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tv   News  RT  March 8, 2018 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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this is rich super rich so what they're trying to say is that although their job is to increase recruiting the fact that recruiting has gone down should not affect our just our opinion about their job performance good point. i'll get to speak go to break art watchers don't forget to let us know what your pick of the topics would cover the page for good what are your full shows at our t.v. dot com coming up we're joined once again by retired brigadier general and best selling author tony to discuss the best ways for veterans to reintegrate back into society after their service and then we take a trip around the sun with the good friends of now so stay tuned for watching the whole.
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under-performing the stock market oh my gosh blackstone one of the trucks on the jury brought a mixture selves i suggest you short yourselves a par lunny into you eviscerate your own corporate balance sheet and then blow your brains out on live t.v. they give us a kind of fun experience for the financial predatory class. you call and say that. something is good in kosovo oh but for barcelona. but for for. a whatever. the principle is good the principle is but has to be apply equally and that is.
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other than some of the knots is not a quick place is not a good country and. try to secure the bus minister there but some of those well above the slums. of exist without the us to go there is. the statement that the coach of. the coach of the sure it was the charge of the city is. holding him just with the embers from the from the one still to be the middle. of the slow slow. play almost anything for the numbers for the base ten dots they cut out wide that are johnson on base that are much closer as i did not mean can i do not do that as a culture we are survivors from that making that i had on the money to. run the show cannot. construct money i can elude you mr most you are now with the fuckin on the. road sister to the sort of numbers go show you go to see about all of them go
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to the cities in the other car boyce's in the city of the world over the street the . cinema bar got very old a lot of this. series was about. our politics often precludes us from seeing the struggles of those we disagree with for those who are anti-war like myself it can be hard to care about soldiers and what happened to them after the battlefield when they volunteered for a job that we may find a boring but it is in that act of humanity that we can heal the lasting wounds of war former brigadier general tony tate of for the united states army and author of fiction thriller direct fire joined us recently to give his advice for servicemen and servicewomen adjusting killing and succeeding after their military careers have
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ended. that's such an important topic of discussion i was getting ready to do a show in my first but book came out about ten years ago and i called the chief of army nurses and because it was a night time a kind of like the frasier crane t.v. show if you remember that it was a nighttime psychologist or psychiatrist said in an hour long call in show and he wanted me to address p.t.s.d. post-traumatic stress disorder and the first thing the chief nurses told me was tony don't call it disorder just call post manic stress because you can grow from that and you're doing exactly what we want every soldier to do you're writing books you found your creative outlet you're building really resiliency into your life and so how i would answer this question is before you leave find that passion of yours and whether it's you know music or writing or you know engineering or whatever but you always have sort of a side housel you go and where where you're where you're applying yourself in
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a way that you're not just a bread roll one hundred percent you know soldier and you know you want to be the best possible soul you can but you're better soldier if you have i believe a variety of interests in your well rounded in your well in your and you have depth in a certain area and to me that would be my advice is as you're on your journey in the military make sure you have other things because there's other things that you're interested in doing and do them because of the military at the end of the day will thank you very much for your service and then you're on to your your next thing. is it is a i mean we see the stories of things like that but is that how hard it is for super civilians how hard is it for that transition you know from from going from a very structured lifestyle. you know i know where i'm getting my food every day i know what i'm supposed to do over there at all of that to. civilian or even to if you're special if you're coming back from a battlefield but just in general you know how hard is that transition. i was
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talking to a marine wife and her husband the other day and they're making that transition and they were talking about how nerve wracking it was because in the marine corps in the army or any service you know that you go from private to sergeant sergeant to staff sergeant staff sergeant first class or lieutenant the captain etc and and in the civilian world there's there's no conveyor belt you know and so you're stepping off of that and you're stepping into uncertainty and there are programs to help there are lots of programs hire heroes usa those types of things that you give them your resume and then companies like the one i lead you know will war we're looking for people that have clearances that are have good skill sets and that kind of thing that good leadership skills and so we're i run a transportation and energy and defense contracting and consulting company called tail attack and so we are looking for those kinds of folks and there's
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employers will hire and also sit on the board of a company that has a social mission this academy securities of in there in the finance sector and then they'll help young servicemen and women and post nine eleven veterans get their financial certificates to be a trader and that kind of thing their social mission is to have fifty percent post nine eleven veterans that work from there about one hundred two employees right now and they're almost there wow that's great that's really good there's you know i did i have you here so i got to ask you interest to interesting letter because when i just came to me actually so there's a huge gun debate in this country where our you know we've received all the time and it's a good debate i think for the country to have and one of the issues is you know should we be allowing eighteen year olds to purchase you know like an ar fifteen or so and we maybe move that up to twenty one and that got us into a conversation we're talking about should the military age still be
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a. all right or should we move that up to twenty one you know where where should you know i'm curious to get your opinion on this is where do you feel it is that moment of like ok if we say that we can't buy this assault weapon tell you twenty one which we consider to be an adult you know can we trust an eighteen year old with being able to be make the adult decision that i want to join the military or have potentially fight and die for my country that's an interesting kind of a quagmire this country's in a void where it is that decision making i just curious of your opinion why you can enlist when you're seventeen and you can't deploy till you're eighteen that's the current law today and and you know the it's all volunteer force and the great men and women and list today or join the officer corps today are you know patriots and they want to. know more i want to join for education any that they know they're going to combat and to fight in defense of the country and i think the right thing that we've got what we've got happening right now is the right thing
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where you know you're it's a career as someone comes out of high school they can go be an auto mechanic they can go be a soldier they can go be you know whatever and then go be a trader on wall street if they get the right certificates and and so i think it's the time that young men and women are stepping into the world and eighteen and then go to college they can do whatever and we shouldn't let one thing drive the other and my opinion and the debate on the age for i haven't a semiautomatic weapon and that's vailable for purchase in the united states is a whole different topic of conversation in my opinion than having a army navy air force and marine corps there and coast guard that can defend this country so they're in my opinion there are two separate debates i can see how they they might come combine in a conversation on the a r fifteen and. age limit and all of that. i was
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a superintendent of the fifteenth largest school system in the country i know bob runcie down in broward county and very well actually and we've been communicating i've been trying to support of the best i can there for school security and safety you need the physical building needs to be impenetrable and that's one thing that the school systems have not been investing in that individual should not have been able to walk into the school system as superintendent and white county i had to press a buzzer to get into my schools and then they would unlock the door even though they knew it was me they could see it was me but in a large part of it was i was sort of challenge them to see if they were going to you know. not not follow the rules because it was important the other thing is you need intel it's like any any thing there are school security personnel and they need to get in the community they need to get in the schools and i would have my
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personnel do matrixes on on the schools that we have and. identify and there's a little bit of judgment call here but i'd rather be a little too far in that way than have seventeen dead children you know and i'd rather apply my my skills as a leader in an analyst's to make sure that children are safe if you think some of it is that we end up in the discussion about banning a gun or that it's the firearm because we don't want to have that really our discussion that we have it our schools are just the buildings themselves are not safe and we known this for years the twenty years i've heard you know drug dealers get in schools those kids in school in a while in most schools in an urban setting you have to go through a metal detector and everything else than when i go into schools like the you know sort of smaller schools also where in a little more suburban suddenly it's i just walked into the school and no one stopped me that scary that is
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a very. scary and it should not happen to be here it is because i store children yeah in there and we wouldn't let children in our house right we are or are mean we would lead us anywhere and right in our house where our children are we would we would you know we lock our doors for the at heart at night and during the day and it's amazing how a simple thing just like that a little bit of security going through a door goes a lot farther than let's say arming a teacher or just a little bit of planning preflighting a little bit of security could actually did make a world of difference in a lot of things that you asians the you also were secretary of north korea department of transportation from the twenty thirteen to twenty fifteen and so i want to ask you why have your. infrastructure is a major problem in this country right now we're due to failing grades on all levels it's something very passionate over the top of the micro is very passion about fixing infrastructure in this country if you were given the keys of the kingdom with your experience what what part of infrastructure would you focus on fixing
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first that's a great if. you so in north carolina i had eighty eight thousand miles of highway twenty two ferries and seventy two airports and two seaports i had three were road c.s. and often southern and north carolina state road hundred transit systems and all of them needed massive amounts of upgrade and support and the sun tsu says if you defend everywhere you defend nowhere so you just can't throw money at everything so you as you say you have to prioritize and and you know really our highway system around the country and all of the bridges the bridges are the real key weak links in the in the chain and and those need to be assessed and upgraded we were doing that pretty aggressively we're putting a lot of money toward it and i think each state legislature addresses this kind of stuff differently but in north carolina we went to
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a data driven. system and you need to leach the politics out of transportation money because i had a for a billion dollar budget it was one of the bigger budgets in the state government and so you know everybody's kind of polling on the and what we did as we said all right reducing congestion is number one criteria reducing travel times number two criteria safety is number three criteria and then there were two sort of alternate criteria is a multimillion all that kind of thing and and then we rank projects based upon whether or not creating jobs i was that was the fifth criteria and so i think what we need to do is nationwide objective criteria and we ranked airports seaports you know every mode of transportation against and and nationwide i think we need a data driven system and then the and then what you'll see is your top priorities will fall out how are you reducing congestion are you increase in your modahl of
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the power how are you creating jobs and and those projects that do all of those things how are you increasing safety the rise to the top and that's where north carolina we put our money i got to say thank you as always for coming on it's a pleasure to be able to talk about such a wide range of issues and virtually always a pleasure so i think. do you want to be part of the hottest space experiment of our time well you might be able to say with a little help from nasa and william shatner the parker solar pope is set to launch from the office kennedy space center in florida on july thirty first of this year the probe will perform twenty three close fly bys of the sun over the next seven years it will study and collect data on the sun's electric magnetic fields structure and solar wind aboard the pro will be a microchip that holds the names of william shatner and those who sign up. to be
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part of the team built even give you a certificate like best one which i received confirming name will be on board the probe is built to withstand radiation four hundred seventy five times greater than what we experience on earth and it was fantastic first of twenty five hundred degrees fahrenheit so no worries about it melting off until it's time to sun join me and maybe you too can see your name as it literally goes where no one has gone before wow and of us took over the wall school and up to the song and we already know that my name underestimated just now but we know we know to tell because you already bring so much sudden shine and brightness into our lives so you go that's why you got to get up to the star that is our show for you today remember everyone in this world we are not old but we are loved enough so i tell you all i love you i am tyrone but on top of the bar watching those talks another great day and night.
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it's been almost fifty years since we've had human beings on the surface of another planetary body and i hope that we could actually put together an international lunar exploration initiative much like we have the international space station consortium and together the countries of the world cooperating with the private sector could afford to get back into real space exploration and i think that would that would create a real a lot of excitement. you could you want to use history none of us i know what plane and one million people
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that died. killed people even. now no one's going to lay a few that he's wrong with that and that's. the church secret indeed just like priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it literally i like to call this the geographics solution so what the
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bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot where the previous standard was not known the highest ranks of the catholic church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that end of that's known as the island and then i include that it just is not in. fact i don't. i.
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i. headlines this hour the u.k. home secretary confirms a former russian spy and his daughter were poisoned with a nerve agent while politicians and the media talk up the kremlin's possible role. speculation. if we are to be versed in this investigation we must avoid speculation and allow the police to carry out that investigation the saudi crown prince is given the red carpet treatment by downing street as protestors outside denounce riyadh bombing of yemen and also to racially motivated hostility and crime against native germans are on the rise in berlin that's according to the city's interior minister.
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good afternoon it's just gone four o'clock here in the russian capital you're watching r.t. international now our top story this hour a former russian spy and his daughter believed to have been poisoned with a nerve agent according to you kate police surrogate and you are still in a critical condition after being found unconscious in the british city of seoul spray on sunday the country's top counterterrorism officer says the pair were targeted deliberately. this is being treated as a major incident involving attempted murder by administration robert nerve agents i will not be providing credit for mostly. about the exact substance that has been identified so let's give you some background then to surrogates clear powell he used to serve in the russian military intelligence service but in one thousand nine hundred five he was taken on as a double agent by the u.k. russia of course clear polo in two thousand and four and later convicted him of
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revealing the identity of russian secret agents in europe he was sentenced to thirteen years in prison however he served only four years before being released as part of a high profile spy swap with the u.s. he was later flown to britain here's what the u.k. home secretary said earlier today in parliament the use of a nerve agent on u.k. sorrow is a brazen and reckless act but if we are to be rigorous in this investigation we must avoid speculation and allow the police to carry out their investigations. ok we're listening to that speech today was artie's polly boyko joins us now from the u.k. office good afternoon to you polly what else was said there then this afternoon. well that was the amber rudd the home secretary updating m.p.'s on the progress of the investigation into this attack she called it attempted murder in the most cruel and public way she said yuri script and his daughter remain on conscious and in
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a critical but stable condition and also updated us on that police officer that was also taken ill the first responder he remains in a serious but stable condition but is conscious talking and engaging she didn't real reveal the identity of the nerve agent that was used on the former spy and his daughter but she's confirmed that it's being tested at a special government laboratory porton down there not far from where this attempted murder took place and she said that as far as the foreign secretary is made clear we're going to respond in the most robust and appropriate manner once we ascertain who was responsible for this and as you heard in the introduction that she cautioned against too much speculation over who may be behind this something that's perhaps a little late given how much speculation there has already been in the media about
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what's taken place and not just in the media from politicians as well many of whom have pointed the finger of blame directly at moscow and some also drawing this conclusion that this means that the u.k. needs to be bolstering its defenses and spending more on the military take a less than coming back to justice well look we're currently reviewing our difference capabilities so that we can increase them can't we we have already. substantial extra funds at the security services from crew to nineteen hundred new people. interesting that the the defense secretary here gavin williamson has also pulled the defense spending thread while refusing to say whether or not he believed moscow was behind the attack almost in the same breath he referred to russia as an ever greater threat and so despite the home secretary's request that
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everyone really keep a cool head about this we've seen the news stories and the speculation just keep on increasing one media report has linked the former double agent to the same intelligence that was responsible for that so-called dodgy dossier on donald trump in the meantime the london's metropolitan police there anti terror unit they're getting on with the actual investigation trying to ascertain the facts in this case they've got hundreds of detectives working around the clock trying to build a timeline of what happened on sunday in seoul's very they're appealing for information from anyone who may have been at the pizza place where gay script alan is daughter may have eaten and the pub where they may have gone as well they're trying to establish just how big a script and his daughter came to be poisoned by what we now know was an agent.
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of those police. in the u.k. well as we're hearing them each incident is dominating the news in britain and although little is currently known about what really happened reporters are waiting one time and speculating it was orchestrated by the kremlin claim more strongly denies police officer peter cook and believes the media hype does not help the investigation. speculation in the media speculation by politicians is never helpful to an investigator when you get any sort of high profile cases you'll find that the media ago is. going quite quite loudly about what their theories are and all the rest of it we've had it with hate crimes and rights and crimes and various other things terrorism is another big thing that they get excited about it's not helpful to send us to go to offices investigating officers know that they shouldn't be and don't let themselves be swayed by that they follow the evidence it's obviously not
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helpful. now the u.s. secretary of state is on an official tour of africa at the moment with ethiopia his first stop ahead of the trip though rex tillerson did claim the continent is being exploited by china and he did it expected to dominate the upcoming talks russia's foreign minister who's also on a tour of africa had this to say about to listen to him our. hearing is a little stool i didn't know that rex tillerson is an expert in africa china relations but i think it's a little tactless when on a visit to talk about the relationships of your hosts with other countries especially in such a negative way. he goes you don't have takes a look now whether africa will become a new stage for rivalry between the u.s. and china the united states wants africa back in its pocket which is all things considered a bit of a tall order just a few months ago african nations learned that according to trump they well to
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paraphrase the president kind of stink now the state department is on a bridge building mission we're partnering with our. good governance to meet long term security and development goals. this is a stark contrast to trying as approach which encourages dependency using open contracts predatory loan practices and corrupt deals china you see is something of a major headache for washington beijing has been courting african nations for years the asian powerhouse is involved in crucial infrastructure projects there it's invested billions of dollars in a railroad linking the continent from east to west effectively opening the door for pan african trade kenya is one country in particular that has benefited from china's cash injections it got its own railway the largest infrastructure
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development since its independence more than half a century ago but even this pales in comparison to a chinese construction firms in bishan in south africa to build an eighty four billion dollar city. with. hundreds of millions of dollars worth of aid education investments and a chinese t.v. channel for the african audience beijing is going all in here it's soft power strategy has already made china second most popular destination for african students and its military is in africa to last year china opened its first overseas base with a facility in djibouti the same year it held joint drills with tanzania chinese soldiers have already been here for
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a few years it's peacekeepers have been involved in missions across central africa so is it really that much of a surprise that some african nations prefer the chinese way over america's sweet talk the chinese has been front and center in providing us with roots this country . developed. to capacity in this regard so we're working very hard to give and we believe that walk in to give that would bring about beneficial relationship china has become successful in africa because china tends to favor intense distrust civilian projects some years ago the first president bush said the united states had more will than wallet which means it's not offer is not able to offer the kinds of aid that china is so generously providing there is a real fear in washington that china is in the plot passing lane and that sooner rather than later that.


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