tv News RT March 6, 2018 1:00am-1:30am EST
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forces on the ground drones everything us has been kneedeep in this they're not just supporting they're an active military participant that was started by obama no one objected then no one objected to obama's proxy war in syria no one objected to his destruction of libya right now truck comes along continues at this point he's only continued what obama has done and suddenly bernie sanders finds the courage with one another republican mike lee you know to stand forward and say oh we just remembered that we have. congressional powers to declare war over the executive branch it's a shame you couldn't remember that just last night says he wanted to go there to tell you that we're telling the world that they are they have some kind of conscience but it won't have any impact on policy you know or why they suddenly discovered. because the guardian suddenly reported that the soldiers opdyke getting potable water supplies that i get to schools and sometimes when diplomatic get
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they've been putting it on just so's you know you've been to those who have been on t.v. who pointed to before they got in but before the guardian reported that there were no police like they're always on call and i was. just i mean for russia i called him an art teacher keeping an eye on their twenty seconds mark you know finish up on yemen yeah i'm afraid that this resolution isn't going to change anything the war there is a quagmire saudis kneedeep in it yemen it was already the poorest country in the world but saudi arabia one of the world's now highest military spenders armed by the u.s. and all the other western powers can't defeat well it's and you've seen the crown prince's and due to be in the united states on the eighteenth i wonder how much how much western media will cover the yemen war when the crown prince is in washington we're going to go to a short break gentlemen after that short break we'll continue our discussion on some real news stays with our.
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for a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time but there was one more question and by the way who's going to be our coach. you guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star among us and the huge amount of pressure to come out you have to put me to the center of the beach hotel here with you and you will solo the great great get you out of the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get the ball going let's go. alone i was just i want to know and i'm really happy to join the for the two thousand and three in the world cup in russia meet the special one it was all to please share me
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to just say the review beyond the team's latest edition to make up the figure so i need to just say look. everybody i'm stephen ball in the past hollywood guy you know suspects every proud american first of all i'm just george bush in our view to say this is my buddy max famous financial guru and we're just a little bit different i'm not. going to try not to run your windows up with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the road have some fun meet everyday americans. and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american people.
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church secret indeed priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally like to call this to do graphic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot were the previous standards not the highest ranks of the catholic church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that and i know that's not good as the i think you know how to do. welcome back to crossfire where all things are considered i'm peter l. to remind you we're discussing some real news.
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ok jamie let me go to you as i promised our viewers not only would we keep an eye on yemen we're going to keep an eye on ukraine because ukraine is going to be very much in the spotlight this year we have. tank missiles being sold to the ukrainians by the americans obviously this is sending sending kind message a number of messages u.s. support of the regime in kiev. and shaky ground right now the issues in the dumbass obviously have not been resolved we know that legislation has been passed by the trainee in our parliament that is essentially made no envoy the entire minsk process which is not mentioned at all and that's just on the russian language in ukraine showing that west protests that they gain. we also see that russia is going to be steadfast in its position while it will not allow the people of the donbass to be on. run by military forces ukrainian military is gearing up for the number of
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several outrages events that happened this week around ukraine you're right there american javelin yourselves have been supplied to ukraine when when police race to the ground this protest camping near the ukrainian parliament one hundred people were arrested more than in november two thousand and thirteen when you just . basically swept out the first my dog but at the time going to court you got threats of sanctions. and then take me some of them have to be almost a specialist in eastern european affairs and ukraine even to know what you just said davis is a gets no coverage when so absolutely but they're also if you are the fact that they just wanted to mention that american negotiate on your grain they suggested to disband the donetsk people's republic people's republic he forgot to mention that
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these entered just would have never sprung up if it hadn't been for the u.s. support it three zero change in ukraine in two thousand and fourteen so it's the same story as in for example syria why you see the isis because you support the civil war against ourselves why is there isis in iraq because you have it in two thousand and three if it turns out to be in for the u.s. invasion in two thousand and three the. state in the game is that and in afghanistan they were because you support that they're going to mention that market and want to talk about it going through as we'll do it later but the iraqi parliament passed a resolution that they want all foreign troops out of their country again hardly any mention in the media whatsoever let's stay with ukraine and what's going on mark with the gambit so these weapons we're talking thirty seven large unit javelin launch units two hundred down are not going to change the balance of power . as obama. one thing he rightly noted was that if we give
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weapons to the regime in ukraine that we back well then russia will just give an equivalent to achieve a new parity to the people in the one boss so so what they always have that's still a vision and that's being mindset and by the trying i mean this is first of all it's a shot domestically against critics that trump isn't hard enough on russia so he's trying to shore up his domestic base all the time with this at the second time the neo cons know that this is a political signal to the kiev regime now the west has been arming the kiev regime all along. since the my first happened in two thousand and fourteen but it's usually been with eastern european weapons left over from. the warsaw pact stuff that the ukrainians actually know how to use right and have supply chains logistics and can fix them and so on these weapons are going to change any type of military
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balance but their political signal to poor shouldn't go that the u.s. has got his back for possible military renewal of military action against own boss and for ripping up the. the minsk agreement which has quietly gone away and it's pretty much been acknowledged that they would lead to the collapse of the putsch regime the to enact it and fulfill the the the political measures of actually sitting down with the leaders of other people and again i think if you take seriously you take syria and you take ukraine the last thing the west and its allies want is peace go ahead well the problem is that the west has been involved in poroshenko and now is getting dangerous for them he has a bad gas with russia the so-called stockholm court ruling which force us to pay two point five to six billion dollars to ukraine. and absolutely outrageous you know ruling because russia has a big supply. there's
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a gas you know ukraine has been using it so. says that if he doesn't get the money he's going to arrest north stream and stop all supplies or you know i certainly going to make the germans happy ok i mean if the law of unintended consequences and they always have a rule then rule being germans have no one but themselves to blame for that because germany and france whatever their leaders say they have been supporting this regime all along they've helped why don't regime to be installed more than doing as you see all of this talk of my down regime and there's fascists in ukraine it's just russian propaganda except that you might notice that the guardian finally notice this week that the ukrainian members of the of the bad fascist ase off. but talian now officiated with with the police as an alternate law enforcement body in the streets of kiev they are now in london white house what are they doing in london well they're recruiting neo nazis on the streets of the u.k.
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he's we're going to we're saying where is the antidote when you need. actual fascists are we going to so much to cover here gentlemen donald trump says that trade wars are good and you can win them. trade wars or. have a long history of ending up in a shooting war and this is something that's very very serious i have to compliment mark the day before and trump was elected in after trump you said that this presidents this president in presidency would destroy relationships with u.s. europe and other us yeah and trump has already started the trade wars right he's already put high tariffs on solar power in olds and washing machines from china he's making these moves now he's putting a twenty five percent tariff on steel ten percent on on aluminum and this is ironically not aimed primarily at. china is the biggest supplier of steel in the
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world and it has excess capacity huge huge capacity it makes as much steel basically as the rest of the world put together right and it exports most of it the u.s. is the biggest consumer of steel in the world which it makes a lot of steel but it consumes far more then it builds itself but the u.s. only gets two percent of its steel from china obama already put quotas and restrictions on it can go to china this is a shot not a china this is a shot at canada germany brazil south korea germany these are the big countries that supply steel and aluminum to the united states and there's so many unintended consequences with this because if he cuts the all in vain effort to try to increase the steel industry in the u.s. it's going to raise consumer prices in the u.s. because now they have to import or buy more expensive so the. other guys who write
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off that where you have. tax return the middle class is going to use that tax return to pay for you to lose far more jobs for manufacturing jobs in the u.s. that you would gain from steel plant the thing is that there's going to be a lot of. it once you start this there's no way to know how it's going to hear what i expect was that reaction of the mainstream press to that you know they have usually is that this is all trump's initiative this is his madness you know the new york times rolled that trump didn't listen to his treasury secretary steven and just picked up every fight he could well i mean how how different is strong from the previous administration which driven by ideological reasons picked up trade fight with russia i mean anyone explain to me of all this is the purpose of all of these sanctions that the united states the you in russia. impose on each other and
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none of them could change the situation it's just them beating their chests one thing i think we have to tell our viewers here is that i think a lot of this is the. it's the really the fruition of an entire policy trade policy of the united states has had since the end of the second world war it made sweet hard trade deals with a lot of countries because of their geo political strategic value we can mention all of western europe in the in the aftermath of the war japan south korea now these countries are major competitors of the united states here i mean this is the this was an intentional policy to keep them on board in the western camp under the hedge of monic rule of the united states now it's coming back the most of the answer all the way back in britain would drive the foundation of the european union in steel right call and it's the logical consequences of the construction of a neo liberal economic order to consolidate world behind us opinion except now it's
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leading to the destruction of a manufacturing production economy in the us in the the siphoning of wealth out of the west is that right you have american our allies are the. engineers of economic growth while the united states science it's relatively impoverished infrastructure this is the logical conclusion of this policy of european allies that i said are actually small game right when it comes to the steel industry right and i think trump has got his eyes set on a trade war with china next week labeling china a currency manipulator but by picking this fight with the e.u. they're actually fighting over the scraps they're fighting over the scraps of the steel market. for your ideas of policy the thought they're thinking about their own defense or security i think that's actually a good idea because they should they don't need to be subsidized by the american taxpayer anymore we need don't need to point out however though that the europeans have already put in a lot of measures that subsidize and protect their own domestic steel in. histories
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so i'm not sure who really started this trick and before the well a lot of people ask me especially in the ninety's why do we need multiple walked why can't it be just to a new poll with the united states well that's why you know do you think they would have allowed japan and south korea to develop their own car industries in the sixty's and seventy's if there had been no alternative paula you know in. no way you know because the able to say this is all. your. column or else the same thing with europe you were was allowed to become reach. for dates in the fifty's because they. needed to because they were very very poor we have to remember at the end of the second world war the united states was fifty percent of the global japs only g.d.p. now it's less than twenty years it was devastated by the money from the place all right keith and around this point gentlemen with segment ends many thanks to my guest here in moscow this is the end of our broadcast segment stay with us for the
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extended version on our you tube channel see you next time and remember stop rules . is not a quick place it's not good to the country and. the city but. the bush family as well. but that's. ok let's. check in. with. some of the oneself to be with them. for the members of the not. john said i'm based on. the no one can i do
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not the last couple when asked why this contract matter how anomaly came. from michele. to fucking on the canal he was almost real now with in fact the number. of students who were to miss one another's good show you will see both of them go to the susan overcome our. voices in this are the one of the street the. other you know the loudest the cods who is close to. jamie diamond no matter how much he tried to talk down because i no matter how much he tried to get his buddies in washington to outlaw big guy i mean the fact is he's lost he has lost the battle of big coal mine he's got it now come crawling back to the market and say you know what the whole banking
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industry has been fundamentally change we need to a down to. the new global economic war is unfolding in the realm of education the right to education is being supplanted by the right to access education loans higher education is becoming just another product that can be bullish and sold but it's not just about education anymore it's also about running a business where you're good models of the regime look good the souls. of the couldn't you. want is the place of students in this business model before college i was born now i'm running stream or higher education the new global economic war.
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the italian general election fails to produce an outright winner but sees a surge of four euro skeptics prompting of the leader of the league a party to predict the downfall of the eurozone. it's clear to us that the system of having one common currency is going to end so we want to be prepared for that moment. u.n. aid convoy enters the syrian rebel enclave of eastern good it despite being shelled by all news for terrorists. a russian man convicted of spying for britain it reportedly fails critically falls critically ill in the u.k. after a suspected of poisoning. and
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broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is art international from thomas certainly glad to have you with us. now italy is heading for a hung up parliament after an election that failed to produce an outright winner sunday's vote saw a surge for the euro skeptic five star movement. and that was the party leader reacting to the exit poll results which gave five star the largest number of votes. who is just thirty one years old says that he is now ready to find a coalition partners to try and form a government. weeks of deal making a lie ahead and the several other parties will be seeking to form an alliance as well the anti immigration league party wants to lead
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a center right coalition that has teamed up with former prime minister silvio berlusconi from go italy and the people of freedom party berlusconi himself is banned from holding office for another year over a fraud conviction leader party leader matteo salvini has already put his name forward to become italy's next prime minister. so we are now under obligation to form a center right coalition we have a right and a duty to rule in the coming years one person who has already ruled himself out as former prime minister mattera renzi he quit as leader of the center left democratic party after their worst election result in over a decade renzi also added that the party would not enter into a coalition with either the five star movement or the league on associate track and following the post-election reaction in rome for us. this was an election that was meant to bring stability and clarity to italian politics but it seems to have done anything but that with of course the antiestablishment five star movement rocketing
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forward as well as the right wing likud nor taking quite many seats from the way things stand right now those parties of course are celebrating victories in parts in terms of the italian moods we have to say there seems to be a lot of confusion in terms of where this is going to head forward because of course nobody has been able to grasp a majority to be able to leave the way and form a government so there's going to be lots of board discussions and negotiations moving forward it seems now we have some of the biggest newspapers in italy today with had lines such as this forward for the m five star movement but the government is in a puzzle here a win for demaio but italy is in governable so these are just really celebrations inside party headquarters but where it really goes from here is the big question we've been gauging summary options on the streets here in rome when you do let's
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trust the privacy of our home and i think you're young why not interested after such a disaster over the past few years we would be left policies didn't make anybody happy this defeat is mainly the result of the democratic party's politics basically it's a very dictated by fear and despair a people's reaction was expected the votes will go to those who make promises and keep them. or in a strange situation. we find ourselves in political confusion and it's brought about an uncertain result therefore we will face the same trouble again we've seen some reactions for starters from france where a marine the panel had said that the european union is not having a very relaxing night so to speak we've heard from former you keep leader congratulating the five star movement. i the international media is calling the result a nightmare scenario for brussels as well as a warning and stinging rebuke and the league party is making some dire predictions for the eurozone. have never changed my mind and keep on saying choosing the euro
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was a mistake it's clear to us that the system of having one common currency is going to and not because he wants it to be the case but because it's a matter of common sense the real economy shows it so we want to be prepared for that moment when it honest to see a chicken asked and a time political analyst about the possibility of a rift with the e.u. do you think brussels is worried yes he's really really worried because you know first of all i find some mormons the league even though they're right wing coalition they are not still have. a eurozone about you or your union and several times article itself when you see that you want to abolish the sanction against russia you want to change even the foreign policies or retaliate he wants to start again cooperation with russia and for sure because not happy about this is really concerned about the only bridge so i can see even the united states if we move.
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even more intelligence how you see it they publish some analyses somebody does that and they are really concerned about these and. in the future we really can't really choose to joke about this if you're off by in the international arena. the u.s. military has halted its ground operations against islamic state in eastern syria and a statement of the pentagon said the move was due to the kurdish forces in the area shifting their focus from fighting terrorists to countering a turkish offensive in our cross live to r.t.c. american in washington d.c. for more now samir could you tell us more about this latest of development. well according to u.s. officials u.s. backed a ground operations against islamic sing remnants in eastern syria have been put on hold now that's because kurds who had spearheaded combat against extremists have shifted to a separate fight with turkish forces in a free check out what the pentagon had to say some forces operating within the
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s.d.s. have decided to leave a prey sions in the middle east river valley to fight elsewhere possibly in africa they're not fighting isis anymore and that basically meant that they're not taking territory berndt from isis is quickly as they had been in the past. kurds have been washington's key allies in the fight against iceland one of the most effective forces combat ing extremists in the region but the pentagon has already admitted that the potential costs of their destruction from the isis is severe but the kurdish region of afraid in northern syria has become a new geo political pivot point in this conflict now turkey launched an offensive in a fridge in january to expel syrian kurdish forces which it sees as a terrorist group and as an extension of a kurdish insurgency at home now this is all while the u.s. says that they are separate from the kurdish fighters within the u.s. backed syrian democratic forces well the violence in the region continues let's
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take a quick look. for weeks now defense secretary jim matheson other u.s. officials have called turkey's operation a distraction from the isis campaign. what is going on in a free man is taking away from the fight against isis it is a distraction as secretary maddest had called it it is certainly not helpful to have people take their eye off the ball of isis we've talked about that numerous times before. however it seems that for kurdish forces the fighting in a frame is more than just
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a distraction of the pentagon said that although ground operations against isis in the euphrates river valley have been temporarily suspended u.s. airstrikes against isis holdouts are continuing now we just have to wait and see how this will affect the battle against isis in syria and whether or not this will extend u.s. operations in the country all right artie's this american force there in washington d.c. it's going to be interesting to see how this whole thing plays out thanks for being with us. denham mcadams executive director at the paul institute thinks that the u.s. alliance with the kurds is on likely to survive at this point well it's three months or the old saying it's better to be the enemy than the ally of the united states because if you're the enemy they may try to buy you but if you're the ally they certainly will sell you and that certainly seems like what they're doing with the kurds perhaps the kurds are understanding that they will be sold out they were sold out at rocca as well and they will be sold out in the eastern part of syria where the u.s. is operating and they're coming to the aid of their allies dizzee us hope that the
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syrian government gets further drawn in to the fight with the kurds against the turks then the u.s. can swing back around and help it struck its ally in fighting the syrian government and the kurds as well maybe that's the move that would mean the big question mark is what will russia do in a situation like that talk about a disaster. the u.n. aid convoy has entered the syrian rebel enclave of eastern good outside damascus thousands of civilians are trapped inside the besieged area but i gotta say if it's . the first batch of u.n. aid has gone in food and health supplies medicine as many as forty six trucks with enough food for twenty seven thousand people this is by the way the first time this has happened since the u.n. has called for a month long truce in syria the aid.
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