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tv   News  RT  March 12, 2018 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the use of food bags in newquay told us more coming up about to have going on to grow. this baby and. say this on march eighteenth vote with your remote shows on t.v. for special coverage of the russian presidential election exit polls opinions real time results monitoring and much more. hey everybody i'm stephen bob. taft hollywood guy you know suspect every proud american first of all i'm just george bush and r.v.'s to say this is my buddy max famous financial guru well just a little bit different. you can find on the line no one knows up with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the road have some fun every day americans come home and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american pill
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which. is a. church secret indeed catholic priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally i like to call this to do graphic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot where the previous standard is not known the highest ranks of the catholic church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that end of that's known as the end and then i conclude that it is this out in the .
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welcome back to more of britain's finance minister or chancellor of the exchequer philip hammond will deliver a spring statement about the economy of the united kingdom mainstream media will no doubt focus on his abandoning of neocon neo liberalism maybe but less attention will be paid to a tory britain arguably riven by division thanks to everything from benefit sanctions to the slashing of public services to subsidise the city of london official figures are conflicting about inequality which worsened under the labor years of blair and brown but many would argue that whoever has been in power the voices of the most marginalized in society are being unheard senior producer pete bennett went to talk with the grassroots activists fighting for political representation in an effort to give the working classes of britain a starring role in this story how much of our lives is dictated by post schools and
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policies coming from the building behind me and it's near liberal decisions are made on our behalf by select few how can elected members of parliament accurately represent the diversity of british society i speak it's activists on the front line campaigning against tory government and local councils working class issues striving to get the most vulnerable in society a seat at the table of power chris is the founder and c.e.o. britain has class a grassroots charity stablish to tackle the institutions at the center of britain's class problems. so i'm a working class kid from i went to comprehensive schools all my life i'm going to say just sort of statistically in the sense of you know if you throw enough working class kids in the russell group universities some of them get in and i go and i study economics for three years and i nearly dropped out i think at least once a year because you just get there and you work so hard together you've done so many things to prove that you're worthy of being somewhere and doing something and then you have just thrown back in your face every minute of every day that you're around
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people who are better than you you know around you equals your on your superiors because people have seen more than you they've experienced more they they know more they've done more people you know quite line in the so every year people from the top twenty percent of social economic backgrounds drop out of university of about four percent but for working class kids for kids from the bottom twenty percent to about eleven i think so two to three times as many working class kids drop out of uni every year and it you know is instilled in every single part of. british life and seven percent of kids educated in the u.k. go to private schools but private schools are such and still. of privilege that a third of m.p.'s are going to private schools a third of c. one hundred c.e.o.'s are going to private schools sixty something percent of oscar winners seventy percent of leading surgeons and lawyers went to private school so education policy massively guides equality in the rest of the country and education policy is decided in parliament inside film as an educational project empowering marginalized groups to tell their own stories they collaborative documentary the food bank the projects founder is dr data neil an activist educated he left school
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at sixteen to raise a daughter single handedly attending night school until eventually in her fifty's been awarded a ph d. we worked with a group. i said tim had. a film camera just had a handheld camera and what they did is they interviewed each other so that they could talk about why they came to the bank why they need to use it how they felt about in the bank and of course what you get when you get people telling their own stories they get very different. when you it's all mainstream media and people who come to the kinds of reasons sanctions is one big thing someone came in a couple of weeks ago and they've been sanctioned because they've been told they'd been moved to the person that was a set in their time and so that meant they had no money there was a woman with four kids who came in last week and she had been overpaid by the d.w.p. so they stopped her money so she had poor kids and no money coming in and people
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are being excluded from the ability to integrate their own lives they're being talked about by people who have no experience of working class by the how can they possibly know what it's for i to go through the working class they're going through at the moment they can't possibly know that so i think it's really really important that working class people get to represent themselves thirty years in the film industry academy you would willing produce a beer perry says works in british cult classics the old man is shifty plus the critically acclaimed feature lets is from baghdad we spoke about first hand experience of misrepresentation from london to hollywood in the last few years we really know the there have been some real issues around representation and discrimination sexism and i think it happens around class too and a lot of it is really we're really covert about our prejudices in the u.k. and it wasn't till i started moving into production that i realised actually i didn't sound the same that i hadn't been to cambridge or had a private education and that most of the people had and then you also realise that
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so many of the people who are telling working class stories of course we do tell those stories on you they're not from your class and of course we live in a country that is very very polarized in terms of class and a lot of the information that people get about the working class is just through media representation and if the only visibility you happy working class people is on things like reality t.v. shows then there's not very much knowledge about working class life there's not much engagement particularly critical engagement with our. because people have been treated under a series of governments how neo liberalism has very little use for working class people and then it's much easier to blame them for their predicament and they are in an awful predicament a moment well to look at the structural reasons why people are all elite in the kind of lives that thatcher's definition the class was a communist concept to then the blairite is of we're all middle class it's why we
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really come confused because the government policies around this equality act does it really protect class and discrimination now it doesn't so i think we really have to have a really big conversation around this and i don't think it's as simple as all ideologies that are good or bad or particular parties are good or bad bad i think it's like a really big review that we need to have since blair and those of working class people have turned away from the labor party because they see it's been dominated by middle class people who have middle class concerns and we can say that we can see how abandoned and i think that's part of the bracks hit idea that oh it's because they're racists it's because they're on educated now it's because they've been abandoned and added that's what people need to realize that you know you can sit in london and kind of be very contemptuous of the working class who voted to leave you but if you go to those mining those old mining towns if you go to the
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south mill towns and you see how people are living then you might start to be able to understand why people voted to lay crossed is the early liberation very early to recognise merge most group of society that doesn't have protection under the equality that you can fire someone or hire someone legally speaking for having a certain accent from being from a certain town or not going to a certain school we think that people socio economic backgrounds don't have a bearing on how capable well so it should be decided for you whether you can be successful based on cross i mean i would definitely argue that quads. in the whole of all of the issues that are affecting people in this country of course we have to take things like sex and disability and wraith into consideration of course. i think what we need to think about is not in terms of intersectionality but in terms of solidarity so that we work together and we recognise that you know there are ways to engendered working class people i think part of that identity politics is it deflects away from class and. the more visible. and i tend to
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become the more difficult has become poor working class people we contacted labor m.p. for north and a host of britain has class life where street sing about the role m.p.'s can play in amending the equalities act he was unavailable for comment if you want to join the discussion the charity's next event is the great british class conference held at the london school of economics in central london on the twenty fourth of march. senior producer pete bennett of working class representation at westminster there because jeremy corbin the bookies favorite to be britain's next prime minister right now change all of that joining me now is liam young author of rise how germy corben inspired the young to create a new socialism liam thanks for coming on going on the run i've got to ask given the massive mystery around this tragedy and wilcher of the seventy six agents and his daughter emily six the head of it weighs six adjourned we deal of said about
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the protagonist of your book just ahead of the twenty seventh election germy called him as a danger to this nation at six which are he wants lead he wouldn't clear the security vetting. that means jerry coburn is really dangerous yeah well they'd have us believe that for sure but i mean jeremy coleman's been a member of parliament for a hell of a long time and if there was any issue with his background i'm pretty sure that they would have picked up on it already by now and we saw with the whole czech spy scandal and smearing as well that there's no depth to which these people won't sink to do sport very early on that needles and people older than just weren't listening to mainstream media when it came to the result of it definitely yeah i mean you know newspaper. sales are falling for most titles and a big reason for that is because the demographic of people who buy newspapers are
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literally dying off a little bit more that but it is true but we get on news and opinion and information from different sources now and so a lot of those hits against jeremy on in a check spy all the things that we had throughout the election you know allegations of being a sympathizer with the ira with has a lot of all of these different stories that we've been hearing for the last two and a half years they don't really land with young people because it's not an area of the media that we're paying that much attention to the guardian newspaper columnist comparing this is actually serious and quoted in your book comparing people people like colbert to gruesome and you know ali manson murders years so this was this was the discussion about the cult but it's actually quite offensive to be talking about somebody who has inspired mass membership of the labor party who has engaged young people whether it's a joke or noise not sceptical to just dismiss as all is
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a cult especially in that about way with that comparison what it was and what took hold because quite early on in this a lot of it is about media saboteur you named the magazine g.q. we. what we're doing is equally all the work or but there were certainly pieces that were asking the question of why do young people hate jeremy corbyn and this because for a while we had this idea that young people were actually big venture capitalists who supported the tory party didn't like socialism or what it offered in that it was old school and they link to all of this which only being old as well so why would young people be inspired by an old bloke who makes jam and has some dodgy tracksuits sometimes why did all of these journalists get it so completely wrong as to why. we called and could do better than the body of evidence at thirty forty five in terms of increased vote i mean for people who talk a lot about plurality the plurality in many areas of the british press. when people
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were asking the parent left wing papers to represent the korban project fairly they were being told to shut up basically but what about the critics of any of the typically left wing press saying everything you write has to be protocol that or you have to have all of your commentators be protocol that it's about fairness people just want a balance there's no problem of reading a newspaper that half doesn't support half does that's good it's a good thing but what we had in the press in the lead up to the election and actually over the last two and a bit years has been complete and utter hatred actually of the project and people don't even want to engage with it or discuss it and you didn't much time for this term activist media when a blow to the media of the summer does give a spectrum canaria valvano media and so on school books why don't necessarily think it is activist media in the sense that when people use that term they're comparing
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it to the establishment press who are supposedly the guardians of fairness and safe reporting for me this whole fake news phenomenon is actually down to a lot of them feeling uncomfortable that they've lost their grip on fake news fake news is printed on the front pages of many. stream newspapers every day in this country to the point where you get a little correction on page fifty two but then sites and online news sites that are trying to present the leftwing view are completely dismissed as crazy or mad or fake news what did you make of summaries or that of course relative success of course did lose the lawyer who said that the problem goes down to education in britain. history teaching about russia and the if britain better education system we'll talk more about russian crimes in here who wouldn't be doing so where the response to the election was mindblowing were in that first of all they spoke about bribes and thieves and said everybody was bribed then it became
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people only voted labor because they didn't think jeremy had an actual chance of winning and then as the tories realised they had this huge problem they turned to this idea that young people have not been taught about stalin's crimes in the soviet union. you know i don't really know how you respond quite seriously to that but if our debate has descended to that. writing something that will be. being so shouldn't be too much of a problem. thank you and that's it for the show will be back on wednesday though for the fallout from british finance minister for the common spring statement on the state of the u.k. economy till then. forty years to the day british backed israeli troops invaded lebanon displacing well killing up to a quarter of a million in catalyzing unifil force is now in dialogue with.
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the art of the deal is being put to the task the former reality television host broker a deal with the north koreans will the deep state allow him also is a world in trying a new trade. told me it's so also not accepted well. russia and all that and us deciding maybe of what chairman companies or european companies are investing in all which infrastructure we are building in true many or and injure up i think that's a trim and it's a european decision. not ones out. on a flimsy off let down one by its nature the definition is enough i'm buying. one seeking
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i need this out. and. take in the equal city. to get the gun and then you're just going to bring. the only thing i'm. done with the one i think. i'm going to know will not be. such as our. next guest feeling if one means a leftist i know the deep better learn to focus them tokyo find it who's going to keep going to him. and his work was because did it because he didn't seem quite a cultural critic i did trends.
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in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better god than forty six swiss customs i hear opponents lacewell all the science is controlled by them and they imposed the opening time so it was it was a dutiful missile plus the procedures in place of. strictest in all europe must to pieces by artists like pecan so and modigliani i can't boards and sold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in it covers a naturally discreet commercially discreet step but also discreet because they concern fraud. some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport such if you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it
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a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business. amid the media frenzy surrounding the poisoning of a former russian spy in britain the incident is now being discussed at the very highest level of the u.k.'s national security council. also to come this hour on r.t. terrorists rebels occupying eastern gucci in syria have reportedly started fighting each other after moderate scrooged to separate themselves from extremists in exchange for safe passage it follows a deal with a rebel group that allowed fifty two civilians to leave the area and a five year deadline to prosecute a former u.s. intelligence chief for lying to congress under oath expires without charges being pressed.
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fellow there is just gone three pm here in moscow you watching r.t. international now the spiraling media frenzy over the poisoning of a former russian spy on u.k. soil the incident is being discussed at the very highest level in britain and prime minister to resign may is expected to face intense pressure from some in her cabinet to adopt a tougher stance on the case investigators think. and his daughter were deliberately targeted with a nerve agent traces of the substance of being detected at the restaurant where the two wait before they were found unconscious on a nearby park bench so it is going to pile used to work as an agent for russian intelligence but he was stripped of his rank after spying for the u.k. and then jailed for thirteen years rest however he was released early in a spy swap between the u.s. and russia well let's get the latest now from an sit yorker she's following things
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for us in the u.k. nastier good afternoon again what more can you tell us. well and you know the spy scandal bonanza is certainly in full swing with the media hype reaching really curious levels they have been making allegations accusations speculation this story has been all the rage for over a week now despite the fact that there has been no proof no public publicly made fact and the investigation is obviously still continuing in terms of media details there's been so much hype with this story with scary headlines and really pre-determined outcomes we've seen things like that this incident looks like a state sponsored attack that's putin's murderous rigid regime needs to be punished whether or not it was behind this incident they've been saying treat russia like the terrorist it is whether the script poisoning can be conclusively pinned on moscow is even beside the point and while all these are quite serious accusations
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to be making and russia's being presented in this extremely evil light the other side of the story has been this quiet life that this man had been living in the u.k. they've been talking about how he had the perfect family and lead this peaceful quiet life and there's been so much enthusiasm that some have been really making the story move forward much quicker than it should be with the times even at some point coming up with a headline mentioning swer paul's death which they certainly afterwards changed so really lots and lots of hype surrounding this story and while all of this is going on we do know the british prime minister theresa may is meeting with the national security council here in london today where they are discussing the latest intelligence that they should have at this point whether or not she's going to be coming out to make a statement about these latest developments and what they know and what the think and whether or not it is time to accuse russia as all of this media have been
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hyping for remains to be seen but we do know that here in westminster lots of options have been thrown. around about how to react to this whole story people have been saying that potentially the expulsion of diplomats and spies should take place that some kind of financial curbing of people connected to the kremlin should take place they've been saying that some british officials should not go to the world cup in russia so while all of this is been going on it's been really hyped up in terms of dragging russia into this whole story including from many politicians here in central london let's take a look while it would be wrong to prejudge the investigation i can reassure the house that should evidence emerge that implies state responsibility then her majesty's government will respond appropriately robustly we look objective lee at the evidence we don't get ahead of ourselves and if there is evidence of a foreign state involvement we will need to respond russia's being more aggressive
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and we have to change the way that we deal with it because we can't be in a situation in these areas of conflict where we're being pushed around by another nation well lo r.t. as well has been dragged into this whole story let's take a look at that is a headline from russia today. this is their view on things are well treason they punish russia over double agent poisoning despite no proof that's what she's got to deliver us just want to return a price quote neutral headline for us it's being a propaganda channel which of my view should be shot down in this country was it then appropriate for you to appear on russia russia today this week given the fact that as we've both the both except there are a handful of state actors that could be responsible for this one very clear thing that you could do is stop appearing on russia today which is we describe one of the road ministers as a kremlin propaganda vehicle. well and of course along those voices calling for a boycott of r.t.
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in connection to this story was the right hand man of leiber leader jeremy corbyn and at the same time corbin himself has actually not gone with that position he didn't support this idea of a boycott and he has said that the position of the labor party on this issue would be quote under review and with all of this really a frenzy about this story that it seems to be for him it's very first stages unraveling we do know that russia has said let's calm down the hype until we have the facts let's look at the facts once they are presented and made public and of course while we're waiting for more information as the investigation unravels will be continuing watching this story very closely just like everyone else sure ok thanks nasty there was a correspondent there and see if you're going to thank you. terrorists and rebels occupying eastern side the syrian capital of damascus have reportedly started fighting each other that's according to the russian reconciliation center for syria
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it says the infighting began after one of the rebel groups research to separate from terrorists in exchange for their safe passage out of the war ravaged area earlier the reconciliation center struck a deal with some rebels which allowed fifty two civilians half of them children to safely leave the enclave through a humanitarian corridor or it's the first time civilians have been able to use the corridor there as intended previously they were either fire that by militants or to use a passing aid convoy as cover and this is what the situation there looks like the syrian government has regained a large portion of eastern to sensually isolating the militants into three separate pockets and those who lived in these territories under militant rule and they're sharing their stories to r.t. as you go she done of has more now on the deal that allowed dozens of civilians to leave the fighting. militants in control of the area have let them out almost two
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weeks after russia and syria open the humanitarian corridor was not an act of good world on behalf of the rebel factions but part of a deal russia and syria led some antigovernment fighters safely flee with their families and in exchange fighters in go to would allow fifty civilians to leave the war zone as well the best we've been suffering horribly for seven years we all stayed neutral in misrata but we could have can do anything they didn't let us leave controlled pressure on us to leave the mystery natural sheed no we haven't seen any of the aid sent to us we haven't seen any money nothing they took everything from us. militants treat civilians anees good term as a bargaining chip making sure that if anyone flees they do it on the fighters terms the gloves were off from the start the russian defense ministry has reported that the paths to safety were shelled almost religiously precisely to prevent anyone
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from fleeing to damascus trying to scape the house fire between the government forces and militant groups whose fighters far too often side with terrorists. who have all sorts of needs inside the border today the priority remains medical help that we need to. reach with the people inside all that food aid as well. gov yolland the building block of law. that started this year. then over security it would have been not lash out of
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the exactly. what they said about you but then he used. some stars to. look at it long. ok we'll ask our political analyst i want to join this good afternoon welcome to r.t. what are your thoughts on this them why do you think that we're seeing rebel groups and terrorist groups starting to fight each other when previously they were quite happy to fight side by side against the syrian government. well now they are very weak and the syrian army and its allies have been trying to actually find a solution to this problem in the. air.


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