tv News RT March 2, 2018 1:00pm-1:31pm EST
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in the one nine hundred thirty s. radio was the internet of its day and programs like the radio research project at princeton university with rockefeller foundation financing had already begun to discern that in the words of theodore door no radio music listeners are not childlike but they are childish their primitivism is not that of the end developed but that of the forcibly retarded. frank stanton was one of the project's directors before becoming president of c.b.s. news. program. i'm. going to report the. regular. i'm moving to norman.
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in one nine hundred thirty eight orson welles created a national panic with his radio broadcast of h.g. wells' is war of the world it's about a quarter of the listeners on holiday in mourning actually believed they were being invaded by the dread germans. three years later and attacked it coming not by germans or martian invaders but by the japanese one of the ironies is that many of the people who were going to be blacklisted and greylisting during the mccarthy period were the ones who were out there promoting the war and promoting war bonds during the war in the hysteria of the early cold war anyone seen as pro-communist despite the soviets being america's strongest ally during the war were not subject to loyalty oaths background checks and even unemployment. well some hollywood actors like ronald reagan actually became f.b.i. informants others refused to disavow their first amendment freedom of political
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association during the witch hunt and september of one nine hundred forty seven we've got the first hearings about the hollywood ten as we've come to know that they actually called for forty one witness is nineteen of whom they expected to be hostile and those nineteen ten testified ten leading hollywood people seven of whom were writers only one was an actor but they claimed the first amendment and refused to answer a question. ins about their political affiliations based upon the first amendment they were later found to be in contempt they were sent to prison in one thousand nine hundred fifty these are people like dalton trumbo ring lardner lardner was the most highly paid and successful screenwriter in hollywood at the time i mean these are the top names these were academy award winners and they were clearly very
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very patriotic and they refused to talk about whether they had been members of the communist party there was nothing illegal about being a member of the communist party and given america's commitment to first amendment rights there was no reason why they should be called to testify about that but careers were ruined and my uncle was blacklisted all over crawford later became have the screen writers guild and. you know we do forget that hollywood was very complicit and while we talk about the you know there's a story the unfriendly ten writers like dalton trumbo who had written antiwar scripts and now they are being labeled as communists because they weren't going along with the new militarism but remember the hollywood didn't turn in these people my uncle could not get work it was very very difficult to break through it took him ten years of being terrorized and being knocked out to be able to get back
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to hollywood and even then things had to be sanitized. fifty years ago pregnant women to a concert going on as a sleeping pill does the sword on the images are to. the side effects were terrible but not on the road as shown in dodge one for. the war. across europe victims are starting legal battles demanding at least some compensation in two ways first will the physical damage itself as well the constant reminder that the people who actually perpetrated this crime has never been able to justice and there's been a couple. of party divided in with
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out a clear message democrats face a fundamental dilemma move to the left and reach out to the grassroots and in the process alienate its donor base or continue business as usual martin democrats tired of losing. the new global economic war is unfolding in the realm of education the right to education being supplanted by the right to access education low it's high education is becoming just another product that can be bought and sold but it's not just about education anymore it's also about running a business and what you good. luck with the souls. of the fellow we couldn't we. want is the place of students in this business model before college i was born now and i'm extremely more higher education the new global economic war.
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there's a myth that hollywood was this great liberal out because when the liberals had it there was not really any discussion of. class war in america of who's controlling america everything it was soft liberal social issues like gay rights a civil rights but remember not too early only kind of after martin luther king smashed them in the face they couldn't ignore him at the selma march in bloody sunday but you so you have basically social liberalism you know women's rights but again it's soft stuff soft liberalism while hollywood tends toward liberality on social issues it's war films really question the hero was or benevolent intentions
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of american troop deployments since world war two my father was in that war and he hated these war movies because of the glorification sit there leaving out the real horror show and because of that you know he couldn't stand watching these glorification of the of the second world war i really hope you understand how impossible it was to make clear to me i mean it was written in one nine hundred seventy six it was not made to lady six i was turned down dozens of times it was very hurtful and to be rejected people would say it's a great script it did help my reputation as a writer but no one would make it because it was too depressing they said but i said what's depressing about the truth you've got a truth that should be in the movies but that i mean that's a conflict that goes to the heart of hollywood when hollywood was never based on telling the truth you can't lose money being american lone survivor he carried chuck norris metamorph into mark wahlberg and lone survivor and he kills how
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many i mean there's i forgot seven. americans get killed for every american they take down twenty or thirty taliban of course same thing in blackhawk down every american who goes gets killed in that battle check it out as to kill like i think thirty or forty dark skinned people it's just amazingly that's the way it has to be this kind of a biblical commandment that says one dead american equals thirty forty four and marcus luttrell's lone survivor son the glorify the american war machines ability to fight off overwhelming enemy odds drawing more upon the mythology of john wayne's green berets than reality the green berets was made during the vietnam war with the full cooperation of the pentagon and president lyndon johnson likewise lone survivor was made during the afghan war with pentagon support killed when it depicted navy seals fending off hundreds of taliban and killing dozens in a valiant alamo like last stand but the after action report that day only
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acknowledged up to thirty taliban being present and no reports of enemy casualties . even the afghani man who saved the child's life denounced the book but really what we're talking about is the military having a massive role within within hollywood in terms of manipulating script content we found that always to be interesting to us was not that there was a large number of these products that were affected but the previous scholarship that everyone knew all journalists everybody assyrians that there were just a few hundred of these things like that but we found using critical information act request that there actually if you found wasn't so obviously been what you might call a cover up or at least some kind of sort of soft cover up you may put it to make it look like this isn't such a great issue of censorship but it but it is early on in my career when i sent the platoon script to get some pentagon help in philippines they wrote back that we had
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to really rethink vietnam having been there as a front line soldier of course that i objected to all their objections and not only that they put out an order not an order as much as a desist kind of memorandum to their commanders saying that the troops should not cooperate with this movie same thing happened to us on born the fourth of july so i was doing a t.v. pilot. and we were filming intel in northern california and it was written by gary devor we play these f.b.i. agents kind of thing and i get a knock on the door i've gone through hair and makeup i've memorized my my lines for that day and i get a knock on the door and it's the second or third day and there and the guy says well stephen we've got these rewrites for you and i was like well wait a second i've already memorized my my lines like why the rewrites you know. and he said well we talk to you talk to the f.b.i. and they want to make these adjustments. and that was my first tentative i don't
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know introduction to the to the fact that if you play and if the alphabet agencies or any agencies are used like f.b.i. certainly cia. anything you do in a film in those letters are involved and maybe even in cases where the they don't use those letters but they use something similar. they have final approval on oh and what's being said and once you know what you're what you're sane steve shalyn is a canadian born actor who found success in hollywood films like a river runs through it and the bodyguard but he alleges that when he tried to launch his own production company in canada called lion's gate his endeavor was sabotaging. to this day he does not profess to know the who or why behind i had my own bad experience i was starting a production company and it was stolen from me and my children were threatened kidnap i ended up basically losing everything. including a nice house in the hollywood sign
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a farm up here in canada and i was i was on the run being tracked and followed and i was pretty undone by the whole experience when i went into a bar in beverly hills one night and i ran in to get rid of war and gary was friendly as usual he steve are you doing you know. like a hawk air you wouldn't believe this and i gave him like the mini version of what i'd gone through and what was kind of great is gary didn't look at me like i was nuts even discount what i was saying he just basically agreed with with me and said yeah well they can they can do that if they want it also told me about a project he was working on that had to do with the the war in panama and he was divulging stuff or writing about stuff and that you know his buddies in the cia were not happy and this is twenty years ago and we know a lot of this now we did not then and what this was about was the many in cartel sending huge amounts of cocaine into the united states and the government
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being aware of it and not taking the stand against it that they might have and that there was a tremendous amount of money from the madding cartel transferring this cocaine into our country that went under. the guys have of the business deal i guess and was put into panamanian banks while noriega was in power there with us and the money was laundered and was spent on. insurgency groups nicaragua and nieces all of the things that we now actually know are pretty true but then there was none of this known and poor reasons. that i was unaware of at the time gary was aware of all of these things gary did or was a successful screenwriter known for his films like the dogs of war and raw deal as
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well as his bizarre disappearance it was nineteen ninety seven he was on his way back to turn a script into the studio that he was going to direct and it was actually the only time that the finished script the computer all of the research was in one place it was in his car and he disappeared on his way back to members of the cia and the n.s.a. appeared in my home within the first four or five days. and many other unusual things started happening i realized that perhaps it was not a typical crime it only aims in one direction it aims in the direction that this person was definitely working with the intelligence community they said don't you believe he's dead it's been over a year and i said no if you want me to believe he's dead give me a body nine days later i was given a body i was awakened at seven in the morning it was chased brandon calling me
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from langley saying they found the car they found they found the car with the body in it and there was a three hour time difference of course between new york and l.a. and it ten o'clock they called me from the sheriff's department in l.a. to tell me they found the car well they found. you know year later or whatever in his truck. the skeletal remains. were supposedly thrown in the back of the truck so i guess that was sending a message to anybody that if you go rogue or if you go you know off the ranch as they say or whatever and you're up against the cia and what their plans are then this is what we're going to do and i guess. it's really indicative of you know i mean that says to all right it's ants the mystery of gary divorce fate may linger as long as that of j.f.k. but it is intriguing that divorce disappearance came in one thousand nine hundred
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seventy years after the cia established its first official hollywood liaison office it may have been merely symbolic but it seemed to portend the coming decade of the two thousand for the patriot act in the u.s. led global war would dominate the american conscious as though the us government did not trust that citizens to think critically for themselves and more importantly crises would have to unfold particularly on the big screen where the heroes of the american intelligence services and military would inevitably fight to defend global freedom but behind the lie we must ask ourselves how much have we swallow the pill of propaganda evolved from psychological warfare a phrase derived from nazi germany's. worldview or.
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in some american cities the police have built themselves cling to reputation of people who walk on the streets of the united states who are at. risk from the very people who are supposed to protect that poor people are no more afraid of the police than move on from the most. likely. you can see something happening in this is like i don't want to call the cops let that happen rather than call the cops in. their lives chasing the with their fingers on the trigger you never know better safe than sorry i don't know that someone else is going to pull a gun so yeah unfortunately around around here we end up going our guns are good don't steal from such preclusion nice place to be like when the root.
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of a gun some is not is not a quick place is not a good country. truly because it is the minister. of family as well loves front. of you that's what i get us to just call the physical. stuff the culture. of the culture of less sure of the tragedy of christmas. all in and just little and biased from a fellow muslim school to be the middle. will see albums fossil. play almost any kind of numbers any place the last record our data john said on based on our much less credit card number can i be the last caller we are survivors from that
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matter how anomaly a kid. from a shallow tummy and cannot. construct a mom i cannot move he was almost feeling now with the fucking mama look let's see this original song and now fargo shall be able to sleep i don't want to go to the snooze in the my car boys as in is a good one. the state of. cinema bhargava of the largest. the series was going. to be.
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parts of the media go into a frenzy after vladimir putin unveils russia's new strategic asshole in his state of the nation address meanwhile the u.s. state department snubs questions from russian reporters on the issue. say that they are taking the rehab from their shit you're also makes it ok and upside down on the back also to comes to video images of the moments leading up to the death of a palestinian man during an israeli raid in the west bank the i.d.f. disputes its soldiers killed him although has changed its version of events several times and initially right leaning parties do surge in the polls of the moments with the general election just days away r.t. visits a time with a radical approach to migration that is mayor hopes will be adopted across the
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country. well i welcome you watching r.t. international start this hour with breaking because gunfire and explosions have been reported near the army headquarters and french embassy in the west african state of bikini video from the scene shows large plumes of black smoke rising witnesses say that five gunman arrived in a car and opened fire before making their way towards the french diplomatic mission france's special envoy has already tweeted that the instant is a terror attack the u.s. embassy in bikini facets capitalised advising that people stay indoors local authorities say that the attack was carried out by islamists and four of the attackers have been killed when a police statement adds there is also a separate attack now under way close to the prime minister's office there are currently no reports of casualties from there.
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no blood in the putin state of the nation address to send parts of the media into an apparent frenzy kucing russia of harking back to the cold war during his speech the president showcased the country's latest weapons which he said could outsmart all existing missile defenses the white house and the country learning of that new threat from russian president warning he's adverse arisen in the west in particular not to mess with russia computer graphics of missiles flying over mountains and heading over oceans and he says he's not bluffing well though many did see the address as a threat directed at the u.s. moscow claims it has no intention of using its military might the high tech weapons are intended only to maintain the global balance of power is more against the reports. if you aren't russian in the first hour of putin's speech would have been boring taxes and corruption science and industry that sort of thing after that
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though it got real hot real fast. russia is a major nuclear power basically nobody wanted to talk to us nobody listened to us so listen to us now rockets lasers nukes in a rush hooted unveiled an arsenal of new weapons bigger faster stronger and deadlier than any that came before the law. of. the some super heavy i.c.b.m. two hundred ton missile capable of penetrating any existing defense in service at the end of the year next an enigmatic new development seemingly nuclear powered cruise missile it flies extremely low to avoid detection and can hit almost
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anywhere in the world says putin up next it's just fantastic an underwater drone submarine also nuclear powered with nuclear payload it can reportedly underwater for months and months silent and needy undetectable next to the oven god the hypersonic missile extremely fast rockets that can actively dog and the vedic anti missile defenses to do it it is heading for the target like a meteorite to top all of that off laser weapons systems though putin didn't go into detail saying only that it still classified the russian president says all of this isn't to intimidate or scare anyone or invade anyone these a serious way. buttons designed for one thing restore and guarantee russia's strategic power in an age where an ever expanding nato is trying to nullify it.
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we have no plans and have never had plans to use this potential to achieve offensive or aggressive in russia's enhanced military power is simply a guarantee for peace on our planet for it preserve. restore parity in the world sure that there's no point in gauging in a senseless arms race after all mutually assured destruction has kept the world safe for the best part of a sentry that was more against the if there were not everybody though by president putin's explanation of the thinking behind his speech he was pressed about it in an interview with n.b.c. several analysts in the west have said this is the declaration of a new cold war are we in a new arms race right now my point of view as the individuals who have said new cold war has started are not really analysts they do propaganda if you were to
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speak about arms race then an arms race began at exactly the time in moment when the u.s. opted out of the anti-ballistic missile treaty to stress is point the new weapons only to balance the world powers putin pointed that the u.s. missile defense is already deployed in alaska and california nato is also expanding into eastern europe too with two sites having been set up in romania and poland new sites are soon to be established in japan and south korea the us complex also includes a naval component america currently has five navy cruises and thirty destroy a ship stationed along rushes eastern borders but we spoke to several defense analysts about this he think the russian president's speech wasn't intended as a threat. it was defense the terence competition and containment no aggression no thoughts of starting off initiating
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a war which is reassuring and the americans even though they have known at least in general terms that these weapon systems are in the pipeline will probably react with some surprise at the advanced stage in which they were unveiled these are not designed for war fighting these are designed to send a very clear message that president putin said quite clearly which is that these these systems are basically if you mess with us we will nuke you and we will not hold back now that is a strategic statement it's not a statement about escalating to deescalating which is what the russians are often accused of and were accused of officially by the american government decades after the cold war the usa really it ruled the world and that balance of power is now shifting with russia coming in with many other major players from what putin is saying and i hope he's absolutely right that this is a deterrent against the american led defense system and that's
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a very important. effective taught so i don't see intensification of hostile talk or scheming and planning as the kurds what is possible and what was what was put us in terms was to sober up the west and to bring that back to reality well the u.s. state department has hit out at russia for developing what it calls destabilizing weapons saying that they do violate existing treaties however the russian ambassador to the u.s. retorted that washington appears not to know what it's talking about and tensions are also around at a u.s. state department briefing with more on that his samir account. heather now it was particularly concerned about the video or imagery that was released claiming that it showed the missile targeting the u.s. and when reporters asked about this the scene turned pretty ugly and now revealed just how uncomfortable she was when she slammed the russian reporters who pressed her on this says officials of the russian government will slaughter taken the
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united states interests new styles all sent a different direction so i had to say that they are you know you ran from russian i can't hear you saying that ok enough said then i'll move on. which is when it's there to happen they're not. officials of the russian government they're just asking a question about me oh really ok well we know that. r.t. and other russian news or so-called news organizations are there i'm good and directed by the russian government so if i don't have to hear a lot of how this should be no matter how they're going to set you up to that moment you know this is i mean did you know yes this video that you're talking about yesterday which they're going to do is not an excuse me for and it was met with significant backlash from reporters all throughout the room but how did she respond with several doses of sarcasm of course but for the record this is her usual m.o.
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when she wants to avoid answering questions in the past is referred to me and my colleagues as representatives of the russian government and then i made a berridge of questions now or shut down the entire press conference and then rejected a reporter's question which rightfully upset the reporter who then stood up from her chair and followed an hour out of the room we've got it we've got to go on iraq or please i will talk to you after the no the iraqi parliament voted wednesday to call for a timetable for the iraq for foreign troops. now it's unclear what exactly agitated now are but it could have been the continuous stream of questions regarding the american reaction to president putin's address. but journalists in the room were all defending each other so i wonder if we'll hear any complaints from the other reporters. the video has emerged showing the moments leading up to a palestinian man's death june israeli raid in the west bank please be warned though you might find the following scenes up.
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