have kept up their their efforts against the united states have never given up they were active during the obama years are going to be active during the trump years and we have to be vigilant we have to push back against vladimir putin and russian aggression against our allies in europe but also their attempts to meddle in our elections that's just something we can't we can't allow why do you think the president doesn't take among congress once sanctions he doesn't implement them. are you concerned about that look i think president trump has done something that you know president obama didn't do and he's showing a real toughness we're rebuilding the american forces in eastern europe general mattis has been there are multiple times with government remains training in norway so you know folks can look and say he's not saying enough or you know his rhetoric
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isn't right but when you look at what we're doing we're reinforcing our allies we're putting american combat brigades in eastern europe and poland and estonia latvia lithuania the russians know we're serious look we you know they've killed probably two hundred russians in syria a couple weeks ago no one's talking about that i don't think that would happen in the obama administration so i think president bush has to pay our taxes we present trump's take a tough line on the russians but rhetorically he's maybe dialed back a little to you know why would you guess what you know look you'd have to speculate why larry you know we don't know all the negotiations are taking place we don't know you know there are things going on in syria obviously where we need russian cooperation we need the conflict in syria we need to try and protect the civilians who are being slaughtered by bashar al assad in syria so there's a whole range of issues where we have to cooperate with the russians but there are also issues where we have to push back hard to meddle in our elections is one of
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those red lines where we do have to push back hard on the russians your advisor to mitt romney he's going to run for the senate in utah the president's already had dorst him even though romney slammed the trump as a phony and from call romney a loser. we'll let him do what he's a shoo in in utah right if he were in the communist endorsing you know he's going to is going to win in utah i actually told the governor it is going to win by fifty points it's going to be so goddy it's going to look like one of the african strongman elections he's is the one very big and utah and look he's going to go on to be a great senator i think that the senate needs and i was speaking with a ranking republican senator the other day who said i'm really looking forward to having governor romney as a colleague and i think he's going to be a real breath of fresh air in the united states senate i've got a way for him to criticize trent threw out of the democrats put them on their about two. you know they're going to have a candidate but i think they're going to a lot of democrats in utah who probably vote for governor romney just because
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a they like him and and think he would've been a good present maybe they feel guilty because it will stand as a good trump do you think when he disagrees with them i think will it look governor romney is not going to you know go to the senate to be a rubber stamp i think he is going to agree with present from for people who think he's in a go lead some resistance in the senate that's not going be the case governor romney's a republican he's going to support a republican agenda and where we're the president and governor romney agree on things i think he's in a fine support but there are going to be times when they disagree and i think governor romney will be be forceful in those disagreements according to new york times robert united nations experts have found that north korea has been supplying the syrian government with materials for chemical weapons lending credence to the long held suspicions that syria is continuing to use the weapons against its own people but your reaction it's just terrible i mean you look at what's happening i i thought that you know after rwanda after serbia and bosnia that we wouldn't see this again we're seeing innocent men women and children slaughtered with with
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chlorine gas and and chemical attacks that are just the most dastardly things that you can imagine and it's hard to watch t.v. it's hard to watch the pictures of these kids those and with us. well he's going to whatever it takes to cling to power those are you know those are hamas rules he learned that from his dad who kill your own people is dead killed fifty thousand people in a city called on the killed everybody that was in revolt against them and they literally paved over the city bulldozed down their houses and paid it paid for their cities he watched his dad do it he's going to do the same thing and look he's backed by the iranians who you know their goal is to have a an empire that stretches from the mediterranean you know all the way to the red sea and they want to they want to have their influence in iraq they want to control syria they want to control lebanon through hezbollah alternately they'd like to encircle and conquer israel if they could these are very brutal people they're very
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hard people and and we've got to stand up to them so career once was to talk to north korea good or bad look it's always worth talking there's you know i don't know i'm a i'm a diplomat i think you always have to talk it has to be backed up by strong policy strong sanctions policies and we've got always you know leave options on the table but there's no reason not to talk. the south korea says don't have preconditions now you're a veteran diplomat why are there preconditions to talks if you don't know what you don't want to deal with some of these dictatorships is that you don't want to give them face or give them something for nothing and for them to be able to to show up at talks often allows them to go to their own people or to go to influence other people around the world and look for we're standing next to the americans or we're standing next to the american president so you want to make sure that they're coming to the table with real intent to talk about the issues that are important but in this case let the north koreans know what we want we wanted to in their nuclear program we're not going to ease up on sanctions and so i don't i don't see
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any reason not for vice president pence or for whoever else in the ministration want you know wants to talk to north koreans i don't see a danger that as long as we don't have sanctions ahead of time president trump was asked about the latest relay of sanctions assuming that the last course would be to you envision do we could go to war with north korea look it's possible we want to avoid it at all costs because it would be an extraordinarily difficult war to win we would win it there's no doubt about that but it would be at the cost of significant blood and treasure and it would be very very very hard on our allies in south korea you know what i've called on in the on your show many times in the past and we're starting to see it is we've got to have crippling rhodesia style sanctions on the north koreans we really have to cut them off from the outside world so they can't get money for their nuclear program they can't get money for their elite to continue to live the high life whether people are starving and we have to pressure them so much that it no longer becomes worth it to produce
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a person of the nuclear course now whether whether that will be successful or not i don't know but at least we're given a shot right now and we need china. it would we china's shares a border with with north korea unless china is going to cut off the fuel to north korea unless they're going to cut off the the supply of missile components and an armaments to north korea then it's not going to work so we don't need the chinese to play ball they're going to scrap the existing presidential term limits in china they want or they want a perennial dictator you know we're seeing a very dangerous trend that's happening the world we're seeing with what amir put in russia we're seeing it with aragon in turkey we're seeing it with the g. it's the return in china we're seeing the return of the strongman and ultimately while in the short term it may bring stability to a country in the long term being run by a dictator is not good for a country it's not good for the chinese people and and there's actually been you know somewhat of a revolt on social media against scrapping the term limits against president and in
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china and the censors have been working overtime to shut down their equivalent of twitter to make sure that the chinese people can't air their grievances over this north korea china or russia what keeps you up the most it made short term north korea they've got a madman with a nuclear weapon and again we've talked on your show over the years that when he didn't win when he didn't have a delivery system when he didn't have the i.c.b.m.'s to get him to california or denver or chicago or washington d.c. it was less of a problem for us but now he has he's got the nuclear weapons and he's got a delivery system to put us in danger so short term that keeps me awake at night long term the chinese are are becoming very aggressive and now with with the g. eight taking this you know president for life type position we've got to be very wary of the chinese always great having the rank you serve great guests love them thank you for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my facebook page or tweet me at kings things and don't forget to
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use the politicking hash tag and that's all for this edition of politicking.
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a party divided in with out a clear message democrats face a fundamental dilemma move to the left and reach out to progressive and in the process alienate its donor base for continued business as usual are the democrats tired of losing. in some american cities the police have built themselves cling to reputation people who walk on the street to be united states who are at risk from the very people who are supposed to protect that were people are no more afraid of the police than of a criminal those. who can see something happening and this is like i don't want to call the cops let that happen rather than call the cops in and those young black men lose their lives chasing the unarmed with their fingers on
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the trigger you never know better safe than sorry i don't know that someone else is going to pull a gun out so. yes unfortunately around and around here we end up playing our guns a lot the death toll from so much because she was placed to be like when will you. join me every thursday on the elec simon show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. son johnny go.
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ahead play. lady gaga. parts of the media go into a frenzy after vladimir putin unveils russia's new strategic asked nor in his state of the nation address meanwhile the u.s. state department snobs questions russian reporters on the issue. to say that they are you a coward so we had from there shouldn't you takes it ok enough sat down and move on also this disturbing video emerges of the moments leading up to the death of a palestinian man during an israeli armed raid in the west bank the i.d.f. disputes that soldiers killed him has changed its version of events several times and in italy right leaning party surge in the polls there with the general election just days away r.t. this is a town with a radical approach to migration but it's mayor who will be adopted across the
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country. by the welcome you watching r.t. international this friday afternoon which just gone three o'clock here in moscow and i will start with breaking news because gunfire and explosions have been reported near the army h.q. and french embassy and became a fast in west africa video from the scene shows large plumes of black smoke rising into the air witnesses say that five gunmen arrived in a car and opened fire before making their way to the french diplomatic mission some reports say they were shouting god is great in arabic france a special envoy has already tweeted that the incident is a terror attack police have confirmed that an armed attack is underway with security forces now at the scene the u.s. embassy became the fastest capital is vising people to stay indoors the country has
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previously been targeted by jihadists last august eighteen people were killed during an attack on a restaurant in the capital we'll be keeping you updated of course on this story. putin state of the nation addresses them parts of the media into a frenzy accusing russia of harking back to the cold war during his speech the president showcased the country's new strategic weapons which he said could outsmart all existing missile defenses the white house and the country learning of that new threat from russian president warning he's adverse arisen in the west in particular not to mess with russia computer graphics of missiles flying over mountains and heading over oceans and he says he's not blotter. well many saw the address as a threat directed at the u.s. moscow claims that it has no intention of using its military might the high tech weaponry is intended only to preserve the global balance of power but it's not
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against the if reports if you aren't russian in the first hour of putin's speech would have been boring taxes and corruption and science and industry that sort of thing after that it got real hot real fast. russia is a major nuclear power basically nobody wanted to talk to us nobody listened to us. listen to us now rockets lasers nukes in a rush hooted unveiled an arsenal of new weapons bigger faster stronger and deadlier than any that came before me as. a in the sun super heavy i.c.b.m. two hundred ton missile capable of penetrating any existing defense in service at the end of the year next an enigmatic new development seemingly nuclear powered
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cruise missile it flies extremely low to avoid detection and can hit almost anywhere in the world says putin up next it's just fantastic an underwater drone submarine also nuclear powered with a nuclear payload it can reportedly lurk underwater for months and months silent undetectible next to the oven god the hypersonic missile extremely fast rockets that can actively doj and the vaid anti missile defenses you would see it is heading for the target like a meteorite to top all of that off laser weapons says. still putin didn't go into detail saying only that it still classified the russian president says all of this isn't to intimidate or scare anyone or invade anyone these serious weapons
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designed for one thing restore and guarantee russia's strategic power in an age where an ever expanding nato is trying to nullify it when asked. what that was we have no plans and have never had plans to use this potential to achieve offensive or aggressive in russia's in hands military power is simply a guarantee for peace on our planet for it preserve. restore parity in the world sure that there's no point in engaging in a senseless arms race after all mutually assured destruction has kept the world safe for the best part of a sentry on everybody that obama is president putin's explanation of the thinking behind his speech he was pressed about it in an interview with n.b.c. . real analysts in the west have said this is the declaration of a new cold war are we in
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a new arms race right now my point of view as the individuals who have said new cold war has started are not really analysts they do propaganda if you were to speak about arms race then an arms race began at exactly the time in moment when the u.s. opted out of the air tribalistic missile treaty well to stresses point the new weapons only to balance the world as putin pointed out that he west's missile defense is already deployed in alaska and california nato is also expanding into eastern europe to two sites have been being set up in romania and poland and new sites seem to be established in japan and south korea apart from ground launch weapons the us complex also includes a naval component meaning that american current america currently has five navy cruises and thirty destroy a ship stationed right along russia is east and borders but we spoke to several defense analysts about this who think that the russian president's speech wasn't
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intended as a threat. it was defense to the terrence competition and containment no aggression no thoughts of starting off initiating a war which is reassuring and the americans even though they have known at least in general terms that these weapon systems are in the pipeline will probably react with some surprise at the advanced stage in which they were unveiled these are not designed for war fighting these are designed to send a very clear message that president putin said quite clearly which is that these three systems are basically saying if you mess with us we will nuke you and we will not hold back now that is a strategic statement it's not a statement about escalating to deescalating which is what the russians are often accused of and were accused of officially by the american government for decades after the cold war the usa ruled the world and that balance of power is now
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shifting with russia coming in with many other major players from what putin is saying and i hope he's absolutely right that this is a deterrent against the american led defense system and that's a very important. effective tool to have so i don't see intensification of hostile talk or scheming and planning in the cards what is possible and what was what was put in its intent was to sober up the west and to bring that back to realities. well the u.s. state department has his ties to russia for developing what he called steve stabilizing weapons saying they do violate existing treaties however the russian ambassador to the u.s. retorted that washington the pay's not to know what it's talking about tensions also ran at a u.s. state department briefing as american reports had there now it was particularly concerned about the video or imagery that was released claiming that it shows the
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missile targeting the u.s. and when reporters asked about this the scene turned pretty ugly and now revealed just how uncomfortable she was when she slammed the russian reporters who pressed her on this says officials of the russian government will slaughter taken the united states interests new styles sent to different directions so i had to say that they are you know you ran from there shouldn't you say that ok enough said then i'll move on. which is when you get there to have they're not. officials of the russian government they're just asking a question about me oh really ok well we know that. r.t. and other russian news or so-called news organizations are there i'm good and directed by the russian government so if i don't have a lot of these questions over how to do what he says you will think about moment this is my video is this video that you're talking about yesterday which is not an
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excuse me and it was met with significant backlash from reporters all throughout the room but how did she respond with several doses of sarcasm of course but for the record this is her usual m.o. when she wants to avoid answering questions in the past is referred to me and my colleagues as representatives of the russian government and then i made a berridge of questions now or shut down the entire press conference and then rejected a reporter's question which rightfully upset the reporter who then stood up from her chair and followed an hour out of the room we've got to we've got to go. iraq please i will talk to you after the no the iraqi parliament voted wednesday to call for a timetable for the iraq for foreign troops. now it's unclear what exactly agitated now are but it could have been the continuous stream of questions regarding the american reaction to president putin's address but journalists in the room were all defending each other so i wonder if we'll hear any complaints from the other report.


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