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tv   News  RT  March 9, 2018 1:00am-1:31am EST

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what are you hearing so far at least look at what president trump is doing i mean there is some method to this madness we should figure that out already and these other countries including canada need to start reacting a little bit different when they hear trump speak and the fact of the matter is we started reacting differently to trade with the with the states a long time ago for canada and europe we have a trade agreement with each other canada is working on a trade agreement with china canada just signed the new t p p today with ten other countries in santiago chile canada is also working on an agreement with merkel sir which is another trade bloc in south america so we know that there's other options out there the united states isn't the only market in the whole entire world but it's the important market and when it comes down to that trust trump knows as well he's going to have to tread softer than he's talking when it comes to china because china is a country that the united states does a lot of trade with china knows that trump knows that so it's going to change from
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week to week but as said he's a negotiator and that's what he's doing he's negotiating so so steve i mean and i look i hope that this is the best thing for the country and maybe it is but how he's done this the procedure around this policy i mean it just seems like it's based upon the chaos theory we saw gary kong leave and maybe it'll work out in the end steve but do you think this means that we are into a full on trade world ward a trade war that won't just last for a little bit but that may last for years. well i say he doesn't call it a trade wars fact he has said previous to today that he doesn't think there will be a trade war but all of our all of our all of the people around the world are calling it a trade war and they're the ones going to ryse tariffs on the u.s. goods so he can say whatever he wants to say but we get tariffs placed on bourbon adenoma and you know things like motorcycles that's going to really hurt so it is
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a trade war regardless of what he says right well again i think you know there were four people that were pushing for this and donald trump was one of them and every other republican you could find was saying no bad idea but i don't trust the president i don't think he rushed into this again this is something he campaigned on he was elected by saying he was going to do this it's a campaign promise kept so it's not something that is just you know i woke up one day and decided i'm going to do this and i'm not organized i don't know what i'm doing he knows exactly what he's doing and again every one of these tariffs if they're imposed can be taken away the next day they're all flexible it's all about getting a better deal for the united states country by country treaty by treaty agreement by agreement steve is this going to mess up the president working on other things that can impact the economy and businesses and individuals and congress now i don't
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i don't i don't think so i think it's just you know the agenda is in full swing he's accomplished a lot of what he set out to accomplish i don't think this is going to hurt his relationship in the long run with republicans and he's got some democratic allies joe manchin for one case in pennsylvania another senator for two on this issue and people in the rust belt the democrats along the way so i think he's alienating a lot of people in his own party right now a meeting at least it's not going to be long term and he's picking up some democratic support which also won't be a long terror. all right r.t. correspondent alex mahela bijan conservative t.v. and radio commentator steve morrow we thank you both want to have you back to talk about this when we see some more reaction from the world which i am sure we will see rather shortly. thank you both thank you and time now for a quick break but hang in there because when we return we sit down with erin the marble from crowdfunding ex who was at the holly coins this conference in the
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bahamas as the first ever conference to talk about spoken and security plus we're going to tell you about why cuban cigars are at higher demand than ever before and as we go to break here are the numbers at the closing bell we talked about energy and it closed down that's the world without the west texas intermediate closed down sixty twenty seven trading at the new york mercantile exchange back in a moment. where you can you learn to use easy answers now that's another good memory and one
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million people don't. even debut. now on the lens tooling a few police around and that's. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. you're out to cut up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry but only i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these
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things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each fret. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some more fond of you those that didn't like to question our ark and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters in mind it's consumed with death this one different person to speak to now because there are no other takers. claimed that mainstream media has met its maker. and.
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welcome back bad boy bank wells fargo which has been in seemingly endless regulatory trouble over the last several years seems to be the go to bank for the n.r.a. and other guns and firearm manufacturers it appears that since the newtown connecticut shooting at the end of two thousand and twelve wells fargo has made over four hundred thirty one million dollars in loans and bonds placing the bank as the number one institution funding gunmakers. and mit researchers report that roughly half of oberon lift drivers make less than their state's minimum wage and almost one tenth affectively losing money when they work researchers at mit center for energy and environmental policies surveyed eleven eleven hundred drivers and found that after expenses such as insurance gas and repairs drivers at these right hailing services make
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a median profit of only eight dollars and fifty six cents before taxes drivers it over and lift shoulder a greater burden of those costs because the companies have fought fiercely to ensure that their workers are categorized as independent contractors and not employees the reports lead author said that travel on a lift is currently subsidized by venture capital money and it subsidized by the drivers that are working for wages less than they expect. and researching. and returning to a story we covered the other day there's a merger between j.m. smucker the owner of cristo brand that's been canceled their merger to acquire competing wesson cooking oil brand smucker and parent corporation con agra relented after the us federal trade commission said the proposed merger would allow smucker and parent company con agra to control over seventy percent of the cooking oil
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market and raise prices and similarly while tom in tech merger sector has modified its response to a challenge from regulators they say that. com says that they are trying to buy chip maker chip maker broadcom by proposing to focus on upgrading the five g. network in the united states next we're going to go to deron marble marble was at a summit he was in the bahamas there was at a summit in the bahamas and he's going to tell us about that summit coming to coming to us from los angeles there are you there i'm here thanks for having me back on bart it's an honor. great sorry for the shuffle step step there in a little technical problem let me ask you about the conferences the first one i know it's rough duty in the bahamas but tell us what was it was taking place there
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so polymath network sponsored an incredible conference called polly kahn in nassau bahamas it was the world's first security token of then to talking about security tokens which are really the future of initial coin offerings or i see those absolutely incredible gathering incredible group of people and influencers and very educational. ok let me ask you this there is a d.c. block chain of i'm sorry there's a d.c. blocked chain of that i know you're not you're not there obviously but all these events that are taking place all around the world in the one that you're at in the bahamas are they concerned at all the people there about this recent s.c.c. investigation what's going on all these subpoenas that were issued absolutely i mean it's a prime discussion point so look you know four billion dollars has been raised for i suppose in the last two years or so ninety nine percent of the four billion
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dollars was raised illicitly companies were raising capital without using a proper securities exemption or registering their i.c.a.o. with the securities exchange commission or s e c so the f.c.c. is taking a close hard look at this industry and i think a lot of people are now looking at what are the proper exemptions that they can use to raise capital for tokens legally moving forward and they're particularly concerned derren aren't they about the the i c o z initial coin offerings and the chair of the f.c.c. j. clayton told the senate banking committee not too long ago that it was actually illegal that people weren't abiding by those so all this money has been raised by these ice c.e.o.'s for really some crazy things we even reported one that may be in the the offing with regard to be the the rapper's son young dirty that may be coming up in the near future so i mean some of these things are sort of
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nutty out there is there a realisation among those who don't want any thing to do with the government there and that maybe there is a role somehow for some government regulation here or they just still want to say no nothing. look there's absolutely a role in the need for government there needs to be regulation otherwise retail investors main street investors are risk of losing their money the role of the f.c.c. is to provide investor protection to mainstream investors everyday americans that are curious intrigued fascinated about this space the good news is there are a number of proper exemptions that innovative block chain companies can use to raise capital in this space primarily raggedy which allows accredited investors or wealthy investors to legally invest in deals and also regulation a plus which we talked about last time a more new securities exemption that allows private companies to raise up to fifty million dollars annually so i think we're at
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a turning point in this industry where you know the last two years companies were going out raising money for so-called utility tokens in fact they were securities that needed to be registered or find a proper securities exemption the f.c.c. and chair clayton have been very clear that on a go forward basis companies need to really think carefully about how they're going to raise capital and issue security tokens so that they are abiding by the laws and i think that's good for everyone involved. i agree with you one hundred percent but by hope that is the view of more people out there but you articulated it very well you don't want anything that really forte's innovation but you want to make sure that there aren't bad actors and and fraudsters out there my old agency during the c f.c.c. recently done something foresman actions including with cabbage tech for fraud and some of these folks doing the ice yos are just collecting the money and using it for their own personal goods and let me ask you about another area of potential
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regulation with regard to the crypto currency space and that is the actual exchanges we've seen twice and we reported this you other day on the program we've seen twice this year where the digital wallets have been hacked in total that's up to seven hundred million dollars or least seven hundred million dollars and the previous high was mt gox of course back in two thousand and fourteen at four hundred seventy five million dollars how do we have confidence in crypto currency is that i'd like us to have some confidence in them when we see people forget about the markets moving up and down in your wallets being hacked and you're losing all your money what what i'm going to do about that is that more regulation is that part of the answer. it as it actually is you make a great point and look retail investors need to be very cautious as you pointed out you know exchanges have been hacked recently
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a year ago they may be hacked next week part of the issue is that these are unregulated and unregistered exchanges they should be registered with the c.c. and so you know if you're a retail investor you're looking at i suppose you have to be willing to lose some or all of your money if you're going to invest in i.c.a.o. or start trading on exchanges that aren't registered so again the f.c.c. is out not to scare people away they're out to protect retail investors and main street investors and i think moving forward you're going to see more and more exchanges begin to register at the c.c. you know when you buy or trade stocks on nasdaq or the new york stock exchange these are things you don't have to worry about you know you hear your money is carefully guarded and protected and we need to see an evolution here with exchanges again to protect retail investors from you know seen exchanges hacked that were unregulated so again i think ultimately these are all good things for the industry
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and will result in positive changes moving forward. i agree with you daryn it's a tough time because you see people losing money and you see some of these things out there but i think overall it's probably good it may be sort of a wake up call that if this is digital currencies cryptocurrency is going to be around for the long term they're going to have to have some sideboards unfortunately i think we're going to see more and forstmann actions from regulators not just in the u.s. but around the world before we see some of these things approved these i.c.a.o. xox are true even though i know jake late in the chair the f.c.c. wants to try to work on that they want to try to get to yes but they've got rules and regulations there and thank you for joining us appreciate your patience with some of our technical difficulties earlier derren marble the c.e.o. of crowd fund x. thanks for being with us thanks again. and next cuban cigars are highly sought after and it's because now of chinese the chinese have sought a five hundred million dollars increase in two thousand and seventeen alone to
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twelve percent twelve percent increase they want b how about those and the british company imperial brands and the cuban government produces a premium brand of cigars cohiba and money christos and part of the us how bottles vice president of development told reuters that growth in cigar sales are increasing at a faster rate than the overall luxury goods market citing bain and company data he also said that while hurricane erma hit cuba hard it mostly spared the western tobacco growing area of peano del rio china is still the third largest market for cigars behind spain and france while the economy continues to grow suggesting more room for growth and sales in the future get those commandos while you can before they're too expensive that's it for now thanks for watching sorry for some of our technical difficulties next time you can also check us out at you tube you tube dot com slash boom bust party we'll see you tomorrow.
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it's a global trade war imminent if donald trump follows through on increasing tariffs and ending existing trade deals it seems very likely after all this was at the very center of his campaign for the presidency it was a promise he made to his base will it make america great again. i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside out it's. football
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isn't only about what happens on the pitch pull the funnel school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each kill the narrowness and spending two hundred twenty million on one player. so it's an experience like nothing else on to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game played great so one more transfer. and thinks this minute. your column say that. something is good in kosovo or bad for barcelona. but for four crimea. or whatever. the principle is good or the principle is bad has to be apply equally and that is not being done.
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was. done nothing for. donald trump agrees to hold face to face talks with north korean leader kim jong un the white house says the time and place of the meeting has yet to be confirmed. meanwhile the u.s. president signs an order imposing tariffs on steel and aluminum imports despite warnings of a global trade war. and several fatalities are confirmed after terrorists shell civilians trying to escape the syrian rebel own place of east and you said.
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you know watching the latest headlines he was not here international thank you for joining us. president has signed an order imposing tariffs on steel and on union imports into america but in a concession to the country's neighbors the tax will not apply to canada or mexico today i'm defending america's national security. by placing tariffs on foreign imports of steel and aluminum the american steel minimum destry has been ravaged by aggressive foreign trade practices. it's really an assault on our country despite domestic and international backlash trump has signed a proclamation imposing twenty five percent tariffs on steel imports and ten percent tariffs on minium imports encouraging companies to buy american well the president argues that protecting these industries will guarantee economic and national security however trump has offered relief to some u.s.
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allies the tariffs will not apply to imports from canada and mexico at least temporarily until a nafta or the north american free trade agreement is negotiated even though trump has received some domestic applause from unions in particular that wasn't the case internationally when he first announced these new tariffs on twitter the world was furious. which you should treat your. choosing a trade war is surely the wrong prescription china will certainly make it appropriate and necessary response we will defend our interests if need come. i'm convinced that increased terrorists will hurt us all in the long run trade will stop and easy.
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well trump has stated in the past that he sees nothing wrong with trade wars and now other allies are threatening tariffs on u.s. imports of peanuts juice alcohol and cetera but trump's move has been met with domestic backlash as well from both democrats and republicans who believe that protectionism harms national security now more than a hundred house republican members signed a letter on wednesday expressing deep concern about the plan suggesting to change the course of action to quote avoid untended negative consequences to the u.s. . on me and it's workers but considering that canada and mexico have been exempt one can't help but wonder if these tariffs are intended to china trump has listed trying to as a threat to national security and he's repeatedly expressed the need to counter china so we can't be too sure but it'll definitely be interesting to see how china the e.u. and other u.s. allies react. when president trump has agreed to meet the
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leader of north korea kim jong un white house press secretary sarah saunders has just confirmed the plans tweeting that it will happen at a time and place to be determined what a surprise announcement was made earlier by a south korea's national security adviser speaking after talks in the white house. north korean leader kim jong un that he is committed to do do provide solutions that he expressed he said you got this new president from that's on as a possible. president trump appreciated the briefing and said he would meet kim jong un by may for cheap home or not to grocery shop. for more on this we can now cross live to our tease caleb moore pin in new york or hi there caleb i mean just recently there was talk of all out nuclear war and now this dramatic turnaround i mean could you bring us the latest. yes now we
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heard it from the south korean delegation to the white house that was the national security director of south korea who made the initial announcement and now we have confirmation from the white house press secretary it appears that at a unannounced and to be determined time in place apparently it is going to take place before may that's what we're hearing before may there will be a meeting between the leader of the democratic people's republic of korea located in the northern part of the peninsula and u.s. president donald trump now this is quite unprecedented there has not been a meeting between a u.s. head of state and the leader of the democratic people's republic of korea it simply hasn't happened and it especially in light of recent events as we've seen you know some some rather heated words exchanged between the two leaders this is what we've seen between trump and the man he will soon be meeting this is what we heard.
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here of strategic patience. with the north korean regime has failed. to. make anyone. think. they will be met. by yury. the u.s. neglects to international community will you stop this piece on the korean peninsula. and we can have them. out there shooting rockets all over the place you will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea's. rocket man is on a suicide mission for him so no one from the suicide.
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is a sick puppy. now we also understand that at this time north korea will not be engaging in any more ballistic missile tests or tests of its nuclear weapons and at this point it's quite an interesting development now in the past we've heard from the united states that the only condition in which they would talk to north korea is if north korea were to completely give up its nuclear arsenal now we haven't heard any such any such offer from north korea but it appears that not only will talks resume but that the head of state of the united states will actually meet with the head of the democratic people's republic of korea and the korean workers party kim jong un the third generation leader of that country so a lot of surprise and not what people were expecting one of the often observed
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things about donald trump is his unpredictability and this is a move that many are saying was definitely not predicted. and could be history in the making kalib open in new york thank you very much thank you. now militants have shelled a refugee convoy trying to leave the syrian rebel. the russian defense ministry has confirmed several civilians were killed in the a sold. out against the of reports. according to the russian military the three hundred families had allegedly gathered together to leave eastern ghouta crossing the frontlines is always dangerous so it's best done when there's a safe window with the agreement of both deliverance the syrian government was waiting for them the rebels in this he knew what was going on and shelled them they reportedly shelled the procession of civilians i mean a kilometer before they were out of east ghouta and then to top it all off they
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shelled the relatives and journalists waiting in the syrian side at the end of the corridor nothing's changed they aren't allowing civilians to leave just like the islam islam is brother and did in aleppo. and then. that started to. serve you dickie. what they said about even any is. actually in some star city kind of thing. yet here in washington tell it they don't mention that they think it's joke like russia has called for these jokes like humanitarian corridors russia needs to just do what the united nations had agreed to and voted on and that is
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a countrywide ceasefire fleeing civilians would mean less human shields it would be a p.r. blue people don't want to stay with the rebels they'll talk say all sorts of horrible things about life and the jihad ists they'll challenge the narrative why let them leave too many problems take also rebel shelling of damascus blind aimless shells peppered damascus daily for years now so many dead and still die. sighing still to die yet you won't see any hysteria about that in fact you won't hear much at all they won't admit that rebels are keeping people hostage because that justifies assad's operation as do those that died in rebel shelling so why mention it it ruins the narrative it's so much simpler when it's all black and white most of the united states press is clear.


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