tv Sophie Co RT March 9, 2018 2:30pm-3:01pm EST
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it's dangerous so it's best done when there's a safe window with the agreement of both deliverance the syrian government was waiting for them the rebels this he knew what was going on and shelled them they reportedly shelled the procession of civilians i mean a kilometer before they were out of east ghouta and then to top it all off they shelled the relatives and journalists waiting in the syrian side at the end of the corridor nothing's changed they aren't allowing civilians to leave just like the islam islam is brother and did in aleppo. and then. that started to. never stay here it wouldn't have a. vision. what they said about even any is. seen some sour city kind of thing. yet here in washington tell it they don't
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mention that they think it's joke like russia has called for these jokes like humanitarian corridors russia needs to just do what the united nations had agreed to and voted on and that is a countrywide ceasefire fleeing civilians would mean less human shields it would be a p.r. blue people don't want to stay with the rebels they'll talk say all sorts of horrible things about life and the jihad ists they'll challenge the narrative why let them leave too many problems take also rebel shelling of damascus blind aimless shells peppered damascus daily for years now so many dead and still dying still to die yet you won't see any hysteria about that in fact you won't hear much at all they won't admit the rebels. keeping people hostage because that justifies
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assad's operation as do those that die in rebel shelling so why mention it it ruins the narrative it's so much simpler when it's all black and white but most of the united states press is clearly on the side of the rebels they believe that assad is an evil person who is running an evil regime and i'd like to see it fall and therefore stories about the suffering of syrians in damascus because that rebel argument don't make much impression and occasionally they get through the stories but they are they're not. they're not people writing a story which is that this is a brutal regime that refuses to make compromise and it's leading to a very lopsided narrative but also on thursday dozens of other aid trucks were prevented from entering the city fighting on the ground and u.n. convoy however was allowed into the area on monday but it had to leave amid heavy
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this is a extraordinarily violent time it's been a very bloody two months here the beginning of this year it is really hell on ground for the children it is very difficult there are. they are scared they are see death and violence at a scale that you would hope no child would see there is a lack of food and water it brings disease many of the families are crowded into small spaces and basements. i don't know trump has caught many off guard agreeing to meet the north korean leader only recently the two were engaged in a bitter twitter spat over who had the biggest nuclear button. reports. we heard the announcement and now we have confirmation from the white house that yes a meeting will take place between kim jong un and us president donald trump now
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this would be the first meeting between the head of state of the united states and the government of north korea their head of state this is quite a surprise to many people we've heard secretary of state rex tillerson who recently said that the usa was a long way away from any negotiations with north korea i don't know yet until we are able to be ourselves placed to face with. representatives of the world. whether it conditions are right to even begin thinking about negotiations between arms of direct talks with the united states and the u.s. negotiate sions or world always for me goes to asians and furthermore we've seen that the united states recently impose new sanctions on the country now there's also been quite a heated exchange and war of words between the two leaders in recent months the. year of strategic patience. with the north korean regime has failed.
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her. not make it a one. day. they will be met with fire fury. the u.s. neglects the international community's will to stop this peace on the korean peninsula. and we can have a madman out there shooting rockets all over the place have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. russia. is on a suicide mission for himself no one from the suicide note. he's a sick puppy. donald
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trump has said that the sanctions recently placed on north korea will remain in place until any agreement is reached and pointed out that in the lead up to the meeting north korea has agreed to freeze any ballistic missile testing any nuclear testing or proliferation so at this point either seems to be a free is in north korea in anticipation of a meeting now we have understood that this meeting will take place before may and the location and time are yet to be announced. and reporting to you with us he still had few this out of google employees and straighted with the company's partnership with the u.s. military will have been a good the details on that just after the break. for
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a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of alternative but there was one more question by the way who's going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous he's a huge tournaments and the huge amount of pressure you have to the center of the beach but how would you. go over great britain to get you out of the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get down there we have to go. alone. and i'm really happy to join us for the two thousand. meet the special one. needs to review the artie team's latest edition as we go. to jersey look.
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welcome back with our winter paralympics opening ceremony has just wrapped up in south korea with the games now open these are the latest pictures from that glittering event the paralympics chang will run for the next ten days and a record number of competitors are participating this time around five hundred sixty seven athletes forty nine teams to be exact paralympians though from russia have been banned from competing under the national flag the state sponsored. domiciled. expects him to be barred from the qualification rounds if they'd let us take part it would have been
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a miracle but the fact we're not going well it's ok. because it's too much canada coach and way a coach has to i have mixed feelings because our poison of going it feels like we've been dropped. the lot of. each one had the news i felt bad to be honest it's my first time going to the paralympics i should have been jumping with joy that i got to go but i didn't feel happy. i would return it's no surprise that being so harsh towards our team it may be inhuman but it was expected.
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everyone knows that we are athletes from russia russia is always with us anyway in our hearts because at the time was that it was merged in ways that everyone knows in a way that we're from russia out opponents know that we're from russia that actually afraid of us. say some ok because table when you're just someone we're setting the highest goals for ourselves so many years of preparation shouldn't go to waste which is why we're going to prove that we. other best. budgets are just going to do their national spokesman of course is a fungus some of ours as with i'm not a right it doesn't prove out but we're united and i think you'll be able to produce good results. in other news this evening moscow says it's open to genuine
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requests for help regarding the investigation into the poisoning of a former russian spy and his daughter in the u k. help is of interest to investigators yet regarding the poisoning of u.k. citizens about meddling into the us election anything else if russia's assistance is indeed needed we are ready to consider that possibility one should not go on t.v. with accusations like this but instead use official channels including law enforcement the case broke last weekend when x. double agents had a gay scrape and his daughter were found on a bench in critical condition and the city of souls bury in england now he formally worked as a double agent for the u.k. intelligence agency m i six and was a trial it in russia back in two thousand and six for spying for britain he was a later released as part of a swap deal and when he was found poisoned most of the mainstream media was quick
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to speculate that russia was somehow behind it bad things have been known to happen to russians who crossed vladimir putin the fact that a nerve agent was use strengthens the likelihood that this was a state sponsor of some sort and russia is the chief suspect of course the u.k. has turned a blind eye to assassinations on its soil and has instead tried to protect the kremlin now we've heard sides accusations before during the investigation into the death of the former k.g.b. agent alexander litvinenko who was also poisoned in the u.k. over a decade to go and following years self investigation no hard evidence of russia's involvement was presented to by the british investigators and now and this case in the case of poisoning of. russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov is saying that no real facts have been presented so russia's involvement and his schooling all with media accusations hysterical most of it. being accused not only of this our western
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partners accuse us of basically everything that's going. wrong on this planet it's not serious it's just more blatant propaganda and hysteria the u.k. home secretary is also calling for average one not to jump to conclusions but to wait for the official results of the investigation so far twenty one people including the former double agent and his daughter were exposed to what turned out to be a nerve agent now the investigators refuse to reveal what specific poison it was and while mr scribble and his daughter remain to be in critical condition the police has scored now appears home as well as the graves of his wife and son who died and the past five years as they believe that these locations can provide further details in the investigation. google is facing
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a backlash from its own employees over its partnership with the u.s. department of defense the company's cooperating with the pentagon over a military drone project called maven google is developing artificial intelligence to analyze drone video data and it's defended its involvement the technology flags images for human review and it's a non-offensive uses of military use of machine learning naturally raises valid concerns we are actively discussing this important topic internally and with others as we continue to develop policies and safeguards around the development and the use of our machine learning technologies well the u.s. military does make extensive use of drones according to the bureau of investigative journalism since two thousand and four almost five thousand drone strikes have been confirmed and it's thought these have killed around a thousand civilians at the end of last year google's then executive chairman expressed fears the military was exploiting the technology to kill. there's a general concern in the tech community. some how the military industrial complex
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using their stuff to kill people and correctly if i'm well aware. but one of google's mottoes in the past was don't be evil a former cia whistleblower told us why the company's finding it hard to stick to its principles you know this is the dirty little secret of corporate america and that is that practically every major corporation no matter what sector it's in is cooperating in some way with either the defense department or the intelligence community but say you're the c.e.o. of a company and the department of defense comes to you and says we want you to help us do x. y. and z. and you say no i can't because our slogan is don't do evil they say your country needs you because you're a patriot you have to help your country and believe it or not that's a very convincing argument and ninety nine companies out of one hundred will do what's asked for them. finally this hour as artificial intelligence does improve
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safety voice operated electronic assistants like siri or alexa but they're also acting out of character apparent claim but the reports of the units laughing at brandon. are we really that desperate for approval that we need the machine to laugh at us election people have been reporting me you've been spontaneously laughing. oh i'm like that.
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eh. eh eh. eh i. lead. you watching our science national we'll be back with more nice and hot. in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox swiss customs are here permanently all the science is controlled by them and they impose the opening times so if you're up with it it is
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from his office the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe masterpieces by artists like pecan so and modigliani i can't boards and sold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in that it covers up deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet felt but also discreet because they concern fraud for some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport says physician you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to get off of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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hello and welcome to cross talk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle is the global trade war imminent if donald trump follow through on increasing keris and ending existing trade deals it seems very likely after all this was at the very center of his campaign for the presidency it was a promise he made to his base will it make america great again. across talking trade wars i'm joined by my guest mitch firestein in new york he is
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a fund manager and author of the book planet ponzi also in new york we have and lee she's a former adjunct professor at n.y.u. and her latest book is will china's economy collapse and in brussels we have steve keen he is a distinguished professor at university college london all right crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate. it to all of you before i ask you first question and i to reflect on something that pat buchanan wrote a couple days ago but title of his article is why is the g.o.p. terrified of terror so this is what he has to say from lincoln to william mckinley to theodore roosevelt and from one harding to calvin coolidge the republican party erected the most awesome manufacturing machine the world has ever seen he continues to say the u.s. relied on terror of say a convert from an agricultural economy in one thousand nine hundred to the mightiest manufacturing power on earth by one thousand nine hundred. eight of what i suppose what the president is going to be doing when it comes to global trade let me go to and first reflect upon those words because in the mainstream media it's
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all gloom and doom i think part of it is it's because of what it's this. as it is saying it because we had bush and obama looking at the increasing duties on a number of things and it would focus all quite a bit on china so maybe trump is amplifying it but i think it's still pretty much a political football and in new york go ahead. yes certainly there is some association with trump that's making it unpopular but generally speaking. i think a lot of folks have recognized that a real trade war would really damage u.s. interests because the u.s. . is very reliant on imports from around the world many u.s. companies have operations elsewhere especially in china and so having terrorists would essentially just hurt their own bottom line and this is basically
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a boomerang so. why would you want to hurt your own companies is basically how they see it and so i think that there is a growing recognition that that would be a really bad policy. aside from just political rhetoric and so i think that folks. are trying to raise that point gary cohen may have raised it but it has been unsuccessful you know mitch you know with stick with apollo the politics of it before we get you get into the and nuts and bolts here is is trump just bluffing the world i mean is it just part of his political style i mean it is quite interesting here i mean i think all of us i mean to one degree or another know basic economics obviously trade tariffs are not a good idea we could look at the one nine hundred thirty s. the most recent experience that was a disaster for the global economy no ok steve says no but let me go to.
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i think i think that there are a lot of moving parts to. this that we have to consider and you know whenever you have a complex situation you try to simplify it as best possible like the president uses one word soundbites or one hundred forty characters in a tweet to try to get a message out now what we have going on here is geo political and neo liberalism and its failure over the past thirty or forty years so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have and the united states in the fake news media says that russia is the biggest threat it's a little difficult to fathom that when you think that russia is g.d.p. is somewhere in the neighborhood of one point two trillion dollars and china is up near thirteen trillion if you believe their numbers which none of which are probably credible that is one of the biggest threats rather in terms of the amount of money the quantum of money that the united states so as you as you posited is this just a bluff i would say it could be
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a bluff but we don't really know will it work probably not will it help with the one point two trillion dollars we have outstanding or china has an in our debt in the united states debt. not really sure but one thing is for sure and i've said this many times before you have first of all it started with a currency war i said a currency war will lead to a trade war which could potentially end with a hot war ok stevie you are disagreeing as i was speaking in a member exactly what i was saying but i like when people disagree jumping go ahead in brussels. where you are saying it so we can all mix in that says tariffs are a bad thing basic economics is wrong and it's been wrong both theoretically and empirically for a long long time just to give you all of the op the most obvious example of that is the the bank of england in the bundesbank of both come out and said that the why the textbooks teach about money creation is frankly wrong and if you get the bank of england saying the economist on the stand money it's a pretty bad stop of the credibility of economics so what we've been taught for
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a long long time is that specialize in is better the most special laws we are the better off and empirically. that's been a failure as very good research by god called danny roddick who you should have on the show one day who has shown that countries which have actually industrial oss foster are the ones that followed protection for example includes america as you mentioned the only protectionist yeah that's what i meant to america you can assess was right. he didn't yeah yeah so the the theoretical argument simply wrong it's a very interesting fallacy all sent up in a cartoon book i call it called comics by the way job that i think about specialization in terms of the light and ignoring the fact that you can't shift machinery from one of the streets to another now what tribe trump i don't think of one of the stand the pictures in the cartoon book let alone the logic behind it but what he is identifying is the gut feeling of many many people exactly most of america they've been screwed by trite walls examined they rotch they live what we now call the truck the rust belt we call it the rust belt because factories which
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used to produce stuff there have turned to rust because you simply copy move industry from still manufacturing to making silicon chips you simply that the machinery rust he's saying i'm going to get the jobs back over there now you're not necessarily doing it in intelligent fashion but he has got hold of something that is real and a gut feeling that affects a lot of americans ok who voted for him again because of exactly let me go to and here they are that's exactly what i was thinking to and it will do so i'm going to agree with what you said earlier. at the end they will probably hurt the american economy and maybe hurt the american worker but that's not the perception i mean and this is a campaign promise and he made a lot of promises that i really worry that he wouldn't keep but he's doing it all right and so this is again the it's more about perception of leadership and he's speaking to his base ok i don't know what's going to bring those jobs back but if i'm in the rust belt and i hear that there's going to be a tariff on steel even though the u.s. gets only three percent from china but it's still the perception and i think that's
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what he's going angling on go ahead and. well so let me just respond to what the other person said that yes it's been known that countries need to protect their infant industries in order to grow them to be competitive enough in the global economy and then you let them set them free and compete as hard as they can muster strong enough the u.s. already did that and the u.s. is an industrialized nation u.s. doesn't need to you know protect infant industries because it's no longer infants it's basically you know. old age at this point probably because there are steel companies all over the world and if they can't compete with other steel companies in other parts of the world then they're doing something wrong and maybe that's because of you know labor rates being too high here or regulations or who knows
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what or horse in the grand jury or bad trade deals like now nafta ok but i mean that's why this is a peter peter you know we had mitch peter the trees a little and because of your daughter's name let me go to charter is taking on let's go to mit you had missed that the the trade deals there are a lot of bad trade deals out there. there that should be shut down and this was all part of a globalized globalization effort so that we have some bad trade deals that need to be scrubbed from the books but we've got to also look at as i said there are a lot of moving parts the crux of the issue is and i agree with steve kean were where he said that you know that part of economic theory has gone amiss and it certainly has if you look at the federal reserve's economic modeling it's totally wrong a lot of these are have been totally wrong central bank money printing has hit a fever pitch where they've got ten trillion dollars on their books and they've
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only produced maybe two trillion ten trillion out of the ten trillion two trillion in quantifiable so that's what a. ratio of five to one or something so we're not getting any organic growth from what they're doing and what they've done is they've destroyed capitalism by printing money to the money it is that i think we need to get back if we're going to have if you have been as happy as them we've got it there that's what you're saying is we can't like what you're saying is this the financial ization of the economy where it doesn't make anything any don't need anybody if you don't make anything you don't need to work or is ok this is what's happened here steve we've all got to the break you want to jump in there i'll hand you have go to steve go ahead in brussels you know because one of the church trump keeps on talking about making bad try to do is they're the worst tried to america ever might was it was insisting that the american dollar become the reserve currency for the planet because what that meant was of you getting other countries want to try it with each other they had to buy american dollars above and beyond the demand they had for american goods and that means of course american dollars then it would be if we had what kinds propose which was the bank coal and.
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