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tv   News  RT  March 11, 2018 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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on. the c.b.c. and good bye. he says. the church secret indeed catholic priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally i like to call this to do graphic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot where the previous standard was not known the highest ranks of the catholic church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that of that's known as the i didn't and then i include how to do this out and. stuff. stuff and.
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apply for many clubs over the years so i know the game and so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman to just kill the narrowness and spending six to twenty million on one player. it's an experience like nothing else on to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game played great so well for transfer. and thinks it's going to. in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox swiss customs are here permanently all the site is
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controlled by them and they impose the opening times. opposite it is from his office the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe masterpieces by artists like pecan so and modigliani i can't boards and sold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in that it covers up deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet felt but also discreet because they concern fraud for some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport system you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business.
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joan on the shaft. right i think i was going i thought of.
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it like i thought i was. that like. in the tradition it's just food. actually came so far into the middle.
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of the. house it was milosevic only a little you know feel it will be on him and he's i mean you don't want to shoot mission stuff most of to be some. other form of that's what the show. brought a lot of money on the doubt in my field of vision off mic and on the shelf and also there was a show else for the movie my feeling was joy who would i see them. both somewhere that this is on the surface most famous that's all it was all the time to make up this is a mushroom. i can offer you know much as and work missions more that's sort of.
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the political scene for me from a movie physical. very physical very just what i was annoyed by the amish. when i was over so say hold him in his because you are the biggest and i'm it all started with us live all throughout their service to the us to leave him a solid. future commit for the enough ride the show be able to sleep i don't want to go to the three of them no i cannot voices in which i could do what i will to sleep. you know mubarak the other you had a lot of. cod who was my rush through out of the shit out of. me. with as a kid nazism on top of both. one of mr. cross most road brothers a kid the father of thought i was shot from go around is the. only
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one of the others with you want to see. the horse but. the topic of. someone is in the. moment. and that. this.
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was. a good. position. with. you aside. there. was a little doubt. you should be. able to move cheers killable because you know one solid was arseholes of them while you go wild with them out. but that which i was a. bit of that early saying. tell you send the ball monist was in the midst. of an
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all over the show. phil how phrases of them come to the old me he. said when i wish i could no more give us a phone out of that awful let me. be honest on. motive but as you can meet a young. zagging isn't about up on the sun i mean your mom this is the. way i want to. go on then there was. a keyboard that you should. hold that you could i wish i were a bust but. there was nothing was my the no we had the.
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black there are you saying the. horse the ones who made the. war to make them and use and. more that wish i listened to can we can all of us from. mislead you on what i'm not that yet but i wanted. to do with all of us. from around the. world to follow the shit i'm sure fast as they could surely pushed i'm sure you're a steady. see the shucks if you know i'm a show out of my feelin when with. stronger still. holds them. off them. i asked him you know. your job how to show us your daughter how to show.
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gum to force. how michelle how tough they can muster. but it's making my personal nobody. knows for sure what they're going to go wish we could have thrown some we can he wants we can all of them. out for you know both and he. will make of them journalists and i'm going to guess it would come on close in years ago more losing. bothers my. mother screamed get up some more all those wireless and i got all of
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what i do so i knew. it was a car i wanted to know. the. joy should be domitia. once it's automatic you know for sure. for the next time in mccomb. because the holy smoke was illegal the. police animation assessment not well known i can use i mean from making you can but try more than about it with a. psychological make movie known. to me from. the.
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yes i was on that he said is i mean has been in the hot touch. thomas like a shot at the mouth with the holly. and. the by she on a bit ahem plot the lawn it. could be he cheese for economic. rules and some high shareef i've. had on a model. of them on the sets i mean on the stand. just up on a stone. and made a couple on a sauna that it was all set all about i had been in the club coming. down the fox. for libel on the fox jury would have taken four out doing to bruce not a pseudo shot of both of us and called the tune. out of touch to water and thought it would boost the american songbook i've also migrants.
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and those that would blush a lot of this she may as well quite a boss. a job me want to shoot at but just. to. show me one of the she will smother them up on a song and they cheat a homemade. away chip ha to him i think and i must figure make them co-op boss spain into the heart of the show that. i'm always a boss to see an escape. biggest. what i thought that a. lot of the give of the soul of the bush. that. john.
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vause the bottom of the the my stuff about and one abrams the national show. up as you go to as well as she became i it was a lot of time i want to run about the you know but i'm going to now point to something like john me as i'm on the side of the guy son of one that's not what i want as ish made that everything that i want out of the shadows of. mr bliss leaching unity and what if the whole of the killed i would. shoot fucking i don't know. i'm almost sure when i would go to fuckin amik.
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just so. i won't find my foolish in future i want to be a boss not a tool as i mentioned to you before no one can be like like bruce lee and no one can be like.
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now. the new global economic war is unfolding in the realm of education the right to education being supplanted by the right to access educational loan higher education is becoming just another product that can be bought and sold but it's not just about education anymore it's also about running
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a business and what you good. luck with these songs. they could mimic. want is the place of students in this business model for college i was born now i'm running stream or higher education the new global economic war. is a. secret indeed priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally i like to call this the do graphic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot were the previous standards not the highest ranks of the catholic church help conceal the accused. priests from the police and justice system to that
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end of that's so nasty i intend to include at tuesday's out in the. welcome to max keiser financial survival guide. to your pension account. yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain don't let this happen to you watch cause a report. was not.
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cut. russia holds talks on a second group of militants leaving the syrian rebel enclave of eastern ghouta after a first group left the area on friday. a former police officer in north carolina faces jail time over a brutal assault of a black man accused of chain walking after a video of the incident is leaked. around the global high profile meeting between double trump and kim jong il who may have been prime a troll with conflicting messages now coming from the white house. with the latest on these stories head to r.t. don't call them but stay with us for the companies report looking at the campaign to boycott firms with ties to the u.s.
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. as they cause a reported lust to soon lose the max you know there's a famous quote that is sometimes attributed to lennon and maybe he did say it i don't know but you know so many things online are actually fake news and fake news is also in the news in this sort of theme of our shows are they yes well no lenin said that the capitalists would sell us the rope with which they hang themselves or know with which we will hang them so you know capitalism you know they're going to sell each other whatever to take down the weapons of the other side but you know what in america we're seeing that radical partisanship is going to take down capitalism as we know it's going to take down some of the biggest corporations in
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america because in n r a fight delta fines there is no neutral ground so delta airlines is one of the largest private employer is employers in georgia and you know what they announced that they would no longer allow a discount they would not want to give a discount to n.r.a. members after the florida shooting well the backlash was quite swift from georgia which their state legislature school controlled by the republicans and lieutenant governor casey cagle of georgia he's a republican and presides of the state senate he was joined by other conservative lawmakers last week in removing a fifty million dollars sales tax exemption on jet fuel that some had hoped would encourage delta to open even more routes the conservative backlash they're saying has highlighted a problem for many u.s. corporations in trying to maintain neutrality in the ongoing hyper partisan
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polarization happening. in the us political system well you know stuff to part time in south africa was the boycott of barclays bank so when you apply pressure to corporations you can affect great change and this movement generated put together mostly by teenagers and high schoolers to fight back against the n.r.a. have been shrewd in attacking corporations and saying corporations if you support the n.r.a. we are going to put a lot of pressure on you this forces corporations to disclose to shareholders they have a material risk that they must deal with and that has a snowball effect and it can be quite effective now as far as delta airlines it was happening in georgia and these parties are now in a struggle one might call a countable mystic struggle of a bunch of rats in a pit trying to survive ending up becoming basically cannibals because the corporations have run out of runway to use in airlines metaphor in which to grow
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their businesses without encouraging absolutely horrid policies like giving the n.r.a. a blank check to. exploit the fearfulness of our lawmakers to do battle against what is obviously a scourge and a horrible cancer in the soul of america that's your opinion the exact opposite opinion is in that about fifty percent of other americans so that same corporation delta says you know what we had only listened to the people that are like max kaiser and we're going to not allow this discount for entering members then enter a members and their supporters from the other fifty percent of americans say well we're going to boycott you and we're going to pressure you we're going to pressure all the anybody that gives you money or subsidiaries or the government or anything to we're going to cut off your financial lifeline and so the same response so
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they're like being pulled back and forth right and good ability. there's commercial saturation like in the old days if you had a skirmish like this a company could just go west and open up a new company and have a new markets and new customers but america is already overly commercialized you know there's no way of the delta can go the airline business is mature there are so many routes now that can be exploited you can't really create many more routes and you can't really create that many more customers or at a point of different kind of. growth limit to the sheer number of people and customers potential in the geographic limitations of the global economic limitations then of eating themselves cannibalistic least accountable ism so yes my view is what my view is but there's no way to avoid my view at this point in my view those who represent my view is have agency in this particular kerfuffle because both my my opinion is that both sides have
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agency and both sides are consumers we are a consumer society seventy percent of g.d.p. is consumption so that suggests that one hundred percent of people you encounter during the day one hundred percent of them contribute to a corporation daily so they all have agency right now certainly. democratic side is ahead and they point out that corporations however are increasingly in the crosshairs because of this as pressure from social media and advocacy groups has intensified and calls for boycotts mounts more than a dozen companies have severed business ties with the n.r.a. since the massacre in parklane florida just as quickly a counter offensive arose from gun supporters excoriating to companies for their stance forcing business leaders to navigate the treacherous ground where social
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responsibility ideology and financial impact could. verge so fed ex for example ok fed ex is also based around south and red states and they came out with a statement saying because they were forced to by consumers to say that they are against the n.r.a. he's position that civilians should have access to military grade assault weapons that we are against as a corporation however we will continue to offer discounts to n.r.a. members and that discounts as remarkable twenty six percent who which makes you think it's an enticement to enjoy then or a dick's sporting goods which is the number one supplier of a ar fifteen has come out and said we're not selling to anyone these guns anyone under twenty one so they are making a bold stance other retailers are similarly taking
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a position against these a ar fifteen zero assault rifles and weapons of mass destruction and this will teach your point though is that the economy is so tightly wound at this point that it's very difficult to have one sector being boycotted again and so without a cause an account of boycott and then a kind of boycott so you end up with a kind of a destructive because all consumer led consumer themselves because they're so evenly divided fifty fifty and partly it's because of cable news dividing them equally fifty fifty in two very vicious very extreme hatred of each other both size of and the divide seems to get wider and wider and all the charts show that the left moves further left on the right has moved further right but the fact that the consumer is the one that will take down all the corporations because they just can't deal with the fact that the corporation that their products
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that they use an apple i phone or samsung or anything might sell their content to somebody that they. eight on the other side of the aisle. again only this movement of the generated by majors is hitting the right nerve to cause an impact and it's also threatening the law you know some of the media outlets are being socially phased out what i'm trying to say is that we will have lenin's paradise one day there will be no corporations there will be no corporate logos if these consumers in america they hate each other have their way because new corporation can exist if they cannot sell any products so that we may have some sort of workers' paradise it will be obviously we don't know workers anywhere that will be a consumerist paradise it will be a partisan paradise. as we were told from coolio the fact is you tube places videos and you tube is what you were talking about in three weeks
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of the media so you tube says new moderators might have mistakenly purged right wing channels you tube indicated that as the platform ramps up human powered moderation efforts new moderators may have mistakenly removed or flagged right wing videos and channels bloomberg reported this news quoting a youtube spokesperson saying that as we work to hire rapidly and ramp up our policy enforcement teams three twenty eighteen new members may misapply some of our policies resulting in mistaken removals the spokesperson said that you tube's policies had not changed and that we will reinstate any videos every room of an era so cable news led this drive the likes of rachel maddow who drove this you know hillary lost and they can deal with that so they had to find an explanation it was because of this fake news and and people hearing who they're not listening to me rachel maddow so you've got to take the.


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