tv Going Underground RT March 3, 2018 11:00pm-11:30pm EST
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teaching terror a u.k. court convicts an islamic state follower who showed school children images of beheadings and was attempting to create an army of young extremists. but the media speculates about an arms race between russia and america after president putin reveals details of his country new cutting edge nuclear arsenal. and the party for freedom controversial leader fielder's comes under fire at home for promoting russia another one's relations during a recent visit to moscow. we'll be joined by my colleague union o'neill next hour for a look at the week's top stories you're lucky there but up next on arch international it is going underground but in the u.k. or ireland sputnik is heading your way with.
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i'm after a time say we're going underground with tourism a fighting for political life i mean the coldest of cold war u.k. rhetoric on ass strikes on syria and all the of elections it. quits early it's early leaving the european union coming up on the show venezuela held as british gas supplies are threatened by storm emma probably know after you get. killed off ken livingstone's fuel deal but what about. against a country with the biggest knode oil reserves in the world to venezuela's foreign minister or hey are you about human rights up a supposed election. and in a historic week in the u.k. commenting on exiting the news. all williams about the end of the united kingdom as
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we know it too late for tomorrow's oscars fifteen years to the day katherine gunn expose u.k. u.s. corruption of the u.n. to excuse tony blair's iraq you're. told us about whistle blowing and being played by keira knightley in the upcoming film official secrets all this and more coming up in today's going underground at first it may not be to raise amaze final prime minister's questions as britain's minority government leader but it was certainly she asking questions of jeremy corbin's position on what has implications for the break up of the united kingdom this week he said he wants a customs a range been meeting we could negotiate a new trade deals well that's the government's position so what he wanted to let down the country or agree with the government the leader of your of the largest socialist movement jeremy corbin referenced a leaked letter from foreign secretary boris johnson just as the leader of the s.n.p. in westminster did the formal circuitries lete letter on the irish border shows he
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can get to grips with one of the most fundamental issues of great since the foreign circuitry compared crossing the irish border to doing between camden and westminster frank when you could not make the stuff thought this is a u.k. government that is prepared to put at jeopardy the good friday agreement does the prime minister likely with the family want to thank you for the making that you know you can do almost thanks to resume only prime minister because of our alliance to a previously paramilitary link protestant political party appeared to say she didn't want bombs in british cities that commitment to the belfast agreement stands and we're committed to belfast agreement and the institutions under the pale fast agreement those institutions are not working incidentally but the belfast agreement to end u.k. army soldier catholics and ira bombs in london are arguably not in the spirit of u.k. for. in policy today britain de facto supports what damascus calls terrorism it supports
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saudi bombing of yemen even inviting a saudi prince to london next week when it comes to oil interests not arguably allied to the pentagon it seeks the overthrow of governments one in particular venezuela the nation with the world's largest known resources of oil a march in support of president maduro is shed ewald in london for ten days time but dora's foreign minister or hate joins me now thank you so much jeff foreign minister for coming again on going underground first of all the news that general elections have been delayed one day since last year we've been talking with the opposition we had today other protests in dominican republic it was working very well we had very important that vance's and finally when the opposition and the government had to saying we traveled to santo domingo the president maybe now was there former presidents about there are from spain was there as well and when the opposition arrived they said they were not going to saying there was no agreement
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that the date was to close the twenty second of april so we kept on having conversations and finally it was the sated to move the date to the second part of may the last two weeks of may we don't have the precise they are ready but it has been announced we have been as a government and the electoral institutions as well they are independent but we are thinking about the country about democracy about the future and we want all the parties to take part in the election and that's the reason why we have president has agreed and presumably were ready the candidate of the revolutionary forces so our candidate will wait for the candidates of the opposition and we will have the elections in last may of course the british foreign secretary boris johnson merely says that your president is a dictator who imprisons thousands of people i believe mr bari xians and. or he. making fake news or his receiving fake news there is not such thing as
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a ted recipient venezuela this is one of the most deep profound democracies in the whole world where we have had elections three elections last year and now we're going for the presidential election this year i mean no where in the world this happens and we will demonstrate as we have for over one thousand years that the venezuelan or leave aryan revolution is a real democracy and it can be envied by other democracies even in the old you americans appeared to be very interested certainly american journalists in your country the new york times made it ten thousand word piece comparing opposition leader mr leopoldo lopez to martin luther king jr what do you think of that and have intelligence agents go into his home we have too much natural resources i have seen we have oil we have gas we have gold and of course the u.s.
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government and elite want a government that facilitates all these resources to go to the usa and that's absolutely absurd you know mr lopez is responsible for more than forty three people dying in twenty fourteen call in the people to the streets to do violent demonstrations and riots he has been a right wing opposition not the leader and we believe. we have done a lot to keep peace remember last year we had violent months four months of violence and presume a do or did not resolve this is not solve the issue with repression what he did was to call the people for elections he convened elections for a national constituent assembly and peace came the next day after the election and it has kept this way very smoothly very quiet and that's what's going to happen after the presidential elections as well boris johnson and the europe. when union
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says that your president and your government violates human rights what have you been saying at the un human rights council this week about the sanctions against your country by the european union these sanctions against venezuela violate not only international law but our human rights today it's difficult for us to get to our own oil paid back you know with the liver ships with oil and then the companies either in the us or in other parts of the world cannot pay back the money and we have more than one thousand million dollars in europe in europe clear which are blocked and banks are blocking and we have to buy in to import magazines and food and raw material for our people and it doesn't it's difficult today because of these sanctions do you discussed sanctions with your russian counterpart sergey lavrov in geneva this week yes i must say that the russian government president
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putin and all the government have been very helpful with us we are trying to build different routes different paths to avoid to bypass the sanctions with russia with china with thirty and with other allies in the world they are worried about the venezuelan people you know that. the secretary of state of the u.s. tillers and he said he was happy because in north korea in north korea there were people dying because of the sanctions those are the figures they look for to say that their politics their policies are well directed this is not going to happen in venezuela because we are taking decisions we have allies in the world and we're going to protect our people from the sanctions and from any other attack from the u.s. you've seen how u.s. backed agencies have brought down a government in brazil in that in america moscow and beijing did very little to help stop the rise of a c i. a asset michelle tema
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a former cia asset becoming president why do you think that beijing in moscow is going to help you because we have built a very close relationship with beijing and with and with must go and we are more than. you know associates we are friends we are brothers this was billed by come on down to chavez and it has been also protected by press and i do so i believe that russia and china we would do much more for venezuela and then anyone can imagine in the world why do you think no one here in britain certainly from the government believes you an expert alfred desire claims there is presently no humanitarian crisis in venezuela because what they want the world to believe is that there is a humanitarian crisis when the when there are he military reasons you know that armies from other countries can intervene these were guarding the principles of
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international law that's the objective it's the old trick but of course you can you can come to venezuela and you can just look around and you can see that there is no such thing as a humanitarian crisis of course we have trouble with some pro the with the some made the scenes but we it's been solved we have a better idea this year than last year and twenty seventeen was better than twenty sixteen and with democratic decisions and with our allies we are going to solve everything does for sure what did you tell british ambassador andrew super and other e.u. ambassadors i understand understood by the british man in caracas i was once based in washington and in brazil we had a dinner with all the european ambassador. of the e.u. and they had a lot of questions were do it was likely for i was being questioned by a. the inquisition and tribunals and i had to defend the
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truth in venezuela i had to defend my people i had to tell them that they were not in the right path but i must say that the british ambassador had a good attitude he understood what i was saying and i told him that we have to improve our relationships we have relations very good ones since the venezuelan independence where the english army helped to liberate their people so we have to get back to the path of cooperation of mutual respect and avoid these attacks and this respect for the venezuelans over n.t. i believe that the european union is going to rethink their view about venezuela and specially the united kingdom but must do so because we have always been friends and that's the way it has to be is it your understanding that some of these powers are now backing and refiled call on. to the roof of the democratic unity opposition
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seems to have decided to run against him a duro at the elections presumably in may i am not sure what's going to happen in the opposition at hand if i go and as one of the opposition leaders he has by himself he has a good party he has a lot of. people who support him and i believe that the other part of the opposition if he's the only candidate from the from the mood i must say that twenty four other candidates have resisted and only one is from the government which is pressing the little so i believe that most of the part of the opposition will support and reflect on and people will vote for him and the venezuelan people will decide their future freely and without any kind of interference from the international community and the international community has to help venezuela to help the dialogue in venezuela and they can come and accompany us the days of the elections we have him by the. the secretary general of the un we have invited the
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people of caricom of the african union and other international observers that will be with us during the week of the elections just finally i know donald trump is now threatening insurance types of sanctions against oil shipments he has of course threatened military action against venezuela i understand seven hundred thirty five million dollars in one day was the applications for the oil based venezuelan cryptocurrency how do you think they're going to try and sabotage your oil base cryptocurrency the petro they have already said that the people who views who use the pads or are also violating these. these sanctions against venezuela but you know the crypto currency is a different world they don't go through the traditional banking system financial system so it's going to be really difficult for them petro has had a very good answer not only in venezuela and latin america but also in the us in
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europe in russia so it's going to be a very useful tool for us to help our economy to comply with our compromises abroad and do we need to have the payment capacity again and again grunty the in spite of the sanctions and all of the attacks from the u.s. foreign minister thank you thank you very much estrie my pleasure after the break. the u.k. committee on exiting the e.u. huell williams on jelly crisps and on looks and the end of the united kingdom as we know it and forgive tomorrow's off because we don't do legendary rock wall with a look out for and gong to be played by keira knightley in the upcoming film with matt smith official secrets all of them all coming up a bought through of going underground.
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fifty years ago breaking and we've been to a concert going on as a sleeping pill does this is what i mean because i like to just said that the scientific sweat terrible but not on the road. to untroubled love will be here not the wall. across europe victims are starting legal battles demanding at least some compensation. in two ways first will the physical damage itself as well that the constant mind that the people who actually perpetrated this crime has never been able to justice and there's been a couple. focus on ending the war and that's not intermingle to humanitarian concern which is the bombing of all schools of all of civilians of the shelling of damascus by rebel
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groups that's lot and also the bombing that it was much earlier it's a mix of that with the political objectives which some people may still have. welcome back in the past twenty four hours u.k. minority government be to tourism a has tried to remain britain's leader instead of jacob riis the bookies tory favorite let alone jeremy colvin the overall favored. it comes after a week in which the very identity of the u.k. has come under threat after defacto e.u. threats to tear apart northern ireland from scotland england and wales joining me now is welsh nationalist m.p. hugh williams who is on britain's exiting the european union select committee you're welcome to going underground so aside from the term old your speeches this week theresa may in the past twenty four hours bonnie on wednesday take us back to how your committee's meeting was with michel barnier the used chief negotiator of
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a breakthrough well he was quite stern interestingly when we've met him before he's spoken in english most of the time but the stance that was for the twenty minutes telling is often french about the u.k. position and clearly you know the the building up to a very hard position as has become apparent over the last few days and you know it's interesting for me as a mere backbencher from wales to be there right of a sense out of his hole and in civilian people like. the other day who's a former trade commissioner. who was the chief negotiator that's color me either trade negotiator for only one zero or what in the wake of what he had to say to somebody said the other day we swapping a three course meal for the promise of a packet of crisps but he told us various other things. not just grist for jelly well anderson i just tell you we can only bomb unless you know the armless one is good because he said you know trying to negotiate this is like trying to take an egg out of a normal it's the jelly one was amazing somebody asked. will the. deals that we
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make after we leave will they make up for the trade that we lose with the european union and with a very spiritual. but with a very straight face he said well you know there's not a huge demand for jelly in the european union we produce more than jelly one of you but he said you know if you can find the top jelly exporting country they might swap markets with you for the for the fifty million that they have in the wood up but you know i mean he was pulling our leg fairly severely with a very deliberate is years are not good. like the they're going to keep emphasizing the crucial percentages and proportion of trade between britain and the court to that but ireland is no the critical key issue here rules would certainly mean a hard border pascal lamy told you about ireland going to say you can't have a border without the ball the arrangements on both sides because the black city is now was saying well we'll just open the border entirely we lots less anything and it's their problem they have to come to us that source of arguments. all british
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business could just relocate to bell first i mean i'm welsh business and scottish business is a fantasy but. actually entertain racism there there will be no border that's what the government's position is all british business can really look at to the north of the island of ireland and we'll be in europe i asked them about thoughts and said you know where do you reckon the border will be even if we don't have one in the north of ireland isn't the case of them have to be in the middle of the sea between. brits and the irish exactly because they have never bothered somewhere he seem to think it's the taxes he has of course i don't know i've got to ask you as applied m.p. though how and why does your party and i've got to ask you with the two had to wear one of them bought of the all party parliamentary group in catalonia how and why you want to be part of a european union which you still do and i know the world's population according to the poll did want to be part of european union the jail's politicians i'm tired of
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the whole party cuts alone you could have owned up so that immediately and i was over there for the referendum i actually did see at a police station the police arriving and clubbing people to the ground for daring to vote now the question really is he was me in that and it was a red line for britain why would we want to britain want to be a part of a living institution that we're here to deceive or everywhere indoors maybe even they're arguing against them or you don't side them letting them get on with it's you know it's the local and the international for the brother. you know britain has the fortress britain because i'm sure. there's that from the bennett wing of labor would always say it was internationalist to be outside the european union anyway but any news about anna gabriel of the spanish politician having to leave the norn european union switzerland you know because arrest warrant has been put out for you and the the leader of the catalans live living in brussels because he dare not move back or he'll be put in jail or britain after breaks it could be a haven of freedom away from the european union which shows he was to be allowing
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the jailing of its politicians that might be the case i mean what's the european union would probably say is that national policy is the national action is a matter for individual member states the united nations has been criticising leave for human rights over its treatment of refugees coming over from libya libya of course destroyed by an alliance including many european union nations and also you know the bus been happening in hungary with a big fans there to keep people out and poland why just to be part of an institute i can see the financial now incentives as you would have it isn't close to what jacob riis more might say surely with time for britain to leave well without going into a huge detail but initially it was a common market it was a matter of selling potatoes to each other for better profits i suppose of that sort of thing and then they would be in the union has developed into a body which protects environmental standards working standards you know working time directive as i think of war is there was
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a war in yugoslavia and you know and you know i'm sure that they once members of the time of course but still a war in europe that again as well the european union was there. i mean pro european and to a great extent employee was well they're not entirely and finally is your committee even going to last until twenty nineteen. the pens if the government lasts long you know that i mean the betting at the moment is that you know we lost still. and this problem until twenty twenty two or possibly the next mayor of your williams thank you thank you. well fifteen years ago today a leaked memo between u.k. and u.s. spy agencies g.h.q. of the n.s.a. was released to the public a detailed collusion between governments to illegally bugged the united nations in an attempt to swing tony blair's vote to invade iraq a war that would go on to kill wound or displace tens of millions of people
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a decade and a half on u.k. and u.s. bombing of iraq continues and the story of that whistleblower is becoming a hollywood film starring keira knightley and matt smith former g c h q translator and whistleblower catherine go on joins me now i gather that it's coming on the show in person if anyone doesn't know who you are arguably they're going to know about you shortly do you think keira knightley playing you in a new film official secrets is going to make more people aware of what you did as a whistleblower and what you went through our hopes yeah i think. i think it's a good. choice and she's going to do a fantastic job out there working with both gavin and the producers and hopefully with meeting care fairly shortly hopefully if elm will reach out to people who maybe don't generally. look in an alternative direction so i mean this marks fifteen years now since you blew the whistle on g c h q and s
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a collusion connivance to get us into a war that killed wounded or injured maybe tens of millions of people what does it feel like as i describe it in a press conference it's like if you see an elderly person struggling with their bags and somebody comes and tries to rob them of their purse or something. what would be your instinct you'd run and try and assess the elderly person if you see a child crossing the road and there's traffic coming you try and leap in and grab them it's an instinctive kind of reaction and when i saw that memo. i just thought this is a red flag you know i had no choice i have to do something it was just immediate response of the interactive reaction to break the official secrets act and possibly harm relations between lovers of washington and to to expose
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a memo that talked about the u.n. security council and britain's getting into the iraq war while expose. wrongdoing expose duplicitous behavior. and you know i think anybody looking back now there are very few of the people who initially championed the war and who are still holding on to the same position i mean i think virtually everybody who at one point thought it was a good idea have now backtracked i mean it was a disastrous decision it was an illegal war. and the evil you specifically was the north about iraq it was about process was loose well it was about legitimizing the invasion. and nobbling the u.n. security council. yes intercepting the domestic and office communications of the sixteen nations that was sitting on the un security council at the time in order to bribe them all intimidate more you know embarrass them in however way possible
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to vote for that second u.n. resolution that would have given the u.s. and the u.k. that legal cover for a preemptive strike and that does not exist even to this day there is no legal cover there's no justification for a preemptive strike i was aware of the fact that iraq was not a threat to the u.s. and the u.k. you know it was a country that had suffered years of war years of sanction and they were struggling to pull themselves together again and just finally advice to anyone watching you if you were a military installation or any government in the world you go out into the country living here in britain. what if they're thinking about you right now what should they be focusing on as to whether to go public it's obviously it's a very personal decision and it's a very difficult decision but i was speaking to matthew hoh who is a former u.s.
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we had him on the show. and you know that he will tell you that. a lot of evidence pointing out the fact that. suicide levels the rates of suicide among veterans for example is extremely high it's about six percent higher than the novel really should be paid if you're being opposed to work at the pentagon a senior levels in afghanistan yes and you know and and they now know that some people don't commit suicide from p.t.s.d. they commit suicide from guilt it's the guilt eating up inside which causes them to take their own lives and we also have the example of larry welk wilkerson who was the senior age to colin powell and he's told me personally that he's eaten up by guilt because he prepared colin powells brief that went in front of the u.n. . which persuaded vast numbers of people that the invasion was necessary and he is
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consumed by guilt so now his way of appeasing this is is to shout as loud as he can about the abuses so don't wait till you yourself are suffering from this. position this you know a malady of being mentally tortured by go out if you know something if you think it is in the public interest to know please bring it forward and you are not alone because and at the time that i blew the whistle you know there wasn't a trend of whistle blowing as it was and it was for me after i found it very isolating but now there's a community of people that has all kinds of organizations that will help support to defend you and support your family and so on so it's it's growing.
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thank you and that's it for the show will be back on monday when we figure campaign against the arms trade about to resume a bullet to the crown prince of saudi arabia who's right now he's in british weapons to bomb the fourth country in the middle east yet we also have exclusive music from murdoch will be that the only building he does present you will see on monday thirty four years to the day mine is led by office scargill went on strike in one of the most seminal industrial disputes in british. the everybody i'm stephen bach.
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