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tv   News  RT  March 11, 2018 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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more money france covered t.n. visa england but the successive governments have found it don't think people to shop the increased tuition fees it would be political suicide so hypocrisy rules paying programs gradually and in conspicuously being introduced in certain french university departments. at the forefront of the forthcoming marketisation prestigious institutions such as paris. have been authorized to introduce tuition fees these experiments are inconsequential for now but they're definitely aimed to prepare for a change in the system one day or another. and if we're going. from says president. to come forward in this process does the exam to horse shoulder should be. so i'm
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going to shift to i'm big business. it or. do you. know not ones that you know shufflers i don't want the definitions in. the south. and. take in the equally the south yes it does give them a. really. how is it time. to move east. on isn't one of the. south south. east just feeling the one thing i love this they love the deep. but
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a lot of. them tokyo planned it is going to go. along. the way. his look was because did it because he didn't seem quite a cultural critic for the grammys. when you don't. see the gallic try to get a court. in the months to only ten space. let alone. said. claiming to know. that to. alex you speak french. most.
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of. the sandel fulton you talk of. the council itself this. paper but i'm stephen bach. hollywood guy the suspect every proud american first of all i'm just george bush and r.v.'s to say this is my buddy max famous financial guru and we're just a little bit different. there are no windows up with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the road have fun meet every day americans. look silly start to bridge the gap this is the great american people.
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over the past decade a great many european asian and african countries have introduced during crease tuition fees in their universities. in the name of excellence prices go up a little every way nothing seems to stop the process and yet among the foreignness some questions arise and for good reason. parent mr student learn repayment that stands at around forty billion pounds a minute right that's going to rise around two hundred billion pounds by the middle of this century. at the end of two thousand and thirteen one year into the one thousand pound yearly tuition fee a parliamentary mission is called regarding the rising student debt. after several months of investigation in room fifteen of parliament the public accounts commission questions the public body in charge of student loan repayment. giving
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its very strict forty percent of the current money that goes up to students will never be collected at the moment that is at the top end of our estimates but it is not unrealistic ok so you don't quite know how you're going to fund it. well the longer term issue of lifting the cap the treasury announcement related in the first instance to potential sales from the future loan book the plan would be to sell transfers of the loads as a man you sell a particular tranche of debt the terms of capone and the terms and conditions upon which it is sold are as it were set in stone that crystallized and the buyer of that debt buys them on those terms and that's it they don't change can we just be clear can we just be clear that the person buying the debt. buys it on set terms
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and conditions that then cannot subsequently be changed by the new owner of the debt is that correct yes ok thank you. and order here in the u.k. the prospect of cutting the debt tranche is and selling it to private investors instantly brings to mind the disastrous mechanism of subprime loans that are shattered so many lives so many families two years ago thirty to forty percent of student loans remained on paid today it's reached forty five percent with close to the tipping point at forty seven percent of non collected debt the university system and its nine thousand pound yearly tuition fee will cost more to the english state than it did at the time of the three thousand. england seems to be engaged in a dangerous game. in the us the bang university system became widespread nearly forty years ago. today
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the student debt has reached a catastrophic point. during the occupy wall street movement a handful of american citizens and research professors met with andrew ross professor at new york university the world's most expensive university. these activists goal was to fight the bad. arable debt weighing on american citizens
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including the housing debt health debt and most importantly this to. the student debt problem in the eyes states to about one point three trillion in total in there about forty million student debtors about eight million of those students are already in default meaning they're not paying out loans people can't imagine social goods or public goods in the united states it's unimaginable that you could have free education so there is a kind of normalizing of a of a i like to say kind of economic violence that people are used to and they just expect that that's the way that is that's the way it always will be the right to education has been supplanted by the right to access education loans. they imposition of that has had the overall impact of stifling optional
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political imagination of students because they're so highly indebted and they have to think about their future in very particular ways that are tied to their financial position and their financial survival in the future. and then movement tackles a huge market of for profit schools that have developed throughout the country in recent decades these schools do not target the elite of american students or the working classes poor families like you to believe in dreams.
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this is. what the end of capitalism kind of looks like or at least you know a different kind of. state in the capitol with a sort of. was one everything we've been on all the jobs you know people are going to force to work together again. amy and christine are two young women from the detroit area who grew up in working families and who continue role in the country's high profile university which they still believed in the prospect of a better life like hundreds of other young americans they put their fate in the hands of private for profit educate. no institutions the sector has grown by two hundred twenty five percent over the past ten years. america should be ashamed to
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even say that their education system is this way when we're supposed to be the best country in the world has been the richest country in the world but we are the richest country in the world for the rich but we're also the poorest country in the world for the poor in a way. before god knows. i'm extremely bored there's a whole new category of people out there now. extremely more rewarded. for is almost the new rich. and sad. when i was watching the television and seen that they could make my life better if i went to their school soon as he has of the phone was hired how are you this is my
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name's terry winters i'm you know i'll be the one to answer any questions you have . so he basically asked me if i would be interested in coming out to the school and looking at the campus and seeing what programs i had to offer said that he was a graduate there that i should come check out the school when he walks through the school they have different things on the walls of jobs i could qualify for with the degree but they're not actually telling you the full details of everything and that they don't tell you that there's an arbitration clause that you can't sue the school whether individually or through a class action suit don't really know that you're getting into a predatory lending type of situation because they don't educate you to that they gloss over the financial aid it's very quick and you just initial and then you sign at the bottom. and then it was oddly he just asked you know i have a couple graduates that would like to come in and speak with you and you have an
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issue talking to some recent graduates and in my mind i'm thinking that's kind of cool you know i can actually talk to some people that went to the school you know see what they say about the school so young female and young male came in and for all i know it could have been the recruiters working with this recruiter. he came and they both came in and said that you know they found a job before they ever graduated the school placed them and that they're doing really well and they're not struggling paying their student loan baton life is just so much better now they have so many opportunities they can jump job a job they want a lot of these student advisers at these schools used to use on students to get them into an education. but in this in document from a for profit college if i can find that shows all the people that were. going after welfare moms with kids relocation recent high school graduates career
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change of grades goes college freshman dropout physically mentally abused pregnant ladies recent incarceration recent the forced drug ability military active every tired dennet no future low self esteem college credits two years low income jobs vocational rehabilitation living with multitude of families experienced a recent death living with parents experience recent birth of living with significant other and d.d.'s interim. recent marriage self-employed no benefits so they specifically targeted all these people for these type of loans that were subprime and very expensive for the education they received and that's just the the internet is filled with all kinds of stuff like this. my mom was extremely proud she'd like to brag to all of her friends like my
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daughter's a college and you know i never when she's doing less great things for her life. after enrolling i called my mom and i told her i want to chop out and she did not understand why and i was like mom you know understand the school is a scam and she said i don't understand how can a school be a scam. i have a hundred four thousand dollars in student loans as of september two thousand and thirteen and there are only growing by the day. you know. how long will it take before public european universities start charging twenty thirty or forty thousand dollars a year how long will it take for a lucrative private educational system to skid out of control like it is today in the u.s.
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everywhere around the world students are mobilizing can anyone out there hear them can anyone understand them they question our society our political choices what kind of world do we want to live in a world where the economy is at the service of man. or a world in which man is at the service of the economy.
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you see a good. school is a. church secret indeed catholic priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally i like to call this the do graphic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot were the previous standards not the highest ranks of the catholic church help conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that end if that's known as the i intend to. use this yet in.
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this. case both. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to get off of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see of that. in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox ellis was customs are here permanently all the site is controlled by them and they impose the opening times. opposite it is from his office the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe masterpieces by artists like pecan so and modigliani i can't boards and sold inside this warehouse
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that's where the report comes in it covers up deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet step but also discreet because they concern fraud. some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport system you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business. i. think
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i. got. the headlines this hour traces of a nerve agent used to poison the next russian spy has been found at a restaurant in the u.k. so if you're told he dined there with his daughter before they were found unconscious nearby. the first evacuation of the series eastern ghouta sees more than fifty civilians leave the water and. meanwhile this week from failed new plans to reintegrate the children of jihadists they return home from syria and iraq it follows growing concern of the potential threat they. had also to come donald trump's. son steel and aluminum imports u.s. allies and demanding an exemption using this buy you should read.
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the welcome the latest developments and look back at what's been happening over the last seven days to your weekly here on r.t. international. now traces of the nerve agent used to poison a former russian spy and his daughter have reportedly been found in a restaurant in the british city of souls break the pair had been eating their two hours before being found unconscious on a park bench the pizzeria is now one of five sites cordoned off by police as part of their ongoing investigation. as more details. week ago two people were found collapsed on an unremarkable bench near a quiet shopping center in salisbury the area was sealed off and a major incident was declared at the hospital where the pair were being treated for exposure to an unknown substance but no one really took much notice of the man and the woman until about twenty four hours later when breaking news reports began to
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flood the airways that the sixty six year old man was in fact service cripple a former russian spy. group that in the soviet forces he quickly moved to russia's foreign military intelligence agency. on a mission to the mediterranean region in ninety five he was recruited by calling himself antonio elder is that you don't go a british intelligence tons rooming have luminol. exposed at least three hundred russian spies to the u.k. he handed over the g. or use entire phone directory doing in this to mobile damage to moscow five years on colonel screwball retired from the jail you on health grounds but continued moving crucial information to britain's m i six they couldn't him forthwith and bought him a timeshare holiday home in spain sells coast the double agent was convicted in
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twenty six of treason getting a thirteen years since in the top security russian jail but just four years later he was freed in a high profile spy swap between moscow and washington scruple moved to the british town of see where his recruits a publisher miller allegedly lives the explorer then enjoyed a fairly low profile till now the first speculations appear with immediate parallels drawn to another former russian agent poisoned in london twelve years ago with a public inquiry later lying the blame squarely at the kremlin feet was history repeating itself and it didn't stop there every wild theory was given its day in the. son was it north korea was it russia's revenge for treason after all these years was putin being framed is it linked to the trump russia collusion investigation we need to make sure that we respond not to rumor but all the evidence that they collect this investigation is that the stages and and the speculations and helpful at this time
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if we are to be rigorous in this investigation we must avoid speculation people not to speculate such warnings did nothing to quell the fires however as police reveal that screwball and his daughter were deliberately targeted with a nerve agent news reports charge for theorizing that the attack came from the very top in moscow bad things have been known to happen to russians who cross of lot of near putin the fact that a nerve agent was use strengthens the likelihood that this was a state sponsor of some sort and russia is the chief suspect of course that doesn't look like an act of provocation by putin here has been making increasingly bold and brazen in the west the british foreign secretary boris johnson joined the chorus as well yes to more sanctions on russia and no to the upcoming football world cup that is if the kremlin is indeed involved you must be very capital we say because it is too early to prejudge the investigation but if the suspicions on both sides of the house prove to be fired then it may very well be mr speaker that we are forced to
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look again at our regime our sanctions regime and other measures that we seek to put in place russia hit back at johnson's comments calling them wild and aimed at damaging relations between the two countries and while the investigation continues and concrete details are few and far between the public court looks to have already solved the crime and i talk of this nature that any time especially this time on the part of the russian government would constitute a monumental act of political self harm resulting in severe and significant reputational damage across the world obviously the shadows of the resonance in so. only people's minds are going to be from the alexander litvinenko case because that dominated the british had lions for so long and it seems at least superficially that there are parallels here let's face it in intelligence terms he was a busted flush he had been caught in russia he's been convicted to being sent to
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prison he's been pardoned and allowed to go free so you know the russian authorities will have picked him clean of any intelligence he had which would be useful to them and to since he got to the u k m i six would have done the same thing so you know in terms of his old intelligence role it's really nothing more to add to it so in terms of what he might be involved in now i think that's where the most patients going to be found and that's what the intelligence agencies and the police are going to be investigating intensively at the moment. now the news more than fifty civilians have been able to leave syria's eastern ghouta vajra humanitarian corridor or it is the first evacuation from the terrorist controlled enclave following talks between militants and russian officers however nearly four hundred thousand people are still trapped in the district. court amid constant fighting between the syrian army and local militants who are trying to defend their last bastion near damascus.
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you have all sorts of needs inside today the priority remains medical help that we need to. reach with the people inside all day and food aid as well. as the other vehicle. that. was started to. never stick your head couldn't have a. look at the mushrooms and what they said about you but any use for you after the seams are still going up but. it's been a very bloody two months here the beginning of this year it is really hell on the
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ground for the children. civilians who are part in this in this situation they have nowhere to go. but according to the latest u.n. estimates nearly six hundred people have been killed due to heavy fighting between government forces on terrorists more over. so billions have been coming under shelling from militants on
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a daily basis preventing them from leaving the enclave literature spoke to a syrian mother superior working at a refugee camp for those fleeing eastern. there is a will in the rebel side. to keep the civilian under their custody and may be to use them as a human shield go into from a lot of out from a lot to the camp is very dangerous. people are shelled and they are sniped and we have witnessed this our team or was there in contact with families inside wanting to go out i'm imagining that those trapped within the city. are completely helpless and we can't imagine the kind of living conditions as well because of lack of supplies those people they want to leave
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because they are living in extreme conditions. i have one my for many. a request from people inside. to be helped to go out safely because inside it's also very difficult for them personal messages on your phone can you describe the kind of things that they're saying to you i am getting private messages and you know the woman i would never save their woman you can you expand on that why why are they going to have sexual violence every time we have a head to reason you quit to people we have found like twenty five percent of the women and the little little girls they have. they have been are solved it is very said reality. can you tell us who the perpetrators are.


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