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tv   News  RT  March 9, 2018 3:00am-3:30am EST

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with fevers for the update in your book was previous surprised. i think that look i priebus was i think surprised i think. on the other hand he knew going in despite everything that the former chief said told him he knew going in that that donald trump is who he is and donald trump would not tolerate a traditional white house chief of staff who is really empowered to execute his agenda. that's just not trump trump's model was the twenty sixth floor of trump tower which was people coming and going and nobody no chain of command well you can't run the country the way you run a manhattan real estate firm and priebus so priebus knew it was going to be tough but again i don't think he had any idea you know for every half baked ill conceived thing they tried like the executive order in immigration put previous claims he stopped and other things that were worse. earlier this week good stuff they. had
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a media meltdown firstly to defy a subpoena from oh then he seemed indicating my complying also is that he had something on top what was your reaction to the nunberg affair with that cliff there number it was it was kind of sad i mean i think i don't think this was the finest hour for the media frankly and i think this is someone who has he seems to be going through kind of a rough time there were some reports that people were smelling alcohol in his breath yesterday and he wasn't the right mind he's not someone who has been in the loop from what i can tell and trump world for a long time so it's unclear to me how much he would have to offer whether to to the robert muller or to even the viewers of the various shows he went on you know you think those shows should not have put them on i think after a while i mean i think maybe the first two interviews were worthwhile but but the fact is. you know it was pretty clear early on that he.
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again was not sort of of right mind and might might have been a you know not a great thing to be putting before t.v. cameras logon chris stay right there more politicking right after the break.
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under-performing the stock market oh my god blackstone one arbitrage opportunity you have brought a monster self i suggest you short your style zapara money into you eviscerate your own corporate balance sheet and then blow your brains out on live t.v. they gave us all a big kind of fun experience for the financial predatory class up. for a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time but there was one more question and by the way who's going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous is a huge star among us and the huge amount of pressure come after you have to go meet
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the center of the football with you and we'll show you all the great game the greatest good you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get the ball going let's go. a low as doesn't worry you and i'm really happy to join the team for the two thousand and three in the world cup in russia meet the special one come on sultan. needs to just read the review beyond the team's latest edition to make up a bigger lesson he doesn't just look. back to politicking we're talking with mark leibovich chief national correspondent for the new york times magazine and chris will author of the new york times bestseller the gate keeper how the white house chief of staff defined dressing. table back with an updated version. is chris is jarid
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question are in trouble what do you make of that situation. well you know it's always it's very dicey dealing with family in the white house. james a baker the third who was ronald reagan's quintessential white house chief of staff perhaps the best of the modern era was a guy who knew he was so politically savvy he could navigate those treacherous shoals with nancy reagan who was the personnel director for for ronald reagan and mike deaver who was almost like a son to reagan and baker was smart enough to make them allies and so when the real hard right wing came after baker he he he was able to fend them off. kelly is just not nearly as politically savvy as james a baker the third and i would have thought that kelly would find a way to finesse this and and manage to have questioner continue to function and
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and carry out whatever this portfolio portfolio is but it appears that it's coming apart and so it's but it's not easy dealing with family in the white house what is cushion is qualifications marked in some. sorry the middest he married the president's daughter i mean that's from what i can tell me he doesn't seem terribly qualified or steeped in you know any kind of deep mideast policy background at all so i look i mean it's all about family it's all about bloodlines and again this is one of the many norms that has been just sort of blown up in this administration and typically he wouldn't be there this didn't happen with robert kennedy and john kennedy that was a little slower and then robert kennedy turned out to be a pretty tough attorney general during the month yeah absolutely i mean he was i mean you could argue he was far more qualified for the job the attorney general was as eric questioner is for whatever his portfolio is so yeah absolutely why is this
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administration so leaky is maybe the leak is denver chris. well it has a lot to do with it you know it it that the fish rots from the head that's that's the reality and i think when you have a president and you have an administration that just doesn't have any respect for the truth for openers that is a a just look at cut constantly at war with itself you're going to have a lot of leaking you're going to have terrible discipline you never saw this with certainly we saw a leaks but never to this extent with other administrations and i think it again it it starts at the top where do you think the russian thing is going. i think it beats me i mean i think one thing that we have all found over and over again is that any kind of effort to predict what robert mueller is doing or what he's about to do or who he's looking at who's going to indict is the fool's errand i mean he
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that is one entity in washington that has been extremely and quite impressively leak free and i think it's to his great credit in the credit of his team that he's been able to surprise people over and over and over again so i guess that's sort of a fancy way of saying i have no idea mark chris thank you both the a time today was terrific back thanks for having us for seven years the syrian civil war has raised on many thousands of them killed millions have fled the war ravaged country resulting in political of he will around the globe including in the united states the u.n. has attempted cease fire resolutions the u.s. bomb a syrian military installation last year after accusing the assad government of gassing rebel strongholds russia continues to be the greatest ally of the syrian government this week so it's being called the deadliest day in the ongoing war after rebels and civilians in the city of eastern ghouta were bombed so where is the united
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states fit into this long running war and has the trumpet ministrations shown any answers or will to help bring an end to the carnage let's talk about that with a lone soko our middle east expert co-author of a path to peace a brief history of israeli palestinian negotiations and a way forward in the middle east he coauthored it with george mitchell the former u.s. special envoy for middle east peace he is in san francisco and joel rubin who served as deputy assistant secretary of state for legislative affairs in the obama administration he's president of the washington strategy group joel joins us from washington. alone we'll start with you you seem the deadliest day who's in who's in violation of the cease fire well when they un security council declared
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a cease fire about ten days ago in the hope was that that could lead to a period of calm for a little while and as has happened so many times in the past the assad regime continues to bombard civilian positions throughout syria with the help of russia in particular and in its attempts to exert more control over the syrian territory as it stands now president bashar al assad is in the strongest position he has been in really since the start of the civil war support from russia the help of the iranians. have really helped prop up the assad regime in a way that allows him to feel confident in his ability to remain in power in the future. hold. what happens to the falls joe.
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well larry if it falls certainly it would be tragic and right now we're witnessing a very defensive crouch on american policy in syria we essentially are supporting the syrian kurdish minority military apparatus to protect anon clave and protecting them from iranian intervention russian intervention and whatnot but there's really no policy here so as enclaves may fall it's not clear what the next way forward is and the failure of the administration to gather significant diplomatic leverage and pool the warring parties together not includes engaging iran and russia the failure to do that is essentially leaving us in this continuous cycle of syrian government forces running over and clave sometimes successfully sometimes not but not really seeing and to this tragic conflict alone is seen as the great moral issue. and i just think what are we doing.
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absolutely is a moral issue as you said in the opening there have been hundreds of thousands of syrian deaths throughout the civil war millions upon millions of displaced people it's really. as it's been described as hell on earth in syria right now the real question is what can the u.s. to do and that is something that the trumpet ministration obviously is struggling with but so did the obama administration it is just unclear what kind of policy we could put forward that will allow for there to be some peaceful resolution at this time as jol said what we could be doing is pushing more forcefully for a diplomatic resolution but also making it very clear to assad and to the russians that there are limits to trump as ministration has done this in the past it's bomb
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facilities most recently bombed a convoy that included russian contractors that really set a different tone between the trumpet ministration and the obama administration but it's not clear whether they're willing to continue to follow through with these kinds of actions going forward there have been recent reports of new chemical attacks in syria chlorine attacks and so far the u.s. hasn't really done anything and so what we really need is a clear strategy and a way to push forward joe why is the sole support of what was solved. well this goes back really larry for decades russia earlier the soviet union was and is a patron of syria it has syria has always been a in a sense a beachhead for russia in the middle east the russians have a seaport there and russia is loath to give it up that's why putin came in very
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heavy a couple of years ago to militarily support assad when assad was in a very weak position and essentially took control of the skies and it's unlikely that that's going to change and that really opens up a larger strategic question for the united states which is that now with russia essentially controlling the assad regime in partnership with iran there is going to be a what looks to be a permanent beach head in the heart of the middle east for russia and israel as we see is beginning to engage militarily in syria that will lead to anywhere good we're going to have to recognize reality as it is and deal directly with russia first to cauterize in a sense this horrible tragic humanitarian catastrophe is as alone mentioned and really stop the killing and then move back into a different position but it does look like russia is there to stay when obama did
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nothing after you drew that line in the sand was that a big mistake along. i think it was a mistake. you could argue whether it was the right thing to draw the red line or whether we should have acted after that red line was drawn but the reality is that president assad used chemical weapons after we had been very clear that there would be consequences and there were no consequences for that the problem is if you get involved in that kind of way how do we extract ourselves from that it could be an endless war in syria and it's something that the american people don't seem to have an appetite for right now so these are incredibly tough decisions and on top of that right now as joe was saying you have iranian and russian influence throughout syria and the potential for a u.s. conflict directly with those countries is increased exponentially so it's very very
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challenging. joel bloomberg editorial board recently said it's time for another red line in syria one that the united states will not back away from is not a good idea how red lines tend to be trip wires for further conflict i think that it's crucial that we keep our military options close to the vest and as alone mentioned there was a recent kinetic activity in theater that was a tactical response by the u.s. military to an incursion a potential incursion into territory and that was an appropriate response and it pushed away the the the opponents but we have to be careful about not boxing ourselves in once we draw breath lines were then committed and it may really not be the best policy they don't always work and clearly the red line and president obama there was a bit of hubris in the white house that by laying
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a red line somehow that would have prevented assad from using chemical weapons i don't think they calculated that he would cross that threshold so boldly but he did and president obama blinked and the congress blinked as well and we are now in a harder position today so we need to be very careful but breadlines but what we should be doing is making sure that our allies and the regional adversaries understand that we're committed to ending this conflict and really engaging with all of the key players alone joel thanks so much for joining us today we'll be calling on you again. thank you thank you and thanks to you our viewers for joining me on this edition of paula deen remember you can join the conversation on my facebook page tweet me at kings things and don't forget use the politicking hash tag that's all for this edition of politicking.
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you see a good. church secret indeed catholic priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally i like to call this the geographic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot where the previous standard is not known the highest ranks of the catholic church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that if that's known as the i intend then i think you will hear that it just is out in. its path.
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donald trump agrees to hold face to face talks with kim jong il set to be the first ever meeting between the leaders of the u.s. and north korea. paul truong also signs an order imposing tariffs on steel and aluminum imports despite warnings of a global trade war. and several fatal if he is confirmed after terrorists shell civilians trying to escape the syrian rebel. east and. over the nation's only stories head to our. coming up a former president of the u.n. general assembly is the guest on sophie and co talking about the future of course of the.
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welcome to sophie and co and citizenship or not so public of kosovo proclaimed its independence from serbia a decade ago consequences has just moved rocked to the country and the world cup on former president of the united nations general assembly and foreign foreign minister of czech republic is with me today to talk about this. ten years after course of those declaration of independence. still struggling to obtain global recognition of some states afraid of the dangers that goes to those separatists excess could pose that. mean for the world ever make peace with its neighbors and when i stayed for him we stand on its own two feet without the e.u.
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projection. young cowen former president of the un general assembly am at. for a minister of the czech republic welcome to the show it's really great to have you with us now mr come on ten years ago you were had and you stayed born in cost of all back then you said the proclamation of independence and its recognition was a big mistake ten years on do you still think the same. yes i'm going to wind it was a mistake so that sort of a beginning in fact mistake is a very polite soft. they got the i called mission of independence of kosovo as a gross violation of international law gross violation of the house think it can even of the united nations security council resolution twelve forty four which made it very clear that kosovo at that time should have remained thought
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of the former federal republic of yugoslavia. the you know law to decoration of independence clearly violated all of these. legal provisions and in my own opinion i think it set a very dangerous precedent for all. minorities all says and it says her mission is movement to declare that the no independence i was not surprised the toll that the also of the independence or declaration of independence of crimea well that was. really mr cowan i was going to ask you because you also said i recognize the cost of this independence proclamation and not recognizing optimize yank crimea is a double standard but the western powers explain that by saying that all these
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cases are unique and shouldn't be used as presidents for each other do you agree with their point. in my open unit. any such political moves create precedents i that was it before they got the one. as far as i'm concerned and i'm not the only one. who was perceived by many of my colleagues in the czech bollman for example that did a good you know i thought a commission of independence of course or create it but as i didn't fall. for it i mean into future maybe they. got the law in spain maybe inspired by this and the other similar. similar movements and therefore. i form a diploma. you believe in following the provisions of international law.
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and therefore. if i do think it. i like the idea that break ups of any such entities should be as a result of an agreement of both spots so if it would have agreed to it at that time it would have you know k. same as. my own country czechoslovakia. divide the czech republic and slovakia it was as a result of an agreement of both bobs that i think got us bones to international law ok i wanted. declaration of independence is wrong i want to talk a little bit about costs about sodomy caso a separation from ethnic serbs in the north to ignore the new state and for years that's what they did i mean sometimes attentions rose so high that the former president of serbia has said he's ready to send troops into protect
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a serbian population that can there be a conflict with his serbian kossovo over the northern terry. morris. i hope that any conflicts will not take form of a minute to be confronted. but the conflict which could be solved by negotiations and by political means but from my own information the position of. sebi and minority in kosovo for example. is not. one which. would go to spawn the you know the new me in. criteria for achievement of minorities and i do hope that when negotiations of both spanish and better get a. true joy in european union will proceed further that utopian union
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will ensure that both countries fully conform to develop and they can come at you then other criteria including criteria for its treatment of minorities therefore this must be reflected in the level of education level of access to that of ages. buildings and. at least that in one essential that mr carwell. what gives you the hope that they will abide by the copenhagen normative. i mean if they if they wish to join do dopey uni and. the copenhagen criteria. one of the basic ones i can see how they could join utopian uni and if. the level of democracy would be in some way violated if they would be convicted office. as caught up in official. come see of each would
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knowing. their rule of law and so that also for me the copenhagen is something i'm someone to but i mean they have to conform otherwise they conjoin utopian union most of cos of course are ethnic all being a prime minister has already voiced a idea of a single president for both countries at some point and using albania could eventually absorb kosovo if they cost over state will not get itself together in the near future. that's a very complex question. if i'm going to go of the unit to the declaration of independence of kosovo. then that does not mean that course. should be basically taken over by. knowledge of cause debt in both countries a. the population is. a baby and. it's
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what sorrow into the question the very. principle which you are now discussing so if kosovo is declared as a somewhat an independent country. then. i can quite for see. international law they should become a province all part of some federal arrangement with. i think the this would be. unacceptable to the government. and i would hope it would be unacceptable to most of international community at the cost of a specialist court as a tribunals set up to investigate kosovo liberation army members of muses jury because like with serbia is in danger of the cosmopolitan and is considering suspending it says the prime minister the president of the palm and to a speaker are all former commanders all scale a do you saying there is foul play
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here when someone wanting to hush things down i do hear from some of my friends who live in the indonesian that. close to the leadership or in some influential positions in kosovo they are still members of. the. in the at least strongly suspect it of having committed crimes during the minutes of the confrontation if this is the case they should be. i am a believer in the in the hague for all but. the problem is that not all people are brought to hey some of whom have been brought in the past with a surprisingly. without being shy other people receive very high.


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