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tv   News  RT  March 11, 2018 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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which is becoming such a serious issue is really giving us an impetus to organizations and municipalities and other entities who really want to foster what's called the closed loop the way that you can either reduce production so the plastics or plastics we produce we can handle or to make sure that as much recycling reuse happens at different stages in the production chain not just at the consumer end or at the end of the production process that professional you mentioned that after the chinese decision was announced we've seen some spike in parts from other countries and in east asia. i understand that there is a very early days but i wonder if there is any indication if this problem is being sold by just redirecting the sort of their routes off of the waste or whether there is indeed any changes in the way western countries a dealing with the problem domestically. the concern is that yes diversion is
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happening in the short term hoping that that will be a short to medium term problem but you're seeing is seeing some shifts now as i mentioned people are starting to think about how for instance to solve the issue in . the united states there was some reporting a couple of weeks ago that actually the chinese companies themselves are coming to the u.s. to check out possible then use for recycling facilities themselves so which is a sort of an irony in all of this story but definitely a possibility but yeah we're seeing diversion we're also seeing california west coast ports are also seeing a huge pile up of waste much of which and plastic scrap which much of which will be sent to landfill would be my guess so we're definitely trying to come up with both medium to long term solutions. we'll have to see how that goes well professor neal
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we have to take a very short break now but we will be back in just a few moments to take and. this is. the church secret indeed priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it literally i like to call this the do graphic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot were the previous standards not the highest ranks of the catholic church help conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that
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end that's known as the i intend to include at tuesday's out in. its path. back to gisors financial survival guide. housing bubble all. oh you mean there's a downside to artificial mortgage through don't get carried away that's cause report.
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welcome back to worlds apart with kater neil associate professor in the department of environmental science policy and management at the university of california berkeley professor neal just before the break we were talking about recycling having perhaps a better refutation it deserves now in china ration another form of waste management traditionally has a very very bad reputation is it justified you know that is one of the the million dollar questions probably billion dollar question in the waste management at the moment incineration yes historically very bad reputation and rightly so in this country in particular it's associated with. facilities in sight
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situated around poor communities minority communities with a lot of very adverse health effects and i think there's still a lot of concern about the technology where it's shifted right now and the reason it's really getting back. in fashion globally well for two reasons one to deal with the ways that we have and second of course the connection to combating climate change so there's a lot of people who argue that waste to energy and soon aeration is a way to. reduce our emissions and avoid the use of fossil fuels there's a lot of difference of opinion on the now correct me if i'm wrong but from what i understand there has been a major technological leap as far as the writer plans are concerned they are polluting much less at least the latest generation of that technology there are some countries like sweden for example have managed to essentially use them as a substitute for power plants and use that. all that energy to heat their homes and
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yet i think accepting the idea of incineration being not only every nubile energy source but also a legitimate way of dealing with all that waste i think it comes very. very it doesn't come easy to the environmental community i wonder why oh well for one thing just to look at sweden sweden i mean it has a spectacular record it gets rid of ninety nine percent of its. consumer i'm in a simple waste and it is at the point where it's importing waste from nearby countries so that it can keep feeding its incinerators sweden is very much the exception in this world and maybe it would be nice if it wasn't but incineration like a lot of other big technologies depends on the context in which it is the stablished is there adequate infrastructure to keep it running if it breaks down want to
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because i know that for instance china does have a lot of incinerators but it's been very hard to maintain them from reports that i've read to maintain the temperatures they need to be at void polluting so there's a lot of issues and i was hearing that the russian government is planning on building a system of incineration around moscow that unfortunately would while it would deal with some ways doesn't even come close to dealing with the full amount and so that raises the question of well when you're dealing with a lot of waste how many incinerate is a you really going to need to solve the problem and to generate enough significant energy to make that investment worthwhile well you're actually again leading me to my next question because if you focus on russia i think it's an interesting case in the sense of being terra in called me at the both as far as recycling is concerned and as far as incineration it is concerned because we basically deal with our ways by the. just sanding it to landfills and if you had to advise the russian
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government. we each route to proceed i'm sure you would say both but even if you consider all the process and cause the environmental effect of the landfills as well as the real need to process all that the way that has been accumulated in this country over decades. which would you prefer or if a speech would do you prioritize yes russia is just a fascinating case that's different from any of the other countries i really read about in terms of of its space technically and i think also the legacy of the communist era has left i'm assuming a lot of of legacy waste as well i was familiar about quite a while ago twenty years ago with the nuclear waste situation in russia we have a lot of cleanup to do so that's part of that and you know municipal solid waste is
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i think really. the first target in the sense of sort of the low hanging fruit from again from what i read nearly a huge proportion of that is produced in moscow so you're looking at at moscow level solutions. again recycling and reuse i would you know working on those systems i'm assuming again from my understanding of the soviet era that there was much more of a culture of reuse and not throwing things away that i think a society that emerged out of that tends to reject so it's a matter of moving back to that i think that one of the easiest recycling programs to do is composting food waste is very decomposed decomposable and can be reused as compost landfills or incineration it's a it's a tough one i would go for. well at the end of the day russia is the largest country by terrorists. but i think many of our landfills are approaching. capacity
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limits and i think even you know even if you have a large territory it's probably another very good idea to turn it into a huge dump site can i bring your butt can you bring it back to the recycling question because there is a lot of pressure including western pressure to russia to proceed through than there has been a number of ways sorts in ink experiments in large urban communities in russia for the most part they haven't been very effective and i guess you can put it on the culture you can also put it on their way not very efficient way and probably overly broad critize way arminius apologies work and i'm not suggesting that the ocean be warping on that but i'm a little bit concerned that if you wait for that change in culture it may take decades not years but actually decades and i wonder if sticking strictly to recycling may make more damage to the environment well let me just say with the landfill suggestion i was making is that there are ways of running sanitary
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landfills we have got landfills here in the u.s. that have closed down that were huge and are used for gas collection again. landfill gas is also significant source of energy and cleaner than than actually incinerating the waste oh as far as educating for recycling i think that's a huge problem there might be ways of making recycling easier for people. some cities here we use what's called single stream recycling where a lot of the recycling goes into the same bin and then a sort of elsewhere that is sort of an easy introduction to the idea of recycling but it does require a lot of investment and attention sorting and cleaning stage of the process again that's quite a big investment it's it's tough. that's the other. place there where we work
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and educate people from an early age but even here people get discouraged again europe does a a lot better there's a lot more acceptance of a culture of recycling and sorting and cleaning your waste and i think that has to do in part with the awareness that there is very little space there for. dealing with waste in other ways well i think this is a highly controversial subject. we have it in the mosque a region with lots and lots of landfills nearing maximum capacity emitting poisonous gases but once their thirty's came up with the plan of building an incinerator there the environmental community immediately got up in arms. as the people people took to the streets genuinely believing that the corrupt authorities big business out to make huge money out of turning that into yet another environmental disaster and i wonder what do you think is more irresponsible in this
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case going again as the people's wishes are not doing anything about the landfills . again this is why we export. out of our way we would have the same issue and i think that. you know the citizen protest is also here in china not necessarily directly over the foreign garbage but over the siting of a lot of industrial facilities and honestly the beijing government i think one of the reasons it's implemented this crackdown is that it's very concerned about its political legitimacy at home but also in the eyes of the international community i think the russian government should be concerned or maybe the moscow government from my research into the history of waste management is that waste left piled in streets will bring governments down it is one of those direct connections whether i mean i'm not saying that is necessarily the case but it does lead to
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a lot of civic disruption beirut in lebanon has been having ongoing issues with that but the rivers of waste in the streets. so how. when i advise the government to proceed it would be probably and this sounds like a bit of a cop out but the multiple solutions duction. trying to implement recycling. one thing that's working in a country city is a lot of cities in brazil for instance that have a lot of industry is. you know i'm not sure if this community exists in moscow i suspect the winter weather makes this a little hard but communities of waste pickers people who go through and gather waste informally and sell it they've been movements to sort of incorporate these people more formally into systems of governance and whiskey lection and cities but
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you know that's that's again depends on those people being there and available to do that work i think our problem is not so much waste collection. much as waste management what you actually do with the waste once it's collected and there wasn't an interesting study by the european environmental agency in two thousand and sixteen which found that the top recycling performing countries in europe at least also happen to be the ones with the highest penetration often aeration so the end of the day i guess you would pursue both of those routes but it would require russia to have the kind of technology the kind of experience that it not necessarily does not necessarily have at this point from what you know how much do the current tensions between russia and the west a faggot the environmental projects. see won't again going back to the reading i've been doing in the last couple of days unlike many countries the russian government has been highly resistant as far as i can tell to foreign direct
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investment from overseas waste companies and that actually should possibly be something that would need to be changed i think that foreigners. investment in a lot of other countries from the big ways companies which are mostly european or u.s. based has been the way that they have obtained the technology whether be incineration or specialized landfill or other forms of recovery to make waste management easier and under the current situation yeah i'm sure that's one of the pieces of the puzzle that's the that's difficult to fit well professor neal it's been there fascinating conversation thank you very much for your time and to our viewers please keep it going on our social media pages as for me i hope to see again same place same time here on all the part.
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well you go through what you could you want to do i just noticed i noticed the plane and one million people died and. he killed people. even. now the ones who tooling a few bodies around him and that's. in
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the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox swiss customs are here permanently all the site is controlled by them and they impose the opening times so if. it is from stop us the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe must to pieces by artists like pecan so and modigliani i can't boards and sold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in it covers up deals which are naturally discrete commercially
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discrete step but also discrete because they concern fraud of some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport system you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business. i.
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hosted by the country.
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today welcome to the we. used to poison a former russian spy. in the british city. the. two hours before being found unconscious on the bench. by police as part of their ongoing investigation. ahead of the story. a week ago two people were found collapsed on an unremarkable bench near a quiet shopping center in salisbury the area was sealed off and a major incident was declared at the hospital where the pair were being treated for exposure to an unknown substance but no one really took much notice of the man and the woman until about twenty four hours later when breaking news reports began to flood the airways that the sixty six year old man was in fact sergei script
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a former russian spy. group still today in the soviet forces he quickly moved to russia's foreign military intelligence agency are you on a mission to the mediterranean region in ninety five he was recruited by calling himself antonio elder is there he don't go a british intelligence time and spot a real name problem miller. exposed at least three hundred russian spies to the u.k. he handed over the g. or use entire phone directory doing in this to mobile damage to moscow five years on colonel strip old retired from the g o u on health grounds but continued moving crucial information to britain's m i six they couldn't him forthwith and bought him a timeshare holiday home in spain self coast the double agent was convicted in
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twenty six of treason getting a thirteen years since in a top security russian jail but just four years later he was freed in a high profile spy swap between moscow and washington scruple moved to the british town of. where his recruits a problem miller allegedly lives the expire then enjoyed a fairly low profile till now the first speculations appear with immediate parallels drawn to another former russian agent poisoned in london twelve years ago with a public inquiry later lying the blame squarely at the cry. feat was history repeating itself and it didn't stop there every wild theory was given its day in the sun was it north korea was it russia's revenge for treason after all these years was putin being framed is it linked to the trump russia collusion investigation we need to make sure that we respond not to rumah but all the evidence that they collect this investigation is at the stages and and the speculations and helpful at this time if
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we are to be rigorous in this investigation we must avoid speculation people not to speculate such warnings did nothing to quell the fires however as police reveal that screwball and his daughter were deliberately targeted with a nerve agent news reports charge for theorizing that the attack came from the very top in moscow bad things have been known to happen to russians who crossed vladimir putin the fact that a nerve agent was use strengthens the likelihood that this was a state sponsor of some sort and russia is the chief suspect of course that doesn't look like an act of provocation by putin here has been making increasingly bold and brazen in the west the british foreign secretary boris johnson join the chorus as well yes to more sanctions on russia and no to the upcoming football world cup that is if the kremlin is indeed involved you must be very capital that we say because it is too early to prejudge the investigation but if the suspicions are on both sides of the house proved to be go forward then it may very well be mr speaker that
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we are forced to look again at our regime our sanctions regime and other measures that we bade seek to put in place russia hit back at johnson's comments calling them wild and aimed at damaging relations between the two countries and while the investigation continues and concrete details are few and far between the public court looks to have already solved the crime and i think of this nature that any time especially this time on the part of the russian government would constitute a monumental act of political self resulting in severe and significant reputational . damage across the world obviously the shadows and the resonance in so many people's minds are going to be from the alexander litvinenko case because that dominated the british had lines for so long and it seems at least superficially that there are parallels here let's face it in intelligence terms he was a busted flush he had been caught in russia he'd been convicted to being sent to
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prison he's been pardoned and allowed to go free so you know the russian authorities will have picked him clean of any intelligence he had which would be useful to them and as soon as you got to the u.k. m i six would have done the same thing so you know in terms of his old intelligence role it's really nothing more to add to it so in terms of what he might be involved in now i think that's where the most patients going to be found and that's what the intelligence agencies and the police are going to be investigating intensively at the moment. nearly four hundred thousand people are trapped in the pursuit of syrian and eastern ghouta amid constant fighting between the syrian army and local militants who are trying to defend their last bastion near damascus. you have all sorts of needs inside the water today the priority remains medical
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help that we need to. reach with the people inside all the time and food aid as well. above the others do you believe. that i started to you know. what they said about you but any is fiesta machines are still going up there. it's been a very bloody two months here the beginning of this year it is really hell on the ground for the children.
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caught in this in this situation they have nowhere to go. nowhere to go. to. my colleague now there are two spoke to a syrian mother superior working at a refugee camp organize for those who are still trying to flee east and go to. there is a will in the rebel side. to keep the civilian under their custody and may be to use them as a human shield going from a lot of out from a lot to the camp is very dangerous. people are shelled and they are sniped
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and we have witnessed this our team or was there in contact with families inside the law who are wanting to go out i'm imagining that those trapped within the city. are completely helpless and we can't imagine the kind of living conditions as well because of lack of supplies those people they want to leave because they are living in extreme conditions. i have on my phone many. requests from people inside the. to be helped to go out safely because inside it's also very difficult for them person messages on your phone can you describe the kind of things that they're saying to you i am getting private messages and you know
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the woman i would never safe there i would want to can you expand on that why why i'm going to have sexual violence every time we have a head to deal with and you acquitted people we have found like twenty five percent of the women and the little little girls they have. they have been assault it is very said reality. tell us who the perpetrators are of that sexual violence the people in control there are men that are in control and they can oblige. meanwhile europe is now dealing with the families of ice soul fighters returning from syria and iraq after the fall of the caliphate some states like france have on veiled plans to stop the reintegration process at schools. now reporting from paris on the threat posed by.


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