tv Keiser Report RT March 9, 2018 11:30pm-12:00am EST
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in the us wanting to discuss. accounts of a possible exceptions or what these taps going to be about so a lot of the narrative and the rates of from the end of last week follow in this quite shocking news was that of a quantum ease and major global player as could retaliate so one week late so we seem to switch from that stance which was a little bit more up to this and that could be room for negotiation of course if there's a negotiation this means the repercussions should be less severe and is seen as a more positive thing for the global economy. and more after the break.
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you call and say that. something is good because all all bad for barcelona. all bad for for crimea. or whatever. the principle is good all the principle is bad has to be apply equally and that is not. welcome back donald trump has surprised the international community by agreeing to meet north korean leader kim jong un the two premiers were recently engaged in
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a bitter spat over who had the biggest nuclear button up and has more. b. heard the announcement and now we have confirmation from the white house that yes a meeting will take place between kim jong un and us president donald trump now this would be the first meeting between the head of state of the united states and the government of north korea their head of state this is quite a surprise to many people we've heard secretary of state rex tillerson who recently said that the usa was a long way away from any negotiations with north korea i don't know yet until we are able to be ourselves place to face with. representatives of the world. whether the conditions are right you can begin if you about negotiations sharma's or direct talks with the united states and u.s. negotiate sions or world always for me goes to asians and furthermore we've seen that the united states recently impose new sanctions on the country now there's
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also been quite a heated exchange and war of words between the two leaders in recent months the. year of strategic patience. with the north korean regime has failed. her. not make it a more united states. they will be met with fire here in. the u.s. nic next the international community will stop this b.s. on the korean peninsula. and we can have a mad man out there shooting rockets all over the place have no choice but to totally destroy north korea and. russia. is on a suicide mission for himself no one from the suicide note.
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users. donald trump has said that the sanctions recently placed on north korea will remain in place until any agreement is reached and pointed out that in the lead up to the meeting north korea has agreed to freeze any ballistic missile testing any nuclear testing or proliferation so at this point there seems to be a free is in north korea in anticipation of a meeting now we understood that this meeting will take place before may and the location and time are yet to be announced well asia specialist chris all done says he has low expectations of the upcoming meeting americans truly long the north koreans to get rid of their nuclear weapons the north koreans among the american
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military could relieve the peninsula and try to unify and there's a very very big. very big the moms probably the best thing that could happen as long as it is that they meets with hopefully some conover all they can agree that maybe they should be less the region against each other and maybe this can downplay the threat which will help global stability and regional stability but i think in terms of some run bargain it's unlikely. gunshots have been fired as border police conducted a raid on a west bank university outside the city of ramallah a recently elected student representative was arrested in the incident twenty four year old marcus warney was reportedly held on wednesday he's a well known pro palestinian activist with links to an affiliate of hamas and has already been arrested several times artie's point a slayer reports. i'm hearing visit university outside ramallah in the west bank
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now during daylight hours israeli commandos who belong to the border police and a coven unit came into this university they tackled to the ground the haid of the student representative council who is also a member of them us now the israelis regard him as a terrorist organization and say that they believe that omar kiss twenty was involved in terror activity as they had him tackled to the ground they started firing bullets in the vicinity. of the israeli commanders into the university through this entrance there was any israeli army units that was positioned outside here and as you can see this is where the guards sit they detained the guards in their room while the commandos themselves came into the university campus they came into the main part of the campus which is here and in front of the student representative council they tackled or alkis twenty to the ground. what is clear is that they entered this
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university in what the campus administration says was in violation of international law they have called on the academic community to condemn israeli actions pointing out that this is not an isolated incident paula r.t. outside ramallah palestinian studies expert dr nima says the raid violated a host of student on journalists rights. does an outrageous operation against the palestinians and especially against the best in an education it's well known fact that university usually are a million of such interferences and no police or government or even army usually enter the university especially during the day or so the way they did it as a verse in the first place it's every election also for the rights of the journalists you know there are soldiers trained soldiers but there are dressed like christina
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and list like when a senior journalist it's just just a crazy kind of thing to do differently this you guys are going to attack you once you are inside university others think they're council leader elected and getting him out of the university and having all these soldiers inside differently there will be a reaction that had left us with a shock a real shock first of all they were inside they reversed it during the day they were shooting at the students after. around one hundred eighty members of the u.k.'s armed forces have been deployed to the city of salt spray to help police investigate sunday's nerve gas incident former russian spy sort of a scrape owl and his daughter yulia remain in a critical condition after being poisoned artie's playboy has the latest. well the focus of the investigation appears to have shifted to the cemetery where there are the remains of the script files wife and son who both die in over the past few
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years and police have denied the they have touched or exude the remains of either of the bodies of the wife or the son of sergei scriptural however a tent a police tent has gone up there and people have seen police offices removing objects from the scene the other major development is that the military has been deployed to help with the investigation and there are specialists now and contamination experts who are helping to remove vehicles and items from the scene including ambulances that may have come into contact with this agent and been contaminated while assisting the victims the home secretary amber rudd was in seoul very a little bit earlier on as well that is of course the town where this all unfolded and west. lived take a listen to what she had to say i understand people's curiosity about all those
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questions and wanting to have. there will be a toy. but the best way to get to them is to make sure that we give the police the space that they need while amber rudd also visited the hospital. and his daughter and also the police officer that came to their assistance are all being treated and speaking of medicine the police and wilcher of said that as many as twenty one people have been treated in connection to potentially coming into contact with this nerve agent so we're seeing an extensive investigation unfolding and at the same time extensive media speculation which just isn't letting up in case you haven't heard about who may be behind this it's. back take a look at what's being said bad things have been known to happen to russians who crossed vladimir putin the fact that a nerve agent was use strengthens the likelihood that this was a state sponsor of some sort and russia is the chief suspect of course the u.k.
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has turned a blind eye to assassinations on its soil and has instead tried to protect the kremlin and the speculation isn't limited to the media some of the politicians here have been indulging in it as well despite the words of the home secretary not to keep a cool head and not to speculate about it a lot of backbench m.p.'s have been talking about it pointing the finger of blame at russia some of even gone as far as accusing russia of instigating an act of war if this indeed does lead back to the kremlin some of even used it as an excuse to call for more defense spending in the face of an ever greater russian threat moscow isn't very impressed with all of this most of it you could call it the most we're being accused not only of this our western partners accuses of basically everything that's going wrong on this planet it's not serious it's just more blatant propaganda and hysteria sergey lavrov added that in case anyone is
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interested russia is willing to help out with the investigation. a former police officer in the u.s. state of north carolina has been charged with assaulting a black man who was accused to carry walking the incident happened last august and was captured on the offices border thirty three year old johnny rush was on his way home from work when two officers stopped him and accused him of crossing an empty street illegally officer chris hickman can then be seen beating and tasing rush we should warn you that the next part of the video is disturbing. but worth your. heart. on.
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your own heart. for more on this we can now hear from michelle gros an activist from community is united against police brutality michelle thank you very much for joining us well as we mentioned that the officer has been charged with the sole to mean do you think that would have happened if this video hadn't been released. i don't in fact who thought it was sense that most people realize happened last august and it was the video was held by the police department all this time and all of this time they could have taken action against officer hickman an officer or gary and they chose not to basically and to hide the video and keep it a secret oh well the local police chief thomas has said that the release of the
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body count video was on the wall full and an investigation may be launched into having got out i mean do you think it's such video should actually be made public should they be released. i think that these videos must always be made public anytime a government agency collects data of any kind that data should always be publicly available we have no way to monitor police conduct and to understand how our police are operating if we can't watch those videos that they themselves collect on their own activities you know the idea that they would investigate how the video got out rather than actually doing a legitimate investigation on the officers engaged in this egregious conduct is ridiculous you know why aren't you holding those officers accountable it's my understanding that they took so long on the internal investigation that the officer involved officer hickman was able to resign prior to you know having any consequences for his conduct now that means he can actually take his conduct and go
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to another police department and ply that conduct on other people in another area you know this is just wrong well presumably the officer concerned was aware that his body camis which done while he was beating and tasering the victim i mean what do you think that says about his behavior. well i think it says a couple of things it says one thing that body cameras are not really the deterrent that people thought they were going to be especially when the footage is not available to the public so that's really a huge thing. the previous administration the obama administration put an awful lot of money into police departments being able to buy body cameras and there was a lot of talk about them being tools for accountability but when you have policies in place where the public can't access the footage there it is not a tool for accountability and it also says that he was not fearful at all about actually facing any discipline or any consequences for his conduct he was certain
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that he would be able to get away with this conduct that there would be no consequences you know supervisors look at that footage right away or least they're supposed to and clearly he had no fear of any kinds of accountability related to that conduct this must be standard operating procedure in that particular police department and frankly it is in many police departments and finally michel looking at the overall picture it's been almost five years since the start of the black lives massive movement which was triggered by several high profile cases all of police brutality i mean during that time have you seen any progress. you know our organization's been around for seventeen years so we preceded the black lives matter movement and we stand with that movement but the reality is we haven't seen the the needle move really much at all in the last several years. really since our start it's important that we continue to do this work in our own area we have seen
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a decrease in the number of people killed by police but we're really trying to wrap our hands around the numbers of people that are brutalized by police and that's sort of the area that's that's the most resistant to actually changing and so you know we have to continue this work we have to continue to hold look for ways to hold officers accountable and to change the culture of policing in this country we have a serious problem it's a real epidemic and we have to do something to end it at that point we'll leave it that michel gross activists from community is united against police brutality thank you very much thank you. well i'll be back with the latest headlines in just over hoffa now meanwhile for more on all of our stories. the legacy of the communist era has left i'm assuming a lot of of the legacy waste as well i'm assuming again from my understanding of
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the soviet era that there was much more of a culture of a reuse and not trying things a way that i think a society that emotion out of that tends to reject so it's a matter of moving back to that. done not once not. enough lose often not done what might have been a top of the definitions you know i'm bad. once you king of the new south. and. take them into equal city just if you move to duck you get the gun and then you're going to bring. out with a kind. young movie it might not be a couple more scenes are going to you know one of each yeah i was out.
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in this just feeling this one means i love this that you know let me show this number tokyo found it is going to have to go. to. last out. this is what was because did it because it didn't seem quite a cultural thing called the premise. what holds. since to do something illegal. they put themselves on the lawn and they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or some want to be arrested. it's a right to be pressed that's what the four last three in the morning can't be good that i'm interested always in the waters of my. quest.
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hello and welcome to cross talk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle is the global trade war imminent if donald trump follow through on increasing keris and ending existing trade deals it seems very likely after all this was at the very center of his campaign for the presidency it was a promise he made to his base will it make america great again. across talking trade wars i'm joined by my guest mitch firestein in new york he is
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a fund manager and author of the book planet ponzi also in new york we have and lee she's a former adjunct professor at n.y.u. and her latest book is will china's economy collapse and in brussels we have steve keen he's a distinguished professor at university college london all right crosstalk rules in effect that means he can jump in anytime you want i always appreciate. it to all of you before i ask you first question and i to reflect on something that pat buchanan wrote a couple days ago but title of his article is why is the g.o.p. terrified of terror so this is what he has to say from lincoln to william mckinley to theodore roosevelt and from one harding to calvin coolidge the republican party erected the most awesome manufacturing machine the world has ever seen he continues to say the u.s. relied on terror of say a convert from an agricultural economy in one thousand nine hundred to the mightiest manufacturing power on earth by one thousand nine hundred. eight of what i suppose what the president is going to be doing when it comes to global trade let me go to and first reflect upon those words because in the mainstream media it's
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all gloom and doom i think part of it is it's because of what it's this. as it is saying it because we had bush and obama looking at the increasing duties on a number of things and it would focus all quite a bit on china so maybe trump is amplifying it but i think it's still pretty much a political football and in new york go ahead. yes certainly there is some association with trump that's making it unpopular but generally speaking. i think a lot of folks have recognized that a real trade war would really damage u.s. interests because the u.s. . is very reliant on imports from around the world many u.s. companies have operations elsewhere especially in china and so having terrorists would essentially just hurt their own bottom line and this is basically a boomerang so. why would you want to hurt your own companies is basically
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how they see it and so i think that there is a growing recognition that that would be a really bad policy. aside from just political rhetoric and so i think that folks. are trying to raise that point gary cohen may have raised it but it has been unsuccessful you know mitch you know let's stick with apollo the politics of it before we go to get into the on nuts and bolts here is is trump just bluffing the world i mean is it just part of his political style i mean it is quite interesting here i mean i think all of us i mean to one degree or another no basic economics obviously trade tariffs are not a good idea we could look at the one nine hundred thirty s. the most recent experience that was a disaster for the global economy no ok steve says no but let me go to.
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i think i think that there are a lot of moving parts to. this that we have to consider and you know whenever you have a complex situation you try to simplify it as best possible like the president uses one word soundbites or one hundred forty characters in a tweet to try to get a message out now what we have going on here is geo political attacks and neo liberalism and its failure over the past thirty or forty years so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have and the united states in the fake news media says that russia is the biggest threat it's a little difficult to fathom that when you think that russia is g.d.p. is somewhere in the neighborhood of one point two trillion dollars and china is up near thirteen trillion if you believe their numbers which none of which are probably credible that is one of the biggest threats rather in terms of the amount of the quantum of money that the united states so as you as you posited is this just a bluff i would say it could be a bluff but we don't really know will it work probably not will it help with the
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one point two trillion dollars we have outstanding or china has an in our debt in the united states debt. not really sure but one thing is for sure and i've said this many times before you have first of all it started with a currency war i said a currency war will lead to a trade war which could potentially end with a hot war ok steve you you were disagreeing as i was speaking in a member exactly what i was saying but i like when people disagree jumping go ahead in brussels. well you're saying it so we can all mix in that says tariffs are a bad thing basic economics is wrong and it's been wrong both theoretically and empirically for a long long time just to give you all of the op the most obvious example of that is the the bank of england in the bundesbank of both come out and said that the why the textbooks teach about money creation is frankly wrong and if you get the bank of england saying the economist understand money it's a pretty bad stop of the credibility of economics so what we've been taught for a long long time is that specialize in is better the most special laws we are the
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better off we are and empirically. that's been a failure as very good research by god called danny roddick you should have on the show one day who has shown that countries which have actually industrialized foster are the ones that followed protection for example includes america as you mentioned the only protectionist yeah that's what i meant to americans can assess was right capture you don't yeah yeah so the theoretical argument simply wrong it's a very interesting fallacy all sent up in a cartoon book i call it call in comics by the way job than i think about specialization and sons the light and ignoring the fact that you can't shift machinery from one of the streets to another now what truck truck i don't think of one of the stand the pictures in the cartoon book let alone the logic behind it but what he is identifying is the gut feeling of many many people. of america they've been screwed by trite walls examine their rotch they live what we now call the truck the rust belt we call it the rust belt because factories which used to produce stuff there have turned to rust because you simply copy move industry from
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still manufacturing to making silicon chips you simply that the machinery rust he's saying i'm going to get the jobs back over there now you know this is certainly doing it in intelligent fashion but he has got hold of something that is real and a gut feeling other thinks a lot of americans ok who voted for him again because of exactly let me go to and here they are that's exactly what i was thinking too and it will just i'm going to agree with what you said earlier. at the end they will probably hurt the american economy and maybe hurt the american worker but that's not the perception i mean and this is a campaign promise and he made a lot of promises that i really worry that he wouldn't keep but he's doing it all right and so this is again the it's more about perception of leadership and he's speaking to his base ok i don't know what's going to bring those jobs back but if i'm in the rust belt and i hear that there's going to be a tariff on steel even though the u.s. gets only three percent from china but it's still the perception and i think that's
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what he's going angling on go ahead and. well so let me just respond to what the other person said that yes it's been known that countries need to protect their infant industries in order to grow them to be competitive enough in the global economy and then you let them set them free and compete as hard as they can muster strong enough the u.s. already did that and the u.s. is an industrialized nation u.s. doesn't need to you know protect infant industries because it's no longer infants it's basically you know. old age at this point probably because there are steel companies all over the world and if they can't compete with other steel companies in other parts of the world then they're doing something wrong and maybe that's because of you know labor rates being too high here or regulations or who knows what's in store and horse in the grand jury or bad trade deals like
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now after that i mean that's why this is a peter peter you know we had mitch peter the trees a little and because of your daughter's name let me go to charter is taking on let's go to great musician that the trade deals there are a lot of bad trade deals out there there's cheap e.p. out there that should be shut down and this was all part of a globalized globalization effort so that we have some bad trade deals that need to be scrubbed from the books but we've got to also look at as i said there are a lot of moving parts the crux of the issue is and i agree with steve kean where where he said that you know that part of economic theory has gone amiss and it certainly has if you look at the federal reserve's economic modeling it's totally wrong a lot of these are have been totally wrong central bank money printing has had a fever pitch where they've got ten trillion dollars on their books and they've only produced maybe two trillion ten trillion out of the ten trillion two trillion
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in quantifiable so that's what a. ratio of five to one or something so we're not getting any organic growth from what they're doing and what they've done is they've destroyed capitalism by printing money quantify the money it is that i think we need to get back if we're going to have if you have been as happy as them we've got it there that's what you're saying is we can't like what you're saying is this the financial ization of the economy where it doesn't make anything any don't need anybody if you don't make anything you don't need workers ok this is what's happened here steve we've all got to the break you want to jump in there i'll head him go to steve go ahead in brussels you know because one of the church trump keeps on talking about making bad try to do in the us tried to america even though it was it was insisting that the american dollar become the reserve currency for the planet because what that meant worlds of you getting other countries want to try it with each other they had to buy american dollars above and beyond the demand they had for american goods that means of course american dollars than it would be if we had what kinds.
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