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tv   News  RT  March 7, 2018 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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proper ethics committee on every really look at that and you would see a lot of people making decisions as a government employee that profit for them and i would hope that those people in the tossers report who said that they're like i was at the emergency you know driver you are dr who is still paying off student loans to the sort of like a hundred g.'s i would hope that those people in california leave the state of california would be fighting for student loan forgiveness to be getting to restructure that they're not you know and that's the thing the name of the person is but i mean you know the that's the thing it's like we need representation in government and when the people who are supposed to be our representatives live in a completely different world in a completely different bubble that a majority of the people living in this country you don't have representative not for a socio economic scale at all they are not represented in this country the ninety nine percent of this country are not represented by people who understand them who are them who understand their wants needs desires their hopes their dreams they doubt this is why we need election reform because it cannot be the only
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millionaires and billionaires can run for office we've got to change those rules and it starts with you at home getting out there running for mayor get the part of the community of being in this go to the whole world every not just of us prometrium mobile problem that as we go to break court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter so your poll shows that are coming up we talked to military industrial complex or someone very familiar with its influence former brigadier general of the u.s. army and best selling author told me to stay tuned to watch. both the united states and russia have announced a nuclear weapons posture both countries are in tree a new age of war the age of hypersonic weapons. now in the new armstrong's.
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under-performing the stock market oh my god blackstone one arbitrage opportunity you have brought amongst yourselves i suggest you short yourselves a bar of money into you eviscerate your own corporate balance sheet and then blow your brains out of live t.v. they give us all a big kind of fun experience for the financial predatory class up. your column save that. something is good in kosovo all but for barcelona zero zero zero zero but fall for crimea. or whatever. either the principle is good or the principle is bad has to be a apply equally and that is being done.
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with this manufacture can sentenced him to the public will. when the room in closest protect themselves. with the financial merry go round to listen to the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. in the real news group. but you go shit will get you nowhere you don't order your sisters none of us are no good morning and one million people die and die. killed people a beast even dangerous. now
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you know and. if you think he's wrong then that said. the u.s. department of defense is the world's largest employer with over three million people worldwide under their command and employment and many wonder how they balance the needs of soldiers with the needs of capitol hill former brigadier general tony tait out for the united states army and the author of direct fire the fort and his captain jake may he again thriller series joined us recently to get
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his take on reforms needed with end the u.s. armed services and after soldiers return home from war i was a pleasure having you on sir thank you so much for coming on beard. i wanted to start with an interesting interesting question from an interesting man iraq and familiar of the medal of honor winner was a major marine corps major general smedley butler who these are back in the one nine hundred for those of you that don't know and he authored a book called war is a rocket and in that book he wrote i spent thirty three years and four months in active military service and during that period i spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for big business for wall street and the bankers i wanted to ask you in your experience is that still a problem today you know does that kind of money corporate influence that we know pull so many strings in washington you know how much of a role does that play in the day to day business of the pentagon and. where we
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choose to operate around the world you know i think that's a great question particularly watching the hawks you've got to watch this race and we have to ask this question continuously and then as in i'm familiar with the general's comments in his book and when when he fought and war won for example the defense spending was forty percent of gross domestic product forty percent of g.d.p. today we're five percent of g.d.p. and so i think that it may help frame the discussion a little bit where back in the day what he probably saw was a lot of you know contractors and businessmen and so forth maybe go into the bank and today it's much more scaled down and it's much more streamlined and we still do have issues of that when you know the blackwater controversy is a good example where they they became too powerful they i know when i was a commander in afghanistan and you had some contract personnel come through terrain
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that you had worked six months to secure the friendships in the villagers in the in the local mayor and all that and then they blow through and shoot some people you're back to ground zero negative turf because they're all americans and it's all the same thing to the indigenous population so there's some of that that needs to be watched and sure you know this is what inspectors general do and what you know we have all the audit trail stuff for and yeah there's probably a little bit of that but forty percent of g.d.p. vs five percent g.d.p. i think that's. you know we're not spending as much and relative relation to the size of the economy which is why like right now we're not having rubber and. you know sort of things like that so make some contacts stand there right what's interesting is just how big that even if we had you know like you said i think
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a lot of it's private contractors we've talked a lot about because they don't fall under exactly the same. well loyalty or i think honor in the field when you're there for a paycheck i think it's a little bit different and one of those is that's just gotten so big they're much like the banks so the u.s. defense department has three point two million employees that makes it one of if not the biggest employer in the world right we spend more on defense than the next eight countries combined with this big amount of money and with so much bureaucracy which all of us would like to see effects and so much bureaucracy and so much spending it to me feels a little like the big banks where i feel like is there or is it impossible to draw down our military at this point because of how bad it is from contractors to the banks to all the sort of interchange of the military industrial complex is another great question you know that in and i'm glad that we're having these conversations
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because they're important conversations when you think about the size of the military you know gulf war one eight hundred thousand and change troops in the army today word forty five around five hundred so the scaling of the army very intentional by the framers of the constitution by the way that's raise an army but maintain a navy and a very very much project power but always be wary of a large standing federal army and the right that's one of the things that the framers constitution put in there and so as we see the accordion effect of you know we're going to war so we increased the size of the army we got up to around five eighty i want to say during iraq and afghanistan because we needed it and now we're you know we we drop that down about eighty thousand so you see the scaling of the active duty reserve and national guard forces and then there are so that's about half of the you know two point nine or three million people that you're talking
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about the other half are civilians and are and so looking at those are as always every. a new administration comes and says we're going to take a hard look at you know the size of this bureaucracy and and i'm sure that things are being reviewed now i know that when the president president trump came in he put a freeze on hiring so that you could take a snapshot and actually know what you have because there's constant churn and so there's you know the bureaucracy it's always too big i'm a field soldier former paratrooper and i was always like you know. get rid of a few of those bureaucrats and give me one or two more troops you know get rid to give me one and that way you can have more detail a ratio which right now may be a little skewed you know that's that's actually what i was going to ask because it's very it's intriguing i think because these are important questions like you said because ultimately it is you know u.s. tax dollars at work so it is the citizen funded army ultimately you know there are
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military and i think the that it's important for these questions to be because and so that's the one thing i want to ask you as someone who is in the field and spent a lot of your your time in the service in the field you know how did that bureaucracy become a handicap in terms of being able to operate in the way that you that you hoped you could operate and the you know keep people safe create the best relations you can given the circumstances of wire in a core of a country and you know how invasive was that bureaucracy coming back from what the pentagon says yes so you know when you when you think i see the picture the pentagon here in the background i'm thinking and you know i wanted to be in afghanistan on the pentagon and you know it's a lot but the i think the relationship is that when when you've got when you're thinking about the importance of the troops on the ground and how it scales back to who or whatever that support system is you've got the leadership has to make sure
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that that support system is resourcing the soldier on the ground and so for me as. deputy commanding general tenth mountain division brigade commander one hundred first airborne eighty second airborne battalion commander i was always just very focused downward in taking a look at the what my mission was and so at the national level we need to make sure that we're looking at ins ways and means what are the vital interests of the united states and are we are we scaling the military industrial complex to address those vital interests and is that driving it or is it the military industrial complex and striving to get back to to the you know larger part of the discussion because there is a level bit of greed there i mean you can whenever you introduce businesses into any situation whether it be military or utility utility is what i always promise going to be the profit driven decision making there's not just the big fear to me it's what happens when and i say i believe i see it all the time as i see too many
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military decisions made by politicians the you can clearly see trace their roots back to corporate decisions well a great example of this is i think it's a c one thirty aircraft as built in i think all fifty states and i'm right and that way it's never going to go away exactly you know i may have the frame wrong but there are there are aircraft or there are ships or whatever and they provide jobs right and so congressman fight hard for to keep the near the jet engine made and state x. in the in the wheels made in state y. and so forth and that that's part of what we're talking about here and our jobs important of course are important is is that aircraft important i've jumped out of it one hundred times yeah yeah and so and i think the fear though is that like what happens whether it's what if some aircraft but you don't actually need to write any more you know like c one thirty is going to be a war that's there for a long time but what happens when you have a piece of american made in all fifty states that the cost
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a fortune right you don't actually need the more but we're continuing the buying cycle because we're worried about and that's why. you've got to have an administration in leadership that takes a look at and ways and means what are the vital interests and do are we buying the equipment or we scale in the army in the navy to make sure that we're dressing those vital interests and securing our freedoms and liberties because you know security is a little bit like oxygen you don't don't really realize how important it is until you don't have it. if you're traveling to japan and are into robots augmented reality and floating tsunami proof pod like hotel rooms you're in luck the hosts then resort and theme park near nagasaki japan sports a dutch fame if you can believe it including could link replicas of dutch buildings to look farms and now a floating sphere shaped tsunami proof hotel room the futuristic capsule can accommodate two to four people with a top floor observation deck and i'll run you about three hundred dollars and that
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the plan is to tote the capsules at night while people are sleeping to a nearby uninhabited island in a more of a where within the year visitors will be able to visit the island and the battle dinosaurs in a live action augmented reality game which makes sense since hussam busch resort is probably most well known for being the proprietors of the world's first robot staffed hotel that's right dinosaurs two lips floating tsunami a proof accommodations with survival games and a prehistoric base. and now at first i had reservations about the idea but surviving a tsunami and dinosaurs pretty sweet i'm just really excited about the velociraptor the checks in with the hotel oh yes it was i did it but i want it to start now when i want conversation over last a raptor. ok i'm going to go this way any one of those so that i've seen those and
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what's really ingenious about those rooms is that they are these these essential orbs and so if a tsunami hits your carried along with the radio if you're not destroyed walls of the question and your floats outweight i think that's really really in school and you can actually there is there stuff on now you can see it online and step four people have safety pod so you can get one of those if you live in snow yes safety pods and dinosaurs that is our show for you today remember everyone in this world we're not told you're left enough but tell you all i love you i am tired robot and i'm tapped to keep on watching those hawks that have a great day and night everybody. it's been almost fifty years since we've had human beings on the surface of another planetary body and i hope that we could actually put together an international lunar exploration initiative much like we have the international space station
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consortium and together the countries of the world cooperating with the private sector could afford to get back into real space exploration and i think that would that would create a real a lot of excitement. left and some is not is not acting quick place is not good to a country and. trying to secure a minister in the bush family as well above the storm. as you did this or that this . that is. just the culture. of the colorful lish with the. checklist yes. calling in just for the embrace from the soul of a fellow muslim of oneself to be little. mostly out of this fossil. play almost
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anything for the most elite based on logic and our better john said i'm based on our much less no one can i do not the last columnist like a strong catholic matter how anomaly came. from michelle tom in cannot. confront a man i cannot. tell him almost feel now we could fuck him on the. secert in a small enough hours bush as he is able to sit on a lot of this is an american our voices in the center of the world of the sleep of . cinema bhargava the other lot of this. series was closed. by. the church secret indeed catholic priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally i like to call this the do graphic solution so what
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the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot where the previous scandal is not known at the highest ranks of the catholic church help conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that end of that so nasty and then i conclude that it is the. case. i.
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mean you were. british police reveal that a former russian spy and his daughter who are both in a critical condition in the u.k. were targeted with. they say forty said they're now treating this case as attempted murder they just live from london coming up. the terrorist threat from a series of new measures to prevent radicalization in schools prisons and online. hundreds rally in london again three has intervention in yemen civil war saudi arabia's crown prince writes in the u.k. for official visit.
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to nine pm wednesday night here in moscow thanks for joining us international for your news update and we start with this the british police just said they're treating incident involving a former russian spy and his daughter as attempted murder in a statement released in the past few minutes police say the pair came into contact with a nerve agent they both critically ill tonight let's go live to westminister out peacefully is the. speed this literally just in isn't it. you know we've just heard from the assistant commissioner for the metropolitan police mark riley and what was quite unusual was that he was with the country's chief medical officer as well dame sally davis giving you a bit of an indication how seriously they're taking this he said that this is a major incident and they have determined that it's attempted by administration of a new agent now the new development that we got through what he said was that a police officer one of the first responders at the scene when. his daughter was
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found unconscious on this park bench that police officer is now also in a serious condition in hospital as a result of exposure to agent that they've all been exposed to there is no more information about the exact age and it's not clear whether police have any more information about her and they're not giving it away or. simply not saying what it is he said that public safety remains a priority and for any concerned locals in the area of souls bre where this all took place he says that at the moment there's no evidence of any widespread health risk he says the police believes that they they think that these two individuals were targeted specifically and they are working now on establishing who is behind this and why the chief medical officer also said we're trying to reassure everyone
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in this statement saying that we think this is a low risk to the public and she praised the emergency services involved in their response to everything earlier on the home secretary. cobra meeting which is a highly unusual step in itself it normally only happens in response to the national crises like terrorist attacks or things like major floods and she everyone in this situation to keep a cool head take a listen to what she had to say. we need to keep it cool and make sure that we collect all the evidence we can and we need to make sure that we respond not to rumor but all the evidence that they collect and then we need to decide what action to take. you could have thought she may have been spanking you could have thought she may have been speaking to the country's newspaper editors because they
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certainly had a field day with the speculation on this story before we had any facts at all because we only got that information from the police commissioner a few moments ago but the tabloids today have been talking about furious boris getting tough with mad. there's one about a headline on one newspaper talking about putin swearing revenge on this form a double agent so the investigation is clearly a foregone conclusion for many in the british media a number of time tabloids were speculating about the fate of the world cup and a potential boycott of it that was sort of hypothetically floated by the foreign secretary went on urgent questions about this in the house of commons yesterday and it's all kind of reaching fever pitch in a way i was listening to the radio at lunch time one russia expert suggested. the russians might be intent on poisoning the england football team when they arrive
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for the world cup to try and kind of slow them down a bit so some already going as far as blaming england's football woes on russia already coming back to the police investigation and the facts in this story well they've said that this is now in the hands of london's anti terror police and the investigation has been stepped up to the top level it could be at and as we heard a little earlier they've they've made a public plea they're asking people for information anyone who visited the area where this all took place on sunday who went to the pub who went to that pizza restaurant where script powell and his daughter had apparently eaten their information they're trying to build up a timeline of events in order to progress this investigation as fast as they can they say that they have hundreds of detector. working on this now around the clock trying to establish how sagesse crept out and his daughter came to be poisoned by
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what we now know was a now the agent yeah ok i'm a lot more twists and turns of this over the coming hours and days on their polly for now let's get back to it thank you that has been a reaction earlier on from the russian side russia's foreign ministry meantime saying it believes the scandal will soon blow over with a spokeswoman highlighting similar previous cases in which russia's accused without any proof being revealed and with investigations then being kept confidential russian in european politics professor richard agrees that speculation instead of real proof could be dangerous it seems like the case is being created judged as so often before the evidence has come to light now i think that's very disturbing because it suggests a predisposition first of all to jump to conclusions before the evidence emerges given the fact that there's the actual election coming up soon on the eighteenth of march who would benefit from this it's not clear that anybody benefits were made of those and limo to go purely avenge there's
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a lot which we don't know and the way that people are prejudging the issue i think is very dangerous especially in the context where were we are all your idea some people call it in a new cold war. france has laid out a new plan for tackling the spread of islam mystic stream islam in schools prisons and on the internet the mccrone administration says it will be more effective than past anti terror initiatives and it focuses on prevention and seeks to stop the problem at source as part of the drive psychological care will also be given to the children of islamic state fighters now who've returned back to france following the collapse of the terror group self-proclaimed caliphate sheila do bensky reports from paris on the threat posed by radicalized youngsters. they're just children born innocent into a world of brutality that while most children are playing with dolls and because these are being taught to play with guns and knives and some have even been trained
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to kill. well i mean it would depend on each individual to be up to the kind of failure that cool would be actually trying the guns knives and how to kill people and not only that we have seen people being killed and of course that makes it some form of normality for the bitches because that means when they do that will be their number to. go do something very similar to the real threat to society it's impossible to know just how many children have been brainwashed by myself but they have already started to return home to germany belgium the netherlands meanwhile in france the authorities putting together a plan to reintegrate the returning children of jihadi s. the prime minister has said that sixty eight have already come back and many more
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are expected to follow. programs to help these children readjust have been announced by governments across europe but is it too late to reverse the damage already done. videos like this have emerged showing children carrying out mock executions. the little children are not only victims but they're on the cusp of being forced into being perpetrators but in the video that we just saw are you see the sadism of the adults being played out through the children so there are destroying the mental capacity for the child to differentiate between reality and fantasy in normal lives the murder the road ahead for these children she says is difficult and while
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there is no guarantee the therapy they receive will be successful she is hopeful if the child had a fairly good our emotional experience early the child will tend to be more resilient in coming through very severe trauma. that's one thing the other thing will be very much dependent on how well trained the therapists are governments in europe hope that by offering care and support to the children who return they can help them cast off the horrors they have in do it or even carried out and yet the risks a still high that it might be too late to right the wrongs of children brainwashed and raised as i saw fighters charlotte deep in ski arty paris. the head of nato says the alliance's troops will stay in iraq for the long the whole so.


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